"Maaf cakaplah kalau saya katakan istilah 'bangang' yang Mohd Najib gunakan itu adalah keterlaluan, kesat, kasar dan tidak membayangkan hemah dan ketokohan seorang pemimpin," tulis Datuk A Kadir Jasin.
Tokoh Wartawan Negara itu menyatakan demikian menerusi blognya sebagai respons kepada ucapan penggulungan Najib pada perhimpunan agung parti itu semalam yang menggelarkan blogger upahan Umno sebagai bangang.
Berikut tulisan penuh beliau.
Presiden Umno, Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, semalam secara terbuka mendedahkan yang Umno mengupah blogger.
Inilah kali pertama seorang pemimpin atasan Umno dan kerajaan membuat pengakuan seperti itu.
Mohd Najib berkata, mereka ini makan gaji dengan Umno tetapi menyerang balik parti itu.
Kerana itu, beliau menyifatkan mereka sebagai bangang.
Merujuk kepada Naib Presiden Umno, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Mohd Najib berkata: “Saya setuju kata Datuk Zahid yang kata bloggers kita ni kadang-kadang tembak kita. Dalam istilah perang, friendly fire. Friendly fire is not friendly."
Tambah Mohd Najib lagi: “Bloggers kita ni cari makan dengan siapa? Pergilah tembak pembangkang. Itu cara kita nak menang dalam peperangan. Jangan perang sesama sendiri. Tak masuk akal. Bangang,” katanya dalam ucap penggulungan di Perhimpunan Agung Umno (PAU) di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) semalam. (Baca lanjut di sini)
Pendedahan dan herdikan Mohd Najib itu akan melemahkan lagi perang saraf Umno di alam siber. Tanpa pendedahan dan kecaman itu pun keberkesanan blogger Umno sudah dipersoalkan.
Seperkara lagi, kalau benar blogger-blogger upahan Umno itu berperang sesama sendiri dan menyerang pemimpin parti, ia adalah cerminan perpecahan dan ketidaktentuan dalam Umno sendiri.
Namun Mohd Najib bukan orang pertama mencemuh dan melabelkan blogger.
Zainuddin Maidin (kini seorang blogger) ketika menjadi Menteri Penerangan melabelkan blogger “goblok”, Khairy Jamaluddin menanggil mereka “beruk” dan Shaziman Abu Mansor, waktu menjadi Timbalan Menteri Tenaga, Komunikasi dan Air, menyifatkan sesetengah blogger dan pengulas blog sebagai penembak curi.
Maaf cakaplah kalau saya katakan istilah “bangang” yang Mohd Najib gunakan itu adalah keterlaluan, kesat, kasar dan tidak membayangkan hemah dan ketokohan seorang pemimpin.
Pusat Rujukan Bahasa Melayu DBP mentakrifkan bangang sebagai bodoh, dungu, tongong dan bahlul. Teruk sungguh.
Kesian juga saya kalau selepas ini ada blogger Umno yang tertiarap periuk nasinya akibat herdikan Mohd Najib itu. - harakahdaily

“Pecah tembelang....“Bloggers kita ini cari makan dengan siapa? Pergilah tembak pembangkang. Itu cara kita hendak menang dalam peperangan. Jangan perang sesama sendiri. Tidak masuk akal. Bangang,” BANGANG... BANGANG... BANGANG... BANGANG... HA HA HA,” tulis pengguna Facebook bernama Kassim Baba.
Sementara pengguna Facebook Mat Indra pula menulis: “Hahaha blogger Umno cari makan rupanya... upah tak cukuplah tu Datuk Najib. Up lah sikit.”
“MasyaAllah londeh aib sendiri akhirnya! Ingatkan cerdik... kalau ye pun, PM jangan londeh dalam perhimpunan agong yang semua orang tengok! Mak aii... ingat lepas ni lagi ganas pula blogger serang balas! Hehehe,” tulis pengguna Facebook yang menggunakan nama Biaq Betoi.
Di Twitter @AbdMalekHusin menulis: “Bukan kita yang kata, Presiden Umno yang kata, "Blogger Umno bangang!" ♫ Beginilah nasib diriku yang malang... oh Tuhan ♫.”
“Sebelum tidur nak peringat sekali lagi ye 'Blogger pro-Umno ni BANGANG!!' - kata #NajibRazak . Selamat malam,” tulis @RoslanKz di Twitter.
Dari segi sejarahnya, Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN) mula memfokuskan untuk mempunyai pasukan bloggers selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 (PRU12) pada 2008 kerana merasakan mereka hilang majoriti dua pertiga di Dewan Rakyat apabila meninggalkan dunia siber.
Selepas itu, selain mempunyai pasukan bloggers, pimpinan-pimpinan Umno dan BN juga mula membuka blog kerana kepercayaan mereka akan mendapat sedikit “saham” sokongan daripada pengguna Internet yang sebelum ini hanya dimanfaatkan pemimpin pembangkang.
Namun keputusan PRU13 menunjukkan sebaliknya, BN hilang majoriti lebih besar apabila hanya berjaya memenangi 133 kerusi Dewan Rakyat berbanding 140 kerusi pada PRU12.
Lebih parah lagi, buat pertama kalinya BN kehilangan undi popular kepada Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
Mempunyai pasukan bloggers yang besar tidak memberi kelebihan kepada BN. Apa lagi ketika PRU13, blog sudah tidak lagi relevan berbanding Facebook, Twitter dan YouTube.
Dan blogger upahan tidak mempunyai semangat juang tinggi berbanding yang berjuang kerana kepercayaan mereka. Blogger upahan tidak akan bekerja jika upah tidak turun.
Mungkin sudah sampai masanya Umno berhenti membuat pembaziran membayar bloggers yang tidak banyak membantu mereka memenangi pilihan raya.
Lebih baik Umno berubah mengikut peredaran zaman.
Umno mula ditinggalkan hari ini kerana golongan tua sudah mula pupus dan golongan muda semakin maju pemikiran mereka.
Mana-mana parti sekalipun jika tidak mengikut peredaran zaman sudah pasti akan ditinggalkan kerana dianggap “bangang” oleh masyarakat. – tmi

Curtain falls on ‘frustrated’ Najib as the right rejoice...
In his winding-up speech, the Umno president noted that the gathering this round had become distracted by the Sedition Act.
This was thanks to his deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, who at the launch of the Umno wings' assemblies openly implored his boss to abandon any plans to abolish the colonial era law.
But the prime minister in his speech portrayed his about face to his 2012 promise as a responsible act, executed after "listening to the pulse of the people", to "safeguard" the nation’s security.
Posturing aside, the hard truth of Najib's concession is that it marked his first major and possibly damaging defeat to the right wing elements in Umno.
Muhyiddin meanwhile declared in his winding-up speech that he was merely being a "good deputy" in urging Najib to keep the Sedition Act.
The atmosphere was unusual for a party like Umno, which is more accustomed to singing praises of its president in public while disagreements are often kept behind closed doors.
Despite Umno's right wing genes coming to the fore since BN's poor showing in the 2008 general election, the party had generally tolerated Najib's reformist agenda, albeit grudgingly.
But the party, which shifted further right after the last polls where Najib’s grandiose plans failed to materialise into votes, its patience with the president appears to have reached a limit.
If Najib was able to get a few steps out of a stubborn bull by pulling it by its nose, the bull is now pulling back, with greater force.
Chinese: To woo or not
Despite Najib's usual jovial winding-up speech, sometimes peppered with inappropriate jokes and jibes, his frustration was evident.
He took great pains at addressing several Umno delegates who were insistent that BN should just abandon Chinese voters due to their continued refusal to back the ruling coalition.
Najib is mindful that non-Malay votes are crucial for BN's revival.
But Umno delegates, at least those aligned to the right-wing, see the quest to win Chinese votes as pointless and scripted their debates to perpetuate the siege mentality.
The aim was to instill fear in the Malays against DAP and the Chinese, who are painted as having an agenda to challenge Islam, the Malay special position and sow liberal ideas.
In the end Najib's usual clarion call for 1Malaysia made way to shouts of "1Melayu" unity in this general assembly.
The fear of defeat is in the air for Umno, and the smell is nauseating.
After 57 years in power, it is no longer a party but a political-conglomerate dynasty, where the baton has been passed from generation to generation of ruling elites. In their minds, losing power is inconceivable.
Playing to the gallery
And so delegates appeared more willing to cheer on Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who vowed to continue using the Sedition Act and hailed Muhyiddin for pushing for its preservation.
Even Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, who had alternately donned the hat of a Malay nationalist and progressive over the last decade, opted to remind the Chinese community at the wing's meeting about the sacrifice of Malays in allowing the former to become citizens.
The tone gave a sense that Umno leaders are aware of the party's grassroots drifting farther right and do not wish to go against the tide.
Whether Najib's lieutenants have sensed the weakness in the premier's position remains to be seen, but the gulf between Najib and his party is possibly at its widest.
Najib is aware of elements out to undermine him and in his winding up speech again urged delegates to support the party leaders.
The premier had in recent months come under attack from Umno bloggers over his policies, which have also come under heavy criticism from his predecessor Mahathir.
"Our bloggers shoot us. In warfare, it is called friendly fire, but I tell you this friendly fire is not friendly," said Najib.
Though his decision to go back on his promise to abolish the Sedition Act has provided him with a lifeline for now, Umno is bruised and restless. The deafening roars heard throughout last week signal that it no longer wants a sheep to head an army of lions. - mk

Will Umno president be PM three years on...
Based on a simulation of BN’s position in the next general election, he said the coalition may only win 103 seats, which is a two percent drop from the 133 seats it won in the last polls.
"If we want to address this, our initiatives must be wholehearted. Let's increase our seats to 141. Can we do this?" Muhyiddin (right) asked the delegates.
Receiving a less than enthusiastic "yes", he said: "That's not loud enough. That means you are not confident".
At this, the delegates then responded with a resounding "yes".
"With hard work, we can increase our seats to 159," said Muhyiddin.
"The next election is at least 39 months from now. The question is, with such a short amount of time, what are the new initiatives we can implement to return people's confidence?" he asked.
Registration numbers worrying
Citing the Election Commission's statistics from its database, he said only 256 MCA members, 266 MIC members, and 373 Gerakan members registered as voters from June 2013 to Sept 2014.
"This is very worrying. As such, the party president (Najib Abdul Razak) has asked me to meet all BN component parties so that a national movement can be done," he said.
As for DAP, he said 9,309 had registered as voters while Umno saw 5,939 members registering.
Shafie then stressed that the party's survival was not based on laungan (shouts) only. We need to regain the seats we lost in the next general election," he added.- mk

Oi Melayu UMNO ..ni mak sedara hampa cakap orang UMNO takda otak..

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kah kah, bangang abadi
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