Anwar Ibrahim menuntut Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak memohon maaf dan menarik balik dakwaan wang sejumlah RM100 juta di tawarkan kepada seorang ahli Parlimen UMNO supaya beliau masuk menyertai Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
Anwar berkata tuduhan palsu itu merupakan subjek saman fitnahnya terhadap Datuk Seri Anifah Aman, tetapi Najib menggunakannya untuk menyerang beliau dan PR dengan kata-kata yang cabul dan bersifat fitnah semasa Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2014.
“Meskipun perbicaraan masih sedang berjalan, Najib memilih mengulangi tuduhan tidak berasas Anifah yang berkata seorang bernama Ishak Ismail mendekatinya bagi pihak saya dan membuat tawaran tersebut kepada bekas timbalan pengerusi eksekutif KFC Datuk Ishak Ismail,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Jelasnya, Ishak telah menjelaskan kepada umum yang beliau tidak pernah membuat mana-mana tawaran sedemikian kepada Anifah.
Anwar menyeru Najib menarik balik kenyataan palsu tersebut. Ujarnya, “politik wang dan rasuah adalah ciri UMNO dan Barisan Nasional (BN). PR tidak pernah mengamalkan politik wang atau rasuah.
“Kami akan menyelamatkan negara berdasarkan hujah yang logik seperti pentadbiran yang baik di negeri yang ditadbir oleh PR,” katanya.
Sebelum itu, Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Anifah Aman memberitahu Mahkamah Tinggi bahawa bekas timbalan pengerusi KFC Holdings (M) Berhad, Datuk Ishak Ismail menawarkan RM100 juta kepadanya untuk melompat parti.
Anifah berkata Ishak, yang berkait rapat dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, turut membuat tawaran itu dengan hasrat membawa 10 ahli Parlimen dari Sabah menyertai Pakatan Rakyat (PR) untuk membentuk kerajaan baharu pada 2008.- fmt
Corruption, a hallmark of UMNO, not PR...
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim wants the prime minister to apologise and retract his statement that Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat offered now Foreign Minister Anifah Aman RM100 million to defect to Pakatan Rakyat.
"PM Najib made a scurrilous and slanderous attack upon Pakatan Rakyat and myself…," Anwar said in a statement today.
"Pakatan Rakyat has never practised and will never tolerate money politics or corruption.
"We will save this country by reasoned arguments and by the example of good governance in the states administered by us," he said.
Najib in his Umno general assembly winding up speech Sunday described the opposition as the "mother of all corruption" in relation to the Anifah case.
"They (the opposition) are the mother of all corruption. We are accused of all sorts things by the opposition.
"Don’t think we are bad, the opposition is even worse," the Umno president said, while showing delegates a copy of Utusan Malaysia’s report on the case.
Najib said he checked with his lawyers and were told that it is not subjudice for him to raise the matter.
Anwar is suing Anifah for saying that Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat offered him the deputy prime minister post if he defected.
In his testimony, Anifah said the offer was made by businessman Ishak Ismail, who acted as an intermediary.
Ishak in a statement yesterday denied the claim and challenged Anifah to repeat the allegation outside of court so Ishak can take legal action.
Anwar had in 2008 announced that BN MPs will defect to Pakatan to form a new government but this did not happen.- mk
Setem pertama Malaya dilelong AS$1.5 juta...
Nilainya sekarang bagaimanapun tidak diketahui, tetapi setem-setem ini menjadi daya tarikan utama pengunjung ke Pameran Setem Remaja Dunia (KLwyse) 2014 yang sedang berlangsung di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala lumpur di Kuala Lumpur.
Ketua Hal Ehwal Pos dan Tandatangan Digital, Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia (MCMC) Mohamed Zaidi Abdul Karim berkata, setem tersebut diterbitkan oleh Syarikat Hindia Timur (EIC).
EIC mentadbir pengeluaran dan penggunaan setem pos di Negeri-negeri Selat iaitu Pulau Pinang, Melaka dan Singapura dan di seluruh wilayah pos (postal region).
Dalam temubual dengan Bernama, Mohamed Zaidi berkata, kira-kira 150,000 setem koleksi 300 peserta dari 46 buah negara dipamerkan selama enam hari bermula semalam di KLwyse bagi merebut peluang memenangi pertandingan dunia filateli terunggul.- Bernama

Camerons residents slam Palanivel for no-show...
A group of Cameron Highlands residents were irked with the ‘no show’ of
Natural Resources and Environment Minister G Palanivel at a forum on
Sunday to discuss the recent landslides.
Rakyat Prihatin Cameron’s (PRC) organised it to engage with Palanivel as the Cameron Highlands MP, as well as Tanah Rata assemblyperson Leong Ngah Ngah.
“The forum was attended by Leong but Palanivel (left) was a no show despite us sending him two emails on Nov 14 and Nov 27,” said group representative Suresh Kumar.
“He did not even care to reply our emails or notify us that he was not coming for the forum,” disclosed Suresh.
The forum was attended by over 40 people and discussed the landslide issue as well as possible solutions.
PRC also staged a walk and candlelight vigil in the Ringlet - Bertam Valley area on Sunday to commemorate the victims of the landslide tragedies that took place on Nov 5 as well as on Oct 23 last year.
The event also aimed to raise awareness among Cameron Highlands' residents about the seriousness of the problem and to commemorate lost lives.
Today, PRC will be organising another walk and handing over a memorandum to the district officers and local assemblypersons.
Palanivel had come under fire from various factions for keeping quiet on the illegal land clearing issue in Cameron Highlands which purportedly caused the landslides.
This included a royal roasting from the Pahang sultan and also several criticisms within his own party, MIC.- mk
Rakyat Prihatin Cameron’s (PRC) organised it to engage with Palanivel as the Cameron Highlands MP, as well as Tanah Rata assemblyperson Leong Ngah Ngah.
“He did not even care to reply our emails or notify us that he was not coming for the forum,” disclosed Suresh.
The forum was attended by over 40 people and discussed the landslide issue as well as possible solutions.
PRC also staged a walk and candlelight vigil in the Ringlet - Bertam Valley area on Sunday to commemorate the victims of the landslide tragedies that took place on Nov 5 as well as on Oct 23 last year.
The event also aimed to raise awareness among Cameron Highlands' residents about the seriousness of the problem and to commemorate lost lives.
Today, PRC will be organising another walk and handing over a memorandum to the district officers and local assemblypersons.
Palanivel had come under fire from various factions for keeping quiet on the illegal land clearing issue in Cameron Highlands which purportedly caused the landslides.
This included a royal roasting from the Pahang sultan and also several criticisms within his own party, MIC.- mk

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