Siling Dewan Canselor TATiUC Di Kemaman, Terengganu Runtuh..
Nahh.. lagi berita dari Terengganu Darul Runtuh...
Sebahagian bumbung dan siling Dewan Canselor Kolej Universiti Tati (TATIuC) di Teluk Kalung, Kemaman runtuh pagi tadi.
Bangunan Dewan Canselor TATIuC bernilai RM17 juta dirasmikan Oktober lepas mampu memuatkan 2,000 pelajar dan digunakan secara rasmi pada 30 Jun lalu sempena pendaftaran baru sesi kemasukan 2013/2014 dan Majlis Konvokesyen TATIuC kali ke-7 pada 28 September lalu.
Ini bukan laporan pertama mengenai kejadian bumbung runtuh berlaku di Terengganu.
Pada 20 Mei lepas, 12 jemaah masjid yang baru sahaja solat Isyak nyaris maut setelah bumbung hadapan Masjid Kampung Binjai Kertas, Hulu Terengganu runtuh.
Pada 3 Okt 2009, bumbung bahagian hadapan Masjid Kampung Batu Putih, Kerteh, Kemaman juga runtuh menyebabkan tiga mangsa cedera.
Selain itu, pada 2 Jun 2009, bumbung Stadium Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin yang menelan belanja RM292.9 juta telah siap dibina pada Mei 2008 dan digunakan dalam penganjuran Sukan Malaysia turut roboh.
Sebahagian struktur bumbung stadium berkenaan sekali lagi roboh pada 20 Feb lepas menyebabkan tiga pekerja parah manakala dua lagi cedera ringan.
Tak sampai 1 tahun siap, runtuh dan terus runtuh. Sebelum ni siling asrama ketiga runtuh. Aduhai nasib orang terengganu, lokaliti kolej berhampiran kediaman MB di Dun Kijal. - f/bk
'Contractor behind roof cave-ins built other buildings'...
The contractor who built a mosque in Terengganu which saw its roof
collapse in 2009 went on to build another mosque in the state, and the
roof of this structure also collapsed in September, claimed an
opposition MP.
PAS' Kuala Terengganu MP Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad said the contractor behind Masjid Kampung Tebauk in Kuala Terengganu also built the Masjid Batu Puteh in Kemaman where the roof caved in 2009.
What is even "scarier", he said, the same contractor is believed to have built "several other projects" in the state and was not blacklisted as claimed by the government in a reply to Parliament last week.
"I understand that the same contractor built several other projects, which have not yet collapsed, but maybe coming soon. It is scary... Perhaps nothing will happen but the risk is there as their performance is poor.
"Today people joke that when you go to a mosque in Terengganu to pray, don't wear a soft skullcap but a metal hard hat, as the roof will collapse. It's a sick joke," he said.
However, when asked the identity of the contractor in question, Raja Kamarul Bahrin said he needed to do further checks to confirm the contractor's full name.
"But I am sure the two mosques had the same contractor," he told reporters at the Parliament lobby.
20 structures collapsed in 5 years
Raja Kamarul Baharin, a prominent architect, added there is urgent need for the state government to now check if the same contractors behind the collapsed buildings had built other state structures.
This includes the contractor that built the 14-month-old Dewan Chancellor at Kolej Universiti Tati in Kemaman, which roof caved in on Monday.
"Everytime there is a collapsed structure, the state government will make noice and get angry with the Works Department.
"It is not about letting off steam but taking long-term action," he said.
He added that in the past five years, at least 20 structures have collapsed in Terengganu, signalling a "moral decay" within the government.
"The problem is enforcement and political will, that maybe these contractors have strong influence that they are awarded new projects even though they are problematic," he said.
He added the problem extends nationwide, with the auditor-general reporting that 83 government projects abandoned.
And yet the errant contractors were not penalised as about half of performance bonds or RM1.1 billion were not not collected.
"This is the people's money and should be collected to repair those ailing projects and or build hospitals and schools and so on," he said.
The Kolej Universiti Tati roof collapse is the third this year, following a collapse at Masjid Kampung Tebauk and Masjid Binjai Kertas. No injuries were reported.-malaysiakini
PAS' Kuala Terengganu MP Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad said the contractor behind Masjid Kampung Tebauk in Kuala Terengganu also built the Masjid Batu Puteh in Kemaman where the roof caved in 2009.
What is even "scarier", he said, the same contractor is believed to have built "several other projects" in the state and was not blacklisted as claimed by the government in a reply to Parliament last week.
"I understand that the same contractor built several other projects, which have not yet collapsed, but maybe coming soon. It is scary... Perhaps nothing will happen but the risk is there as their performance is poor.
"Today people joke that when you go to a mosque in Terengganu to pray, don't wear a soft skullcap but a metal hard hat, as the roof will collapse. It's a sick joke," he said.
However, when asked the identity of the contractor in question, Raja Kamarul Bahrin said he needed to do further checks to confirm the contractor's full name.
"But I am sure the two mosques had the same contractor," he told reporters at the Parliament lobby.
20 structures collapsed in 5 years
Raja Kamarul Baharin, a prominent architect, added there is urgent need for the state government to now check if the same contractors behind the collapsed buildings had built other state structures.
This includes the contractor that built the 14-month-old Dewan Chancellor at Kolej Universiti Tati in Kemaman, which roof caved in on Monday.
"Everytime there is a collapsed structure, the state government will make noice and get angry with the Works Department.
"It is not about letting off steam but taking long-term action," he said.
He added that in the past five years, at least 20 structures have collapsed in Terengganu, signalling a "moral decay" within the government.
"The problem is enforcement and political will, that maybe these contractors have strong influence that they are awarded new projects even though they are problematic," he said.
He added the problem extends nationwide, with the auditor-general reporting that 83 government projects abandoned.
And yet the errant contractors were not penalised as about half of performance bonds or RM1.1 billion were not not collected.
"This is the people's money and should be collected to repair those ailing projects and or build hospitals and schools and so on," he said.
The Kolej Universiti Tati roof collapse is the third this year, following a collapse at Masjid Kampung Tebauk and Masjid Binjai Kertas. No injuries were reported.-malaysiakini
Audit: Projek bina sekolah di S'wak tak memuaskan...
Pembinaan beberapa bangunan sekolah di Sarawak didapati tidak memuaskan kerana sebanyak 38 dari 56 projek bernilai RM1.054 bilion tidak disiapkan mengikut masa ditetapkan antara 2008 dan 2012.
Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2012 juga mendapati, hanya 18 buah sekolah disiapkan dan diserahkan kepada jabatan pendidikan negeri, namun projek itu juga mengalami kelewatan antara 389 hingga 870 hari dari tarikh yang sepatutnya.

Ketua Audit Negara menyebut, projek berkenaan dianugerahkan melalui tender terbuka, tender terhad dan rundingan terus.
“Daripada 16 projek yang dilawati, satu projek adalah mengikut jadual, lapan projek lewat jadual dan tujuh projek telah ditamatkan kontrak.
“Baki lapan projek yang lewat jadual, tujuh projek telah ditamatkan kontrak atau dalam proses penamatan kontrak manakala satu projek iaitu SK Pusat Lawas, Lawas sedang dalam proses menyelesaikan kerja tertunggak.

Laporan itu juga mendapati tahap penyeliaan juga tidak memuaskan, selain mutu binaan yang rendah.
Punca kelewatan termasuk kegagalan menjalankan kajian tanah, kedudukan kewangan sesetengah kontraktor yang diragui, dan masalah mendapatkan bahawa binaan dan juga pekerja.
Ia menyebut, kajian tanah tidak dijalankan di SK Long Sukang dan satu kejadian tanah runtuh turut berlaku di tapak binaan terbabit.
Di SMK Sebauh, Bintulu pula, hakisan tanah menyebabkan kerosakan di struktur bangunan terbabit.
Laporan itu juga mendapati keadaan fizikal struktur yang dibina tidak menggambarkan perbelanjaan yang dibuat.- malaysiakini
'Deadline not met in building 38 Sarawak schools'...
The construction of several school buildings in Sarawak has been found
to be “unsatisfactory”, given that 38 out of 56 projects worth a total
of RM1.054 billion were not completed within the stipulated time between
2008 and 2012.
The Auditor-General's Report 2012 also states that only 18 schools were completed and handed over to the state education department - but 389 to 870 days after the scheduled completion dates.
for the schools still under construction as at Dec 31, 2012, were
valued at RM620.94 million. The work has already recorded delays of 219
to 909 days.
The auditor-general said the projects were awarded via open tender, limited tender or direct negotiations.
“Of the 16 projects that we visited, only one was found to have been built according to schedule. Eight others have been delayed, while the contracts for seven projects have been terminated or are in the process of being terminated,” the report states.
“The ministry is in the process of appointing new contractors to complete the unfinished projects where the original contracts were terminated.”
The audit report further took note of “unsatisfactory supervision” and, in some cases, poor quality of construction.
of the delay include the absence of soil investigation studies; the
questionable financial standing of some contractors; and difficulty in
getting construction materials as well as workers.
At SK Long Sukang in Lawas (right), soil investigations were not carried out, and a landslide later occurred at the site. At SMK Sebauh, Bintulu, soil erosion resulted in damage to the building.
“We also question the expenditure as (what has been spent) is not reflected in the physical state of the structure,” the report says.
Inadequate supervision
Shoddy workmanship was observed in some projects, as a result of the contractor not studying the design drawings.
supervision could have prevented bad workmanship to ensure that the
facilities are safe and the ministry gets value for money, the report
In its response, the Education Ministry pointed to various factors for the delay, including issues between the consultant and contractors.
“But the ministry remains committed to ensuring that pupils, teachers and other staff are placed in a proper environment,” it says in the report.
The ministry also conceded the point on poor quality of construction, explaining that it could be due to contractors out to make a quick profit.-malaysiakini
The Auditor-General's Report 2012 also states that only 18 schools were completed and handed over to the state education department - but 389 to 870 days after the scheduled completion dates.

The auditor-general said the projects were awarded via open tender, limited tender or direct negotiations.
“Of the 16 projects that we visited, only one was found to have been built according to schedule. Eight others have been delayed, while the contracts for seven projects have been terminated or are in the process of being terminated,” the report states.
“The ministry is in the process of appointing new contractors to complete the unfinished projects where the original contracts were terminated.”
The audit report further took note of “unsatisfactory supervision” and, in some cases, poor quality of construction.

At SK Long Sukang in Lawas (right), soil investigations were not carried out, and a landslide later occurred at the site. At SMK Sebauh, Bintulu, soil erosion resulted in damage to the building.
“We also question the expenditure as (what has been spent) is not reflected in the physical state of the structure,” the report says.
Inadequate supervision
Shoddy workmanship was observed in some projects, as a result of the contractor not studying the design drawings.

In its response, the Education Ministry pointed to various factors for the delay, including issues between the consultant and contractors.
“But the ministry remains committed to ensuring that pupils, teachers and other staff are placed in a proper environment,” it says in the report.
The ministry also conceded the point on poor quality of construction, explaining that it could be due to contractors out to make a quick profit.-malaysiakini
Budak2 celaka mana yang buli pelajar OKU ini...
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