Seramai 1,296 orang telah dipindahkan di Kelantan setakat tengah hari ini akibat banjir yang melanda negeri itu sejak semalam, menurut laporan portal rasmi e-banjir negeri Kelantan.
Antara lima jajahan yang teruk dilanda banjir adalah Kuala Krai yang meliputi kawasan Mengkebang dan Olak Jeram; Machang meliputi Ulu Sat, Labok dan Pulai condong; Pasir Mas meliputi Kangkong dan Gual Periok; Pasir Puteh meliputi Limbungan, Gong Datok dan Bukit Awang dan jajahan Tanah Merah melibatkan Bukit Panau dan Ulu Kusial.
Kuala Krai mencatatkan jumlah mangsa banjir yang tertinggi iaitu seramai 753 orang (177 keluarga) diikuti Machang jumlah mangsa 242 orang (58 keluarga), Tanah Merah seramai 159 orang (44 keluarga), Pasir Puteh pula seramai 109 orang (29 keluarga) dan Pasir Mas seramai 33 orang (7 keluarga).
Sebanyak 23 tempat Pusat Pemindahan Banjir telah dibuka meliputi kelima-lima kawasan jajahan tersebut.
Sehingga kini tiada mangsa korban dan kemalangan yang dilaporkan di Kelantan.
20 Pusat Kawalan Operasi Banjir telah dibuka di semua jajahan termasuk Bilik Gerakan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Jabatan Kerja Raya, Jabatan Kesihatan, Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS), Jabatan Pertahanan Awam (JPA), Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah (PBSM), Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) dan Bilik Gerakan Tentera Darat, Markas 8 Briged.
Dalam pada itu antara jalan yang tutup kepada semua kenderaan adalah di jajahan Gua Musang, Jalan masuk Aring 8 dan 9 serta jalan Chiku-Aring (KM 12.2).
Sementara itu bagi laluan yang ditutup kepada kenderaan ringan adalah di Kuala Krai, Jalan Bukit Sireh - Kampung Bedal - Kuala Nal (KM 2.5).
Bagi jajahan Pasir Puteh jalan yang ditutup adalah laluan Pasir Puteh - Semarak, Tanah Merah meliputi Jalan Tanah Merah - Kusial - Kampung Ipoh (KM 2 dan 4).
Manakala di Tumpat hanya laluan Jalan Pohon Tanjung - Pasir Pekan (KM 2.0)
Jabatan Meterologi Malaysia turut meramalkan hujan akan berterusan selama semingg di Kelantan selama seminggu mulai hari ini.-harakahdaily
Worsening floods spread to Kelantan...
Kelantan today became the fourth state to be struck by the annual monsoon floods which have already hit Johor, Pahang and Terengganu.
As of 4pm, 436 people had been evacuated in Kelantan, bringing the number of people moved out of their homes in all the four states to 33,365. A total of 8,250 people had been evacuated in Johor, 19,750 in Pahang and 4,929 in Terengganu.
Pahang seems to be the worst affected of the four states. More than 1,000 sub-stations of Tenaga Nasional Berhad in several districts were flooded, forcing the electricity company to disconnect power supply to 62,907 consumers for 12 hours up to this afternoon. Power supply has been restored in stages to the affected areas.
The state capital, Kuantan, was almost paralysed after power and water supply was cut off in most areas. Shops and offices had to close.
TNB also disconnected power supply in Kemaman, Terengganu, to about 5,000 consumers after 141 sub-stations were flooded as of 2pm. The power outage resulted in stalled pumps of Syarikat Air Terengganu, leaving about 7,500 consumers in several districts without water supply since early today.
The situation in the flood-hit states could only worsen as the weatherman has forecast more rain.
The Malaysian Meteorological Department today issued an orange-stage heavy rain warning for several areas in Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu, saying that the rain was expected to continue until tomorrow.
In Kelantan, the 436 evacuees are from Mengkebang and Olak Jeram. They are being housed at five relief centres.
They were forced out of their homes after the Sungai Kelantan and Sungai Lebir burst their banks. As at 4pm, the level of Sungai Kelantan at Tangga Krai was 25.28 metres, above the danger point of 25 metres, and at the Guillemard Bridge, 16.30 metres (16 metres).
The level of Sungai Lebir at Tualang was 35.56 metres, above the danger point of 35 metres.
The level of the other rivers in Kelantan are reportedly rising as rain continues to fall in many of the interior areas.
No major roads have been closed and neither were there reports of casualties.
In Terengganu, 1,443 more people have been evacuated in the three affected districts of Kemaman, Dungun and Hulu Terengganu, raising the number of evacuees in the state to 4,929.
Thirty-six relief centres have been opened in Kemaman, five in Dungun and 17 in Hulu Terengganu.
Meanwhile, the Terengganu Drainage and Irrigation Department reported that the levels of several major rivers in the state were at the danger point.
The level of Sungai Kemaman at the Banho Bridge was 20.08 metres (danger level 19 metres); Air Putih Bridge, 15.27 metres (14 metres) and Tebak Bridge, 19.37 metres (19 metres).
The level of Sungai Dungun at Kuala Jengai was 26.12 metres (21 metres); Jerangau Bridge, 13.39 metres (12.5 metres) while the level of Sungai Menerong in Hulu Terengganu was 25.1 metres (24.5 metres).
At as 10 pm, 22,395 people had been moved to relief centres in the state.-malaymail
As of 4pm, 436 people had been evacuated in Kelantan, bringing the number of people moved out of their homes in all the four states to 33,365. A total of 8,250 people had been evacuated in Johor, 19,750 in Pahang and 4,929 in Terengganu.
Pahang seems to be the worst affected of the four states. More than 1,000 sub-stations of Tenaga Nasional Berhad in several districts were flooded, forcing the electricity company to disconnect power supply to 62,907 consumers for 12 hours up to this afternoon. Power supply has been restored in stages to the affected areas.
The state capital, Kuantan, was almost paralysed after power and water supply was cut off in most areas. Shops and offices had to close.
TNB also disconnected power supply in Kemaman, Terengganu, to about 5,000 consumers after 141 sub-stations were flooded as of 2pm. The power outage resulted in stalled pumps of Syarikat Air Terengganu, leaving about 7,500 consumers in several districts without water supply since early today.
The situation in the flood-hit states could only worsen as the weatherman has forecast more rain.
The Malaysian Meteorological Department today issued an orange-stage heavy rain warning for several areas in Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu, saying that the rain was expected to continue until tomorrow.

In Kelantan, the 436 evacuees are from Mengkebang and Olak Jeram. They are being housed at five relief centres.
They were forced out of their homes after the Sungai Kelantan and Sungai Lebir burst their banks. As at 4pm, the level of Sungai Kelantan at Tangga Krai was 25.28 metres, above the danger point of 25 metres, and at the Guillemard Bridge, 16.30 metres (16 metres).
The level of Sungai Lebir at Tualang was 35.56 metres, above the danger point of 35 metres.
The level of the other rivers in Kelantan are reportedly rising as rain continues to fall in many of the interior areas.
No major roads have been closed and neither were there reports of casualties.
In Terengganu, 1,443 more people have been evacuated in the three affected districts of Kemaman, Dungun and Hulu Terengganu, raising the number of evacuees in the state to 4,929.
Thirty-six relief centres have been opened in Kemaman, five in Dungun and 17 in Hulu Terengganu.
Meanwhile, the Terengganu Drainage and Irrigation Department reported that the levels of several major rivers in the state were at the danger point.
The level of Sungai Kemaman at the Banho Bridge was 20.08 metres (danger level 19 metres); Air Putih Bridge, 15.27 metres (14 metres) and Tebak Bridge, 19.37 metres (19 metres).
The level of Sungai Dungun at Kuala Jengai was 26.12 metres (21 metres); Jerangau Bridge, 13.39 metres (12.5 metres) while the level of Sungai Menerong in Hulu Terengganu was 25.1 metres (24.5 metres).
At as 10 pm, 22,395 people had been moved to relief centres in the state.-malaymail

Gambar di Tambatan Diraja sudah menunjukkan air telah melimpahi tebing sungai.

sungai golok

Banjir di Kuantan, yang mana terjejas pindah ke pusat pemindahaan...Pusat pemindahaan pun masuk air...

Gambar rakyat di penempatan sementara banjir, bekalan makanan putus....

Pusat pemindahan banjir di Thailand. Di Malaysia jangan komen, nanti menteri halau pindah ke Thailand pula.


Pada 25hb November yang lalu di dalam dewan parlimen, Menteri UMNO yang
jaga parlimen Shahidan Kassim dengan mendabik dada lantang berkata
beritahu satu dunia yang Malaysia dibawah pemerintahan Najib Razak
merupakan negara yang paling handal dan bijak mengurus bencana banjir...
YB Fuziah Salleh Ahli Parlimen Kuantan mau mengusulkan di parlimen agar Kuantan di istiharkan darurat.Shahidan Kassim lagi sekali bingkas bangun bagi menjawab soalan yang dikemukakan oleh YB Fuziah Salleh dengan menyatakan, bahawa bantuan segera oleh pihak seperti Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Polis, Bomba dan Penyelamat telah dikerahkan serta merta,tapi telah dinafikan akan kebenaran itu oleh YB Fuziah Salleh.
Tiba2 di buletin utama TV3 suku mengeluarkan kenyatan mohon maaf oleh Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim kerana bantuan memang lambat sampai kepada mangsa-mangsa banjir di Kuantan, Pahang.
YB Fuziah Salleh Ahli Parlimen Kuantan mau mengusulkan di parlimen agar Kuantan di istiharkan darurat.Shahidan Kassim lagi sekali bingkas bangun bagi menjawab soalan yang dikemukakan oleh YB Fuziah Salleh dengan menyatakan, bahawa bantuan segera oleh pihak seperti Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Polis, Bomba dan Penyelamat telah dikerahkan serta merta,tapi telah dinafikan akan kebenaran itu oleh YB Fuziah Salleh.
Tiba2 di buletin utama TV3 suku mengeluarkan kenyatan mohon maaf oleh Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim kerana bantuan memang lambat sampai kepada mangsa-mangsa banjir di Kuantan, Pahang.

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