Semalam penerbangan pesawat AirAsia QZ8501 yang membawa 155 penumpang dan tujuh anak kapal, hilang.
Pesawat Airbus 320-200 itu berlepas dari Surabaya, Indonesia pada jam 5.20 pagi waktu tempatan (6.20 pagi waktu Malaysia) dan dijangka tiba di Singapura dua jam kemudian, tetapi ia terputus hubungan dengan kawalan trafik udara.
Pihak berkuasa Indonesia melancarkan gerakan mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) semalam.
Manakala laporan bahawa pesawat itu mungkin terhempas berhampiran Pulau Belituing di luar pantai Sumatera telah tidak disahkan.- mk
Missing plane could be at 'bottom of sea'

School opening delayed a week...
The Education Ministry today announced the
postponement of the start of the 2015 school session for the whole
country by one week because of the floods in several states.
Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said the new school session would begin on Jan 11 for Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor on Jan 12 for the other states.
"The postponement is inevitable due to the use of several schools as flood evacuation centres and floods at several other schools.
will take time for the teachers, parents and schoolchildren affected by
the floods to make the necessary preparations by the time the school
session starts," he said in a statement.
The new school session for Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor was originally scheduled to begin on Jan 4 and for the other states, on Jan 5.
"As Education Minister, I understand and am concerned about the difficulties faced in this situation by all parties including the schools' management, teachers, parents and students if the 2015 school session starts as scheduled,"
he said.
said until yesterday, the Education Ministry found that 340 schools in
seven states were affected by the floods, either they were turned into
flood relief centres or were inundated by flood waters.
He also advised the schools' management that after the flood waters had subsided, they should use that time to organise gotong-royong to clean up the schools and compounds for the safety and comfort of the students.
Up to this morning, the number of flood victims in six states including Selangor has reached 225,731.
- Bernama
Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said the new school session would begin on Jan 11 for Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor on Jan 12 for the other states.
"The postponement is inevitable due to the use of several schools as flood evacuation centres and floods at several other schools.
The new school session for Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor was originally scheduled to begin on Jan 4 and for the other states, on Jan 5.
"As Education Minister, I understand and am concerned about the difficulties faced in this situation by all parties including the schools' management, teachers, parents and students if the 2015 school session starts as scheduled,"
he said.
He also advised the schools' management that after the flood waters had subsided, they should use that time to organise gotong-royong to clean up the schools and compounds for the safety and comfort of the students.
Up to this morning, the number of flood victims in six states including Selangor has reached 225,731.
- Bernama

Tadah air hujan buat rendam mi segera...
Malah, bekas setiausaha politik kepada Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, Annual Bakri Harun (bawah), antara yang merasai keperitan itu.
Menceritakan pengalamannya kepada Malaysiakini, Annual, 56, berkata, akibat terlalu lapar, beliau terpaksa menadah air hujan untuk merendam mi segera.
"Oleh kerana saya terlalu lapar, saya terpaksa tadah air hujan dengan tangan dan letak dalam bekas untuk rendam mi itu. Bayangkan macam mana masak mi segera dengan air sejuk," katanya.
Sebelum itu, beliau beberapa kali cuba keluar ke jalan besar dengan mengharungi air deras paras pinggang, untuk mencari jika ada kedai menjual nasi, namun hampa.
Semalam genap lima hari kediamannya di kampung Wakaf Zain yang terletak di dalam Dun Salor, dinaiki air.
Kongsi dengan kucing, ayam
Menurut Annual, ketika air mula naik Rabu lalu, paras air di halaman rumahnya lebih satu meter, di dalam rumah pula kira-kira kira-kira 60 sentimeter.
Oleh kerana air naik terlalu pantas, kebanyakan barang tidak sempat dipindahkan termasuk dua buah kereta jenis Mercedes dan Perodua Viva.
Bagaimanapun, anak dan isterinya telah dihantar ke rumah orang tuanya lebih awal.
"Hanya sekali saya dapat makan nasi (sepanjang banjir), itu pun hari ketiga apabila jiran menjemput saya.
"Sebelum ni saya hanya makan biskut yang sudah lemau. Itu pun dikongsi dengan tiga lagi makhluk iaitu kucing, ayam dan burung yang saya pelihara," katanya.
Sementara itu, beliau turut melahirkan kekecewaan terhadap kelambatan penyaluran bantuan dan sumbangan dari pihak bertanggungjawab kepada mangsa banjir.
Ketika kunjungan Malaysikini ke rumah beliau malam tadi, sekumpulan sukarelawan dari NGO Darul Hijrah, datang menghulurkan sumbangan berupa makanan kepada beliau.- mk

Flood victims live off rainwater-soaked noodles...
Deprived of proper food, victims stranded in the country’s worst flood in decades have resorted to desperate measures to fill their growling stomachs.
Even those politically connected are not spared from the national disaster, which has displaced more than 225,000 people, as Annual Bakri Harun can testify.
Annual, a former political secretary to ex-Kelantan menteri besar Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, said he was forced to soak instant noodles in rain water for food.
“There are instant noodles, but no electricity to boil water and the stove is not working.
“Out of hunger, I was forced to collect rain water with my bare hands and pour them into the instant noodle cup.
“Imagine cooking instant noodles with cold rain water,” Annual told Malaysiakini when met at his residence in Kampung Wakaf Zain, Bachok.
Annual’s house was inundated with water, 60cm deep, last Wednesday and has remained flooded for five days now.
‘Fruitless hunt for rice’
Annual (left) said he had braved strong currents, with water up to his waist, several times to search for rice but to no avail.
The loss of property has also been significant for Annual, as his Mercedes and Perodua Viva vehicles sit in the muddy water.
He said the water had risen rapidly, giving his family little time to save anything.
Annual has since sent off his wife and children to his parents’ home where they would be safe, but is worried about leaving his house.
For now, he is keeping watch over the house alone, with only his pets for company.
A frustrated Annual said the slow pace of aid from the authorities to reach flood victims was disappointing.
“Before this, I had to eat stale biscuits, which are shared with my cat, chicken and bird,” he said.
However, there was a glimmer of hope for Annual and his fellow villagers yesterday as a volunteer NGO, Darul Hijrah, arrived to distribute food and supplies. - mk

Landasan keretapi dekat area dabong gua musang..

Sungai Pahang, Temerloh...

Bantuan lambat sampai kepada mangsa banjir di pantai timur, pasai janji stiker muka Najib ditampal dulu baru bantuan...

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