Tiga keping gambar berkaitan dimuatkan dalam akaun Facebook Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Meru Dr Rani Osman semalam.
Ia memaparkan mendiang pemimpin Wanita Dewan Himpunan Penyokong PAS (DHPP) Kota Raja, Letchumee Mutusamy diusung dalam keranda yang berbalut bendera parti Islam itu.
Ia mendapat komen menggalakkan daripada penggguna laman sosial itu.
Pengarah Pilihan Raya Pemuda PAS Mohd Sany Hamzan memberitahu Malaysiakini, tindakan ahli keluarga mendiang bertujuan menggambarkannya mendian sebagai pejuang PAS sejati walaupun beragama Hindu.
Tambahnya, ia sekali gus, menunjukkan penerimaan yang cukup baik dari kalangan bangsa lain terhadap parti itu daripada kalangan bukan Melayu.
"Apa yang terbukti perjuangan apabila Ketua Wanita DHPP itu dibalut dengan bendera PAS itu menunjukkan beliau seorang pejuang PAS sejati walaupun duduk dalam PAS sebagai DHPP.
"Ia menunjukkan PAS sudah boleh diterima bukan Islam,” katanya lagi.
Ditanya sama ada tindakan itu bertentangan dengan perjuangan PAS, Sany menegaskan, ia tidak mempunyai sebarang kaitan dengan syiar Islam dan tidak membawa kesan buruk.
"Tiada sebarang tanggapan negatif pada saya dan PAS sendiri,” katanya.-malaysiakini
PAS supporter's coffin shrouded with party flag...
The family of a Bukit Raja PAS Supporters Club member decided to mark
her dedication towards the party by draping her coffin with the party's
This bizarre incident took place yesterday and a photograph of several individuals carrying the coffin of M Letchumany were posted on Meru state assemblyperson and former Selangor PAS chief Dr Abdul Rani Osman's Facebook page.
Some of Abdul Rani's Facebook followers expressed concern about how the photograph might affect the party's image.
According to Selangor PAS Youth chief Mohd Sany Hamzan, the family had placed flag on her coffin in recognition of her services to the party as an active PAS supporter.
"This shows that PAS is accepted by everyone including the non-Muslims," he said when contacted by Malaysiakini.
Mohd Sany said this does not affect the sanctity of Islam as the party flag is just a symbolic gesture.
"It is not against Islamic teachings and I do not think it would create a negative impression on the party," he said.
PAS formed the party supporters club wing after the 12th general election in 2008. Members do not have voting rights in party affairs.-malaysiakini
This bizarre incident took place yesterday and a photograph of several individuals carrying the coffin of M Letchumany were posted on Meru state assemblyperson and former Selangor PAS chief Dr Abdul Rani Osman's Facebook page.
Some of Abdul Rani's Facebook followers expressed concern about how the photograph might affect the party's image.
"It is not that I disagree with (the use) of PAS' flag, but, I'm
worried that might say (those in the photograph) are PAS zealots," wrote
Facebook user RiyRyokona Fipperz.
According to Selangor PAS Youth chief Mohd Sany Hamzan, the family had placed flag on her coffin in recognition of her services to the party as an active PAS supporter.
"This shows that PAS is accepted by everyone including the non-Muslims," he said when contacted by Malaysiakini.
Mohd Sany said this does not affect the sanctity of Islam as the party flag is just a symbolic gesture.
"It is not against Islamic teachings and I do not think it would create a negative impression on the party," he said.
PAS formed the party supporters club wing after the 12th general election in 2008. Members do not have voting rights in party affairs.-malaysiakini

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