Anwar, 60, resurrected his political career after leading the opposition to spectacular gains in those elections. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi insisted the government was not responsible for the accusation, saying there was no conspiracy "to cause (Anwar) trouble or harass him or raise such issues to undermine him."
Asked about Anwar's denial, Abdullah said it "was common for an accused person" to claim he was innocent. Anwar said the accusation was engineered by "interested parties" to prevent him from exposing the national police chief, Musa Hassan, and the attorney general, Abdul Gani Patail, for their alleged roles in having him accused of sodomizing his driver in 1998 and abusing his power to cover up the deed.
Then-Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad fired Anwar as deputy prime minister amid those accusations. He was convicted on both charges, but Malaysia's highest court overturned the sodomy conviction and freed him in 2004. Anwar has always insisted he was framed to prevent him from challenging Mahathir for power. Anwar said he "recently obtained" evidence to show Musa and Abdul Gani fabricated evidence against him in 1998.
"I believe we are witnessing a repeat of the methods used against me in 1998 when false allegations were made under duress," Anwar said in a statement early Sunday. Anwar moved to the Turkish Embassy early Sunday amid concerns about being arrested and claims of anonymous death threats, said party official Azmin Ali.
Anwar immediately took refuge in Turkey's embassy in Kuala Lumpur because of concerns about his safety, opposition officials said. He denounced the allegation _ made in a police complaint filed by the 23-year-old aide _ as "a complete fabrication."
"The (Turkish) ambassador agreed to ensure his safety," Azmin said. Embassy officials could not immediately be contacted.
The People's Justice Party identified the accuser as Anwar's assistant, who started working for him in March. Anwar claimed the allegation was "clearly a desperate attempt by the ... regime to arrest the movement of the Malaysian people toward freedom, democracy and justice."
The National Front coalition lost its traditional two-thirds parliamentary majority in March, returning to power with only a simple majority, and ceded control of five of Malaysia's 13 states to Anwar's three-party opposition alliance. - AFP
Remember how Mahathir cut down and packed Anwar into political wilderness for over 10 years ago? Today both Pat Lah and Najib are feeling the same heat from Anwar and suddenly, we have another sodomy case cropping up? See the similarity, oh what a retro......
Is Anwar that stupid to be embroiled in a sex scandal when he is just a few more kilometers away to Putrajaya? Ask that question,and I guess your answer is as good as mine. It would be the last thing the Anwar would want at this critical political juncture. The allegation is nothing more but politically orchestrated to put the brakes on Anwar's advancement to form the next federal government and become the next PM.
The allegation was made while Raja Petra’s SD on Altantuya that implicated Rosmah is being much talked about issue in town. With this new story, the alleged Rosmah involvement in the Altantuya murder will be drown in the heaps of media “explosion” over the Anwar case.
Who is this guy Saiful Bukhari Azlan? Read here,here and here.
Is Saiful Bukhari Azlan a straight guy? Read here.
Is Saiful Bukhari Azlan a BN 'pacak' guy? Judge for yourself here.
What has Pat Lah got to say? Read here and here.
Does this looks very similar to the political environment in Zimbabwe? Except Morgan Tsvangarai seek refuge in the Dutch Embassy,while Anwar in the Turkish Embassy. Mugabe declared landslide winner in one-man-poll for the president of Zimbabwe.Read here.
The forces that did this the first time are at it again with the same motives and the same modus operandi. Some video confession here.
This message was sent to me today.......
"Jika Ada Apa-Apa Berlaku Kepada DSAI,Jangan Buat Rusuhan. Ini Perancangan Musuh Untuk Nak Buat MAGERAN, Gantung Parlimen Dan Kerajaan Negeri. Bertenang Dan Sebarkan."