Anggota polis yang dipercayai terbabit dalam kejadian menampar orang awam di Bayan Baru kini ditukarkan ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Barat Daya, Balik Pulau.
Ketua Polis Pulau Pinang Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi berkata langkah itu diambil sementara menunggu siasatan yang dijalankan oleh Bahagian Tatatertib Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM).
"Anggota polis berkenaan sudah ditukarkan serta-merta," katanya dalam kenyataan di Georgetown hari ini.
Abdul Rahim turut menegaskan PDRM tidak berkompromi dengan pegawai dan anggotanya yang melakukan kesalahan sehingga mencemarkan nama dan imej PDRM.
"Arahan telah dikeluarkan kepada semua ketua jabatan, ketua polis daerah dan ketua formasi untuk memastikan semua pegawai dan anggota di bawah seliaan mereka melaksanakan tugas mengikut undang-undang.
"Jangan sesekali bertindak di luar batasan serta melakukan perkara yang mencemarkan imej pasukan," tegasnya.
Kenyataan Abdul Rahim itu adalah susulan penyebaran rakaman video menerusi laman sosial sejak Jumaat lepas yang memaparkan perbuatan seorang anggota polis menampar seorang individu dipercayai warga asing, kerana gagal menunjukkan dokumen pengenalan diri.
Kejadian dipercayai berlaku di hadapan sebuah klinik swasta di Bayan Baru.- Bernama
Cop who slapped foreigner in YouTube clip reprimanded...
A policeman who had allegedly beaten two foreigners in Bayan Baru has been reprimanded by his superiors, said the Penang police headquarters.
State police chief senior deputy commissioner Abdul Rahim Hanafi said the suspect had been transferred to the the Southwest police operations room with immediate effect.

The alleged incident first surfaced in a YouTube posting titled "Police tampar orang awam" on Dec 12, in an incident which reportedly took place in the vicinity of Bayan Baru.
In the videoclip, the policeman is seen shouting and slapping one of the men.
Abdul Rahim said the police would not tolerate any misconduct which could tarnish the good name of the force or undermine the department's reputation.
"I have warned all the heads of departments and police chiefs to ensure that the men under their supervision act within the law," he said.
"Don't ever (allow them to) act beyond the limits of the law or in any way tarnish the image of our team," he warned.
Abdul Rahim, however, declined to reveal any further information about the suspect or the victims.- malaysiakini
Cops to call in Mat Zain over Shafee claim...
Police will record a statement from former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat
Zain Ibrahim over his police report accusing senior lawyer Muhammad
Shafee Abdullah of filing an inaccurate affidavit.
Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar said Mat Zain could be called in as early as today.
"We... will see what offences (are) revealed in his statement," Khalid told a press conference in Cheras this afternoon.
In an immediate response, Mat Zain told Malaysiakini in a text-message: "Okay, good. This is the kind of quick action that should be taken. My thanks to the police.
"I am ready to give my fullest cooperation. I have nothing to hide. I am very pleased with their speedy response..."
Mat Zain lodged a four-page police report against Shafee (left) yesterday, alleging the offence in relation to the government’s appeal against the verdict in Anwar Ibrahim's Sodomy II trial.
The government has appointed Shafee, a lawyer in private practice, to lead the prosecution in the appeal.
Assistance against Shiism
On a separate matter, Khalid said the police were conducting several operations in the east coast of Sabah to “flush out undesirable elements”.
He said this in response to a question on renewed threats from insurgents from South Philippines.
Khalid also said that the police were prepared to assist religious authorities in dealing with Shiites.
“If the state religious authorities need our help, such as (needing) warrants, we will give them our assistance. But they will be the lead agency,” he said.
Shiism, an Islamic school of thought, has been declared a deviant religion by the government. The majority of Muslims in Malaysia follow the Sunni school of thought. - malaysiakini
Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar said Mat Zain could be called in as early as today.
"We... will see what offences (are) revealed in his statement," Khalid told a press conference in Cheras this afternoon.

"I am ready to give my fullest cooperation. I have nothing to hide. I am very pleased with their speedy response..."
Mat Zain lodged a four-page police report against Shafee (left) yesterday, alleging the offence in relation to the government’s appeal against the verdict in Anwar Ibrahim's Sodomy II trial.
The government has appointed Shafee, a lawyer in private practice, to lead the prosecution in the appeal.
Assistance against Shiism
On a separate matter, Khalid said the police were conducting several operations in the east coast of Sabah to “flush out undesirable elements”.
He said this in response to a question on renewed threats from insurgents from South Philippines.
Khalid also said that the police were prepared to assist religious authorities in dealing with Shiites.
“If the state religious authorities need our help, such as (needing) warrants, we will give them our assistance. But they will be the lead agency,” he said.
Shiism, an Islamic school of thought, has been declared a deviant religion by the government. The majority of Muslims in Malaysia follow the Sunni school of thought. - malaysiakini
IGP: Polis akan rekod kenyataan Mat Zain

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