Insiden tercetus apabila Lim mengaitkan kedudukan buruk Malaysia dalam laporan Integriti Kewangan Global (GFI) dengan Barisan Nasional (BN) dan negara ini "jaguh rasuah".
"Itulah sebab Wall Street Journal dan GFI menggelar Malaysia the most corrupted country (negara paling korup)... tahniah BN," kata Lim.
Katanya berdasarkan GFI, sejumlah RM1.2 trilion wang haram keluar dari Malaysia dalam tempoh 10 tahun.
"Dari segi per kapita macam mana kita boleh tandingi China, India, dan Mexico sebab penduduk (Malaysia) tak ramai, tapi top ten (10 teratas). Malaysia apapun tak ada jaguh, tapi jaguh rasuah," kata Lim lagi.
(Laporan GFI itu menyenaraikan China di kedudukan pertama, diikuti Rusia, Mexico, Malaysia dan India).
Kenyataan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang itu mendorong Jahara bangun mencelah dan mempertikaikan tindakan Lim mengaitkan perkara tersebut dengan BN.
Ini kerana katanya GFI menyenaraikan tiga faktor utama sebagai penyumbang aliran keluar wang haram iaitu aktiviti jenayah, lari dari cukai dan rasuah.
"Mengapa nak bebankan perkara seperti ini ke atas bahu BN, walhal kebanyakannya berlaku mungkin berkaitan dengan jenayah komersial, berlaku adil lah ketika menuduh," kata Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Teluk Tawar itu.- Bernama
UMNO reps back pay hike...
In a rare move today, Penang Umno assemblymen supported a pay hike for their sworn foes, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and other state executive councillors.

"The CM works so hard that he has no time and must send a representative to attend meetings on his behalf," said Farid, much to the amusement of the other assemblypersons.
He was backed by Mahmud Zakaria (BN-Sungai Acheh), who proposed an even higher percentage - 15 percent - for Lim and the excos.
"Since this side (opposition leader Jahara Hamid) got a pay hike (100 percent increase), the other side (Pakatan Rakyat) should get it too," Mahmud said.
"It is timely for Jahara to get the pay hike since there are many challenges for her to face, especially when there is so much discussion about gender issues in this session," he added.

On Monday, Jahara (BN-Telok Air Tawar) found herself in a quandary, having to retract her remarks, allegedly deemed "racist" by her opponents, on two occasions when she questioned the selective demolition of illegal businesses based on race and the renaming of Pulau Jerejak to Pulau Mahzu (after a Chinese sea goddess) that never took place.
She was then criticised by Lim as an "unreasonable and racist grandmother" but Lim was in turn was slammed for the remark. He later apologised for calling Jahara a grandmother.
New state rep's salary is RM11,500
Last week, Lim proposed that the allowance for Jahara (below, right) as opposition leader be increased from RM1,000 to RM2,000.
Meanwhile, both BN and Pakatan assemblypersons also approved the passing of the Members of the Administration and Members of the Legislative Assembly Enactment (Remuneration) 1980, also known as Statute Paper 1 2013 Penang, tabled by state exco Chow Kon Yeow.

The 40 state representatives will be getting a salary of RM11,500 a month (including allowances), with their basic salary being raised from RM4,112.79 to RM6,000.
They will also enjoy a fixed allowance hike from RM2,000 to RM5,500, the amount of which will be gazetted with the amendments.
The pay hike will be backdated to June 1 this year.
Supporting the salary increase, Ayer Itam assemblyperson Wong Hon Wai said the system should get competent people in the prime of their careers to enter politics, who would devote a substantial part of their lives to serve in political office.
"But politics is not a career promotion but a calling to serve society," said the chief of the Backbencher's Club.
"But this is not a motivation for just for anyone to be politicians but financial sacrifice should not be too big until it discourages people of calibre to join politics to serve," Wong said.-malaysiakini

Hello Zahid Komidi, bolehkah Mat Sabu didakwa dengan 10 bukti lintang pukang tu...
Bila Mat Sabu kagum perjuangan Mat Indera di label sebagai komunis..
Bila Mat Sabu puji Lim Guan Eng di label sebagai anjing DAP.
Bila Mat Sabu kagum dengan Anwar dikatakan penyokong pluralisme agama.
Bila Mat Sabu kagum Khomeini dikatakan pengamal ajaran syiah.
Mat Sabu kecil orangnya...namun besar pengaruhnya...nampaknya UMNO dah kecut teloq!!!

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