Saya hendak ketawa mendengar ucapan penutup Dato Najib. Dia kata Umno mesti adapt. Hah? Umno nak jadi parti masa depan bukan parti ditelan masa, kata Presiden Umno itu.
Saya sudah dahulu bercakap mengenai perkara ini. Najib baru hendak cakap. Kerana itulah saya sudah kata lama dahulu – if Najib can become PM, anyone else can.
Persoalan yang lebih penting ialah bolehkah kita percaya pengucapan Najib? Bezanya, saya berdoa agar Umno jangan adapt - biarkan ia dengan faham ektremismenya. Amat baik sekali jika idea-idea Zul Nordin diserapkan dalam prinsip Umno.
Tapi bolehkah kita percaya cakap Najib? Saya ada pengalaman lansung dengan dia, maka boleh saya kata secara beralas – cakap lain, perlaksanaannya lain. Faham-fahamlah apa maksudnya ini.
Bagaimana Umno hendak adapt? Kecuali Najib pekak telinganya. Ada perwakilan kata tidak mengapa jika orang kata Umno rasis sebab memang Umno itu rasis; ada perwakilan kata ekuiti Melayu mesti 67% sedang orang Melayu tulen hanya 51% agaknya.
Ada perwakilan kata biar kita wujudkan jutawan Melayu supaya Islam terjaga. Ini saya tidak faham. Bagaimana kejutawanan seseorang dapat membangunkan Islam.
Yang nanti akan jadi jutawawan itu Melayu mana? Zaman DEB dulu kerajaan Umno beri RM54 blllion kepada dato, tan sri, dato sri – semua pembelot-pembelot ini jual hendak kaya. Sekarang ekuiti Melayu tinggal RM2 billion. Jadi mengapa kita nak ulang strategi salah?
Ada perwakilan kata haramkan Syiah sehingga Wak Jahid beri kebenaran untuk menangkap Mat Sabu. Kita cabar kerajaan Umno keluarkan fatwa bahawa Syiah itu kafir. Isytihar Syiah bukan Islam. Kemudian kita cabar kerajaan Umno putuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan semua negara Islam yang Syiah. Tangkap semua orang Iran di Malaysia sumbat mereka dalam lokap.
Najib tidak dengarkah jeritan dan pekikan ini semua? Bab Najib nak puji isteri dia – itu saya tak campur, walaupun dia tahu ramai ahli Umno dan pemimpin Umno meluat tengok dan dengar Rosmah Mansor. Najib puji isteri dia, itu hal dia.

Tapi ucapan presiden semasa mula persidangan dan ucapan pengulungan, tidak bemaya. Ini menzahirkan kekosongan Najib sebagai pemimpin Umno. Syukurlah Umno itu tidaklah mewakili semua Melayu.
Maka jika orang tanya saya, saya akan kata Najib hanya omong-omong kosong. Kenapa saya cakap demikian? Sebab dia tidak ada keberanian moral untuk menyangah dan membetulkan cakap-cakap ekstrim semasa PAU.
Mana ada Najib bercakap mengenai kaedah menyelesaikan jurang antara Melayu kaya dengan Melayu miskin? 20% Melayu teratas ada pendapatan bulanan RM10,600.40% Melayu terbawah pendapatan bulanan mereka RM1500.
Lapan juta orang Melayu layak menerima BR1M mengesahkan seramai itulah Melayu miskin. Malah dengan tidak menyentuh perkara ini, Najib sebetulnya bersetuju dengan program mengayakan segelintir Melayu terpilih.
Mana ada Najib bercakap mengenai rekonsiliasi kerana mustahil dia tidak faham bahawa negara kita tidak boleh maju kehadapan tanpa penyatuan semua bangsa Malaysia. Mana ada Najib cakap mengenai perlunya keterbukaan bila ada orang cakap isytihar Sunni sebagai Islam sah di Malaysia? Ada Najib berani mengisytiharkan yang Syiah itu agama bukan Islam?
Ada Najib berhentikan cakap-cakap persecution ke atas mereka yang mempunyai citarasa seksual yang berbeza sedangkan kita sudah ada undang-undang mencegah perkara demikian? Kenapa dia tidak beritahu mamat Umno? Hoi – kita dah ada undang-undang.
Ia sudahpun diharamkan. Cakap oleh mamat Umno hanya ada satu tujuan – yakni menghala kepada Anwar Ibrahim.
Ada Najib berani membetulkan keangkuhan Zahid Hamidi yang mahu menggunakan kuasa menangkap Mat Sabu? Apa yang Mat Sabu sudah lakukan?
Maka, pembaca yang budiman, jangan kita melopong mulut dengar madah Najib. Itu semua omongan kosong.- Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol AK47.
Najib's empty talk...
At the end of the UMNO PAU-wow recently, its president spoke of the imperative for UMNO to adapt. It simply means that UMNO must abandon its current traits and acquire new ones to ensure its longevity and survival.
From my own personal experience, there is a wide divide between what Najib says and what he will actually do. I am inclined to believe that when Najib spoke about adaptation, he intended it for public and not UMNO consumption. Much of what he said is lost amidst the din of morbid Malay triumphalism during the UMNO PAU-wow.
To me what Najib said was just empty talk. I draw this conclusion because he totally avoided qualifying his call for adaptation.
Did he rein in the calls to assert Malay supremacy when delegates say UMNO should not care less if others call it racist? This actually affirms that UMNO is indeed a racist party. Now, when you don’t have the culture and values that reject such extremism, UMNO racism will continue notwithstanding what its president says.
Did he expound any program to reduce income inequality between Malays instead of endorsing by his silence, calls to create a small cadre of Malay millionaires? We have had that Ponzi scheme before.
Have we forgotten that out of the RM54 billion worth of equities given to the selected Malay few, the dato’ and datuks, tan sris and the Malay elite sold off what they got effectively for free? Fools repeat the same mistakes.
Was Najib brave enough to censure and denounce religious bigotry when UMNO is now effectively calling for the inquisition on other Muslims? Have UMNO Malays gone mad calling for the Malay-nisation of even Islam? Will we see under UMNO, the claims that only Malaysian Islam is the true Islam in the world?
I challenge Najib to issue an edict saying that Shia is a kafir religion.
Why do you want to write something about Sunni Islam into the constitution when UMNO Malays don’t have faith in our constitution? That’s right, UMNO leaders and UMNO members don’t believe in our constitution.
Otherwise, if they believe in the constitution, then there is simply no basis and justification to say that Malays and their interests are under siege. Isn’t our constitution protecting the Malays and their interests already? No one can usurp the constitution unless of course it’s true that UMNO actually does not believe in the constitution.
The UMNO people are drowning in their own sputum-it’s the rule of law and our constitution that safeguard the rights of All in Malaysia. the same constitution and rule of law protect Malays, not UMNO.- Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol AK47.

Jeffrey Kitingan also wants to hop out...
Sabah Star Chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan who contested the recent general election on a Sarawak-based party ticket (Star) does not deny rumours that he may soon become the fourth State Assemblyman to declare himself partyless.
However, unlike the other three - Hiew King Cheu (ex-DAP) and ex PKR duo Jelani Hamdan and Jeremy Malajad - who declared themselves to be pro-BN, Dr Jeffrey said he would side with neither the Government nor opposition.
"I have always been independent. Even before the election. I do not support any particular party but I could work together with other parties especially when it would help the people in solving their economic problems," he said.
Jeffrey said he does not intend to change his political concept anytime soon and refused to elaborate further. According to the rumours, Jeffrey would make an announcement soon.
Although this is the first time he is leaving a party to become an Independent, Dr Jeffrey is well known for switching many parties during his political career.
Meanwhile, Jeffrey said his opposition to the construction of a water plant within Taman Bandukan kept falling on deaf ears even though his call had the support of more than 30 villages.
"The government just ignored the objections. Three assemblymen were adamant that the project must be carried out even though the people have voiced their displeasure.
He also complained about the non-functioning streetlights in village areas and repairs not done to the mini community hall in Apin-Apin, the suspension bridge, bus stop and roads.
Should Dr Jeffrey decide to go partyless, it would mean that the strength of the opposition in the Sabah State Assembly would be reduced to just eight.
The eight comprise Datuk Lajim Ukim, Dr Roland Chia and Christina Liew and Terrance Siambun, (all PKR), Edwin Bosi, Junz Wong and Chan Fong Hin (all DAP). The other is Datuk Wilfred Bumburing (APS).- Daily Express

DPM apologises to flood victims over delay in aid because they were busy getting bags to be printed with you know what logo.

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