Wish all Malaysian a Merry Christmas...
Fenomena ikan naik ke darat 1
Fenomena ikan naik ke darat 2
Ikan Naik Ke Darat Di Pantai Kampung Tambisan Lahad Datu...
Penduduk di Kampung Tambisan Darat, di sini, gempar apabila ribuan ikan 'naik' ke darat dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 8 pagi tadi.
Fenomena pelik itu menyebabkan beberapa penduduk mengambil kesempatan mengaut ribuan ikan tamban yang terdampar di pantai kampung terbabit.
Menurut sumber Jabatan Meteorologi, fenomena itu adalah yang pertama kali berlaku di kawasan itu dan menafikan dakwaan bakal berlaku tsunami.

Semalam, jabatan terbabit mengesahkan berlaku kejadian gempa bumi berukuran 5.7 skala Ritcher di kepulauan Mariana pada jam 5.12 petang yang berpusat di timur laut Tagum,Filipina, kira-kira 2,842 kilometer dari timur laut Kinabatangan, Sabah.-f/bk
'Blatant breach of promise' if toll hikes pushed through...

He said he hoped the government would review its position on the highway concession agreements with the toll operators, stressing that Pakatan Rakyat's arguments would lend the opposition credence if the government proceeded with higher toll charges.
"That is why some BN MPs have warned the government about this move. If we do this, whatever Pakatan has been saying all this while, that our promises are merely to win votes, will become a reality," he said.
Saifuddin also said that the government can still be in control of toll concessions and shouldn't be acceding to concessionaires request every time.
"I am of the opinion that the concession is not something that the government has no control over. I am sure there are ways and means to review, so we are not held to ransom to ocasionally raise the toll prices," he said.
He said that if the government is able to review the matter, the companies do not have to "do this every time", referring to the requests to raise toll rates.-malaysiakini
Saifuddin: BN mungkir janji jika tol naik

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