Mat Sabu syiah - Bila bukti gred B jadi bahan ketawa seantero dunia, Zahid dah kecut teloq, enggan dedah bukti A...
Bermula dengan cakap besar berdegar-degar di dewan PWTC dihadapan para perwakilan UMNO cuba nak tunjuk kononnya diri itu amat hebat dalam dunia dalam menjaga Kementerian Dalam Negeri terus celupar cakap Timbalan Presiden PAS adalah menganut fahaman Syiah dan akan dedahkan bukti kukuh kepada umum sambil mengarahkan Menteri Jaga Agama Islam Jamil Khir Baharom tangkap dan dakwa Mat Sabu.
Setelah 10 bukti betraf gred B dideahkan yang membuat satu dunia ketawa terbahak-bahak dan Malaysia terutamanya KDN dijadikan bahan kritikan amat pedas maka keluarlah istilah bukti gred A pula.
Tapi Zahid cakap bukti gred A tidak boleh didedahkan hanya untuk tindakan JAKIM saja.
Adeyyy!!!! Kalau benarlah ada bukti gred A buat apa nak umumkan kepada umum bukti gred B sepatutnya kenalah umumkan yang gred A agar untuk tutup malu bukti gred B. .. nampak sangat kelentongnya Zahid ni.
Ini tak lebih dari kes nak tutup kemaluan besar jer ni. .. akhirnya cerita ini akan senyap pupus dilupa masyarakat.
Ingat .. rakyat masih menunggu pendedahan kononnya pemimpin pembangkang terlibat dalam pencerobohan Lahad Datu yang dijanjikan akan didedahkan selepas PRU 13 ..mana pendedahan itu? - f/bk

DAP: BN's courting of PAS is 'batu-api'...
DAP has described BN's overtures for a dialogue with PAS as an attempt to sow discord (batu api) among the members of Pakatan Rakyat.
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said BN's deliberate exclusion of PKR and DAP from the dialogue was aimed at splitting the coalition in a bid to arrest its rise.
"BN tries to split Pakatan by pitting DAP, PAS and PKR against one another.
"But when that has failed, it now wants a dialogue, but only with PAS and without DAP or PKR.

PAS' Kelantan Menteri Besar Ahmad Yakob met with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak last month, but Ahmad insisted that it was only about state matters.
Since then, Umno had also made several overtures to PAS for dialogue, but the Islamist party has yet to make a decision on this.
Aside from the selective dialogue that Lim said was to split Pakatan, he added that the government was also using the Registrar of Societies (ROS) to get at DAP.
He pointed to the ROS' refusal to accept the party's election results, even after the re-election had already been conducted on the instruction of ROS.
"We have had enough, ROS. We are not going to 'play' with ROS anymore. We will fight ROS," Lim said.
'Selective persecution'
Later at the convention, an emergency motion was tabled to condemn ROS for 'selective persecution' of DAP.
When debating the motion, Puchong MP Gobind Deo Singh said the DAP will take the ROS to court if it still refuses to recognise the new DAP leadership.
The motion was passed by a majority of delegates. A total of 699 of 1221 delegates were present today.
The delegates will also decide Selangor DAP's new leadership line-up today and the results are expected to be announced later today.-malaysiakini

Ini baru betul2 janji di tepati...

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