Empat Orang Keluarga Penumpang AirAsia Pengsan...
Pantauan Kompas.com, Selasa (30/12/2014), anggota keluarga yang pingsan segera digotong dengan menggunakan tandu ke ruang DVI Polda Jawa Timur, yang bersebelahan dengan ruang crisis center di Bandara Juanda, Surabaya. Wali Kota Surabaya Tri Rismaharini terlihat ikut membopong salah seorang yang pingsan bersama dengan petugas PMI.

Risma juga terlihat memberikan air mineral kepada keluarga penumpang yang lemas karena sedih mendengar kabar ditemukannya serpihan pesawat. Dia juga yang membukakan tutup air mineral tersebut.
Terlihat salah seorang yang pingsan sudah sadar. Dia kemudian duduk dengan pandangan hampa dan air mata di wajahnya.
Sementara itu, keluarga penumpang AirAsia QZ8501 yang masih berkumpul di ruang crisis center Bandara Juanda, Surabaya, terus mengikuti perkembangan yang terlihat di layar televisi.- kompass

Debris is from missing AirAsia flight QZ8501, Indonesia confirms...
Djoko Murjatmodjo, Indonesia's director general of civil aviation, announced that debris spotted in water near where the plane lost contact was from the missing jet.
Three bodies had already been evacuated from the aircraft, the Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) said, shortly after the plane's wreckage was found.
The operation will now concentrate on recovering the passengers, locating the black box and lifting the plane from the sea floor, after which the National Transportation Safety Committee would commence its investigation into the cause of the crash.
The head of search and rescue, Sulistyo, grimly announced about 2.45pm local time (6.45pm AEDT) that evidence had been mounting for almost four hours of the location of the downed jet.
He said the plane's emergency door had been identified, as well as what looked like the shadow of the plane's body under the water.
"We are now officially announcing that on the third day of the search, we found the debris," Sulistyo said.

The plane is lying on the ocean floor at a depth of 25 to 30 metres, which will allow recovery authorities to utilise divers, Sulistyo said.
More sophisticated equipment could be used in the future, Sulistyo said, but Pangkalanbun would be designated as the new centre for the operation.
Tears flowed as a live broadcast of the announcement was played to families at Juanda airport, Surabaya. Many held their heads in their hands or simply sat in stunned silence, holding each other and crying.
Several family members fell unconscious in the families' room and one was rushed out, screaming hysterically as the impact of the announcement sank in.
The hysterical scenes were prompted by the screening on live television of a floating, near-naked body. News station TVOne later apologised for airing the image.
"Now, even if there is hope, she's a stewardess, she's cabin crew. She would have rescued a passenger before saving herself," he said.

Soelistyowati, an aunt of two passengers on board, said: "We are in shock. We were faced with the possibility of a tragedy [before the confirmation]. But, even with the news of the wreckage found, their big sister and us still hopes she somehow managed to survive."
An aircraft from Basarnas spotted the debris after 4pm AEDT near Pangkalanbun off the island of Borneo, Basarnas spokesman Andriandi said. The area is quite close to where the plane first lost contact.
The news of the floating debris came after Indonesian authorities virtually doubled the search area on Tuesday morning to 156,000 square kilometres.
The final communications between the pilot of flight QZ8501 and air traffic control revealed the Airbus 320-200 captain, Iriyanto, had requested permission at 6.12am local time on Sunday to turn left to avoid a storm.
The request was granted and the plane turned left seven miles. The captain then requested to be able to climb saying: "Request to higher level," according to AirNav standards and safety director Wisnu Darjono, as quoted by the Jakarta Post.
The air traffic controller responded: "Intended to what level?", to which Iriyanto indicated he wanted to go to 38,000 feet. However there were six planes in the area at the time and so QZ8501 was told it could only go to 34,000 feet.

"But when we informed the pilot of the approval at 6.14am, we received no reply," Mr Wisnu said.
To address concerns of the families about a lack of hard information, the agency has established a three-way video link between the Basarnas crisis centre in Jakarta, the Juanda airport families' room and the department of transport situation room, also in Jakarta.
"That will hopefully ease the minds of the families because they can see directly what's going on in Basarnas, so they'll know that everybody is working hard in the search for their loved ones," said Basarnas spokesman Mochamad Hernanto.
AirAsia has offered families, and some journalists, a flight over the area on Wednesday, at the request of the families.
"They believe that, while the search and rescue [agencies] are working hard to try to locate the aircraft, they believe that with their presence, with their praying of the next of kin, that will help the search and rescue team to quickly find and locate the aircraft," an AirAsia spokesman said.- smh

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