Ada 3 Jasad Berganding Tangan di Lokasi Penemuan Puing AirAsia QZ8501...
"Ada tujuh sampai delapan orang. Tiga (di antaranya) lagi bergandeng tangan," kata Tri di kokpit pesawat dalam penyusuran wilayah perairan selatan Kalimantan.
Selain jasad manusia, Tri juga melihat beberapa obyek lainnya, seperti tas koper, pelampung, dan serpihan yang diduga milik pesawat AirAsia QZ8501.
Menurut Tri, informasi tersebut telah dia sampaikan ke KRI Budi Utomo yang terlibat dalam proses evakuasi. "Ada Koper-koper dan kayak ada orang pakai pelampung. Saat ini sudah dilakukan proses evakuasi," ucap dia.
Sebelumnya diberitakan, untuk mengecek kebenaran mengenai penampakan obyek-obyek yang diduga milik pesawat AirAsia QZ8501, Panglima Komando Operasi Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma Marsekal Muda Dwi Putranto beserta tim Basarnas melakukan pengecekan dengan menggunakan helikopter ke Selat Karimata, tepatnya di sekitar perairan Teluk Air Hitam, Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat, Selasa (30/12/2014) siang.
Dwi berangkat dari Bandara Iskandar, Pangkalan Bun, sekitar pukul 13.00. Sebelum naik ke atas pesawat, Dwi mengatakan bahwa dia memang harus mengecek langsung ke lokasi untuk memastikan informasi yang ia terima dari para kru pesawat Hercules C130. - kompass

QZ8501: Cari kotak hitam...
Penemuan kotak hitam pesawat QZ8501 nanti mampu mendedahkan kejadian sebenar yang berlaku dan orang ramai diminta tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi selagi siasatan masih belum selesai.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan AirAsia Tan Sri Tony Fernandes berkata, siasatan menyeluruh berkaitan pesawat itu akan mendedahkan perkara sebenar yang berlaku.
"Biarlah kotak hitam menceritakan apa yang berlaku sebenarnya dan jangan membuat sebarang spekulasi selagi hasil siasatan belum selesai.
"Penyiasatan berkaitan pesawat ini akan dijalankan sebaik kotak hitam itu ditemui dan tidak adil membuat spekulasi berhubung punca nahas ini," katanya kepada pemberita pada sidang media di Pusat Krisis di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Juanda Surabaya , tadi.
Tony berkata, buat masa ini keutamaan diberikan kepada keluarga penumpang dan kru dengan memberi sokongan moral serta memberi bantuan.
"Saya tidak akan lari dan meminta maaf atas apa yang berlaku serta akan bertanggungjawab dalam insiden.
"Kami akan cuba melakukan yang terbaik dalam menghadapi insiden ini sejak 13 tahun memimpin syarikat penerbangan ini," katanya.

Beliau berkata, sejak insiden ini hubungannya dengan keluarga mangsa menjadi akrab dan perhubungan itu tidak akan terputus dan sokongan serta bantuan tetap akan diberi.
"Kita akan memberi pampasan kepada keluarga ini namun tunggu terlebih dahulu hasil siasatan.
"AirAsia akan terus bekerjasama dengan Badan SAR Nasional (BARSANAS) untuk melakukan operasi membawa keluar mangsa dan pesawat di lokasi penemuan," katanya.
Menurutnya, pihaknya proses membawa keluar mangsa akan dapat dijalankan secepat mungkin dan biar mereka yang layak menjalankan kerja-kerja mereka.
"Saya juga akan ke lokasi pencarian esok untuk melihat operasi yang dijalankan dan mendapatkan perkembangan terkini.
"Harap esok operasi membawa keluar mangsa akan selesai jika keadaan cuaca baik," katanya.
Tambahnya, operasi perjalanan syarikat penerbangan ini berjalan seperti biasa dan pihaknya kuat serta tabah menghadapi situasi ini.- myMetro

Bodies, debris found as AirAsia plane believed found in sea...
The hunt for a missing AirAsia passenger plane appeared over Tuesday as wreckage and dozens of bodies were spotted at sea off Indonesia, prompting raw scenes of emotion from sobbing relatives of the 162 people aboard.
The Airbus A320-200 disappeared en route from Indonesia's second largest city Surabaya to Singapore during a storm early Sunday.
All indications now are that it crashed in the Java Sea southwest of the island of Borneo, with debris and dozens of bodies retrieved so far.
An air force plane saw a "shadow" on the seabed believed to be of the missing Flight QZ8501, National Search and Rescue Agency chief Bambang Soelistyo told a news conference in Jakarta.
Relatives of the 162 missing hugged each other and burst into tears in Surabaya as they watched footage of one body floating in the sea on a television feed of Soelistyo's press conference.
An Indonesian warship had recovered more than 40 bodies from the sea "and the number is growing", navy spokesman Manahan Simorangkir told AFP shortly afterwards.
'I cannot bring him back to life'
AirAsia's flamboyant chief executive, Tony Fernandes, expressed his grief over the first fatal incident to hit the region's biggest budget airline.
"My heart is filled with sadness for all the families involved in QZ 8501," Fernandes said on Twitter, adding that he was rushing to Surabaya.
Initial news of the debris dimmed the faint hopes of relatives of those missing.
"If that news is true, what can I do? I cannot bring him back to life," said Dwijanto, 60, whose son was on the plane along with five colleagues.
"My heart will be totally crushed if it's true. I will lose a son," he said.
Search chief Soelistyo said all efforts were now being concentrated on the location where the "shadow" and debris had been found, around 160 kilometres (100 miles) southwest of the town of Pangkalan Bun in Central Kalimantan on Borneo island.
The town has the nearest airstrip and is not far from the plane's last known position.

President Joko Widodo was expected in Pangkalan Bun shortly and then head to Surabaya to meet the relatives, officials said.
Indonesian officials had already been preparing relatives for the worst, with Soelistyo saying Monday it was likely the plane was at "the bottom of the sea", based on its estimated position.
The aircraft lost contact early on Sunday about 40 minutes after takeoff, after the crew requested a change of flight plan due to stormy weather, in the third crisis for a Malaysian carrier this year.
In his last communication, the pilot said he wanted to avoid a menacing storm system, before all contact was lost.
Before take-off the pilot had asked for permission to fly at a higher level to avoid the storm but his request was not approved due to heavy traffic on the popular route, according to AirNav, Indonesia's flight navigation service.
In his final communication, the pilot asked to alter his course and repeated his original request to ascend to avoid the bad weather.
"The pilot requested to air traffic controllers to deviate to the left side due to bad weather, which was immediately approved," AirNav safety director Wisnu Darjono told AFP.
"After a few seconds the pilot requested to ascend from 32,000 to 38,000 feet but could not be immediately approved as some planes were flying above it at that time," he said.
That was the last communication with the flight.
"Two to three minutes later when the controller was going to give a clearance to a level of 34,000, the plane did not give any response," Darjono said.

International response
Indonesia's neighbours had responded swiftly with offers of help.
Australia, Singapore and Malaysia sent maritime surveillance aircraft and warships to assist in the search, joining Indonesian planes, ships and scores of fishing boats scouring the waters for signs of the ill-fated aircraft.
The operation had drawn comparisons with the ongoing search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 off Australia, but Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot said it did not appear to be a great mystery, with bad weather the likely cause this time.
China, which had 152 citizens on board MH370, offered to send a frigate and military aircraft to help with the search.
The missing plane was operated by AirAsia Indonesia, a unit of Malaysian-based AirAsia which dominates Southeast Asia's booming low-cost airline market and had never suffered a fatal accident. Most of the passengers were Indonesian.
The crash comes at the end of a disastrous year for Malaysian aviation.
Flight MH370 disappeared while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March with 239 passengers and crew, and in July another Malaysia Airlines flight -- MH17 -- was shot down over unrest-hit Ukraine, killing all 298 on board. – AFP

Where is Rosmah Mansor...
As I said its nothing personal. I just like to poke fun at the high and mighty when they act small and chicken sh*tty. Plus this is not some school boy hiding behind his mommy's skirt. This is the PM - hiding behind the wife's skirt. Chill guys. Its all in good fun lah.
Anyway here is a picture (from The Star) of the PM wading in the flood waters.
Is it the job of the PM to wade in the flood waters? Better watch out for buffalo leeches. They are always looking for a## h&%#$.
Anyway there is some mystery about that plane ride the PM took from Hawaii to Los Angeles, then from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, from Los Angeles to Indianapolis.
Along the way the PM lost his plane. He returned home by commercial flight via Hong Kong. The PM's plane (and his wife) also got lost.
Some say the PM's plane is still in Los Angeles. Others say the plane is in Indianapolis.
Who cares where the PM's plane is. The question is where is his wife? She seems to be missing from the country and maybe even from the plane.
The mystery of the PM's plane is now being talked about by a lot of people. Before I say further here is another picture of the PM that is going around.
This picture was taken very recently on board what looks like the PM's plane. The PM is sleeping soundly in his seat - possibly recovering from jet lag flying from Hawaii to Los Angeles, then from LA to Hong Kong and finally from Hong Kong to Malaysia.
It is too small to be an Airbus. Its a single aisle plane with space for three seats on each side. Possibly a Boeing 737. (Those are customised seats, seating two only on each side. There is also a bed in the background).
It is quite a harmless picture but still someone should tell the PM that the cleaning crew or cabin crew have been taking his picture while he was sleeping and sending it around. Tak baik lah ambil gambar orang tengah tidur.
Someone should also tell the PM not to sleep hanging his head down like that. I do that too and it causes severe pain in the back.
a.Najib departed following criticisms against him not being in Malaysia during crisis.
b.Where is the official government jet that Najib used to return to Malaysia from Hawaii?
c.Speculations Najib flew to Malaysia on (RMAF) transport plane tail number M53-01.
d.Najib went to US via official govt aircraft with tail number 9M-NAA showed Airbus A319 used by Najib left Honolulu Xmas Day & ended up in Indianapolis
f.The plane has since been untrackable publicly on flight tracking website Flightradar24.
g.Why official jet did not bring him back but instead a RMAF plane was used
h.How did official jet travel eastwards and end in Indianapolis? Who is using the jet?"
i.Awani reported Najib arrived 1.40pm Dec 27 in Kelantan showed RMAF Boeing 737 departed Subang 5.34am same day and arrived Hong Kong at 8.53am.
k.Two hours later, it left Hong Kong for Kota Baru and touched down at 1.40pm. - OutSyed The Box
Whereabouts of prime minister’s official plane
Unknown said... - Jawapan pak kadir... dgn izin...
Sdr Unknown, berikut jawapan operasi media PMO. (Saya juga akan siarkan komen Saudara):
“1.The Prime Minister came back on a commercial flight via Hong Kong where he was picked up picked up (by) the Royal Malaysian Air Force and headed straight to Kota Baru.
2. This arrangement came about as the aircraft which the PM and his family used to travel to Hawaii had to stay behind in the United States to sort out some technical issues.
3. The aircraft had not stayed behind for used (sic) by PM’s family members . Also, they are not in Indianapolis. Thank you.”
Anonymous said... - The tail number of the plane is 9M-NAA. You can track its movements here :
For more information on the plane go to :
This is an Airbus plane with French engines (CFM). Why the heck would they want to fly to Indianapolis for maintenance? PMO goreng again as usual. Netizens, lets find out what is in Indianapolis that took them there.

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