Sekumpulan pegawai tertinggi 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) dimarahi Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam satu perjumpaan bersama bekas perdana menteri itu 4 Disember lalu, menurut bekas ketua pengarang kumpulan News Straits Times Press (NSTP), Datuk A Kadir Jasin.
Menulis dalam blognya, Kadir memetik sumber sebagai berkata Pengerusi 1MDB Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, ahli lembaga pengarah, Tan Sri Ismee Ismail dan Ketua Pengarah Eksekutif 1MDB, Mohd Hazem Abdul Rahman "dibelasah" Dr Mahathir dalam pertemuan tersebut.
"Sumber berkata Dr Mahathir membelasah modus operandi pasukan 1MDB.
"Beliau curiga cara syarikat itu menggunakan dana mereka untuk perniagaan, ingat, modal berbayar syarikat itu hanyalah RM3.4 juta," kata Kadir.
Kadir berkata Dr Mahathir berasa "bertanggungjawab untuk membawa perkara itu kepada 1MDB dan bercakap secara terbuka kerana ramai yang bertemu dengannya berhubung aktiviti syarikat itu".
"Beliau kecewa dengan isu yang menyelebungi 1MDB tidak dibincangkan dengan serius ketika Perhimpunan Agung Umno lalu," katanya.
Dipercayai rombongan pegawai 1MDB itu juga bertemu dengan Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri Zeti Aktar Aziz berhubung berhubung kontroversi hutang yang menyelubungi syarikat itu.
Menurut Kadir(bawah), pegawai komunikasi strategik bank pusat itu "seolah-olah tidak mengetahuinya" bila ditanya mengenai perkara itu.
"Sumber berkata, 1MDB meminta Bank Negara melanjutkan tempoh pinjaman tidak berprestasi (NPL) daripada tiga kepada enam bulan," tambah Kadir.
Sehingga Mac tahun ini, aset dana negara itu mencecah RM51.4 bilion, proses menambah liabiliti melalui pinjaman berjumlah RM49.1 bilion, kata Kadir.
Bagaimanapun, 1MDB mengalami kerugian RM665.3 juta bagi tempoh sama disebabkan kos kewangan RM2.4 bilion berbanding RM1.6 bilion pada tahun kewangan sebelumnya.
Kadir berkata, walaupun Zeti mungkin tidak begitu gembira dengan pinjaman 1MDB, tempoh lanjutan itu amat diperlukan.
"Jika tidak, akan berlaku kerosakan yang besar terhadap bank Tier 1 yang memperluaskan pinjaman perlu membuat beberapa peruntukan.
"Ini bakal mengakibatkan kejatuhan sistem perbankan tempatan," katanya.
1MDB adalah dana kekayaan negara Malaysia yang kedua selepas Khazanah Nasional Bhd.
Pengkritik lama mempersoalkan hutang dana itu yang banyak, penggunaan wang dan operasi yang meragukan.
Dalam masa lima tahun operasinya, dana itu dikatakan mengumpul RM38 bilion hutang tetapi kebimbangan terhadap kedudukan kewangannya diketepikan oleh Lodin, yang berkata asetnya berjumlah RM51.4 bilion, kira-kira RM2.5 bilion lebih daripada liabilitinya daripada RM48.9 bilion, pada 31 Mac tahun ini. – tmi
Skandal 1MDB kini dalam bahaya

1MDB mohon lanjutkan tempoh NPL...
A Kadir yang memetik kenyataan sumber mendakwa Gabenor Bank Negara Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz dalam satu pertemuan bersetuju dengan permohonan itu walau tidak bersetuju dengan pinjaman besar yang dibuat oleh 1MDB.
Beliau mendakwa, Zeti tidak bersetuju kerana pinjaman tersebut boleh memberi kesan yang serius kepada sistem perbankan.
"Jika (lanjutan) itu tidak diberikan, akan berlaku kegagalan besar dalam membuat bayaran dan bank Tier 1 yang memberi lanjutan pinjaman itu perlu membuat peruntukan besar.
“Ini boleh menyebabkan sistem perbankan tempatan diturunkan taraf,” kata Kadir dalam tulisan di blognya, kadirjasin.blogspot.com.
Kadir juga mendakwa, “kata-kata kesat” turut dihamburkan semasa pertemuan di antara pegawai tinggi 1MDB dan Bank Negara.
Pinjaman tidak berbayar merupakan hutang lapuk atau pinjaman yang hampir menjadi hutang lapuk.
1MDB setakat ini menanggung hutang RM49 bilion berbanding asetnya bernilai RM51.4 bilion.

Kadir turut mendakwa pengerusi 1MDB, Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin juga menawarkan untuk meletak jawatan.
“Satu sumber berkata, dalam pertemuan dengan Bank Negara, Lodin menawarkan untuk meletak jawatan serta mereta. Tapi ini tidak membimbangkan Bank Negara.
"Lodin dilantik oleh Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri Najib Razak). Sekiranya benar dia menawarkan untuk meletak jawatan, dia sepatutnya memberitahu perkara itu kepada Najib,” kata Kadir.
Katanya lagi, 1MDB memohon untuk melanjutkan tempoh NPL itu daripada tiga kepada enam bulan.
1MDB boleh mengekalkan tempoh lanjutan itu sekiranya ia mampu membawa pulang dana RM7 bilion yang dilaburkan di bank luar pesisir Cayman Islands.

Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar berkata pasukannya akan menyiasat kes yang dilaporkan oleh seorang ketua bahagian Umno berhubung syarikat pelaburan negara 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) dan lembaga pengarahnya.
Dalam satu kenyataan kepada Malaysiakini, Khalid berkata siasatan itu akan dikendalikan oleh Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial (CCID).
"Memandangkan laporan polis telah dibuat, cawangan jenayah komersial akan siasat dan bincangkan kes tersebut dengan Pejabatan Peguam Negara untuk arahan,” katanya.
Khalid juga tidak menolak kemungkinan bahawa pengarah syarikat terbabit akan dipanggil polis untuk siasatan.
Beliau mengulas mengenai laporan polis oleh naib ketua bahagian Umno Batu Kawan, Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan Khalid semalam. - mk
1MDB punca kejatuhan Najib
Tarik laporan polis terhadap 1MDB, kata Ku Nan
Dr M grilled 1MDB top guns...
The Batu Kawan Umno deputy divisonal chief (Datuk Seri) Khairuddin Abu Hassan made the complaint at the Dang Wangi police station in Kuala Lumpur. Read at Apanama.
A veteran lawyer who represented Umno and the government in many legal and constitutional cases said such a complaint is likely to be investigated under the purview of criminal breach of trust (CBT).
I am not sure how the “bangang” bloggers would react to the report. “Bangang” (stupid) was the term used by Umno President and Prime Minister, Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, to describe Umno-sponsored bloggers who attacked Umno leaders instead of the opposition.
The police report is the culmination of weeks of controversies surrounding the so-called sovereign fund.
On Dec 4, the company’s top-level delegation led by its Chairman, (Tan Sri) Lodin Wok Kamaruddin was said to have been grilled by (Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Others in the delegation were board member (Tan Sri) Ismee Ismail and Chief Operating Officer, Mohd Hazem Abdul Rahman. Ismee is also Executive Director and CEO of Tabung Haji.
Just over a week later, on Dec 10, the cabinet in its weekly meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister, (Tan Sri) Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin, also discuss the 1MDB issue. Mohd Najib was away on official visit to South Korea..
Sources said Dr Mahathir grilled the 1MDB team on the company’s modus operandi. He is said to be curious about the way the company funds its businesses, bearing in mind that it has a paid-up capital of only US$1 million (about RM3.4 million).
As of March this year, it has amassed assets worth RM51.4 billion and in the process piled up liabilities – mostly borrowings – totalling RM49.1 billion.
It registered a loss of RM665.3 million for the same period mainly due to staggering finance costs of RM2.4 billion compared with RM1.6 billion the previous financial year.
The Overpriced Penang Purchases
They were also asked about the price of two pieces of land in Penang for which the company was said to have paid way over the market price. Six days before last year’s General Elections, 1MDB bought the land for about RM1.4 billion from two Chinese tycoons.
Reports say, the land they purchased for RM400 million from Farlim Berhad are currently occupied by squatters and may be costly to resettle.
Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng, was quoted as saying that 1MDB paid way above market rate. He asked: “Why was the purchase price at RM1.38 billion – 95pc higher than what some of the land was valued at, just two years earlier in December 2011?”
The company is also said to have purchased a third and final piece of land on September 23.
The source said Dr Mahathir feels obliged to take up the matter with 1MDB and to speak openly on the subject because many parties had come to see him to inform him about the goings-on in the company.
He was disappointed that issues surrounding 1MDB was not seriously discussed by delegates at last month’s Umno General Assembly.
How could they when Umno President and Prime Minister is the man behind 1MDB and resolutions on the economy were drafted for the debaters?
Prime Minister’s right hand man, (Tan Sri) Jamaluddin Jarjis inspired the speeches. The debaters were literally ordered to read the texts he and his team - including key officers from Khazanah Nasional Berhad – wrote.
A Meeting With The Governor
Other sources told me that the 1MDB team also had a meeting with the Bank Negara Governor, (Tan Sri) Zeti Aktar Aziz) about the company’s borrowings.
But when my reporter asked an officer in the bank’s strategic communication department, she said they do not have a clue about the meeting, insisting that they do not know anything.
The sources said 1MBD had requested Bank Negara to extend it non-performing loan (NPL) period from three to six months and was agreed to.
It is understandable. No matter how unhappy Zeti might have been with 1MDB borrowing, an extension is needed. If it was not given, there would have been a massive default and Tier 1 banks that extended the loans would have to make huge provisions. This could lead to the downgrading of the local banking system.
1MDB’s ability to keep to the extended period, according to one source, depends largely on whether it will or can bring home the RM7 billion it parked in the Cayman Islands before the last GE.
The New Straits Times today reported that 1MDB has postponed the sale of up to RM8.4 billion sukuk (Islamic) bonds to next year. It said the delay came as the company is seeking an extension of two months on the construction of the US$3.2 billion (RM11.2 billion) power plant it won with partner, Mitsui & Co. earlier in the year.
Sources said some very harsh words and frightening warnings like “somebody is going to jail” were uttered at the meetings. One source said at the meeting with Bank Negara, Lodin had offered to resign immediately. But that is not the concern of Bank Negara. Lodin was appointed by the PM. If it is true that he offered to resign, he should tell that to Mohd Najib.- A. Kadir Jasin
1MDB scandal coming to the surface
Withdraw police report against 1MDB, Ku Nan tells Penang Umno leader

1MDB got loan extension from Bank Negara...
Kadir claimed that Bank Negara governor Zeti Aktar Aziz had in a recent meeting allegedly agreed to the request despite being unhappy with 1MDB's large borrowings, as not doing so could seriously impact the banking system.
"This could lead to the downgrading of the local banking system."
Kadir also claimed that some "very harsh words" were traded during the meeting between 1MDB top officials and Bank Negara.
Non-performing loans are loans that are in default or are close to being in default.
1MDB had so far accrued a RM49 billion debt against RM51.4 billion in assets.

Meanwhile the police will launch an investigation into the report filed by an Umno division leader regarding the debt-ridden 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and its board of directors.
In a text message to Malaysiakini, inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar said the matter would be handled by the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID).
"Since a police report has been lodged, the commercial crime branch would investigate it and discuss the case with the Attorney-General's Chambers for directions," he added.
The police chief also did not rule out the possibility of the firm's
directors being summoned for questioning to facilitate investigations.
Khalid was responding to Batu Kawan Umno division vice-chief Khairuddin Abu Hassan (left) who filed the report in Kuala Lumpur yesterday afternoon.
Khalid was responding to Batu Kawan Umno division vice-chief Khairuddin Abu Hassan (left) who filed the report in Kuala Lumpur yesterday afternoon.
Kit Siang - Dont probe 1MDB "for show"...
The police's willingness to probe a police report lodged against 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) would be "for show" alone, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang said today.
Speaking to reporters at the sidelines of the DAP Johor retreat in Subang Jaya, Lim said that he hoped that the probe was "serious".
Yesterday, a Penang Umno leader lodged a police report against 1MDB and its directors over the state investment arm's much criticised fiscal management.
"This is a development that indicates the fissures within Umno," he said.
However, Lim also stressed that the police report should not be used by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to avoid answering questions on the 1MDB issue.
"Najib should take full accountability. In fact, now, there is even more reason for him to explain about 1MDB to the people," he added.
1MDB was Najib's brainchild but has come under severe criticism lately for an array of controversial financial decisions- including instances of overpaying for lands, and raising bonds with government support letters.
"He should answer all the questions. All the more, there should be immediate action," he said.- mk
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