Pemimpin UMNO yang beli dan jual tanah orang Melayu...
Kenyataan perwakilan Umno Pulau Pinang kononnya kerajaan negeri dan DAP membeli tanah di Balik Pulau walau betapa mahal pun harganya untuk menghalau orang Melayu adalah fitnah dan penipuan, kata Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng.
Beliau merujuk ucapan perwakilan Wanita Umno bahagian Batu Kawan, Rohaya Abu Ismail bahawa kerajaan negeri bertindak ‘mencekik darah’ orang Melayu khususnya melibatkan isu perumahan dan tanah orang Melayu di Balik Pulau, seolah-olah mempunyai ‘agenda tersembunyi’ untuk menghalau orang Melayu di kawasan itu.
“Ini adalah suatu penipuan kerana DAP tidak membeli walau satu inci pun tanah Balik Pulau. DAP hanya membeli bangunan ibu pejabatnya di Ranggon Road di George Town, kata Guan Eng dalam kenyataannya.

Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir
Rohaya menuduh kerajaan negeri cuba menghalau orang Melayu dengan membeli tanah mereka untuk dibina perumahan mahal, dan menempatkan orang Melayu di Seberang Perai mengakibatkan penurunan populasi Melayu di Pulau Pinang daripada 41 peratus menjadi 40 peratus pada tahun 2013.
“Ini adalah tidak benar kerana populasi orang Melayu sebenarnya telah bertambah. Umno sendiri boleh memeriksa data-data Jabatan Statistik Kerajaan Persekutuan.
“Pemimpin Umno yang telah mengkhianati orang Melayu dengan menjual tanah-tanah orang Melayu demi keuntungan, tegas Guan Eng.
Datuk Omar Faudzar
Guan Eng mendedahkan pemimpin Umno di Pulau Pinang membeli tanah orang Melayu dan menjualnya kepada pihak ketiga untuk meraih keuntungan segera.
“Ini jelas dapat dilihat dalam pembelian 10 ekar tanah orang Melayu di Kampung Terang, Balik Pulau pada 31 Januari 2012 untuk RM8.6 juta daripada 31 pemilik tanah Melayu oleh Maison Height Sdn Bhd.
“Tiga setengah bulan kemudian, pada 16 Mei 2012, tanah yang sama dijual demi keuntungan sebanyak RM5 juta pada harga RM13.5 juta kepada pihak ketiga.
“Bukan DAP, tetapi pemimpin-pemimpin Umno yang telah mengkhianati orang Melayu dengan menjual tanah mereka,” tegas Guan Eng. –

UMNO made profits by selling Malay kampungs...
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng told a Malay
crowd in Bayan Baru yesterday that it is Umno Penang leaders who bought
and sold their land.
Lim said Umno had slandered the DAP and Penang government, by saying the party had purchased land in Balik Pulau, whatever the cost, to "chase out the Malays".
Lim accused Umno of lying because the DAP never bought even an inch of land in Balik Pulau.
DAP had only bought a building in Rangoon Road in George Town for its Penang headquarters, he added.
Lim was responding to Wanita Umno delegate Rohaya Abu Ismail who bashed DAP and the Penang government for allegedly "oppresing the Malays" in the state, especially in land and house matters.
She blasted the DAP of having an "hidden agenda" to chase the Malays out from Balik Pulau.
Lim then cited a case in Kampung Terang, Balik Pulau, where 10 acres of land was purchased on Jan 31, 2012, for RM8.6 million.
Three months later, on May 16, a similar plot of land was sold for RM13.5 million, for a profit of RM5 million, to a third party, he added.
Lim revealed that Maison Height was owned by Bukit Mertajam Umno chief Musa Sheikh Fadzir (left) and Bukit Gelugor chief Omar Faudzar.
"These two Umno leaders should be condemned for profiting from the sale of Malay land in Balik Pulau," said Lim.
"Instead, I was blamed although I did not get a sen," he lamented.- mk

Malays the majority, will survive without UMNO...
He was responding to the Prime Minister Najib Razak’s speech at the Umno general assembly where he said that if Umno is defeated the Malays are damned.
“Don't let our future be in the hands of the corrupt few. You must have confidence and courage to change," said Anwar.
Anwar, also the Permatang Pauh MP, was speaking in Penang at the Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians Meeting on Integration, Good Governance and Democracy in Asia last evening.
He said some may be uncertain of change, thinking that BN or Umno can reform themselves or that Najib's transformation agenda may work.
However, the conduct of their leaders at this week's Umno assembly revealed that even the so-called liberals in the party has becomes "extremely racist", he added.
Anwar did not name the leaders but DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng had hit out at Ummo Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin for allegedly playing the race and religious card at the AGM when he raised the issue of Malays joining the party, describing it as "chauvinistic".
Until the AGM that is, when he reportedly warned the non-Malays not to question Malay special rights, reminding them of the "promise" made as part of the social contract when the country gained independence from British rule in 1957.
"To my mind this should give us enough courage, that we have a clear choice, to overcome fear," Anwar said.
"I am speaking here with confidence and a smile but in a matter of weeks, I can be a free man or I may be in jail," he added, referring to his second sodomy case, which is awaiting the Federal Court's decision.
"But our future can be determined by our common resolve."
Bastion of Malays are speaking up
Anwar said at times he felt disturbed when people ask why the Malays prefer not to change.
There are Malays who would not sit back and condone corruption or racism, he insisted.
"I can see in their tweets and Facebook comments. Young Malays even those from universities which are supposed to be the bastion of Malays are speaking up," he stressed.
He said he had never seen this happen anywhere in the world where there is semi-authoritarian rule, no access to the mainstream media for the opposition, where elections are allegedly fraudulent, where about 400,000 voted one week earlier and their votes are kept in police custody.
Anwar was then responding to a question by one of the participants of the session who asked how far would Najib go to allow right-wing groups - who often described themselves as defenders of Islam and the Malay race - dictate the country's future.
Anwar said jokingly, "It is like Limbo Rock, the song made popular by Chubby Checkers, how low can you go?"
But he told the 40-odd audience not to generalise because these so-called defenders of the Malays and Islam hardly talked about hardcore poverty or lack of opportunism for the poor.
"When talk of the National Economic Policy (which provides opportunities for poor Malays), they happen to be in the top financial brackets and are doing extremely well," said the former deputy prime minister.
He said such quarters are bigots who try to show how righteous they are but "there is nothing religious about their lifestyle".
"If you are so racist, you cannot represent Islam," Anwar quipped.
Umno failed the Malays
However, Anwar noted that in authoritarian rule, there is always a tendency to swing to the extreme when leaders are desperate.
"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
"They play the race card because you challenge them. They will say do not question their rights. Who are they defending?"
Anwar said Malays have been in power since independence and that Malay political power is Umno's power.
"Yet, they failed miserably in protecting the Malays," he said.
After the two-hour meeting, Anwar met with the Penang chief minister at a ceremony to honour the Bukit Gedung Malay hawkers complex in Bayan Baru, which won a national award this year for cleanliness, safety and health.
Accompanying Lim were Deputy Chief Minister II Rashid Hasnon, PAS deputy president Mohammed Sabu, Batu Maung assemblyman Abdul Malik Kassim and former state assembly speaker Abdul Halim Hussein.- mk

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