Khir Toyo minta maaf pada Teresa Kok...
Bekas menteri besar Selangor Mohamad Khir Toyo meminta maaf kepada anggota Parlimen Seputeh Teresa Kok (bawah) atas penyiaran artikelnya di blog lima tahun lalu berkaitan isu azan.
Khir juga bersetuju membayar sejumlah wang yang tidak didedahkan sebagai kos untuk Kok.
Sebagai balasan, Kok bersetuju menarik balik samannya.

Khir membacakan kenyataan maafnya di mahkamah terbuka:
"Saya, Mohamad Khir Toyo, defendan pertama dalam saman ini, tanpa pengakuan liabiliti memohon maaf kepada YB Teresa Kok Suh Sian kerana menyebabkan penerbitan di blog saya www.drkhir.com pada 9 Julai 2008 seperti dinyatakan dalam kenyataan tuntutan."
"Saya menyesal menerbitkannya dan bersetuju membayar kos."
Kok pada Disember 2008 memfailkan tindakan terhadap Khir dan Utusan Malaysia dalam saman RM30 juta setiap seorang.-malaysiakini

Khalid Abdul Samad menang kes saman Hamidah Osman...
Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini mengenepikan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang menolak saman Khalid Abdul Samad (gambar) terhadap bekas Adun Sungai Rapat di Perak, Datuk Hamidah Osman yang menyiarkan gambar Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam itu memakai salib.
Dalam keputusannya itu, mahkamah mengarahkan Hamidah membayar kos RM50,000 di samping mengarahkan Penolong Kanan Pendaftar untuk menilai taksiran ganti rugi yang perlu dibayar kepada Khalid.
"Mahkamah mendapati tulisan dan gambar yang disiarkan adalah fitnah. Keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi adalah silap dan diketepikan," kata Hakim Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof yang mengetuai panel tiga hakim.
Dua lagi hakim adalah Mah Weng Kwai and Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim.
Pada 12 Julai lalu, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman, Datuk Hashim Hamzah menolak saman Khalid terhadap Hamidah kerana Khalid didakwa gagal mengemukakan dokumen asal yang mendakwa dia difitnah.
Beliau juga mengarahkan Khalid membayar kos RM20,000 kepada Hamidah.
Hashim dalam penghakimannya berkata, dakwaan Khalid yang mengatakan artikel yang diterbitkan oleh Hamidah adalah fitnah merupakan satu perkara yang subjektif dalam sesuatu tuntutan.
Khalid menyaman Hamidah pada 23 Disember, 2011 berhubung penyiaran gambar yang menggunakan teknik tindih gambar yang disiarkan melalui blog Hamidah pada Januari 2010.
Dalam pernyataan tuntutannya, Khalid mendakwa gambar itu menunjukkan beliau seperti seorang paderi Kristian dan murtad.-TMI
Khir apologises to Seputeh MP for defamation...
Former Selangor menteri besar Mohamad Khir Toyo has apologised to the DAP's Seputeh MP Teresa Kok for a blog-post five years ago over the azan issue.
Khir agreed to pay an undisclosed amount as legal costs in the action initiated by Kok against him and Utusan Malayia.
In turn, she withdrew her suit against him in a settlement recorded before Kuala Lumpur High Court Judicial Commissioner Siti Khadijah S Hassan Badjenid today.

"I regret publishing the same and agree to pay costs."
Kok filed the defamation action in December 2008 against Khir and Utusan, suing each for RM30 million.
In his blog-post entitled ‘Ada usaha larang azan di masjid Selangor' (There are efforts to prevent the call to prayer in Selangor mosques), Khir claimed that Kok had sought the lowering of the volume of the azan at a mosque in Puchong and Kota Damansara.
The matter was highlighted by Utusan and its then columnist Mohd Zaini Hassan.
Kok, who denied the claim, claimed that the daily and Mohd Zaini had defamed her in an article headlined ‘Azan, Jawi, Jais, UiTM dan ba-alif-ba-ya' published on Sept 10, 2008.
As an outcome of this issue and others, she was briefly detained under the Internal Security Act the same month.
The court has since allowed Kok to withdraw her suit against Utusan and Mohd Zaini, with no order as to costs and no liberty to file afresh.
Today she was represented by Sankara Nair, while lawyer M Athimulan appeared for Khir.
Kok, in her Facebook posting, said she believed when Khir published that article, he did not realise that it would lead her to being detained under the ISA for seven days.
"My detention shows that police is always on BN/Umno's side where they would detain without doing the necessary investigation."
She added what she wanted was his apology and as he had given it she would end her legal action.-malaysiakini

Khalid Samad wins appeal in 'superimposed photo' suit...
The Court of Appeal has unanimously allowed an appeal by PAS’ Shah Alam
parliamentarian Khalid Samad against the Shah Alam High Court’s
dismissal of his suit against former Perak exco member Hamidah Osman.

“The court finds the article and picture to be defamatory. The High Court’s judgment was wrong and is set aside,” said Justice Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof, who headed the three-member bench.
He ordered Hamidah to pay RM50,000 in costs and directed the court's senior assistant registrar to assess damages.
The other judges were Justices Mah Weng Kwai and Aband Iskandar Abang Hashim.
On July 12, Shah Alam High Court judicial commissioner Hashim Hamzah had dismissed Khalid's suit on the ground that he had failed to show the original blog-post and ordered him to pay RM20,000 in costs.
However, the full grounds of judgment were not given at the time.
Khalid had filed the suit in January 2010, claiming that the superimposed photograph portrayed him as a Christian priest and an apostate.
He claimed an unspecified amount of damages, relief and other costs as deemed fit by the court.
Lawyers Mohd Hanipa Maidin and Azhana Mohd Khairuddin represented Khalid, while Wan Azmir Wan Majid appeared for Hamidah.-malaysiakini

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