Anwar akan fail salah laku Shafee kepada Lembaga Disiplin Peguam...
Anwar Ibrahim (gambar) akan memfailkan laporan salah laku peguam Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah kepada Lembaga Disiplin Peguam kerana gagal mendedahkan salah laku Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.
Anwar berkata kepada pemberita di Putrajaya hari ini, Shafee gagal melaporkan maklumat jenayah yang dilakukan Abdul Gani, seperti didedahkan olah Akuan Bersumpah (SD) bekas Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah (JSJ) Kuala Lumpur Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim.
"Saya akan kemukakan bantahan atau surat aduan dan akan diadakan dalam tempoh beberapa hari akan datang.
"Banyak salah laku percanggahan dan kegagalan Shafee untuk melaporkan maklumat jenyah yang dilakukan (Abdul Gani)," kata Anwar ketika ditemui di Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya.
Katanya, perkara itu tidak boleh dipandang ringan meskipun kesalahan itu dilakukan oleh mereka yang mempunyai kedudukan tinggi.
"Kita tidak boleh pandang ringan umpama orang ada kedudukan tidak dikenakan tindakan. Peguam Negara tidak ambil tindakan.
"Pihak berkuasa seperti SPRM pun tidak menyiasatnya," katanya merujuk kepada badan pencegahan rasuah negara ini, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia.
Lembaga berkenaan jelasnya akan menyiasat perkara itu melalui Undang-Undang Profession Guaman (Amalan dan Etika) 1978.
Peguam Sivara Rasiah, yang turut bersama Anwar ketika sidang media itu berkata, antara salah laku Shafee yang akan dibangkitkan mereka kepada lembaga berkenaan adalah tindakan Shafee yang tidak mencerminkan amalan seorang peguam yang baik.
"Mat Zin boleh dipanggil sebagai saksi dalam inkuiri berkenaan," Sivarasa.
Beliau mendakwa Shafee telah melakukan pelbagai salah laku antaranya gagal mendedahkan salah laku jenayah Peguam Negara, dalam isu Pulau Batu Puteh dan Insiden "Black Eye".
Mahkamah Rayuan di Putrajaya akan membuat keputusan berhubung pemohonan Anwar untuk mengetepikan Shafee sebagai pendakwa utama dalam rayuan pihak pembela terhadap pembebasan pemimpin pembangkang itu daripada tuduhan meliwat.
Hakim Aziah Ali, yang mempengerusikan panel tiga anggota, hari ini menetapkan keputusan itu akan diumumkan jam 9.30 pagi esok.
Anwar diwakili peguam Tommy Thomas.
Panel itu turut dianggotai Hakim Datuk Rohana Yusuf dan Hakim Datuk Mohd Zawawi Salleh. –TMI
Shafee dakwa kewibawaan Mat Zain diragui...
Peguam kanan Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah mendakwa bekas pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim seorang yang berperwatakan “licik” dengan kewibawaan yang diragui.
Shafee dalam afidavitnya di mahkamah kami ini mendakwa Mat Zain juga menggunakan nombor kad pengenalan berbeza dalam dokumen rasmi.
Beliau juga mendakwa nombor kad pengenalan sebenar Mat Zain menunjukkan bahawa bekas pegawai kanan polis itu diisytiharkan sebagai seorang yang bankrap oleh Jabatan Insolvensi.
Shafee mendakwa Mat Zain menggunakan nombor kad pengenalan palsu dalam pengakuan berkanun kontroversi yang dikemukakan ke mahkamah.
Shafee mengemukakan perkara tersebut bagi menyokong rayuan pihak kerajaan untuk mengenepikan permohonan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk menggugurkan beliau dari mengetuai pihak pendakwaan dalam kes Liwat II.
Ia dikemukakan bagi menjawab afidavit Mat Zain yang mendakwa Shafee mengetahui mengenai perbuatan jenayah yang didakwa dilakukan oleh Peguam Negara.
Shafee juga mendakwa, Mat Zain menyembunyikan “rekaan” tersebut dengan “memadamkan nombor kad pengenalan dan alamatnya dalam salinan SD yang diberikan kepada Anwar.
Shafee juga mendakwa Mat Zain memfailkan saman “pura-pura” ke atas Anwar demi untuk menyalurkan maklumat kepada ahli politik tersebut.
Saman fitnah RM30 juta itu tidak dibicarakan walau mahkamah mengeluarkan tiga surat tunjuk sebab, katanya.
Bagaimanapun, dokumen yang dikemukakan oleh Mat Zain itu digunakan oleh Anwar untuk mengaitkan pihak lain, katanya.
Dalam reaksinya, Mat Zain berkata dia tidak akan bertindak balas terhadap label yang digunakan oleh Shafee semasa hujjahnya itu.
"Tetapi anda harus ingat maklumat yang saya ada terhadap anda akan membolehkan anda dipenjara dan juga akan menyebabkan anda dilarang untuk mengamalkan undang2 seumur hidup.
"Saya memberi jaminan Shafee bahawa saya akan membuat anda berlutut dan memohon ampun dan maaf daripada keluarga saya terhadap apa yang kamu telah berkata itu. Jumpa anda dalam masa terdekat," katanya said.-malaysiakini
Anwar to file disciplinary complaint againt Shafee...
Anwar Ibrahim will file a complaint with the Bar Council's Advocates and Solicitors Disciplinary Board against senior lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.
"There is conflict of interest and abuse of power (by Shafee) in contravention of the Bar's rules of conduct. As such I will write to the disciplinary board in the next few days," he told reporters at the Palace of Justice, Putrajaya.
According to Anwar, the alleged misconduct, among others, involved the failure to report an alleged criminal act by the Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, as claimed in the statutory declaration by former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim.
Abdul Gani has denied the allegations.
Elaborating, Anwar's lawyer R Sivarasa said the committee's hearing on the mater will also give Mat Zain a chance to answer Shafee's claims that his SD is "hearsay".
Sivarasa said that they would also complain about Shafee's "advertising" in his CV that he had "advised on the appointment of judges".
"The misconduct are various; for continuing to act while there is conflict of interest, for filing affidavits the way he has done, not disclosing criminal wrongdoing for which he is aware and the black eye investigation," he said.
Sivarasa was referring to claims in the SD that Shafee knew of, but did not disclose, information pertaining to suppression of evidence in the investigation of how Anwar suffered a black eye while in police custody in 1998.
Even prosecutors must be fair
Asked why the complaint was not lodged immediately upon PKR receiving a copy of the SD on Dec 2, he said the legal team wanted to concentrate on the government's appeal against Anwar's acquittal from sodomy charges, which resumed last week.
The appeal proper has not yet commenced, however, as judges still need to decide on Anwar's second application to remove Shafee from the prosecution team, which was heard today.
Among others, Anwar's team claim conflict of interest as Shafee is representing others in civil matters against Anwar and will not be acting as an impartial prosecutor.
"The prosecutor's job is not to get a prosecution by all means. They are supposed to do it fairly," Anwar's counsel Tommy Thomas argued.
In response, Shafee said that the defence had failed to show how him leading the prosecution would "prejudice" the case, leading to unfairness.
"Are they saying my presence would guarantee a conviction? The appeal would be based on the report (from the acquittal) and I have two other counsellors (public prosecutors) with me.
"If I act slightly improper, they will watch me just as I will watch them... I don't see how I am a special equaliser to the prosecution," he said.
The decision on whether Shafee will be removed and barred from assisting the prosecution team will be delivered tomorrow morning.-malaysiakini
Mat Zain 'devious and a bankrupt', court hears...
Former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigations Department chief Mat Zain Ibrahim is a "devious" character whose credibility is dubious, the Court of Appeal was told today.
Senior lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah submitted that Mat Zain had used different identity card numbers in official documents and that his actual identity card number reveals that he has been declared a bankrupt by the Insolvency Department.
Shafee said that Mat Zain used a false identity card number on the controversial statutory declaration (SD) that resulted in today's matter coming before the court.

Shafee is leading the prosecution team in the government's appeal against Anwar's Sodomy II acquittal.
In his submission today, Shafee said that to hide this "fabrication", Mat Zain had "blotted out" his identity card number and address on the copy of his SD that he passed to Anwar.
Shafee also accused Mat Zain of filing a "sham" defamation suit against Anwar as a ploy to pass information to the politician.
RM30 million defamation suit never went to trial
The RM30 million defamation suit never went to trial, for neither party actively pursued it despite three show-cause letters from the court, he said.
However, documents Mat Zain submitted, purportedly claiming Anwar defamed him, were used by Anwar to impute other quarters, he added
"These items show he is dishonest and manipulated the SD by concealing the erroneous (identity card) number to the court, a fatal error of identity...
"(He is) devious to make the court and others believe that (he had blotted out the numbers and address) to protect his privacy," Shafee said.
Anwar is making the application for the second time, arguing that Mat Zain's SD, made public early this month, was fresh evidence previously not heard.
However, Shafee, who accused Mat Zain of trying to appear "whiter than white", said that the entire SD has been demolished "to smithereens" and is "hearsay".
Attack on Mat Zain unfair
In reply, Tommy Thomas, who is acting for Anwar, said Shafee's "attack" on the SD and Mat Zain was "unfair".
"Mat Zain is unfairly criticised. No one is here arguing for Mat Zain. I'm not here to argue for Mat Zain.

He said the amount of time spent on ripping Mat Zain apart was uncalled for, as he was only the author of the statutory declaration that is an exhibit in Anwar's application.
Anwar has also submitted other exhibits to support his case, including an article by blogger-in-exile Raja Petra Kamaruddin.
Thomas said the court's duty in this interim application was not to establish facts but to decide if justice was being seen to be done.
He said Anwar was not seen to be receiving equal protection of the law, among others, because no other sodomy trial for the prosecution has been conducted by a lawyer in private practice appointed by the attorney-general.
All court cases should be prosecuted impartially, Thomas said, but Shafee's backrground of having acted for the BN and Anwar's adversaries, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, serving PM Najib Abdul Razak and Najib's wife, do not support this.
Mat Zain: You will beg me later
He said Shafee was also acting as counsel for the respondents in two defamation cases filed by Anwar and he could use this trial to favour his clients in those two cases as well.
Thomas said the two clients of Shafee - Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar and BN senator S Nallakarupan - had cited Anwar's alleged homosexuality in their defence and a sodomy conviction would therefore strengthen their cases.
The three-member Court of Appeal bench will deliver its decision on the matter tomorrow.
In an immediate response, Mat Zain he will not respond to the lables used by Shafee during the hearing.
"But you must remember what I have against you would put you in jail and which would caused you to being disbarred for life from practicing.
"I assure you Shafee that I will make you kneel and beg my family for forgiveness for what you have said. See you soonest," he said.-malaysiakini

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