Pemimpin UMNO buta atau apa? Yang memenangkan UMNO ialah Sabah dan Sarawak. UMNO dapat 88 kerusi parlimen sebab 14 kerusi UMNO itu datang dari Sabah. Di Semananjung UMNO hanya menang 74 kerusi. Apa yang nak ek sangat. Kalau takde Sabah UMNO, BN hanya ada 119 kerusi sahaja.
Jadi dengan 74 kerusi UMNO Semananjung dan 14 kerusi UMNO Sabah, janganlah nak mengada- ngada sangat. Apa jadi kalau parti2 Kadazan, Dusun dan Murut meninggalkan BN? Baru UMNO sedar langit tinggi atau rendah.
Adnan Mansor bukanlah dipilih Najib sebab kecerdikan nya, jadi tidak hairan lah jika Adnan Mansor dengan sombong kata Melayu tidak akan melakukan tsunami. Bingung betul pemimpin UMNO sekor ini.
Melayu sokong UMNO bukan sebab mereka cinta dan yakin apa yang UMNO perjuangkan.
UMNO menang atas kebimbangan , rasa ragu dan rasa cemas orang Melayu. Bila hilang semua ini, orang akan melihat UMNO seperti dirinya yang sebenar2nya - penipu dan pembohong dan penindas bangsa sendiri.
Parti yang menakut-nakutkan bangsa sendiri - mereka takkan bertahan lama. Mereka sokong UMNO sebab UMNO berjaya menggambarkan mengundi PAS sama dengan undi DAP. Beri undi kepada PAS bererti beri undi kepada DAP.
Maka jika DAP memerintah, maka masa depan Melayu akan hancur. Raja2 Melayu akan hapus, agama Islam akan diancam dan diganti dengan kristian, cakap bahasa Melayu tak boleh dan sebagainya. Berkhatan pun tak boleh! Ini cara UMNO tipu.
Adnan Mansor itu sendiri pun lambang pembohongan yang paling besar - dia bukannya Tengku asli pun tapi tanpa segan silu menggunakan Tengku didepan namanya. Dia anak Raja Melayu mana? Siapa tahu... maklumkan mai sikit...

Melayu sokong UMNO sebab UMNO berjaya setakat ini menggambarkan PAS, PKR dan DAP terutamanya akan menjahanamkan Melayu. Adnan Mansor lihatlah apabila Melayu lebih cerah minda mereka dan bila Melayu sedar bahawa yang melindungi dan menolong rakyat ialah kerajaan yang berdiri diatas prinsip perintah ikut undang2. Ketika itu UMNO akan mampus.
Selagi UMNO boleh melemahkan PAS dan melagakan2 PAS dengan DAP dan PKR- UMNO akan terus berkuasa. Ertinya UMNO panjang umurnya kerana membohongi dan menipu rakyat.Walhal orang Melayu tidak perlu hidup dalam ketakutan.Faktanya ialah negara ini majoritinya orang Melayu.
DAP menerima hakikat bahawa pemimpin negara ini mesti orang Melayu. Raja2 nya, PM2 nya dan pemimpin2 kerajaan yang lain. Kalau Tengku Adnan nak jadi PM pun kita sokong. Standard dia sama degan standard Dato Najib.
Sebab itu UMNO sibuk mempromsikan ulama yang mereka anggap sebagai ustaz kampong yang mudah tertipu dengan pengucapan dan pembohongan UMNO mengenai hal2 duniawi ini. Ulama PAS yang moden yang kuat Islam dan pintar membaca isu2 duniawai digeruni oleh UMNO. Syukur!!! PAS tidak tertuba mainan jahat UMNO.
Sejak bila orang UMNO sayangkan ulamak ? sejak bila orang UMNO suka meramaikan masjid dan surau? Di Pekan sendiri, pemimpin UMNO membanjiri surau dan masjid setahun sekali ketika Najib berbuka puasa selang sehari di Pekan. Pada masa yang lain, nak cari 5 orang UMNO dalam surau pun dikira suatu kejayaan yang menggegarkan dunia.
Tengku Adnan Mansor(tengku enjin sangkut) berkata bahawa tsunami Melayu mustahil berlaku. UMNO menang banyak kerusi- daripada 79 ke 88 kerusi parlimen. Melayu ramai sokong kita. Lihat angka dari SPR lah.

Calon2 UMNO semua sekali dapat 3.4 juta. Tentu undi ini termasuk undi Cina dan India dan bangsa lain yang sokong UMNO bukan? Andaikan 400,000 undi tersebut datang dari bukan Melayu. Maknanya, undi Melayu kepada calun UMNO sekitar 3 juta.
Katalah Melayu tongong yang sokong calon2 MIC dan MCA sekitar 400,000 jugak. Maklum sahajalah bangsa2 bukan Melayu ini berdada dalam kabilah UMNO mestilah Cina dan India yang baik2 belaka dan mesti disokong oleh Melayu. Maka angka nya kensel mengensel.
Kita terimalah jumlah semua orang Melayu yang mengndi UMNO ialah 3.4 juta-seperti angka yang dikemukakan oleh SPR. Jumlah ini sama dengan jumlah ahli UMNO, maka secara keseluruhannya, yang mengundi dan menyokong UMNO ialah bersamaan dengan jumlah ahli UMNO sahaja.
Jumlah pengundi Melayu dalam PRU13 ialah 7.3 juta.. kalau UMNO dapat 3.4 juta ertinya, 3.9 juta orang Melayu tidak menyokong UMNO. Ada sokong PAS, sokong PKR dan sokong DAP. Yang sokong DAP tidaklah seramai yang sokong PKR dan PAS tapi jumlahnya meningkat.
Terutama bila DAP letak calon Melayu dan orang Melayu sudah tidak kira, mereka akan undi Melayu. Ini Melayu tulen bukan macam Melayu munafik UMNO bercakap mengenai Melayu, tapi hanya sokong Melayu UMNO.
Adnan Mansor bukanlah Najib pilih kerana kercerdikan dia. Dia bukan cerdik orang nya. Tengkunya pun tengku sangkut.
Ertinya, rakyat biasa pun kalau tuanku2 Melayu setuju, boleh jadi tengku jugak. Orang Melayu dari segi potensi, semua Tengku2 belaka.
Tsunami Melayu sudah berlaku. Dan ianya akan di kukuhkan lagi dalam PRU 14.- Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol AK47

UMNO Baru running scared...
The 4Rs - race, royalty, religion and the rural people - have been used by Umno Baru to divide and rule Malaysia.
When Najib asked the rhetorical question, “Where would the Malays be without Umno Baru?”, it was a cry of desperation and an admission of defeat.
Umno Baru’s hold on the Malays is slipping. Najib and Umno-Baru are scared. Without the Malays, where would Umno Baru be? Domination of the Malays is not about protecting their rights. It is all about power and status.
The line that Umno Baru has used for over five decades to divide the nation, is no longer relevant. Malay graduates who return to Malaysia do so because they have to fulfil the terms of their scholarship or loan. Try asking them what they really feel about Malaysia, about Umno Baru and its leaders. Their stories will fill you with hope.
The current clampdown on dissent and the hunt for Malays who speak their minds is because the government is afraid. A thinking Malay is a threat to Umno Baru. A thinking Malay who is prepared to question the leaders and make them accountable for their actions will erode the power of Umno Baru.
Umno Baru knows that one thinking Malay will embolden other Malays and very soon, Umno Baru will become irrelevant.
If anecdotal evidence is to be believed, the brain drain is no longer confined to non-Malays seeking better shores. What frightens Umno Baru is the fact that many Malays have become disillusioned with Umno Baru and are not just abandoning the party. They are prepared to forsake their country.
In the past, Malays used to deride the non-Malays for leaving Malaysia. Many did not know the degree of unfairness with which the government treated the non-Malays, in the areas of employment, business opportunities, education, jobs in the civil service and defence.

They are astute enough to know that the government will make the lives of their families miserable so they leave quietly and without fuss. If the government cannot prosecute the Malay graduate who has absconded, their modus operandi is to go after their families.
In a change from the past, Malay families are now supportive of their children working and living abroad. In the age of the Internet, communication is easy and relatively cheap. Ironically, the Malays are now emulating their non-Malay peers, by turning their backs on Malaysia.
Many Malays who have found employment in the countries in which they studied are happy and glad they made the move.
One Malay doctor said, “My work experience in the (Malaysian) hospital was a bitter experience. I wasn’t just overworked but when I asked the consultant for advice, I was shouted at in front of the patients and other staff.
“It was humiliating and degrading. In the teaching hospital in Sydney, the consultants were pleasant and eager to train me. I felt appreciated.”
When you hear stories like these you know that young Malays are not prepared to believe the lies of Umno-Baru, any longer. The young Malays of today have an appetite for hard work, which is not matched by the Umno Baru Malays or mat rempit types whom Najib is fond of praising.
Answering Najib
A Malay farmer in his sixties said, “What is Najib doing about the farmers? The youth have no interest in agriculture They are leaving the kampong in search of jobs. Many farmers are now in their 60s and 70s. Who will take over my farm when I die?
“I know that many young men who migrated to the cities, are still unemployed. Many have turned to drugs or petty theft. What has the government done to make farming attractive?”
Many civil servants claim that they are demoralised at work. They find that their time and departmental operating budgets are increasingly being used for political, Umno Baru activities. The ones who voice their opinions are warned that they risk destroying their career prospects.
Even Umno Baru supporters are slowly realising they are being conned. One senior party worker said that, with Umno Baru’s help, many rich Malays drive imported sports cars and live in rumah mewah (mansions). When asked how Umno Baru had helped uplift his life, he was dumb-struck. The penny had dropped!
If Najib Abdul Razak had asked the rhetorical question “Where would the Malays be without Umno Baru?”, in front of ordinary members of the rakyat, he would have been drowned out with hisses and pelted with rotten eggs, or shoes.
The answer to Najib’s question is simple. Without Umno Baru, the Malays would be better off economically, financially, morally, spiritually and intellectually. Without Umno Baru, the Malays can restore their lost dignity. A Malay who has the courage to reject Umno Baru will be mentally liberated and feel a weight lifted from his shoulders.

Under Umno Baru, Malays have become arrogant, insincere, work-shy, complacent, uncompetitive, demanding and insensitive. Umno Baru conditioned the Malays to stop thinking and let Umno Baru think for them.
Umno Baru taught some Malays to steal the taxpayers’ money and learn the fine art of corruption.
Umno Baru conditioned the Malay mind to think that any wrongdoing by its leaders is acceptable, because this is preferable to a non-Malay leading the country.
Umno Baru injected fear into the Malay psyche and told him that he should be afraid of change and new ideas.
Only Umno Baru would say that liberal Malays, Christians, Singapore and progressive NGOs are a threat to Malays and Islam.

Only an Umno Baru leader would defend his wife’s extravagance and boast of her ability, but ignore the suffering of the rakyat. The average Malaysian family is barely surviving. Where is the breadwinner going to find an additional 15 percent more income to pay for the increase caused by the GST?
Mahathir, Najib, Muhyiddin Yassin, Hishammuddin Hussein, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Khairy Jamaluddin and other senior Umno Baru politicians are poor role models for Malays.
Umno Baru is not concerned about Malays or Malay rights. Its only concern is status and power; both economic and political power. Najib realises that without the Malays, Umno Baru could be as dead as a dodo. Najib knows that Umno Baru is living on borrowed time.
By GE14, the only people supporting Najib and Umno-Baru will be the mat rempits and the ‘new Malays’ from Bangladesh.- Mariam Mokhtar,Malaysiakini
Without Umno, Malays would be more civilised

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