Kenapa bantu PERKASA saja, soal NGO Melayu lain...
Tindakan kerajaan menyalurkan dana kepada kumpulan pendesak Melayu PERKASA hari ini menimbulkan perasaan tidak puas hati kumpulan NGO Melayu-Islam yang lain.
Antara yang menyuarakan perasaan tidak puas hati itu, Martabat Jalinan Muhibbah Malaysia (MJMM) dan Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA).

Presiden MJMM Abdul Rani Kulup Abdullah berkata, mereka mengesyaki PERKASA mendapat bantuan daripada kerajaan tetapi perkara ini tidak pernah didedahkan secara terbuka sebelum ini.
“Sekarang, dengan pendedahan PERKASA mendapat dana kerajaan... saya rasa tidak adil hanya PERKASA mendapat dana ini,” kata Rani dalam SMS kepada Malaysiakini hari ini.
“Kami bergerak dengan wang saku sendiri... jadi saya desak kerajaan berhati-hati menyemak semula dana terhadap NGO.”- malaysiakini

Selepas mungkir janji,gomen Najib takut “digulingkan”...
Tahun 2014 sudah pastinya bukan berita gembira bagi majoriti rakyat Malaysia berpendapatan rendah kerana kenaikan kos sara hidup yang bakal mereka hadapi.
Semasa berkempen menjelang Pilihan Raya 2013 lalu, Barisan Nasional melalui “Manifesto: Menepati Janji, Membawa Harapan” memberikan pelbagai janji indah seperti mengurangkan kos sara hidup.
Di antaranya adalah penurunan harga kereta secara berperingkat, menyediakan sejuta rumah mampu milik, pendidikan lebih baik, pembangunan luar bandar secara agresif dan keselamatan awam.
Akan tetapi selepas pilihan raya 5 Mei, apa yang rakyat dapat?
Bermula September lalu, subsidi minyak dan gula dipotong, menyebabkan kenaikan harga kedua-dua bahan berkenaan.
Perlu diingat, kenaikan harga minyak dan gula mempunyai kesan berantai kepada barangan lain. Dalam erti kata lain, janji kerajaan harga barang lain tidak akan naik selepas subsidi minyak dan gula dipotong tidak boleh digunapakai.
Tidak cukup dengan itu kerajaan mengumumkan tarif elektrik dinaikkan sebanyak 15% dan cadangan kenaikan harga tol juga pada 2014.
Dalam Bajet 2014 yang diumumkan pada Oktober, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengumumkan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) bermula pada kadar 6% yang akan berkuatkuasa pada April 2015.
Ertinya, selepas tamat 2014 juga, kehadiran 2015 belum tentu memberikan kebahagian kepada majoriti rakyat Malaysia dengan pengenalan GST.
Tindakan “ganas” pentadbiran Najib dalam memotong subsidi dan menaikkan harga barang dan perkhidmatan yang menjadi keperluan asas turut membimbangkan bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (gambar).
“Kita faham kerajaan memerlukan lebih wang tetapi itu tidak bermakna peningkatan seperti yang diumumkan.
“Adalah lebih baik mengurangkan kos, mengekalkan atau mengurangkan harga. Perkara sama boleh dilakukan kerajaan,” katanya dalam tulisan di blog Che Det semalam.
Menurut Dr Mahathir, banyak dapat dijimatkan jika kerajaan serius bertindak terhadap Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2012 mengenai ketirisan dan pembaziran kerajaan.
“Kerajaan biasanya melakukan pembaziran kerana tidak memikirkan pulangan dalam apa juga bentuk perbelanjaan. Jika kerajaan berhasrat mengurangkan kos urus tadbir, mereka boleh melakukannya,” katanya.
Dr Mahathir menulis menggunakan hujah yang sering dipakai pemimpin pembangkang.
Sebagai orang yang sudah memerintah Malaysia selama 22 tahun dan mengikuti perkembangan sejarah negara-negara jiran seperti Indonesia dan Filipina, Dr Mahathir sudah tentunya bimbang dengan tindakan pentadbiran Najib.
Dr Mahathir menyaksikan bagaimana rakan-rakan baiknya seperti Ferdinand Marcos dari Filipina dan Jeneral Muhammad Soeharto dari Indonesia digulingkan melalui demonstrasi jalanan selepas gagal mensejahterakan hidup rakyat.
Sudah pasti hujah Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan Datuk Seri Hassan Malek mengatakan kenaikan kos sara hidup merupakan masalah kecil tidak dibeli bekas perdana menteri itu.
Maka tidak hairanlah Putrajaya juga dilihat begitu takut sekali dengan perhimpunan pada malam ambang Tahun Baru 2014 yang dikatakan berniat untuk menggulingkan kerajaan.
Semalam polis menahan pemilik akaun Facebook yang beroperasi dengan nama Asmaelz Hadzeny II yang diburu sejak minggu lepas kerana menghasut orang ramai menyertai perhimpunan dikatakan untuk menggulingkan kerajaan pada 31 Disember ini.
Sebelum itu polis menahan pengerusi Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun) Azan Safar selepas seorang pengguna Facebook memberikan komen mengatakan akan berlaku rusuhan pada malam ambang Tahun Baru.
Selepas memungkiri janji, Putrajaya kelihatan begitu takut sekali dengan kemarahan orang ramai di atas tindakan mereka itu.
Yang hairannya, yang ditahan adalah orang yang marah kerana janji dimungkiri dan bukan yang memungkiri janji.- TMI
Why for Perkasa only, ask other Malay rights defenders...
With the funding sources of Perkasa disclosed, two Malay-Muslim NGOs,
Martabat Jalinan Muhibbah Malaysia (MJMM) and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia
(Isma), are crying foul over the government favouring the right wing
Malay movement over them.
The two NGOs, which are similarly involved in defending Malay and Muslim rights in the country, said they, too, want recognition and some of these funds.
MJMM president Abdul Rani Kulup Abdullah said they suspected that Perkasa had government backing, but it had not been made this clear before.
with it revealed that Perkasa has government funding... I feel it's not
fair if only Perkasa alone gets the funds," Rani said in a text message
to Malaysiakini today.
"We are moving along with our own pocket money... so I urge the government to carefully review again the funds for NGOs."
MJMM has been actively policing the social media, such as Facebook, and has filed several police reports against those allegedly insulting Muslims or Malays online.
It is also among the NGOs that in October called on police to investigate DAP MP Tony Pua for labelling Utusan Malaysia and the Registrar of Societies (ROS) as 'anjing Umno' (running dogs for Umno) in a online posting.
MJMM is also protesting against price hikes and higher cost of living, Rani said.
Isma: It’s not Umno’s generosity
Earlier this week Perkasa admitted that it had received funding from agencies such as the National Security Council (MKN), National Civics Bureau (BTN) and the Special Affairs Department (Jasa), which come under the Communications and Multimedia Ministry.
Isma is similarly unhappy that government funds are not handed out more evenly.
"Umno cannot bring it up as if it is their generosity (to fund Perkasa)," Isma's president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman (right) said.
"Until now, I have not seen the government truly acknowledge the role of NGOs in building up the community, especially Malay and Islamic NGOs."
Abdullah noted that the government has shortchanged Islamic NGOs as they were given much lesser funds than non-Islamic NGOs, despite the bigger contribution to society by Islamic NGOs.
Isma made the limelight recently for tearing at human rights group Comango at the UN review in Geneva two months ago.
It has also called for Malaysia to take a stand on the Islamic form of human rights and to ignore the more liberal international standards.
To avoid favouritism, Isma recommended that the government enshrine funding to NGOs as a constitutional right, so that governments would no longer hand them out at their discretion.
"For me, the role and credibility of the NGOs are ruined when they are managed according to the whims of the ruling party," Abdullah Zaik said.- malaysiakini
The two NGOs, which are similarly involved in defending Malay and Muslim rights in the country, said they, too, want recognition and some of these funds.
MJMM president Abdul Rani Kulup Abdullah said they suspected that Perkasa had government backing, but it had not been made this clear before.

"We are moving along with our own pocket money... so I urge the government to carefully review again the funds for NGOs."
MJMM has been actively policing the social media, such as Facebook, and has filed several police reports against those allegedly insulting Muslims or Malays online.
It is also among the NGOs that in October called on police to investigate DAP MP Tony Pua for labelling Utusan Malaysia and the Registrar of Societies (ROS) as 'anjing Umno' (running dogs for Umno) in a online posting.
MJMM is also protesting against price hikes and higher cost of living, Rani said.
Isma: It’s not Umno’s generosity
Earlier this week Perkasa admitted that it had received funding from agencies such as the National Security Council (MKN), National Civics Bureau (BTN) and the Special Affairs Department (Jasa), which come under the Communications and Multimedia Ministry.

"Umno cannot bring it up as if it is their generosity (to fund Perkasa)," Isma's president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman (right) said.
"Until now, I have not seen the government truly acknowledge the role of NGOs in building up the community, especially Malay and Islamic NGOs."
Abdullah noted that the government has shortchanged Islamic NGOs as they were given much lesser funds than non-Islamic NGOs, despite the bigger contribution to society by Islamic NGOs.
Isma made the limelight recently for tearing at human rights group Comango at the UN review in Geneva two months ago.
It has also called for Malaysia to take a stand on the Islamic form of human rights and to ignore the more liberal international standards.
To avoid favouritism, Isma recommended that the government enshrine funding to NGOs as a constitutional right, so that governments would no longer hand them out at their discretion.
"For me, the role and credibility of the NGOs are ruined when they are managed according to the whims of the ruling party," Abdullah Zaik said.- malaysiakini
MP to query gov't about its funding for Perkasa...
PKR Women’s wing chief Zuraida Kamarudin has questioned why Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s government is giving taxpayers’ money to Perkasa, which is alleged to be a racist non-governmental organisation (NGO).
“Since Perkasa has admitted that it has received funds from the government, we want to know where the money comes from and how much,” she said at a media conference in Kuching.
“I will raise a question in the next sitting of Parliament to find out the truth of the matter, and we want to know also why the government is funding a racist and extremist NGO,” said Zuraida, the MP for Ampang.
“If it is true that Perkasa receives funds from the government, then this must stop immediately,” she added.

“The government has no control over Perkasa and its leaders, and they can say anything under the sun without fear of being arrested,” she said.
“Why is the government not taking action against them, we want to know?” she asked.
On the issue of sexist remarks by BN leaders, Zuraida said it was silly for them to make such remarks against women.
“Lately PM Najib and Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor were the latest BN leaders who allegedly uttered sexist remarks against women.
“While Najib wants MCA to take Viagra, Tengku Adnan, when talking about toll hikes, compared properties to women who, when they put on make-up, the price is high.
“I think it is unbecoming of ministers to say such things. I think it is very silly,” she said, pointing out that Tengku Adnan apologised after being pressured by women groups.
‘Abang Johari should also apologise’
She said that likewise Sarawak’s Housing and Tourism Minister Abang Johari Openg should apologise to DAP women elected representatives for his “silly” remark during his winding-up debate in the November sitting of the state legislative assembly.
When challenged by Violet Yong (Pending assemblyperson) and Christina Chew (Batu Kawah assemblyperson) to join them to find out the plight of vendors at the Kubah Ria market, Abang Johari said to Violet, “Belum kawin kah, say masih ada tiga kuota” (are you married, I still have quota for three more wives).
Zuraida said that Abang Johari should not have used that kind of remark to a woman representative in the Dewan.
“We are against such remarks, and we may want to take action against anyone even if he comes from our party,” she said.
“All these male elected representatives should go for gender education so that they would be gender sensitive.
“They cannot treat women as sex objects,” she added.
Zuraida said that in Parliament the women MPs from Pakatan Rakyat had managed to push through a clause that there should not be any sexist remarks in the Dewan.
“Whoever makes such remarks will have to face action,” she added.

Meanwhile the BN government is undermining itself by funding a "disruptive" group such as the Malay supremacists Perkasa, and this has warded off many voters, including urban Malays, Gerakan said today.

Earlier this week Perkasa admitted that it had received funding from agencies such as the National Security Council (MKN), National Civics Bureau (BTN) and the Special Affairs Department (Jasa), which comes under the Communications and Multimedia Ministry.
"It's suicidal for BN to fund Perkasa because its activities are not helping the government... it's creating a bad image," Tan told Malaysiakini.
"If it is true, it has to be reviewed... the government has to come out and clarify the situation, or more rumours will spread."
Tan's views were echoed by Gerakan vice-president Dominic Lau who also texted his view that the party "strongly opposed the government aiding Perkasa."
"Gerakan's stand on Perkasa has been very clear all this while, which is we are against extreme racist party/organisation," he noted.
He said that the government should ensure that all NGOs, regardless of political inclinations, are fairly funded but must also make sure no fund goes to NGOs that are not promoting social unity and justice.
Similarly, MCA, another BN component party questioned Perkasa's qualification.
Citing her past experience as a deputy minister, MCA woman division chief Heng Seai Kie said that only NGOs that provide community and social services and effectively help the government received such financial aid.
Perkasa self-image in sorry state
"We feel sorry to say that with Perkasa's current leadership - all their statements, activities and programmes - they create a negative impression in public...they have been labelled as racist propagandists and have nothing to do with government," Heng told Malaysiakini over the phone.
Heng, however, said that she hoped Perkasa can change, since it is now in the limelight.
"I hope Perkasa can learn from the public response when they know about the funding. As a responsible NGO, Perkasa should revise their programmes and statements and they way they carry themselves. They should be grateful for government support and stop creating racial-friction," she said.
"If they don't change, the government has a right to stop funding them."
When asked if Perkasa was helping BN to win the Malay electorate over as recently claimed, MCA's Heng also disagreed.
"I don't think so. If they are helping to unite the Malays, then in the last general elections, Pakatan Rakyat wouldn't have gotten so much support from the Malays," she said.
"Unity is called for as we move towards Vision 2020 with PM's 1Malaysia spirit, Perkasa is doing just the opposite."-malaysiakini
Gerakan: K'jaan bunuh diri dengan danai PERKASA

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