Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli (bawah) berkata beliau terkejut apabila penjualan itu dilaporkan dalam laporan terkini Bank Dunia yang terkini, 'Malaysia Economic Monitor: December 2013'.

Menurut laporan itu, pendapatan tambahan RM11.8 bilion yang melebihi anggaran belanjawan asal terdiri daripada RM7.4 bilion daripada sumber bukan cukai.
Ini termasuklah RM1.4 bilion daripada penjualan aset dan RM4.2 bilion daripada pensekuritian gadai janji kerajaan.
Gadai janji kerajaan adalah pinjaman yang diberikan kerajaan dan digunakan untuk membeli rumah atau hartanah.
Pensekuritian gadai janji pula adalah proses mengumpulkan gadai janji dan menjualkannya kepada pelabur untuk mendapatkan wang tunai.

Rafizi mengesyaki rancangan menjual aset negara itu sudah pun berlaku kerana sasaran kadar defisit empat peratus dalam tahun 2013 telah gagal.
"Ini bermakna, harta-harta negara ini telah pun dijual dan digadai supaya hasilnya itu diperolehi dalam tahun 2013 untuk menutup jurang pendapatan dan perbelanjaan negara.
"Perkara ini akan saya bawa dalam mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan malam ini supaya permohonan sidang tergempar Parlimen boleh dibuat secepat mungkin," katanya.-malaysiakini
Kerajaan Najib telah kehilangan tanah KTM di Singapura ke Singapura, 2 blok medan minyak & gas yang bernilai tinggi di Sarawak kepada Brunei. Mungkin beliau akan menjual pangkalan tentera laut Malaysia di Singapura jika dapat "tawaran yang baik"

Rafizi: Has gov't pawned our assets to cover deficit?...
is "shocked" to learn that the government may have "sold off or pawned"
the country's assets in a last-ditch effort to meet its budget deficit
This, said party strategy director Rafizi Ramli, appears evident in the latest World Bank report, 'Malaysia Economic Monitor: December 2013'.
a statement today, Rafizi cited Page 10 of the report that details how
the BN government plans to achieve its deficit target of four percent of
GDP in 2013 from 4.5 percent in 2012.
According to the report, of the additional RM11.8 billion in revenue to be raised above the original budget estimate, "...RM7.4 billion originated from non-tax sources, including RM1.4 billion of proceeds from asset sales and RM4.2 billion from the securitisation of government mortgages…”
Rafizi, who is also Pandan MP, said, "This is a revelation that is truly shocking, because Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's administration has reached the point of selling the nation's assets and pledging our country's property (through securitisation of government mortgages) to prop up his government's extravagance and wastage.
"I suspect the plan to sell off national assets has already taken place, because the aim of achieving the target deficit rate of four percent has in fact already failed.
"This means our national assets have already been sold off or pawned, so that the proceeds for 2013 can be used to close up the chasm between national revenue and expenditure," he added.
Rafizi said that the matter was serious enough for Pakatan leaders to consider issuing a call for a flash Parliamentary meet.
'Deficit targets'
Besides noting the asset sales, the World Bank report did have some positive things to say about Malaysia. The World Bank applauded Malaysia for its prudent measures to cut subsidies and emoluments.
"After growing an average of 11.4 percent per year between 2000 and 2012, emoluments are expected to increase by only 2.7 percent in 2013, the lowest annual growth rate in the past 10 years," it said.
also estimated that the government saved RM1.1 billion in fuel
subsidies, owing to a slight decline in crude oil prices and fuel
subsidy cut implemented in September.
However, the World Bank report also sounded a warning that the government had underspent on development.
But Rafizi said that Najib's main economic focus, which was to increase government size and cut deficit at the same time, remains a mad idea.
"To reduce the deficit, PKR has urged time and time again for total reform to start with stopping bribery and leakages. In this way, the expenditures to be borne by the public every year can also be lessened to match our sufficient national income.
"The refusal of Najib to cut wasteful government expenditures is the main reason why he needs to find new ways to press the people (for more money).
"The rise in prices of goods and services, cutting subsidies, rising tariffs and now toll hikes are all results of the madness of Najib, who wants to meet deficit targets without ending corruption," he added.- malaysiakini
This, said party strategy director Rafizi Ramli, appears evident in the latest World Bank report, 'Malaysia Economic Monitor: December 2013'.

According to the report, of the additional RM11.8 billion in revenue to be raised above the original budget estimate, "...RM7.4 billion originated from non-tax sources, including RM1.4 billion of proceeds from asset sales and RM4.2 billion from the securitisation of government mortgages…”
Rafizi, who is also Pandan MP, said, "This is a revelation that is truly shocking, because Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's administration has reached the point of selling the nation's assets and pledging our country's property (through securitisation of government mortgages) to prop up his government's extravagance and wastage.
"I suspect the plan to sell off national assets has already taken place, because the aim of achieving the target deficit rate of four percent has in fact already failed.
"This means our national assets have already been sold off or pawned, so that the proceeds for 2013 can be used to close up the chasm between national revenue and expenditure," he added.
Rafizi said that the matter was serious enough for Pakatan leaders to consider issuing a call for a flash Parliamentary meet.
'Deficit targets'
Besides noting the asset sales, the World Bank report did have some positive things to say about Malaysia. The World Bank applauded Malaysia for its prudent measures to cut subsidies and emoluments.
"After growing an average of 11.4 percent per year between 2000 and 2012, emoluments are expected to increase by only 2.7 percent in 2013, the lowest annual growth rate in the past 10 years," it said.

However, the World Bank report also sounded a warning that the government had underspent on development.
But Rafizi said that Najib's main economic focus, which was to increase government size and cut deficit at the same time, remains a mad idea.
"To reduce the deficit, PKR has urged time and time again for total reform to start with stopping bribery and leakages. In this way, the expenditures to be borne by the public every year can also be lessened to match our sufficient national income.
"The refusal of Najib to cut wasteful government expenditures is the main reason why he needs to find new ways to press the people (for more money).
"The rise in prices of goods and services, cutting subsidies, rising tariffs and now toll hikes are all results of the madness of Najib, who wants to meet deficit targets without ending corruption," he added.- malaysiakini
Najib regime has lost KTM land at Singapore to Singapore, 2 blocks of good oil & gas fields of Sarawak to Brunei. Probably he would sell Malaysian navy base at Singapore for "good offer".Read here.

Antara hadirin di ceramah anti gst di kelab sultan sulaiman, Kpg Baru...
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