Tahukah Anda?
Almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar telah menandatangani satu perjanjian antara Kerajaan Johor dengan Kerajaan British yang dinamakan PERJANJIAN SETIA 1885. Pada masa itu, Johor dikenali sebagai sebuah Negeri yang merdeka dan berdaulat. Pemerintahan Baginda diteruskan oleh anakandanya Almarhum Sultan Ibrahim
Pada tahun 1946, satu perjanjian persekutuan telah dibuat diantara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dengan Kerajaan Johor dimana perjanjian tersebut adalah untuk membentuk sebuah kerajaan yang merdeka. Kerajaan Johor bersetuju untuk menandatangani perjanjian tersebut dengan mengenakan beberapa syarat antaranya:-
1. Agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi negeri
2. Air dan Tanah Negeri Johor adalah hak mutlak Kerajaan Johor dan tidak boleh dicuit tanpa kebenaran Kerajaan Negeri.
3. Askar Timbalan Setia Negeri Johor (ATSN) tidak boleh dibubarkan.
4. Perlembagaan Negeri Johor tidak boleh diusik serta kuasa kerajaan negeri Johor adalah terletak diatas tangan Sultan Johor.
Sekiranya mana-mana syarat tersebut dilanggar maka JOHOR akan terkeluar daripada MALAYSIA.
Sumber: Kesultanan Johor
Johor Ugut Keluar dari Malaysia...
Isnin lalu, laman Facebook Harimau Selatan memuat naik sebuah info mengenai negeri Johor yang memetik perjanjian antara Kerajaan Johor dengan Kerajaan British yang dinamakan Perjanjian Setia 1885.
Ekoran itu, segelintir besar netizen yang berasal dari Johor pula menyuarakan untuk keluar dari Malaysia.
"Kita buat negara sendiri lagi bagus. Politik negara semakin tenat. Tempiasnya dapat kat kita semua," - Ramli Nin.
Tindakan pengendali laman Harimau Selatan memuat naik info berkenaan didakwa netizen sebagai ugutan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia berikutan perbalahan di antara Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz dengan Tengku Mahkota Johor, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim (TMJ).
Datuk Seri Nazri minggu lalu memberikan amaran agar TMJ tidak mencampuri urusan politik atau dibelasah jika berbuat demikian. Namun, dengan sinisnya TMJ membalas,
"Ramai orang di Putrajaya nak belasah saya,".
Perbalahan ini sepatutnya berakhir apabila TMJ menegur menteri berkenaan melalui 'Mesej Untuk Rakyat Malaysia'.
Namun kedegilan Nazri pula mahu memanjangkan hal ini dengan membalas kenyataan TMJ.
Bagaimanapun, usahlah dipanjangkan lagi hal remeh temeh ini. Nazri sepatutnya berdiam diri dan mana-mana laman pro negeri Johor juga tidak perlu mengeruhkan lagi keadaan. Malaysia ditubuhkan berikutan persetujuan pemimpin-pemimpin terdahulu, jadi usahlah kita memecah-belahkan masyarakt di negara ini. - TheHypemedia
Langgar perjanjian, Johor terkeluar dari Malaysia...
Ketika Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim bertelagah dengan seorang menteri, adindanya Tunku Idris pula memuat naik tulisan berkaitan perjanjian bersama dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.
Perjanjian itu, dalam status di Instragram pada Ahad itu, antaranya menyebut Johor setuju menandatangani perjanjian 1946 itu dengan mengenakan beberapa syarat.
“Sekiranya mana-mana daripada syarat-syarat tersebut dilanggar, maka terkeluarlah Johor daripada Malaysia,” menurut tulisan dimuat naik itu.
Syarat-syarat itu, menurut tulisan itu, Islam menjadi agama negeri, air dan tanah negeri menjadi hak mutlak Johor serta askar timbalan setia tidak boleh dibubarkan.
Selain itu, perlembagaan negeri Johor tidak boleh diusik dan kuasanya terletak pada tangan sultan.
Tulisan itu juga menyebut, Johor dikenali sebagai negeri yang merdeka dan berdaulat ketika menandatangani Perjanjian Setia 1885 dengan British.
Hanya butiran perjanjian
Tiada sebarang status dimuat naik oleh Tunku Idris selain gambar butiran perjanjian itu.
Mengulas perkara itu, pengguna maya menyentuh pelbagai isu daripada kemungkinan Johor keluar Malaysia dan ada juga yang berharap baginda dapat bertenang.
Dalam perkembangan terbaru, status itu kini dikesan tiada lagi dalam laman sosial itu.
Nazri antaranya berkata baginda tidak harus campur tangan dalam hal politik atau bersedia untuk 'dibelasah'.
Tunku Ismail sebelum itu mengkritik Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak kerana tidak hadir dalam dialog terus terang Notihing2Hide bersama NGO yang disertai Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Najib mengambil tindakan itu setelah dinasihatkan polis dengan mengambil kira faktor keselamatan. - mk

Now younger prince's post raises eyebrows...
As his brother, Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, came under fire from a federal minister, younger brother Tunku Idris posted an eyebrow-raising image on Instagram.
The image was purportedly that of Johor's agreement to becoming part of the Federation of Tanah Melayu.
The Sunday posting came a day after Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz warned Tunku Ismail not to meddle in politics or risk being "whacked".
The image posted by Tunku Idris stated that the late Sultan Abu Bakar inked the 'Perjanjian Setia' in 1885 between the Johor government and British government.
"At the time Johor was known as the independent and sovereign state of Johor.
"In 1946, the Johor government agreed to sign the Perjanjian Persekutuan with the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, by imposing several conditions, including Islam as the official religion of the state, the land in Johor being the absolute right of the Johor government and cannot be disturbed without the agreement of the Johor government, the Askar Timbalan Setia Negeri cannot be disbanded, as well as the power of the Johor government being in the hands of the sultan.
"If any of the conditions are violated, Johor will be out of Malaysia [sic]."
There was no title or caption with regard to the 28-year-old prince's posting, but other Instagram users touched on the issue of secession.
Some of the comments ranged from agreeing to Johor quitting the Federation, while others urged the young prince to keep calm.
Yesterday, some 2,000 Johoreans staged a rally outside the Istana Bukit Serene in support of the royal family and called for Nazri’s resignation.
The minister, however, has refused to back down. - mk

Bekas pemimpin PAS dirai...
Malaysia akan menyaksikan muafakat politik baharu tidak lama lagi selepas 18 pemimpin PAS yang disingkirkan dalam muktamar baru-baru ini melancarkan perhimpunan pertama mereka di Muar, Johor malam tadi.
Kumpulan dikenali G-18 itu bermesyuarat sesama mereka kira-kira jam 6 petang di sebuah hotel dan pada jam 9 hingga 12 malam, mereka berucap di hadapan kira-kira 3,000 penyokong, jumlah dianggap besar untuk satu ceramah politik di Johor.
Hampir semua mereka hadir kecuali Datuk Husam Musa yang tidak berapa sihat dan Dr Syed Azman Ahmad Nawawi yang berada di luar negara.
Antaranya, bekas timbalan presiden Mohamad Sabu, juga dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu, bekas naib presiden Salahudin Ayub, bekas ketua penerangan Datuk Mahfuz Omar, bekas bendahari Asmuni Awi, bekas pengarah pilihan raya Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli, bekas ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof, Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin, Mohamed Hanipa Maidin, Khalid Samad, Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar, Zulkifli Mohamad Omar, serta ramai lagi.
Pengarah perhimpunan, Mazlan Aliman, merupakan satu-satunya anggota kumpulan progresif yang menang dalam pemilihan AJK PAS Pusat baru-baru ini. Mazlan melepaskan jawatan itu Isnin lepas.
Ketika berkumpul di Johor, pihak yang menang pula berhimpun di kubu mereka di Rusila, Marang. Namun begitu, ia tidak disertai Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang yang berada di luar negara dan timbalannya, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man yang mempunyai program tersendiri di Jengka, Pahang.
“Saya yakin muafakat politik kali ini akan bermula di selatan, dia akan naik ke utara. Johor menjadi tapak bermulanya perjuangan era baru di Malaysia ini,” kata Mat Sabu, pemimpin yang paling senior di kalangan mereka yang kalah itu.
Pada sidang media selepas itu, Mat Sabu berkata, mereka akan melihat situasinya dahulu sebelum memutuskan langkah seterusnya sama ada menubuhkan parti baharu.
“Kita belum fikir parti baharu lagi, kita akan lihat sokongan rakyat dahulu kepada beberapa pilihan yang kita ada, sama ada parti baharu, kekal dalam parti lama, NGO atau sertai parti politik yang ada,” katanya tidak mahu mengikat hala tuju perjuangan mereka.
Selepas Muar, mereka akan bergerak ke seluruh negara, Temerloh, Pahang akan menjadi destinasi kedua mereka pada 26 Jun ini.
Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof ketika ditemui The Malaysian Insider di majlis itu yakin gerakan baharu tersebut melibatkan semua pihak yang mempunyai cita-cita sama bagi membela rakyat negara ini dan mengambil alih Putrajaya.
“Kita akan pastikan semua pihak berada dalam satu wadah untuk perjuangan ini,” katanya.
Di samping kumpulan G-18 ini, pihak lain yang berminat menubuhkan parti politik baharu ialah Persatuan Ummah Sejahtera Malaysia (PasMa) yang sebelum ini membuat keputusan mengambil inisiatif tersebut.
Di samping itu, Ikram Malaysia juga difahamkan menyatakan minat untuk bersama mereka, di samping Wadah, iaitu NGO yang menghimpunkan bekas pemimpin kanan Abim.
Jadual pimpinan G-18 penuh dengan pertemuan dengan pelbagai pihak yang berminat bersama mereka.
Ia akan bekerjasama dengan PKR dan DAP yang bersama dengan PAS sebelum ini dalam Pakatan Rakyat (PR) yang kini berkubur.
Mat Sabu sudah beberapa kali menegaskan akan terus bersama dengan parti dalam PR sebelum ia diumumkan Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng sebagai tidak wujud lagi semalam.
Dalam ceramah pertama beliau di Kota Baru Ahad lepas selepas tidak lagi memegang apa-apa jawatan dalam PAS, Mat Sabu tegas menolak mereka yang mahu berbaik-baik dengan Umno.
“Jangan siapa niat nak bantu Umno kekalkan Putrajaya, Abang Mat akan lawan habis-habisan kali ini… No, no, no,” katanya disambut dengan takbir oleh orang ramai yang hadir.
Halangan terbesar mereka adalah bagaimana memujuk ahli PAS yang berjumlah satu juta orang itu menyertai mereka. – tmi
PAS tak boleh sendirian jika mahu tumbangkan BN
Feeling 'chased out', Mat Sabu ponders future...
Defeated former PAS deputy chief Mohamed Sabu's said his political future is uncertain as he felt "chased out" at the party's 61st muktamar in Selangor last week.
He likened the situation at the muktamar in Selangor to "ethnic cleansing" only this time the targeted group was of professionals and pro-Pakatan leaders who contested in the party's biannual polls.
Mat Sabu and his faction were wiped out at the polls by the more conservative and hardline ulama faction aligned to PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang (photo).
He will be reflecting deeply about the matter and consulting his supporters and grass roots during Ramadan, which begins tomorrow.
He also said discussions are going on regarding how professionals can contribute to the struggle for change, and this includes the possibility of forming new party.
Mat Sabu said he has three options - to continue in PAS as an ordinary member, to actively join an NGO or to consider joining a new setup in line with the spirit of Pakatan.
"I have lost several times in the elections before. I only managed to win the deputy chief post after two attempts but even when I lost in the past, I continued to be active in PAS as winning or losing is a normal process," he told Malaysiakini in an interview in Butterworth today.
"This time however I felt that the outcome of the party polls was odd and strange," said the former Penang PAS commissioner.
"Many of those who won and elected into the central committee are those only active at district or state level, usually those who won are quite popular nationally. Even I do not know who they are in this new lineup," he quipped.
Mat Sabu said he felt as if the professionals or pro Pakatan leaders who contested for posts in PAS has been chased away by the party delegates, engineered by the top leadership.
"Indeed, this is a very sad episode," he brooded.
'Mistake to work with UMNO'
Mat Sabu said it would definitely be a mistake for PAS to work with Umno as the people would never support the idea as the time has come for multiracial politics.
He attributed his popularity to his politics and personality which are accepted by all communities including members of DAP and PKR.
"Umno used hudud to break up Pakatan, knowing very well DAP would be against its implementation," said the former Pokok Sena MP.
"An officer from the Prime Minister's Department kept pressuring Hadi to table the private members bill in Parliament," Mat Sabu claimed.
"Umno is never really interested in implementing hudud and this is evident from the fact that Hadi's private members bill was tabled but had no chance to be debated in Parliament," he said.
"Even Hadi knows that. He is in Tokyo today although it is the last day of Parliament proceedings."
Mat Sabu said whichever platform he chose in the future, he will continue to fight Umno to its death.
He said Umno cannot be allowed to govern as it cannot guarantee the country's security anymore.
"They can find me no matter where I am to arrest me but they do not know about the 139 Rohingya graves in Wang Kelian, Perlis? And they cannot stop tourists and locals being kidnapped in Sabah?" he queried. - mk

Pakatan Collapse: Victory to a Jaded Regime (UMNO)...
Pakatan was something we put so much hope into, and it truly is disappointing to see it collapse under the weight of egotism and stubbornness. If there is any good in all this, it is that PAS and its flirting will no longer be a part of the opposition picture.
The question on everyone’s mind now is: what comes next?
After months of passive-aggressive sniping between DAP and PAS, the DAP has announced that Pakatan Rakyat, once seen as Malaysia’s brightest hope for replacing the jaded regime, is now no more. The loss of the first formidable opposition coalition in Malaysian politics will certainly be disappointing news to the many Malaysians who voted for an alternative to Barisan Nasional and leaves a huge power vacuum in the country’s political structure.
DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng proclaimed that a broad coalition will be formed with Pakatan’s original objectives in mind. Perhaps this cushions the disappointment somewhat, but it misses the symbolism of Pakatan as a focal point of hope, and this new grouping will have to deal with having to start from the ground up.
To some, the news comes as incredibly bitter, and it will be a long time before any opposition politician regains their trust. After all, what then were all the rallies for? For what were we beaten in the streets and chased by the Police? For whom did we march out late at night to prevent any chicanery that may affect the outcome of the election?
The worst part of all this is that the only winner is UMNO. For years, it predicted that PR would fall apart due to the incongruity in the ideologies of PAS and DAP, and it has been proven right. There will be some who argue that UMNO was the hidden hand behind the dissolution of PR.
Indeed, it was UMNO’s constant flirtations with a unity government alongside PAS that proved to be a major wrench in the works. However, the Pakatan parties only have themselves to blame, with PAS taking the bait, the DAP reacting harshly against the ulama faction in PAS, and PKR unable to stand as intermediary between the two.
In truth, many did expect the clash of ideologies to come to a head sooner than it has. DAP’s and PAS’ mission statements were too incongruous, and with Anwar Ibrahim imprisoned, there was no viable mediator between the two to smooth ruffled feathers and to tell both sides to stand down.
So where will DAP, PAS, and PKR go now? Well, one imagines that DAP and PKR will stick with each other, as PAS has been the only party to be openly untrustworthy, especially with its constant flirting with UMNO.
In the new partnership, DAP would arguably be dominant, considering that it holds the most parliamentary seats. With PasMa looking to splinter off from the ulama-dominated PAS, it is likely that the progressives from the Islamist party will find their way back to the coalition, whatever it may be called after this.
Lim Guan Eng’s declaration that the DAP will push Azmin Ali to reframe the Selangor state government with a “new, functioning coalition” affirms the narrative that DAP will look to continue alongside PKR, and also move to cut off all support to PAS within the state. Essentially, the DAP is looking to cut PAS off from any real power outside of its home base of Kelantan, and assuming Azmin is on board, PAS may well find itself irrelevant in Selangor.
The Mad Mullah
PAS’ future is hard to predict. It has lost the confidence of the non-Muslim vote, as many PR supporters voted for a far more progressive iteration of PAS. UMNO may be open to the idea of cooperating, but whether Barisan Nasional wishes to is another issue.
Regardless of UMNO’s dominance, its Barisan partners are none too fond of PAS. In one likely scenario, PAS retreats to Kelantan and continues modelling the state into its desired form.
Pakatan was something we put so much hope into, and it truly is disappointing to see it collapse under the weight of egotism and stubbornness.
If there is any good in all this, it is that PAS and its flirting will no longer be a part of the opposition picture. The question on everyone’s mind now is: what comes next? - Scott Ng,fmt

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