31 March 2017

RUU355 - Sapa terpedaya atau hipokrasi semata-mata?...

Maaf cakaplah kalau saya kata isu RUU355 ini adalah sarkas politik tahap maksimum yang mendedahkan hipokrasi Umno-PAS. Sekali gus ia menyerlahkan pakatan gelap Presiden Umno,Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, dan pemimpin tertentu dalam PAS.

Babak pertama: Setelah bertindak macam orang kena sawan, Presiden PAS (Datuk Seri) Abdul Hadi Awang, pada 24 November tahun lalu, bentangkan rang undang-undang persendirian yang kemudiannya dikenali umum sebagai RUU355.

Macam-macam alasan, helah, pujuk raya dan ancaman mengiringi pembentangan RUU355, termasuklah tunjuk perasaan di Padang Merbuk, Kuala Lumpur, pada 18 Februari lalu oleh PAS dan sekutunya.

Babak kedua: Kerajaan Najib ambil alih RUU355 dengan janji akan kaji, pinda dan bentangkannya sebagai rang undang-undang kerajaan.

Dalam tempoh itu, jentera putar-belit Umno (pinjam ungkapan Jho Low) berkaitan RUU355 yang diketuai oleh Menteri Parlimen (Datuk Seri) Azalina Othman buat macam-macam kenyataan dan helah seolah-olah mereka lebih Islam dan lebih serius mengenai daripada PAS.

Tapi di belakang tabir Najib sembelit otak ditekan oleh parti-parti unit jagaan rapi (ICU) Barisan Nasional pusat seperti MCA, MIC, Gerakan dan PPP serta Barisan Nasional bebas Sawarak.

Babak ketiga: Setelah riuh-rendah satu negara dengan paluan gendang perang, tiba-tiba RUU355 jadi macam orang nak bersin tak jadi atau si suami yang tengah mimpi berahi tiba-tiba dikejutkan bini kerana ada kebangkitan luar biasa dalam selimut.

Kata pemimpin Wassatiyyah merangkap rakan seketiduran Abdul Hadi, RUU355 tak dibentangkan kerana “Dewan Tertinggi BN memutuskan kerajaan tidak akan mengambil alih pembentangan usul meminda Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) 1965 atau Akta 355 di parlimen.”

Menurut perdana menteri transformasi, keputusan itu diambil selaras dengan dasar dan amalan BN yang menetapkan semua keputusan mesti dibuat secara konsensus. Abdul Hadi kena kentut.

Mana Najib nak berani bila MCA yang ada perjanjian adik-abang dengan Parti Komunis China (baca di sini) depan-depan dia kata, parti itu akan tolak RUU355.

Parti wad jagaan rapi ini nampaknya lebih berkuasa daripada parti jagoan “demi negara, bangsa dan agama” Umno dalam hal RUU355.

Mana menteri agama dan lebai-lebai Umno? Takkan setebal itu saja pegangan agama mereka sehingga dengan MCA, MIC, Gerakan dan PPP pun kecut testikel? Kecut buah zakar la tu!

Atau RUU355 sebenarnya, dari awal hingga akhir, adalah mainan politik Najib dan Hadi semata-mata. Sekadar melepas batuk di tangga dan ajak-ajak ayam.

Yang menjadi mangsa adalah orang Islam, khususnya ahli dan penyokong PAS yang betul-betul percaya bahawa Abdul Hadi dan Najib, dua sahabat sehati -sejiwa, baju sewarna, ikhlas membentangkan RUU355?

Soalnya sekarang, siapa pakat dengan siapa, siapa kelentong siapa dan apakah jenis quid pro quo di antara Najib dengan Hadi?

Yang pasti, sarkas politik ini belum berakhir. Kita tunggu dan tengok. - a.kadir jasin

Saya dah kata jangan percaya 
kat Najib dan UMNO/BN...

Dari awal lagi saya dah kata pada PAS jangan percaya pada parti najib dan BN kerana mereka kaki penipu serta cakap berbelit-belit!!

Baru-baru ini timbalan perdana menteri mengesahkan kerajaan kleptokrasi membuat keputusan untuk membentangkan sendiri cadangan pindaan Akta 355 itu.

Konon kata Zahid Hamidi bahawa Perdana Menteri komited untuk menterjemahkan hasrat tersebut tanpa ganggu gugat kepentingan agama serta kaum lain di negara ini.

Apakah parti najib dan BN berani mengambil risiko untuk membentangkan RUU 355 di saat semua komponen BN telah memberi amaran bahawa mereka kemungkinan keluar dari gagasan BN sekiranya rang undang-undang ini dibentangkan oleh kerajaan kleptokrasi!!

Yang paling mulut celupar menentang keras pembentangan RUU 355 adalah parti MCA!! Tetapi yang menghairankan saya puak kaki bodek minda lemah otak udang UMNO tidak melabel MCA sebagai parti perkauman pulak?!

Yang selalu dipersalahkan oleh puak UMNO bangang ialah DAP!! 

Sebenarnya yang menjaga orang-orang melayu serta kesucian agama islam secara terbaik mungkin di Pulau Pinang adalah parti DAP.
Saya tahulah kerana berasal dari Pulau Pinang.

Sekarang saya nak tanya Haji Hadi, Nik Abduh, Haji Hashim Jassin serta beberapa orang lagi tokoh ternama PAS; apa macam?!

Hj Hadi nak lihat apa lagi?! Nak lihat draf apa lagi?! Apa yang hj hadi awang kata PAS tak anggap itu muktamad?!

Perdana menteri paling korup sudah kata dewan tertinggi BN telah memutuskan kerajaan kleptokrasi tidak akan mengambil alih pembentangan usul meminda Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) 1965 atau Akta 355 di parlimen.

PAS sudah kena kelentong!! PAS sudah kena main!! Hakikatnya, PAS dengan umno macam air dengan minyak!! Mana boleh bersatu!!

Sudahlah Haji Hadi; insaflah dan baliklah ke pangkuan barisan pembangkang untuk tumbangkan kerajaan kleptokrasi yang tidak amanah pada keseluruhan bangsa, agama serta tanahair.

Jangan percaya lagi pada parti najib dan BN!! Jadikanlah ini sebagai satu ikhtibar serta pengajaran pada parti PAS yang sudah dikelentong oleh mereka!!

PAS adalah sebahagian daripada barisan pembangkang selama puluhan tahun; jadi lebih baik PAS balik ke pangkuan Pakatan Harapan yang lebih selari serta seragam dengan wadah perjuangan PAS kearah selamatkan malaysia demi kesejahteraan masa depan rakyat.

Janganlah biarkan diri PAS diperbodohkan secara berterusan oleh parti najib dan BN!!

Sesungguhnya, saya amat simpati dengan PAS serta beberapa orang tokoh pemimpinnya dalam isu RUU 355 ini. - Khairuddin Abu Hassan

PAS dakwa UMNO flip flop, Najib tertekan

Najib Makes A Total Fool 
of Hadi Again, And Zahid...

"Wasn't it  just a few days ago that the DPM Zahid committed to ensure that the Govt introduce the bill in Parliament? Didnt he just get stabbed in the back ? Or he was betrayed by the you-know-who parties to fall on his face? Things are getting very bad for him."

Tonight's announcement will remove the obligation that would have existed for BN federal lawmakers to support the amendments were these tabled by the government.
Hadi’s Bill may now fail to even surface in Parliament only able to table Bill last year after UMNO elevated it 

Bill has been opposed by BN components

Umno used RUU355 to court PAS 

Najib's announcement could also prompt changes to the political landscape in which PAS had been drifting away from other opposition parties and aligning itself with Umno, the only party to openly support the former's ambitions on Islamic laws.

Related image

If you want to do a deal with Najib first you have to read "Mentally Retarded 101", a book which JoLo and family have fully memorised by now.  

It is getting closer to the elections. All the political parties have to tidy up their positions and their candidates lists.

Talk is that MIC is going to be sacrificed. Bro Kamalanathan, UMNO wants back Hulu Selangor. That is what I hear. Kamal may be sent off to Segamat or somewhere. Even the MIC seat in Cameron Highlands will be taken away. Talk is there is an Indian guy who works for Najib ("professor?") who wants to be president of the MIC. So there may be another Hadi Awang - RUU 355 situation in MIC soon. Semua akan kena liwat.

PAS itself just tergelincir and fell into the monsoon drain.  Hadi Awang and Nik Abduh have joined the 'Tuanku Abdul Rahman Club'.  They dont seem to care what happens to PAS.

There is also a revolt from Sarawak. The late Adenan Satem broke all the imaginary barriers when he practically said UMNO was 'stupid'.  The entire Sarawak started saying that UMNO was stupid - and nothing happened to Sarawak. Abang Johari is turning out to be Adenan Satem kali dua. 

And now the Sarawakians and the Sabahans are learning to talk to each other and work together.

So Najib has to be more careful about being indiscrete. The emperor has to put on some clothes. 

So the net result is Hadi has been made a fool.  I received this Malay Mail report from more than one person, including ex ABIM braders who said,  "Aiya kena tipu lagi! Tu la chakap sombongg sangat mu puak Pah"

In other words, Hadi kena liwat lagi.  

Anyway Hadi called Najib over this latest round of liwatting and suggested that Pas and UMNO kiss and make up. Here is their short conversation:

Hadi : Shall we have a third honeymoon? Shall we try Greece?

Najib : Whats wrong with the Vaseline ? 

source: malaymail

According to this chronology above, the RUU355 has been floated up to the Parliament FIVE TIMES.

It is obvious that Najib was just taking Hadi for a ride.  I think Hadi was also in cahoots.  They were never serious.  It is just politics for these morons.

You must bear in mind that PAS is neither 'Islam' nor does the party represent islam.   They are a quack political party, populated by semi educated types.  

Money plays a large role in their devotions. Remember "no money no religion". 

PAS kata UMNO takut MCA...

Pas brands BN “dancing to tune” of component parties 

BN unanimously decided not to support RUU355 
Najib announced govt would not table (Act 355)
said decision “in spirit of consensus” of BN Supreme Council
said bill would remain private member’s bill by Hadi Awang

- T'gganu Pas said BN trying to please MCA
- "looks like BN scared of MCA"
- Why flip-flop?” 
- “We are relooking and examining in entirety” 

This is a very significant comment by Pas Terengganu - Hadi Awang's home state.  Obviously PAS feels they have been seriously short changed by Najib.

The winner in all this is also DAP of course. Just days ago Najib was saying that Parti Pribumi and the new Pakatan Harapan will be dancing to the DAP's tune. 

Now PAS is accusing UMNO / BN of dancing to the MCA's tune. MCA has only seven seats in Parliament.

PAS is not aware that there are two other states in Malaysia called Sabah and Sarawak who also do not support this RUU355.  

Talk is that the DAP will contest a certain number of seats only - not enough to form a government all by themselves.  Of course with just seven seats MCA cannot even form a Village Committee. 

What Najib has done is actually destroy PAS.  Just by using "cash is king".  

Have a nice day folks. - ostb

She's OK...


30 March 2017

Melayu tak perlu UMNO,hanya UMNO perlu Melayu...

Isu ketika menghadapi PRU12 tidak seteruk PRU13, hanya kerana PM dikawal oleh “4th floor boy”. Dan akhirnya BN menanglah sebanyak 140 kerusi Parlimen untuk memerintah lagi negara Malaysia ini. 

Dan ketika PRU13 kemenangan BN jatuh merudum. Hanya menang sebanyak 133 kerusi (campur Pagoh dan Semporna). *Yang mana kerusi Parlimen yang dimenangi oleh BN adalah seperti berikut :

25 di Sarawak. 
22 di Sabah. 
21 di Johor. 
12 di Perak. 
10 di Pahang dan Kedah 
5 di Kelantan, Selangor dan Negeri Sembilan. 
4 di Melaka dan Terengganu. 
3 di Perlis dan Penang. 
2 di Kuala Lumpur. 
1 di Putrajaya dan Labuan.

Manakala UNDI POPULAR BN pula hanya 47.38% iaitu MENURUN sebanyak 2.89% ketika PRU12. 

UNDI POPULAR Pembangkang pula adalah 50.87% iaitu MENINGKAT sebanyak 4.12%. Ketika PRU13, isu belum ada yang benar-benar membuat rakyat Malaysia marah. 

*Bagi PRU14 akan datang BN akan berdepan dengan segala macam masalah yang dicipta oleh BN sendiri yang akan menjadi satu kepayahan bagi mereka untuk memenangi PRU tersebut.* Semasa PRU12 belum lagi ada kes : 

🔴 1MDB 
🔴 GST 
🔴 RM2.6B 
🔴 Harga barangan naik. 
🔴 Harga minyak tak menentu. 
🔴 Matawang merundum. 
🔴 Kepayahan rakyat untuk hidup seharian. 
🔴 Biasiswa MARA tiada. 
🔴 Subsidi pelajaran di potong. 
🔴 Subsidi kesihatan di potong. 
🔴 Aset negara di jual pemilikannya kepada asing. 
🔴 Akta MKN. 
🔴 Kedatangan warga asing yang berjuta jumlahnya. 
🔴 Pembuangan pekerja yang ramai.

Image result for dap perintah malaysian dengan 40 kerusi

Perjanjian antara PAS dan UMNO bukan boleh menjadi tanda aras untuk BN menang, kerana dari 21 kerusi yang PAS menangi di masa PRU13 antaranya telah bertukar kepada AMANAH. 

Dan perlu di ingat juga untuk rekod, kerusi BN terkini bukan lagi berjumlah 133 kerusi, ianya hanya berjumlah 131 kerusi setelah di tolak kerusi Pagoh dan Semporna. 

Dan jika rakyat Sabah di dalam PRU14 ini nanti menolak BN maka kerusi pembangkang akan bertambah. 

Dan jika rakyat tidak termakan dengan gula-gula serta janji palsu BN terutama orang-orang Melayu dan mereka mengundi PPBM yang akan menentang UMNO walaupun akan diganggu oleh PAS maka ianya akan menjadi satu perubahan kuasa yang amat besar. 

Barang diingat juga untuk memerintah negara ini hanya memerlukan kemenangan kerusi mudah sebanyak 112 kerusi sahaja.

Terpulang kepada rakyat Malaysia terutama orang2 Melayu, jika masih ingin tersepit hidup dengan ekonomi yang tidak menentu, serta terus-terusan di bohongi maka mereka akan mengekalkan UMNOBN.

Jangan termakan propaganda UMNO bahawa negara ini akan diperintah oleh DAP kerana ianya tidak akan berlaku, kerana DAP hanya bertanding 52 kerusi Parlimen dan jika DAP menang kesemua kerusi pun ianya bukan suara majoriti. 

Dalam BN, hanya UMNO sahaja membawa suara Melayu. Tetapi di dalam Pembangkang hanya DAP sahaja mewakili suara CINA. PPBM Melayu.

Dan juga kena letak dalam fikiran bahawa jika UMNOBN kalah Melayu tidak akan melarat dan menjadi bangsat kerana Kelantan bukan UMNO perintah, Penang bukan UMNO perintah dan Selangor juga bukan UMNO perintah. Steady je Melayu di sana. 

*Yang akan menjadi melarat adalah pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang akan di bawa kemuka pengadilan.* 

Kalu UMNOBN kalah, PERDANA MENTERI tetap MELAYU. Agama rasmi negara ini tetap ISLAM. Bahasa kebangsaan tetap bahasa Melayu. RAJA-RAJA tetap bersemayam di singgahsana.- rakyat marhaen

BN tak kan bentang RUU355, Hadi kena bentang...
Story kat SINI dan SINI   

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Tak sayang jawatan konon,tapi...

Di sebalik beberapa Pas kawasan semakin banyak meluluskan usul agar parti itu memutuskan hubungan dengan PKR, Pas Selangor nampaknya agak keberatan untuk mengambil tindakan yang sama dengan cuba memberi gambaran daripada sudut yang berbeza. 

Pesuruhjaya Pas Selangor, Iskandar Abdul Samad berkata, sekiranya usul putus hubungan itu diluluskan, ia hanya akan menguntungkan seteru politik mereka iaitu Amanah. 

Katanya,keberadaan Pas dalam kerajaan negeri ialah untuk memastikan Amanah terus berada di luar lingkungan kuasa di Selangor. Kita tak takut hilang jawatan....tapi kita takut Amanah masuk dalam pentadbiran kerajaan Selangor, ujar beliau. 

Hehehe...tak takut hilang jawatan konon, tapi takut pula Amanah jadi ganti dalam pentadbiran kerajaan negeri. Dalam pengertian yang mudah, kalau Pas putuskan hubungan dengan PKR, automatik Amanah akan masuk sebagai pengganti dan hilanglah semua jawatan yang dipegang selama ini. 

Selagi tak putus hubungan dengan PKR, selagi itulah Pas kekal dengan nikmat jawatan dalam kerajaan Selangor. Dalam masa yang sama, selagi itulah Amanah dapat dihalang daripada memegang jawatan. Bukankah ia bermakna yang dipertahankan sebenarnya hanyalah jawatan? Itu pun masih lagi nak berdalih mengatakan tidak sayang jawatan kononnya. - SH

How can we be fair, with separate laws governing different religions?...

Most eyes are on the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355) amendment bill, which is expected to be tabled in this current sitting of Parliament.

There have been two schools of thought on this. On the one hand, they assure us that this will only affect the Muslims and that non-Muslims need not worry about or interfere with the affairs of Muslims.

On the other hand, we have been told that non-Muslims will inevitably be affected by such Islamic laws, as we have seen over the past decades.

Let me reiterate, it is never about non-Muslims interfering into Islamic affairs.

Putting aside the question of its constitutionality, I also want to know, how can a country be expected to be fair when we have two separate laws to govern different religions?

Today, the supreme council of the ruling Barisan Nasional will discuss the coalition's stand or support in relation to the Act 355 amendment bill.

I hope all the BN leaders will reach a consensus on this, based on their conscience. They, especially the MPs, represent all Malaysians and not only the Muslim community.

By now most people are able to figure out that this whole episode of the Act 355 amendment is a game of politics. Although the majority of Umno MPs are likely to support the bill, other component parties have disagreed with it, especially Gerakan and MCA.

Undeniably, religion has been used over the last few years as a tool in political power play and to cultivate an us-versus-them mentality.

The power struggle comes in the form of portraying that they will protect the rights of Muslims. Now, this is of concern to Malaysians, concerning the sincerity of implementing these laws in the first place.

I am also made to understand there could be non-Muslim MPs from BN supporting the Act 355 amendment bill. To me these are obviously the selfish MPs, with vested interests.

Instead of worrying about Act 355, they should focus on reviving the judiciary, which has been systematically destroyed over the years. Why not clean up the system and get rid of corruption, since that is the root of so much evil in our country?

Why not teach our children the importance of respect, tolerance and other important human values, instead of teaching them blind obedience, fear and hatred?

Our existing criminal laws are reasonably good enough to protect and serve Malaysians of all races and religions. We just need to find a way to prevent people from abusing the system.

And, by allowing the power play of pushing through the Act355 amendment or Hudud Bill, it will cause repercussions upon the country as a whole.- Andy Yong,mk

'Modern-day slavery' at 
a bird's nest factory in Klang...

A good meal on their day off is a rare treat for four Indonesian girls who met reporters from Malaysiakini and Jakarta-based magazine Tempo over lunch on a Sunday last month.

The sweet sour tofu, bean sprouts, sausages and nuggets they ordered to share were perhaps the more familiar items from a menu which specialises in delicacies from Northern Peninsula Malaysia.

“I haven’t eaten since this morning,” said Sundari, not her real name. “The company does not provide breakfast on Sundays.”

She revealed that there were times their breakfast would only consist of white rice with tempe or vegetables, or even just rice and crackers. Lunch is not much different.

“The company provides lunch, but often there would not be enough for the 170-plus workers,” said Denok, Sundari’s friend. And for dinner, the workers would be on their own. 

All four of them hail from Semarang, a northern port city on the island of Java, and now working at Maxim Birdnest Sdn Bhd based in Klang. Their main duty is to process the swiftlet nests into prized exports bound for China.

The company is owned by Albert Tei, a 29-year-old entrepreneur who also controls several manpower agencies, a carwash chain and laundromats.

He uploaded pictures of him in full regalia after receiving a datukship, and a picture next to Immigration director Mustafar Ali on his public Instagram account. The account was no longer accessible after Indonesian media published a picture of him posing in front of Maxim Birdnest, sourced from that account.

Left with only RM200 per month after deductions

Three of the four teenagers sported dark eyebags that made them look much older than their real age. According to Sundari, they were often forced to work for more than 12 hours a day - and sometimes up to 16 hours - to reach the minimum target of 15 birds’ nests a day.

If they fail, the company would deduct the amount from their monthly wage - starting from RM900, with an additional RM338 for two hours of overtime.

The 15 nests’ daily target is set despite the tedious process of cleaning one nest using tweezers potentially taking up more than one hour. “I fainted twice before due to exhaustion,” said Denok. The contract they signed with the company stated an 8-hour work day with an additional two hours paid overtime. They work a six-day week.

All four of them said that Maxim often made arbitrary deductions to their wages. For example, Denok said, a worker who takes sick leave would see their wage deducted by RM50 daily. She also claimed the company has refused to pay for their doctor’s fees.

She further claimed they were often denied the extra RM338 for two hours of daily overtime. For their meagre meals, the company made a mandatory monthly deduction of RM200, she said.

From their monthly salary, a deduction of RM108 purportedly for tax purposes was also imposed. As a result, she said there were cases of Indonesian workers who only received less than half of their total paycheck.

Payslips showed by several staff members corroborate the claims. One staff member received less than RM200 from the minimum gross amount of RM1,228. Under the Malaysian Employment Act 1955, an employer is prohibited from making deductions amounting to more than 50 per cent of the monthly gross salary.

“Looking at the working hours and amount of pay they (Maxim workers) received, this (situation) is akin to slavery,” said Alex Ong, the Malaysian representative for Migrant Care, a Jakarta-based rights group.

The Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur’s labour attache Mustafa Kamal is also of the view that Maxim has breached the law that regulates workers in Malaysia. Among others, he cited the RM900 basic salary as falling below the new minimum wage of RM1,000 effective June last year.

“Even if their initial (employment) contract is signed at RM900, the company must now raise it (the minimum wage) to RM1,000, as required under the law,” said Mustafa when met at his office.

As for the working hours, he described it as being “too long”.

‘We feed them chicken, too’

Tei meanwhile denied breaking any labour laws and insisted that he is just following the terms agreed in their contracts. Any new workers who signed after the new minimum wage was put into effect would receive RM1,000, he said, during a late night interview at his factory in Klang.

He also denied that his staff were “forced” to work more than 10 hours a day.

“We have two shifts. Morning and night. There were times when the workers themselves applied to work longer hours to meet their target and earn a bonus.”

However, a payslip of a worker who started in July 2016, a month after the minimum wage was hiked to RM1,000, states the old amount of RM900. 

Asked about the worker who received less than RM200 in nett salary, Tei claimed it was because she had been absent from work over several days that month. On claims of meagre meals, Tei meanwhile said, “We feed them chicken too”. He also laughed off Denok’s account of having fainted from exhaustion. “No such thing,” said Tei who was accompanied by his assistant Grace Tan.

Tei and Tan also provided a tour of Maxim’s facilities. He claimed to provide the best facilities for the workers, whom he always referred to as “our children” (anak-anak). Going up and down several flights of stairs, they highlighted the air-conditioned dorm rooms, laundry area, kitchen, prayer room for Muslims and even an entertainment room with a karaoke set.

“You can see for yourself. Our facilities are complete. This is a big company,” said Tei.

He, however, did not allow any pictures to be taken.

How they got here

The majority of workers at Maxim were recruited by PT Sofia Sukses Sejati - an Indonesian labour agency with a registered address in Semarang, Central Java. Most of them were graduates of local vocational high schools.

According to Sundari and Denok, the agency has a cooperation with their high school to recruit fresh graduates, promising a two-year working contract in Malaysia.

Tei admitted to have paid RM2,400 to PT Sofia for every worker recruited. From the amount, RM1,800 will be deducted from the workers’ salary, at a rate of RM300 for the first six months of employment.

"I don't know what the RM2,400 is for. What is clear, we subsidise RM600 from the amount," he said.

On the surface, there appears to be nothing wrong in the manner they were recruited and later placed to work in Malaysia. However, they were promised jobs at Kiss Produce Food Trading but later made to sign an employment contract with Maxim Birdnest - which shares the same address.

During the late night tour of Maxim’s facilities, Tei assembled about 20 workers in an air-conditioned dorm room. When prompted by Tei, they answered almost in unison that they were well-treated and happy with their jobs.

Tei invited the reporters to interview the workers. When asked in Javanese of their working conditions, the startled workers started giggling at first but then admitted they wanted to go home. However, one of them said, they were afraid of the fine that they must pay for breaking their two-year recruitment contract with PT Sofia.

According to the contract, any worker who returned to Indonesia before two years would have to pay a fine of up to 11 million rupiah (around RM3,600). There was also a clause allowing the company to claim the amount by seizing assets from the families of the workers.

Indonesia's Labour Placement and Protection Commission deputy director Teguh Hendro Cahyono confirmed that there is no provision for such a clause to be included in any placement contract. Teguh also questioned the wage deductions for recruitment fees paid by Maxim to PT Sofia. "Both the Indonesian and Malaysian government forbid arbitrary wage deductions unless for purposes of tax or fines," he explained.

PT Sofia’s staff met at its office in Semarang said the company director, Windi Hiqma Ardian was unavailable to comment as she was performing her umrah in Mecca. According to Windi’s assistant, Mayang, all wage deductions and other terms have been agreed upon by the workers before their departure. She also confirmed that a fine will be imposed if a worker returned before the completion of her contract.

"If a worker ran away and we cannot locate her, we will find her family. When the contract was signed, their families would be present as well," said Mayang.

Maxim revises work conditions after reporters’ visit

Two memos were issued and signed by Maxim Birdnest general manager Grace Tan, two days after the reporters’ visit to the factory.

The first was to announce that effective this month, all workers will be paid a minimum wage of RM1,000, while their two-hour overtime rate was increased to RM375. The same memo also stated that the workers are entitled to eight days annual leave and their paid medical leave was increased from five days to 14 days.

For workers who wished to extend their contract beyond two years, they were offered a raise of RM200 a month and their levy would be covered by the company.

The second memo included details on revised procedure to apply for leave. It was also stated that the company will now provide transport in the event that any workers were to faint. For Sundari and Denok, however, the new offer does not change their decision to go home.

"The first thing that I want to is to eat my mum's cooking," said Sundari.- M'kini n Tempo

Arbitrary salary deductions are illegal, says IR officer

Pernah dengaq Republic of French ?
Awatlah tolol sangat pegawai kita ni...

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Saya dan isteri sempat menziarahi Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya sebentar tadi. Syukur Alhamdulillah beliau nampak semakin ceria dan bertenaga menyambut kedatangan kami berdua. Sama-sama kita doakan beliau cepat sembuh, In Shaa Allah.

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29 March 2017

Segelas air kosong 70 sen...

Keadaan ekonomi mungkin sukar, tetapi tiada sebab untuk peniaga mengenakan 70 sen bagi segelas air kosong, kata ahli Parlimen Simpang Renggam.

Liang Teck Meng yang dipetik The Star berkata, baru-baru ini beliau dikenakan 70 sen untuk segelas air kosong di sebuah restoran di Jalan Alor dan meminta Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan menjelaskan kekurangan penguatkuasaan berhubung isu itu.

“Restoran lain hanya mengenakan 30 sen, ada pula yang memberinya secara percuma.

“Kementerian perlu menjelaskan kelemahan dalam penguatkuasaan,” katanya pada sidang Dewan Rakyat.

Menurut laporan itu, Liang berkata, restoran berkenaan tidak berhawa dingin dan beliau dilayan pekerja asing.

Kenyataan Liang susulan gesaan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Gabungan Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (Fomca), Datuk Paul Selvaraj pada 24 Mac lalu yang meminta kerajaan mendedahkan mekanisme kawalan harga barang keperluaan asas.

Katanya, kerajaan perlu menggunakan sepenuhnya Akta Kawalan Harga dan Anti Pencatutan bagi menangkap peniaga mengambil kesempatan menaikkan harga ekoran kenaikan harga barang keperluan asas.

Dalam pada itu, Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Henry Sum Agong yang dipetik The Star berkata, Akta Kawalan Harga dan Anti Pencatutan 2011 meliputi semua perkara yang disenaraikan di bawah undang-undang di semua lokasi.

Katanya, kenaikan harga barangan tertentu disebabkan kos tambahan yang ditanggung seperti kos pengangkutan. - fmt

Photo published for Sukarnya pembangkang hendak berpakat
Sukarnya pembangkang hendak berpakat...

Minggu lalu, secara rasminya Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) menyertai Pakatan Harapan (PH). Dengan ini, gabungan itu mempunyai 4 anggota, termasuk PKR, Amanah dan DAP.

Ia menjadi bersejarah kerana kedua-dua tokoh ikon PPBM dan PKR, iaitu Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, pernah bersama-sama memimpin negara ini.

PH ditubuhkan tahun lalu bagi menggantikan Pakatan Rakyat yang bubar akibat perseteruan DAP dan PAS. Perpecahan Pakatan Rakyat ini juga membawa kepada perpecahan PAS yang melahirkan Amanah.

Ketiadaan PAS menyebabkan kedudukan PH tidak sekuat Pakatan Rakyat. Amanah yang menggantikan PAS adalah parti lebih kecil. Sementara PBBM juga adalah parti baharu walaupun mempunyai tokoh hebat.

Namun begitu PH lebih tersusun berbanding Pakatan Rakyat walaupun ia akan menghadapi saingan daripada PAS yang dijangka memecah undi pembangkang dalam pilihan raya akan datang, dan selanjutnya memberi kelebihan kepada Barisan Nasional (BN).

Pemecahan Pakatan Rakyat dan PAS merupakan strategi BN selepas pilihan raya tahun 2008.

Ketika mula Pakatan Rakyat ditubuhkan, ia berada dalam keadaan kuat. Anwar yang mengumumkan penubuhannya masih bebas dan dapat menyatukannya. Mursyidul Am PAS ketika itu, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, bukan saja menyatukan partinya tetapi juga komited terhadap kerjasama dengan PKR dan DAP dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Pada masa itu Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor dan Kelantan.

Tetapi kekuatan Pakatan Rakyat terhakis bermula dengan kelemahan ahli dewan undangan negeri DAP dan PKR di Perak yang akhirnya menjatuhkan kerajaan negeri mereka. Ia diikuti dengan krisis perpecahan dalaman PAS Selangor dan PAS Kedah. Di Selangor, ia menyaksikan terkeluarnya Datuk Dr Hassan Ali. Baca seterusnya...

In this news, this mother and daughter's car has run out of fuel. They were driving to the supermarket to buy food and groceries.They got down from their empty-fuel-tank-car and stood there in the middle of the road. Not knowing what to do. They had no money to buy fuel. 

Then they decided to go to the supermarket anyway and take what they wanted - without having to pay any money.

This mother and daughter did not know how to steal.  They should have followed the example of some of these people here...

Ikan kembong is now close to RM20 per kilo.But I think its ok.  Just let them eat cake. Apa susah sangat? The people (who are most badly affected) can eat nasi kicap. Those who can afford it can also eat Maggie Mee.  

JoLo and family have stolen RM2.9 Billion.  

Najib has stolen RM 2.9 Billion.  They have included another RM5 Billion for Najib (under unaccounted).  I dont think that extra RM5 Billion went to Najib. I think JoLo has sapu that amount as well.

There is another RM2.9 Billion worth of Bombardier jet, artworks, properties and what not. I think JoLo has got that as well.

My bet is JoLo and family have sapu 2.9 + 5.0 + 2.9 = RM10.8 Billion.

I dont think Najib and gang are clever enough to outsmart JoLo and family.

Here is the other thing you must bear in mind. This stealing happened from 2009 until 2012.  That is 5 - 8 years ago.

Assuming JoLo and family have been earning a return of say 5% on these stolen billions for all these years, their interest, dividend, other income alone is about RM540 million a year ! !

So over 5-8 years they have already earned an extra RM2.7 billion to RM4.32 billion in interest, dividends and other incomes. 

That is more than RM1,300 worth of cooking oil, soap and rice that was stolen by that mother and daughter in that supermarket in Johor Baru, capital city of the Bangsa Johor. - ostb

Image result for Act 355
Act 355 unacceptable,even if East Malaysians exempted...

I refer to the comment by Sin Chew Daily reproduced in Free Malaysia Today as “Pivotal role for Sabah, Sarawak MPs over Hadi’s bill”.

It has been suggested that the government’s version of RUU355 will only be applicable to Muslims in West Malaysia, in an effort to win over the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak who had strongly objected to the bill.

If this is the intention of the government, it shows the absurdity of the whole situation and makes it absolutely clear now that their taking over of the bill from PAS and trying to push it through is politically motivated.

Even if the government proposes to exempt Sabah and Sarawak from the bill, do not expect us to breathe a sigh of relief and allow the bill to pass without a fight.

This short-sighted “solution” would prove that the BN/Umno government places no importance on inclusiveness and equality, and is unconcerned that this move will divide the country into two, each with its own legal system.

This will be in violation of Article 8 of the Federal Constitution, which must come into play, now more than ever before.

Article 8(1) states: “All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.” Article 8(2) provides: “Except as expressly authorised by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth, gender in any law…”

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How is it possible that the government could even consider a bill that offends Article 8 in almost every respect? MPs from Sabah and Sarawak must not be lured into believing that this is a good way out for them from being responsible and accountable for their actions. There is no escaping their sworn duty to preserve, protect and defend the constitution from being violated by the BN/Umno government.

This bill in its amended form will be unfair and unjust to our fellow citizens in West Malaysia, and our MPs must take cognisance of the fact that their duty to the citizens is not confined to those in their own constituencies, but extends to all Malaysians.

Furthermore, many Sarawakians and Sabahans reside and work in West Malaysia. It is not practical or realistic that they will be exempted from this oppressive law. Our MPs must also bear this in mind.

If we do not assert every citizen’s rights to equality under Article 8 now, and go along with the blinkered and misguided views that we can somehow be shielded from RUU355, once the law is passed, the proponents may pounce on Article 8 and insist that the law which we thought we were exempted from should apply equally to us.

MPs from Sabah and Sarawak must stand firm and not play into the hands of those that would use us as pawns in their political games. This is a crucial test for our MPs – we have the opportunity to make a difference and to have a say in how we want Malaysia to be.

The direction in which the country has been heading is certainly not what our forefathers signed up for. Let us show the BN/Umno government what we are made of. - Baru Bian,fmt

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Takkan ada hudud di S'wak...
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

Makamah kata PPS Pulau Pinang sah
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI  

Kes polis menangkap polis... 

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Image may contain: 1 person, text

28-03-17 1:14 PM

Anwar Ibrahim di Al Islam Medical Centre Kuala Lumpur 
untuk menziarahi Kak Wan yang menerima rawatan disitu 


28 March 2017

Guru kritik gomen SALAH,tapi Guru kritik pembangkang OK...

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Lima guru sudah diberi surat tunjuk sebab oleh Kementerian Pendidikan berikutan didakwa aktif berpolitik dan menghentam kerajaan di pentas pembangkang.

Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid,berkata, semua guru berkenaan diberi tempoh dua minggu bagi menjawab surat tunjuk sebab yang dikeluarkan, baru-baru ini.

Mahdzir bagaimanapun enggan mendedahkan identiti, sekolah dan negeri di mana kelima-lima guru berkenaan berkhidmat.

"Siang mereka mengajar di sekolah, malam mereka aktif berpolitik dan menghentam kerajaan di pentas pembangkang.

 "Kita juga dapati ada antara mereka mempunyai jawatan dalam parti pembangkang," katanya yang dipetik akhbar milik Umno itu di Kuala Lumpur.

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Penjawat awam, termasuk guru mempunyai hak untuk mengkritik dasar-dasar kerajaan yang dianggap meminggirkan kepentingan rakyat, selaras dengan prinsip demokrasi di negara ini.

Sebarang ancaman atau ugutan ke atas mereka membuktikan bahawa kerajaan UMNO BN cuba menimbulkan ketakutan bagi mengawal penjawat awam, kata pegawai khas Ahli Parlimen Kuching, Dr. Kelvin Yii.

Menurutnya, tidak wujud istilah ‘setia membabi-buta’ dalam sistem demokrasi berparlimen pada hari ini, malah ia hanya menghasilkan budaya rasuah dan kronisme di kalangan pegawai kerajaan.

“Gaji penjawat awam dibayar menggunakan wang pendapatan kerajaan. Wang itu datang dari banyak sumber, termasuk cukai yang dibayar rakyat.

“Jadi bukan kerajaan atau BN yang bayar gaji guru dan penjawat awam, tapi rakyat. Guru tak perlu setia kepada BN, tapi kepada negara,” ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan.

Beliau berkata demikian susulan kenyataan Menteri Pendidikan, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid semalam bahawa mana-mana guru yang gemar mengkritik kerajaan lebih sesuai meninggalkan profesionnya.

Mengulas lanjut, Kelvin berkata Mahdzir perlu faham bahawa rakyat, termasuk guru tidak harus disuruh mendiamkan diri apabila wujud salah urus tadbir yang jelas di kalangan pemimpin hari ini.

“Penjawat awam adalah tunggak penting dalam negara kita. 

“Mereka seharusnya dibenarkan mengemukakan pendapat dan tidak takut bersuara kerana tanggungjawab mereka adalah untuk kebaikan negara, bukannya parti politik,” tegasnya. – Roketkini.com

Tak dak sapa yang nak mencemar nama gomen. Sebaliknya orang ramai mencemar pak2 menteri dalam gomen tu,yang rasuah dan makan dedak.  Gua mau bertanya apa pula tindakan terhadap guru2 yang sokong gomen serta memegang berbagai2 jawatan dalam parti gomen?  Bukankah peraturan2 am kerajaan hari ini membenarkan guru2 melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan politik kepartian?

Lu tau pasai apa guru2 hentam sama gomen? 

Depa tak suka GST, depa tak suka cara gomen bazirkan wang rakyat. Depa ikuti rapat isu 1MDB dan RM2.6billion yang masuk akaun MO1. Depa cikgu,otak depa sentiasa berputar,tak jumud macam ahli2 UMNO tegaq. Lagi pun depa kenai perangai Ketua2 Bahagian UMNO dikawasan depa.

Ada guru siap jadi penceramah BTN balun pembangkang luar dalam dan ada yang jadi wakil YB bagi acara tertentu. Lu orang tak dak bising pun.

Gaji guru dibayar oleh wang yang dikutip dari cukai dan GST yang dibayar oleh rakyat. Duit gaji guru bukan datang dari dana UMNO atau dari poket Pak Menteri atau Jibby.

Begitu juga kalu ada sekolah yang arah semua buku latihan diletakkan gambar Anwar Ibrahim pada kulitnya diambil tindakan drastik. Tu buku2 latihan di beberapa buah sekolah siap dengan gambaq Jibby di muka depannya(spt.pix di atas), apakah jadah? 

Bukankah awak cakap jangan berpolitik di sekolah di kalangan murid2. 

Pokoknya kita tak perlu mendiskriminasi gomen, sebaliknya dalam PRU nanti ramai2 kita mengundi untuk menolak calon2 UMNO/BN...

Lu orang cakap ini negara demokrasi, tapi lu orang tak mau kasi guru2 kritik lu orang. Kalu itu macam betoilah orang cakap demokrasi di sini sudah mampuih,sebaliknya lu orang amalkan kleptokrasi...

Teachers have right to support 
opposition too, minister told

Pakatan Harapan leaders have blasted Education Minister Mahdzir Khalid for telling teachers who actively promote the opposition or discredit the government to resign from the civil service.

Amanah's Kota Raja MP Siti Mariah Mahmud said teachers have every right to support a political party that can improve their working conditions.

“With the rise in information technology and growing interest in politics among the people, it is pretty strange when a national leader like Mahdzir chooses to be conservative and old-fashioned in denying the right of teachers to support political parties that are not in government.

“Perhaps it's because the attitude of outdated leaders, such as this, that is causing the country to fail to reach developed nation status by the target year 2020, forcing it to be extended to 2050,” Siti Mariah said in a statement today.

“I suggest Mahdzir stops interfering in the affairs of teachers outside of school hours, and instead prioritises efforts in raising the standards of teaching and learning in schools,” she said.

She said it is no secret that teachers are burdened with administrative and clerical tasks that interfere with their teaching duties, and such extra workload even spills into their after work hours.

They are also reported to be required to attend courses that have nothing to do with the teaching profession, said the MP.

“With all these is burdens unrelated to their job, surely teachers have a right to choose and participate in other political parties with the hope they can guarantee the quality of education in the country would be improved to the utmost,” she said.

Siti Mariah said the minister should look at the poor educational infrastructure in rural areas and in Sabah and Sarawak, which should be the focus of his ministerial duties.

As for the teachers, she said they and other civil servants should be wary of an increasingly autocratic government that is also increasingly intolerant of criticisms from the civil service.

“Ensure you use the power of your vote to change the government now, to a new one that cares more for the plights of all segments of society,” she said.

Loyalty to country, not BN

In another statement, Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen's special assistant Kelvin Yii said he was “appalled” by Mahdzir's warning to teachers, which showed a “clear disrespect for the principles of democracy and well as the use of fear tactics to control and intimidate civil servants”.

Yii said BN should not demand “blind loyalty” from civil servants as the taxpayers are the ones who pay their their salaries.

“Civil servants are paid by revenue generated from the country. Revenue from a country comes from many sources, which one of it is income tax, which is paid by the public.

“So it is not the government, nor is it the BN, that pays the salaries of teachers and civil servants. The loyalty of these civil servants is to the country, not to a political party nor to an individual,” he said.

Yii said government agencies should not be politicised and any general order that limits the freedom of speech and of association, as enshrined in the Federal Constitution, should be reformed.

Independent and critical thinking, he said, are critical to educators and should be cultivated for the sake of the children they educate.

The quality of education would be put at risk, he added, if teachers are “selected not by educational merit, but only by loyalty to a political party”.- mk

Appum - Now the Education Minister's turn to talk cock.He thinks all government servants,including teachers,belongs exclusively to UMNO.How in the hell can someone like this be an Education Minister,in charge of the well being and quality standards of our school system making sure we produced well educated future citizens for the nation.

He is more concerned about his Party's survival not the education of the people and the people who educate the young...the teachers.He demands loyalty from the teachers because without UMNO there will not be teachers anymore?He demands votes from the teachers because all teachers owe it to UMNO for being there.

Teachers have no value on their own,they owe UMNO for a living and profession?What kind of mentality does an Education Minister,a very important and senior port folio in the Cabinet/Government,shows here?That is why I always say all our Ministers are not fit to be where they are,they don't deserve their positions because they are not qualified to.

Dont just talk - Education Minister Mahdzir Khalid is wrong by asking teachers who discredit the Government to quit their profession. Teachers are role models to their students who are taught not to lie but to speak the truth and if by speaking the truth the teachers should be penalised then teaching is no longer a noble profession. 

The teachers salaries are paid by tax-payers and not by UMNO Baru and if Mahdzir Khalid's boss MO1 did accept US$681 millions into his personal account, should the teachers be expected to lie and not discredit the Government.USE YOUR HEAD Mahdzir failing which,you should resign as the Education Minister and not the other way around by asking the teachers to quit their profession. Betul,betul otak udang Education Minister.

Jangan ugut guru-guru...
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI   

Hadi mahu selamatkan Najib, 
bukan Malaysia...

Sikap berdiam diri Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berhubung dakwaan terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak menunjukkan presiden PAS itu tidak berminat dengan nasib Malaysia, kata veteran pembangkang, Lim Kit Siang.

"Hadi menjelaskan di mana pendiriannya mengenai isu 1MDB- yang dia mahu selamatkan Najib, bukan selamatkan Malaysia.

"Adakah ini sebab Hadi tidak mengutuk atau mengkritik Najib dalam skandal 1MDB, walaupun ia adalah ibu segala skandal kewangan di Malaysia, dan dianggap sebagai skandal kleptokratik terbesar dunia? Soalnya.

Dalam ucapannya malam tadi di Changkat Jong, Perak, Lim bagaimanapun memberi amaran bahawa isyarat akar umbi PAS dan Umno menunjukkan mereka tidak mengikut pemimpin secara membuta tuli.

Beliau memberi contoh berita kekalahan Ketua Pemuda PAS Nik Abduh Nik Aziz di Pengkalan Chepa PAS dan kegagalan Setiausaha Agung PAS, Takiyuddin Hassan mermpertahan jawatan dalam Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM).

Lim berkata, pemimpin PAS dan Umno tidak boleh menganggap ahli-ahli parti itu akan mengundi mengikut kehendak dan arahan mereka, tanpa mengira keadaan. - mk

Looks like Hadi only wants to save Najib, not M'sia

Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI   
