Tunjuk emel asal kalau jantan, Tony Pua cabar 1MDB, PetroSaudi...
DAP mencabar 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) dan PetroSaudi International mendedahkan versi asal dokumen yang didakwa diubahsuai, susulan penangkapan bekas pengarah syarikat itu atas tuduhan peras ugut.
Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Tony Pua berkata ini langkah terbaik bagi dua syarikat itu membidas pelbagai tuduhan dan pendedahan yang diterbitkan organisasi media dan Sarawak Report.
Menurut ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara itu, 1MDB sejak Januari tahun ini "tidak melakukan sebarang usaha" mengemukakan bukti dan dokumen bagi menidakkan laporan Sarawak Report.
Menurutnya, 1MDB tidak pun menafikan butiran pendedahan seperti tindakan pengurusan tertinggi 1MDB menandatangani perjanjian pelaburan bernilai USD$1 bilion usahasama dengan PetroSaudi dalam masa lima hari bertemu PetroSaudi.
Syarikat bermasalah itu tidak menafikan US$700 juta dan US$550 juta dipindahkan kepada Good Star Limited, satu syarikat yang dikuasai taikun Low Taek Jho, kata Pua.
Menurutnya lagi, sehingga kini 1MDB tidak mampu memberikan maklumat tentang pelaburan dibuat dengan US$2.318 bilion di Kepulauan Cayman yang kini ditebus dan sebahagiannya dibelanjakan dengan bakinya disimpan dalam bentuk "unit" yang misteri di BSI Bank Singapura.
Malah, penerbit Sarawak Report, Clare Rewcastle mengundang pihak berkenaan menyamannya di mahkamah jika beliau salah nyata emel-emel atau dokumen di lamannya.
"Tiada usaha dari PetroSaudi, 1MDB atau Jho Low berbuat demikian. Semua yang kita dapat adalah penafian umum yang lemah, sekadar mengenepikan tuduhan serius sebagai maklumat diubahsuai.
"Ayuh 1MDB. Jadi jantan atau mengakulah. Berhenti bersembunyi di balik kain kerajaan menggunakan kerahsiaan dan pada masa sama menyalah gunakan kuasa," kata Pua dalam kenyataan.
Hari ini, Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, memetik laporan The Star, berkata beberapa rakyat Malaysia di belakang dokumen dan emel yang didakwa diubah suai yang diambil dari PetroSaudi berkenaan urusniaganya dengan 1MDB.
Zahid turut memberi amaran kepada The Edge dan pemiliknya Datuk Tong Kooi Ong yang permit penerbitan kumpulan itu boleh ditarik semula.
Menurut Pua, amaran Zahid itu berdasarkan sumber tanpa nama PGI.
"Ia mungkin 'data tidak lengkap' kerana beberapa dokumen urus niaga utama tiada dalam emel yang dibocorkan.
"Kepada PetroSaudi dan 1MDB, ia mungkin'dipilih secara kreatif' tetapi kepada pembayar cukai Malaysia, ia ditapis secara bijak," katanya. – tmi
Show the original emails, DAP tells 1MDB, PetroSaudi
Mahathir - Penangkapan Justo sangat mencurigakan...
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata penangkapan bekas pengarah PetroSaudi International Ltd di Thailand sangat mencurigakan, yang menurutnya seperti satu konspirasi peringkat tinggi.
Mahathir berkata beliau tidak nampak mengapa seorang pelancong ke Thailand perlu ditangkap kerana jenayah yang didakwa dilakukan di Arab Saudi tanpa sebarang permintaan ekstradisi dari kerajaan itu.
"Mungkin kerana dia seorang pengganas, itulah sebabnya dia ditangkap oleh Thailand. Jika dia hanya mencuri rahsia syarikat, dia tak perlu ditangkap.
"Orang ini datang ke Thailand jelas sebagai pelancong melainkan Arab Saud minta Thailand menangkapnya. Saya tidak nampak mengapa Thailand harus menangkapnya," katanya kepada pemberita selepas satu majlis di Kuala Lumpur malam ini.
Menurut laporan media antarabangsa, warga Swiss, Xavier Andrea Justo ditangkap di Koh Samui, sebuah pulau peranginan Thailand, pada hari Isnin kerana didakwa cuba memeras ugut 2.5 juta franc (AS$2.7 juta) dari PetroSaudi International Ltd.
Justo telah didakwa menggunakan maklumat sulit yang dicuri dari syarikat itu untuk tujuan itu.
Mahathir menganggap penangkapan itu sebagai satu cubaan terbaru untuk menutup urusan 1MDB dengan PetroSaudi.- mk
Saksi video di sini
Kenapa tak saman saja The Edge dan Sarawak Report, soal Dr Mahathir

Dr M smells a rat in Justo's arrest...
Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohammad said the arrest of former PetroSaudi International Ltd director in Thailand yesterday was highly suspicious, akin to a high level conspiracy.
Mahathir said he didn't see why a tourist to Thailand should be arrested for a crime allegedly done in Saudi Arabia without any extradition request from the kingdom.
"Maybe because he is a terrorist, that's why he was arrested by Thailand. If he was only stealing company secret, he won't have to be arrested.
"This man came to Thailand obviously as a tourist unless Saudi Arabia request Thailand to arrest him, I don't see why Thailand should arrest him," he told reporters after a function in Kuala Lumpur today.
According to international media reports, Swiss national Xavier Andrea Justo was arrested in Koh Samui, a Thai resort island, on Monday for attempting to extort 2.5 million Swiss francs (US$2.7 million) from London-based PetroSaudi International Ltd.
Justo was alleged to have used stolen confidential company information as leverage.
Mahathir dismissed the arrest as the latest attempt to cover up for 1MDB's dealings with PetroSaudi.
Work of clever propagandists
He alluded that the media circus surrounding Justo's arrest may also be an attempt to discredit his criticisms of Putrajaya's handling of the 1MDB controversy.
"I will (have to) see what (the Thai authorities find out). But the circumstances of the arrest is suspicious. It's like there was planning by very intelligent people.
"I dont know, we are finding some very clever propagandist (are operating , now my face is blackened already and my legacy destroyed," he said.
Following reports on Justo's arrest, Putrajaya appear to have adopted a narrative which described the Swiss national as a disgruntled PetroSaudi employee who peddled "tampered" company information to whistleblower website Sarawak Report.
This information, including email communication and Blackberry Messenger chat logs, published by Sarawak Report were then used by some Malaysia media organisations in their reports which were critical of 1MDB's business decisions.
The basis of this narrative appear to stem from a New Straits Times report, which quoted an anonymous source from London-based cyber-forensics firm Protection Group International (PGI) claiming that they have evidence that the information was indeed tampered.
Trapped in lies
1MDB itself has also issued a statement claiming that the information published by Sarawak Report was tampered with.
However, Mahathir dismissed such claims, stressing that any form of clarification coming from 1MDB had always been ambigous.
"It is not clear. It is wrong. Now they are talking about email. Emails cannot be altered once it is sent through the phone. The receiver will (get it as it is).
"You saw (what happened) in the United States. They even tapped the French president's email. Now they claim the emails were altered.
"If we look at the sequence, it was not altered," said Mahathir, who stressed that the narrative that followed Justo's arrest appeared to be a cover up attempt.
"When we lie, we will be trapped when we try to extend the lie. It will be hard to make it fit with the original lie," he said. - mk
Hands off Pua, PAC boss tells Shafee...
Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson Nur Jazlan Mohamad has told
Umno-linked lawyer Shafee Abdullah not to meddle in the committee's
Speaking to Malaysiakini, he said Shafee had no right to call for Pua to resign from the committee for being too critical of 1MDB.
"He (Shafee) doesn't have the right to tell off PAC members who are members of the legislature, the third branch of the government and elected by the people," he said.
Jazlan added Pua had never used PAC information in his statements, and
actually highlighted important matters regarding 1MDB.
"I personally think he has helped to highlight the issue on 1MDB which the majority of Malaysians today believe the PAC will dismiss the issue in favour of the government. We are working well as a team
"As far as I am concerned he has not used any information obtained from PAC hearings from 1MDB in his statements.
"Whatever information he uses in his statements are obtained from parliamentary answers and other sources," he said.
This is not a court of law
Shafee had said that Pua's resignation would ensure the PAC probe on 1MDB was fair.
"Pua as a PAC member issues too many statements that can affect the probe towards the company.
such I propose that he steps down from the PAC to restore public
confidence, that the 1MDB inquiry is fair and transparent," he was
quoted as saying by Berita Harian.
"PAC members, including Pua, should act like judges in this case, and not make accusations and public statements about it. If they want to make statements like that, it is better to be a case witness," he added.
Jazlan however reminded Shafee that the PAC was not a court of law.
"The PAC is not a court of law created by statute but it is a body that represents the voice of the country," he said, adding PAC can help clear negative public perceptions towards 1MDB based case facts.
Pua, who is also Petaling Jaya Utara MP, has been an ardent critic of the debt-ridden investment firm, and frequently raises the topic in and out of Parliament.
Previously, 1MDB president Arul Kanda also reminded Pua that he is a member of PAC and expressed hope of getting a fair hearing.
This follow Pua's highly critical public remarks against 1MDB, including calling Arul a "liar extraordinaire".
Meanwhile, BN Backbenchers Club chairperson Shahrir Abdul Samad had urged Nur Jazlan to consider Shafee's remarks and drop Pua from the probe.
He said since Pua knows a lot about the firm, he should be a witnesses instead of being part of the team investigating 1MDB. - mk
Speaking to Malaysiakini, he said Shafee had no right to call for Pua to resign from the committee for being too critical of 1MDB.
"He (Shafee) doesn't have the right to tell off PAC members who are members of the legislature, the third branch of the government and elected by the people," he said.
"I personally think he has helped to highlight the issue on 1MDB which the majority of Malaysians today believe the PAC will dismiss the issue in favour of the government. We are working well as a team
"As far as I am concerned he has not used any information obtained from PAC hearings from 1MDB in his statements.
"Whatever information he uses in his statements are obtained from parliamentary answers and other sources," he said.
This is not a court of law
Shafee had said that Pua's resignation would ensure the PAC probe on 1MDB was fair.
"Pua as a PAC member issues too many statements that can affect the probe towards the company.
"PAC members, including Pua, should act like judges in this case, and not make accusations and public statements about it. If they want to make statements like that, it is better to be a case witness," he added.
Jazlan however reminded Shafee that the PAC was not a court of law.
"The PAC is not a court of law created by statute but it is a body that represents the voice of the country," he said, adding PAC can help clear negative public perceptions towards 1MDB based case facts.
Pua, who is also Petaling Jaya Utara MP, has been an ardent critic of the debt-ridden investment firm, and frequently raises the topic in and out of Parliament.
Previously, 1MDB president Arul Kanda also reminded Pua that he is a member of PAC and expressed hope of getting a fair hearing.
This follow Pua's highly critical public remarks against 1MDB, including calling Arul a "liar extraordinaire".
Meanwhile, BN Backbenchers Club chairperson Shahrir Abdul Samad had urged Nur Jazlan to consider Shafee's remarks and drop Pua from the probe.
He said since Pua knows a lot about the firm, he should be a witnesses instead of being part of the team investigating 1MDB. - mk

Penangkapan Justo Cubaan Najib Memalukan Mahathir...
Dikatakan, sebelum polis Thailand menyerbu kediaman dan menangkap bekas Eksekutif Petro Saudi, Xavier Andre Justo di Koh Sami, risikan dan intipan telah dijalankan berbulan-bulan lamanya. Menurut khabarnya lagi, memandangkan kes ini mempunyai kepentingan di Malaysia, perkembangan siasatan dihantar kepada Najib hampir pada setiap masa.
Jika maklumat ini benar, ia jelas membuktikan bahawa kes ini sudah berada dalam pengetahuan Najib lama sebelum polis Thailand melakukan tangkapan. Najib juga tahu maklumat yang digunakan Tun Mahathir selama ini adalah maklumat yang dibekalkan oleh Xavier.
Kita yakin Xavier yang membekalkan maklumat perniagaan palsu mengenai transaksi antara Petro Saudi dan 1MDB ini kepada Tun Mahathir kerana blogger terkenal, Raja Petra Kamarudin semalam mendakwa, seorang pegawai khas Tun Mahathir sering berulang alik ke Thailand untuk bertemu dengan Xavier.
Persoalannya, kenapa Najib tidak awal-awal mematahkan hujah Tun Mahathir dengan mendedahkan Xavier? Apakah ini cubaan Najib untuk memalukan bekas Perdana Menteri ke empat tersebut? Kalau dari awal Najib mendedahkan peranan Xavier, sudah tentu Tun Mahathir tidak akan dikecam macam-macam seperti yang berlaku hari ini.
Sekalipun kalau alasan Najib tidak mendedahkan Xavier awal-awal kerana bimbang menganggu siasatan polis Thailand, Najib boleh sahaja meminta warga Swiss tersebut ditangkap awal-awal sebelum Tun Mahathir terlanjur menggunakan dokumen palsu yang dibekalkan Xavier untuk mendesak perletakan jawatannya.
Tun Mahathir tidak boleh disalahkan dalam hal ini kerana beliau mungkin tidak tahu bahawa maklumat itu adalah palsu. Kredebiliti Xavier sebagai bekas eksekutif kanan Petro Saudi yang mempunyai banyak transaksi dengan 1MDB, tidak boleh disangkal.
Jangan kata manusia hebat seperti Tun Mahathir, sesiapa pun boleh tertipu dengan latar belakang seperti itu.
Yang perlu disalahkan sekarang ialah Najib kerana dia sengaja membiarkan Tun Mahathir menggunakan maklumat yang dia sendiri ketahui palsu kerana enggan mendedahkan Xavier. Kalau awal-awal Najib kata maklumat itu palsu kerana diperolehi dari Xavier, sudah tentu perkara memalukan ini tidak akan menimpa Tun Mahathir. - NPR

The Arrest in Thailand does not exonerate 1MDB...
The 1MDB people and the mindless trolls and mental gnomes, who are perhaps on the payroll of Najib’s people, are celebrating.
The arrest of a Swiss citizen in Thailand, one Mr Justo is the source of the euphoric premature ejaculation of smirk and merrymaking.
See, they claimed- Sarawak Report, The Edge and those public spirited individuals have been feasting on tampered documents after all. They have been spinning untruths. Dr Mahathir lied. Remove his banner at PWTC.
We must be careful here- what did Mr Justo blackmail PSI on?- one can only blackmail if the party affected has actually done something wrong. secondly, what is the nature of the temperance? did the temperance go to the root of the matter and therefore destroy the integrity of the information? and did Sarawak report base its investigation on adulterated material?
The arrest of Mr Justo is irrelevant to the fact that 1MDB is a bloody scam to steal money from Malaysia. WE must not get sidetracked by this episode which may be sponsored by PSI anyway.
And Ahmad Maslan, Chief Propagandist of UMNO, was quick off the mark, exhorting UMNO members not to believe the social media- now that it is a known fact, that the social media has been publishing from adulterated sources. But UMNO members Herr Maslan, read only Utusan Malaysia where spinning stories is their raison d'etre
As to his spirited suggestion that the social media derives information from the now known fact- we must say, not so Herr Maslan- that has not been established.
The social media didn't know of the existence of this individual until Petro Saudi International alerted the Thai Police to arrest him. For all you know, PSI did a rat on this poor fellow asking him to RNR in Thailand and alerting the Police to arrest him.
That single clutch of straw was enough to send the Najib fan club into a frenzy. The PM we loved has been speaking the truth. Long live emperor Najib.
The problem is- the substance of the leaked documents were also accepted by and corroborated by the various accounting and auditing firms employed by 1MDB at one point or another. Many of them saw, got scared and left.The material from the audited reports gave life to the social media, not one Mr Justo.
So 1MDB and Petrosaudi can crow any how they want, the arrest of that individual, on whatever grounds yet to be established- does not destroy the heart of the matter. Which is, Petrosaudi defrauded Malaysians through 1MDB and plunged the nation into debt of RM46 billion or more.
It is pathetic to see the 1MDB people rushing to use the arrest of an individual to clear itself from the 1MDB scandal. Nothing is cleared yet.
Najib has still got to answer about 1MDB. The arrest of an individual who is of Swiss national has done nothing to exonerate anyone.
The illegal things that he was alleged to have done were reported by a private investigation team. They will themselves be questioned in court to explain how they came to the conclusion that this individual has blackmailed and was discovered to have passed on tampered information to others regarding 1MDB.
This whole incident looked like a contrived effort to dig up some dirt, any dirt, on anybody, maybe even from a ‘plant’ just to discredit the revelation on 1MDB. The ‘plant’ then, when arrested will sing like a canary using scripted lines.
I hope we are not over excited about the arrest of an individual by the Thai authorities who is cited as the source who gave tampered but not incorrect information on 1MDB.
The thieving Arabs were quick to welcome the arrest of Justo and that it would fully co-operate with Thai authorities. “We are considering further legal action in other jurisdictions.
My answer and challenge is- Please don’t just consider, but do so through the courts so that much more will be revealed. Just don’t bring the legal action in Malaysian courts. The complexities of the fraud may be too overwhelming on our courts.
“We are relieved that Mr Justo will now face justice through the courts. To face justice for what? For blackmailing and tampering with documents?
“We have been the victims of a regrettable crime that has unfortunately been politicised in Malaysia,” a PetroSaudi spokesperson said.
Wrong the victims are us Malaysians- Petrosaudi has cheated Malaysians into getting itself sucked into a debt whirlpool of RM46 billion. And it was all started by PetroSaudi when it conspired to channel more than USD1 billion into an account of one of its conspirators.
Don’t try to act saintly and innocent.
The chap may have done some illegal things which may have nothing to do with the expose on what Petrosaudi did to 1MDB.
The material reported by the accounting firms was also the same. Which part was tampered? This temperance is not yet verified and ascertained by an independent body. It’s just a suggestion given by a paid investigation team out to discredit the person but will not be able to disturb the substance of the scandal on 1MDB.
So why is the Home minister rushing ahead and warning the Edge against spinning tampered documents? How sure is he that the alleged temperance has destroyed the credibility of the vile things done by 1MDB? Or is his outburst just a reflection of his wishful thinking that this nightmare called 1MDB will just go away.
Does the Home Minister understand the complex issues of 1MDB or is he just flexing his home minister’s muscles? Zahid may be the Home minister but all of us in parliament knows he has no substance and that deficiency is hidden by a show of macho-ness and bravado.
When he gets irritated and when he cannot answer, his body language is that of a delinquent asking you to fight. His eyes will be blinking uncontrollably when he is overcome by his emotions. He will shift from facing you frontally to position himself in a profile-like manner as though preparing to go airborne and do a Bruce Lee flying kick, but let’s not get over the top about Zahid Hamidi.
Please don’t intimidate The Edge or any public spirited individuals in Malaysia. The Edge and others have a duty to publish and make public whatever material they have and obtained in good faith and the matter regarding 1mdb is of public interest.
The 1mdb people appear to have anticipated the arrest and gave out exuberant statements alluding that all this while, this chap gave doctored documents only to discredit our beloved pirate-DNAed PM.
On that point, I hope those politicians harbouring the fanciful idea that lets allow Najib to lead BN at the next elections because he is so weak that he can easily be defeated will get real.
Well, this is an example of what he can do. He has control over the media complex, has huge war chest, has resources and can easily come out with a creative solution to throw a spanner in the works. Just this arrest, has caused confusion and doubts and encouraged the village idiots to come out and clean up Najib’s tarnished image.
Fortunately, the toilet cleaners can’t clean Najib anymore. He is too soiled.
Folks, 1MDB is still the agent that has caused us to incur a debt of RM46 billion or even more. We don’t know the integrity of this fellow arrested by the Thai authorities. The Thais have said nothing about 1MDB being asked to cooperate.
And I see the cyber trolls have congregated at some portals and gave mindless comments befitting the metal retards. Every one of them says now the people defending 1MDB were telling the truth.
The response by the critics of 1mdb- when you stop telling lies, we will stop telling the truth. - Dato' Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol ak47.

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