BN/UMNO kutip RM274 juta cukai petrol sejak 1 Nov - 15 Dis...
Data harga telah diperolehi secara sah dari pasaran seperti berikut:
RON95 – ditentukan oleh MOPS bagi Singapore Mogas 95 Unleaded
Diesel – ditentukan oleh MOPS bagi Singapore Gasoil
Kadar tukaran matawang – ditentukan oleh kadar rasmi Bank Negara
Dari Lampiran A dan Lampiran B, jelas bahawa harga pasaran bagi RON95 (tidak termasuk jaminan keuntungan dan kos yang diberikan oleh kerajaan kepada syarikat minyak) telah menjunam dari paras RM1.73 seliter pada 1 Disember 2014 kepada RM1.58 seliter pada 15 Disember 2014.
Keadaan yang sama juga berlaku dengan harga diesel yang menjunam dari paras RM1.87 seliter pada 1 Disember 2014 kepada RM1.71 seliter pada 15 Disember 2014.
Malah, dengan jaminan keuntungan dan kos yang diberikan oleh kerajaan kepada syarikat minyak sebanyak 32 sen seliter (RON95) dan 23 sen seliter (diesel) seperti yang terpaksa dibayar rakyat sekarang, harganya juga masih rendah berbanding harga yang ditetapkan oleh kerajaan.
Mengambil kira jaminan keuntungan dan kos kepada syarikat minyak itu, harga RON95 ialah RM2.05 seliter (pada 1 Disember 2014) dan terus menurun kepada RM1.90 seliter (pada 15 Disember 2014); berbanding harga yang dibayar oleh rakyat RM2.26 seliter.
Harga diesel pula (termasuk jaminan keuntungan dan kos kepada syarikat minyak) ialah RM2.10 seliter (pada 1 Disember 2014) dan terus menurun kepada RM1.94 seliter (pada 15 Disember 2014); berbanding harga yang dibayar oleh rakyat RM2.23 seliter.
Oleh kerana rakyat terus membayar pada harga yang lebih tinggi dari harga pasaran (walaupun tanpa subsidi), rakyat Malaysia sebenarnya telah membayar cukai petrol sejak bulan November 2014 lagi.
Perkiraan cukai petrol tersembunyi yang telah ditanggung oleh rakyat ditunjukkan di dalam Lampiran C.
Anggaran ini dibuat berdasarkan jumlah penggunaan petrol sebanyak 14 bilion liter setahun dan penggunaan diesel sebanyak 9.64 bilion liter setahun seperti jawapan Perdana Menteri di Parlimen.
Bagi tempoh November 2014, rakyat membayar sebanyak RM47 juta cukai petrol.
Bagi tempoh 15 hari pertama Disember, rakyat membayar sebanyak RM146 juta cukai petrol bagi RON95 dan RM81 juta bagi diesel.
Maka, jumlah cukai petrol yang dikutip secara senyap oleh kerajaan bagi tempoh 45 hari sahaja ialah RM274 juta tanpa diketahui oleh rakyat.
Oleh sebab itu, saya terus menegaskan bahawa sistem penetapan harga sekarang ini tidak telus dan memangsakan rakyat.
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak perlu menjawab segera ke mana perginya cukai tersembunyi sebanyak RM274 juta yang dikutip dari rakyat dalam tempoh 45 hari sahaja di antara 1 November 2014 hingga 15 Disember 2014. - Rafizi Ramli

Gov't secretly collected RM274mil in fuel taxes...
PKR secretary-general Rafizi Ramli has flayed the
government for quietly collecting RM274 million in petrol taxes in a
period of 45 days.
According to Rafizi, the people have paid higher petrol prices with hidden taxes without any subsidy despite the world fuel price dropping.
“For the month of November 2014, the people have paid RM47 million in fuel taxes.
for the first 15 days of December, the people have paid RM146 million
in fuel taxes for RON95 fuel and another RM81 million for diesel.
“The total fuel taxes which has been collected silently by the government for this period of 45 days alone has accumulated to RM274 million, which the people do not know about,” Rafizi said in a statement today.
He said that the people were paying extra for the fuel, inclusive of the profit margin and cost reimbursement despite the world fuel prices plummeting.
The profit margin and cost reimbursement the government promised the oil companies are 32 sen per litre for RON95 and 23 sen per litre for diesel.
“The cost of RON95 (on Dec 1) was RM2.05 per litre and dropped to RM1.90 per litre (on December 15), but the people are still paying RM2.26 per litre.
“For diesel, the price was (on Dec 1) RM2.10 per litre and has dropped to RM1.94 per litre (on Dec 15) compared to the RM2.23 per litre the people still have to pay,” Rafizi said.
The Pandan MP also called on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to answer where the RM274 million collected in taxes has gone.
“I stress that the current managed float system is not transparent and has victimised the people. Najib has to immediately answer where the hidden taxes, accumulating to RM274 million from the people’s pockets, have gone to in just 45 days,” Rafizi added. - mk
According to Rafizi, the people have paid higher petrol prices with hidden taxes without any subsidy despite the world fuel price dropping.
“For the month of November 2014, the people have paid RM47 million in fuel taxes.
“The total fuel taxes which has been collected silently by the government for this period of 45 days alone has accumulated to RM274 million, which the people do not know about,” Rafizi said in a statement today.
He said that the people were paying extra for the fuel, inclusive of the profit margin and cost reimbursement despite the world fuel prices plummeting.
The profit margin and cost reimbursement the government promised the oil companies are 32 sen per litre for RON95 and 23 sen per litre for diesel.
“The cost of RON95 (on Dec 1) was RM2.05 per litre and dropped to RM1.90 per litre (on December 15), but the people are still paying RM2.26 per litre.
“For diesel, the price was (on Dec 1) RM2.10 per litre and has dropped to RM1.94 per litre (on Dec 15) compared to the RM2.23 per litre the people still have to pay,” Rafizi said.
The Pandan MP also called on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to answer where the RM274 million collected in taxes has gone.
“I stress that the current managed float system is not transparent and has victimised the people. Najib has to immediately answer where the hidden taxes, accumulating to RM274 million from the people’s pockets, have gone to in just 45 days,” Rafizi added. - mk

Taliban Penggal Kepala Murid, Bakar Guru Hidup-Hidup...
Beberapa laporan mengenai serangan militan Taliban ke atas sebuah sekolah di Pakistan amat mengejutkan dengan dakwaan kepala kanak-kanak dipenggal dan seorang guru dibakar hidup-hidup.
Kumpulan pengganas itu menyerang Sekolah Awam Tentera di Peshawar di barat laut Pakistan pada Selasa, mengorbankan lebih 140 orang, dengan kebanyakan mereka adalah pelajar.
Laporan mengejutkan membabitkan tragedi berdarah itu bermula daripada satu sumber menyatakan beberapa kanak-kanak terbunuh, dengan mendakwa antara mereka yang berusia lima tahun telah dipenggal kepala.
Satu sumber lagi memberitahu NBC News bahawa seorang guru telah dibakar hidup-hidup di hadapan sekumpulan pelajar yang dipaksa untuk menyaksikan kejadian ngeri tersebut.
“Mereka bakar seorang guru di hadapan para pelajar di sebuah kelas.
“Mereka membakar guru itu menggunakan minyak gasolin dan memaksa pelajar untuk menyaksikannya,” kata sumber itu kepada NBC News.
Sekurang-kurangnya enam militan memasuki sekolah berkenaan dengan memakai uniform pasukan keselamatan sebelum mengadakan serangan.
Pegawai rasmi Pakistan masih belum mengesahkan mengenai kesahihan laporan mengenai pelajar sekolah dipenggal dan guru yang dibakar.
Perdana Menteri Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif menyeru supaya hari berkabung diadakan selama tiga hari di seluruh negara. – metro.co.uk

Taliban Targeted Soldiers' Children in Horrific School Massacre
The horrific attack in Pakistan on Tuesday was not the first time the Taliban has targeted a school — but sources told NBC News the massacre was motivated more by the militant group's war with Pakistan's army than it was by its anti-education ideology.
The Taliban has claimed that the siege on the Army Public School in Peshawar, one of nearly 150 schools across the country run by the military, was "revenge" for the Pakistani army's ongoing operation in North Waziristan, a hotbed of terrorist activity for years. Pakistan officials said the attack, which killed more than 140, appeared to be aimed at the children of senior military personnel who attend the school.
Peshawar is headquarters for the XI Corps, a branch of Pakistan's military that has led its operation in North Waziristan and includes many members of the armed forces who send their children to Army Public School. But that operation — dubbed "Zarb-e-Azb" or "Strike of the Prophet's Sword" — has recently slowed in pace after making gains since its June launch. Former military officials say the dense, heavily forested region in the Shawal Valley, the site of numerous U.S. drone strikes, has "held up" the military's advance. - continue reading...

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