Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is at the centre of moves initiated by former finance minister Daim Zainuddin to unseat Najib Razak, according to a report in a Hong Kong-based online news site.
A meeting was reportedly held at Razaleigh’s home on Thursday with a group headed by Daim, a close ally of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, and a second meeting was to be held at the weekend to discuss whether to seek a vote of no confidence in Parliament, the report said.
In recent weeks Tengku Razaleigh, 78, and MP for Gua Musang, has been mentioned as a possible interim prime minister in a unity government to take over from Najib’s Barisan Nasional to resolve outstanding issues in the government’s handling of the economy.
Both Lim Kit Siang, who has touted a “new political coalition to Save Malaysia” and former law minister Zaid Ibrahim, have made the Kelantan prince the centre of their proposals for a new government, with Zaid describing Tengku Razaleigh as the People’s PM.
John Berthelsen, editor of Asia Sentinel, wrote on Friday that the Daim-sponsored plans would have deputy Umno president Muhyiddin Yassin, 67, move up to succeed Najib as party leader, but not as prime minister.
Despite many attempts over the years, Razaleigh has been reluctant to commit himself to another attempt at the prime ministership, after failing in the late 1980s when he attempted to unseat Mahathir Mohamad as party leader and prime minister. The power struggle resulted in Umno being deregistered. Tengku Razaleigh’s splinter party, Semangat 46, and a temporary alliance with the DAP and PAS for a united electoral front foundered at the polls and he has not made another foray since.
Berthenlsen said the current attempts to recruit “the apparently reluctant politician, Umno’s longest-serving MP, may be running into roadblocks.
“But some Umno leaders, while continuing to profess loyalty to Najib, were deeply concerned that allegations of the massive scandal at 1Malaysia Development Bhd are wrecking the party’s chances for the 2018 general election,” he wrote.
Quoting a well-informed source, he said Razaleigh “would be totally acceptable” but had doubts about how quickly he wants to move. Another source also said Razaleigh is hesitating this time as well.
However the death of his wife, Noor Yvonne Abdullah, of cancer two weeks ago would allow him to concentrate on the country.
Berthelsen wrote that Najib had been able to keep party cadres in line, using “a river of government money that pours into their pockets through rent-seeking contracts, make-work jobs and other goodies from 1MDB”.
An estimated RM1 billion had been used, according to an unnamed source. “Indeed, his sway may be such that despite his troubles, he can prevail again,” Berthelsen said, quoting an unnamed source.
He said PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang was said to be hoping for PAS to be expelled from Pakatan Rakyat, allowing him to team up with Umno in a Malay-Muslim dominated “unity government” which Umno has long offered PAS.
However, Berthelsen said other parties including the MCA, MIC and Gerakan would desert the Barisan Nasional, and moderate Malays and Muslims in urban centres might move towards Anwar Ibrahim’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat and the Pakatan Rakyat coalition, even though it was relatively rudderless since Anwar began a jail sentence in February. - fmt
Unity Bid to Drive Malaysia’s PM Najib from Power?- John Berthelsen

Media antarabangsa dakwa Ku Li bakal ganti Najib...
Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah bakal menggantikan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai Perdana Malaysia Ketujuh.
Razaleigh atau Ku Li, 78, dilaporkan akan mengetuai kerajaan perpaduan kerana Barisan Nasional (BN) sudah hampir lumpuh disebabkan skandal 1MDB, sebagai jalan kepada kemelut politik negara.
Menurut laporan Asia Sentinel, satu pertemuan telah diadakan di kediaman Ku Li pada 11 Jun lalu yang diketuai Tun Daim Zainuddin, rakan baik Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Laporan itu mendakwa, Daim telah diberi tugasan memujuk Ku Li menerima tanggung jawab itu.
Perjumpaan kedua akan diadakan pada minggu ini dan diikuti dengan undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib di Parlimen, tulis laporan itu yang memetik sumber.
Laporan itu menyebut, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pula akan menggantikan Najib sebagai Presiden UMNO bagi memperkukuhkan parti yang terjejas teruk akibat skandal 1MDB.
“Razaleigh akan diterima semua. Sebelum ini beliau akan keberatan kerana menjaga isterinya yang sakit. Kematian isteri beliau baru-baru ini membolehkannya memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya kepada negara,” tulis laporan itu lagi.
Portal berita yang berpangkalan di Hong Kong itu mendakwa, Ku Li, Ahli Parlimen UMNO paling lama, telah lama menjadi pilihan menggantikan Najib tetapi tidak mendapat sokongan sepenuhnya ahli parti.
Bagaimanapun, berdasarkan situasi politik tidak menentu yang turut menjejaskan ekonomi negara, pemimpin UMNO akan menerima Ku Li.
Menurut laporan 12 Jun itu, kejatuhan nilai ringgit telah merisaukan pelabur asing ditambah pula skandal 1MDB telah mendorong pemimpin UMNO berbelah bahagi untuk terus menyokong Najib.
Mereka bimbang ketidak tentuan politik dalaman akan menyebabkan UMNO dan BN kalah pada pilihan raya akan datang.- fmt
"You don't ask your girlfriend to hold an 'I Love You' sign."
Jadi Najib bagi duit ....RM500 kepada 3juta, 4 juta orang ... itu salah ! Itu duit kerajaan. Tak betul caranya kalau hendak beli populariti.
Saya beritahu Najib yang cara itu salah tapi Najib jawab - CASH IS KING! Duit itu Raja!
Tapi apa yang saya tahu, Najib tak popular pun... walaupun banyak wang beliau hamburkan untuk mengadakan perhimpunan besar2an dan orangramai diberikan plakad bertulis I LOVE PM .....
Anda tidak perlu plakad untuk nyatakan yang anda sayang kekasih anda ! Jika orang sayangkan anda, mereka tak perlu angkat plakad I LOVE YOU untuk menyatakan kasih sayang mereka.
Itu nasihat saya kepadanya tapi Najib tidak mahu dengar dan saya kecewa. Disebalik semua itu, duit, plakad dan gelaran Ahjibgor dan sebagainya, Najib tetap kalah lebih teruk dari Paklah yang tidur !
Marilah, TMJ beri isyarat kepada Nazri Aziz...
Mungkin kata-kata tidak diperlukan untuk Tengku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim untuk beliau menyampaikan mesejnya.
Dalam klip video dimuat naik pada akau Facebook Johor Southern Tigers petang tadi, anak Sultan Johor itu kelihatan sedang berehat di atas kerusi apabila kamera datang menghampirinya.
Ketika kamera berada di kiri Tunku Ismail, beliau menoleh dan mengangkat tangan kirinya sebelum membuat isyarat "marilah" sambil bersandar di kerusi.
Klip sepanjang 17 saat itu juga bermula dan berakhir dengan bunyi ngauman harimau.
Hanya beberapa jam selepas ditegur Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, Tengku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim muncul dalam klip pendek sambil membuat aksi mencabar.
Dalam akaun Facebook Johor Southern Tigers, beliau dilihat sedang berehat di atas bangku dan menoleh ketika kamera berada di kirinya.
Menggunakan tangan kiri, Tunku Ismail membuat isyarat memanggil.
Klip video(bawah) sepanjang 17 saat itu bermula dan berakhir dengan bunyi ngauman harimau.
Tunku Ismail adalah Presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Negeri Johor
Walaupun klip video berkenaan tidak disertakan tajuk atau kapsyen, ia dimuat naik hanya selepas beberapa jam Nazri yang juga Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pelancongan memberi amaran supaya Tunku Ismail tidak mencampuri politik.
Kata Nazri (gambar) tindakan Tunku Ismail boleh menyebabkan rakyat hilang rasa hormat kepada beliau jika kerajaan memberi reaksi kepada komennya.
Pos berkenaan juga pantas mendapat reaksi daripada pengguna Facebook.
Dapat reaksi segera
Sehingga jam 8.15 malam ini lebih 2,000 orang menekan butang Like dan sekurang-kurangnya 541 akaun lain berkongsi pautan berkenaan.
Pos berkenaan juga mengundang banyak komen. Pemilik akaun Facebook Nasrulhadi Noh misalnya menulis: "Setengah Menteri sekarang dah tiada rasa hormat dgn Kerabat di Raja. Mintak Tunku halau jek menteri mcm ni dari masuk ke Johor dengan Ahmad Maslan sekali."
Syahriman Paparock pula menulis: "Nazri jp lg mkn kayu hoki koottt".

Bagi Hakeem Neils, video itu mendorongnya menulis: "ape lagi..dah panggil tu..jgn x dtg pulak mcm sorang lagi tu...xD"
Ashhabu Rayati Suud: "Senyum lebar tgok video ni, kerajaan nk belasah kerabat johor, ingt kami anak johor batang pisang."
Sementara itu Nazri enggen memberi komen mengenai video berkenaan kerana "cabaran" dibuat Tunku Ismail tidak jelas ditujukan kepada sesiapa.
Bukan mengkritik
"Jika TMJ nak kata sesuatu beliau perlu keluarkan kenyataan," katanya kepada Malaysiakini.
Nazri berkata, kenyataan dibuatnya sebelum ini dilakukan bagi mempertahankan institusi diraja di Malaysia.
"Mari bercakap tentang individu dan institusi. Saya di sini bukannya untuk mengkritik institusi raja Melayu kerana ia adalah sebahagian daripada budaya saya.
"Pandangan saya juga tidak mewakili sesiapa dalam Umno. Pandangan beliau (TMJ) juga tidak mewakili keluarga diraja di Malaysia.
"Saya tidak mengkritik beliau. Saya cuma tertarik dengan pendapatnya.
"Beliau mesti ingat kedudukannya masih di bawah undang-undang," katanya.
Bring it on, gestures Johor crown prince...
It appears that words are not necessary for Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim to put across his view.
In a video(above) uploaded on the Johor Southern Tigers Facebook page this evening, the prince, clad in a black pullover and shorts, is shown gesturing with a smirk what could be interpreted as "bring it on" while lounging on a chair.
The 17-second clip starts and ends with the Johor football team emblem and the roar of a tiger.
Tunku Ismail is the president of the Johor football association.
Though the clip had no title or caption, it comes hot on the heels of minister Nazri Abdul Aziz's warning to the prince this morning not to meddle in politics or risk being "whacked".
Without mincing words, Nazri said the prince ran the risk of being castigated and losing respect, should the government respond.
The prince's latest Facebook post is also swiftly garnering shares and likes.
'Ministers now disrespectful'
Below are some of the comments made by Facebook users with regard to the post, most of them linking the clip to Nazri's remarks.
Ashhabu Rayati Suud: Senyum lebar tgok video ni, kerajaan nk belasah kerabat johor, ingt kami anak johor batang pisang.
(I am smiling while watching this video. The government wants to whack a member of the Johor royalty. What, does the government think, we Johoreans will only sit and watch?)
Nasrulhadi Noh: Setengah Menteri sekarang dah tiada rasa hormat dgn Kerabat di Raja. Mintak Tunku halau jek menteri mcm ni dari masuk ke Johor dengan Ahmad Maslan sekali.
(Some ministers have no respect for the royalty. The prince should just chase out ministers like this from entering Johor, and this includes Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan, too)
Amy Kurylenko: Cpt nazri jwb la.. Aku nk tgk ko kne basuh ni..
(Hurry up Nazri, answer this (challenge). I want to see you getting whacked)
Nazri: Prince didn't say who he is challenging
"If the prince wants to say something, he should issue a statement," he told Malaysiakini.
Commenting on the backlash he received for telling the prince not to get involved in politics, Nazri said he was defending the royal institution.
"Let's talk about individuals and institution. I am here not to criticise the institution as it is part and parcel of my culture.
"As my opinion does not represent everyone in Umno, his opinion does not represent all the royals. So I didn't criticise him. I am merely engaging him for his opinion.
"He must remember that he is still under the law," he said.- mk
DAP welcomes Pak Samad into party...
Lim Kit Siang has announced that national laureate A Samad Said is now a DAP member and described him as "Perwira Ubah" (warrior of change).
During a function in Gua Musang, Kelantan this afternoon, Lim also handed the 80-year-old poet and writer his party membership card.
The renowned poet said he had long harboured hopes of joining DAP.
And as a writer who has long been involved in the literary field, Samad said his works would have no meaning if they did not address issues close to the people.
As for the various reactions towards him entering politics through DAP, Samad admitted several quarters did not agree with his decision.
"They believe that my joining DAP would hurt the image of a national laureate, but it's not a problem for me as every action has its pros and cons," he said.
Fondly known as Pak Samad, he was also a journalist and won the prestigious South East Asia Writers Award in 1978.
Samad was bestowed the national laureate title in 1986. - mk

A Samad Said kini ahli sah DAP...
Setelah bergelumang dengan pelbagai macam kegiatan masyarakat sivil, Sasterawan Negara Datuk A Samad Said hari ini memilih DAP sebagai landasan perjuangan politiknya.
Penyertaan beliau diumumkan Ketua Parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang di majlis penyerahan rasmi rumah mangsa banjir yang diusahakan pembinaannya oleh pertubuhan Gabungan Impian Kelantan (GIK) di Gua Musang.
Turut hadir, Pengerusi GIK Datuk Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah dan Ahli Parlimen Seputeh Teresa Kok dan Setiausaha Organisasi DAP Anthony Loke.
Sebelum menyertai DAP Samad cukup aktif dengan kegiatan masyarakat dan pernah memimpin gerakan pembaharuan pilihan raya, BERSIH yang menuntut proses pengundian dijalankan dengan adil.
Beliau juga merupakan antara tokoh yang berada di barisan depan menentang dasar Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik Dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) pada 2009.
Sementara itu ketika ditemui, beliau berkata hasrat menyertai DAP sudah tersimpan lama dalam jiwanya namun ia belum terlaksana sehinggalah hari ini.
Beliau juga tidak akan mengendahkan pandangan orang ramai yang menganggap penyertaannya ke dalam DAP akan “mencederakan” imej Sasterawan Negara.
Sementara itu Ketua Parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang dalam ucapannya memberitahu, Samad boleh dianggap sebagai wira yang akan membawa perubahan kepada negara.
Kit Siang juga mengumkan penulis terkenal tersebut sebagai Wira Ubah kepada DAP. – Roketkini.com

Childish Najib out to wreck Mahathir’s ‘toy”...
Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, in reacting to TV3 running down Proton for three nights in a row, had suggested with his usual trademark sarcasm that perhaps his other legacies viz. the Plus Highway, KLCC, and KLIA among others should all be blown up.
“These are all not good for the nation,” analyst Shahbudin Husin quoted Mahathir as saying cynically.
Mahathir is Proton’s Advisor and the childish hand of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak can be seen behind TV3 going on the offensive against the national car, said the analyst. “Najib the child has lost the game and has decided to seek help elsewhere to wreck ‘Mahathir’s toy’”.
Many people believe, he added, that after Proton and KLCC, TV3 will target Perwaja, the Formula 1 Circuit whose chairman is Mokhzani, and other Mahathir legacies.
Mahathir, the analyst ventures, isn’t perturbed by the distractions being telecast by TV3 as his preoccupation was 1MDB in criticising Najib. “He wants to prevent greater financial losses to the nation in the wake of 1MDB.”
The TV3 attacks was a follow up to Najib’s new media adviser, adman Lim Kok Wing, visiting Mahathir and advising him to stop attacking Najib or it would be the end of his legacies. The former Prime Minister subsequently referred to Lim in a blog posting as his ex-friend.
“No one will believe TV3′s explanations that their airing has nothing to do with any particular individual, either directly or indirectly, and isn’t related either to the current political atmosphere in the country,” said the analyst. “TV3 wants us to believe that the emphasis on Proton was all about whether it was a quality product.”
Media Prima Group Managing Editor Mohd Ashraf Abdullah, he said, has explained that TV3 was merely highlighting the many complaints that taxi drivers among others had about Proton. “If only this was true! His explanation does not make sense to any sane person. Those who have lost their mind might buy Ashraf’s story.”
“If someone visits a beautiful girl at home three nights in a row, no one will be convinced that it was sheer coincidence that he lost his way again and again, and that it hasn’t crossed his mind that he should ask her out, flirt with her, or that he has no intentions to woo her.”
“If TV3 really wants to highlight the problems that motorists have with Proton, why three nights in a row?” asked Shahbudin. “Don’t the people have any other problems, in fact chronic ones, but only with Proton?”
“If the problems in the Pekan parliamentary seat, represented by Najib, were highlighted, TV3′s ratings are sure to go up. This would invite greater traction.”
Proton, of course, was an indirect attack on a Mahathir legacy, continued the analyst, as the former Prime Minister has stepped up his attacks on Najib in a bid to force him to step down. “The criticisms are at its height now.”
“TV3 would not highlight Proton had it not been for Mahathir going on the attack against Najib.”
The analyst said that he had observed that people in the social media are not amused by TV3 harping on Proton day in and day out.
“They see Proton, the pride of the nation under Mahathir, being linked only with complaints by taxi drivers. The coverage appears to be indirectly discouraging the people from buying Proton or viewing the locally made car as something to be proud about.” - fmt

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