Gempa Bumi Susulan Berukuran 4.5 Skala Richer Landa Sabah Lagi...
Satu gempa bumi susulan hari ini dikatakan telah melanda daerah Ranau, Sabah lagi hari ini berukuran 4.5 pada skala richer.
Menurut Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia berkata, "gempa bumi lemah' berlaku kira-kira 25 kilometer barat laut Ranau pada pukul 1.45 petang.
Gegaran dikatakan dapat dirasa di Ranau, Tambunan, Pedalaman, Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Kota Belud di Sabah.Gempa ini dapat dilihat menerusi objek di dalam bagunana selain bunyi gegaran.
Pada jumaat lalu, gempabumi sederhana berukuran 5.9 skala ritcher telah melanda Ranau pada pukul 7.15 pagi.

Kerana gempa tersebut 9 orang pendakai disahkan terkorban dan dua dipercayai masih hilang.
Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang bergegas keluar dari sebuah bangunan di Lagawu apabila satu gegaran susulan berlaku kira-kira jam 1.35 petang tadi.
Muhyiddin berada di dalam bangunan tersebut bagi menyampaikan taklimat perkembangan terkini kejadian gempa bumi di Sabah.
Situasi cemas itu turut membuatkan orang ramai yang berada di kawasan tersebut termasuk petugas media keluar dari bagunan.
Taklimat kemudian diteruskan diluar bangunan dan diakhiri dengan sidang media. - siakapkeli.my
Taklimat kemudian diteruskan diluar bangunan dan diakhiri dengan sidang media. - siakapkeli.my

This picture above is from DAP page. The Malaysian media completely censored other opposition presence. The only people they reported were Muhyiddin & Hadi together. That's the political game I'm talking about. - f/bk
PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang shared an awkward moment with DAP's most prominent face Lim Kit Siang when the duo met around noon in Kundasang, Sabah today.
The meeting comes a day after Abdul Hadi's lenghty vitrollic assault against allies DAP and PKR during his winding up speech at the PAS muktamar.
According to eye-witnesses, Lim was about to leave Kinabalu Park when Abdul Hadi and his entourage arrived in a black 4WD vehicle.
Lim then approached Abdul Hadi and the duo shook hands.
Following this, the duo parted ways. Abdul Hadi continued his tour of the area while Lim left, having arrived much earlier.
"It was cordial, but awkward," said Phoong, when asked to described the atmosphere at the time.
During his hour long speech yesterday, Abdul Hadi had criticised Lim for his speech in Kota Bharu on May 10, which was against Kelantan's decision to implement hudud law in Kelantan.
Abdul Hadi also accused DAP and PKR of attacking PAS, only to later claim that they were the victims.
During the muktamar, PAS also adopted a resolution, without any debate, to cut ties with DAP. Abdul Hadi later claimed that Pakatan Rakyat was still intact. - mk
Kit Siang dekati Hadi, mereka bersalam
Muhyiddin, Hadi and others flee building in Sabah aftershock

Ball is in Hadi’s court...
PAS ended its annual muktamar yesterday with one big question unanswered -- will the party continue working with DAP in Pakatan Rakyat?
This is because the party elections held with the muktamar, saw the ulama faction latching at key positions in the party making it easier for Hadi to push for the implementation of hudud laws in Kelantan.
The ulama or hardliners won 22 out of the 23 PAS central leadership posts. The results showed that Hadi was in the right path as far as PAS grassroots are concerned.
They not only gave his candidacy a stamp of approval but also voted in all his trusted people. Hadi also got himself a new deputy in Pahang PAS commissioner Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, who is being billed as Hadi’s successor.
Below Tuan Ibrahim are three lieutenants; Bukit Gantang MP Idris Ahmad, PAS Selangor Commissioner Iskandar Abdul Samad and Kelantan PAS deputy commissioner Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah. All were voted in as veeps.
Even the 18 positions of the central working committee (CWC) were filled by the ulama camp, 17 spots to be exact.
The result means that Hadi’s push to implement hudud has been backed by the Islamic party's division leaders, who are the voice of the grassroots.
PAS yesterday at the muktamar did not discuss a motion passed by its ulama wing that the party cut its ties with the DAP. The DAP has been against the implementation of hudud laws in Kelantan saying that it would create two criminal systems.
On its part the party has cut all ties with Hadi, angering many PAS members and supporters.

Acccording to the party, the motion was sensitive to be discussed in open and that it will be deliberated on by the party top echelon.
From the election results one fact is certain. PAS will not bow down to DAP any longer. It will go full steam in its bid to implement the Islamic criminal law in Kelantan. It will not stop for DAP or any other party.
The ball is now in Hadi’s court. He now has to prove himself. He will definately try to table a private member's bill in the Dewan Rakyat to enable the Kelantan state government to implement the Shariah Criminal Code II 1993 (amendment 2015) in Kelantan. For this he needs two-third majority of the 222 seat Dewan Rakyat.
PAS only holds 21 MP seats out of the 222 parliamentary seats. This will require the party to find alliance to ensure the bid succeeds.
Hadi’s has helmed the Islamic party for the last 13 years and he was uncontested until this election.
His challenge this year came in the form of veteran ulama Ahmad Awang. Although he won convincingly, his opponent still managed to secure 20% of the votes.
Hadi must prove that he has ability to turn PAS on par with other component parties. Should the party perform poorly in the next general election, Hadi should expect challenge to the presidency again. And who knows, the dissent against him could be much higher then.
So, what’s next Hadi? - Ikhwan Zulkaflee,beritadaily

Kayu Nasi Kandar Tukar Strategi...
Nampak gayanya pengurusan Restoran Original Penang Kayu Nasi Kandar telah mengubah cara operasi mereka. Kini mereka tidak meletakkan nama makanan dan minuman, cukup sekadar open food dan open drink.
Apabila pelanggan bertanya apakah open food dan open drink, juruwang (cashier) berkata:-
A) 1 mee maggi goreng kosong - RM6.40
B) 2 mee maggi goreng telur mata kerbau - RM24.00
C) 3 air mineral kecil - RM10.20
D) Lain-lain air - RM19.60 Yang membuatkan pelanggan terkejut bagaimana mee maggi goreng kosong harganya RM6.40 ... mee maggi goreng telur mata pada harga RM8.00 sepinggan ...
Restoran ini seolah-olah cuba ambil kesempatan dari pelaksanaan GST dan juga kenaikan sedikit minyak awal bulan ini.
Pihak berwajib mesti ambil tindakan sewajarnya agar tiada mana restoran cuba nak ambil kesempatan dengan menyedut darah rakyat.
Sepatutnya setiap makanan dan minuman yang dipesan mestilah dicatit secara khusus bukannya main letak open food dan open drink sahaja dikira sudah memadai??????
Apa kata kita boikot sahaja kedai-kedai mamak ini yang ternyata cekik darah rakyat sampai kering kontang dibuatnya. Dahlah dikenakan GST ... harga makanan dan minuman pun sikit punya dahsyat melampaunya. - omakkau blogspot

7 tourists who allegedly posed in the nude for photographs on top of Mt.Kinabalu...

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