Support of 107 MPs in hand, 10 more sought for no confidence vote...
Prime Minister Najib Razak's announcement of delaying the Umno party elections by 18 months has set in motion a frenzy of activity by his rivals, who aim to topple him 'before the end of this year'.
The anti-Najib faction in Umno drew first blood when Johor youth leader Khairul Anwar Rahmat resigned from all posts, citing personal reasons.
"The entire country knows apart from the charges (of conspiring with former premier Mahathir Mohamad to embarrass Najib), Khairul also recently supported the Johor Crown Prince who had urged leaders to put the interests of the people first and not the ideology of the party," wrote former minister Zainuddin Maidin in a blog posting that warned of greater turmoil with more Johor leaders poised to resign their posts in sympathy with Khairul.

Kalimullah 'eye-opener'
Khairul's move also drew a response from former NST group editor-in-chief Kalimullah Khairul Hassan - a well-known supporter of another former prime minister, Abdullah Badawi.
"A brave decision. Wish there were more like him in BN," Kalimullah posted on Twitter.
Although Badawi's quiet style is in contrast with the feisty Mahathir's, he is still an influential power-broker in Umno with son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin the national Umno Youth Chief.
While Khairy has made sure to shout out his support for Najib, there are many in Umno who cite the phrase 'still waters run deep' when describing his loyalty to his boss.
Even Home Minister Zahid Hamidi may not stand behind Najib if the furore over the RM42 billion 1MDB financial scandal worsens, they add.
So far within Najib's Cabinet, his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin and Sabah minister Shafie Apdal have openly criticized 1MDB - Najib's brainchild sovereign fund accused of 'losing' RM28 billion of public money.

Will Ku Li rise to the ocassion or FLOP AGAIN - 107 MPs in hand, another 10 to go
Meanwhile, within the Umno faction loyal to Kelantan prince Tengku Razaleigh, confidence is rising that he can finally become PM after a near three-decades wait.
Political insiders tel Malaysia Chronicle, the anti-Najib camp now holds the support of 107 Members of Parliament and are working hard to get another 10 - more than the 6 required, so as to ensure a 'rock solid' ouster.
"The pressure is now on Ku Li. He has been too soft and slow. There is already agreement from the anti-Najib factions in Umno and support from the Opposition for him to be caretaker PM once the no-confidence vote is successfully made," the political source said.
"But Ku Li need to do more - he is too low-profile and too cautious. Time is of essence because with the Umno polls postponed by 18 months, Najib will 'kill off' all his opponents by blocking them from contesting in any seat. His detractors must act fast when the upper hand is so near within reach. Or they will lose it all."
There are 222 seats in Malaysia's federal Parliament and only a simple majority is needed to oust Najib.
UMNO had just announced the postponement of its party election from late-2016 to mid-2018 on Friday.

Civil war in Umno to escalate - Sabah & Johor will be rocked
According to DAP MP for Kluang Liew Ching Tong, the move means that:
'Firstly, Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Razak will cling on to the position of Prime Minister as long as he can.
'UMNO leaders will have to go along with the fact that Najib will be Prime Minister well into the next general election or Najib would only be removed in a very drastic and dramatic manner such as a no-confidence vote in Parliament with a significant number of UMNO MPs crossing the floor.'
'Secondly, after delaying the party polls, Najib will likely embark on a cabinet reshuffle as those who would be dropped would not be able to challenge him in the party election, and they would be dropped as candidates for the general election anyway. Their political careers will be ended before they could fight back in the now postponed party polls.'
'Ministers to be excluded from the next cabinet are likely to be Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Sabahan Shafie Apdal.'
Najib will look for quick kill
'Thirdly, elections could be much earlier than 2018. As long as Najib is sure of victory in the general elections he would by now prefer an earlier election to get rid of dissidents in UMNO and to get more loyalists to contest in the general election.'
'It is now clear to many that if Najib continues to lead UMNO into the next general election, UMNO is at risk of losing power altogether as the Najib brand is by now totally discredited in the various scandals. The longer Najib leads UMNO, the more likely it is that he would drag UMNO with him.'
'There is a huge political vacuum in Malaysian politics that Malaysians of all ethnic groups from all parts of the country are looking for new leadership.'
'Further, with UMNO clinging on to power, a split in UMNO is inevitable. The split will be felt keenly in Johor and Sabah with the potential sackings of Muhyiddin and Shafie from the Cabinet.'
'The DAP must present itself as the party of choice for all in the current state of flux and provide leadership for a nation desperate to move on.' - Malaysia Chronicle

Hadi panggil penentang hudud ‘anjing’...
Pas akan meneruskan agenda untuk melaksanakan undang-undang hudud di Kelantan.
Presidennya Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang menegaskan walaupun terdapat sesetengah pihak yang menolak pelaksanaan undang-undang hudud,parti itu tidak akan berganjak.
Malah mengorak langkah dengan meminda Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) 1965 (Akta 355) bagi membolehkan sebahagian undang-undang hudud dapat dilaksanakan di negeri berkenaan.
“Dalam hal ini, Pas mengambil sikap untuk mengajak manusia secara damai. Pas tak mahu berkelahi. Malangnya ada orang yang nak ajak berkelahi, nak ajak berlawan. Biarlah…biar dia sahaja yang bersuara kita bawa agenda kita. Biar anjing menyalak, serigala menyalak…qabilah berjalan terus sampai ke destinasi,matlamat yang dituju.
“Ini slogan yang kita bawa, salaklah dia nak salak pun. Saya terpaksa sebut perkataan salak ini sebab dia melawan hukum Tuhan. Kita akan terus bawa agenda ini, kita tidak akan berganjak,” katanya pada Ceramah Perdana Kepimpinan Pas Pusat di Markas Tarbiyah PAS negeri, Pongsu Seribu.
Turut hadir Timbalan Presiden Pas Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, Naib Presiden Pas Idris Ahmad, Ketua Penerangan Pas Pusat Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi dan barisan kepimpinan Pas negeri Pulau Pinang.
Abdul Hadi sekali lagi mengulangi bahawa undang-undang hudud bukan untuk menyeksa penjenayah sebaliknya ia bertujuan mendidik penjenayah selain membela mangsa yang dizalimi.
“Sebagai contoh hukuman sebat. Kita tak boleh samakan hukuman sebat yang ada dalam penjara hari ini dengan hukuman sebat dalam Islam di mana sekali sebat bukan kulit sahaja yang pecah isi juga yang pecah.
“Hukuman sebat dalam Islam ini pukul tak boleh sampai memecahkan kulit, tak boleh menyeksa tetapi mendidik penjenayah dan menakutkan bakal penjenayah.
Bunyinya seratus sebatan, tapi sebatannya tidak memecahkan kulit,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Tuan Ibrahim mengingatkan anggota-anggota Pas untuk menjaga setiap tutur kata agar tidak merosakkan nama baik parti yang mempunyai adab,akhlak dan peraturan yang perlu dijaga setiap anggota parti.
“Kita kena ingat bahawa selagi kita ikat diri kita di jalan Islam menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk menjaga nama baik Islam, nama baik jemaah dan perjuangan yang kita bawa.
“Jangan kita tiba-tiba duduk dalam jemaah dan kita mengkritik jemaah yang kita duduk itu. Ia tidak mencerminkan kebaikan akhlak kita kerana seorang yang baik tidak akan keluar daripada mulutnya melainkan kebaikan,” katanya. - fmt
Hadi calls hudud critics 'ANJING'
Gorila ‘Hensem’ Berjaya Pikat Hati Ramai Wanita Di Jepun...
Seekor gorila jantan yang tinggal di Zoo Higasyiyama dan Taman Botanical di Nagoya, Jepun, telah mensensasikan pengguna media sosial kerana ‘kekacakan’ yang dimiliki.
Gorila yang diberi nama Shabani itu telah menjadi viral selepas gambar mukanya tersebar di laman makro twitter.
Menurut sumber, ramai pengunjung wanita yang datang ke zoo itu telah jatuh hati serta terpikat dengan gayanya yang dikatakan sangat hot dan hensem!
Tapi malangnya, Shabani dikatakan sudah berpunya dan memiliki dua ekor pasangan, Ai dan Nene serta anak yang diberi nama Kiyomasie dan Annie.

Shabani telah dibesarkan di Zoo Taronga di Sydney dan telah berpindah ke Jepun pada tahun 2007.
Pihak zoo juga menyatakan kerana tarikan yang ada pada Shabani, pengunjung wanita di zoo itu telah meningkat.
Jurucakap zoo itu, Takayushi Ishikawa menyatakan populariti yang diperolehi oleh Shabani tidak dijangka sama sekali.
“Shabani menyedari akan populariti yang diperolehinya tetapi gorila itu tetap berkelakuan seperti biasa,” katanya kepada sumber.
Tengok sahaja gambar-gambar yang telah diambil, bukan main fotogenik lagi Shabani, macam mana perempuan tak terpikat! - MYNEWSHUB.CC

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