Majlis Raja-raja tidak pernah bincang pertukaran nama jalan di KL...
Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-raja Datuk Seri Syed Danial Syed Ahmad turut mengesahkan perkara itu tidak pernah dibentangkan dalam mana-mana sesi persidangan berkenaan.
"Apa yang sebenarnya berlaku ialah satu kertas cadangan dikemukakan kepada Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-raja oleh Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan untuk dibentangkan dalam Mesyuarat ke-234 Majlis Raja-raja pada 27 Februari 2014.
"Tetapi kertas cadangan itu ditarik balik oleh kementerian berkenaan dan tidak dipersembahkan semula untuk dibincangkan dalam Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-raja," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Beliau berkata kenyataan itu dikeluarkan bagi membetulkan fakta pemberitaan kurang tepat seperti yang tersiar pada 25 November lepas.
Pada 28 November lepas, Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor berkata keputusan DBKL untuk menukar nama lapan jalan utama di sekitar Kuala Lumpur bukan dibuat atas permintaan Majlis Raja-raja, sebaliknya ia adalah keputusan kementerian.
Beliau berkata keputusan itu diambil kerana Yang di-Pertuan Agong merupakan sebahagian daripada lipatan sejarah negara ini bagi memastikan rakyat terus mengingati mereka.
DBKL, dalam satu kenyataan terdahulu, mengumumkan jalan utama yang terlibat ialah Jalan Duta, Jalan Khidmat Usaha, Jalan Ipoh, Persiaran Duta, Jalan Khidmat Setia dan Jalan Ibadah, Lebuhraya Mahameru, Persiaran Mahameru dan Jalan Semarak.
Jalan-jalan itu ditukar nama kepada Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim, Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Persiaran Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Jalan Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, Lebuhraya Sultan Iskandar, Persiaran Tuanku Ja'afar dan Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra.
Menurut DBKL, nama-nama baharu itu mula berkuat kuasa 26 November. – Bernama

The Conference of Rulers has never made or approved any resolution to rename eight main roads in the federal capital after the country’s former Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal Syed Danial Syed Ahmad, who stated this, also verified that the matter was never discussed at any meeting of the Conference of Rulers.
“What actually happened was that a proposal paper was submitted by the Federal Territories Ministry to the Keeper of the Rules’ Seal to be tabled at the 234th Meeting of the Conference of Rulers on Feb 27, 2014.
“However, the proposal paper was then withdrawn by the ministry and was not submitted again for discussion by the Conference of Rulers,” he said in a statement in Kuala Lumpur today.

Laporan RCI salahkan sindiket,bukan Dr.M atau sapa2...
Laporan RCI mengenai pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah setebal 368 muka surat itu didedahkan kepada umum di Kota Kinabalu hari ini, beberapa bulan selepas ia siap dan dua tahun selepas ia ditubuhkan.
Ia tidak menamakan mana-mana pihak yang bersalah kerana perkara itu tidak termasuk dalam skop bidang tugas suruhanjaya itu, seperti dinyatakan dalam terma rujukannya.
Sesi inkuiri yang berlangsung selama sembilan bulan bermula Januari hingga September tahun lalu turut menyaksikan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, bekas menteri Umno Tan Sri Aziz Shamsuddin, bekas ketua menteri Sabah dan pejawat awam daripada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dan Jabatan Imigresen dipanggil memberikan keterangan.
Selain itu, turut dipanggil memberi keterangan ketika prosiding RCI adalah pendatang warga Filipina, Indonesia, Pakistan dan India.
Laporan itu tidak menafikan kewujudan Projek IC, dan beranggapan ia "mungkin wujud" berdasarkan testimoni saksi yang mengaku terlibat dalam perkara itu.
Nama-nama besar bekas penjawat awam yang menjadi saksi bagaimanapun tidak pernah mengakui kewujudan salah laku tersebut, begitu juga saksi yang diperiksa balas, kata laporan itu.
Paling baikpun, laporan itu menyatakan dokumen kerakyatan diberikan secara haram oleh sindiket dan individu rasuah yang mengeksploitasi sistem kerajaan yang lemah.
RCI berpendapat, berdasarkan fakta, jelas terdapat dua bahagian dalam isu sama ada benar atau tidak "yang dikatakan Projek IC itu wujud."
"Pada satu pihak, kita mempunyai saksi yang menerangkan dengan terperinci penglibatan aktif mereka dalam projek tersebut dan juga penyertaan ahli politik berprofil tinggi tertentu.
"Di sebelah pihak satu lagi, ahli politik ini memberi keterangan di hadapan RCI, menafikan dengan tegas semua dakwaan yang dikenakan terhadap mereka."
Menurut laporan itu, 5 saksi daripada JPN yang didakwa terlibat secara peribadi dan aktif dalam projek itu sudah memberi keterangan yang menyokong testimoni satu sama lain yang diberi kepada RCI .
"Pada hakikatnya, mereka secara kolektif mengakui penglibatan bersama secara terperinci. Tambahan pula, mereka membuat tuduhan yang berat terhadap pemimpin politik yang berkuasa," katanya.
RCI berkata, ia mengambil kira keterangan yang, pada tahun 1990-an, pertumbuhan penduduk di Sabah meningkat sebanyak 78%, peningkatan tertinggi sejak Sabah menjadi sebahagian daripada Malaysia.
"Ia adalah tempoh apabila terdapat bukti menunjukkan wujud sebilangan besar pendatang haram yang diberikan kad pengenalan Malaysia melalui akuan berkanun bagi tujuan politik.
"Kesimpulannya, terdapat kebarangkalian projek sedemikian memang wujud sepanjang masa itu," kata RCI – tmi

The Sabah RCI report in a nutshell...
The commission was first mooted in 2012, and had hearings beginning Jan 14 up until Sept 2013. It heard 211 witnesses before the findings of the commission were submitted to the federal government in May this year.
Over the course of the hearings, nobody took blame for the projects and operations that granted these citizenship to immigrants.
Despite being widely blamed for the "Project IC" or "Project M", Mahathir denied knowledge of any such covert operations.
No guilty party
Below are the conclusions and findings of the RCI as per the report:
The report did not name any perpetrator or party behind the large influx
of immigrants into the state. The aspect of finding the guilty was not
outlined in the RCI's terms of reference when it was announced in 2012.
It found that syndicates and individuals aided by corrupt officials were
responsible for issuing Malaysian ICs and documentation through illegal
Project IC "probably" existed at all material times due to "some credibility" behind witness statements.
Economic motivation was the main contributing factor for influx of illegal immigrants to Sabah.
Illegal immigrants did not find any difficulty in procuring Malaysian
ICs, birth certificates and other documents to facilitate access to most
rights of Malaysian citizenship.
There was also confusion on whether the nature of the commission was a RCI or a mere commission of inquiry, as the title of the report was called Commission of Enquiry. Indeed some officials, including government chief secretary Ali Hamsa and the RCI secretary Saripuddin Kasim, did not use the word "royal".
Weakness in border control and the lackadaisical attitude of law
enforcement officers had precipitated the influx of illegal immigrants
into Sabah.
A "weakly institutionalised" system in Sabah also contributed to the problem.
No clear indication that National Registration Rules 1972 were
contravened in procedures relating to information and documents.
Procedures had instead been abused by applicants.
Exact number of those who are in the electoral roll even though they are not supposed to be there is "uncertain".
Authorities should be aggressive in a regularisation programme in Sabah given the huge number of foreign workers there.
In its one-page recommendation, it called for the setting up of a
permanent secretariat for look into the problem and to solve it.
- In its postscript, the RCI stressed that it is not the be-all, end-all and instead said that the problems can only be solved through political will and depending on how authorities adopt the recommendations.

The RCI was confined by eight terms of reference:
1) To determine number of immigrants granted blue identity cards;
2) To determine number of immigrants granted blue identity cards due to statelessness;
3) To investigate whether this was done legally;
4) To investigate if immigrants holding blue identity cards were illegally registered in the electoral roll;
5) To investigate the standard operating procedures (SOP) for issuance of blue identity cards and recommend improvements;
6) To probe if the authorities had taken action or done improvements to the SOP to prevent infringement of the law;
7) To investigate reason behind the increase in Sabah's population and their impact on the electoral roll; and,
8) To investigate the social implications of granting citizenship to immigrants in the state.- mk

Sabah MP finds RCI total whitewash...
He implied that the RCI was a total whitewash.
“I shall purchase the report tomorrow for further commentaries,” he added.
He called on the Barisan Nasional Sabah (BN) component parties to redeem themselves, in the wake of the Report’s release, by calling for Parliament to convene in an emergency session to discuss the findings.
“There are a whole lot of questions which the Sabahans need their respective Parliamentarians to debate, such as the names of the syndicates or Government officers involved in this matter,” said Darell. “The taxpayers’ monies have already been wasted by this RCI and thus I believe, before we embark into another wasteful endeavour as the so-called solution, we must bring this issue to Parliament for deliberation!”
Darell, continuing to express disbelief, said it simply cannot be true that the massive influx of the illegal immigrants in Sabah was due to the work of a syndicate or syndicates. “It’s common knowledge that there exists an attempt to change the demographic pattern in Sabah in order to ensure the survival of BN,” he alleged.
He added that this common knowledge was shared by the opposition leaders and among some of the BN Sabah component party leaders who have been staunch fighters for decades against the illegal immigrants and Projek IC holders in Sabah.
“It is apparent that some of these BN Sabah leaders are now swallowing the bitter pills and have a lot of explanation to do to the ordinary Sabahans who have been holding up their anger for decades now,” said Darell.
“There is no solution at all on this clear and present danger and at the same time, the finding does not resonate at all with these BN Sabah leaders’ so- called struggle.”
Darell, continuing, pointed out that his disappointment, and shared by many genuine Sabahans was well justified since the report was delayed for six months while ordinary Sabahans are seeing thousands of illegal immigrants roaming around their district without any fear of being arrested.
“Honestly, would any of the BN Sabah component party members (who have no pecuniary interest at all in the party apart from the genuine love towards Sabah) believe the findings of the RCI? No one will!” he argued.
“These leaders should not blame the opposition but instead remind themselves of their failures since they have been portraying themselves all the while as the champions against the Projek IC and PTI in Sabah.”
Darell dismissed the credibility of the Joint Committee headed by the President of PBS, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, on devising concrete solutions on the illegal immigrants and Projek IC in Sabah.
“When the result of the RCI, which had been requested so many times by Pairin, has been so disappointing, what more could we ask from the committee that he will chair? Will we see another disappointment when that committee will have no power at all but only to recommend?” - fmt
Jeffrey: Report an 'eyewash' to save Dr M

Bangala lagi...

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