Polis hari ini mengeluarkan amaran keras terhadap individu atau kumpulan yang mahu mengadakan kempen protes anti-kenaikan harga pada malam Tahun Baru di Dataran Merdeka Selasa.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur Amar Singh Ishar Singh berkata polis tidak akan teragak-agak untuk menahan pihak yang cuba hendak mencetuskan rusuhan di bawah Kanun Keseksaan dan Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas) 2012 (Sosma).
Katanya bahagian perisikan menerima maklumat tentang beberapa kumpulan dan organisasi bukan kerajaan (NGO) akan terlibat dalam perhimpunan haram untuk menunjukkan rasa tidak puas hati mereka terhadap kerajaan dan mewujudkan huru-hara.
"Kumpulan Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun), Jingga 13, Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia dan juga Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia dipercayai terlibat dalam perhimpunan itu," katanya pada sidang media di Kuala Lumpur Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen hari ini.

Beliau menambah bahawa penganjur perhimpunan haram juga akan mendirikan kem di sekitar Dataran Merdeka dan akan membawa pelbagai senjata, termasuk bom tangan dan topeng gas untuk membangkitkan kekecohan.
Dalam hal ini, Amar Singh menasihati orang ramai untuk tidak menyertai dan menyokong perhimpunan ini kerana ia bertentangan dengan undang-undang.
Beliau berkata setakat ini, polis telah menerima 588 laporan di seluruh negara sebagai bantahan terhadap perhimpunan untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan.- malaysiakini

Sementara itu perhimpunan yang akan diadakan pada malam 31 Disember ini, bukan bertujuan mengguling kerajaan kata, Pengerusi Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun), Muhamad Azan Safar.
Beliau berkata, agenda utama mereka adalah memprotes kenaikan mendadak kos sara hidup yang akan dirasai rakyat menjelang tahun 2014.
Menurutnya, selain itu perhimpunan ini juga bertujuan bagi mengingatkan kerajaan pada janji mereka dalam manifesto PRU13 yang lalu, serta menentang ketirisan dan penyelewengan dalam urus takbir kerajaan.
“Himpunan ini untuk rakyat suarakan protes mereka bukan gulingkan kerajaan. Kami menjunjung demokrasi berparlimen dan kedaulatan undang-undang.

“Tiada yang mengetuai himpunan ini, mereka yang rasa terkesan boleh sama-sama turun nyatakan bantahan mereka,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian. Sentimen sering dimainkan.
Mungkin Pakatan Rakyat gagal untuk menangani sentimen yang dicetus BN. Bila kita kata nak berhimpun untuk bantahan kos sara hidup yang semakin tinggi, BN cipta sentimen guling kerajaan.
Ketika PR datang dengan pelbagai agenda membantu rakyat dalam PRU yang lepas, BN main sentimen agama dan nasib orang melayu sedang digadai oleh PR.
BN menang kerana bijak memanipulasi sentimen terutama orang melayu. Yakinlah dengan sentimen itulah BN akan terus berkuasa untuk menipu dan menggadai kepentingan orang melayu.
Maka orang melayu perlu bangkit dari terus diperkuda UMNO BN....f/bk
Dec 31 rally organisers to bring grenades, claim cops...
Police today issued a stern warning that individuals or groups would be charged for holding an anti-price hike protest on New Year’s Eve at Dataran Merdeka this Tuesday.

He said intelligence found several groups and non-governmental organisations (NGO) would be involved in the illegal gathering to show their dissatisfaction against the government and to create chaos.
"Kumpulan Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun), Jingga 13, Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia as well as Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia were believed to be involved in the gathering," he told a media conference at Kuala Lumpur police contingent headquarters today.
He added that the illegal assembly organisers would also be setting up camps around Dataran Merdeka and would be bringing various weapons, including grenades and gas masks to stir up a commotion.
In this regard, Amar Singh advised the people not to participate and support the assembly as it is against the law.
He said to date, police have received 588 reports nationwide in protest against the assembly to bring down the government.- Bernama
Plot to topple gov't a fairy tale, says Kit Siang...
DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang has described police warnings of a plot to topple the government on New Year's Eve as a "fairy tale".
He said in a statement today that the government and police were doing a disservice to the nation by fuelling this conspiracy and making Malaysia appear like a “basket case country” on the verge of political and economic collapse.
Authorities have linked a planned anti-price hike rally on New Year's Eve at Dataran Merdeka to an alleged plot to overthrow the government.
blamed inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar for fuelling the
conspiracy when he warned participants of the alleged protest to topple
the government can be charged with carrying out activities detrimental
to parliamentary democracy that carries up to 15-year jail sentence.
"...If there are Malaysians who want to demonstrate their grievances and opposition to the string of price hikes, whether sugar, petrol, power or toll, the government must accept such human rights of freedom of expression without tarring them with the brush of being anti-national elements or traitors," he said.
Lim queried whether the conspiracy was cooked up in a bid to distract controversies away from the government.
"Is it because the Najib administration has many skeletons like the secret funding of Perkasa that ministers and police chiefs are trying to distract public attention with fairy-tale stories about New Year's Eve conspiracy to 'topple the government'?" he said.
Pakatan not involved
Lim said Malaysians were not convinced of the conspiracy and neither was the opposition involved in any such "plot".
"I can confirm that no New Year's Eve programme, including the alleged 'topple government' rally plot, was ever raised or discussed at any Pakatan Rakyat leadership or DAP meetings.
"Whatever being planned for New Year's Eve has nothing to do with Pakatan Rakyat or the DAP," he said.
Mohd Azan Safar (left), who heads Turun, the student group behind the anti-price hike protest, was arrested on Dec 23 on grounds of attempting to commit activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy but police were denied a remand and he was subsequently released.
Azan has vowed to see the protest go on Tuesday night, and accused the government of cooking up the ‘topple government’ plot in the bid to divert attention from pressing bread-and-butter issues.-malaysiakini
He said in a statement today that the government and police were doing a disservice to the nation by fuelling this conspiracy and making Malaysia appear like a “basket case country” on the verge of political and economic collapse.
Authorities have linked a planned anti-price hike rally on New Year's Eve at Dataran Merdeka to an alleged plot to overthrow the government.

"...If there are Malaysians who want to demonstrate their grievances and opposition to the string of price hikes, whether sugar, petrol, power or toll, the government must accept such human rights of freedom of expression without tarring them with the brush of being anti-national elements or traitors," he said.
Lim queried whether the conspiracy was cooked up in a bid to distract controversies away from the government.
"Is it because the Najib administration has many skeletons like the secret funding of Perkasa that ministers and police chiefs are trying to distract public attention with fairy-tale stories about New Year's Eve conspiracy to 'topple the government'?" he said.
Pakatan not involved

"I can confirm that no New Year's Eve programme, including the alleged 'topple government' rally plot, was ever raised or discussed at any Pakatan Rakyat leadership or DAP meetings.
"Whatever being planned for New Year's Eve has nothing to do with Pakatan Rakyat or the DAP," he said.
Mohd Azan Safar (left), who heads Turun, the student group behind the anti-price hike protest, was arrested on Dec 23 on grounds of attempting to commit activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy but police were denied a remand and he was subsequently released.
Azan has vowed to see the protest go on Tuesday night, and accused the government of cooking up the ‘topple government’ plot in the bid to divert attention from pressing bread-and-butter issues.-malaysiakini

tiri Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang berusia 36 tahun
dilaporkan membeli satu unit kondominium berharga USD33.5 juta (RM110
juta) di New York.Riza
Shahriz Abdul Aziz, anak lelaki Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor daripada
perkahwinan terdahulu, membeli hartanah di West 63rd Street di Park
Laurel, New York, menurut Sarawak Report...sini...dan sini.

1 comment:
Grenades and c4 so easy to access meh? Unless it was recovered from the sea.
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