Sekumpulan penganut Islam menyertai perhimpunan bagi menunjukkan
solidariti dengan penganut Kristian di perkarangan sebuah gereja di
Klang, susulan rancangan satu kumpulan NGO Islamuntuk membuat bantahan
di hadapan rumah ibadat tersebut tersebut hari ini.
Turut hadir ke perhimpunan tersebut ialah anak kepada bekas perdana menteri, Datuk Marina Mahathir, yang membawa bunga sambil berdiri di hadapan gereja Our Lady of Lourdes yang sedang mengadakan satu upaca agama Kristian.
Ia berikutan ancaman NGO Solidariti Ummah Selangor yang mengumumkan untuk mengadakan bantahan di luar gereja tersebut selepas pengarang penerbitan The Herald, Lawrence Andrew membuat kenyataan menegaskan orang Kristian akan terus menggunakan kalimah Allah.
Marina berkata kerajaan enggan menghalang tindakan kumpulan konservatif tersebut yang mengambil pendirian yang bertentangan.
"Pemimpin kita tidak harus diam,” katanya yang mendakwa menerima banyak aduan berhubung sikap kerajaan dalam isu ini.
“Semua orang terkejut, bukan saya seorang. Semuanya bertanya, di mana pemimpin kita? Sebagai pemimpin yang hebat, dia sepatutnya berada di sini, bersama kita,” katanya tanpa menamakan mana-mana individu.
Ditanya sekiranya beliau merujuk kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, beliau berkata: ”Sesiapa saja. Dia sepatutnya ada di sini. Seorang pemimpin sepatutnya lebih baik dari kami.” -malaysiakini
Woi!!!! UMNO Selangor, Perkasa, Jati, Pekida, Pesaka, Pesilat, GAPS dll NGO darah UMNO pekat ... apa tunggu lagi .. pergi buat demo depan rumah Tun Mahathir bekas Presiden UMNO 22 tahun kerana gagal mendidik anak perempuannya sampai sudah berani lawan kemahuan dan kehendak UMNO Selangor dan juga Perkasa.
Ini sudah melampau .. apa kata UMNO Selangor cadangkan agar keahlian Tun Mahathir sebagai ahli UMNO di cabut .. Perkasa pula gugurkan serta merta jawatan Penaung Perkasa .. Pekida pula desak agar kewarganegaraan Marina Mahathir di cabut.-f/bk
Nasib baik yang datang membawa bunga itu Marina Mahathir. Katakanlah yang datang itu Nurul Izzah atau Dr.Mariah, sudah pasti media massa arus perdana dan sekalian para macai UMNO akan memainkan isu berkenaan siang malam dan TV123789 akan ulang tayangnya 40 hari dan 40 malam....
Demi menjaga agar UMNO tak pupus isu "kalimah Allah" digunakannya sebagai talian hayat terakhir untuk survivalnya...
Buat pendirian dalam debat isu Allah, kata Anwar kepada Najib

Marina Mahathir defend Klang church...
Amid threats of protest by Muslim pressure groups at a church in Klang this morning, progressive Muslims made a stand outside the church to defend their fellow Christian Malaysians.
"We are here to show solidarity with the congregation. A lot of us here are Muslims and we believe Islam is a religion of peace.
"It is not something that we only say (in words), but there must also be action," she told journalists outside the church.
A conservative Muslim group dubbed Sekretariat Solidariti Muslim Klang had planned to protest outside the Church after Lawrence Andrew, the editor of Christian publication The Herald, insisted that Christians will continue to use the word Allah.
However, in the face of mounting tension and criticism, they later decided to relocate their protest to a nearby field.
Selangor Umno which initially said that it too will protest in front of Churches, yesterday banned its members from attending such demonstrations, citing the need to maintain harmony.
Business as usual
Some 900 people turned up at the Church this morning for 8am mass proceeded as usual with parish priest Michael Chua leading the mass.
Lady of Lourdes Church administrator EA Louis said the congregation today, which spilled outside the Church and had to sit on plastic chairs, were no more than the usual.
"It's like any other Sunday. We all know it is our obligation to come pray and worship. We don't feel threatened. Nothing at all," he said.
He added that it was the right of any group to protest and the Church is leaving the matter to the authorities.
However, he expressed concern that interfaith relations may be affected until government leaders are willing to speak up.
The mass was like any other, with hymns and prayers until the very end, where Chua specifically addressed the recent controversy.
"A word of appreciation to the parishioners for not being cowered by what is happening and coming to mass to worship God," he said.
Chua also thanked supporters from other Churches as well as the Bar Council and MPs such as Seputeh's Teresa Kok and Klang's Charles Santiago who were present.
"The police have contained the protesters at a stadium on the other side so we pray they will be able to demonstrate and express their grievances peacefully and hopefully not march to the Church.
"Father Lawrence has also taken the brunt of blame for everything, and we pray for him. May good sense prevail," he said.
'Gesture of peace'
Later, Chua, met with Marina and the group she was with outside the Church and personally thanked them for support and they reciprocated by handing him flowers.
"I think it is a wonderful gesture to have so many Muslims come in solidarity. We hope this will grow - the ability to see beyond barriers and boundaries and to open hands in friendship to each other," he said.
At this, Marina replied: "It is a reciprocal gesture of peace. In Myanmar, the Archbishop of Rangoon also spoke up for the Rohingyas (Muslims). That is how it should be."
The "Muslim defenders" today were part of a Facebook initiative dubbed "In the Name of Allah" which invited to Muslims to defend the Church from the planned protest.
At least seven police personnel were spotted guarding the Church perimeter while another two community police members were assisting with traffic.
The congregation dispersed peacefully after mass ended at around 9am.-malaysiakini
Anwar calls Jais action “high handed”, wants Najib to make a stand on Allah issue

Guru kristian apa benda...Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan yang Najib lantik tu bukan kah Penaung sekolah2 Mubaligh? Awatlah buta perut sangat mamat ni...

Lawan dengan Singapura pun kalah nak julang piala dunia...julang teloqnya sendiri lagi bagus...
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Dia masih ada teloq ke?????
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