Merujuk kepada sidang media pihak polis yang disampaikan oleh Timbalan Ketua Polis Wilayah, Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh, dengan ini Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) rakam rasa terkejut dan mengecam tuduhan yang mengaitkan che'GuBard dan SAMM kononnya menganjurkan himpunan untuk guling kerajaan pada 31 Disember nanti. Tuduhan tersebut lebih jijik lagi apabila disambung dengan propaganda jahat iaitu perancangan mengebom dan sebagainya.
SAMM menjelaskan dengan tegas beberapa perkara adalah seperti berikut;
1. Rakyat terhimpit dengan kenaikan kos hidup, ini berkait rapat dengan kegagalan pemerintah yang mungkir janji PRU tujuh bulan yang lalu. Janji BN untuk turunkan bayaran tol secara berperingkat dan kurangkan bebanan rakyat, namun BN terus umum naik kenaikan berantai parah dari petrol, gas, gula, elektrik dan lain-lain.
2. Maka muncul cadangan untuk rakyat turun ke Dataran Merdeka menunjukkan protes terhadap kenaikan kos sara hidup. Cadangan ini bermula dengan persetujuan yang diolah ribuan anak muda melalui media sosial facebook.
3. Ekoran itu beberapa NGO seperti SAMM menyambut baik persetujuan yang diolah secara organik ini dengan menyusun promosi untuk protes 31 Disember dan seumpamanya, malah satu panitia dari kalangan rakyat ditubuhkan.
4. Namun pemerintah yang menganggap kebangkitan kesedaran rakyat sebagai tekanan telah memulakan propaganda dengan memunculkan persepsi jahat terhadap himpunan protes kenaikan kos hidup sebagai 'himpunan guling kerajaan'. Maka media arus perdana digunakan sepenuhnya bagi mengalih isu dari kenaikan kos sara hidup kepada guling kerajaan.
5. SAMM antara yang bersetuju dengan hak rakyat berhimpun telah berkali-kali menegaskan melalui kenyataan persendirian dan kenyataan bersama, bahawa himpunan ini cuma himpunan protes rakyat secara aman bagi menyatakan protes kenaikan kos sara hidup, bukan untuk guling kerajaan apatah lagi berbentuk keganasan.
6. Tidak dinafikan banyak juga pihak termakan propaganda dan dakyah jahat yang mengaitkan himpunan malam tahun baru nanti dengan keganasan menggulingkan kerajaan. Cuma tidak dapat dipastikan samada PDRM merupakan pihak yang terpedaya dengan propaganda jahat tersebut atau sendiri terlibat menjayakan propaganda jahat.
7. Kemuncaknya semalam, Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh telah buat sidang media seolah-olah ada maklumat gempar, seperti menjadi lidah kepada propaganda jahat tersebut apabila menyebut nama beberapa individu dan beberapa organisasi termasuk nama che'GuBard dan gerakan Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia sebagai terlibat anjur himpunan guling kerajaan pada malam tahun baru, dikaitkan pula konon punya simpanan bom tangan dan sebagainya.
Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh kononnya ada maklumat dan sumber mengenai tuduhan itu. Namun pendedahan menjadi 'lawak' apabila dia umum himpunan guling kerajaan oleh NGO-NGO kecil ini hanya ratusan dijangka hadir. che'GuBard kasihan dengan Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh, seorang pegawai polis kanan sanggup kelihatan begitu bodoh apabila menjadi alat aparat dakyah regim.
8. Saya dengan ini mendesak fitnah ini ditarik balik oleh Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh dan permohonan maaf dituntut. Dia harus dedah apa sumber dia, dan dedah bukti gred A sekiranya ada. Saya akan ambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh dan semua media jahat yang menjadi lidah penyambung fitnah tersebut. Isnin ini (30 Disember), che'GuBard dan SAMM akan menghantar notis undang-undang terhadap Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh dan media-media terbabit. Saya akan memulakan proses saman sebanyak RM100 juta ke atasnya.
10. Mohon semua bertenang dan jangan terkesan dengan pengalihan isu. Acara protes kenaikan kos hidup tetap akan berlangsung kerana mana mungkin SAMM batalkan sedangkan kami bukan penganjur. Himpunan protes ambang tahun baru ini dianjurkan oleh rakyat untuk perjuang nasib sendiri.
Semua harus datang secara aman, jika ada yang membawa senjata dan membuat provokasi menghasut keganasan, ia akan dikenalpasti sebagai agen jahat maka rakyat sendiri akan tangkap dan serah kepada polis. Polis juga sudah tentu tidak mahu menandakan permulahan tahun baru ini dgn titik hitam hubungan polis dan rakyat.
Ayuh, kita datang hanya bersenjatakan banner, poster dan laungan. kita jumpa di Dataran Merdeka nanti.
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM)
Police become 'wedge' against the people, again...
That they have kept themselves out of the news to be considered newsmakers must now end with the glaring Malaysiakini front page report 'Dec 31 rally organisers to bring grenades, claim cops'.

You don't need to be a genius to figure the police are once more being unfairly used as a wedge against the people and that they had gotten carried away with the 'fairy tale' as DAP's Lim Kit Siang (right) has stated in the report 'Plan to topple gov't a fairy tale, says Kit Siang'.
Why would anyone in his right mind bring grenades to a peaceful protest against price hikes? If anyone causes trouble, it would more likely be the agents provocateur, those professional thugs that have hijacked democratic and otherwise peaceful events in the past.
And if anyone wants to bring gas masks to a peaceful demonstration they are being prepared because the police have a track record of using tear gas on peaceful demonstrators from the Bersih experience.
Surely bringing a gas mask to a demonstration is not a crime but using tear gas on peaceful demonstrators and making false allegations must be. The police often advise the public not to spread wild rumours but appear not to heed its own advice.
The police should be helping the organisers because they and their households too are consumers and can't be happy with the many price rises that affect many households and battlers. They should facilitate not hinder the planned event and others like it.

How will anyone know they are not alone in their hardship?
And if citizens can't protest collectively in a democracy then they must live in a dictatorship and Malaysia should re-write its constitution.
Deeming Malays 'lazy' adding salt to injury
The police do their public image no good by being used in any way to unfairly stymie a very important democratic event by the people and for the people. Otherwise, the government will then say that silence means the people accept the price hikes.
The government should not be unfairly harassing or obstructing the people and the court has the good sense to deny the remand of those involved because they are decent Malaysians who are doing the right thing for everyone's benefit.
In fact Ralph Nader was an American consumer advocate and activist who in the 70's spearheaded civil protests by consumers against companies and government and those that exploited consumers.
As a result consumers today are now aware of their political clout and should boycott those that unfairly benefit from government price hikes.
When a government spends more and more and expects the public to pay for their high maintenance with new taxes and price hikes, it is not unreasonable for people to want a cheaper government.

A cheaper government will get my vote.
The advice given in 'Muslim group - Don't fight price hikes - work harder' is as ridiculous as they come.
The advice targeted at Malays that they should not stay at home and plant serai and go out and sell fried bananas and mineral water is adding insult to injury.
I would be very offended if I were a Malay for being typecast as lazy and time-wasting at work and being asked to be a street-side hawker. This is what impoverished people do in third-world countries and not the rich country the government promised.
Those consumer groups forgot to ask parents to send their kids out in the streets to hawk cigarettes to motorists at traffic lights.
I know of a Chinese company where 99 percent of its almost 100-odd office staff are Malays and they have their heads down at their desks and work hard until they leave at 5pm or later. They do not have two hours to spare to plant serai. Not every Malay worker marks time at work.
For consumer groups to make facetious statements and typecast the Malays instead of joining the chorus of protests against the unreasonable price hikes (in such a short span of time) are reasons why consumers are better off with those who represent them and not against them.
Corruption and waste are twin enemies
The strategy of using pseudo-groups by the government to be their public apologists is indeed a clever one but will fail because you can be too clever for your own good and Malaysians often see through the charade.
We see demonstrations against rising costs of living in many countries because governments have failed to exercise financial prudence.
Corruption and waste are the twin enemies of the people who have to bear the reckless costs of administering a country and woe to the country that fails to stop its corrupt and wasteful leaders.
There comes a time when it is not only right to protest but necessary. Not all who protest are unable to absorb the rises but feel it wrong that the poor should be further burdened.

The opportunistic Dr Mahathir Mohamad suggested the government should cut costs but didn't suggest if running Putrajaya and allowing toll companies to get away with hefty profits and unreasonable increases is taking a toll on the people.
Price rises are everywhere but in Malaysia I suspect it is related to the high costs of running government including the incidental cost of corruption and waste.
You can't blame wages as in Australia because Malaysian wages are relatively low and foreign workers survive on subsistence wages that are further skimmed by those that obtain permits for them to work.
If it costs less to run the government I am sure prices will not rise as much or as fast and as extensively when there is double-dipping from a goods and services tax (GST), the mother of all price hikes and taxes.
If people don't protest then a fool and his money is quickly parted.- Steve Ho,Malaysiakini

Map of the checkpoint location : Sogo, Central Market and Masjid Jamek.

If u get arrested and if u need medical support for,dial...
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