Aku Melayu, tapi aku tidak sekali2 setuju dengan apa Utusan Meloya cuba mainkan seperti tajuk utama di muka depan akhbarnya(di atas) hari ini.Utusan perlu ingat negara ini berbilang bangsa dan kita dah hidup sekian lama meraba2 mencari perpaduan dan persefaman.
Perpaduan dan persefahaman tidak boleh dicapai dalam masa yang singkat, ia memerlukan masa dan setelah 55 tahun kita merdeka formula perpaduan dan persefaman ini belum diketemui sepenuhnya.
Apa guna ada slogan 1Malaysia bila UMNO sendiri tak mahu gunapakainya? Lebih baik campak saja slogan ini ke dalam Sungai Klang.
Kita sama mahu negara ini aman. Kita nak setiap warganegara ini menikmati kemudahan2 yang tersedia. Dalam pilihanraya kita mahu pilihanraya itu bersih tanpa penipuan dan keganasan.
Kita tak mahu warganegara asing yang mendapat 'instant MyKad' menentukan pemimpin2 kita. Kita tak mahu warganegara asing menikmati kemudahan yang kian lama kita terima.
Sanggupkah kita lihat kemudahan2 persekolahan,perubatan,BR1M,bantuan2 kerajaan mengalir kepada golongan pendatang haram yang baru tiba di sini 2-3 minggu dan diberi MyKad oleh JPN?
Pebuatan2 seperti ini bukan saja orang Cina tak mahu, orang Melayu dan India pun dah meluat.
Jadi jangan saja tanya apa lagi Cina mahu,tanya juga apa lagi Melayu dan India mahu? Kami mahu apa saja melaun2 UMNO dapat, itu kami mahu dikongsikan bersama!!!-t/s
Di kalangan melaun2 UMNO, bekas menteri UMNO ni cerdik sikit,tengok apa komennya...

Apa lagi Cina mahu(what more do the Chinese want)?’,Utusan Malaysia asks after GE13 vote...
Umno’s Utusan Malaysia front-paged today the question “Apa lagi Cina mahu (What else do the Chinese want?) in what appeared to be an attempt to shape the results of Election 2013 as a Chinese-vs-Malay vote.Analysts have said data from voting trends showed the outcome of Election 2013 was not simply the result of a “Chinese tsunami” as Datuk Seri Najib Razak has claimed but a major swing in the urban and middle-class electorate that saw Malaysia’s urban-rural rift widen.
But Utusan Malaysia, a newspaper that has represented the right-wing forces aligned largely with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, decided today to publish a number of stories blaming the Chinese for dividing Malaysia.
In the wrap-around front page today, Utusan Malaysia published a number of photographs which allegedly showed Chinese-looking youths wearing black to protest the results of the election.
The photographs are believed to have been lifted from the Internet and were also used by many right-wing bloggers aligned with Dr Mahathir.

In bullet points, the newspaper blamed the DAP for race politics, and said the secular party wanted Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister so that it could rule the country.
Utusan Malaysia’s front page suggests that Najib will have his hands full dealing with the powerful right-wing faction in Umno from which he received strong backing in the elections.
An analysis of how the vote went shows a country with rural-urban and class divisions that will make any reconciliation and necessary reforms even more difficult to implement.
The need to continue dismantling Bumiputera policies and to introduce the controversial bitter pill of a Goods and Services Tax (GST) — steps necessary to make Malaysia more competitive and lift it out of a middle-income trap — appears to be even more daunting because of the conflicting tug-of-war between the two Malaysias that have emerged.
Utusan’s wrap-around front page today.
Yesterday, a former editor of the Umno-owned New Straits Times
said BN’s weaker showing in Election 2013 points to a strong wave of
rejection from all Malaysians and not just from the minority Chinese.Datuk A. Kadir Jasin observed that the 13-party coalition not only drew fewer seats in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat and 12 state assemblies in yesterday’s general election compared to 2008, but also lost the popular vote for the first time since polls in 1969.
“Is it not possible that this is not a Chinese tsunami or racial chauvinism but a Malaysian tsunami that is centred on the aspiration and new reality, especially among young voters?” the man who had been group editor-in-chief of the public-listed News Straits Times Press during the Mahathir administration wrote in his blog.
Najib had alluded to a “Chinese tsunami” in an immediate speech just after midnight on Sunday when the Election Commission announced the BN as winners by a simple majority, but the veteran journalist brushed aside the perception as unlikely.
Kadir highlighted that BN took a severe beating this round and bled more seats at both the federal and state levels compared to 2008, leaving it with only 133 federal seats and 274 out of the 505 total state seats despite wresting back Kedah from the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pact.
While Chinese votes clearly swung to the opposition in greater numbers than ever before, PR’s securing of the popular vote suggests that the Malay vote swing would be potentially more alarming for Umno.
Utusan Malaysia’s decision to fly the right-wing flag will almost certainly alienate more moderate and urban Malays.
In their preliminary reading of the vote trend, analysts noted that despite the increase in Chinese support for PR, the political tsunami had also swept with it “large numbers of the Malays”, many among them forming part of the country’s middle- to upper-class voters.
“They received Malay middle-class support, especially in urban areas,” political analyst Datuk Dr Shamsul Amri Baharuddin told The Malaysian Insider, referring to PR.
“So the DAP majority increased because of disgruntled Malay young voters’ support... in conclusion, to label racial polarisation is too easy. Two other factors operate simultaneously with race: class (rich-poor, middle class) and spatial (urban and rural),” said the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) founding director of Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA).
Although BN retained power on Sunday, the coalition lost major cities and towns from George Town to Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, Malacca and big towns in Johor.
BN failed to win Selangor and Penang — two of the most industrialised states in Malaysia — although it retook Kedah, the mostly-rural rice-bowl state.-malaysia insider

Take responsibility over Utusan headline, Najib told
Najib Abdul Razak, as Umno chief, must take responsibility over party-owned Utusan Malaysia’s glaring headline in today’s publication, questioning “Apa lagi Cina mahu? (What more do the Chinese want?” and its subsequent article, says Anwar Ibrahim.

“Second, I know this because when I was Umno deputy president, the Umno president could give daily instructions to Utusan (editorial),” he said during a press conference at PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya today.
The Opposition Leader said despite Najib, who was yesterday sworn in as PM once more, contradicted his own vow for national reconciliation when he blamed BN’s poorer performance in this year’s polls on a “Chinese tsunami”.
Anwar said it is was unfortunate that Umno leaders continue to lend their “blessings and support” towards Utusan.
The headline today, which spanned across the daily’ front and back page in bold red letters, stoked the ire of many people from all racial groups, including Umno supreme council member Saifuddin Abdullah.
Anwar also said he may not continue as parliamentary opposition leader, since Pakatan is questioning the election results.
"After the election, I indicated to (Lim) Kit Siang that I am not keen to continue as opposition leader," he added.
"They said I should but I have not made a decision yet. The focus is to ensure we reject the fraudulent process in elections."-malaysiakini

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