Jebon2 UMNO fitnah, KDN fitnah,Media fitnah dan terkini POLIS pula tumpang sekole buat FITNAH !!!
Malang sungguh negara tercinta ini akibat dipimpin oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab telah memperkudakan agensi2 kerajaan mengikut telunjuk mereka. Akhirnya menjadi negara pemfitnah..sebelum ini KDN memfitnah Mat Sabu demi menutup kes kenaikan harga tol..kini polis pula memfitnah ada "bom tangan" & guling kerajaan untuk mengalih tumpuan terhadap demo bantah kenaikan harga barang...f/bk
Polis siasat Rafizi isu emel 'letupan'...
Polis memanggil pengarah strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli untuk siasatan berhubung kandungan satu emel yang mendakwa mengenai usaha untuk membuat letupan di beberapa kawasan semasa sambutan malam tahun baru.
Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman Datuk Hadi Ho Abdullah dalam satu kenyataan berkata, emel tersebut didakwa dihantar oleh Dr Rahim Ghouse – seorang bekas exco Pemuda Umno Pulau Pinang.
Kenyataan polis bagaimanapun tidak menyebut sama ada pasukan itu juga telah mengenalpasti pihak yang mula-mula menyebarkan emel berkenaan.
“PDRM memandang serius terhadap penyebaran e-mel yang dikatakan dihantar oleh Rahim Ghouse kepada Rafizi Ramli mengenai rancangan letupan di beberapa kawasan strategik sempena sambutan Tahun Baru.
“Pengarah Strategi PKR yang juga MP Pandan Rafizi Ramli telah dipanggil bagi membantu siasatan.
“Sehingga hari ini, sejumlah 1,151 laporan polis diterima dari seluruh negara terhadap bantahan penganjuran perhimpunan memudaratkan ketenteraman awam yang disebarkan melalui media sosial sebelum ini," kenyataan itu dipetik.
Sementara itu, bekas exco Pemuda Umno Pulau Pinang, Abdul Rahim Ghouse menafikan bahawa beliau menulis surat kepada pengarah strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli berhubung kejadian letupan yang didakwa akan berlaku semasa perhimpunan pada malam sambutan ambang tahun baru 31 Disember.
Abdul Rahim yang dipetik dalam laporan Mingguan Malaysia berkata, surat yang tersebar melalui emel itu bukan ditulis oleh beliau.
“Saya menafikan perkara ini kerana surat itu, bukan saya yang tulis. Ada orang buat surat itu menggunakan nama saya.
“Mereka menulis surat seperti itu untuk agenda mereka, tetapi mahu melibatkan saya,” lapor akhbar milik Umno tersebut.
Ia seterusnya menyebut, Abdul Rahim dalam surat tersebut meminta Rafizi serta barisan pemimpin Pakatan mengelak lima lokasi atas sebab keselamatan - persimpangan Sogo, Puduraya, bulatan KTM dekat Masjid Negara, stesen LRT Masjid Jamek dan stesen komuter Masjid Negara.
Polis memanggil Rafizi untuk siasatan berhubung dakwaan dalam emel tersebut di ibu pejabat polis daerah Dang Wangi pagi ini.- malaysiakini

Sementara itu Rafizi dalam kenyataannya menyebut, beliau dminta hadir ke ibu pejabat polis daerah Dang Wangi pada jam 11.30 pagi ini.
Beliau menafikan tuduhan merancang untuk menanam bom tersebut, yang menurutnya dimulakan oleh "blog Umno".
"Saya syaki tindakan PDRM memanggil saya memberi keterangan ini adalah bersabit fitnah yang dimulakan oleh blog-blog Umno bahawa saya terlibat merancang untuk menanam bom di tempat-tempat tertentu pada 31 Disember ini," katanya.-malaysiakini
Chaos allegations a 'bad play' says Rafizi...
PKR strategies director Rafizi Ramli, who was questioned by the police over an email calling for chaos at the price hikes rally on December 31, calls it a "bad play".
Speaking to reporters at the police station this morning, he said he was shocked to receive a call from the police over alleged bombs planned for the rally.

"After this, if someone gets an email concerning (Prime Minister Najib Razak's wife) Rosmah Mansor, are they going question her?" he quipped.
Rafizi said what the police should do is investigate the blogger and Utusan Malaysia who are the ones spreading the purportedly fake email, before questioning the ones implicated without proof.
The Pandan MP also denied any knowledge of explosives.
"The only bomb that I know is kuih bom," he joked.
Earlier, Rafizi reported that he has been summoned to appear at Dang Wangi police station at 11.30am.
"I suspect the PDRM has called me in to give my statement in relation to the slander that the Umno blogs had started, that I am involved in planning to plant bombs in certain locations on December 31," he said in an email last night.
Police crime investigation director Hadi Ho Abdullah later issued a statement confirming that Rafizi is being questioned over an email allegedly sent to him from Abdul Rahim Ghouse, a close associate of PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.
Abdul Rahim was reported denying he had sent the offending email.
Hadi Ho: 1,151 police reports lodged
"PDRM views as serious the circulation of an email said to be sent by Rahim Ghouse to Rafizi Ramli concerning plans to detonate bombs at several strategic locations during New Year's Eve," said Hadi Ho.

The said email was circulated on the Internet and reportedly published in full in Umno-owned daily Utusan's weekend edition Mingguan today.
The determination of civil society groups to hold a rally on New Year's Eve to protest a deluge of price hikes has provoked allegations of plans to topple the government.
Rafizi, who arrived at the Dangi Wangi district police headquarters with lawyers N Surendran and Latheefa Koya, was questioned for some 40 minutes.
Later, Rafizi told reporters he will be lodging a police report against Utusan and pro-Umno bloggers Papagomo and The Unspinners for circulating the email.
Rafizi also questioned police’s haste in arresting youths for voicing dissent on social media but is slow in hauling up the bloggers who circulated the bomb claim.
He further denied having any part in the email.
"I am not involved in this email and I didn't go through them," he said.
The determination of civil society groups to hold a rally on New Year's Eve to protest a deluge of price hikes has provoked allegations of plans to topple the government.
Yesterday Kuala Lumpur deputy police chief Amar Singh Ishar Singh alleged that the protestors plan to use various weapons, including grenades, to spark unrest.
Such allegations are reminiscent of allegations of unrest and the use of weapons in 2011 during the massive Bersih 2.0 rally for clean and fair elections, when the police claimed to have found parangs and Molotov cocktails but those responsible have never been identified.
The rally, called by several NGOs, is a response to a growing number of price hikes following the slashing of sugar and fuel subsidies, and revisions of various taxes.
Affected have been petrol and sugar, and in 2014, electricity, transport fares and Kuala Lumpur's assessment rates among others, which is expected to have inflationary effects.
Meanwhile, Jingga 13 has called on KL deputy police chief Amar Singh Ishar Singh to withdraw the claim that the NGO is allegedly involved in a plot to cause unrest during an anti-price hike protest on New Year’s eve at Dataran Merdeka, or face legal action.
Jingga 13 deputy coordinator Amizudin Ahmat said such allegation was malicious, defamatory and nonsensical, aimed at diverting attention from the real issue, which is rising costs.
“Jingga 13 has never, at any time, released any statement or instruction to anyone, through whatever instrument, planning to cause any unrest, what more involving the use of weapons of bombs with the intention of toppling the government,” he said after lodging a police report at the Dang Wangi police headquarters today.
He was referring to a statement by Amar Singh yesterday alleging that protestors from four NGOs plan to use various weapons, including grenades, to spark unrest.
The four NGOs named were - Jingga 13, Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun), Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) and Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM).
Amizudin today further demanded that police produce evidence to back this claim.
He added that the organisation was also mooting filing a defamation suit against Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia and TV3 should Amar Singh not retract his claim.

Meanwhile, SAMM has stated it will send a letter of demand to Amar on Monday.
Turun chief Azan Safar (left), who is the main mover of the anti-price hike protest on December 31, has accused the government of attempting to divert attention from bread and butter issues.
Azan has insisted that the protest is solely aimed at putting pressure on the government for increasing prices of electricity, sugar, fuel and other essential items.- malaysiakini
Email to Rafizi fake, says alleged sender...
Abdul Rahim Ghouse, the man who purportedly sent an email to PKR strategies director Rafizi Ramli over plans to set off "small explosions" on New Year's Eve, has denied being the author of the email.
"I deny it as that letter did not originate from me. Someone wrote that letter in my name.
"They (the original authors) have their own agenda, but they are trying to involve me instead," he was quoted as saying in a Mingguan Malaysia report today.
Abdul Rahim is described as an ally of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
He was referring to a copy of an email circulated among pro-Umno bloggers of an "Ops Turun" and a warning for "our guys" to avoid five locations in Kuala Lumpur where there would be "small explosions".
"There will be several minor expl. (explosion) similar to the previous event when Anwar dismissed form the sodomy charge. Please remind our guys on the code we use.
"When the time comes, they will act per discussed in our previous meeting. Take advantage on the big crowd during the New Year eve," the email titled 'C for Chaos' read.
The email added that social media teams will record the event and upload them on Youtube to blame the incidents on the government.
"If any of your team members get arrested before the main event, do not screw up. They will be compensated for that. Kudos to Azan Safar for this," it said.
Price hike rally ruffling feathers
The image of the email showed the sender as Ghouse and the recipient Rafizi, with a carbon copy to Tindak Malaysia chief Wong Piang Yow.
The bloggers claimed that copies of the email were being circulated on Facebook.
Azan is the leader of NGO Turun, which is organising an anti-price hike protest at Dataran Merdeka on New Year's Eve.
Police arrested Azan on Dec 23 for allegedly for attempting to carry out activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy, but was forced to release him after failing to obtain a remand.
Azan had stressed that the rally is solely to pressure the government over its recent hikes on fuel, electricity, sugar and other essentials.
Rafizi was today questioned at Dang Wangi police station over the alleged email.
The Pandan MP slammed the authorities for questioning the victim of the alleged scam instead of probing those circulating the email.
"After this, if someone gets an email concerning (Prime Minister Najib Razak's wife) Rosmah Mansor, are they going question her (Rosmah)?" he joked to the media at the station today.- malaysiakini

Duduk di US jaga hasil simpanan Tabung Bik Mama dari Malaysia dah sure kaya punya..Lembu2 UMNO siang malam dok perjuangkan 'Hidup Melayu' melalak sana sini, apa yang dapat...habuk pun tak ada.. anak bik mama sakan punya mewah di negara orang lain...alahai bodohnya pecacai2 UMNO ini...
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