1. Prime Minister says Dr M (that’s me) is behind the crisis.
2. Saya boleh mengakui bahawa sayalah di sebalik krisis ini. Sayalah di sebalik semua ini kerana terdapat suasana ketakutan di negara ini.
2. I will admit that I am behind the “crisis”. I am behind it because there is a climate of fear in this country.
3. Ramai orang tahu 1MDB kerugian berbilion ringgit. Mereka tahu kerana mereka telah menyaksikan bukti kerugian tersebut. Tetapi mereka takut kerana tindakan yang diambil oleh Kerajaan adalah dengan menentang mereka. Mereka mungkin kehilangan kerja, kontrak atau pangkat dsb.
3. Lots of people know about the loss of billions of Ringgit by 1MDB. These people are in a position to know because they have seen evidence of this loss. But they are afraid because of actions which the Government can take against them. They may lose their jobs, or contracts or expectations of titles etc.
4. Jadi mereka datang memberitahu saya. Mereka meminta saya untuk melakukan “sesuatu”. Setelah sekian lama saya bertahan kerana saya tahu jika saya mendedahkan perbuatan salah laku 1MDB, ia akan membuatkan Perdana Menteri dipersoalkan.
4. So they come to tell me. And they ask me to “do something”. For a long time I desisted because I know if I reveal the wrong doings of 1MDB, it will lead to the Prime Minister being questioned.
5. Saya telah cuba melakukannya secara tertutup. Tetapi tidak berkesan. Saya telah memberitahu Perdana Menteri bahawa saya tidak lagi menyokong beliau. Tidak berkesan.
5. I had tried to do it privately. But there was no result. I told the Prime Minister I no longer supported him. No result.
6. Oleh itu, saya perlu buat dengan cara terbuka. Najib telah memusnahkan UMNO dan BN. Saya sedar dia bakal kalah dalam pilihanraya akan datang. Kemudian seluruh negara bakal menghadapi kekacauan kerana tiada parti yang mempunyai majoriti untuk mentadbir negara.
6. So I had to go public. Najib has destroyed UMNO and BN. I know he would lose the next election. And then the whole country will see turmoil as no party, would have the majority to run the country.
7. Pembangkang tidak mampu kerana mereka bertelagah sesama sendiri. Kerajaan Pakatan akan lemah dan tidak stabil.
7. The opposition cannot because they would be quarrelling among themselves. A Pakatan Government would be weak and unstable.
8. Tanpa sebuah Kerajaan yang kuat, negara ini akan menjadi anarki. Krisis yang akan bersama dengan pemerintahan anarki akan lebih teruk.
8. Without a strong Government this country would become anarchic. The crisis that would accompany the anarchic situation would be worse.
9. Jadi saya memutuskan untuk membuat pendedahan tentang salah laku 1MDB yang mana diketuai oleh Perdana Menteri.
9. So I decided to expose the wrong-doings of 1MDB of which the Prime Minister is effectively the head.
10. Adakah terdapat krisis? Ya, ada. Ini disebabkan oleh Perdana Menteri yang telah membuatkan 1MDB meminjam jumlah wang yang begitu besar dan kehilangan berbilion-bilion ringgit.
10. Is there a crisis? There is. It is caused by the Prime Minister creating 1MDB borrowing huge sums of money and losing billions of Ringgit.
11. Krisis ini boleh ditamatkan segera jika Perdana Menteri meletakkan jawatan dan membenarkan siasatan menyeluruh terhadap pinjaman RM42billion oleh 1MDB. Selagi Perdana Menteri masih disitu, siasatan rapi tidak boleh dibuat. Kita telah melihat bukan sahaja laporan polis dibuat terhadap 1MDB dan Jho Low tidak disiasat, bahkan orang yang melaporkan perkara ini telah diisytiharkan bankrap, rumahnya dirampas dan dijual malah beliau pula disiasat kerana penggubahan wang haram dan membiayai pengganas. Mahkamah telah memutuskan beliau bukanlah muflis.
11. The crisis can be ended immediately if the Prime Minister resigns and allow a full investigation to be made on the RM42 billion borrowed by 1MDB. As long as the Prime Minister is there, no proper investigation can be made. Already we are seeing not only are reports to the police on 1MDB and Jho Low not being investigated, but the person who made the report being declared a bankrupt, his house confiscated and sold and he himself being investigated for money laundering and financing terrorists. The court has decided he is not bankrupt.
12. Jika tidak ada jenayah dikesan dan kesemua wang dikembalikan, Najib boleh kembali menjadi Perdana Menteri dan memimpin BN pada pilihanraya akan datang.
12. If no crimes can be detected and all the money is returned, Najib can come back as Prime Minister and lead BN in the next election.
13. Menuduh saya bertanggungjawab terhadap krisis ini, Najib seolah-olah menyatakan bahawa marilah kita semua menerima kehilangan wang berbilion ringgit ini dan menganggap tidak ada-apa yang berlaku. Melihat daripada minat dan keprihatinan yang ditunjukkan oleh rakyat di atas kerugian yang dialami 1MDB, perkara ini tidak boleh diabaikan. Orang-orang yang bertanggungjawab mesti disiasat dan jika didapati bersalah, mereka mesti dihukum.
13. By accusing me of being responsible for the crisis, Najib is saying let us accept the disappearance of the billions of Ringgit and behave as if nothing wrong has been done. From the interest and concern shown by the people over the losses suffered by 1MDB, the matter cannot just be ignored. The people responsible must be investigated and if found guilty, they must be punished.
14. Krisis mungkin terhasil, tetapi adakah kita boleh membiarkan pencuri mencuri berbilion-bilion ringgit bagi mengelakkan krisis.
14. A crisis may be the result but should we allow thieves to steal billions of Ringgit in order to avoid a crisis. - chedet
Dr M: Crisis better than thieves stealing billions
Once again, Arul accused of doing the 1MDB twist...
1MDB president Arul Kanda has received a chiding from a DAP lawmaker over what the latter described as another attempt to mislead the public on the debt-laden firm.
This is after Arul denied Tony Pua's claim that 1MDB's management had not allowed Deloitte to commence an audit of the company's accounts for the financial year ending March 31, 2015.
"The board and management of 1MDB met Deloitte as early as February 2015 to discuss commencement of an audit after the financial year end of 31 March 2015.
"In fact, the audit of a major 1MDB subsidiary, Edra Global Energy Bhd, has already commenced and is well under way," Arul had said.
"He claimed that the audit of a major 1MDB subsidiary, Edra Global Energy Bhd, has already commenced and is well under way.
"I asked about the holding company, 1MDB, where all the controversy over its funds, cash flow problems and alleged misappropriations lie, but Arul tells us that the audit has commenced on its subsidiary," he said in a statement today.
This is not the first time Arul had been criticised for making such statements.
Drubbing from The Edge
Last Monday, The Edge Media Group publisher Ho Kay Tat criticised Arul for a non-answer over a report about how billionaire Jho Low used US$260 million of 1MDB's cash to buy UBG Bank in 2010.
Arul had said the 1MDB board categorically denied approving any transfer of funds to third parties, other than to the intended beneficiary.
However, Ho said the The Edge's report never alleged 1MDB transferred funds to third parties.
US$260 million of the amount was then channelled to Jho Low's Javace Sdn Bhd to buy UBG Bank.
"It is bad enough that 1MDB has not been very transparent in keeping the public informed of its operations, but what is worse is that when it does say something, it always does not address the questions at hand," said Ho.
Two different processes
In the latest case, Pua said Arul failed to address the question on when the statutory audit of 1MDB would commence.
He argued that the ongoing audit by the Auditor-General's Department is not an excuse not to conduct the statutory audit, which is a requirement under the Company's Act 1965.
"These are two different and independent processes which surely a multi-billion ringgit public-interest company cannot afford to neglect.
"Any breach of the Act is serious enough to dictate imprisonment of five years or a RM30,000 fine 'if any director of a company fails to comply or take all reasonable steps to secure compliance by the company… has by his own wilful act been the cause of any default by the company thereunder, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act'," he added.
He said the norm was to start the audit three to four months before the financial year ends (March 31, 2015) but 1MDB has yet to commence its statutory audit more than two months after the date.
"Given the size and complexity of the company, it is once again assured that 1MDB will be late for the submission of its financial statements to the Companies Commission," Pua added. - mk
Pejabat pegawai Shahidan di parlimen terbakar...
Berlaku kebakaran kecil di tingkat 15, bangunan parlimen awal pagi ini yang disedari selepas air penyembur automatik pencegah kebakaran membanjiri kawasan itu.
Ketua Pentadbir Parlimen Awang Alek Jeman berkata kebakaran itu disyaki berlaku semasa kakitangan dan pegawai Parlimen tiada di bangunan itu, lapor BNBBC.my.
Apabila pemeriksaan dibuat, katanya, terdapat kesan kebakaran di bilik setiausaha sulit Pejabat Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim.
Portal itu juga melaporkan Awang Alek sebagai amat bersyukur kerana sistem air penyembur automatik pencegahan kebakaran di tingkat itu berjaya memadamkan kebakaran itu.
Bagaimanapun pihak bomba juga telah dihubungi untuk membuat siasatan lanjut bagi mengetahui punca kebakaran.- mk
Why is Dr M found 'guilty' only now

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