28 March 2012

Anak menteri punya kes, 2 hari semuanya selesai,tapi...

Sikap dwistandard yang diamalkan Umno BN bukan sahaja melibatkan pemimpinnya sahaja, tetapi turut melibatkan kaum keluarga mereka bagi menyelamatkan nama baik walaupun terpalit isu jenayah.

Demikian kata Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, ketika ceramahnya yang diadakan di Taman Kosas yang dihadiri 5,000 hadirin.

“Saya pergi Johor, kereta saya dipecahkan, Nurul Izzah pergi Felda, Pemuda Umno serang dia hampir tumbuk dia.Tapi syukur alhamdulillah saya tidak terkesan, saya tengok Nurul Izzah walaupun anaknya diugut bunuh, ada mesej kepada dia ‘u berhenti sokong KEADILAN ayah kamu, kalau tidak, anak kamu hilang’. Lapor polis, sehingga kini masih siasatan.

“Maknanya lepas tiga enam bulan masih tiada jawapan, tapi kalau anak menteri punya kes, dua hari menteri kata tiada kes, semuanya selesai,” katanya.

Terdahulu, dilaporkan anak Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz, didakwa terlibat insiden menyerang seorang penyelia keselamatan di sebuah kondominium mewah di Mount Kiara.

Ia bermula dengan pergaduhan kecil apabila Mohamad Nedim enggan memberi butiran dirinya sebelum memasuki kawasan kondominium itu, selepas diminta pengawal terbabit.

Bagaimanapun, keesokannya, akhbar arus perdana melaporkan polis mendapati pergaduhan hanya berlaku antara penyelia keselamatan dan pengawal peribadi Mohamad Nedim, tanpa melibatkan beliau sendiri.

“Ini dia cara Umno, kita sudah tahu apa yang boleh kita janjikan yang baik ibarat madu dan kita tahu apa racun yang ada dalam BN,” katanya.-keadilandaily

MACC must investigate Nazri Porsche and luxury MPV: Spending money like water

I refer to the refusal of de-facto Law Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz to declare the source of funds for the Porsche and luxury MPV used by his son Nedim in an assault incident on March 20.

In a statement on March 27, he attempted to ' wash his hands' off the matter by saying that he is not responsible for his son's conduct, but remained silent about the luxury vehicles.

Umno ministers including Najib spending money like water.

The Malaysian public is entitled to know how a Minister on government salary is able to afford such a lavish lifestyle for himself and his family. While the public are suffering from low wages and rising prices, BN leaders and their families have accumulated enormous wealth by virtue of their government positions and political influence.

A stark example is Umno Minister Shahrizat Jalil's family, who purchased luxury condos, cars and made overseas property investments using public funds. The existence of this super-rich Umno-BN elite exposes the insincerity of the Prime Minister's promises of reform and change.

Indeed, during these hard times for the rakyat, the PM himself has spent lavishly on his daughter's recent wedding.

Declare assets like Selangor and Penang

Pakatan Rakyat's Selangor and Penang state governments have set an example for public accountability by declaring the assets of their State Excos. The BN must follow this unprecedented example.

Prime Minister Najib and the BN government must order the declaration of assets of all cabinet ministers,spouses and immediate family members. This assets declaration must be made public before parliament is dissolved for the 13th General Elections.

Meanwhile, the MACC must now investigate the sources of funds for the Porsche and luxury MPV used by Minister Nazri Aziz's son and make public their findings as a matter of public interest.


Nazri says son can handle own affairs



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