Baik dalam suasana aman, apatah lagi ketika gelora politik makin membara berikutan kritikan berterusan daripada bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Mahathir Mohamad ketika ini, hakikatnya amat janggal bagi Perdana Menteri membawa dua orang Naib Presiden UMNO sekaligus untuk mengiringinya bagi menunaikan umrah, kecuali ada permuafakatan yang perlu disepakati di tanah suci itu.
Lantaran itu menjadi perbualan ramai bahawa pemergian mereka ini ada kaitan dengan suasana politik yang sedang melanda negara. Apatah lagi, pemergian itu ketika tragedi gemba bumi Sabah sedang berlaku dan seolah-olah membawa kedua-dua Naib Presiden UMNO lebih penting daripada segala-galanya.
Seorang lagi Naib Presiden UMNO, Shafie Apdal yang diketahui agak berbeza pendirian dengan Najib sejak kebelakangan ini, terutama berhubung isu 1MDB, tidak ikut serta atau barangkali juga tidak dipelawa untuk berumrah bersama-sama ini.
Beliau difahamkan kini berada di Russia atas urusan rasmi kementeriannya.
Dengan Najib membawa kedua-dua Naib Presiden itu ke Mekah, cakap-cakap paling sensasi menjadi bualan ialah kemungkinan Muhyiddin Yassin akan digugurkan sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri kerana kedudukannya dalam kabinet lebih dianggap sebagai ancaman serta "duri dalam daging" kepada masa depan Perdana Menteri.
Najib dikatakan sudah tidak dapat menahan sabar lagi dengan karenah dan tingkah laku Muhyiddin yang tidak cukup setia dan kurang konsisten dengannya, terutama sejak isu 1MDB meletus.
Melalui penyingkiran Muhyiddin daripada jawatan nombor dua dalam kerajaan itu, Najib bukan saja ingin membuktikan sikap ingin terus melawannya terhadap serangan Tun Mahathir, bahkan mahu menunjukkan beliau benar-benar pahlawan Bugis yang masih ada sisa-sisa keberaniannya.
Tempat Muhyiddin sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri dikatakan akan diambil alih oleh Zahid Hamidi manakala Hishammuddin yang merupakan sepupu Najib akan dikanankan lagi kedudukannya dengan diberikan portfolio Kementerian Kewangan untuk persediaan sebagai calon Perdana Menteri masa depan.
Shafie Apdal pula akan dipindahkan di kementerian lain yang kurang penting bagi mengekang pengaruh serta pergerakannya daripada terus memberi kesan negatif kepada Najib.
Sebuah agensi kerajaan yang berkaitan dengan perang saraf dikatakan telah menemui Najib beberapa minggu lalu dan mengemukakan cadangan yang antaranya ialah penyingkiran Muhyiddin daripada kerajaan dengan alasan "masa bertahan sudah berakhir" jika Perdana Menteri ingin terus kekal memimpin parti dan negara.
Agensi itu juga mahukan Najib memulakan fasa "menembak" dan "menyerang" pula selepas sekian lama mengambil pendekatan berdiam diri dan bertahan.
Selain itu, beberapa menteri juga difahamkan bakal digugurkan dalam rombakan yang akan dilakukan ini kerana Najib kini mula menyedari sebahagian daripada mereka hanya "bermain selamat" dan tidak membantunya menghadapi serangan, baik daripada Tun Mahathir atau pembangkang.
Antara pemimpin yang disebut-sebut bakal dimasukkan kembali ke dalam kabinet ialah... Baca seterusnya...

Muhyiddin to lose job in looming Cabinet shake-up...
A political analyst has speculated that a Cabinet reshuffle is imminent and that Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin will be kicked out.
Quoting unnamed sources, Shahbudin Husin says in his latest blog entry that the idea of the reshuffle and Muhyiddin’s sacking was presented to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak a few weeks ago by officials of “a government psywar agency”. He does not identify the agency by name.
He says the officials told Najib that the “time for defensive action was over and it was now time to attack and shoot.”
The likelihood of the reshuffle, he adds, is strengthened by the fact that Najib was accompanied, in his recent visit to the Holy Land, by Umno vice-presidents Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Hishammuddin Hussein and not Muhyiddin and Shafie Apdal, another Umno vice-president, but one who has, like the DPM, been critical of the Prime Minister’s handling of the 1MDB issue.
He suspects that the three used their opportunity to be together in Mecca to plot a course of action.
“Najib is said to have lost his patience with Muhyiddin and eager to show that he is indeed a Bugis warrior who will fight to the end,” Shahbudin says.
He says his sources told him Zahid will be promoted to take over Muhyiddin’s post, Hishammuddin will be made Finance Minister, and Shafie will be shifted to a ministry that is “less important” than his current Rural and Regional Development Ministry.
He adds that a few other ministers will be dropped and among those slated to replace them are BN Backbenchers Club Chairman Shahrir Samad and Ketereh MP Annuar Musa.
He does not name the ministers who will lose their jobs, saying only that they are among those who have been “playing safe” by not voicing support for Najib in his quarrel with former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.- fmt
PAS has no choice but to sever ties with DAP...
PAS needs to reconvene a muktamar again to
withdraw their motion on severing ties with DAP to avoid the party’s
representatives in the Selangor and Penang governments being stuck in a
limb, lawyer and former PAS treasurer Asmuni Awi said.
“For me, the PAS Dewan Ulama should admit their mistake in passing the motion in the first place. This has resulted in PAS being trapped.”
“This matter is serious and should be a lesson for everyone in the future. We can’t rush everything,” Asmuni was quoted as saying in Sinar Harian today
Asmuni (photo) was referring to the PAS constitution which specifies that the highest decision-making body is PAS is held by the muktamar and all decisions made by the muktamar for that year are binding.
“In other words, a motion that is passed at the muktamar is like a law that needs with the party's administration abiding by the muktamar’s decision as stated in the constitution,” he said.
Asmuni, who chaired the PAS election committee at the recent muktamar, said the dilemma of PAS members appointed in both Penang and Selangor was that they were unsure of their status and some had even resigned from their position.
Leaders resigned
“I myself could not understand why the motion was brought and passed by them (the Dewan Ulama) without thinking of the risks that had to be borne.
“Passing a motion in a muktamar is not a small matter and it can’t be withdrawn anytime as they please. PAS needs to execute it and no excuse can be given,” he was quoted as saying.
Controversy arose after the motion at last week's 61st PAS
muktamar to break up with DAP was passed without debate.
The motion by the ulama wing was proposed in retaliation to DAP's continued attack on party president Abdul Hadi Awang following the hudud law implementation row which saw PAS and DAP going for each other's throats.
After the muktamar, several key PAS leaders who lost in the party elections resigned from the posts in the Penang government including Mohamad Sabu and Mujahid Yusof Rawa.
The future of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition continues to be hotly debated with PAS leaving it on one hand or remaining with its allies PKR and DAP on the other. - mk
“For me, the PAS Dewan Ulama should admit their mistake in passing the motion in the first place. This has resulted in PAS being trapped.”
“This matter is serious and should be a lesson for everyone in the future. We can’t rush everything,” Asmuni was quoted as saying in Sinar Harian today
Asmuni (photo) was referring to the PAS constitution which specifies that the highest decision-making body is PAS is held by the muktamar and all decisions made by the muktamar for that year are binding.
“In other words, a motion that is passed at the muktamar is like a law that needs with the party's administration abiding by the muktamar’s decision as stated in the constitution,” he said.
Asmuni, who chaired the PAS election committee at the recent muktamar, said the dilemma of PAS members appointed in both Penang and Selangor was that they were unsure of their status and some had even resigned from their position.
Leaders resigned
“I myself could not understand why the motion was brought and passed by them (the Dewan Ulama) without thinking of the risks that had to be borne.
“Passing a motion in a muktamar is not a small matter and it can’t be withdrawn anytime as they please. PAS needs to execute it and no excuse can be given,” he was quoted as saying.
Controversy arose after the motion at last week's 61st PAS
The motion by the ulama wing was proposed in retaliation to DAP's continued attack on party president Abdul Hadi Awang following the hudud law implementation row which saw PAS and DAP going for each other's throats.
After the muktamar, several key PAS leaders who lost in the party elections resigned from the posts in the Penang government including Mohamad Sabu and Mujahid Yusof Rawa.
The future of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition continues to be hotly debated with PAS leaving it on one hand or remaining with its allies PKR and DAP on the other. - mk
PAS tiada pilihan, kena laksana usul...

Dah dapat kedudukan,usaha nak berbaik2 dengan DAP...
Setiap orang atau kumpulan yang ingin mempertahankan jawatan dalam PAS sama ada di Dewan Ulama, Pemuda dan Muslimat termasuk AJK Pusat berhak menonjolkan kerja dan prestasi mereka.
Mereka yang mempertahankan jawatan atau kedudukan cuba menonjolkan prestasi mereka sepanjang mereka memegang jawatan.
Mereka yang ingin mengambil alih atau menawarkan diri untuk berkhidmat dengan memegang jawatan akan menonjolkan idea baru dan mendedahkan kelemahan dan prestasi mereka yang sedang memegang jawatan.
Semua kerja-kerja itu adalah perkara atau perbuatan biasa dalam sesuatu organisasi atau parti.
Sekelompok pemimpin dan ahli PAS cuba mempertikaikan timbalan presiden PAS dan beberapa orang, antara mereka Salehuddin Ayob, Husam Musa, Mahfoz Omar, Dr Hatta Ramli, Suhaizan Kayat, Dr Mariah Mahmud, Hanifa Maidin, Khalid Samad dan beberapa orang lagi tidak menjunjung dan mempertahan kepimpinan ulama.
Bagi saya tuduhan itu adalah perkara biasa dan pihak yang kena tuduh cuba menjawab dengan berbagai cara.
Kemudian mereka di kumpul dalam kumpulan ('Jebon') dan antiulama.
Lebih jauh mereka juga dituduh lebih walak dan taat pemimpin-pemimpin dari parti lain sama ada PKR atau DAP.
Tuduhan mencurah-curah
Tuduhan-tuduhan itu dicurahkan melalui Majlis Multaqa, Nekad dan tuduhan tidak membela presiden ketika beliau diserang oleh DAP.
Saya menjadi sasaran utama kerana dituduh tidak membela presiden dalam krisis menteri besar Selangor dan hadapi DAP.
Kecam mengecam antara pimpinan PAS dan DAP hampir sudah tidak terkawal lagi. Tulisan dan pandangan pemimpin supaya PAS putus hubungan dengan DAP dan bersedia untuk 'bersendirian'.
Kemuncaknya, bila mursyidul am dalam ucapan perasmian Muktamar Dewan Ulama pada 3 Jun 2015 lalu menegaskan bahawa syarat tahalluf (kerjasama) dengan DAP telah rosak dan tamat.
Usul Muktamar Dewan Ulamak diluluskan pada hari yang sama telah mendapat sokongan 100 peratus dari perwakilan supaya PAS putuskan hubungan dengan DAP.
Lebih kurang 10.30 malam pada 4 Jun 2015 keputusan pemilihan muktamar di ketahui di mana Mohd Sabu, Salehuddin Ayub, Mahfuz Omar, Husam Musa, Hanifa Maidin, Dr Hatta, Dr Mariah dan lain-lain semuanya tewas.
Seminggu sebelum itu presiden telah memberi pandangan bahawa ahli PAS boleh pilih sama ada memilih mereka yang dilihat mewakili DAP atau yang pertahan dasar.
Mereka yang dilabelkan tunduk kepada DAP dan "Anwarinas" semua tewas belaka.
Pembina telah dinyahkan
Dalam muktamar pada 6 Jun 2015, usul untuk putus hubungan dengan DAP diterima tanpa bahas. Usul itu daripada kawasan Tumpat dan Dewan Ulama.
Bila usul itu diluluskan, ia menjadi gempar. Bagaimana kedudukan penjawat jawatan di Pulau Pinang yang paling terkesan?
Dan bagaimana pula kedudukan PAS dan anggotanya di Selangor-kerajaan negeri, exco, jawatan-jawatan berkaitan yang dianggarkan lebih dari 5,000 yang terlibat.
Dalam ucapan penggulungan pada 6 Jun 2015, saya mengambil keputusan meletak semua jawatan yang bersangkutan dengan kerajaan Pulau Pinang yang dipimpin oleh DAP.
Sekarang saya dapat melihat – menggunakan, melabel, menuduh orang itu alat itu, suruhan itu ini, Anwarinas, agen DAP hanyalah alat untuk mencapai kedudukan.
Dah dapat kedudukan, cuba cari jalan untuk berbaik semula dengan DAP. Orang yang bersama membina Pakatan Rakyat dari awal telah dinyahkan.
Kedudukan jawatan paling kejar? Moga Allah SWT memberi petunjuk kepada kita semua. - mk

It's game over for Pakatan...
There is no longer any future for Pakatan Rakyat, lamented Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas) CEO Wan Saiful Wan Jan.
"I would hope they can continue, but it is going to be very difficult," he told some 300 academicians and NGO representatives at a forum on the 13th general election in Kuala Lumpur today.
He described PAS' ulama-dominated leadership as a group of people following president Abdul Hadi Awang, who "really does not care what others have to say, and believe they are going to heaven."
"Chai" describes a list of candidates who belong to the same ticket or have the same allegiances, meant to urge voters to support all of them for their respective posts.
The term originated from the Chinese term "cai dan (restaurant menu)" and its practice in Malaysia started from MCA party elections, but later spread to other parties.
Takes two to tango
Wan Saiful said that since joining PAS in 1992, the attitude shown at this year's party election is the worst that he has ever witnessed.
"He (Abdul Hadi) did not say anything at all (on Pakatan). And this the attitude of someone who is supposed to be friendly to DAP and PKR," he said.
DAP and PAS had been at loggerheads since late last year over PAS' insistence on pushing its hudud agenda.
However, Wan Saiful said DAP has to share the blame for the current situation as well.
He said that DAP's relentless attacks on the PAS president had helped cement support for the ulama faction that he is aligned to.
"It takes two to tango […] DAP also played a role in catalysing the changes that happened in PAS," he said.- mk

With VIP jet, why Najib still not in Sabah...
With the government’s procurement of a controversial new VIP jet, the prime minister could have flown straight back to earthquake hit Ranau is Sabah.
Yet Prime Minister Najib Razak is in Saudi Arabia instead of taking charge of the rescue and relief operations at home, said DAP parliamentarian Lim Kit Siang.
“With his new personal private jet which cost a bomb to Malaysian taxpayers, Najib should have no problem to visit Ranau and Kinabalu before flying off to Jeddah for his three-day visit to Saudi Arabia,” said the veteran leader.
He said Najib should now fly straight from Saudi Arabia to Sabah to live up to his claims of owing the state, where the PM has been drumming up support in face of fierce attacks from his predecessor Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Umno also often refers to Sabah as its “fixed deposit” to help BN retain its federal power.
The PM’s earlier tweet when the disaster struck drew scorn on the social media.
According to Bernama, Najib was launching a Felda D'Saji restaurant branch in Jeddah yesterday, as the desperate search for stranded climbers in Kinabalu continued.
On Friday, the nation woke up to a shocking unprecedented earthquake in the region’s tallest mountain, chalking 6.0 on the Richter scale.
The quake has since claimed 18 lives on Mount Kinabalu due to rock slides along the popular tourist hiking trail, with two Singaporean hikers still missing.
'Review poor emergency response'
Lim said Najib’s “double absence” from the 1MDB ‘Nothing2Hide’ forum in Kuala Lumpur on Friday morning and from Sabah over the earthquake disaster were “talking points” of Sabahans when the DAP leader visited the site yesterday.
“In particular, why Najib took some five hours to tweet his concern about the earthquake in Sabah at about noon when the earthquake struck Ranau and Mount Kinabalu at around 7.15 am on Friday morning!” he quipped.
He said Najib’s Facebook postings would do little to soothe Sabahans.
The PM, he said, should instead return immediately and ensure all government machinery is deployed to immediately repair the damage done to infrastructure, schools and amenities.
“Najib should also announce multi-million ringgit allocations to deal with the aftermath of the earthquake, including honouring the ‘unsung heroes’, the Mount Kinabalu mountain guides who risked their lives to ensure that the injured climbers were brought to safety, especially mountain guide Robert Sapinggi who perished in the earthquake,” he said.
He added the PM must form a “high-powered committee” to address the various complaints and criticisms about the earthquake emergency and relief operations.
Lim was referring to an Australian Broadcasting Corporation online news report yesterday in which a climber had called the government’s rescue operations a “farce”.
Tourist Vee Jin Dumlao was reported commenting the Sabahan trekking guides were “far more helpful than government rescue teams”. - mk

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