Apakah Dr M, Kadir blogger ‘bangang’ dimaksudkan Najib...
Ketua Penerangan PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar menuntut Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk memberikan penjelasan "blogger bangang" Umno yang dimaksudkannya ketika berucap semasa penggulungan di Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2014, hujung bulan lalu.
Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu berkata, adakah blogger "bangang" yang perdana menteri itu maksudkan termasuk bekas pemimpin Umno seperti Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang kini aktif menggunakan blog beliau untuk mengkritik atau memberi pandangan terhadap pentadbiran Najib, termasuk juga bekas ketua pengarang kumpulan New Straits Times Press (NSTP) Datuk A Kadir Jasin.
"Adakah Dr Mahathir, Kadir Jasin juga dalam konteks (blogger) bangang?" kata Mahfuz kepada The Malaysian Insider hari ini.
"Adakah mereka (Dr Mahathir, Kadir Jasin) ini blogger upahan UMNO? Najib perlu jelaskan berapa jumlah blogger yang 'cari makan' dengan Umno dan jumlah yang dibayar."
Dr Mahathir masih aktif memberikan ulasan terhadap senario politik tanah air dan pernah mengkritik pentadbiran Najib melalui blognya; www.chedet.cc, manakala Kadir juga sering meluahkan pendapatnya terhadap kepimpinan Najib melalui blognya, “The Scribe A Kadir Jasin”.
Selain itu, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, bekas perdana menteri selepas Dr Mahathir turut menggunakan blognya untuk berkongsi pandangan beliau di laman; www.paklah.net.
Mahfuz berkata, kenyataan Setiausaha Agung Umno, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor yang menafikan dakwaan Umno memberi dana kepada blogger untuk jadi alat penyebar maklumat parti atau menyerang pembangkang bercanggah dengan kenyataan Najib semasa ucapan penggulungan presiden Umno minggu lalu.
"Kita tidak mahu Tengku Adnan jawab, Najib yang harus jawab," kata Mahfuz kepada The Malaysian Insider hari ini.
"Najib yang buat kenyataan, jadi kenapa setiausaha agung yang buat kenyataan penafian?"
Tengku Adnan minggu ini menafikan parti Melayu itu membayar blogger-blogger tersebut, sebaliknya ucapan Najib itu katanya adalah "nasihat" kepada mereka.
“Kami tidak pernah bayar sesiapa,” kata Tengku Adnan ketika diminta mengulas berhubung desakan Mahfuz sebelum ini supaya Umno mendedahkan berapa banyak yang dibelanjakan parti itu membayar gaji blogger untuk menyerang pembangkang.
Dalam ucapannya, Najib juga mengingatkan blogger Umno siapa membayar gaji mereka, dan berkata mereka sepatutnya menyerang pembangkang, bukan Umno.
Tengku Adnan bagaimanapun mempertahankan ucapan Najib dengan berkata blogger yang bersimpati dengan Umno tidak sepatutnya menyerang parti itu.
“Blogger yang pro-Umno tidak sepatutnya bertelingkah sesama mereka, musuh kita adalah pihak sebelah sana (pembangkang), bukan antara kita, itu adalah nasihat yang betul, (tetapi ia) tidak bermakna kami membayar mereka,” kata Tengku Adnan.
Mahfuz turut menggesa agar jumlah pembayaran kepada blogger-blogger yang dimaksudkan dalam ucapan Najib itu didedahkan.
"Siapa sebenar yang tipu siapa, Najib atau Tengku Adnan," kata Mahfuz. – tmi

Dr Mahathir Mohamad terus melancarkan serangan ke atas pimpinan negara
dengan mempersoalkan kegagalan Putrajaya dan perwakilan perhimpunan
agung Umno baru-baru ini menyentuh kontroversi 1Malaysia Development Bhd
(1MDB), perjanjian Perkongsian Trans-Pasifik (TPP) dan pelebaran jurang
Walaupun gembira dengan keputusan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengekalkan Akta Hasutan, Dr Mahathir, yang merupakan antara suara lantang membantah 1MDB, berkata kerajaan membisu terhadap kontroversi syarikat pelaburan milik penuh kerajaan itu.
"Yang membuat tandatanya bukan kenaikan harga elektrik kerana pembelian stesyen janakuasa, tetapi kerana harga belian yang amat tinggi, dibayar dengan duit hutang yang bunganya tertinggi yang pernah dikenakan kepada Kerajaan dan komisyen kepada Goldman Sachs sampai 11%," tulis bekas perdana menteri itu dalam blognya Che Det, hari ini.
"Kenapa pula pelaburan dibuat di Cayman Islands atau wang disimpan di sana?
"Cayman Islands adalah pusat operasi Hedge Fund dan dagangan matawang. Sementara orang atau syarikat biasa gemar melabur dalam Hedge Fund dengan pulangan yang tinggi, Kerajaan biasanya tidak melabur dalam Hedge Fund kerana ia adalah satu jenis judi."
Beliau turut mengingatkan tentang syarikat dana terbesar, Long Term Credit Management (LTCM) yang pernah rugi besar sehingga mengheret bank dan pelabur ke arah muflis, tetapi diselamatkan Wall Street dan kerajaan Amerika Syarikat.
Dr Mahathir sebelum ini mahu Putrajaya menjelaskan bagaimana 1MDB boleh membantu rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya berikutan pendedahan ia mengumpul hutang sejumlah RM38 bilion dalam tempoh hanya 5 tahun sejak mula beroperasi.
Dalam tulisan blognya hari ini, beliau juga membangkitkan isu perjanjian TPP yang tidak disentuh Najib dan pemimpin Umno lain.
"Tidak ada perubahan terhadap niat untuk menandatangani perjanjian bebas cukai Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. Perjanjian 29 bab ini merbahaya walaupun pengecualian diberi kepada usaha memperbaiki kedudukan bumiputera. Perjanjian ini lebih tertumpu kepada sekatan terhadap Negara Cina dan campurtangan dalam hal ehwal ekonomi dalaman Negara," kata Dr Mahathir.
Tambahnya, tanpa TPP, Malaysia berjaya mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dua angka.
Beliau turut mempersoalkan kegagalan perwakilan Umno membincangkan isu pendidikan.
"Yang kaya pergi ke sekolah Inggeris, mendapat ilmu-ilmu yang penting dan mudah mendapat kerja. Yang miskin ke sekolah Kebangsaan, dengan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris yang rendah dan ketinggalan dalam bidang sains dan ilmu matematik tinggi. Mereka tidak mudah mendapat kerja dengan upah yang tinggi.
"Dengan ini jarak antara miskin dengan kaya akan menjadi lebih luas," tulisnya. –
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/bahasa/article/dr-mahathir-selar-sikap-membisu-umno-mengenai-1mdb-tpp#sthash.4Pg1Q9J5.dpuf
Walaupun gembira dengan keputusan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengekalkan Akta Hasutan, Dr Mahathir, yang merupakan antara suara lantang membantah 1MDB, berkata kerajaan membisu terhadap kontroversi syarikat pelaburan milik penuh kerajaan itu.
"Yang membuat tandatanya bukan kenaikan harga elektrik kerana pembelian stesyen janakuasa, tetapi kerana harga belian yang amat tinggi, dibayar dengan duit hutang yang bunganya tertinggi yang pernah dikenakan kepada Kerajaan dan komisyen kepada Goldman Sachs sampai 11%," tulis bekas perdana menteri itu dalam blognya Che Det, hari ini.
"Cayman Islands adalah pusat operasi Hedge Fund dan dagangan matawang. Sementara orang atau syarikat biasa gemar melabur dalam Hedge Fund dengan pulangan yang tinggi, Kerajaan biasanya tidak melabur dalam Hedge Fund kerana ia adalah satu jenis judi."
Beliau turut mengingatkan tentang syarikat dana terbesar, Long Term Credit Management (LTCM) yang pernah rugi besar sehingga mengheret bank dan pelabur ke arah muflis, tetapi diselamatkan Wall Street dan kerajaan Amerika Syarikat.
Dr Mahathir sebelum ini mahu Putrajaya menjelaskan bagaimana 1MDB boleh membantu rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya berikutan pendedahan ia mengumpul hutang sejumlah RM38 bilion dalam tempoh hanya 5 tahun sejak mula beroperasi.
Dalam tulisan blognya hari ini, beliau juga membangkitkan isu perjanjian TPP yang tidak disentuh Najib dan pemimpin Umno lain.
"Tidak ada perubahan terhadap niat untuk menandatangani perjanjian bebas cukai Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. Perjanjian 29 bab ini merbahaya walaupun pengecualian diberi kepada usaha memperbaiki kedudukan bumiputera. Perjanjian ini lebih tertumpu kepada sekatan terhadap Negara Cina dan campurtangan dalam hal ehwal ekonomi dalaman Negara," kata Dr Mahathir.
Tambahnya, tanpa TPP, Malaysia berjaya mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dua angka.
Beliau turut mempersoalkan kegagalan perwakilan Umno membincangkan isu pendidikan.
"Yang kaya pergi ke sekolah Inggeris, mendapat ilmu-ilmu yang penting dan mudah mendapat kerja. Yang miskin ke sekolah Kebangsaan, dengan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris yang rendah dan ketinggalan dalam bidang sains dan ilmu matematik tinggi. Mereka tidak mudah mendapat kerja dengan upah yang tinggi.
"Dengan ini jarak antara miskin dengan kaya akan menjadi lebih luas," tulisnya. –
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/bahasa/article/dr-mahathir-selar-sikap-membisu-umno-mengenai-1mdb-tpp#sthash.4Pg1Q9J5.dpuf
Dr Mahathir meluat dengan sikap membisu UMNO mengenai 1MDB, TPP...
Walaupun gembira dengan keputusan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengekalkan Akta Hasutan, Dr Mahathir, yang merupakan antara suara lantang membantah 1MDB, berkata kerajaan membisu terhadap kontroversi syarikat pelaburan milik penuh kerajaan itu.
"Yang membuat tandatanya bukan kenaikan harga elektrik kerana pembelian stesyen janakuasa, tetapi kerana harga belian yang amat tinggi, dibayar dengan duit hutang yang bunganya tertinggi yang pernah dikenakan kepada Kerajaan dan komisyen kepada Goldman Sachs sampai 11%," tulis bekas perdana menteri itu dalam blognya Che Det, hari ini.
"Kenapa pula pelaburan dibuat di Cayman Islands atau wang disimpan di sana?
"Cayman Islands adalah pusat operasi Hedge Fund dan dagangan matawang. Sementara orang atau syarikat biasa gemar melabur dalam Hedge Fund dengan pulangan yang tinggi, Kerajaan biasanya tidak melabur dalam Hedge Fund kerana ia adalah satu jenis judi."
Beliau turut mengingatkan tentang syarikat dana terbesar, Long Term Credit Management (LTCM) yang pernah rugi besar sehingga mengheret bank dan pelabur ke arah muflis, tetapi diselamatkan Wall Street dan kerajaan Amerika Syarikat.
Dr Mahathir sebelum ini mahu Putrajaya menjelaskan bagaimana 1MDB boleh membantu rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya berikutan pendedahan ia mengumpul hutang sejumlah RM38 bilion dalam tempoh hanya 5 tahun sejak mula beroperasi.
Dalam tulisan blognya hari ini, beliau juga membangkitkan isu perjanjian TPP yang tidak disentuh Najib dan pemimpin Umno lain.
"Tidak ada perubahan terhadap niat untuk menandatangani perjanjian bebas cukai Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. Perjanjian 29 bab ini merbahaya walaupun pengecualian diberi kepada usaha memperbaiki kedudukan bumiputera. Perjanjian ini lebih tertumpu kepada sekatan terhadap Negara Cina dan campurtangan dalam hal ehwal ekonomi dalaman Negara," kata Dr Mahathir.
Tambahnya, tanpa TPP, Malaysia berjaya mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dua angka.
Beliau turut mempersoalkan kegagalan perwakilan Umno membincangkan isu pendidikan.
"Yang kaya pergi ke sekolah Inggeris, mendapat ilmu-ilmu yang penting dan mudah mendapat kerja. Yang miskin ke sekolah Kebangsaan, dengan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris yang rendah dan ketinggalan dalam bidang sains dan ilmu matematik tinggi. Mereka tidak mudah mendapat kerja dengan upah yang tinggi.
"Dengan ini jarak antara miskin dengan kaya akan menjadi lebih luas," tulisnya. – tmi

Mahathir rues 1MDB not raised at UMNO meet...
Prime Minister Najib Razak had set tongue wagging
when he unexpectedly backtracked on his promise to repeal the Sedition
Act at last week’s Umno general assembly.
Chief among them was that the right-wing in the party linked to former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad had used the debt-ridden 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) as leverage to force Najib to back down on the law which he had vowed to repeal two years ago.
But in his latest blog post, the former premier continued to needle Najib's troubled brainchild, 1MDB, which the opposition had described as the "mother of all scandals".
congratulating Najib for "listening to the people" over the Sedition
Act, Mahathir expressed disappointment that there was no discussion on
the controversy surrounding government-owned investment fund 1MDB at the
Umno annual assembly.
"I am disappointed that many of the public's grouses and complaints failed to influence Umno and the government's stand," he said. There was no response to the allegations regarding 1MDB.
"The question is not the increase in electricity charges because of the purchase of a power plant but that the price it was acquired for was too high and paid with borrowed money where the interest is the highest imposed on the government and the 11 percent commission for Goldman Sachs.
"(And) why were (1MDB) investments made in Cayman Islands or money kept there?" he asked.
Mahathir said Cayman Islands is a centre for hedge-fund operations and currency trading.
He added that while people and companies are fond of investing in hedge funds because of the high returns, governments should not venture into this as it is a form of gambling.
"In the past, the Malaysian government was often invited to invest in hedge funds with a guaranteed return of 30 percent. But this was turned down.
"It must be remembered that one of the largest hedge funds - Long Term Credit Management (LTCM) - incurred massive losses and dragged banks and investors towards bankruptcy. It was saved by investors from Wall Street and the US government.
"Gambling is not a means for the government to source funds directly or indirectly," he added.
1MDB has sparked criticisms for, among others, parking RM7.18 billion of its money in tax haven Cayman Islands.
Rich-poor gap in education
Apart from 1MDB, Mahathir was also dismayed that the education system - another issue which he raised before the Umno general assembly - was not addressed at the party meet.
"The wealthy attend English schools, acquire important knowledge and secure employment with ease.
poor go to national schools, lack proficiency in the English language
and are left behind in the subjects of Science and Mathematics. They
find it difficult to get jobs with high salaries," he said.
Due to this, the former premier lamented that the gap between the rich and poor would widen.
"True. Making passing exams easy is popular and liked by all. But what is liked is not necessarily good for them.
"It is most unfortunate if popularity takes precedence over the fate of children who are forced to accept a policy which is not good for them. They become the victims, (but) not the children of the rich," he added.
Mahathir was also upset that the Umno meet witnessed no change to the government’s intention to ink the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).
an exemption for Malaysia on policies to uplift the bumiputera in TPPA,
he nevertheless considered the pact as "dangerous".
"The agreement is more focused on sanctions against China and meddling in the economic affairs of nations," he added.
According to Mahathir, there were numerous other issues which were not discussed at the Umno assembly.
"In a democracy, to be liked by the people is important, but the future of the race's children should not be pawned because of this.” - mk
Chief among them was that the right-wing in the party linked to former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad had used the debt-ridden 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) as leverage to force Najib to back down on the law which he had vowed to repeal two years ago.
But in his latest blog post, the former premier continued to needle Najib's troubled brainchild, 1MDB, which the opposition had described as the "mother of all scandals".
"I am disappointed that many of the public's grouses and complaints failed to influence Umno and the government's stand," he said. There was no response to the allegations regarding 1MDB.
"The question is not the increase in electricity charges because of the purchase of a power plant but that the price it was acquired for was too high and paid with borrowed money where the interest is the highest imposed on the government and the 11 percent commission for Goldman Sachs.
"(And) why were (1MDB) investments made in Cayman Islands or money kept there?" he asked.
He added that while people and companies are fond of investing in hedge funds because of the high returns, governments should not venture into this as it is a form of gambling.
"In the past, the Malaysian government was often invited to invest in hedge funds with a guaranteed return of 30 percent. But this was turned down.
"It must be remembered that one of the largest hedge funds - Long Term Credit Management (LTCM) - incurred massive losses and dragged banks and investors towards bankruptcy. It was saved by investors from Wall Street and the US government.
"Gambling is not a means for the government to source funds directly or indirectly," he added.
1MDB has sparked criticisms for, among others, parking RM7.18 billion of its money in tax haven Cayman Islands.
Rich-poor gap in education
Apart from 1MDB, Mahathir was also dismayed that the education system - another issue which he raised before the Umno general assembly - was not addressed at the party meet.
"The wealthy attend English schools, acquire important knowledge and secure employment with ease.
Due to this, the former premier lamented that the gap between the rich and poor would widen.
"True. Making passing exams easy is popular and liked by all. But what is liked is not necessarily good for them.
"It is most unfortunate if popularity takes precedence over the fate of children who are forced to accept a policy which is not good for them. They become the victims, (but) not the children of the rich," he added.
Mahathir was also upset that the Umno meet witnessed no change to the government’s intention to ink the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).
"The agreement is more focused on sanctions against China and meddling in the economic affairs of nations," he added.
According to Mahathir, there were numerous other issues which were not discussed at the Umno assembly.
"In a democracy, to be liked by the people is important, but the future of the race's children should not be pawned because of this.” - mk

RCI a con for Sabahans to vote BN in GE13...
The Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal
Immigrants in Sabah (RCI) is a political ploy to cheat Sabahans into
voting for BN in GE13, says Jeffrey Kitingan.
Kitingan, who is also the Sabah Reform Party (Star) chairperson, said this was apparent in the findings of the RCI report and the “political play” by Chief Secretary Ali Hamsa at its release on Wednesday.
is now clear that the RCI was nothing more than a political gimmick for
GE13 to hoodwink Sabahans to vote BN and a manipulated cover-up to
absolve the federal government, its leaders and the political party
referred to in the RCI from Project IC," Kitingan said in a statement
Commenting on the release of the RCI report after much delay, Kitingan criticised Ali’s political play at the press conference in saying that Project IC did not exist when it was clear that the RCI specifically made a finding that Project IC “probably existed”.
accused the federal government of being “insincere” to tackle the issue
of undocumented migrants in Sabah from the beginning.
Faced with a potential revolt by Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) and a loss in the 2013 general election, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak relented with the setting up of the RCI in a face-saving political gimmick, Kitingan said.
He said it was clear from the outset, with the formation of the RCI and the delay in setting out its Terms of Reference (TOR).
When the TOR was announced, said Kitingan, it only reinforced the view that the RCI was just a whitewash to pacify angry Sabahans including the President of PBS who had issued an ultimatum that if the issue of “illegal immigrants” was not resolved, PBS would act.
“Now that the Report of the RCI has been released, the government has deemed it not to be a ‘Royal Commission’ but a mere ‘Commission of Enquiry’. Such is the insincerity of the federal government,” he claimed.
'Dubious voters in electoral roll'
Kitingan said that despite the RCI’s limited scope and lack of pursuit of the truth by the parties involved, it is important to note that the commission made two substantive findings.
The first, he said, is the issuance of at least 67,675 blue ICs to “illegal immigrants” and the granting of citizenship to at least 68,703 foreigners, which exact numbers could not be determined by the RCI.
The second finding, he added, is the undetermined number of illegal immigrants which have been entered into the electoral rolls.
“Of course, the numbers cannot be ascertained by the RCI as there was a lack of effort and political will to present all evidence before the commission.
“In reality, the number is at least 1.5 to 1.7 million ICs dubiously issued, based on the population census in 2010,” he said.
Kitingan said that based on the GE13 electoral roll, the number of dubious voters was at least 250,000 to 300,000, out of a total of 982,337 registered voters in Sabah.
On the RCI’s opinion that the government and political parties were not involved in Project IC, Kitingan called it a laughable and feeble attempt to absolve the federal government and past leaders.
Kitingan claimed that Umno had set up a membership recruitment high-level taskforce with leading senior leaders, some of whom are still in government.
“The alleged corrupt officials at JPN were not also Election Commission officials and this was not considered when the RCI opined that the government was not implicated,” he said.
He claimed that other than the two findings, which is only a mild acknowledgement of the true numbers and which he said everyone in Sabah already knows, no one in Sabah believes the RCI Report.
“Sabahans everywhere are now even angrier against the federal government for the cover-up,” he added.- mk
Kitingan, who is also the Sabah Reform Party (Star) chairperson, said this was apparent in the findings of the RCI report and the “political play” by Chief Secretary Ali Hamsa at its release on Wednesday.
Commenting on the release of the RCI report after much delay, Kitingan criticised Ali’s political play at the press conference in saying that Project IC did not exist when it was clear that the RCI specifically made a finding that Project IC “probably existed”.
Faced with a potential revolt by Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) and a loss in the 2013 general election, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak relented with the setting up of the RCI in a face-saving political gimmick, Kitingan said.
He said it was clear from the outset, with the formation of the RCI and the delay in setting out its Terms of Reference (TOR).
When the TOR was announced, said Kitingan, it only reinforced the view that the RCI was just a whitewash to pacify angry Sabahans including the President of PBS who had issued an ultimatum that if the issue of “illegal immigrants” was not resolved, PBS would act.
“Now that the Report of the RCI has been released, the government has deemed it not to be a ‘Royal Commission’ but a mere ‘Commission of Enquiry’. Such is the insincerity of the federal government,” he claimed.
'Dubious voters in electoral roll'
Kitingan said that despite the RCI’s limited scope and lack of pursuit of the truth by the parties involved, it is important to note that the commission made two substantive findings.
The first, he said, is the issuance of at least 67,675 blue ICs to “illegal immigrants” and the granting of citizenship to at least 68,703 foreigners, which exact numbers could not be determined by the RCI.
“Of course, the numbers cannot be ascertained by the RCI as there was a lack of effort and political will to present all evidence before the commission.
“In reality, the number is at least 1.5 to 1.7 million ICs dubiously issued, based on the population census in 2010,” he said.
Kitingan said that based on the GE13 electoral roll, the number of dubious voters was at least 250,000 to 300,000, out of a total of 982,337 registered voters in Sabah.
On the RCI’s opinion that the government and political parties were not involved in Project IC, Kitingan called it a laughable and feeble attempt to absolve the federal government and past leaders.
Kitingan claimed that Umno had set up a membership recruitment high-level taskforce with leading senior leaders, some of whom are still in government.
“The alleged corrupt officials at JPN were not also Election Commission officials and this was not considered when the RCI opined that the government was not implicated,” he said.
He claimed that other than the two findings, which is only a mild acknowledgement of the true numbers and which he said everyone in Sabah already knows, no one in Sabah believes the RCI Report.
“Sabahans everywhere are now even angrier against the federal government for the cover-up,” he added.- mk

Silap hari dalam 3 bulan CEO Aer Lingus ni lari malam...

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