RIP Pakatan: Ad-hoc coalitions for Penang and Selangor...
Following DAP's 'Pakatan Rakyat dead' proclamation yesterday, PKR will announce their 'save Selangor' measures latest by tomorrow morning.
Secretary-general Rafizi Ramli, however, did not reveal anything about the plan today except to say that the party will solve the dilemma of having to choose between DAP or PAS as their partner.
"We are currently polishing the wording of the announcement," he told Malaysiakini at Parliament's lobby.
Yesterday, a high-level PKR meeting was said to have agreed on a two-pronged approach to enable the PKR-led government in Selangor to continue ruling.
A senior PKR leader confirms that they have met party de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim at the Sungai Buloh prison earlier today during which he gave his blessings for the plan.
Both DAP and PAS insiders acknowledge the fact that PKR's decision tomorrow will mean that Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor will cease to exist, to be replaced by a PKR-DAP-PAS coalition government.
PKR deputy president and Selangor menteri besar Azmin Ali returns to Selangor today after meeting PAS leaders in Kelantan. He is also expected to meet the Selangor Sultan later today to explain the latest developments.
Feedback from the palace is probably why PKR have yet to announce their decision.
Common policy base
A Selangor PAS leader confirms meeting PKR on the latter's plan and is favourable with the idea. However he said that PAS will wait for a formal announcement before issuing a statement.
"Yes, we met (PKR). We have to wait for them before giving any answers," said the senior leader who declined to be named.
Sinar Harian today quoted Azmin as saying that PKR had in fact already made their stand known through Wan Azizah's statement in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.
Wan Azizah had then said that all parties should acknowledged problems within the Pakatan coalition and leaders of the three parties - PKR, DAP and PAS – should use their wisdom in order to strengthen the coalition that adheres to its Common Policy Framework. - mk
PKR S'gor mahu kekal kerjasama PAS & DAP...
Walau Pakatan Rakyat sudah berkubur, PKR tetap berusaha untuk mengekalkan dominasinya ke atas kerajaan Selangor dan juga kerjasama PAS dan DAP dalam pentadbiran kerajaan negeri.
Satu sumber dalam kerajaan negeri memberitahu Malaysiakini, strategi serampang dua mata ini dirancang bagi mengekalkan pentadbiran kerajaan Selangor sedia ada.
Difahamkan, ia merupakan tujuan kunjungan Menteri Besar Azmin Ali ke Kelantan bagi bertemu pemimpin PAS.
Ia merupakan intipati kepada mesyuarat biro politik PKR pada malam tadi, yang tidak didedahkan kepada pemberita, kata sumber.
Pemimpin utamanya termasuk presiden Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail hanya melemparkan senyuman kepada para wartawan yang menunggu sehingga mesyuarat berakhir lewat malam.
Setiausaha agungnya, Rafizi Ramli pula hanya mengesahkan bahawa mesyuarat itu sudah mencapai keputusan.
“Namun ia tidak akan diberitahu malam ini,” katanya yang menambah, ia merupakan keputusan positif.
Sementara itu, laporan Sinar Harian memetik kenyataan Azmin yang mengulangi pendirian PKR bahawa kesemua parti perlu mengakui masalah yang timbul dan menghadapinya dengan bijaksana.
Pendirian PKR itu, seperti yang dinyatakan Wan Azizah, Isnin lalu bertujuan untuk mengukuhkan gabungan progresif antara parti, mengikut dasar bersama Pakatan Rakyat.
Kenyataan ini dibuat sebelum pengumuman setiausaha agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng semalam bahawa kerjasama antara Pakatan Rakyat kini sudah tamat. - mk
PKR caught in the middle of Pakatan's 'funeral'...
Twenty-hours hours after DAP held their meeting the outcome of which they declared Pakatan Rakyat 'dead', PKR too held a meeting though their reaction has yet to be made known
Reporters who waited for the end of the three-hour political bureau meeting at Petaling Jaya last night were greeted with the familiar sight of PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and other party leaders existing flashing generous smiles but keeping their mouths shut.
Press cameras were focused on secretary-general Rafizi Ramli (photo) who only announced that 'the decision has been made, but it won't be told tonight'.
"The decision is positive. I am smiling.
Malaysiakini understands that PKR is currently working on a two-pronged strategy in order to maintain their grip on the Selangor government in which the party holds less seats than either DAP or PAS.
Their solution is geared towards ensuring that DAP and PAS lawmakers continue to work together in the form of a 'unity government' with shared policies akin to Pakatan Rakyat.
PKR deputy president Azmin Ali is currently in Kelantan on a working visit to meet several PAS leaders there.
His visit signifies more than just friendly chat as it will determine the fate of the Selangor government as well.
Sinar Harian today quoted Azmin as saying that PKR had already made their stand known through Wan Azizah's statement in Kuala Lumpur a couple of days ago.
Wan Azizah had then said that all parties should acknowledged problems within the Pakatan coalition and leaders of the three parties - PKR, DAP and PAS – should use their wisdom in order to strengthen the coalition that adheres to its Common Policy Framework.
Sultans wants explanation
"PKR hereby suggests that continued discussions be held with political parties and NGOs within the wider framework of civil society in order to shape the future direction of a strong Malaysia.
"It is our collective responsibility to revitalise the faith of the rakyat towards Pakatan in our struggle for change.
“Key issues such as economic and educational reforms, the tackling of corruption and abuse of power as well as the fight against the injustices of the Umno-BN must be continued," she said in a statement on Monday
Meanwhile, a source says that the Selangor sultan wants Azmin to explain and elaborate on the Pakatan situation to him today.
Given what happened in the 'menteri besar crisis' last year, without PAS, it is very likely that the sultan will again reprimand Pakatan as they did when PKR initiated their 'Kajang move' aimed at installing PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim as Selangor menteri besar.
Vice-president Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin yesterday said that PKR still believed that all spaces for discussion should be kept open.
Looking forward, the only thing that could be seen as positive is that PKR is in pole position paint the way towards a new collaboration in the politics – if it can. - mk

Adik Najib nak masuk politik...
Pakatan dan BN kucar-kacir, segalanya berkemungkinan...
Katanya, semua parti melalui proses evolusi masing-masing dan dalam politik, tiada apa yang kekal.
"Kita dalam BN ada masalah kita, jadi kita tiada bezanya (dengan PR). MIC ada masalah. Umno pun nampaknya ada (masalah) juga," kata ahli Parlimen Gua Musang itu ketika ditemui media di lobi Parlimen hari ini.
Ditanya sekiranya keadaan ini akan mengakibatkan penjajaran baru dijalinkan antara parti politik sedia ada, beliau menjawab: "Saya tak pernah dengar sesuatu itu mustahil. Dalam politik, segalanya berkemungkinan."
"Dan, tiada apa yang kekal. Seorang sahabat hari ini boleh menjadi musuh esok. Seorang musuh esok boleh jadi kawan rapat pada hari berikutnya."
Khabar angin mengatakan, Razaleigh, lebih popular sebagai Ku Li, akan dilantik mengetuai kerajaan perpaduan yang mungkin ditubuhkan, satu langkah yang dipersetujui termasuk oleh veteran DAP Lim Kit Siang bulan lepas.
Ditanya masalah siapa lebih besar, sama ada BN atau PR, Razaleigh ketawa dan berkata: "Saya tak tahu, saya tidak terlibat dalam masalah yang satu lagi. Saya cuma tahu masalah yang ini sahaja."
"Jadi, saya tak tahu yang mana lebih besar atau lebih kecil. Tetapi, masalah tetap masalah."
Beliau berkata, langkah PR membubarkan dirinya sesuatu yang "bagus" kerana ia boleh membantu mengukuhkan pembangkang.
"Saya fikir mereka mesti bersedia mengambil tindakan berani untuk memperkenalkan langkah yang selaras. Selaras dengan anak muda, terutamanya," kata putera Kelantan itu.
Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng pagi ini mengumumkan PR tidak lagi wujud dan mengatakan ia akan hanya bekerjasama dengan PKR dan "semua pihak" yang mahu melihat pemerintahan BN berakhir.
Dalam BN pula, Umno terus memainkan peranan yang dominan selepas parti komponen utama lain merosot teruk prestasinya pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 yang lalu.
MIC, misalnya, dibelenggu dengan perebutan kuasa dan terdahulu hari ini menyingkirkan presidennya Datuk Seri G Palanivel dan melantik timbalannya Datuk Seri S Subramaniam sebagai pemangku.
Bulan lepas, Razaleigh menggesa agar parti berasaskan agama dan kaum dihentikan dan menggesa negara bergerak ke arah satu sistem terbuka yang menepati keperluan generasi muda Malaysia.
Beliau menambah, konsep yang berasaskan kaum hanya membawa kejatuhan, terutamanya bagi Umno, yang katanya menghadapi masalah melebarkan keahliannya dan menarik golongan belia. – tmi
PR’s demise unlikely to affect Azmin...
The demise of Pakatan Rakyat is unlikely to affect the position of Azmin Ali as Selangor Menteri Besar.
“He may only be removed by a motion of no confidence in the state assembly, and this is not probable,” said Prof Dr Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik Mahmood, head of the Governance, Law and Public Administration Cluster, National Council of Professors.
“The DAP only said that Pakatan no longer existed. It did no say it would not support Azmin. And it is understood that PKR, of which Azmin is deputy president, is on good terms with both the DAP and PAS.”
Nik Ahmad Kamal said Azmin would probably be called to explain the situation to Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.
Observers believe that Azmin would have little trouble convincing the Sultan that he still commanded majority support with or without Pakatan.

As they noted, Pakatan is not a registered coalition but a loose pact established in April 2008.
He was commenting on the DAP declaration that Pakatan Rakyat had ceased to exist after the PAS muktamar passed a resolution calling for the severing of ties with the DAP.
The resolution followed the DAP decision to cut ties with PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang in reaction to PAS plans to go ahead with implementing ‘hudud’ in Kelantan.
Of the 56 seats in the Selangor State Assembly, the DAP holds 15, Pas 15, PKR 13 and Barisan Nasional 12. There is one Independent.
Prof Madya Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani, Dean of the School of Law, Universiti Utara Malaysia, said Azmin had to obtain a statutory declaration of support from several of the state assemblymen to secure his position. - fmt

Is Najib losing control...
In good corporate governance, the ultimate decision-maker is still accountable for any decisions made by the organisation.
Whether the chief executive officer is in charge or has lost control, he is still the one responsible for whatever outcome.
In the case of 1MDB, a subsidiary of the Finance Ministry set up as an investment arm, the buck stops at Najib Abdul Razak and no one else.
As prime minister, finance minister and chairperson of the advisory board, Najib has a heavy responsibility to ensure that the 1MDB makes money for the investments made. If not, he has to explain why the investments have gone awry.
Any wrong decisions made by 1MDB will reflect badly not only on the management and the board of directors, but also on Najib and his office. This is the rule of the game.
In the past two months, things have not turned out to be a bed of roses for the Umno president, especially after former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad trained his guns on his ‘once-upon-a-time’ blue-eyed boy.
Being who he is, Dr Mahathir is unlikely to hold his punches after things have escalated to such an extent. It is sad as we watch the drama unfolding before us, at a time when the majority of us are tightening our belts after the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced since April 1.
The latest development has raised further eyebrows.
Tabung Haji and Najib’s advice
According to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom, Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) has not been very successful in selling the controversial Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) land which it had purchased from 1MDB at inflated prices.
Despite five weeks have passed since Najib advised them to re-sell the land, TH has not been able to find a good buyer.
Although Jamil claimed that they are looking for the highest profit, the reality of the situation may appear harsher than what it seems to be.
Generally, there is already a slowdown in the local property market, and investors are adopting an attitude of ‘wait-and-see’. In the case of 1MDB, and the land held by TH, they are hoping to get an even greater bargain should 1MDB be wound up by the end of this year. After all, which prudent investor would not wait for the best opportune time to strike? Why pay RM200 million to buy the land, when you can get it for only half the price?
This clearly shows that Abdul Azeez may not even have carried out any fiduciary study before signing on the dotted line to purchase the TRX land at RM188 million from debt-laden 1MDB. Or else, he would have sold off the land at RM193 million a month ago, showing that Najib was correct with his advice.
One wrongdoing after another
The longer the 1MDB saga continues, the more Najib appears to be losing control of the situation. With one wrongdoing after another and inconsistencies being exposed, more efforts are being made to cover the ‘mistakes’.
Despite engaging a media mogul to help him fight off the attacks from his nemesis, Dr Mahathir, Najib is not making any headway in delivering the solutions for 1MDB.
In politics, anything is possible. Although Dr Mahathir had lamented that his friend, Lim Kok Wing had turned to Najib’s side, this could all be part of a shadow play.
Till now, Lim has not been very effective in destroying Dr Mahathir’s legacy; instead, through a number of flip-flops, it appears that as prime minister, Najib is not winning over the people’s trust either.
This has led even Najib’s own younger brother to drop a hint to him that Najib cannot continue clinging on to power, as trust which can only be earned and not coerced, is an important component in any good leadership.
What appears to be happening is that Najib is losing control of the 1MDB. Although he is asking for time till the end of the year, the question on every person’s mind is really what will happen when the current board of directors resign by July.
Were they in fact preparing to abandon the ship knowing that there would be an even bigger implosion from within, once the auditor-general’s report is out? Or, are they already critically aware that the great Titanic will eventually sink? These are on most people’s minds.
After these men resign, will the 1MDB be wound up or will it be able to pay the ballooning debts of RM42 billion, when the loan interests alone are in fact between RM2.4 billion to RM2.7 billion annually.
In short, time is money. And, the money is the people’s money, which makes Najib’s seat even hotter. As the controversy continues, Najib’s risk of being forced to resign increases. Dr Mahathir will have his last push.
Better be up-front
It is interesting that even up till this stage, Lim has not advised Najib to be up-front with the true situation affecting 1MDB instead of letting the people continue guessing what is happening.
When the figures were published in the mainstream papers about 1MDB’s financial status, the first question that cropped up on most people’s mind is: “How on earth can land value appreciate by so many folds within a short period of time?”
A proven point is that even the land purchased by TH could not be sold within one week as promised by Azeez and certainly did not earn TH the RM5 million that Azeez predicted.
By the day, not only Najib’s credibility is being affected, confidence in the Barisan Nasional government is also eroding away fast, since none of the ministers have been bold enough to collectively make a stand.
Most are passive. Strangely, all ministers from MCA, MIC and Gerakan are silent about 1MDB. Although this is an issue about good governance, not even minister in charge of governance and integrity Paul Low has said a word about it.
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yasin is probably the most vocal so far, but even he has become silent after the expose on video, along with the other two ministers Shafie Apdal and Khairy Jamaluddin. No one is brave enough to challenge Najib to be up-front with the 1MDB saga.
In my opinion, Najib would be better off if he speaks the truth. As Dr Mahathir had put it, and I fully agree, the money is as good as gone. What is left are some assets such as the TRX land that had to be sold to pay back the loans.
Dr Mahathir is point-blank in his statement about 1MDB: “There is no more money.” If this is the case, Najib has to be responsible for the entire saga especially on how the huge sum of money was lost.
There are no two ways about it - either Najib is up-front or he may end up in a more difficult situation, as the clock ticks. - Stephen Ng,mk

Teloq sapa tu...

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