Bendera DAP dibakar di perkarangan bangunan Komtar, yang menempatkan pejabat kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang, hari ini.
Insiden itu berlaku apabila kira-kira 50 ahli dan penyokong Umno yang diketuai setiausaha Umno Pulau Pinang, Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir pergi ke sana untuk menyerahkan memorandum kepada Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (MBPP).
Protes itu adalah sebagai tindak balas terhadap keputusan majlis tempatan itu meruntuhkan papan tanda di Menara Umno.
Turut sama ialah Ketua Pemuda Umno negeri, Rafizal Abdul Rahim; Ketua Bahagian Permatang Pauh, Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said; Ketua Bahagian Tanjong, Ahmad Ibnihajar dan Ketua PERKASA Pulau Pinang, Mohd Rizuad Belia Mohd Azudin.
Insiden itu berlaku apabila kira-kira 50 ahli dan penyokong Umno yang diketuai setiausaha Umno Pulau Pinang, Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir pergi ke sana untuk menyerahkan memorandum kepada Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (MBPP).
Protes itu adalah sebagai tindak balas terhadap keputusan majlis tempatan itu meruntuhkan papan tanda di Menara Umno.
Turut sama ialah Ketua Pemuda Umno negeri, Rafizal Abdul Rahim; Ketua Bahagian Permatang Pauh, Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said; Ketua Bahagian Tanjong, Ahmad Ibnihajar dan Ketua PERKASA Pulau Pinang, Mohd Rizuad Belia Mohd Azudin.

Sebelum Musa dan pemimpin yang lain sampai ke tingkat tiga tiga di mana terletaknya pintu masuk ke pejabat pentadbiran kerajaan negeri, anggota keselamatan telah pun menutup pintu besi di situ.
Tindakan itu menimbulkan kemarahan beberapa orang penyokong, yang kemudiannya menjerit dan menghentak pintu itu.
Selepas rundingan diadakan, Musa dan beberapa yang lain dibenarkan masuk.
Rafizal pula melaungkan mengapa wakil lambat keluar untuk menerima memorandum mereka, sedangkan dakwanya, mereka begitu cepat memusnahkan papan tanda Umno.
Apabila Lai Hon Meng - pembantu kepada Exco kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang bagi kerajaan tempatan, Chow Kon Yeow - mahu menerima memorandum itu bagi pihak kerajaan negeri, Musa enggan menyerahkannya, dan berkata mereka tidak mahu berurusan dengan beliau.
Sambil menegaskan bahawa mereka menghormatinya, Musa berkata ia bukan perkara politik dan mereka mahu bercakap terus dengan pentadbiran MBPP - sama ada Datuk Bandar atau wakilnya.
Berikutan itu, pegawai keselamatan MBPP Mohd Feroze Md Noor menerima memorandum tersebut.- mk
Tindakan itu menimbulkan kemarahan beberapa orang penyokong, yang kemudiannya menjerit dan menghentak pintu itu.
Selepas rundingan diadakan, Musa dan beberapa yang lain dibenarkan masuk.
Rafizal pula melaungkan mengapa wakil lambat keluar untuk menerima memorandum mereka, sedangkan dakwanya, mereka begitu cepat memusnahkan papan tanda Umno.
Apabila Lai Hon Meng - pembantu kepada Exco kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang bagi kerajaan tempatan, Chow Kon Yeow - mahu menerima memorandum itu bagi pihak kerajaan negeri, Musa enggan menyerahkannya, dan berkata mereka tidak mahu berurusan dengan beliau.
Sambil menegaskan bahawa mereka menghormatinya, Musa berkata ia bukan perkara politik dan mereka mahu bercakap terus dengan pentadbiran MBPP - sama ada Datuk Bandar atau wakilnya.
Berikutan itu, pegawai keselamatan MBPP Mohd Feroze Md Noor menerima memorandum tersebut.- mk
UMNO members torch DAP flag...
A DAP flag was torched at the ground level of Komtar, which houses the Penang state government office, today.
The incident happened when some 50 Umno members and supporters led by Penang Umno secretary Musa Sheikh Fadzir went there to submit a memorandum to the Penang Island City Council (MBPP).
The protest was in retaliation to the local council's decision to tear down the Menara Umno signboard.
Also present were Penang Umno Youth chief Rafizal Abdul Rahim, Permatang Pauh division chief Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said, Tanjong division chief Ahmad Ibnihajar and Penang Perkasa Youth chief Mohd Rizuad Mohd Azudin.
Before Musa and other leaders reached level three where the state government's administration office entrance is located, security personnel had shut the metal door.
This angered some supporters, who then shouted and banged on the door.

After negotiation, Musa and a few others were allowed to enter.
Rafizal then shouted: "Why are the reps so slow to come out (to receive our memorandum), while they are fast in destroying our signboard."
When Penang state exco for local government Chow Kon Yeow's assistant Lai Hon Meng wanted to accept the memorandum on behalf of the state government, Musa refused, saying they did not want to deal with him.
"We respect you, but this is not political and we want to talk to the city council's administration directly. Either the mayor or her representative," he added.
Following this, MBPP security officer Mohd Feroze Md Noor accepted the memorandum. - mk
Rafizal then shouted: "Why are the reps so slow to come out (to receive our memorandum), while they are fast in destroying our signboard."
When Penang state exco for local government Chow Kon Yeow's assistant Lai Hon Meng wanted to accept the memorandum on behalf of the state government, Musa refused, saying they did not want to deal with him.
"We respect you, but this is not political and we want to talk to the city council's administration directly. Either the mayor or her representative," he added.
Following this, MBPP security officer Mohd Feroze Md Noor accepted the memorandum. - mk
If you’re a frequent traveller and you love to travel by train, here’s some good news for you.
It has been reported that the latest electric train service (ETS) linking Kuala Lumpur and Butterworth via Ipoh is expected to start operating in July.
According to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, he expects full passenger service to commence next month. So instead of travelling to Penang from KL by driving or flying, you can soon opt to take the ETS.
“On July 9, I will personally head to Batu Gajah in Perak to attend a trial run with other government officials to check on the Ipoh-Butterworth trains. Only after that, I will announce the important details of this new route, such as the schedule and the fares,” said Liow.
Three Things You Need To Know About The ETS
1. The top speed for trains currently is 140 kph.
2. According to this website, the train will shortens travel time between Kuala Lumpur and Butterworth Penang to just 3 hours.
3. The ETS sets are manufactured by China-based train-making company named CSR Zhuzhou, which built the Class 92 trains for KTMB’s Komuter line. The train will be able to transport up to 350 passengers.
This is certainly a good news for working professions and students who stay in Klang Valley. Facebook user, Munwai Cheaw mentioned that he prefers the ETS because the train is clean, punctual, fast, and safer.

“It’s also cheaper than driving if you’re travelling alone. Of course in a group, driving is cheaper. Onboard WiFi doesn’t really work that well, and data coverage along the track is spotty at some sections as compared to PLUS highway. Still, a good option for most travellers, as long as you have transportation at your destination.”
While most people are excited about the train, some people are not happy that the train launched was delayed, at least this is what another Facebook user, Michael thinks.
“Initially said starting this month. Then now next month. Let’s hope no more further delays,” Michael Lee Gao Loong said.
One thing for sure, speaking from a Penangite’s perspective, this is definitely a step forward for the transportation industry in our country. And those holiday seasons? You will soon have an option to skip dull traffic jams. - vulcanpost

Mampukah Khalid Samad mempertahankan Shah Alam di PRU14...
Dalam PRU13 pada tahun 2013, Khalid Samad, salah seorang pemimpin progresif daripada PAS, berjaya mempertahankan kerusi parlimen Shah Alam yang dimenanginya lima tahun sebelum itu dengan mengalahkan calon BN Zulkifli Noordin dengan majoriti melebihi 10,000 undi.
Sesetengah penganalisa percaya ianya langsung tidak mengejutkan memandangkan Zulkifli, seorang peguam yang juga ahli politik yang berasal dari Kedah, telah mencetuskan kontroversi apabila sebuah rakaman video beliau menghina kepercayaan Hindu telah tersebar meluas sebelum pilihan raya bermula.
Pada hakikatnya, bandar itu yang terdiri daripada berbilang bangsa, meskipun majoriti muslim Melayu, telah menyaksikan konflik ketegangan kaum, politik dan agama selama tujuh tahun kebelakangan ini.
Satu insiden yang melibatkan beberapa kumpulan Melayu berhaluan kanan mengarak kepala lembu di bangunan Setia Usaha Kerajaan negeri pada Ogos 2009 untuk memprotes pemindahan kuil Hindu berusia 150 tahun, yang kemudiannya, mencetuskan kemarahan meluas daripada kumpulan-kumpulan Hindu dan lain-lain.
Dua belas orang kemudian telah didenda RM1,000 seorang kerana berhimpun secara haram oleh Mahkamah Seksyen di sini dengan salah seorang dari mereka dijatuhkan hukuman penjara selama seminggu.
Secara keseluruhannya, Shah Alam, yang merangkumi 54 seksyen termasuklah Kota Kemuning dan Bukit Rimau di tenggara pusat bandar itu, dan TTDI Jaya, Bukit Jelutong dan juga Kampung Melayu Subang di utara, adalah tempat yang aman untuk didiami.
Bermula dengan Seksyen 1 yang sekarang ini diduduki oleh kampus utama Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), ibu negeri itu pastinya telah melalui perubahan yang besar.
Universiti awam yang sebahagian besarnya Melayu, pula sebaliknya, berharap sesetengah perkara kekal sama.
Pada Ogos 2008, UiTM telah menjadi tajuk-tajuk utama akhbar apabila 5,000 orang pelajarnya berarak ke Setia Usaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor sebagai protes menentang MB Selangor pada ketika itu Abdul Khalid Ibrahim kerana mencadangkan universiti itu membuka pintunya untuk menerima 10 peratus kemasukan pelajar bukan Bumiputra.
“Jika Khalid Ibrahim tidak menarik balik kenyataan beliau, semua pelajar UiTM akan membuat perhimpunan besar di Shah Alam. Kami berharap isu kuota bukan Bumiputra tidak lagi akan dibincang,” Bernama memetik seorang wakil pelajar sebagai berkata.
Kemudian pada Oktober 2014, satu lagi kontroversi tercetus berikutan sebuah papan iklan mengiklankan festival arak Jerman Oktoberfest yang dilangsungkan sepanjang Jalan Subang, Seksyen U2.
The Star melaporkan bahawa seorang ahli Exco Negeri PAS untuk Infrastruktur, Kemudahan Awam dan Industri Asas Tani turut menyelar acara itu kerana menentang norma sosial, termasuklah mereka dari semua agama.
Tetapi konflik agama dan bangsa bukanlah satu-satunya perkara yang telah melihatkan kenaikan dramatik.
Ketika saya dan keluarga saya berpindah ke Shah alam di pertengahan 80-an, rakyat di sini kebanyakannya tinggal di hartanah berlaman yang dibina oleh PKNS atau Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor.
Hari ini, banyak kondominium dan pangsapuri servis telah dibina, dengan banyak lagi yang masih dalam pembinaan. Harganya pula melangkaui kuasa beli rakyat Malaysia biasa, dengan pangsapuri studio sahaja sudah berharga RM400,000!
“Bukan rumah mampu milik, ia rumah mampu tengok”, saya masih ingat MB Selangor Azmin Ali berkata berkaitan rumah-rumah PR1MA yang juga harga dalam lingkungan sama.
Tetapi bersyukurlah, bukan semua perkara telah hilang kawalan.
Menurut theSundaily, indeks kadar jenayah di Shah Alam telah menurun dalam empat bulan pertama tahun ini, berbanding tempoh sama tahun lalu.
Ketua polis Shah Alam ACP Azisman Alias mendedahkan pada Mei bahawa indeks jenayah telah menunjukkan penurunan sebanyak 22.6 peratus dari Januari hingga April berbanding tahun lalu.
Dari segi politik, Shah Alam sebelum ini dilihat sebagai kubu kuat Umno di Selangor sebelum Khalid Samad menumbangkan Aziz Shamsuddin pada 2008 dengan majoriti sebanyak 9,314 undi.
Sebagai Ahli Parlimen dua penggal, Khalid Samad telah bercakap tentang banyak perkara yang memberi kesan kepada kawasannya termasuklah hospital kerjaan yang telah lama dinantikan di Seksyen 7 dan juga kutipan tol Lebuh raya Persekutuan di Sungai Rasau dan Batu Tiga yang tidak pernah tamat.
Selepas kemenangan membanggakan pada PRU13, perkara tidaklah begitu baik buat bapa empat orang anak berusia 57 tahun ini.
Dengan kumpulan ulama telah menewaskan kelompok progresif pada Muktamar PAS baru-baru ini, diikuti pula dengan DAP mengisytiharkan Pakatan Rakyat telah terkubur akibat daripada pergeseran dengan parti Islam itu, persoalan kini timbul sama ada Khalid berupaya untuk mempertahankan kerusi itu dalam pilihan raya akan datang.- Lokman Mustafa,theantdaily
PAS MP to Hadi: DAP chauvinist? See mirror...
PAS is becoming like Umno in labeling DAP thus, as in the past only Umno did that, said Khalid, in speaking to reporters after Anwar Ibrahim’s qazaf appeal at the Kuala Lumpur Syariah Court today.
“Is it correct to label DAP as chauvinist when we see more Malays joining the party?,” he asked, adding that PAS and especially the new leadership should reflect on this.
It was recently reported that national laureate 80 year-old A Samad Said, former Johor PAS Youth member, Sheikh Omar Ali and rapper, Edry Faizal Yusof, had joined the DAP.
Yesterday, it was reported that Abdul Hadi said that the party would work with anyone except chauvinists in an obvious reference to DAP.
In fact, Khalid added, the new leadership is being chauvinist as the party has now lost its appeal especially to the non-Muslims.
He added that he would rather trust former deputy president Mohamad Sabu's response and assessment on the declining support of non-Malays on PAS, than the likes of Youth chief Nik Abduh Nik Aziz and central committee members, Nasruddin Hassan and Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki.
“Mat Sabu interacts a lot with the non-Malays and can associate with them unlike the three who do not interact with the non-Malays at all. Hence, I would believe Mat Sabu more than the others in his evaluation,” he said.
Khalid said the fallacy in the present leadership's logic is that they think the hatred towards BN is sufficient for them to get support.
However, he added that they did not know that the image of PAS is worse off as it is not only chauvinistic and not open, it had become exclusive and adopted a holier-than-thou attitude.
“Even the PAS supporters club now is feeling the change. My advice to the current leadership is to look at themselves in the mirror before labeling others as chauvinist,” he said.
PAS wants 'kopi susu' but no milk
Earlier, commenting on his blog posting made yesterday, Khalid said that Pakatan Rakyat has expired, is clear as day, and the sooner leaders admit it, the better for everyone.
The Former PAS central committee member said claiming Pakatan is still alive is akin to claiming that kopi susu (coffee with milk), is still kopi susu, even if the milk is missing.
“Kopi susu is kopi susu as long as it has the combination of coffee, milk and sugar.
“When you take out the milk, it becomes kopi ‘o’. If you take out the sugar, it becomes kopi ‘o’ kosong.
“While they’re all still coffee, they’re not the same - in fact very different from one another,” he said in his wry analogy.
Khalid said there was little point arguing semantics as long as one party has declared the coalition dead and the other has expressed a desire to sever ties with another.
“There is no more obligation among the component parties, because Pakatan Rakyat is no more,” he pointed out.
Bury it and move on
Apart from the motion to sever ties with DAP, which had been the fiercest critic of the PAS ulama faction’s insistence on working with Umno to pass the hudud enactment in Kelantan and seek a Private Member’s Bill in Parliament to put the law into action, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang had also declared that PAS would only cooperate with Pakatan on matters of common interest.
However, on Islamic matters such as hudud, Hadi said PAS would go its own way.
Khalid, who is one of the prominent Selangor leaders in the PAS progressive camp that was practically wiped out from the party leadership in the muktamar, said Pakatan’s demise following these developments is crystal clear even if some leaders refuse to answer the question directly.
“For me, the position of Pakatan Rakyat is clear and obvious. Pakatan is no longer in existence. Terms used such as ‘fainted’ or ‘not functioning formally’ and so on are just terms that cloud the reality.
“The earlier they admit the true situation, the easier it is to rectify things and make amends where necessary.
“There is no benefit in saying everything is good and okay, when in truth it’s the opposite,” asserted Khalid.- mk

Kerajaan kutip #GST RM16.4 juta sehari.
1MDB bayar bunga hutang saja dah RM7 juta sehari...
Sapa yang lebih kurang ajar...UMNO le!!!

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