Harga pasaran RON95 2 minggu pertama December 2014 dibawah RM2 /liter...
Harga pasaran RON95 menggunakan formula yang diumumkan oleh Barisan Nasional bagi dua minggu pertama Disember 2014 menunjukkan bahawa RON95 telah jatuh di bawah paras RM2 seliter, seperti berikut:
Tarikh Harga pasaran sebenar (RM/liter)
1-Dec-14 2.05
2-Dec-14 2.05
3-Dec-14 2.03
4-Dec-14 2.01
5-Dec-14 2.01
6-Dec-14 2.01
7-Dec-14 2.01
8-Dec-14 1.98
9-Dec-14 1.98
10-Dec-14 1.94
11-Dec-14 1.94
12-Dec-14 1.92
13-Dec-14 1.92
14-Dec-14 1.92
15-Dec-14 1.90
Barisan Nasional mengumumkan bahawa harga RON95 bagi sesuatu bulan ditetapkan berdasarkan harga purata harga pasaran RON95 seperti yang ditetapkan oleh formula. Bagi 15 hari pertama Disember 2014, harga purata ini (dikira berdasarkan harga pasaran harian seperti di atas) telah jatuh ke paras RM1.98 liter (tanpa subsidi). Jika subsidi 30 sen seliter dikembalikan seperti yang dituntut oleh KEADILAN, harga RON95 bagi dua minggu pertama secara purata telah jatuh ke paras RM1.68 seliter.
Dalam keadaan harga minyak mentah terus jatuh mendadak minggu ini dan dijangka terus jatuh sepanjang 2015, harga pasaran harian bagi tempoh 16 Disember 2014 hingga 31 Disember 2014 juga akan lebih rendah dari RM1.90 seliter (merujuk kepada harga pada 15 Disember 2014).
Oleh yang demikian, saya memberi amaran kepada Barisan Nasional supaya jangan berdolak dalih untuk segera menurunkan harga RON95 kepada RM1.90 serta merta. Sekiranya harga RON95 yang diumumkan pada 31 Disember 2014 kelak adalah lebih tinggi dari RM1.90 seliter, ini bermakna Barisan Nasional terus memanipulasi harga RON95 dan diesel untuk mendapatkan keuntungan melalui cukai minyak secara tersembunyi.

Sehingga kini, tidak ada seorang pemimpin Barisan Nasional pun yang berani menafikan kenyataan saya sebelum ini bahawa rakyat telah terlebih bayar harga minyak yang lebih tinggi yang dianggarkan RM274 juta dalam tempoh 45 hari sejak 1 November 2014. Mengikut amalan biasa, jumlah ini dikembalikan oleh syarikat-syarikat minyak kepada kerajaan sebagai cukai tersembunyi.
Selagi Barisan Nasional tidak menafikan perkara ini dan menjelaskan mekanisme sebenar siapa yang menyimpan jumlah RM274 juta yang dibayar lebih oleh rakyat ini, selagi itulah rakyat akan terus beranggapan bahawa mereka dicukai secara tersembunyi melalui harga RON95 dan diesel yang lebih tinggi.
Saya mengulangi pendirian bahawa kerajaan wajib mengembalikan subsidi sekurang-kurangnya 30 sen seliter yang akan menyaksikan harga minyak RON95 dalam bulan Januari jatuh ke paras RM1.60 seliter. Penurunan begini selari dengan kejatuhan harga minyak mentah dunia dan harga petrol diesel yang lebih rendah yang dinikmati oleh negara-negara lain.
Saya juga menyeru supaya semua rakyat Malaysia turun ke Dataran Merdeka pada 31 Disember 2014 bermula 9 malam untuk #tuntut #turunhargaminyak kerana harga yang ada sekarang mengutip cukai secara tersembunyi dari rakyat.
Naib Presiden/Setiausaha Agong KEADILAN
Ahli Parlimen Pandan

Baru Menteri bluur sedaq,orang dah tau lama dah...

Five possible scenarios for PAS and Pakatan...
A political analyst has outlined five possible
outcomes for Pakatan Rakyat that either spells doom or creates a
stronger opposition coalition.
Penang-based Wong Chin Huat told Malaysiakini that with the way the coalition is now heading, the coalition members are unlikely to fare well in the next general election as the people would probably lose faith in them over the quarrels and disagreements going on in the alliance.
said the first scenario would be that PAS leaves the coalition, leaving
Pakatan “naked”, yet still manageable but fairly weaker.
The second scenario sees PAS splitting into two different factions, one that stays with Pakatan and the other, holding to its aspirations for ‘Malay unity’, joins forces with Umno and Barisan National.
“If that's the case, it depends how far PAS will work with Umno. If they get close to Umno, Pakatan may benefit from that as people might just reject PAS, seeing that it is now an ally of Umno.
“It will be reminiscent of the year 1974 to 1977 (when PAS was with Umno),” Wong pointed out.
The third situation, he said, is if PAS splits with one remaining with Pakatan and the other being independent of both the opposition coalition and Umno.
This, he said, would possibly weaken Pakatan.
“Comparing these three scenarios already shows that Pakatan will remain a strong coalition if the scenario goes the way of number two, weakest with the first one and somewhat balanced with the third scenario,” he added.
‘Status quo the worst’
Wong then moved to his fourth scenario, where Pakatan remains as it is at the present, which he said bears the worst outcome.
“The fourth scenario is where PAS stays on with Pakatan but they continue dragging on the issue of hudud and other matters.
“If this prolongs all the way to the (next general) election, that will definitely not be a good sign for Pakatan.
“This scenario will be the worst one. Pakatan will keep on debating and quarrelling and that type of Pakatan would be worse than if it splits,” Wong said.
PAS has been a thorn in the side of Pakatan since the coalition's best ever electoral showing in the May 2013 general election.
Central to disagreements is its recent revival of plans to implement hudud in Kelantan, a move that had been passed at state level during former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s time, but had been blocked from fruition by the federal government.
The hopes of Kelantan PAS were revitalised when Umno’s minister Jamil Khir Baharom (left) said the federal government now supports hudud in Kelantan.
The rift in Pakatan was further aggravated when PAS chief Abdul Hadi Awang broke ranks with both his partners and his own members during the prolonged Selangor MB crisis.
The crisis showed cracks both within Pakatan and PAS’ own ulama and progressive factions, with the latter being more favourable towards Pakatan unity.
‘Consensus best scenario’
Wong (right) said the fifth and final scenario offers the best outcome for the coalition comprising PAS, DAP and PKR.
“Now, the best situation would be that PAS and all the other Pakatan component parties come to an agreement on a common ground, as it was back in 2013. Cohesion,” Wong said.
The researcher concluded that if the situation with the component parties continued as it now was, it would be better for PAS to split from Pakatan.
However, he pointed out, if there is a break within Pakatan and PAS leaves the coalition, the remaining parties would not have the strength to take on Putrajaya.- mk
Penang-based Wong Chin Huat told Malaysiakini that with the way the coalition is now heading, the coalition members are unlikely to fare well in the next general election as the people would probably lose faith in them over the quarrels and disagreements going on in the alliance.
The second scenario sees PAS splitting into two different factions, one that stays with Pakatan and the other, holding to its aspirations for ‘Malay unity’, joins forces with Umno and Barisan National.
“If that's the case, it depends how far PAS will work with Umno. If they get close to Umno, Pakatan may benefit from that as people might just reject PAS, seeing that it is now an ally of Umno.
“It will be reminiscent of the year 1974 to 1977 (when PAS was with Umno),” Wong pointed out.
The third situation, he said, is if PAS splits with one remaining with Pakatan and the other being independent of both the opposition coalition and Umno.
This, he said, would possibly weaken Pakatan.
“Comparing these three scenarios already shows that Pakatan will remain a strong coalition if the scenario goes the way of number two, weakest with the first one and somewhat balanced with the third scenario,” he added.
‘Status quo the worst’
Wong then moved to his fourth scenario, where Pakatan remains as it is at the present, which he said bears the worst outcome.
“The fourth scenario is where PAS stays on with Pakatan but they continue dragging on the issue of hudud and other matters.
“This scenario will be the worst one. Pakatan will keep on debating and quarrelling and that type of Pakatan would be worse than if it splits,” Wong said.
PAS has been a thorn in the side of Pakatan since the coalition's best ever electoral showing in the May 2013 general election.
Central to disagreements is its recent revival of plans to implement hudud in Kelantan, a move that had been passed at state level during former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s time, but had been blocked from fruition by the federal government.
The rift in Pakatan was further aggravated when PAS chief Abdul Hadi Awang broke ranks with both his partners and his own members during the prolonged Selangor MB crisis.
The crisis showed cracks both within Pakatan and PAS’ own ulama and progressive factions, with the latter being more favourable towards Pakatan unity.
‘Consensus best scenario’
“Now, the best situation would be that PAS and all the other Pakatan component parties come to an agreement on a common ground, as it was back in 2013. Cohesion,” Wong said.
The researcher concluded that if the situation with the component parties continued as it now was, it would be better for PAS to split from Pakatan.
However, he pointed out, if there is a break within Pakatan and PAS leaves the coalition, the remaining parties would not have the strength to take on Putrajaya.- mk
" Marahkan Nyamuk Kelambu Dibakar. Marahkan Lim Guan Eng Banner Selamat Menyambut Hari Krismas Dicabut "
Orang kata bodoh marah. Tindakan seolah-olah tidak menghormati hari kebesaran agama lain. Macam ini kah PERKASA yang tegakkan kalimah Allah. Kononya pejuang kalimah Allah tapi perangai mengalahkan beruk.
Sergah orang sampai nak pukul bagai. Dia bukan tahu apa-apa pun, macam poyo ja puak-puak yang akal tak cukup sempurna nih.
Tak puas hati pi jumpa terus Lim Guan Eng lah. Jangan tunjuk sangat kebodohan yang ada pada diri tu, sepatutnya tunjuk contoh akhlas Islam yang sebenar macam mana, berjuang atas kalimah Allah tapi perangai entah apa-apa. - ehsan dari tikaqbuloh blog

Perkasa: CM not 'holy pig', arrest him...
Perkasa staged multiple protests this afternoon
and fired a series of insults against Penang Chief Minister Lim Guang
Eng over his remark that non-Muslims in the state can use the term
During a protest in Perak outside the DAP office in Ipoh, Perkasa members manhandled a state assemblyperson and tore down a banner with Christmas and New Year greetings.
In Penang, state Perkasa Youth chief Mohd Rizuad Mohd Azudin , who led the protest outside the state government office in Komtar, said Lim should be arrested and warned him not to meddle in Islamic affairs.
want to tell him that he (Lim) is not holy pig (babi suci). He is a
wild boar (babi hutan) and should be expelled from Penang," he told
"Using the term Allah is the prerogative of Muslims. Lim shouldn't abuse his position as chief minister to intervene in Islamic affairs.
"The police must investigate and arrest him. If the police refuse to do anything and this leads to any unpleasant incident, the police will also need to bear the responsibility," he warned.
Rizuad also opened fire on state executive council for Islamic affairs Abdul Malik Abdul Kassin for endorsing Lim's position.
"He (Malik) dares to provoke but is afraid to face the Muslims in Penang. Indeed, he is a 'pondan'.
"By supporting Lim's statement, he is no longer qualified to hold the portfolio anymore. He should bear in mind that Muslims contributed to his victory in Batu Maung, he should appreciate that and not insult them," he said.
Earlier, the police allowed three representatives to submit a memorandum to Abdul Malik's assistant Ziezul Hakim Zainol.
The protesters came armed with placards and banners, which among others read, "Allah just for Muslims, Fight No Fear".
'Protester grabbed my wrists'
As for the drama in Perak, Tebing Tinggi state assemblyperson Ong Boon Piow told Malaysiakini that a protester had attempted to pull him out of the DAP office.
happened so quickly I didn't realise who intervened to stop him from
pulling me further," he said, adding that the protester had grabbed both
his wrists.
Confirming that the police were present, he was however unsure whether it was them who came to his rescue as some could have been in plainclothes.
He added that the protesters, numbering around 50, shouted slogans and insults.
Yesterday, Lim said the state would not repeal Section 5 of the Syariah Criminal Enactment for Penang or any other enactments, as they are not binding on non-Muslims.
"Even the Administration of the Religion of Islam (State of Penang) Enactment 2004 bears me out where Section 49(1) of the Enactment states that a fatwa shall be binding on every Muslim in the state…, without mentioning non-Muslims, clearly restricting its application on Muslims," he added.- mk
During a protest in Perak outside the DAP office in Ipoh, Perkasa members manhandled a state assemblyperson and tore down a banner with Christmas and New Year greetings.
In Penang, state Perkasa Youth chief Mohd Rizuad Mohd Azudin , who led the protest outside the state government office in Komtar, said Lim should be arrested and warned him not to meddle in Islamic affairs.
"Using the term Allah is the prerogative of Muslims. Lim shouldn't abuse his position as chief minister to intervene in Islamic affairs.
"The police must investigate and arrest him. If the police refuse to do anything and this leads to any unpleasant incident, the police will also need to bear the responsibility," he warned.
Rizuad also opened fire on state executive council for Islamic affairs Abdul Malik Abdul Kassin for endorsing Lim's position.
"He (Malik) dares to provoke but is afraid to face the Muslims in Penang. Indeed, he is a 'pondan'.
"By supporting Lim's statement, he is no longer qualified to hold the portfolio anymore. He should bear in mind that Muslims contributed to his victory in Batu Maung, he should appreciate that and not insult them," he said.
Earlier, the police allowed three representatives to submit a memorandum to Abdul Malik's assistant Ziezul Hakim Zainol.
The protesters came armed with placards and banners, which among others read, "Allah just for Muslims, Fight No Fear".
'Protester grabbed my wrists'
As for the drama in Perak, Tebing Tinggi state assemblyperson Ong Boon Piow told Malaysiakini that a protester had attempted to pull him out of the DAP office.
Confirming that the police were present, he was however unsure whether it was them who came to his rescue as some could have been in plainclothes.
He added that the protesters, numbering around 50, shouted slogans and insults.
Yesterday, Lim said the state would not repeal Section 5 of the Syariah Criminal Enactment for Penang or any other enactments, as they are not binding on non-Muslims.
"Even the Administration of the Religion of Islam (State of Penang) Enactment 2004 bears me out where Section 49(1) of the Enactment states that a fatwa shall be binding on every Muslim in the state…, without mentioning non-Muslims, clearly restricting its application on Muslims," he added.- mk

Gomen BN belanja berjuta RM bikin PIA dan inilah hasilnya,
al-maklum kontraktor kroni....

3 samseng bolasepak Malaysia masih diburu polis...

Lepas ni simpan duit bawah bantal saja...

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