Lantikan Mueller satu pembaziran, kata bekas pengarah urusan MAS...
Tindakan Khazanah Nasional Berhad melantik Christoph R Mueller sebagai ketua pegawai eksekutif (CEO) Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAS Newco) membazir wang negara, kata Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman.
Bekas pengarah urusan MAS itu turut menyindir kerajaan yang tidak membela kebajikan pekerja syarikat itu, tetapi sebaliknya mengambil warga asing bekerja dan membayar gaji besar kepada Mueller.
"Mereka mahu kurang perbelanjaan, tidak mahu bayar gaji begitu ramai tapi boleh ambil CEO dari luar negara," katanya dipetik akhbar Sinar Harian, hari ini.
Aziz berkata, sebagai negara yang lama menerajui dunia penerbangan, Malaysia sebenarnya memiliki calon tempatan yang lebih sesuai dilantik sebagai CEO berbanding Mueller.
Katanya, beliau dapat mengenal pasti beberapa calon tempatan yang layak berdasarkan pengalaman puluhan tahun dalam industri, namun enggan memberi nama sesiapa.
"Kalau tanya saya, saya ada nama yang sesuai untuk dicadangkan tetapi mereka tidak tanya pun, ambil jalan mudah pilih orang luar," katanya.
Menurut Sinar Harian, Aziz merupakan individu yang dipertanggungjawabkan kerajaan menubuhkan MAS pada 1972.
Katanya, sebagai rakyat asing, Mueller tidak akan mampu memahami masalah yang berlaku di negara ini sebaiknya kerana tidak memahami budaya masyarakat Malaysia.
Mueller dijadualkan menerajui MAS Newco berkuatkuasa 1 Januari, 2015.
Menyentuh jumlah ahli lembaga pengarah MAS yang baru, iaitu seramai 13 orang, Aziz menganggapnya terlalu ramai.
"Cukup enam ke tujuh orang saja (lembaga pengarah), ditambah pula 6,000 kakitangan MAS dibuang.
"Itu bermakna syarikat ini semakin mengecil, bukan syarikat besar lagi," katanya.
Christoph R Mueller
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad semalam dilaporkan berkata, MAS rugi kerana rakyat Malaysia tidak pandai menguruskannya.
"Orang Malaysia ini bodoh, tidak tahu hendak uruskan syarikat penerbangan, sebab itu MAS rugi," katanya.
Katanya, tidak hairan jika orang luar diberikan kepercayaan mengurus dan memulihkan semula syarikat penerbangan negara itu.
Pertubuhan Sukarelawan Peguam Malaysia (SukaGuam) juga mahu rakyat tempatan menguruskan MAS kerana melibatkan soal maruah dan keselamatan negara.
Pengerusinya, Datuk Khairul Anwar Rahmat berkata, tindakan kerajaan melantik CEO Aer Lingus itu membuktikan kerajaan tidak mempercayai rakyat sendiri menguruskan syarikat penerbangan negara.
"MAS bukanlah sebuah syarikat penerbangan komersial biasa, lebih daripada itu, MAS adalah ‘syarikat penerbangan negara’.
"Operasi harian MAS termasuk dalam sektor strategik terpenting Malaysia kerana membabitkan soal maruah dan keselamatan negara," katanya dalam satu kenyataan. – tmi

MAS flopped as BN stupid, not M’sians...
The success of private airline AirAsia is proof
that Malaysians aren't the ones incompetent at managing aviation, but BN
is the one at fault said DAP.
In a statement today, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said he "strongly disagrees" with former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's claim that MAS had to appoint an expatriate chief executive officer because Malaysians are, in the ex-premier's words, "stupid".
Lim (left),
who is Bagan MP, said it was BN that is stupid as Malaysian Airlines
(MAS) had failed despite the vast amount of government funds it has
received, unlike AirAsia that has succeeded without any government
"The success of AirAsia is well-known internationally.
"Without a single cent in government support and subsidies, they have transformed the airline industry by offering affordable fares where 'everyone can fly'.
"In fact, it is BN and not Malaysians who is stupid, by relying on racism to cloak incompetent cronies instead of spotting talented Malaysians right before their very eyes such as the AirAsia team of Tony Fernandes, Kamarudin Meranon and Azran Osman Rani," he said.
"The contrast could not be greater. MAS recorded huge losses despite the federal government offering tens of billions of ringgit and charging higher fares whilst Air Asia recorded huge profits despite charging budget fares."
'Be transparent with CEO's terms'
He added while AirAsia has employed the best and brightest, Malaysians and foreigners alike, Putrajaya had instead let off and sometimes even rewarded "bad behaviour".
Lim said he hoped the incoming MAS CEO Christoph Mueller, a German and the former CEO of Ireland's national carrier Aer Lingus, will be given a free hand to clean up MAS' mismanagement.
He added this should be the immediate priority instead of "taking the easy way out" by slashing jobs.
Lim also urged the government to reveal the terms and benefits for hiring Mueller, "to demonstrate MAS' new-found commitment to transparency and accountability".
Meanwhile, NGO Malaysian Indian Progressive Association (Mipas) secretary-general S Barathidasan too said he disagreed with Mahathir's assertion that Malaysians were "stupid" in handling an aviation company.
Instead, he urged the government to rope in Fernandes to assist in MAS' revival.- mk
In a statement today, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said he "strongly disagrees" with former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's claim that MAS had to appoint an expatriate chief executive officer because Malaysians are, in the ex-premier's words, "stupid".
"The success of AirAsia is well-known internationally.
"Without a single cent in government support and subsidies, they have transformed the airline industry by offering affordable fares where 'everyone can fly'.
"In fact, it is BN and not Malaysians who is stupid, by relying on racism to cloak incompetent cronies instead of spotting talented Malaysians right before their very eyes such as the AirAsia team of Tony Fernandes, Kamarudin Meranon and Azran Osman Rani," he said.
"The contrast could not be greater. MAS recorded huge losses despite the federal government offering tens of billions of ringgit and charging higher fares whilst Air Asia recorded huge profits despite charging budget fares."
'Be transparent with CEO's terms'
He added while AirAsia has employed the best and brightest, Malaysians and foreigners alike, Putrajaya had instead let off and sometimes even rewarded "bad behaviour".
Lim said he hoped the incoming MAS CEO Christoph Mueller, a German and the former CEO of Ireland's national carrier Aer Lingus, will be given a free hand to clean up MAS' mismanagement.
Lim also urged the government to reveal the terms and benefits for hiring Mueller, "to demonstrate MAS' new-found commitment to transparency and accountability".
Meanwhile, NGO Malaysian Indian Progressive Association (Mipas) secretary-general S Barathidasan too said he disagreed with Mahathir's assertion that Malaysians were "stupid" in handling an aviation company.
Instead, he urged the government to rope in Fernandes to assist in MAS' revival.- mk

Dr M, who are the 'we' who reject Anwar...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad has mended ties with numerous
political foes in the past, but his vendetta with Anwar Ibrahim is one
that would never see the hatchet being buried in this lifetime.
Unlike the other deputies and adversaries he had deposed, Anwar seems to be cast in a different and much robust mould.
It has been almost two decades since his unceremonious ejection from Putrajaya, but the maverick politician continues to be resilient and refuses to fade like the rest.
Anwar continues to threaten the ruling regime and Mahathir’s legacy.
For should he conquer the administrative capital, it would mean that the former premier’s son, for whom the father has grand plans, would not be able to reach the political summit.
reason for Mahathir’s bitter animosity towards Anwar is that the latter
had successfully soiled his former superior’s reputation in the west.
Hence, it came as no surprise that Mahathir lobbed criticisms at the US after its vice-president tweeted that Malaysia could redeem itself with regard to the upcoming verdict on Anwar’s final appeal over his sodomy conviction.
In other words, Joe Biden (left) had implied that the case against the Malaysian opposition leader is a sham and therefore the Federal Court should not commit a travesty of justice.
Fair enough, Malaysia’s ruling politicians were up in arms, calling on the US to cease meddling in the affairs of other nations.
According to Mahathir, the US does not wish to see Anwar land in prison because it harboured the notion of him becoming the prime minister.
He also pointed out that the US should gaze at itself in the mirror before judging others.
Granted, the superpower has been accused of a slew of abuses and violations of human rights both on its soil and abroad.
Mahathir also added, “That is up to them (US wanting Anwar (left) as PM), but we don’t”.
However, the former premier did not clarify whether the “we” referred to him and his family, Umno and BN or Malaysians.
If Mahathir believes that he was speaking on behalf of all Malaysians, then the octogenarian had got it dead wrong since the last two general elections have sent a different message.
In the 2008 general election, the BN was for the first time denied a two-third parliamentary majority and in last year’s national polls, the ruling coalition lost the popular vote for the first time in more than five decades.
This means that the majority of Malaysian voters had backed the opposition bloc lead by Anwar and thus endorsed him as their prime minister.
Set aside the First-Past-the-Post-System which has ensured that BN continues to rule despite the electoral debacle, Mahathir must understand that Malaysians had already appointed Anwar as their prime minister.- mk
Unlike the other deputies and adversaries he had deposed, Anwar seems to be cast in a different and much robust mould.
It has been almost two decades since his unceremonious ejection from Putrajaya, but the maverick politician continues to be resilient and refuses to fade like the rest.
Anwar continues to threaten the ruling regime and Mahathir’s legacy.
For should he conquer the administrative capital, it would mean that the former premier’s son, for whom the father has grand plans, would not be able to reach the political summit.
Hence, it came as no surprise that Mahathir lobbed criticisms at the US after its vice-president tweeted that Malaysia could redeem itself with regard to the upcoming verdict on Anwar’s final appeal over his sodomy conviction.
In other words, Joe Biden (left) had implied that the case against the Malaysian opposition leader is a sham and therefore the Federal Court should not commit a travesty of justice.
Fair enough, Malaysia’s ruling politicians were up in arms, calling on the US to cease meddling in the affairs of other nations.
According to Mahathir, the US does not wish to see Anwar land in prison because it harboured the notion of him becoming the prime minister.
He also pointed out that the US should gaze at itself in the mirror before judging others.
Granted, the superpower has been accused of a slew of abuses and violations of human rights both on its soil and abroad.
However, the former premier did not clarify whether the “we” referred to him and his family, Umno and BN or Malaysians.
If Mahathir believes that he was speaking on behalf of all Malaysians, then the octogenarian had got it dead wrong since the last two general elections have sent a different message.
In the 2008 general election, the BN was for the first time denied a two-third parliamentary majority and in last year’s national polls, the ruling coalition lost the popular vote for the first time in more than five decades.
This means that the majority of Malaysian voters had backed the opposition bloc lead by Anwar and thus endorsed him as their prime minister.
Set aside the First-Past-the-Post-System which has ensured that BN continues to rule despite the electoral debacle, Mahathir must understand that Malaysians had already appointed Anwar as their prime minister.- mk

Pasport antarabangsa blogger Alvin Tan akan dibatal...
Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata, Jabatan Imigresen mempunyai kuasa membatalkan pasport Tan kerana dokumen itu bukan harta seseorang individu.
"Kita boleh buat hari ini atau Isnin. Kita boleh lakukannya secepat mungkin," katanya pada satu sidang akhbar di Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia pagi ini.
Pada 18 Julai 2013, Tan dan teman wanitanya Vivian Lee, 25, didakwa di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur mengikut Akta Hasutan kerana mempersendakan agama Islam dan bulan Ramadan di laman Facebook.
Susulan itu, pada 22 Ogos lepas, mahkamah yang sama mengeluarkan waran tangkap selepas Tan gagal hadir bagi sebutan kesnya.
Baru-baru ini, dia dipercayai memuat naik kenyataan yang mempersendakan institusi beraja melalui Facebooknya.
Tan dipercayai memuat naik kenyataan itu di Los Angeles berdasarkan catatan lokasi di laman Facebooknya, yang mendakwa sultan tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk memberi dan menarik balik gelaran kebesaran daripada mana-mana pihak.
Status tersebut dipercayai ditujukan kepada Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah selepas baginda menarik balik gelaran 'Datuk Seri' daripada Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkuat kuasa 3 November lepas. – tmi
Batal pasport Alvin Tan tidak bijak

Just cancel my passport, Alvin dares Zahid...
Alvin Tan, who is fleeing sedition charges for an online Ramadan greeting featuring a pork dish, has dared the government to go ahead with plans to cancel his passport.
Home Minister Ahmad Zahid earlier today said the sex blogger’s travel document will be cancelled as soon as possible, under the Immigration Act.
"Don’t just threaten…just do it. Don’t be cowardly…," Tan dared Zahid in an expletive-filled Facebook posting.
Utusan Malaysia quoted Zahid as saying that the government will cancel Tan’s passpost "most likely on Monday".
Tan, 26, first entered the limelight when he faced disciplinary action from the National University of Singapore for the sex blog he maintained with partner Vivian Lee.
The duo on July 18, 2013 claimed trial to three charges under the Film Censorhip Act, Sedition Act and the Penal Code.
Tan skipped bail and fled to the United States to seek asylum.- mk

Tu lah cakap serupa langit mahu runtuh lagi.Ambik kau...

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