30 November 2018

Polis kena berlaku adil dan profesional...

Syarikat usaha sama Cina (Malaysia) dengan orang Filipina keturunan Sepanyol yang diwakili oleh dua orang peguam tempatan mengupah 50 orang Melayu untuk “mengawal” kuil Hindu.

Tidak masuk akal tetapi benar. Orang Melayu itu dikatakan dari kumpulan yang menamakan diri mereka Kucing Merah. Mereka dilaporkan diupah RM150 hingga RM300 seorang.

Menteri Dalam Negeri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, memberitahu sidang media di Putrajaya siang tadi berkata, siasatan polis mendapati peguam kepada One City Development Sdn Bhd memberi upah RM150,000 kepada 50 lelaki berkenaan untuk menceroboh, mengambil alih dan mengawal Kuil Sri Maha Mariamman di USJ 25, Subang Jaya pada 26 November.

Mahyuddin berkata dua peguam terbabit adalah antara 21 orang yang sudah ditahan bagi membantu siasatan polis.

“Tindakan menceroboh yang amat tidak bertanggungjawab ini menimbulkan kemarahan penganut (Hindu) sehingga timbulkan kekecohan dan kerosakan harta benda. Kita kesal dengan tindakan cuai diambil pemaju, sekiranya tindakan gopoh ini tidak diambil, saya yakin kekecohan tidak berlaku,” katanya.

Dalam kejadian ganas tersebut, 23 kenderaan dibakar dan cermin sebuah pusat beli-belah dipecahkan. Akibat rusuhan tersebut seorang anggota Unit Bantuan Perkhidmatan Kecemasan (EMRS) Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat (BBP) Subang Jaya, Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim, diserang perusuh dan keadaan beliau dilaporkan kritikal.

One City Development Sdn Bhd adalah pemaju yang memiliki tanah kuil berkenaan.  Yang anehnya sehingga hari ini tidak seorang pun perusuh keturunan India ditahan dan penyerang Muhammad Adib dikenal pasti.

Minta maaf banyak-banyak kalau saya kata, susah sikitlah nak faham macam mana begitu ramai anggota polis dengan peralatan canggih dan diuar-uarkan sebagai terbaik di dunia tak nampak seorang pun daripada begitu ramai orang India yang berada di tempat kejadian melakukan apa-apa kesalahan.

Takkanlah bila begitu banyak kenderaan bermotor dibakar masih gelap lagi?

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Guna Lampu Picit

Zaman saya kanak-kanak dan remaja pada tahun 1950-an dan 60-an polis bawa senjata api, cota dan lampu suluh (torchlight) enam bateri. Masa itu belum ada elektrik dan kereta pun tak banyak untuk dibakar. Kalau ada yang dibakar, itu perbuatan pengganas komunis.

Jadi, kalau betullah polis abad ke-21 ini tak nampak perusuh kerana gelap, saya cadangkan kepada Kementerian Dalam Negeri agar mohon peruntukan luar jangkaan daripada Kementerian Kewangan untuk beli lampu picit buat anggota PDRM.

Kalau tak silap saya, polis bawa kamera dan perakam video apabila membuat liputan perhimpunan umum dan tunjuk perasaan. Jadi dengan segala kelengkapan canggih dan pengalaman yang luas mengawal tunjuk perasaan dan rusuhan maka saya hairan sangatlah apabila ada orang bagi tahu saya bahawa polis tak nampak penyerang Muhammad Adib.

Sementara itu, mengikut cerita Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir, yang pergi ke Institut Jantung Negara petang tadi untuk melawat Muhammad Adib, keadaan beliau tenat.

Dr Mahathir yang pernah menjadi doktor kata, peralatan perubatan moden membantu menyelamatkan nyawa mangsa. Tetapi kata beliau, jika dengan takdir mangsa meninggal dunia, ia adalah kes bunuh dan penjenayah yang melakukannya wajib dikenakan hukuman berat. Jadi polis tolonglah cari penjenayah itu.

Saya setujulah dengan pendapat banyak pihak, termasuk anggota kerajaan Pakatan Harapan sendiri, yang menggesa agar kita jangan tergesa-gesa sangat memansuhkan hukuman mati untuk jenayah berat.

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Menteri Berhati-hati

Menteri tolonglah berhati-hati dan dengar nasihat Perdana Menteri Mula-mula P. Waytha Moorthy, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri yang bertanggungjawab atas perpaduan negara dan integrasi nasional.

Tindak-tanduk beliau dalam peristiwa keganasan di Kuil Sri Maha Mariamman rasanya tidak membantu mengukuhkan perpaduan negara dan integrasi nasional.

Perdana Menteri sudah menasihati beliau. Tapi Perdana Menteri kita ini baik hati dan kalau beliau marah pun ada orang tak sedar. Jadi Waytha Moorthy yang belum lama kenal beliau janganlah “gung-ho” dan selesa sangat dengan kedudukan beliau.

Ingatlah, anda bukan dipilih oleh rakyat jelata. Anda Senator lantikan Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan diangkat menjadi menteri oleh Dr Mahathir. Tolonglah jangan malukan Raja kita dan Perdana Menteri kita. Kalau YB tak puas hati boleh komen dalam blog ini.

Kemudian Menteri Pendidikan, Dr Maszlee Malik. Beliau pun baru saja “dikuliahkan” oleh Perdana Menteri. Saya juga bercakap dengannya melalui telefon. Saya setujulah dengan Perdana Menteri bahawa kita sudah ada banyak sekolah agama – sekolah agama kerajaan, sekolah agama negeri, sekolah agama swasta, sekolah pondok dan tahfiz – jadi tak perlulah nak “sekolahagamakan” sekolah kebangsaan.

Kembalikanlah sekolah kebangsaan – rendah dan menengah – kepada tujuan asalnya, iaitu sebagai sekolah perpaduan untuk semua bangsa dan agama. Takkan menteri yang cerdik macam Maszlee tak tahu bahawa banyak ibu bapa bukan Melayu tidak lagi menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah kebangsaan kerana sekolah kebangsaan sudah jadi macam sekolah agama.

Di pihak lain pula makin banyak ibu bapa Melayu menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina kerana mahu anak-anak mereka lebih berjaya. Saya sebut dua nama saja. Ini tidak bermakna menteri-menteri lain sudah berjaya. Cuma kali ini bukan giliran anda.

Anggaplah saya guru pelawat tua yang duduk di belakang kelas memerhatikan tindak-tanduk dan kelakuan mereka. - A.Kadir Jasin

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Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI  

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What did not go viral...

So much has been said and done, over the last few days, about what took place in Seafield. Understandably, each one of us has our version to believe. I saw comments on the internet and viral messages among the non-Malays cursing Umno/PAS for the tragedy. I also saw similar comments and viral messages reminding the Malays how their position had been weakened ever since the current federal government took over.

Comments on Malaysiakini or websites that cater for the urban, (largely) non-Malay readers were as equally bad. In the immediate aftermath, a lot of comments condemned the police authorities for allegedly “allowing” the riot to take place. There are always two sides of every story. There are different versions of the same event; normally the truth lies in between.

Unfortunately, in Malaysia, each one of us has our own racial and religious bias. What makes it worse, it is always too convenient to point the finger to the other person. We hardly ever look in the mirror and admit that each of us has our racial bias too.

It is so common that many non-Malays I have met (and my encounters with non-Malays is way higher than an average Malay) believe that the racial problem stems only from one side: Malays and Muslims.

Likewise, many Malays (even the most educated ones) still harbour anger and suspicion against the non-Malays, for supposedly marginalising the Malays (no matter how warped the logic is). So, when a highly emotive event like this took place, it is very easy for each one of us to be influenced by our racial bias.

It is easy for the Indians and other non-Malays to feel that Malays have conspired to intrude the temple and Malay policemen did not act promptly (in collusion with the thugs). It is easy for the Malays to feel angry and blame the whole Indian population for what had happened to Muhammad Adib Kassim, the young fireman who is now fighting for his life.

Events like this will repeat in the future. Again, and again, no matter which parties are the federal government. Irrespective of whether PAS/UMNO proceeds with anti-ICERD rallies, or whether PH-federal government ratifies ICERD or not.
It will happen so long most of us choose to see everything from a racial perspective.

There are a few things that we can do individually that can make things better. We must admit that each one of us carries a racial bias that we need to sort out. We cannot continue talking condescendingly about the other group, yet in denial that we are not any better than them. Each time there is an event like this or an issue that easily brings racial perspectives into it, we must embrace objectivity and learn to see from the group’s perspective.

Malays must learn to appreciate the non-Malays’ fear and concerns, much in the same way the non-Malays cannot continue to stereotype Malays as being incompetent and stupid (especially when there is a disagreement). Finally, try to make friends with people from other races. Only this way, we can embrace each other and work on our racial prejudices.

If we give all sorts of excuses and blame everything under the sun for not having a multiracial circle of friends – blame the national school, blame the pork, blame the Taliban but never blame ourselves – then we are the problem. - Rafizi Ramli

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Melambak janda kat pantai timur tu namun untuk memperjuangkan 
nafsu lebai lebih memilih budak bawah umur...

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29 November 2018

Kuil Oh Kuil...

Alkisah maka jadilah apa yang tak diingini oleh masyarakat berbudaya dan berakhlak mulia iaitu konflik kaum di bumi bertuah ini. Peristiwa berdarah 13 Mei, 1969 patut menjadi pengajaran dan keinsafan kepada semua kaum agar tidak berulang lagi. Pergaduhan antara sesama puak India yang menjadikan kuil sebagai modal persengketaan mereka telah menjadi Melayu menyerang kuil pula. 

Walaupun pihak mahkamah telah membuat keputusan, dan wang sumbangan RM1.5 juta telah pun diterima oleh pengelola kuil itu melalui peguam mereka namun masih berlanjutan sengketa antara dua puak India yang bertelagah. Nampaknya politik tosay dan capati sudah melibatkan orang Melayu pula.

Berbagai pendapat diluah oleh berbagai pihak termasuk pihak polis. Kini PM sendiri telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa peristiwa di kuil itu adalah penglibatan penjenayah, dan bukan konflik Melayu-India. Malah ada yg berpendapat tauke China mengupah orang Melayu tertentu untuk bertindak. Ini pendapat berbau perkauman yg sangat bahaya bagi masyarakat majmuk di sini.

Kata PM lagi mungkin ada 'tangan gaib' yang merancang peristiwa ini. Kerajaan akan mengambil tindakan tegas menurut undang-undang. Itu kenyataan biasa. Umum mengetahui sejak rejim korup UMNO/BN tersungkur pada PRU 14 berbagai isu berbau perkauman pekat sudah merebak. Perjumpaan UMNO-PAS di Pasir Salak sudah membakar semangat untuk menggugat kestabilan politik negara. 
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DAP dijadikan sasaran kecaman seolah-olah bawah PH DAP yang berkuasa. Gendang perang sudah dipukul seluruh pelusuk negara untuk menimbulkan semangat kebencian terhadap musuh politik UMNO dan PAS. Lebih melucukan lagi mereka yang meniupkan kebencian terhadap DAP adalah para pemimpin yg punya pekung, kudis buta politik dan puru korupsi yang bakal ditendang ke penjara kelak.

Peristiwa kuil ini sebagai 'trial run' bagi 'tangan gaib' untuk merancang demonstrasi lebih hebat lagi. Jangan terkejut beruk sekiranya perhimpunan 8 Disember akan membawa padah kelak. PDRM dan menteri dalam negeri patut lebih peka dan bertindak sebelum berlaku peristiwa ngeri. Kebebasan bersuara bukan bermakna individu boleh melakukan apa saja tanpa mengambil kira kepentingan masyarakat umum, keselamatan negara dan perpaduan rakyat. Menteri 

Perpaduan mesti bijak dalam tindakannya, dan bukan menyalahkan pihak lain. Sekiranya dia tidak mampu menghidupkan kerukunan antara kaum oleh kerana prasangka buruknya terhadap sesuatu kaum atau agama maka wajar dia meletakkan jawatan secara terhormat. Tun M boleh menilai apakah menteri tersebut punya wawasan dan kebijaksanaan politik sesuai dengan semangat Malaysia Baru dari tindakan yang dibuatnya.

Hari ini semangat perkauman paling panas. Kalau kerajaan tidak bijak atau lambat bertindak mententeramkan keadaan besar kemungkinan peristiwa seperti 13 Mei 1969 akan berulang. Kita berdoa Allah melindungi rakyat yang cinta damai dan kerajaan PH. Doa saja tidak cukup kalau kerajaan tidak bertindak tegas terhadap mereka yang mencetuskan konflik antara kaum yang semakin ketara sekarang. - Yahaya Ismail

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Story kat SINI dan SINI 

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Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JPBM), Mohamad Hamdan Wahid. - Saksi Video

1. Pihak bomba sah diserang oleh perusuh dengan senjata kayu, parang, besi dan sebagainya.

2. PB yang di belakang jentera bomba itu adalah PB Azim bukan PB Adib.

3. PB Azim bertugas sebagai 'fire fighter' turun ke loker paip utk memadam kebakaran tetapi sempat melarikan diri masuk ke Jentera Bantuan Perkhidmatan Kecemasan (EMRS) van setelah diserang perusuh.

4. PB Adib ditarik keluar oleh perusuh setelah pintu dipecahkan dan dipukul oleh perusuh namum ada kumpulan India yg lain menyelamatkan PB Adib dan bawa ke hospital.

5. Setakat ini siasatan masih dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti kumpulan yg menyerang jentera bomba dan memukul PB Adib di tempat kejadian..

6. Difahamkan bukan semua perusuh malam kejadian yg berniat jahat utk menyerang anggota bomba dan mencetuskan huru hara TETAPI ADA beberapa kumpulan yang sengaja mencetuskan provokasi melampau. - f/bk

Fire dept DG produces fireman 'mowed' down by fire engine

Dr.M denies racially element as violence rages...

Malaysian officials on Tuesday convened a high-level security council meeting after two consecutive days of violence near Kuala Lumpur, while Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad strongly pushed back against suggestions the troubles had a racial undertone.

The clashes near a Hindu temple in the state of Selangor have been linked to a dispute between the 147-year-old institution and a developer who claimed to have acquired the land for RM1.5 million, although it is unclear to whom the proceeds were channelled.

The temple, slated to be relocated to a new site 2.7km away on Monday, was stormed by 50 masked, machete-wielding men who attacked devotees, including senior citizens and women. About 20 vehicles were damaged or set alight before the Federal Reserve Unit and police forces arrived on the scene. Several devotees were injured in the attack.

Following the attack, thousands of people gathered outside the temple last night to show support and ostensibly defend the temple, a gathering which also turned violent as emergency service staff were attacked – landing one firefighter in the intensive care unit – and the developer, One City Development, had its office vandalised.

In his statement, Mahathir emphasised that the altercations were “not race riots, although it involved the relocation of a temple”. Hindus in Malaysia are primarily composed of ethnic-minority Indians.

The premier warned that the police were under strict instructions to bring the situation under control and act against “irresponsible people who caused disturbances which resulted in injuries to enforcement and rescue personnel, alongside damaging public property … I stress that this incident is a criminal matter, and has no relation at all to other elements”.

Currently 21 individuals have been arrested.

Political scientist Wong Chin Huat of state-funded think tank Penang Institute described the temple clashes as “at most, inter-sectarian violence”.

He drew parallels between the temple incident and church arson and temple desecration cases in 2010 and 2008. “Then, Malaysian society grew stronger because the communities involved didn’t fall for the trap,” he said.

“If we can stand by each other in solidarity, society will be stronger after the test. However, if we leave the victims to their own defence, what is incidentally inter-sectarian may become ultimately inter-faith,” Wong said, warning that state institutions had an obligation to halt violence and uphold justice to avoid leaving wounds in specific communities.

The Sri Maha Mariamman temple riots are the first race relations test that the Pakatan Harapan government, which came to power in May in shock election results, have had to face. In multicultural Malaysia, such relations have long been a hot-button issue, with the spectre of the bloody race riots that took place in 1969 frequently trotted out for political mileage.

Wong’s stance was echoed by Awang Azman from University Malaya’s Institute of Malay Studies, who said the government had to act swiftly to ensure national unity, particularly in the face of inter-ethnic issues.

“Many will take advantage and paint the government as slow to act. The government must act firmly so that such provocations do not continue.”

The temple riots occurred just days after the government reversed its decision to ratify the United Nations’ anti-discrimination convention, following protests from Muslim groups in league with the opposition who claimed the treaty would infringe upon special race-based constitutional privileges.

Meanwhile, reports on Tuesday surfaced that chunks of pork – forbidden to Muslims – had been tossed into two Islamic worship buildings located in a state just a few hours drive from the nation’s capital. On the same day, hundreds of stateless Malaysians – understood to be mostly ethnic Indians – gathered in front of the administrative district’s national registration building to apply for valid identity cards and birth certificates.

Selangor chief minister Amirudin Shari has called for a meeting of the National Security Council state chapter this evening, saying its priority was to restore order. Yesterday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department P. Waythamoorthy claimed the police had not acted swiftly in attending to the matter, arriving hours after the initial violence took place.

Member of Parliament Charles Santiago said the temple violence was a symptom of “Indian underclasses venting their anger”, and that action against the initial instigators of violence had to be taken.

“The sanctity of a belief system was violated. The government must address these issues which began with the encroachment of dozens of young Malay men into this space,” he said.

“The persons who engineered this must be brought to task. It is clear from the nature of the incursion that it was highly organised. The situation must be cooled, and both the prime minister and the Selangor state chief minister must show leadership in proposing solutions.” - Tashay Sukumaran, scmp

Temple intrusion: PM points to 'insensitive foreigners'

Dey!!!! Remixed...

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Rakyat juga berasa kecewa Najib buat2 lupa Lahad Datu punya konspirasi.Sampai ada ramai yg terkorban lagi.. Konspirasi punya pasai sebab nak dekat pilihanraya umum yang lalu..

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Gagal main Hudud, main RUU355..
Gagal main RUU355, main LGBT..
Gagal main LGBT, main ICERD..
Gagal main ICERD, nak cari modal lain pula ?

Dr. M: Paru-paru, jantung, buah pinggang mangsa berada dalam 
keadaan baik atas bantuan kepakaran dan teknologi di IJN...

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28 November 2018

Skandal 1MDB lagi rahsia terbongkar...

Najib, maharaja perompak kelas cakrawala merangkap maharaja pembohong, kini terperangkap dengan pembohongannya. Dia menjaja pembohongan kononnya dia tak kenal Jho Low, lepas itu tambah pembohongan lagi kononnya dia ditipu oleh Jho Low pulak. Oleh kerana dia perompak yang tidak bijak, dikuasai bininya yg super rakus, super gila kuasa yang melantik dirinya sendiri sebagai 'First Lady of Malaysia' maka kini dia menjilat sendiri segala pembohongannya.

Manusia boleh merancang tapi Allah menentukan segala. Siapa sangka istri badut Najib yg sanggup mati bersama perompak itu, sanggup mendedahkan pengkhianatan Najib dan para pegawai tinggi yg bersekongkong dengan bekas PM yang super korup itu. Ketua Audit Negara, Dr Madinah, yang dilantik sebagai Ketua Audit Negara oleh Najib telah mendedahkan laporan audit 1MDB yang dikemukakan kepada PAC dan diOSAkan itu diarah Najib untuk memadamkan butir-butir yg tidak disenanginya. 

Antaranya laporan menyatakan Jho Low ada bersama dalam meeting 1MDB dan terlibat dalam skandal 1MDB. Sudah jelas penyamun hendak menyelamatkan rakan penyamun yang sama taraf dengannya. Najib herharap laporan audit 1MDB yg diserahkan kepada PAC, setelah dipadamkan penglibatan Jho Low dan Najib juga, akan menyelamatkan Najib dari penjara.

Laporan polis dan SPRM telah dibuat oleh pihak Ketua Audit Negara. Nama-nama yang disebut terbabit dalam penipuan pindaan laporan 1MDB kepada PAC termasuklah Dr Ali Hamza ( bekas KSN), Amrin Buang (bekas Ketua Audit Negara), Dzulkifli Ahmad (bekas KP SPRM), Tan Sri Shukry Salleh (bekas Ketua Setiausaha Sulit PM), dan turut terlibat juga Apandi Ali (bekas Peguam Negara) dan Arul Kanda.

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Ini jenayah kelas berat. Ia merupakan pengkhianatan terhadap negara kerana bersubahat dengan Najib Razak, maharaja penyamun kelas cakrawala, dalam penipuan skandal 1MDB. Bukti sudah jelas. 

Pihak SPRM dan PDRM juga Peguam Negara sekarang tidak boleh melengah-lengahkan mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka yg terlibat dalam jenayah pengkhianatan ini. Jangan meninabobokan rakyat dengan berbagau alasan untuk tidak bertindak tegas dan cepat.

Apa yang dinyatakan Tun Mahathir bahawa banyak pegawai tinggi kerajaan terlibat dalam rasuah, salahguna kuasa kerana terlibat dalam budaya 'cash is king'. Rakyat mahu kes pengkhianatan negara oleh mereka yang memalsukan laporan audit 1MDB ini dibicarakan segera. 

Rakyat berharap dan berdoa mereka yang terlibat dalam rasuah dan salahguna kuasa sebagai pengkhianat negara, dan ditendang terus ke Sg Buloh berlabuh lebih 20 tahun, biar mampus dalam penjara. Kalau kes ini dibawa ke mahkamah segera besar kemungkinan Najib terkancing gigi, tercirit, duduk dalam kandang orang salah, dan Sg Buloh tempat bersemayam maharaja perompak kelas cakrawala ini. - Yahaya Ismail.

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Bila ada api dan darah yang tumpah...

Insiden kekecohan dan merusuh di tapak kuil Mariamma di Subang Jaya yang boleh ditafsirkan dengan berbagai kelemahan pihak keselamatan, kurang cekap daripada para pihak berkuasa termasuk bertaraf menteri menanganinya sedikit sebanyak memberi gambaran kerajaan PH hari ini.

Kejadian di Subang itu pertama kali berlaku di era kerajaan PH. Walaupun ia cuba digambarkan ia kejadian terpencil yang berlaku di kalangan masyarakat India, tetapi terjemahan secara umum memberi makna lain.

Rusuhan membakar kenderaan dan sehingga mencederakan seorang anggota Bomba bukan kes kecil sebenarnya. Ada api dan ada darah yang menyala dan tumpah di tapak kuil itu. Ertinya insiden itu serius.

Gambaran terhadap kerajaan PH yang diterjemah dari insiden itu sesuatu yang sangat negatif. Timbul beberapa pertanyaan kenapa rusuhan itu sampai dua kali berlaku? Tapak kuil itu katanya sudah dimuktamadkan oleh mahkamah tetapi kenapa harus menjadi pertikaian sehingga meletus rusuhan? Ini menimbulkan persoalan.

Dalam pada itu ada pula kecaman kepada pihak keselamatan (PDRM) yang dibuat sendiri oleh menteri. Kebetulan menteri yang membuat kenyataan itu seorang India. Di sini kurang bijaksana apa dilakukan menteri itu dan sekumpulan anggota kabinet yang menyertai kecaman itu.

Yang saya dapat suluh dari kejadian ini ia adalah kelemahan, kurang tegas kerajaan dan kurang bijak menteri yang membuat kenyataan mengecam aparatnya sendiri. Ia memberi implikasi buruk.

Kejadian di kuil itu pertama kali dan ia cukup mencermaskan. Tidak mustahil kalau kerajaan tidak cekap, tidak pantas tidak berani bertegas, terlalu toleransi dan tidak bijak pula melayani kejadian sebegitu ia berpotensi meruntuhkan kerajaan yang ada kini dengan isu yang menakutkan itu. Yang kita tidak mahu ia berlaku atas kesempatan dari kerajaan liberal dan toleransi.

Insiden itu sama ada ia terkait langsung atau tidak dengan usaga damagekan kerajaan ia adalah sebagai testimoni kepada kredibiliti kerajaan PH?- MSO

Subang Jaya Sri Maha Marianmman Temple Riot - Cars Torched by Protesters
Seafield Temple Riot Was Not A Racial Riot – But It’s A Wake Up Call For The New Government...

Mr. Ramaji, an eyewitness to a pre-dawn attack of the 147-year-old Sri Maha Marianmman temple in USJ25, Putra Heights, has revealed an interesting story. According to the “Save Seafield Sri Maha Marianmman Temple” task force chairman, there were about 250 thugs who assaulted several devotees and temple priests who were conducting prayers.

The 2am attack on Monday (Nov 26) saw him with at least six others being held hostage at knifepoint. He told Malay Mail news media – “Wielding knives, axes, rakes, parangs and wooden sticks, they barged into the temple compound before ordering all within to vacate the premises immediately. They shouted that they were here to take over the land on behalf of One City.”

He was, of course, referring to One City Development Sdn Bhd, the developer who purchased the land from Sime UEP Properties Sdn Bhd. The developer has denied the mobsters were sent by them. The Hindu temple riot saw 18 cars and two motorcycles burnt, forcing some 700 police personnel, including those from the FRU, deployed to the scene of the incident.

Initially, the Subang Jaya police declared the fight was between two rival ethnic Indian groups over the relocation of the temple. However, Mr. Ramaji disputed the police statement, exposing that the attackers as being of Malay ethnicity. He revealed the mob left behind their personal documents like identification cards (IC) and driver’s licenses, hence proof that the thugs were Malays.

With all the proof, deputy Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Noor Rashid Ibrahim finally acknowledged that the attackers were indeed Malays, saying – “Perhaps the side wanting to take over (the land) engaged a group of Malay men to facilitate the acquisition. It is possible that they are gangsters and, of course, the Indian group attempted to check the intrusion.”

Subang Jaya Sri Maha Marianmman Temple Riot - Car Overturn

However, the deputy police chief played down the number of mobsters involved, claiming there were only 50 thugs and not 250 as revealed by Mr. S Ramaji. Obviously, the police have some serious explaining to do as to why their initial report says that the riot was nothing but an Indian-vs-Indian clash. Why did they hide the fact that the clash involved ethnic Malays in the first place?

At best, the Subang Jaya district police chief ACP Muhammad Azlin Sadari was completely incompetent in handling such situation – mobsters terrorizing the Sri Maha Marianmman temple. At worst, the police chief was probably bribed by gangsters to turn a blind eye, even a racist himself – trying to cover-up the ethnicity of the attackers. Either way, he should be fired.

It’s certainly easier to blame the riot on the ethnic Indian alone. After all, the perception was such that the Indian community is normally involved in petty thefts, drugs, armed robberies, gangsterism and whatnot. That’s because a majority of them received very little education, not to mention they have been systematically discriminated by the previous Barisan Nasional regime.

Thanks to social media, people were quickly informed that the temple riot was not a racial riot. Still, can you see how the incident could easily be twisted and escalated into a racial riot? When you have ethnic Malay “running amok” inside the Sri Maha Marianmman temple, you don’t need Donald Trump to tweet that the Malays was trying to demolish an Indian temple and slaughter the Indians.

The lies from the Subang Jaya police chief have only added fuel to the tensions. It was alleged that only one patrol car from the Subang Jaya police station arrived at the scene at about 4.15am – 2 hours after the attacks. It also didn’t help that the racists and extremists from UMNO Malay Nationalist party and the PAS Islamist party have promised bloodshed in their coming Anti-ICERD rally on Dec 8.

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In fact, there were naughty rumours that the attack by Malays on the Indian temple was a dry run – an experiment – by UMNO gangsters to start a racial riot on Dec 8. That’s because membership cards bearing logo and certificates of a Malay Silat group (Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia) were found during the attack, presumably dropped by some of the Malay thugs.

And it certainly doesn’t look good on Mahathir government and the Royal Malaysia Police that UMNO and PAS troublemakers are allowed to freely incite violence and riot. Can you imagine what would happen if the situation is reversed – a group of ethnic Indians enters a mosque and start terrorizing everyone? All hell will break loose.

Like it or not, Mahathir government has to put a stop to all these nonsense – regardless whether it was a Chinese developer paying Malay gangsters to smash an Indian temple, or Indian rioters burning cars belonging to innocent owners, or defeated Malay politicians stirring up racial and religion sentiments by threatening May 13-style racial riots.

PM Mahathir and his ministers can only blame crooked Najib Razak and his evil wife Rosmah Mansor for only so much. The previous regime had collapsed. The new government calls the shot now. Exactly why the old man keeps bitching about some civil servants still being loyal to the previous regime, but has refused to sack those traitors and incompetent little Napoleons, is beyond comprehension.

Now, do you understand why we have to give a jolt of reminder to Mahathir government so that they would stop pussyfooting on racism and extremism being pushed by UMNO and PAS? If you think the temple riot is bad, wait until you see the terrorism and rioting to be unleashed by the radicalized followers of both political parties – thanks to instigators Zahid Hamidi and Hadi Awang. - FT

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Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI 

Lets get together ye! ye!...
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

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Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim, Anggota bomba mangsa serangan perusuh di tapak kuil Sri Mariamman.Ya Allah!! berilah kesembuhan kepadanya sesugguhnya engkau maha mengetahui..Aamiin....

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Jualan rugi,taukey lari bini mati...

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27 November 2018

Tangkap saja mereka yang berdegil...

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1. Ekoran penolakan ICERD oleh PM di Papua New Guinea baru2 ini, Kabinet telah membuat keputusan muktamad bahawa Kerajaan TIDAK akan menandatangani dan meratifikasi Deklarasi tersebut.

2. Bukan sahaja KPN, bahkan TS Muhyiddin selaku Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Tun Dr. Mahathir sendiri telah menasihat dan memberi amaran agar perhimpunan anjuran UMNO dan PAS yang bakal diadakan pada 8hb Disember nanti dibatalkan.

3. Polis sendiri melalui Timbalan KPN mengumumkan akan memanggil beberapa individu yang dikenal pasti yang cuba mencetuskan hura hara dan pertumpahaan darah semasa perhimpunan tersebut.

4. Salah seorang yang disenaraikan ialah Zahid Hamidi, mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Dalam Negeri dan kini Presiden UMNO.

5. Tidak hairanlah Zahid termasuk dalam senarai hitam polis kerana rekod beliau sendiri tidak begitu baik.

6. Semasa dalam Kabinet, jenayah pertama yang dilakukannya ialah apabila beliau sendiri terlibat mencederakan dengan teruk Ahmad Bazli, kekasih anak sulungnya ketika itu sehingga menyebabkan tempurung hadapan di dahi beliau retak - ini telah disahkan sendiri oleh pakar2 yang memberi rawatan.

7. Semasa menjawat jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Dalam Negeri, beliau telah menulis kepada Pengarah FBI Amerika Syarikat meminta Biro tersebut tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan undang2 terhadap seorang penjenayah Malaysia yang ditangkap di sana.

8. Semasa beliau menjadi Menteri Dalam Negeri itulah tak kurang 3 juta pekerja asing terutama dari Bangladesh berpusu-pusu datang ke negara kita.

9. Apakah ketika itu Zahid berjuang untuk keselamatan dan kesenangan rakyat khususnya bagi orang Melayu atau untuk keluarga dan kroni2 beliau.

10. Mengapa beliau tidak menganjurkan demontrasi ketika itu apabila Kerajaan BN menggantikan Dasar Ekonomi Negara dengan Dasar sama rata atau meritokrasi, membuka biasiswa JPA kepada semua bangsa dan peruntukan besar-besaran kepada Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (sekolah Cina dan Tamil).

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11. Zahid hanya berkokok setelah hilang jawatan kerajaan dan sedang menghadapi 45 pertuduhan undang2, beliau kini sedang memperalatkan rakyat bersama PAS menganjurkan demontrasi tersebut.

12. Atas alasan menyelamatkan Melayu dari segi ekonomi dan agama beliau sebenarnya sedang bermain api membakar semangat orang Melayu khasnya ahli UMNO berbuat apa sahaja dengan satu tujuan.

13. Kepada beliau jika sekiranya Tun Dr. Mahathir dan Kerajaan berjaya diturunkan, peluang beliau dibebaskan adalah cerah.

14. Kepada Hadi pula inilah peluang keemasaan bagi beliau menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan akhhirnya menjadi orang nombor satu negara.

15. Zahid umpama orang yang sedang lemas - beliau akan buat apa sahaja bagi menyelamatkan dirinya.

16. Zahid juga tak ubah seperti seekor harimau cedera yang sedang mengganas - ini AMAT BERBAHAYA kepada negara dan masyarakat berbilang kaum.

17. Sudah 61 tahun negara Merdeka dan berbagai-bagai dasar dan agensi ditubuhkan, dari Agong dan 9 orang Sultan, dari Perdana Menteri ke Menteri Besar, dari KSN hingga ke budak pejabat dan pemandu, 90% daripadanya adalah Melayu tetapi ekonomi Melayu masih jauh ke belakang; begitu juga dengan kedudukan agama Islam.

18. Tidak boleh dinafikan memang ada segelintir bukan Melayu yang agak keterlaluan pemikiran mereka tetapi bilangan mereka terlalu kecil jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah penduduk Melayu dan Bumiputera; lagi pun mereka yang keterlaluan itu tidak punyai cukup kuasa bagi melaksanakan apa yang berada dalam pemikiran.

19. Jalan mudah bagi mereka ialah dengan menyalahkan bukan Melayu khasnya parti DAP yang disifatkan sebagai anti Melayu.

20. Perlu diingatkan DAP tidak berkuasa dan DAP juga tidak mempersoalkan malah mereka sentiasa menghormati Artikal 153 Perlembagaan negara.

21. Bukankah lebih bermakna jika himpunan yang dicadangkan itu dijadikan ‘Himpunan Rakyat Menuntut Wang Rakyat Yang Dilesapkan Oleh Najib Melalui 1MDB Dipulangkan Segera’ - itu barulah berjuang untuk rakyat dan tanahair.

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22. Bagi Pas pula, bak kata Shahbudin Husin, seorang blogger, apa perlunya nak berdemonstrasi di jalanraya jika setakat nak berdoa kesyukuran - kan lebih afdal jika mengadakan doa kesyukuran di masjid dan surau.

23. Sebenarnya ini semua alasan yang tidak boleh diterima oleh mereka yang mempunyai akal yang terbuka dan waras, bukan akal yang sempit atau jumud dan bak kata Kharuddin Abu Hassan tak ubah seperti ‘otak udang’.

24. Kerajaan hari ini perlu tegas bagi menentukan keselamatan, kerhamonian dan ekonomi negara dapat dipulihkan semula TANPA sebarang gangguan dari puak pelampau ini.

25. Bagi mengubati pesakit ialah dengan memberi ubat-ubatan walaupun pahit untuk ditelan.

26. Sama ada mereka membaca kenyataan kerajaan dan amaran atau baca tapi tak faham atau sengaja buat tak faham atau tak peduli itu semua.

27. Mereka sebenarnya sedang mencabar kesabaran dan kekuatan kerajaan dan pasukan polis dan anggota keselamatan.

28. Bak kata Azman Attar (arwah) 'If You Have The Power You Must Be Powerful Or Else You Are Bloody Fool’.

29. Humbankan saja mereka ke dalam penjara sebelum 'Nasi Menjadi Bubur’. - Tamrin Abdul Gafar

Matlamat golongan ini amat jelas, untuk menaja huru-hara dalam negara supaya kerajaan yang diberi mandat oleh rakyat dan disahkan oleh YDP Agong ini tidak stabil.

Mungkin kah kerajaan PH terlebih toleran terhadap suara2 pembangkang sehingga mereka sudah menjadi seperti  cacing naik ke mata...? - Tamrin Tun Ghafar

The Late-Night Riot In Subang Jaya...
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI  

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Solving the race problem...

The past week has been about race, and it will continue to be for the weeks and months to come, with Umno and PAS seemingly galvanised for the first time since the last general election.

Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has been experimenting with different approaches in search of political relevance, after inheriting a party without power and having to get used to the chaotic nature of opposition politics.

First, he tried the easiest route: identity politics. Umno tried to accommodate PAS in a series of by-elections to portray themselves as the great Malay-Muslim defenders.

This proved unsuccessful with both being a liability to the other. Cooperation with PAS was driving away moderate Umno supporters, and cooperation with Umno was driving away hardliner PAS supporters.

Thereafter, Zahid tried a different strategy: to be an issue-based party. In a surprise move, Umno formed a shadow cabinet to provide effective check and balance against the government. But this quickly descended into a series of feeble arguments and shouting matches in Parliament.

Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin tried to put forward a shadow budget that was thoughtful and well-designed. However, even this did not seem to gain much traction among Umno parliamentarians. Perhaps Zahid was anxious of Khairy’s popularity usurping his?

And then, opportunity

Then came ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd) at a golden hour.

Six months was enough to erase any euphoria of overthrowing the most corrupt regime in Malaysian history. Any semblance of goodwill from Malay-Muslim voters who were not Pakatan Harapan supporters and fence-sitters who took a leap of faith on May 9 had largely dissipated.

What is often forgotten is that race relations does not change with a vote. The century-long construction of race that was manipulated by politicians to harbour hatred, resentment, and prejudice against others will not change simply because of a change in government.

That is why it was so easy for Umno and PAS to mobilise angry mobs to protest even against a complex and little-understood United Nations instrument fraught with legalese, extensive mechanisms, and an uneasy abbreviation.

Manipulating Icerd into Malay rights being under threat was easy, because suspicions against the Harapan government were already bubbling beneath the surface.

Unsuccessful merger

On this issue, Umno and PAS finally found their voice. That also explains why the public merger negotiation between Zahid and Abdul Hadi Awang on stage did not come to fruition.

Both saw how powerful this tool really was. Zahid must have been elated that Umno could once again lead the narrative of identity politics with PAS following behind.

But Hadi was quick to ignore Zahid’s open invitation for a 'merger' because PAS must have also seen this opportunity as attractive, and wanted to seize it for themselves.

Race has long been a tool ready to ignite and easy to manipulate. Both Umno and PAS saw their political futures return; opposition politics must have now appeared easy.

If further evidence is needed of how easy race can be manipulated, we need look no further than to the ‘beer promoter’ incident.

Edi Rejang must have felt that the beer promoter represented a foreign element antithetical to his beliefs of a 'wholesome' life. Edi was a symptom of dormant resentment; he was self-activated and ready to be activated.

Umno and PAS are ready to play into our worst instincts to regain political relevance.

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Extremism never survives

But I have a feeling that racial extremism will not be sustainable in modern Malaysia.

These are not the empty words of idealism by a 25-year old; instead, they are based on the truth that moderation and peace were the guiding themes of the formation of the country.

In the face of every evidence of extremism, we are always surprised with one race standing up for others.

Against the overt aggression by Edi, it is no coincidence that the vast majority of those who defended the beer promoter were Malay. 

This gives credence to my belief that the core of our humanity detests aggression and animosity, and celebrates tolerance and togetherness regardless of the colour of your skin. In the impending retreat to divisive racial politics, we must remind ourselves of this shared history that confirms the truth of our humanity.

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None of this suggests the road to achieve racial empathy and acceptance is easy.

To be effective defenders of ideals, we must read history and appreciate that the people who are suspicious of other races are not all irrational racists. 

We must engage with empathy to understand the root causes shaping their prejudice and misunderstanding: Is it economic? Is it century-long targeted exclusion? Is it the effects of our colonial legacy? Is it political manipulation? Is it ignorance? Is it experiential validation?

The road ahead is arduous, which is why we cannot afford political expediency or the arrogance of idealism. - James Chai,mk

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Patutlah Tun Hamid sanggup bersusah payah melayan perhimpunan bantah  ICERD tu walaupun dlm keadaan uzur,rupa2nya chief spy si Hasanah yang kena tangkap hari tu adalah anak dia. Eloklah bapak ketua Hakim anak pula Spy. A disgruntled ex chief judge, angry that his daughter, Hasanah Abdul Hamid, (ex MEIO chief spy who helped Najib to cheat, steal n murder) was arrested; doing his best to sow discord.Self interests above all, even if it means destroying our beloved nation with deceitful lies...

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26 November 2018

Laporan audit pun diputaq belit dek Mr.MO1...

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Awang Selamat (Utusan Mal) amat terkejut apabila mendapat berita bahawa Ketua Audit Negara, Dr. Madinah Mohamad telah memaklumkan kepada Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC) bahawa laporan audit 1MDB yang dibentangkan kepada PAC dan Kabinet sebelum ini adalah merupakan satu laporan yang telah dipinda.

Dr. Madinah mendedahkan bahawa laporan asal ini telah beliau terima daripada saudari Nor Salwani, Pengarah Sektor Audit Tadbir Urus selepas beliau mengambil alih jawatan Ketua Audit Negara daripada Ambrin Buang.

Lebih mengejutkan lagi ialah keputusan untuk meminda laporan ini katanya telah dibuat oleh Najib Razak sebagai Perdana Menteri ketika itu dengan turut disokong oleh bekas Ketua Audit Negara, Ambrin Buang, bekas Ketua Setiausaha Negara (KSN), Dr. Ali Hamsa, bekas Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Dzulkifli Ahmad dan bekas Ketua Setiausaha Sulit Kanan Perdana Menteri, Shukri Mohd. Salleh.

Keputusan itu dibuat oleh mereka dalam satu mesyuarat yang diadakan di Pejabat Perdana Menteri. Bagi Awang, sekiranya ia benar-benar berlaku, ini merupakan satu pengkhianatan tertinggi ke atas amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan oleh rakyat dan negara kepada Najib dan para penjawat awam.

Atas tahap integriti yang tebal membuatkan Saadatul Nafisah menyimpan salinan asal penyelewengan 1MDB Najib Razak

Lebih-lebih lagi sebagai penjawat awam yang termaktub dengan sumpah dan janji perkhidmatan, mereka yang terlibat telah mencalar dan menconteng arang kepada imej perkhidmatan awam.

Lebih mengecewakan ialah Ali sebagai Ketua Setiausaha Negara (KSN) yang bertanggungjawab mengepalai kira-kira 1.6 juta penjawat awam di negara ini seharusnya menunjukkan contoh baik dan berintegriti tinggi.

Kita masih ingat apabila Ali dilantik sebagai KSN pada tahun 2012, ramai yang terkejut kerana terdapat beberapa nama pegawai lebih kanan daripada beliau turut disebut-sebut ketika itu.

Sudah tentu beliau dipilih kerana menjadi orang kepercayaan Perdana Menteri dan seharusnya beliau menjadi penasihat yang baik dan telus untuk menjaga dan mengurus tadbir negara ini.

Awang juga kecewa dengan sikap Ambrin Buang sebagai Ketua Audit Negara ketika itu.

Seharusnya Ketua Audit Negara adalah benteng terakhir untuk memastikan bahawa sebarang bentuk salah laku urus tadbir jabatan atau kementerian dalam kerajaan dilaporkan kepada Parlimen yang merupakan institusi tertinggi di dalam negara dan Perdana Menteri yang merupakan ketua eksekutif pentadbiran.

Sikap Ambrin yang membenarkan pindaan itu dilihat sebagai satu dosa amat besar di mata rakyat. Awang berharap beliau akan serta-merta melepaskan jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Siasatan Khas Isu-Isu Tadbir Urus, Perolehan dan Kewangan Negara kerana apa jua alasan, tahap integriti Ambrin dipersoal dan tidak layak memikul tanggungjawab sebesar itu. Baca seterusnya...

Btw, dont U all agree with me that this Awang Selamat  character should  also be chastised for being a hypocrite...while under the old regime he too was licking Jibby's balls...- t/s

Najib juga arah sendiri laporan audit 1MDB dipinda...
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI  

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Sapa makan cili dia rasa pedasnya...

Pemimpin Pas pakat marah dengan ucapan Anwar Ibrahim menyentuh soal Kelompok Serban dan Janggut yang menyokong kleptokrasi.. Walhal Anwar dalam ucapannya tak sebut Pas pun, Anwar juga menyentuh kelompok yang punya deretan Sarjana yang menyokong pemimpin Korup...

Sebelum ni depa perasan wajah Pengganas dalam Polis Evo 2 ditujukan kepada puak mereka dan minta seluruh Ummat Islam bangkit kerana menghina Islam.. Kata Kelompok Ularmak Pas, mereka lupa siapa dulu yang membela Anwar.. adalah kelompok serban..

Ni Aku nak betulkan.. Masa Anwar dizalimi.. Yang membela Anwar dibela pemimpin Pemimpin Pas mempunyai fikrah yang ada dalam Amanah hari ini.. Al-marhum Ustaz Fadzil, TG Nik Aziz, Mat Sabu, Mahfuz, Husam, Salahuddin Ayub antara watak menggerakkan Reformasi..

Kalau takat terbit buku Qazaf nak Popularkan diri sendiri dalam waktu yang sama seorang pendendam kepada Anwar, lepas tu mereka ini perasan besar sangat jasa depa.. berhentilah, Itulah sebahagian Taqiyyah kelompok Khawarij seperti Taqiyyah kelompok ustaz yang meraih hasil di masjid-masjid di Selangor dulu tetapi menyemai kebencian kepada kerajaan PH...

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Kalaulah bersama pemimpin Pas hari ini, dengan bersama mereka mempunyai "tuah".. Hakikatnya "sial" Umno tumbang hari ini di Putrajaya sebab bersama Pas dan Pas sendiri tumbang seluruh Negara kecuali pantai timur yg dibantu kerjasama dgn Umno...

Apakah ketika itu yg menggerak kan reformasi Nama Mokhtar Senik, Tantawi, Azli Taliban, Takiri, Zawawi. Nik Abduh ? Dusuki? Nama ni dulu menyorok kat Rumah.. Besar lagi Jasa Anwar menangkan Terengganu sampai Hadi berpeluang jadi MB Terengganu sepenggal..

Betul lah... Apa yang diceritakan di dalam Polis Evo 2, dan apa yang dsampaikan Anwar memang "real" itulah kelompok Jahat, Ulamat Jahat, Kelompok Takfiri dan Khawarij yg wujud dalam Pas hari ini.. Jadi kami pun tak merasa hairan jika Pas melompat marah.. sebab itulah Hakikatnya. - Ahmad Muslim Badawi Badawi 🙂

Ashamed to be a Malay Muslim Malaysian...

Over the last two weeks, the issue of Icerd had received significant prominence. What appears to be an issue that requires proper legal and intellectual discourse has been hijacked by politicians, leading to the loss of the objectivity of the original issue.

The politicians' propaganda was misleading and had stirred up unnecessary emotions. The facts have been blurred, and the reality is politicians have only one agenda: to create unrest and seize power using race and religious issues.

The facts on Icerd are very clear and are available on the world-wide-web and yet many chose not to read it themselves but rely on the propaganda made by political leaders. The facts show that Malaysia is one of the 14 countries world-wide alongside North Korea, Myanmar and Sudan that did not ratify Icerd. It makes us looks bad to be in the same boat as such countries.

The facts also show that 55 out of 57 Muslim countries agreed to ratify Icerd. Is Islam in Malaysia different from Islam practised worldwide? Why is it that the 55 countries chose to ratify it? Only two Muslim countries chose not to - Malaysia and Brunei. There are 36 countries with constitutional monarchy system that have signed it.

The allegation that Icerd contradicts our Federal Constitution and affects Islam and bumiputera need to be evaluated clinically with proper studies and not on the basis of emotions. Icerd has provisions within its Article 1(4). Article 153 of the Federal Constitution is ingrained in the formation of Malaysia. Something that is ingrained in the constitution cannot be touched. We accept that. It is no different from the American Constitution. Some things cannot be changed.

Quite clearly, the legal process to change it is a long-drawn one that involves parliament. The reality is Article 1(4) of Icerd is no different from Article 153 of the Federal Constitution. While I can accept the differences in views on whether Icerd ratification will have an impact on Article 153, I cannot accept the way this issue is being handled. Using race and religion shows the weakness of us Malays of which I am not proud of.
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I believe many like-minded Malays like me can argue this case professionally in the right forum and decide whether it has an impact on Article 153. I don't need politicians who claim that as Muslims we are for discriminatory policies against people of other religions and races.

There is a big difference in being discriminatory and giving certain handicap to a segment of the society to allow it to catch up or having a law that protect the interest of Malays and Islam. Protecting the interest of Malays and Islam is definitely not the same as creating discriminatory policies against other ethnic groups in Malaysia.

The country is at its critical juncture. I think as responsible Malaysians, if we cannot help the government to improve the nation's financial position and create jobs for the people, we should at least try not to make it worst. Politicians like Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Hadi Awang are hypocrites. They have no issue with keeping silent on corruption. Does Islam allow corruption and stealing? It is because of this (corruption and stealing) that Umno was rejected at the recent general election.

Had Umno been open to internal check and balance and be transparent on matters, BN would still be ruling the country. Had Hadi been clear and follow the true teachings of Islam and not play politics, PAS would have been part of the government today.

Hadi is entirely to be blamed for missing out one of the biggest opportunities for PAS to showcase its capabilities. Now both PAS and Umno continue to play up on race and religion to ensure their survival and the public is too blind to see it. I am ashamed to be a Malay Muslim Malaysian.- Kar 

For Exposing the 1MDB scandal, Mr.Tong,count yourself to be so lucky 
for being alive today and in one piece... 

The Edge Media Group Datuk Tong Kooi Ong has slammed Datuk Seri Najib Razak for feigning ignorance over 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), saying that he had tried to explain the situation but was ignored by the latter. Tong said he was asked by Baling MP Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim to meet Najib after the paper’s reports on 1MDB had made many in Umno uncomfortable.

“I shared with him information that I believed was proof that it was all a scam, with Jho Low at the centre of it. I explained how the accounts were made up to report a profit and why I believed the cash was all gone,” Tong wrote.

“After about half an hour, he relented and told me he would shut down 1MDB. He didn’t say what he was going to do about the debts.

“I then proceeded to tell Najib that Jho Low must be held accountable and be prosecuted. This upset him. He immediately stood up, walked to the door and asked me to leave,” he added.

Tong said the meeting happened at 10.45pm on March 6, 2015 at Najib’s house in Jalan Duta. The meeting was only between the two of them, and Najib had started by telling him that the paper was wrong about 1MDB and no theft has happened there.

Tong also wrote that Najib’s media adviser Paul Stadlen had then met him on several occasions, where the latter had started off trying to persuade him on 1MDB but later moved to threats.

“While The Edge’s reporting was focused on 1MDB and Jho Low, Stadlen made it very clear that any attack on Jho Low was an attack on Najib, and that he was conveying this message from his boss,” he said.

In July 2015, the Home Ministry had later suspended the publishing permits of The Edge Weekly and The Edge Financial Daily. Najib had told Sinar Harian in an interview earlier this week that his relationship with Malaysia’s most wanted man Low Taek Jho was strictly professional and was forged with the country’s economic interests in mind.

The former prime minister also blamed US investment banking goliath Goldman Sachs for failing to safeguard Malaysia’s interests by not alerting his administration of Low’s efforts to defraud the Malaysian investment firm.

''Tong also wrote that Najib’s media adviser Paul Stadlen had then met him on several occasions, where the latter had started off trying to persuade him on 1MDB but later moved to threats.

“While The Edge’s reporting was focused on 1MDB and Jho Low, Stadlen made it very clear that any attack on Jho Low was an attack on Najib, and that he was conveying this message from his boss,” he said.

In July 2015, the Home Ministry had later suspended the publishing permits of The Edge Weekly and The Edge Financial Daily.'' - f/bk

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Gara2 terlebih berpolitik, papantanda pun dijadikan mangsa. ADUN PAS adalah antara Exco kerajaan negeri Selangor yang meluluskan papantanda bertulisan Cina. Bila Pas sudah ditendang keluar oleh rakyat negeri Selangor pada pru14, mereka pula yang lantang menimbulkan isu ini. Matang dan sejahtera sungguh aiih..!! - f/bk

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Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, text

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text