30 November 2009

BN protest during Penang Legislative Assembly sitting......

A group of state Barisan Nasional youth leaders and supporters staged a protest outside the Penang legislative assembly this afternoon against the Pakatan Rakyat state government.

The protesters vented their frustration against what they described as an "inefficient and indecisive" state government which failed to resolve the people's problems and fulfill pre-election promises.

Led by Penang Umno Youth chief Norman Zahalan, the protest started at 12.15pm and ended about 45 minutes later. It took place while the assembly sitting was going on.

The protesters also carried banners and placards condemning the state government for failing to resolve issues such as Kampung Buah Pala, Mak Mandin Rumah Hijau and the controversial conversion of a foreshore land status.

Reports also said that some of the angry protesters had also allegedly torched and stomped on posters of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.


Let me ask,how many pre-election promises have ever BN fulfill when BN was in power?

They have nothing to do,no projects,no tenders,so go protest.....he...he...he...


26 November 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Korban.........

Salam dan Selamat Hari Raya Korban kepada semua pembaca dan pengikut "Tumpang Sekole..." pandu dengan cermat semasa balik ke kampung.

Selamat menunaikan fardu Haji kepada bakal haji dan hajjah.

tumpang nak rehat sekejap...........


25 November 2009

NSTP ordered to pay RM100,000 to Anwar over a defamatory article.......

The High Court today ordered New Straits Times Press (M) to pay RM100,000 in damages to Anwar Ibrahim over a defamatory article published in 2002. The court also ordered the media giant to pay RM20,000 in costs to the PKR leader.

Earlier the court ruled that NSTP had defamed Anwar in its article published in the New Straits Times on March 2, 2002.
The article, titled 'Anwar's link to US lobbyist', claimed that the opposition leader had stashed RM3 billion in foreign accounts and had foreign links to Western interests. The article was based on a report which was carried in the New Republic magazine.

In making his decision, judicial commissioner Harminder Singh Dhaliwall said that NSTP could not rely on the defence of qualified privilege as the "article was sinister and more than a reproduction of the New Republic article".

"The said article is far more sinister than the reproduction," he said.

"Hence, the court finds the article to be libellous and the defendants have to pay the damages to the plaintiff (Anwar)," he added.

Anwar had sued New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd and its former group editor-in-chief Abdullah Ahmad for RM100 million over the defamatory article.

The NSTP article was based on another article - 'The Bush Administration's dubious envoy to Taiwan' - that was published in the political weekly magazine New Republic's March 2002 issue. Anwar filed the suit on July 4, 2003.

'Baseless imputation'

Harminder said he did not quite see how ordinary, right thinking members of the community would see Anwar as an American agent.

"The purpose of dialogues, as conceded by the plaintiff, was to build strong rapport with members of the Congress and United States government," said the judge, saying that using the APPC as a vehicle does not suggest anything sinister, illegal or immoral.

"I think the community will perceive dialogues to be an excellent way to exchange ideas or even influence the thinking of the people and the countries involved. To have dialogues to build rapport and to influence change is certainly better then waging wars as recent events bear testimony.

"Looking at it in this light, I do not think members of the community will see anything wrong with the government funding the dialogues. There cannot be anything defamatory about this. Certainly, the imputation about the plaintiff being an American agent is quite baseless."

Harminder said NSTP did not try to prove the truth of its article and asserted that it was unable to show accuracy. As well, Anwar was brought in to testify that there was no truth to the article, and he was not challenged on this.

"Anwar also called the former director of investigations of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Abdul Razak Idris who told the court that he supervised investigations on the contents and allegations stated in former assistant governor of Bank Negara Abdul Murad Khalid's statutory declaration. The investigations found the allegations were baseless and sustainable."

'Qualified privilege can't be used'

Harminder further held that the writer had not interviewed Anwar, who was in prison at the time.

"Apart from resorting to the Internet, she did not take other steps to locate Paal. She also admitted she did not interview Abdul Murad.

"Her response to this was that the article contained matters which had already been commented upon by government officials and also subject to extensive coverage by the media.

"She should have verified the accuracy of the New Republic article. Her reasons for not doing so are therefore unjustifiable and unsustainable and therefore cannot be accepted."

Harminder said there was no urgency for NSTP to print the article, as the story about APPC and Abdul Murad's statutory declaration was stale news.

"A response was necessary as there was only one side of the story available. Considering all the facts and circumstances, the article by the defendant was not a piece of responsible journalism to which the defence of qualified privilege is available," he added.

Anwar was represented by counsel Karpal Singh, Sankara Nair and Sangeet Kaur Deo, while NSTP was represented by Nad Segaram.

In an immediate response, Sankara said Anwar felt reprieved and vindicated by the judgment.

"The amount does not matter, as what is important is that he has to maintain his dignity and reputation. We will not appeal over the amount," he said.

Nad said he would get instructions from his client as to whether to appeal.

During the hearing, Abdul Razak had testified that Anwar had been cleared of having RM3 billion in foreign accounts, as stated in Abdul Murad's statutory declaration.

Despite this, various Umno leaders have continued to harp on the contents of the documents.


Baca di sini.


N3 Kota Siputeh - Mahkamah Tinggi kata "NO", Mahkamah Rayuan kata "YES".........

Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini membenarkan permohonan penangguhan sementara perintah Mahkamah Tinggi yang mengarahkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) supaya mengadakan pilihan raya kecil DUN Kota Siputeh.

Semalam, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Datuk Alizatul Khair Osman Khairuddin menolak permohonan SPR untuk menangguhkan perintah tersebut. Keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan itu diumumkan kira-kira jam 7.30 malam. Esok merupakan tarikh akhir bagi SPR melaksanakan perintah mahkamah tinggi supaya mengeluarkan writ pilihan raya kecil DUN Kota Siputeh.

Berikutan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini, SPR boleh menangguhkan pengeluaran writ tersebut untuk mengumumkan tarikh penamaan calon dan hari pengundian. Keputusan hari ini dibuat sebulat suara oleh panel hakim yang diketuai oleh Datuk Sulong Matjeraie. Dua lagi hakim ialah Datuk Kang Hwee Gee dan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Datuk Abd Aziz Abdul Rahim. Mengikut undang-undang, apabila SPR telah mengeluarkan writ tersebut, maka ia tidak boleh dibatalkan.

Sebelum itu, peguam kanan persekutuan, Kamaluddin Md Said berhujah bahawa wujud keadaan tertentu yang membolehkan penangguhan itu dibuat. Katanya, jika SPR sudah menetapkan tarikh penamaan calon dan pengundian, dan jika rayuan terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi kemudiannya dibenarkan, maka pilihan raya kecil itu adalah satu pembaziran dana awam. Kamaluddin juga menegaskan, jika pilihan raya kecil diadakan, ia mungkin menyebabkan ada dua wakil rakyat, jika rayuan SPR dibenarkan.

Manakala peguam kanan Sulaiman Abdullah, yang mewakili speaker DUN Kedah, Dr Abdul Isa Ismail pula berkata, jika mahkamah membenarkan penangguhan itu, ianya hanya menghalang perjalanan perlembagaan kerana kerusi tersebut telahpun diisytiharkan kosong.

"Apabila sesebuah kerusi diisytiharkan kosong, maka pilihan raya mesti diadakan dalam tempoh 60 hari dan writ pilihan raya hendaklah dikeluarkan esok," katanya.

Sulaiman berkata, juga tidak ada keperluan segera untuk memberi penangguhan kerana Mahkamah Rayuan boleh mendengar rayuan SPR sebelum tempoh 60 hari itu. Maka katanya, tidak ada keperluan segera untuk mahkamah membenarkan penangguhan.

Tambahan lagi, katanya, mengikut undang-undang, mahkamah tidak boleh memberi sesuatu penangguhan terhadap mana-mana perintah yang dipohon.


Jeng....jeng...jeng.....Mahkamah Rayuan selamatkan SPR dan bekas Adun UMNO kaki ponteng.

Sudah menjadi amalan kebiasaan dalam 1Malaysia, bila mahkamah tinggi kata "NO", mahkamah rayuan pula kata "YES".

Caca marba punya undang-undang.....ptuihhhhhh!!!!!!


24 November 2009

N3 Kota Seputih - Sepatutnya UMNO harus gembira ganti YBnya kaki ponteng.....

Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini menolak permohonan penangguhan oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) terhadap keputusan mahkamah 16 November lalu yang mengisytiharkan kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kota Siputeh kosong. Oleh itu, pilihan raya kecil kawasan itu perlu diadakan dalam masa 60 hari selepas writ pilihan raya dikeluarkan selewat-lewatnya, Rabu ini.

Hakim Alizatul Khair Osman Khairuddin berkata beliau bersetuju dengan Sulaiman Abdullah, peguam utama bagi Speaker DUN Kedah, Datuk Dr Abdul Isa Ismail, bahawa SPR gagal meyakinkan mahkamah berhubung isu keadaan luar biasa bagi mewajarkan permohonan itu dibenarkan.

Katanya, alasan mengenai implikasi kewangan yang dinyatakan oleh peguam kanan persekutuan Datuk Kamaruddin Md Said, yang mewakili SPR, tidak boleh ditakrif sebagai satu keadaan luar biasa.

"Mengikut undang-undang, menguruskan pilihan raya merupakan tanggungjawab biasa SPR dan suruhanjaya ini tidak merujuk mana-mana undang-undang kes untuk menyokong hujahnya," kata Alizatul.


Namun,UMNO akan mengemukakan rayuan di Mahkamah Rayuan berhubung keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur (Rayuan dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas)yang menolak permohonan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) untuk mendapat perintah menangguhkan keputusan mengisytiharkan kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kota Siputeh sebagai kosong.

Persoalannya siapakah yang lebih berkuasa SPR atau UMNO. Sepatutnya SPR perlu akur dengan keputusan tersebut dan jangan jadi hamba UMNO.

Bukankah UMNO/BN berkata depa sudah bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi pilihanraya kecil DUN Kota Seputeh. Jika benar mereka sudah bersedia, maka kenapa perlu merayu untuk mempertahankan seorang wakil rakyat"kaki ponteng" itu?

Masalahnya di Kota Seputeh tak banyak undi pos seperti di Bagan Pinang. Ini yang merisaukan UMNO.

Seharusnya UMNO/BN sepatutnya rasa gembira kerana dapat menggantikan seorang wakil rakyat yang malas dengan yang baru................


23 November 2009

Will Anwar be ambushed by trial..........

Will Anwar be ambushed by trial? by Deborah Loh

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has failed in his bid, at the Court of Appeal, to obtain evidence from the public prosecutor about his alleged act of sodomy with a young former aide. Layperson reactions have naturally been cynical, dismissing the judgment as political in nature.

Indeed, the Court of Appeal's interpretation of Section 51A of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), by which it made its judgment, is worrisome from a justice perspective. The judgment nullifies the efforts of the parliamentary select committee which proposed the CPC amendments in 2006 requiring pre-trial disclosure by the prosecution to the defence. The legislature's intention was to "prevent trial by ambush" but the Court of Appeal's judgment in Anwar's sodomy case seems to overturn that principle.

But is Section 51A as clear cut as it is meant to be? And is splitting hairs over its meaning scuppering Anwar's chances for a fair trial?

Meaning of words

Section 51A was introduced to widen the scope of evidence that the defence could obtain from the prosecution. At first reading, it comes across as a clear obligation for the prosecution to make available to the defence evidence that it intends to use during trial.

Section 51A . Delivery of certain documents

1. The prosecution shall before the commencement of the trial deliver to the accused the following documents:

1. A copy of the information made under section 107 relating to the commission of the offence to which the accused is charged, if any;
2. A copy of any document which would be tendered as part of the evidence for the prosecution; and
3. A written statement of facts favourable to the defence of the accused signed under the hand of the Public Prosecutor or any person conducting the prosecution.

The meaning of the words "shall" and "any document" is clear, says member of the Bar Council's criminal law committee, Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu, who is also the author of Criminal Litigation Process.

"The intention of 51A is to put both parties in a trial on equal footing in the interest of justice. That was parliament's intent. The word 'shall' should be taken to mean 'must'.

"If the court does not interpret 'shall' as being mandatory, then there is no point to the amendment," Baljit, who is also Gerakan Federal Territory legal adviser, tells The Nut Graph.

"Any document" should also be taken to mean any type of evidence, Baljit adds. It is all the more important when it involves evidence like DNA, for which scientific expertise and time are required if defence lawyers are to analyse it.

However, the Court of Appeal in Anwar's sodomy case decided there were "limits" as to the kind of evidence the prosecution could be asked to produce before a trial. Hence, it overturned the High Court's decision ordering the prosecution to hand over evidence, which included video footage, medical reports, doctors' notes, and witness statements of alleged victim Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, and others. The bench, in rejecting Anwar's cross-appeal for DNA specimens held by the prosecution, also said that the evidence requested did not fall under the category of evidence in 51A.

"The amendment [to the CPC] is as good as non-existent," SN Nair, one of Anwar's lawyers, tells The Nut Graph.

Merely procedure?

The Court of Appeal's written judgment is not out yet, so Anwar's lawyers are still unclear about the basis of the ruling although they have filed two notices of appeal at the Federal Court Registry.

But it does appear that the court reverted to the law prior to the introduction of 51A on the basis of the prosecution's arguments. "The prosecution went back to pre-amendment law arguing that they had the discretion as to what evidence to give and to decide which facts were favourable to the accused," Nair says in a phone interview.

Clause (c) of 51A(1) requires the prosecution to provide a written statement of facts that are favourable to the defence. According to Nair, evidence that is favourable to the accused can only be found in witnesses' statements.

"In witnesses' statements, there could be evidence that potentially saves the accused. Sharing of these facts means the defence gets to decide what is favourable in the interest of fair trial," Nair says.

The High Court granted access to these statements to Anwar's defence team but it was revoked by the appellate court. Some prosecutors also argue that 51A is a "procedural" amendment and not a matter of law, says criminal lawyer Richard Wee.

"While by and large the courts mostly do tell off the prosecution, there are some who buy that argument. They take the view that if a prosecutor fails to adhere to 51A, it's merely a procedural error," Wee says in a phone interview.

Such an interpretation means the prosecution's case can avoid an inconclusive end. If the court were to view 51A as a law rather than procedure, cases could end up much like how blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin was discharged but not acquitted for sedition, simply because police could not find him.

"Similarly," says Wee, "if evidence is not provided by the prosecution under 51A, the defence should be accorded the right to seek for a discharge not amounting to acquittal."

Wiggle room

The repercussions of procedural rather than legalistic interpretation of the law are alarming. Besides placing prosecution and defence on unequal footing, does it also mean law enforcement need not keep to high standards to ensure thorough and fair investigative work?

Shoddy police work is unfortunately a reality, but that's where the law could have been drafted more precisely to plug the gaps. Wee feels that 51A was not drafted specifically enough to take into account the "practical realities of what happens in court".

Some realities include: The prosecution denies before trial to having found any facts favourable to the accused. Or they may produce other evidence in mid-trial instead of evidence disclosed pre-trial. They may argue that new evidence is required in response to the defence's arguments.

Wee feels the wording about making available documents "which would be tendered as part of evidence" limits the kind of evidence that can be requested for and gives room to the prosecution to wiggle out of it.

"It would have been better to say 'any documents related' to the trial, which would be specific but in a wider sense, covers all other evidence that could be raised during trial," he says.

The obvious conclusion?

Yet, the fact is, there are judges who uphold 51A and ensure it is adhered to, notes Baljit.

"Having case management before trial for evidence to be given to the defence is normal practice and courts will set a date for mention to ensure that all this is complied with," he says.

So if other courts are upholding the law, what else are people to make of how Anwar's appeal was handled other than to think that the judiciary is not free from political interference?

source:The Nut Graph

What can we expect when the Polis,AG's dept. and the apex courts works in tandem with the power crazy UMNO/BN leaders.

Will UMNO/BN ever learn their lesson?


20 November 2009

High court ruled MACC cannot question witnesses overnight.........

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) can no longer question witnesses overnight. The High Court ruled today that this can be done only during office hours from 8.30am to 5pm.

Justice Mohd Ariff Md Yusof in his landmark decision held that section 30(3)(a) of the MACC Act does not give power to the MACC to conduct investigations on a witness "around-the-clock".

"The phrase 'day-to-day' in the section cannot mean 24 hours but normal working hours," Mohd Ariff said.

"Therefore, I agree that the applicant in this case had been unlawfully detained by the MACC," he said in allowing a judicial review filed by Kajang municipal councillor Tan Boon Wah.

Tan, 39, sued MACC chief commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan, MACC assistant superintendent Mohammad Hassan Zulkifli and the MACC, claiming that his detention and questioning for 16 hours overnight by the MACC was unlawful, and had resulted in him suffering losses and damage.

In his application filed on July 22, Tan asked the court to declare that the defendants, who were carrying out investigations under section 30(3)(a) of the MACC Act, could record his statements as a witness only during office hours from 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Tan was one of several people who were called up by the MACC to give statements concerning investigations on alleged misappropriation of Selangor government allocations.

The court also granted Tan damages for the unlawful detention by the MACC from 9.45pm on July 15 to 2.53am the next day and ordered the defendants to pay him costs.

In the court's decision, Mohd Ariff said the phrase "day-to-day" in the section raised ambiguity as it is not defined properly in the act.

However, he said, a proper interpretation must be given to avoid absurd results as it affected a person's fundamental liberties as guaranteed under Article 5 of the Federal Constitution.

"The phrase 'day-to-day' cannot mean 'around the clock'. Section 30 cannot be interpreted that way, to do so will offend the intention of the legislature and will curtail the ambit of personal liberty," said the judge.

He stressed that any statutory provision affecting fundamental liberties must be read properly and be given the widest room.


Obviously MACC is practising its own law..........


19 November 2009

Musa Hassan in the dark over Bala’s statement.......

Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan appears to be unware of a statement recorded from private investigator P. Balasubramaniam by his Special Branch team in Bangkok on July 8 last year. Bala has stated in his latest revelations that the statement was recorded by the SB team led by ACP Muniandy who traced him to Bangkok through arrangements made by a Malaysian Embassy liaison officer

The private investigator had also said that Muniandy’s team was only interested in his first July 3 statutory declaration and was not bothered about his July 4 declaration retracting his allegations that the Prime Minist rrelationship with mudered Mongolian model Altantuya Shaaribuu.

Yesterday, the IGP stated that Bala who reportedly had been in and out of the country at least at eight times since his disappearance last year, was still being sought by police to record a statement over his two contradictory statutory declarations.

Musa said as Bala was not a wanted fugitive but only a witness in a case, the police had not given any instructions to the Immigration Department to stop Bala’s movement in and out of the country.

“He should know that he is wanted in assisting us in a case and take the initiative to come in personally and have his statement recorded,” Musa was quoted as telling the mainstream media questioning the IGP on Bala’s entry into the county.

“As far as the police is concerned, we are not aware of him having entered the country. You should ask the reporter who made that claim,” Musa added.

The private investigator, his wife and three children – aged between six and 11 – were reported missing the past 15 months although Bala’s latest revelations indicated he was blackmailed into withdrawing his first statutory declation.


Heran bin ajaib macam mana seorang IGP tak tahu apa anak-anak buah buat,atau IGP ini cuba buat tak tau kerana mau lindung sesuatu daripada pengetahuan umum......


18 November 2009

Indek rasuah Malaysia menjunam teruk...........

Presiden Transparency International Malaysia(TI-M), Datuk Paul Low memuji negeri Pakatan Rakyat itu bahkan wajar dijadikan contoh. Datul Paul Low berkata sikap kepimpinan Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim dalam memacu Selangor jelas menunjukkan kerajaan negeri ini merupakan kerajaan yang adil dan telus mencakupi semua aspek.

Katanya, peranan Khalid dalam menangani rasuah di Selangor merupa
kan satu perkembangan positif dalam arena politik negara.

“Saya yakin MB Selangor mempunyai kehendak politik yang kuat untuk memerangi rasuah sebagaimana yang ditunjukkannya di Selangor," kata Paul dalam satu sidang media selepas mengumumkan Indeks Persepsi Rasuah 2009,di Kelab Golf Di Raja Selangor.

Beliau menambah, pentadbiran terbuka yang diamalkan Selangor dan perkembangan yang berlaku di negeri ini harus menjadi contoh kepada semua tanpa mengira fahaman politik supaya negara bebas dari rasuah.
Katanya, pentadbiran telus yang diamalkan Selangor bukan sahaja penting bagi aspek intergriti tetapi dalam menjaga kestabilan ekonomi negara.

TI-M memaklumkan, indeks persepsi rasuah Malaysia yang dipimpin Datuk Seri Najib razak terus menjunam. Malaysia menduduki tangga ke 56 daripada 180 negara dalam Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) dunia 2009. Malaysia mencatatkan penurunan dalam indeks persepsi rasuah pada tahun ini dengan hanya memperoleh 4.5 mata berbanding 5.1 mata pada 2008. Kemerosotan berkenaan jelas menunjukkan kegagalan negara memerangi rasuah walapun pelbagai janji dibuat pihak berkuasa untuk menanganinya.

Menurut Presiden TIM,Paul Low, banyak faktor yang menyumbang kepada berlakunya kemerosotan negara memerangi rasuah. Namun, beliau menekankan pencegahan amalan rasuah haruslah bermula dari pemimpin dengan nilai intergriti yang tinggi untuk membanterasnya.
“Jika anda mempunyai pemimpin yang tidak memberikan tauladan yang baik unjtuk diikuti, anda tidak boleh harap golongan muda kita mengikut apa yang baik kerana mereka hanya mengikut apa yang pemimpin buat.

"Di Malaysia, ia bukan isu mempunyai negara yang demokratik atau pilihan raya. Kita ada tetapi dalam masa yang sama kita dengan ba
nyak tentang lompat parti dan isu berkaitan dengannya, ada yang dibayar. Jadi ia bukan soal demokrasi tetapi soal kehendak politik," katanya.

Dalam laporan berkenaan, New Zealand berada di kedudukan pertama negara yang kurang kegiatan rasuah dengan catatan tertinggi 9.4 mata, manakala Somalia berada di kedudukan terakhir kerana mencatatkan amalan rasuah tertinggi dengan catatan CPI 1.1 mata.

Perbandingan antara negara Asean menunjuk
kan Malaysia berada di tempat ketiga selepas Singapura dengan catatan 9.4 mata dan Brunei dengan CPI 5.5 mata, manakala Indonesia di tempat keempat. Walaubagaimanapun, Indonesia mencatatkan kenaikan,apabila mencatatkan CPI 2.8 berbanding 2.6 tahun lalu.

Baca CPI 2009 table di


Apakah tidak, SPRM(MACC) kita dok asyik siasat kes rasuah ikan bilis, sedangkan kes si jerung dilepaskan begitu saja. SPRM(MACC) asyik dok fokus kepada rasuah di kalangan parti pembangkang, sedangkan di kalangan UMNO/BN semuanya tutup sebelah mata.

Lihat saja contoh SPRM beria-ia nak siasat kes tajaan haji Tuan Guru, sedangkan kes PKFZ yang hilang berbilion-bilion dan kes Khir Toyo berjoli sambil balajar menggunakan duit rakyat tak berani disentuhnya.

Kalau beginilah keadaannya dengan dasar SPRM(MACC) maka taklah kalau hairan tahun depan Malaysia akan berada bersama-sama dengan Somalia...........


Bekas ADUN Kota Siputeh Fail Rayuan..........

Bekas Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Kota Siputeh Datuk Abu Hassan Sarif hari ini memfailkan rayuan terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang mengisytiharkan kerusi itu kosong dan beliau tidak lagi wakil rakyat kawasan itu. Abu Hassan memfailkan notis rayuan di Pejabat Pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi di sini pada 1.35 tengah hari melalui peguam yang mewakilinya Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun.

Salinan notis rayuan itu akan diserahkan kepada peguam yang mewakili Speaker Kedah Datuk Dr Abdul Isa Ismail dan Pejabat Peguam Negara, kata Mohd Hafarizam semasa dihubungi di sini hari ini.

Semalam, Hakim Datuk Alizatul Khair Osman Khairuddin, semasa membenarkan semakan kehakiman oleh Abdul Isa, memutuskan kerusi itu kosong berikutan kegagalan Abu Hassan menghadiri dua sidang dewan pada tahun ini. Berikutan keputusan itu, Abu Hassan dari Barisan Nasional, dilarang menghadiri persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedah hari ini.Mahkamah juga memerintahkan pilihan raya kecil diadakan bagi kawasan Kota Siputeh yang terletak dalam kawasan Parlimen Jerlun di Kedah.


Ini sekoq Adun UMNO yang bodoh. Dah tau peraturan DUN,kalau tak hadir 2 kali berturut-turut tanpa sebab,speaker boleh isytihar kerusinya kosong. Dia berani,mungkin Adun ini rasa kerana dia orang UMNO dia boleh buat ikut suka hatinya.

Inilah akibat UMNO yang selama 50 tahun tak pernah menjadi pembangkang,tiba-tiba bila jadi pembangkang,mereka jadi tak tentu arah macam orang mabuk todi. Mungkin Adun UMNO ini merasakan Mahkamah Rayuan akan memihak kepadanya seperti keputusan yang dibuat di Perak. Bukankah mahkamah rakyat itu lebih bermakna?

Nampaknya Adun ini nak jadi Adun pilihan mahkamah seperti 3 Adun katak dan seorang MB pilihan mahkamah di Perak........


17 November 2009

Senator Dr.Syed Husin Ali........

The Selangor state assembly today nominated PKR deputy president Syed Husin Ali, 73, to the Senate as a representative from the state. Syed Husin's choice was approved by the elected representatives through block voting, in which 32 agreed, three abstained and 20 absent.

His name was proposed by Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and seconded by state PAS chief and exco member Hasan Ali.

In 1990, he was asked to resign his post as Professor of Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Malaya because he contravened the law which prohibited him as a university staff member from participating in active politics.

Earlier, he was detained without trial for six years (1974 - 1980) under the ISA. He has written a number of books and articles on the peasantry, ethnic relations and development.

You can read more on Syed Husin Ali's biograhpy here.

Dr Syed Husin Ali, has always been consistent with his stand in politics here is one of those rare interview with Aliran Monthly when he was PRM president.

Tahniah to you Dr.Syed Husin Ali...........


16 November 2009

By-election for Kota Siputeh.......

The Kota Siputeh state seat, held by Umno assemblyperson Abu Hasan Sarif in Kedah, is declared vacant by the High Court today.

The decision was made by the Kuala Lumpur High Court (Appellate and Special Powers) judge Alizatul Khair Osman Khairuddin following an application by Kedah Speaker Dr Abdul Isa Ismail.

Abdul Isa had filed the suit against the Election Commission after it had overruled his decision to declare the seat vacant following Abu Hasan's two consecutive absence from state assembly sitting.

Kerusi DUN Kota Siputeh diisytiharkan kosong dan satu pilihan raya kecil seharusnya dipanggil untuk mengisi kekosongan tersebut. Keputusan tersebut dibuat oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur petang ini setelah mendengar permohonan Speaker DUN Kedah, Datuk Dr Abdul Isa Ismail untuk semakan kehakiman terhadap keputusan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang mengekalkan Datuk Abu Hassan Sarif sebagai wakil rakyat di situ.

Abdul Isa memfailkan saman pada 1 Oktober lalu, menamakan Abu Hassan daripada BN dan SPR sebagai responden. Beliau memohon diisytiharkan Abu Hassan bukan lagi ADUN bagi kerusi tersebut berikutan kegagalannya menghadiri dua persidangan DUN secara berturut-turut dan injunksi menghalang beliau daripada menjalankan tugas sebagai wakil rakyat. Beliau juga memohon mahkamah mengisytiharkan kerusi itu kosong dan memerintahkan SPR mengadakan pilihan raya kecil di samping memohon ganti rugi, kos dan faedah lain.

Pada 1 September lalu, SPR memutuskan tidak berlaku kekosongan di kerusi Kota Siputeh dan Abu Hassan masih menjadi wakil rakyatnya.



BN will fare better?? Test it in Perak .............

Barisan Nasional would fare better than the last general election if the 13th general election is held today, according to Merdeka Centre director Ibrahim Suffian.He said BN may also regain its two-thirds in the 222-seat lower house of Parliament, with rival block Pakatan Rakyat winning about 50 to 60 seats.Currently BN has 137 parliamentary seats compared with Pakatan's 82 seats. Three more seats are held by independent MPs.

He said the approval rating for Barisan Nasional coalition government saw a sharp upward trend among the Indians perhaps because the community had developed a feel good factor towards Najib.Approval rating for the BN among Malays, said Ibrahim had also shot up from 53 percent on polling day in March 2008 to 57 percent now. However, he said the Chinese community approval rating to BN had remained unchanged at 35 to 40 percent for the past 20 months.


Well if the survey really reflect the mood of the rakyat towards the ruling party, I would suggest sdr.Ibrahim Suffian and his team to advise Najib to test their popularity in Perak.

Let us ask Najib to dissolve the Perak state assembly and hold fresh elections and see whether its result really validate Merdeka Centre's survey findings........


14 November 2009

Bezanya Pakej Haji dengan Pakej Lawatan Sambil Belajar.......

Kisah Tuan Guru Nik Aziz ditaja untuk menunaikan Haji pada tahun ini,mendapat liputan penuh media massa hinggakan pihak SPRM dengan pantas nak lakukan siasatan sama ada unsur-unsur rasuah atau tidak. Atas dasar tanggungjawab yang tinggi sebagai seorang pemimpin yang beramanah Tuan Guru telah membatalkan pemergian beliau untuk menunaikan haji pada tahun ini,walaupun wang tersebut halal dengan seikhlas hati si pemberinya.

Adalah difahamkan Tok Guru Nik Abdul Aziz ditaja sebagai mengetuai dalam soal mengerjakan ibadah haji untuk satu pakej. Tawaran mengerjakan haji tersebut dibuat kerana beliau seorang ulama. Adalah menjadi perkara biasa bagi mereka yang menganjurkan pakej ini,tawaran percuma diberi kepada seorang yang bertaraf ulama untuk menarik pakej tersebut. Tok Guru pergi atas kapasitinya sebagai tokoh ulama bukan atas jawatan MB Kelantan. Apakah itu dikatakan rasuah?

Bekas MB Selangor,Mohd Khir Toyo dan keluarganya, beserta pegawai-pegawai kerajaan negeri telah menggunakan wang rakyat hampir 1.5 juta RM untuk membiayai dua lawatan sambil belajar ke luar negara, termasuk berdarmawisata ke Paris dan Orlando Disneyland. Sehingga kini apa tindakan yang SPRM lakukan?

Inilah di antara beberapa contoh dalam IMalaysia yang Najib war-warkan, masih terdapat dua jenis peraturan dan undang-undang yang digunapakai. Satu untuk orang UMNO dan satu lagi untuk orang PAS.


Anwar is Selangor's economic adviser.........

Anwar Ibrahim has been appointed Selangor’s economic advisor, a job for which he will be paid RM1 a month, Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim announced today.

The mentri besar said this while winding up the budget debate said the de facto PKR leader’s appointment would help the state boost its economy and generate growth.

Anwar was a former finance minister and deputy prime minister until he was sacked in 1998.

“I believe Anwar can help me and the state government continue our agenda to develop the state for the good of its people, and he has agreed,” the mentri besar said.

He said Anwar would head a team, which includes other prominent individuals, who will advise the state on economic matters and the planned stimulus packages which were tabled at this year's state budget.

Khalid added the team comprises individuals who were independent from the state’s administration and would liaise directly with his office.

Their role is to provide input on the various development plans, such as the rehabilitation of the Klang river and efforts to develop Shah Alam into an Islamic investment hub.

He said Anwar, who is a director in one of the biggest fund management companies in the United States and an economic advisor to a country in Europe, will play a pivotal role in the move.

Anwar will be invited to join the state government in trade missions, to attract investment.

Khalid stressed that the move to appoint Anwar was neither a gimmick nor a political gambit.

The appointment takes effect immediately.

source:malaysian insider

13 November 2009

Ayoyo!!!! Bala is back.........

Bala the private investigator who made shocking allegations about N......'s links with Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu, is alive and running around in the country despite being 'wanted' by the authorities.

He disappeared from the country with his family on July 5 and was never seen in public again, until yesterday when he appeared on Youtube to make some interesting revelation, click here for link.


Only if he can appear in court to tell Malaysians the truth about how and who were the real culprits involved in the disappearance of the Mongolian lady, it unfair to point fingers at........


SPRM nak korek semula kes 'correct,correct,correct'.....

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) hari ini mengumumkan pihaknya akan mendapatkan kebenaran Jabatan Peguam Negara untuk membuka semula kes peguam Datuk V K Lingam selepas empat hari ia berhadapan dengan tekanan dan kritikan pelbagai pihak.

Isnin lalu, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz mengumumkan tiada sebarang tindakan diambil terhadap Lingam sehingga kini kerana beliau didapati tidak melanggar sebarang undang-undang kerana melobi pelantikan hakim walaupun beliau dipaparkan cuba berbuat demikian dalam satu klip video.

Nazri menjelaskan, kerajaan telah melihat kes berkenaan daripada pelbagai segi termasuk Akta Hasutan 1948, tetapi mendapati tiada mana-mana akta di negara ini yang boleh mensabitkan beliau melakukan salah guna kuasa dalam isu pelantikan hakim. Bagaimanapun hari ini, Pengerusi Panel Penilaian Operasi SPRM, Tan Sri Dr Hadenan Abdul Jalil yang juga bekas Ketua Audit Negara berkata, kebenaran untuk membuka semula kes itu akan diperoleh atas faktor kepentingan orang ramai.

“Saya sedang memikirkan untuk menulis surat kepada Pejabat Peguam Negara untuk meminta agar kes ini diketengahkan kepada panel ini.

“Kami berminat untuk mengetahui apa yang berlaku demi kepentingan orang ramai,” kata beliau pada sidang media di sini hari ini.

Meskipun langkah meneliti semula siasatan kes Lingam bukan dalam skop panel berkenaan, beliau berkata, kepentingan orang ramai harus dipertahankan. Oleh itu jelas beliau, panel itu mempunyai hak untuk memberi pandangannya. Semalam Majlis Peguam melahirkan kekecewaan dengan pendirian kerajaan dalam kes kontroversi Lingam dengan mendakwa ia telah menjejaskan imej sistem kehakiman negara.

Suruhanjaya Diraja yang ditubuhkan tahun lalu mengesyorkan agar tindakan diambil ke atas Lingam dan beberapa personaliti lain termasuk bekas Ketua Hakim Negara, Tun Eusoff Chin dan Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim serta ahli perniagaan Tan Sri Vincent Tan.

Kelmarin Pakatan Rakyat mengemukakan saksi utama untuk memperkukuhkan tuntutan mereka bahawa Lingam dan Eusoff Chin telah merancang percutian bersama di New Zealand, sekali gus dikaitkan dengan skandal ini. Saksi utama itu menurut PR ialah bekas setiausaha Lingam, Jayanthi Naidu. Jayanthi, yang merupakan antara saksi kes berkenaan, mengakui percutian Lingam dan Eusoff Chin bersama keluarganya ke New Zeland pada 1990 dirancang dan dibayar oleh Lingam. Jayanthi ialah bekas setiausaha Lingam sehingga 1995.

Bagaimanapun semalam Nazri dan SPRM menafikan saksi yang dibawa PR kelmarin merupakan saksi yang dicari oleh suruhanjaya bagi membantu siasatan. Menurut SPRM semalam, Jayanthi telah pun selesai diambil percakapannya dan diambil kira keterangannya apabila keputusan dibuat oleh Bahagian Perundangan dan Pendakwaan suruhanjaya itu.

Dalam pada itu, Presiden Majlis Peguam Ragunath Kesavan berkata, pihaknya kini lega dengan syor dikemukakan Panel Penilaian Operasi SPRM.

“Kami berharap agar sesuatu yang positif akan diperoleh kelak,” kata beliau semasa dihubungi The Malaysian Insider petang ini.

source:malaysian insider

Harap SPRM ada teloq untuk bertindak, jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam saja.........


12 November 2009

Siva & Zul hug and makeup.........

PKR may be perceived as being wrecked with internal conflicts because the public does not understand this "new kind of politics", said several PKR parliamentarians.

Speaking to reporters in parliament today, Kulim-Bandar Baru MP Zulkifli Noordin said that there should be room for criticism between and among party members.

"I was in New York recently and saw Democratic Party member openly criticising their president, and the president accepted it with an open heart," he said.
When asked if such open criticisms will tarnish the party's image, he said: "That's the beauty of Pakatan Rakyat, we may have differing views but share the same cause."

He added that that the public must be educated on this "new kind of politics" even if they may not be ready for it. Zulkifli retracted a challenge to PKR vice-president R Sivarasa to step down from his post in deference to what he claimed are more urgent matters.

"At the end of the day, we close ranks, because we still have public enemy number one to deal with - Barisan Nasional," he said.

He said the challenge he made to Sivarasa was not a call for his resignation but more to resolve the issue.
"Even if I won, I would give it to Sivarasa because I don't think that I'm as capable as him. I'm just interested to resolve the matter," he said.

Further, he said, he was only dissatisfied with Sivarasa because he had misinterpreted what de-facto PKR leader, Anwar Ibrahim had said in a speech. "It wasn't criticism. If he had criticised me I would have accepted it with an open heart," he said. 'The matter is closed'

Sivarasa, however, refused to be drawn in to comment on the issue. All he said was: "The matter is closed."
He said that he is obeying a directive by the party leadership to concentrate on the main agenda of winning votes in the upcoming general election. Sivarasa added that the swift resolution is proof of the strength of the party leadership.

As he was speaking to journalists, Zulkifli emerged to give Sivarasa an awkward hug.

Zulkifli said that both of them met separately with Anwar over the matter and to show proof that there was no more animosity between them, they hugged one another.

PKR deputy president Azmin Ali (right) also said that disagreements are proof of a new kind of politics, and the media is at fault for zeroing in too much on PKR.
"Other parties are also having conflicts... just look at MCA. But the media has chosen to highlight our issues. Even things we whisper to each other has made headlines," he said.

"The media is so used to the 'yes-men' culture where party members follow leaders blindly, that any sort of disagreement within the party is viewed negatively.

He agreed that there were urgent matters to be addressed, chief of which is Prime Minister Najib Razak's threat to win back the state of Selangor from the opposition. On claims that he is part of PKR's 3A leadership (consisting of Azmin, Anwar and party president Dr Wan Azizah), Azmin said: "As far as I know, 3As are batteries. "If I'm seen as the battery which powers the struggle then I take it as a positive thing."


This is a new political culture and for UMNO its a culture shock to them,coz all this while UMNO members are not allowed to criticize their own members and what more their corrupted leaders. No wonder UMNO members "macam kepala lembu saja" only know to mooooo only..........


Anwar bebas daripada tuduhan sorok RM3 billion.......

Bekas Pengarah Badan Pencegah Rasuah Abdul Razak Idris berkata agensi itu telah membebaskan Ketua Pembangkang Anwar Ibrahim dari sebarang pertuduhan menyimpun dan menyorokkan wang ringgit berjumlah RM3 bilion di akaun-akaun bank luar negara, ataupun mempunyai kaitan dengan kepentingan Barat.

Dalam keterangan beliau di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini, Abdul Razak berkata BPR telah menyiasat tuduhan ini yang dinyatakan dalam akuan bersumpah bekas pembantu Gabenor Bank Negara Abdul Murad Khalid.

Bekas penyiasat kanan BPR memberi dipanggil ke kandang saksi untuk memberi keterangan dalam kes saman fitnah Anwar terhadap syarikat media New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd.

Anwar menyaman NST sebanyak RM100 juta selepas akhbar itu dikatakan memfitnah Anwar sebagai agen Amerika Syarikat dalam rencana "Anwar’s link to US lobbyist" yang disiarkan pada 2 Mac 2002.

Abdul Razak memberitahu mahkamah bahawa sekumpulan pegawai penyiasat BPR pergi ke Singapura dan United Kingdom untuk menyiasat tuduhan ini, namun mendapati tiada kes terhadap mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu.

Murad menandatangani akuan bersumpah ini pada 29 Oktober 1999, kira-kira sebulan selepas Anwar ditahan pada September tahun yang sama.

"Kita temui Murad dan beberapa saksi British. Tetapi mendapati tiada kes terhadap Anwar seperti yang didakwa dalam akuan bersumpah Murad. Lantas, saya menyimpulkan bahawa pertuduhan-pertuduhan yang terkandung dalam akuan bersumpah ini tidak berasas dan tidak kukuh, dan demikian itu mengarahkan siasatan ditutup," kata Abdul Razak.

Abdul Razak kemudian menyerahkan akuan bersumpahnya berhubung kes ini ke perhatian mahkamah.

source:freemalaysia today

Dengan ini terbuktilah konspirasi Mahathir,PDRM,SPRM & AG sememangnya tak berasas..........


11 November 2009

Bumi Kelantan yang hasilkan minyak,penyamun Putrajaya yang kaut untung......

Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan berpendapat pemberian wang ehsan oleh pusat menggantikan royalti bukan untuk rakyat tetapi bagi menjaga kepentingan Umno negeri itu. Dakwaan itu dilihat berasas apabila Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengumumkan pemberian wang ehsan tersebut hanya melalui projek pembangunan diurus wakil kerajaan pusat bukan kepada kerajaan negeri.

Menteri Besar, Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat ketika mengulas perkara itu berkata, penyaluran wang tersebut sepatutnya diberi kepada kerajaan negeri kerana ianya hak rakyat negeri itu.

“Bumi Kelantan yang mengeluarkan minyak, bumi Kuala Lumpur setitik pun tak ada minyak.

“Ehsan apa ambil hak kami. Kami yang beri ehsan kepada pusat. Bukan pusat beri ehsan kepada Kelantan,” katanya pada sidang media di pejabatnya semalam.

Namun yang lebih dibimbangi adalah ketelusan agensi kerajaan pusat yang dipertanggungjawab mengendalikan projek wang ehsan tersebut. Pengalaman selama ini jelasnya, dua agensi pusat di negeri itu tidak pernah mendapatkan kelulusan kerajaan negeri dalam setiap perbelanjaan mereka.

“Pusat telah ada dua agensi tidak melalui kerajaan negeri. Dia ada Jabatan Pembangunan Pusat (JPP) dan Koridor Ekonomi Wilayah Timur (ECER).

“Dua agensi ni nak belanja apa pun tidak melalui kelulusan negeri. Dia nak rasuah ke, nak tiris ke, nak bucur ke, dia punya pasal. Tetapi hak ni (duit royalty) kami hendak,” tegasnya.

Dalam pada itu, beliau sedang menga
tur untuk bersemuka dengan perdana menteri membincangkan tuntutan royalti bukan wang ehsan seperti yang diumumkan sebelum ini.

“Bukan pusat je nak duit, negeri pun nak duit. Negeri ada Dewan Undangan Negeri sendiri ada bajet sendiri ada defisit sendiri, jadi kenapa tak nak beri duit kepada kami,” katanya.


Ini sudah memang diduga. UMNO jadikan wang royalti sebagai hak dan harta pusaka mereka, walaupun rata-rata tahu bahawa hasil bumi ini patut dikongsi oleh semua rakyat dalam negara ini. Betul macam Tuan Guru kata, bila wang royalti diberi dalam bentuk wang ehsan bukan kepada kerajaan negeri tapi kepada wakil-wakil Putrajaya di Kelantan, siapa boleh jamin bahawa wang ini tidak disalahgunakan?

Sedangkan soggokan wang ringgit untuk jadi pemimpin dalam UMNO dikatakannya politik wang bukan rasuah. Jadi kalau penyamun-penyamun UMNO balun kot atas,apa pula istilah yang nak digunapakai mereka(UMNO)?

Ini 1Malaysia Najib, kononnya rakyat diutamakan,pembangunan didahulukan...putuiiiiiih!!!!! 1Malaysia,kepala otak dia.....bila 1 kampung ada 2 JKKK, bila rasuah itu politik wang bagi UMNO dan rasuah bagi rakyat jelata, bila 1 negeri ada 2 MB dan 2 speaker......mana ada jalan?


Kes Lingam - kisah lawatan ke NZ - saksi utama muncul..........

Menteri di JPM, Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz di Parlimen berhubung kes VK Lingam yang menurutnya tidak melanggar sebarang undang-undang sebagai satu jawapan yang palng dibuat oleh menteri ini. Namun,Nazri bersetuju bahawa yang bercakap dalam klip video itu sebenarnya VK Lingam. Walau bagaimanapun Nazri mengandaikan bahawa VK Lingam hanya berlagak dan sengaja menunjuk kuasa pengaruh. Macam cerita Mahathir mengandaikan Anwar cederakan diri sendiri semasa di Bukit Aman dulu.

Laporan Suruhanjaya Di-Raja Linggam menyatakan bahawa rakaman video klip tersebut menunjukkan orang yang dianggapnya sebagai serupa dengannya, suaranya juga sama tapi itu bukanlah dirinya,mengesahkan individu dalam video adalah VK.Lingam dan bukan orang lain.

Sebenarnya,Nazri dan gomen Najib sedar bahawa laporan Suruhanjaya diRaja adalah benar dan memang ada bukti cukup untuk heret 6 jahanam,Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim, Eusoff Chin,VK Lingam,Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor,Vincent Tan dan mantan PM Dr.Mahathir Mohamad ke tangga pengadilan. Sebenarnnya Nazri dan gomen Najib begitu kecut teloq untuk melakukannya.

Malah Nazri juga bagi tahu Parlimen bahawa SPRM pun tak boleh buat apa-apa kerana saksi utamanya tak mau bagi kerjasama.

Sebaliknya, YB.R Sivarasa telah membawa ke Parlimen, Jayanthi LG Naidu, yang dikatakan menjadi 'saksi utama' yang dicari Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dalam kes Datuk VK Lingam.Ini ekoran kenyataan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Azri Abdul Aziz bahawa SPRM tidak dapat menghubungi saksi utama dalam siasatan kes tersebut.

Nazri juga dilaporkan berkata, siasatan lanjut tidak dapat dilakukan oleh SPRM kerana saksi utama itu tidak dapat dikesan.Berikutan itu, SPRM telah mengklafikasikan kes tersebut itu sebagai 'tiada tindakan lanjut'. Sebaliknya, Jayanthi pula mendakwa bahawa beliau bersedia pada bila-bila masa untuk membantu SPRM dalam menyiasat tersebut.

Katanya, selepas kenyataan bertulis Nazri itu pada 23 Oktober lalu, beliau terus menghubungi SPRM, bertanyakan siapakan saksi utama yang sedang dicari itu.
"Mereka tidak dapat menjawab soalan saya," katanya kepada pemberita di Parlimen.

Prof Khoo Kay Kim, member of the 'Lingam tape' royal commission has this to say........

Our findings have been published. There was evidence to suggest that Lingam had committed offences. For example, we found out that Lingam had actually written a judgment for a particular judge and that he had gone on a trip to New Zealand with another judge. Unfortunately the Executive is so powerful that it can interfere with the role of the judiciary. And the Lingam case is an example of how the Executive has usurped the power of the judiciary.


10 November 2009

MCA claimed ROS did not confirm Dr.Chua Sooi Lek.......

Sacked MCA legal bureau chief Leong Tang Chong today claimed that the Registrar of Societies (ROS) did not confirm Dr Chua Soi Lek as the rightful deputy president of the crisis-plagued party.

Stopping short of saying that ROS was misled, he explained: "ROS didn't confirm. It only said that based on the information supplied by Chua, it was of the view that the post of deputy president is not vacant."

Leong also showed a copy of the ROS letter to reporters during a press conference at the MCA headquarters in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

He also claimed that the letter was not tabled during the last central committee (CC) meeting which endorsed the ROS decision.

"I believe that the CC has been misled by party president Ong Tee Keat," he said.

Leong also revealed that Liow Tiong Lai has now written a letter to the ROS, urging it to review its decision.

Liow was forced to vacate the deputy president post only after 19 days, following Chua's reinstatement based on the ROS letter.


The MCA drama takes another twist.....wow pening kepala Najib........


06 November 2009

Wang ehsan atau wang kesian..........

Under the Petroleum Development Act 1974, it says:

An Act to provide for exploration and exploitation of petroleum whether onshore or offshore by a Corporation in which will be vested the entire ownership in and the exclusive rights, powers, liberties and privileges in respect of the said petroleum, and to control the carrying on of downstream activities and development relating to petroleum and its products; to provide for the establishment of a Corporation under the Companies Act 1965 or under the law relating to the incorporation of companies and for the powers of that Corporation; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

In return for the ownership and the rights, powers, liberties and privileges vested in it by virtue of this Act, the Corporation shall make to the Government of the Federation and the Government of any relevant State such cash payment as may be agreed between the parties concerned. In 1976, an agreement was signed between Petronas and ALL the states in Malaysia. In this agreement it states that any and all states where petroleum is found they would be paid 5% of the revenue and that this revenue is to be called ROYALTY. And, since then, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak have enjoyed a 5% ROYALTY from Petronas.

source:malaysia today

“Kenapa Sabah dan Sarawak dapat keistimewaan?” soal pemimpin kerajaan Kelantan berikutan pengumuman bayaran wang ihsan petroleum kepada negeri itu berkuat kuasa tahun depan. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perancangan Ekonomi, Kewangan dan Kebajikan Kelantan, Datuk Husam Musa dengan meletakkan hujahnya bahawa semua negeri adalah sama di bawah Akta Petroleum, “kalau Kelantan tidak layak dapat royalti kerana telaganya jauh, maka Sabah dan Sarawak pun tak boleh dibayar royalti.” “Sabah dan Sarawak masuk Malaysia tahun 1963, lebih kemudian dari Kelantan dan Terengganu. Kenapa Sabah dan Sarawak dapat keistimewaan?” kata beliau dalam tulisan blognya bertajuk “Ada Telaga, Ada Ihsan?” hari ini.

Semalam, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Razak mengumumkan bahawa kerajaan Persekutuan telah memutuskan untuk memberi wang ihsan petroleum kepada Kelantan mulai tahun depan. Pemberian itu adalah berasaskan pertimbangan sama yang diberikan kepada Terengganu iaitu mengambil kira pengeluaran petroleum di luar perairan negeri berkenaan. Menurut Najib, keputusan itu adalah daripada segi perundangan di mana Kelantan seperti juga Terengganu tiada hak menuntut royalti kerana tiada pengeluaran petroleum dari perairan kedua-dua negeri itu yang ditakrif lebih tiga batu nautika (5.55 kilometer) dari tikas air surut atau pesisir.

Justeru jelasnya, wang ihsan akan diberi dalam bentuk projek pembangunan dan pembasmian kemiskinan di Kelantan. Sehubungan itu, Husam menegaskan, Kelantan juga sama seperti Sabah dan Sarawak berhak untuk dibayar royalti, bukan sahaja untuk satu telaga, malah kesemua telaga termasuk dalam kawasan JDA dan CAA.

Oleh itu katanya, “masa belum terlambat sebelum keadaan lebih bercelaru.” Husam juga menjelaskan, nampaknya keihsan BN masih berasaskan pada telaga pengeluaran minyak atau gas. “Negeri tak ada telaga minyak, tak adalah ihsannya. “Kelantan ada satu telaga? Bumi Selatan. Dapat wang ihsan. Terengganu ada banyak telaga, juga sama jauh di luar kawasan tiga batu nautika. Ada telaga tapi jauh, dapat wang ihsan, bukan royalti.

“Ada telaga, tapi tak lebih dari tiga batu (nautika) dari pantai baru dapat royalti. “Mana negeri ada telaga tapi tak lebih tiga batu dari pantai? Tolong tunjukkan. Sabah? Sarawak?” soalnya lagi.

source:malaysian insider

Bila PAS tawan Terengganu pada 1999,beberapa bulan selepas itu kerajaan pusat BN telah membatalkan pemberian wang royalti kepada kerajaan PAS Terengganu. Sebaliknya, pemberian royalti ini telah diganti dengan wang ehsan dan wang ehsan ini pula tidak dibayar terus kepada kerajaan PAS Terengganu. Sebaliknya wang ehsan ini dibayar kepada penyamun-penyamun UMNO dibawah urusan Idris Jusoh.

Bukankah tindakan gomen UMNO/BN ini melanggar Akta Petroleum 1974 dan 1976? Bila UMNO/BN merampas kembali Terengganu pada 2004 hak wang royalti,sebaliknya pemberian wang ehsan diteruskan dibawah tadbir urus Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Mengapa wang royalti ini tidakkembalikan,allahu a'alam.. mungkin gomen merasakan ianya adalah satu risiko yang besar, mana tahu Terengganu akan dirampas PAS/PR smula.......

Ini, apa kata Tengku Razaleigh ketika ditemubual oleh Malaysian Insider..........

Ku Li: I don’t think there is a (need for) legal redress, I think it is obligatory on the part of Petronas to pay. You see, the whole thing behind this issue was, I went to Tun Razak, who was prime minister then. I said: let’s do this vesting deed agreement because Selangor and Perak were difficult with us at that time, to sign the vesting deed agreement. So I told Tun Razak that on the east coast, there is potential for oil and gas. And why not we also do the same to bring in uniformity and we pay 5 per cent even if oil is found offshore in the area that is under the federal jurisdiction. So it was agreed and since we signed with the mentri besar of Kelantan, or I signed with the mentri besar of Kelantan the vesting deed agreement, if oil is found in the offshore area, although it is under the federal jurisdiction, even though it is in joint venture with the Thais today, 5 per cent must be paid to the state. As simple as all that."


05 November 2009

Pasukan Toyota tarik diri daripada litar F1...........

Pasukan 1Malaysia F1 Team, usaha sama kerajaan dan swasta negara ini, akan menyertai perlumbaan F1 mulai tahun depan, kata Najib Razak. Menurut Najib projek itu melibatkan gabungan kepakaran Proton dan Lotus dengan disokong oleh Litar Antarabangsa Sepang (SIC), Persatuan Sukan Pemotoran Malaysia (MAM), Naza Motor dan Air Asia.

Najib memberitahu tokoh korporat terkemuka seperti Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes, Datuk Kamarudin Meranun dan SM Nasarudin SM Nasimuddin turut terlibat dalam inisiatif tersebut. “Ini pasukan Malaysia. Kereta direka bentuk di SIC, dikeluarkan di SIC, diuji di SIC dan kereta buatan Malaysia. Kumpulan pitstop pun rakyat Malaysia,” katanya.

At a hastily arranged press conference this evening in Tokyo, Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda announced that the carmaker is the latest big player to quit Formula One motorsport. Toyota, which competed in 139 races after entering the sport in 2002, recording no wins, will quit immediately.

Toyoda said the company will also stop providing engine to the Williams team. “It’s a complete withdrawal,” he said, citing the “the current severe economic realities”. Toyota follows Honda, which quit F1 last December, and BMW which entered its final race on Nov. 1 in Abu Dhabi. On Nov. 2, Japanese tire-maker Bridgestone said it would pull also out of the sport, saving $100 million a year.

source:business week

Kalau syarikat motor tersohor seperti Toyota dan Honda telah menarik diri daripada litar F1, apa peluang yang ada pada team F1 1Malaysia boleh berjaya besar? Sedangkan dalam litar A1 pun prestasi Malaysia tak pernah cemerlang,ini kan pula dalam litar F1.

Najib perlu ingat akan perojek mega PKFZ yang telah menelan lebih daripada RM 12 bilion,PKFZ gagal,wang rakyat dibalun penyamun-penyamun yang kini masa berkeliaran,naik turun Parlimen,sungguhpun bukti cukup sudah ada,tapi gomen 1Malaysia masih kecut teloq untuk ambil tindakan terhadap penyamun-penyamun tersebut.

Sekarang timbul pula khabar-khabar angin bahawa projek keretapi 'double tracking' yang setakat ini menelan belanja lebih daripada RM 6 bilion bakal menghadapi masalah ala PKFZ. Baca di sini.

Sampai bila lagi rakyat akan diperkudakan dengan kegagalan projek-projek mega seperti ini,yang akhirnya rakyat tak dapat sebarang faedah, sebaliknya penyamun-penyamun yang tersenyum lebar kerana akaun bank mereka bertambah besar...........
