Anwar Ibrahim dipindahkan dari Penjara Sungai Buloh ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur hari ini untuk menerima rawatan.
Beliau dipindahkan susulan aduan daripada anggota keluarganya berhubung rawatan yang lewat diberikan pada Anwar.
"Beliau dibawa dari Penjara Sungai Buloh ke HKL untuk rawatan. Beliau kini di Wad 28,” kata pengarah komunikasi PKR, Fahmi Fadzil.
Difahamkan, paras tekanan darahnya tidak menentu dan darah turut ditemui dalam tinjanya.
Menurut Fahmi, anggota keluarga Anwar akan menemui bekas ketua pembangkang itu pada jam 7 petang.
Menurut MP Sungai Petani, Datuk Johari Abdul yang melawat Anwar tiga hari lalu, tahap kesihatan bekas MP Permatang Pauh merosot teruk.
Menurutnya, berat badan Anwar susut 6 kilogram sejak dipenjara pada Februari lalu.
Selain itu, Anwar juga masih menderita akibat kecederaan lama di bahu kanan dan sudah lama memohon agar bahagian badannya itu diperiksa dengan imbasan MRI.
Sementara itu, seorang anak perempuan Anwar, Nurul Nuha berkata bapanya itu tiba di hospital pada jam 11.20 pagi ini. - mk
Beliau dipindahkan susulan aduan daripada anggota keluarganya berhubung rawatan yang lewat diberikan pada Anwar.
"Beliau dibawa dari Penjara Sungai Buloh ke HKL untuk rawatan. Beliau kini di Wad 28,” kata pengarah komunikasi PKR, Fahmi Fadzil.
Difahamkan, paras tekanan darahnya tidak menentu dan darah turut ditemui dalam tinjanya.
Menurut MP Sungai Petani, Datuk Johari Abdul yang melawat Anwar tiga hari lalu, tahap kesihatan bekas MP Permatang Pauh merosot teruk.
Menurutnya, berat badan Anwar susut 6 kilogram sejak dipenjara pada Februari lalu.
Selain itu, Anwar juga masih menderita akibat kecederaan lama di bahu kanan dan sudah lama memohon agar bahagian badannya itu diperiksa dengan imbasan MRI.
Sementara itu, seorang anak perempuan Anwar, Nurul Nuha berkata bapanya itu tiba di hospital pada jam 11.20 pagi ini. - mk
Frail Anwar admitted late to HKL...
Jailed and ailing former opposition leader Anwar
Ibrahim was warded at Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) today, after
complaints made by the family on his delayed medical treatment.
was brought from the Sungai Buloh Prison to HKL for treatment. He is
now in Ward 28," PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil said today.
"The family will meet him at 7pm today," Fahmi said in an invite to members of the media to be present as well.
Anwar's health was previously reported to be alarmingly poor, said PKR's Sungai Petani MP Johari Abdul three days ago.
Johari said Anwar's admission to hospital came because of his erratic blood pressure as well as the presence of blood in his stool.
The PKR whip said Anwar has lost 6kg in weight since he was incarcerated in February.
Government delay
Furthermore, Johari said, Anwar is also suffering discomfort from an old injury on his right shoulder and has been requesting a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.
He said Anwar's blood pressure was also as high as 163/108, even though he is on medication.
"The delay by the government, for several weeks, to fulfil a simple request for an MRI scan on his shoulder is regrettable," Johari added.
Meanwhile, Anwar's second daughter Nurul Nuha (photo) said her father arrived at the hospital at 11.20am today.
"I am not clear of his situation now. The family will only meet him at 6pm," Nurul Nuha said when contacted.
"The outcome of the medical check-up will be made known to us by Friday, and we will go to the hospital to see the doctor on this," she said.
Later this afternoon, HKL said in a statement that Anwar has been admitted for a series of scheduled
It said Anwar's condition was stable and the tests were to address his underlying medical conditions.
"During his stay, the relevant specialists will review him and carry out the necessary investigation," the statement said.
Anwar is serving a five-year jail sentence, since Feb 10, after having been found guilty of sodomising his former aide, Saiful Bukhari Azlan.- mk
"The family will meet him at 7pm today," Fahmi said in an invite to members of the media to be present as well.
Anwar's health was previously reported to be alarmingly poor, said PKR's Sungai Petani MP Johari Abdul three days ago.
Johari said Anwar's admission to hospital came because of his erratic blood pressure as well as the presence of blood in his stool.
The PKR whip said Anwar has lost 6kg in weight since he was incarcerated in February.
Government delay
Furthermore, Johari said, Anwar is also suffering discomfort from an old injury on his right shoulder and has been requesting a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

"The delay by the government, for several weeks, to fulfil a simple request for an MRI scan on his shoulder is regrettable," Johari added.
Meanwhile, Anwar's second daughter Nurul Nuha (photo) said her father arrived at the hospital at 11.20am today.
"I am not clear of his situation now. The family will only meet him at 6pm," Nurul Nuha said when contacted.
"The outcome of the medical check-up will be made known to us by Friday, and we will go to the hospital to see the doctor on this," she said.
Later this afternoon, HKL said in a statement that Anwar has been admitted for a series of scheduled
It said Anwar's condition was stable and the tests were to address his underlying medical conditions.
"During his stay, the relevant specialists will review him and carry out the necessary investigation," the statement said.
Anwar is serving a five-year jail sentence, since Feb 10, after having been found guilty of sodomising his former aide, Saiful Bukhari Azlan.- mk

Luahan Kakitangan MAS Yang Diberhentikan Kerja...
Hari ini pukul 11.30 pagi, ayah dan mama kena buang kerja. Ayah dan mama lepas ini bukan lagi kerja repair kapal terbang MAS.
Ayah dan mama minta maaf dekat Zyana, sebab selama ini kami banyak habiskan masa di tempat kerja. Hujung minggu pun ayah dan mama hantar awak pergi taska sebab kami pergi kerja.
Dulu ingatkan kalau kerja sungguh-sungguh, company sayangkan ayah dan mama. Rupanya bukan macam yang kami fikir.
Lepas ini ayah dan mama akan luangkan lebih masa untuk Zayani. Doakan ayah dan mama dapat kerja lain, yang banyak masa untuk kita bersama.
InsyaAllah, ayah dan mama yakin perancangan Allah itu yang terbaik. Love you anak....
Mueller: “MAS technically bankrupt”...
"We are technically bankrupt...
Its new German CEO said today as he outlined plans to stabilise the failing flag carrier including 6,000 job cuts.
“We are technically bankrupt and that decline of performance started long before the tragic events of 2014,” Christoph Mueller told reporters, referring to two deadly disasters that rocked the airline last year.
Malaysia Airlines took its first major steps today under Mueller, sending termination letters to all of its roughly 20,000 employees, followed by new contracts offered to 14,000 of them.
Mueller had previously initiated turnarounds at Ireland’s Aer Lingus and Belgium’s Sabena that earned him the nickname “The Terminator” for his job-slashing.
Under Mueller, 52, the carrier plans to re-invent itself beginning September 1 with an unspecified new brand image and expected new livery as it seeks to shed the stigma of a disastrous 2014.

In March of last year, Flight MH370 disappeared with 239 passengers and crew aboard and remains missing. Four months later, Flight MH17 was blown out of the sky by a suspected ground-to-air missile over Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board.
The tragedies were the final straw for an airline that analysts say had been poorly managed for years, slipping further into the red.
A state investment fund took it over in a rescue bid late last year, tapping Mueller to take the helm.
Mueller said he planned to stop the bleeding this year, stabilise the business next year, and seek to start growing again by 2017.
Mueller, in an email to staff last month, had warned that a major overhaul was necessary as the airline was weighed down by uncompetitive cost levels 20 per cent higher than its rivals.
Besides cutting staff, Malaysia Airlines is expected to trim unprofitable long-haul routes, but Mueller said those plans could not yet be divulged for competitive reasons. — AFP
Noh Omar’s brother arrested in Sabah over shooting

Malaysia Airlines secara teknikal sudah muflis, kata CEO baharu...
“Kita secara teknikalnya muflis dan prestasi yang merudum telah berlaku sebelum peristiwa tragik sepanjang tahun 2014,” ujar Mueller kepada media, merujuk kepada dua tragedi melibatkan pesawat MAS pada tahun lalu.
Malaysia Airlines mengambil tindakan awal berimpak besar di bawah pengurusan Mueller, apabila daripada 20,000 kakitangan yang diberhentikan hanya 14,000 daripadanya yang diberikan surat tawaran kerja di syarikat baharu.
Dalam sidang media pertamanya itu, beliau secara tidak langsung mengesahkan tentang 6,000 kakitangan MAS yang tidak akan menerima surat tawaran kerja bagi menyertai syarikat MAS NewCo.
Sebelum ini Mueller pernah membuat perubahan drastik bagi mengubah operasi syarikat penerbangan Ireland iaitu Aer Lingus dan syarikat Sabena dari Belgium. Tindakan memberhentikan pekerja telah membuatkan Mueller mendapat jolokan nama ‘The Terminator’.
Untuk masa depan MAS, Mueller membentangkan fasa pemulihan yang bermula pada 1 September nanti dengan imej jenama baharu yang belum didedahkan. Dijangkakan beliau akan mengumumkan suatu perubahan bagi menghapuskan stigma tahun bencana 2014.

Pada Mac tahun lalu, pesawat MH370 telah hilang bersama 239 penumpang dan anak kapal. Empat bulan selepas itu, pesawat MH17 pula ditembak jatuh di ruang udara Ukraine lantas mengorbankan nyawa 298 orang.
Dua tragedi itu merupakan tamparan hebat buat syarikat penerbangan yang menurut analisis memiliki pengurusan yang lemah hingga menjatuhkan prestasinya.
Suntikan dana kerajaan telah dibuat dalam usaha menyelamatkan MAS pada tahun lalu selain melantik Mueller untuk menerajui tugas tersebut.
Mueller berkata, beliau merancang untuk ‘merawat luka’ MAS pada tahun 2015, menstabilkan bisnes pada tahun berikutnya, dan kembali mengalami pertumbuhan pada tahun 2017.
Dalam e-mel yang dihantarkan kepada para pekerjanya bulan lalu, Mueller telah memberi peringatan bahawa perubahan besar perlu dibuat memandangkan syarikat tersebut dibebani paras kos tidak kompetitif yang lebih 20 peratus berbanding pesaingnya.
Selain mengurangkan tenaga kerja, MAS dijangka menghentikan perkhidmatan penerbangan jarak jauh yang tidak mendatangkan keuntungan namun rancangan itu belum dapat diperincikan atas sebab persaingan. - astroawani

Offer letters have no salary details, says Nufam...
The National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (Nufam) is crying foul over Malaysia Airlines' retrenchment exercise which started today.Nufam president Ismail Nasaruddin claimed that the exercise which will see 6,000 out of MAS' 20,000 work force laid off has caused mass confusion and dissatisfaction amongst MAS flight attendants.
''The airline claimed that it would retain only the best and most talented individuals and we can clearly see that this is not happening,'' he told Berita Daily.
''Some individuals have called in because they have been terminated in spite of having spotless service records,'' he added.
He stipulated that the mass rehiring was conducted in a manner which ''lacked any real evaluation'' due to the sheer degree of inconsistency.
He added that those who were issued re-employment offers had also complained to Nufam over the vague and confusing terms and conditions in their offer letter.
''The situation is very worrying at the moment and we are not happy with what we are seeing in the terms and conditions of the offer letters which have been issued,'' he said.
''They have been given a deadline of a week to accept the terms of their employment but the letters do not even state their salaries,'' he said.
''How are these individuals to sign contracts without even knowing that they are going to be paid?'' he said.
''Worse yet, there is no attached form for them to sign should they wish to accept their new job offers,'' he added.
''We have come to realise that each employee has been offered different terms to the other without any justification provided,'' he said.
He stipulated that ''the confusion created by these offer letters'' may have been intended by the management.
''These letters are incredibly long and everybody is swamped by the new terminology in them,'' he said.
The fact that flight attendants had to process these letters whilst on duty only added to the confusion and disgruntlement.
''The situation is very chaotic at the moment, with sentiments starting to flare up,'' he said.
''Furthermore, they have re-adjusted the grades of these employees without providing them with any justification,'' he added.
He said the flight attendants seemed to have been graded on an entirely random basis, in a manner which was “completely all over the place'.
Ismail said that his union members wanted transparency in their terms of termination and re-employment.
''We would like the management of the new company MAB to be transparent when it comes to the mechanisms of evaluation which these flight attendants have been subject to,'' he said.
Ismail said that the findings of Nufam's legal team in regards to these termination and re-employment letters would be revealed at a press conference tomorrow.

Maseu sees no problems
Meanwhile, president of Malaysia Airline System Employee's Union (Maseu) Alias Aziz told Berita Daily that the tenuous day was unfolding without incident.
''So far nothing bad has happened, and there have been no problems,'' he confirmed when asked about the situation on the ground.
Fearing that disgruntled MAS staff would go on strike, he said, ''I have told all the union members not to cause trouble and to voice all their complaints to the union.
''We have instructed all members to work together to ensure that everything runs smoothly, for if they (MAS staff) cause problems, this will only incur further punitive action from the management,'' he said.
Earlier today, the national carrier's new chief executive officer (CEO) Christoph Mueller said MAS has sent termination letters to about 20,000 employees and of the number 6,000 staff will have their contracts terminated while the remainder will be offered employment with the new Malaysia Airlines Bhd.
Previously the MAS management had said that they would be fair and transparent in the retrenchment exercise, and will help their staff in all ways possible if they had faced the chop.
When contacts MAB remained reluctant to disclose anything. - berita daily

Najib lebih promote diri daripada promote BN...
Kalau melihatkan kesungguhan Najib menjelajah seluruh negara akhir2 ini, kita mungkin beranggapan negara sedang berdepan PRU ! Berkempen sakan Najib tapi bukan mempromosikan BN tapi mempromosikan dirinya sendiri selaku anak Bugis yang tidak semudah itu mahu mengaku kalah bila dicabar meletak jawatan oleh seorang tua pencen berumur 90 tahun.
Macam blogger pula gayanya bila dengan megah mencanangkan sekian2 ribu hadir untuk menyambutnya di setiap negeri yang dia singgah. Lain kali sebut lah juga berapa banyak BAS yang turut sama menyambut beliau.
Najib kelihatan lebih seperti anak Bugis yang menggelabah ketakutan daripada seorang pahlawan yang berani berdepan musuh !

Sebut tentang berdepan dengan musuh ...... rasanya Tun Mahathir dah berikan persetujuannya untuk berdepan dengan Najib dalam mana2 majlis debat/forum terbuka, lagi baik kalau boleh disiarkan secara langsung biar semua rakyat dapat lihat.
Anak bugis macamana ? Nak sambut tak ? Atau Najib rasa lebih selamat dengan cara sekarang, komunikasi SATU HALA di mana beliau di atas pentas bercakap tanpa diberi peluang kepada sesiapapun untuk menanya balas ?
Oya, dalam setiap siri jelajah nya, apakah ada sesi sidang akhbar di mana Najib berdepan dengan soalan spontan dari wartawan ?
Najib tak kan berani nya ..... kan , kan ..... walaupun setelah mendapat sokongan ratusan ribu rakyat dalam siri jelajahnya, Najib masih tidak konfiden. Berbeza dengan blogger2 Najib yang konfiden giler dengan 1MDB .... biarpun 1MDB terpaksa bergolok bergadai nak bayar hutang.
Sebab antara soalan pertama yang akan ditanya oleh baik wartawan atau rakyat adalah kluk klek beliau dalam isu Tunai-Aset-Unit dana Cayman yang disimpan di BSI Singapura.

Kenapa Najib selaku Menteri Kewangan masih tidak menjelaskan perkara ini kepada rakyat ? Orang duk tertanya2 dan hairan bagaimana dalam isu sebesar RM4 billion pun SELURUH pegawai Kementerian Kewangan termasuk Menterinya dan juga 1MDB sendiri boleh membiarkan kesilapan itu selama lebih 2 bulan tanpa dibuat pembetulan ? Padahal hampir setiap hari media membicarakan hal itu ... apakah itu pun kena TUNGGU AUDIT! ?
Sekarang sekali lagi 1MDB terpaksa diselamatkan dari kemelut hutang. Kali ini melalui sentuhan Pak Arab. Apa nih ? Jumlah Aset jauh melebihi Liabiliti ? 1MDB tidak ada masalah nak bayar hutang ?
Kemudian dikatakan 1MDB akan dipecahkan ? Hallo, tak nak TUNGGU AUDIT! dulu ke ? Agak2nyalah, bila PAC dah selesai dengan auditnya, masih wujud lagikah 1MDB ni ? - din turtle

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