30 April 2012

Rampas kamera dan rakaman wartawan bukan SOP, Hishammuddin dah blur kot...

Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar hari ini menjelaskan bahawa tindakan polis merampas kamera dan rakaman wartawan yang membuat liputan perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 Sabtu lalu bukan sebahagian daripada garis panduan operasi polis (SOP).

Beliau berkata demkian ketika mengulas kenyataan Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein semalam yang menyatakan sebaliknya.

"Saya tak tahu. Saya nak terangkan, kita tidak ada SOP sedemikian. Kita bertindak berdasarkan undang-undang dan saya ingin katakan bahawa polis bertindak secara profesional dalam tangani masalah yang berlaku.

NONE"Saya ingat saya kata beginilah. Kita tidak ada arahan khusus atau khas tentang rampas kamera. Kalau kamera itu ada senjata, lainlah," katanya pada sidang media petang tadi.

Ditanya siapakah yang memberikan arahan untuk mengambil barangan milik wartawan seperti kamera dan kad memori, Ismail sekadar berkata, pihak polis hanya mengikut undang-undang. 

Ismail juga berkata, wartawan perlu dilindungi dalam perhimpunan seperti itu dan pihaknya turut mengambil berat tentang aduan yang telah diberi oleh orang awam, wartawan malah anggota polisnya sendiri.

Katanya, polis bersikap terbuka untuk menyiasat segala tohmahan yang diberikan. Malah, beliau menggesa agar mana-mana pihak yang didakwa dikasari, membuat aduan.

"Tiada siapa yang beri arahan. Seperti yang saya kata, semua ikut kuasa undang-undang. 

Kejadian telah berlaku dan kita akan siasat secara terbuka untuk jaga kepentingan semua orang.

NONE"Kita akan siasat semua laporan polis yang dibuat. Kita akan siasat dengan adil. Keadilan untuk semua. Malah ada juga pegawai polis yang dikasari.

"Ada yang patah gigi, hidung, lengan retak dan kenderaan pasukan telah dimusnahkan. Kita akan siasat," katanya lagi.

Beliau turut ditanya mengenai arahan kepada anggota polis untuk membuat tangkapan di luar kawasan Dataran Merdeka memandangkan pasukan itu hanya diperintahkan untuk berkawal agar peserta tidak memasuki kawasan tersebut.

Ismail menjelaskan, anggotanya bertindak secara proaktif bagi mencegah sebarang kemungkinan yang tidak diingini berlaku.

"Kita bertindak secara proaktif. Takkan nak tunggu rumah terbakar baru nak padam api. Ini adalah tindakan untuk mencegah," katanya lagi.

IGP: Seizing reporters' cameras not police SOP

Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar has clarified that confiscating memory cards and cameras belonging to journalists is not part of the police standard operating procedure (SOP).

This contradicts Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein’s claim that the seizure of journalists’ equipment while covering Saturday’s Bersih 3.0 rally was part of police SOP.

"There is no such thing. We act in accordance with the law," Ismail replied curtly when pressed on the matter at a press conference at the police headquarters at Bukit Aman.
Yesterday, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said that the camera and memory cards belonging to journalists were seized as part of the SOP.

Hishammuddin was cornered on the harsh action by the police on journalists covering the rally and whether it was to "black out" claims of police brutality at the scene.

Although he urged the people not to speculate on the severity of the claims, Hishammuddin commended the police for controlling the situation.

Among the journalists who were roughed up was Radzi Razak, from TheSun, who claimed that he was beaten up by seven or eight police officers, despite displaying his media card.

Chen Shaua Fui, assistant editor of news site Merdeka Review, said four policemen tried to snatch her camera and when she showed her press card, it was thrown aside and she was threatened with arrest if she continued taking pictures.

Camera memory cards seized

Malaysiakini's photojournalist Koh Jun Lin was temporarily detained after taking photographs of police beating up protesters. Koh's camera and memory card were also seized but his camera was returned upon his release.

Arif Kartono, a photographer with The Malay Mail, reported that he was assaulted by six uniformed police personnel and his camera was smashed. His colleague, Ashraf Shamsul Azlan, was also threatened and had his camera memory card seized.

Makkal Osai photographer P. Malayandy also had his camera confiscated and said he was assaulted when he tried photographing police beating up protesters.

Al-Jazeera correspondent Harry Fawcett had said he and the international news network’s cameraperson were shoved, causing their video camera to fall and be smashed, while Channel News Asia videographer Kenny Lew was allegedly punched by police and had his tripod seized.

Huang An Jian, a photographer with Chinese newspaper Guang Ming Daily, was arrested while taking photographs of protesters being arrested and The Malaysian Insider's Lisa J. Ariffin took a hit from a tear gas canister launched at the crowd.

Contrastingly, however, was the statement by Al Hijrah videographer Mohd Azri Mohd Salleh, who said he was by protesters when he tried to protect a policeman.



Anwar: We did not order breach of cordon...

PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim has insisted that neither he nor party deputy president Azmin Ali had issued the order to breach the barbed-wire cordon around Dataran Merdeka on Saturday.

Nevertheless, Anwar said he would "defend the decision", noting that removing a barricade was not an offence.

"Is that now a major crime, to move into Dataran (Merdeka)? But cheating in the election is not?" he posed at a press conference at the party headquarters today.

"Those who came that day had the impression that we were supposed to assemble at Dataran Merdeka. The only area confined was the grass area and they (felt) they should be there.

"But I appealed to the people to move to the right, but they didn't want to listen. Do I then condemn them for that? The issue is whether I defend or condemn them, I choose to defend them,"

Anwar was responding to a barrage of questions relating to a video clip showing him rolling his hands indicating to Azmin, who was in front of the barricade.

However, Anwar insisted he had been indicating to the crowd to back up along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman.

"I was really appealing to them. Who am I to give instructions to the people (to move forward)? I can feel their sentiments, they were enraged - they came there with the solemn promise to go Dataran Merdeka," he said.

dataran breach barricade cordon 290412 police pixAnwar lashed out at critics who have accused him and Azmin of egging the crowd on, to breach the barriers.

Once the cordon was broken, the riot police launched tear gas and chemical-laced water at the protestors.

"The Umno lackeys have no proof, so they do this. Even when I was in prison everything that happened was Anwar's doing," he said.

"What was my decision? It was to move to the right. (But) this is what you call the power of enormity, there was enormous support from people who want change and justice.”

Asked to comment on allegations of violence on the part of the police and the supporters, Anwar called for independent investigations.

Authoritarian response

He also likened the chaos on the day to that seen in nations under dictatorial rule.

"Just like in the time of (Adolf) Hitler, Stalin and the dictatorship in Myanmar previously, the ones who protest are criminals, the oppressors are clean of any allegations," he said.

NONEHitting out at the mainstream media, particularly those linked to BN, he said: "We shall not be intimidated by continuous lies spawned by the state media.

"This is the classic response of authoritarian regimes. Innocent masses, victims of oppression, now deemed as criminals.

"April 28, 2012, shall go down in the nation’s history as Hari Merdeka Rakyat, the people’s independence day. Their message cannot be quashed. A free country cannot be enslaved any more.”

Malaysiakini journalists at various points in the city centre during the rally estimated that 100,000 people took part in the Bersih 3.0 rally.-malaysiakini

Azmin: I didn’t order breaking of barricades

“Dahi mak koyak, ususnya pecah dipijak sekumpulan polis berpakaian preman,”

Anwar: Kami tidak arah rempuh sekatan polis

Ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menegaskan bahawa beliau dan timbalannya Azmin Ali tidak mengeluarkan arahan supaya peserta merempuh pagar kawat duri polis yang dipasang di sekeliling Dataran Merdeka pada Sabtu.

Anwar bagaimanapun berkata, beliau akan mempertahan tindakan mengalihkan sekatan berkenaan yang disifatkannya bukan satu kesalahan.

Dengan sinis, beliau bertanya sekiranya memasuki Dataran merupakan satu kesalahan besar berbanding perbuatan menipu dalam pilihan raya.-malaysiakini

Sementara itu, Timbalan presiden PKR Azmin Ali menafikan dakwaan bahawa beliau berhubung melalui isyarat dengan ketua umumnya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk memecahkan sekatan kawat duri polis di Dataran Merdeka.

Azmin berkata, isyarat berkenaan sebaliknya untuk menunjukkan bahawa beliau mahu berunding dengan polis untuk memberi masa kepada peserta BERSIH 3.0 bersurai.

Katanya beliau melihat Anwar memberi isyarat kepadanya untuk berunding dengan polis dan beliau membalas isyarat berkenaan untuk menyatakan bahawa beliau telah berunding.

Beliau berkata demikian dalam sidang media di ibu pejabat parti itu hari ini.

Bersih 3.0: Laporan media seolah-olah polis betul

Agak mengejutkan apabila laporan yang disiarkan oleh media sama ada media cetak dan media elektronik semalam, 29 April mengandungi berita yang menghala ke satu tujuan iaitu meletakkan segala kesalahan kepada peserta Bersih 3.0 dan memberikan liputan yang positif kepada pihak polis.

Presiden Intelek Malaysia, Khairul Faizi Ahmad Kamil berkata, laporan itu seolah-olahnya semua tindakan yang dilakukan oleh polis adalah betul dan tepat.

Katanya, laporan yang berat sebelah dibuat oleh media sudah tentu akan membina satu persepsi buruk terhadap Bersih 3.0 sedangkan realitinya himpunan yang aman itu bertukar menjadi ganas, kacau-bilau dan huru-hara akibat gangguan dan halangan yang dilakukan oleh pihak polis secara langsung dan tidak langsung.

Menurutnya, sebagai sebuah negara yang mengiktiraf demokrasi yang memberikan keadilan dan hak kepada semua rakyat perlu memberikan ruang kepada rakyat untuk berhimpun di ibu negara.

Ini, ujarnya kerana himpunan yang dilakukan itu bukan himpunan tanpa tujuan tetapi bagi menuntut sistem yang adil dalam PRU yang amat dipertikaikan pada masa ini kerana PRU adalah merupakan ruang untuk rakyat memilih sebuah pemerintahan yang mereka inginkan.

“Laporan media jelas begitu berat sebelah. Sebagai contohnya, laporan berita TV3 menyatakan bahawa terdapat pegawai polis yang cedera sedangkan kecederaan yang dialami oleh peserta Bersih jauh lebih ramai dan jauh lebih teruk kecederaannya.

“Kenapa kecederaan peserta Bersih tidak mahu dilaporkan, adakah kerana sememangnya maklumat itu tidak diterima ataupun sengaja mahu disorokkan?” tanya beliau dalam satu kenyataan.

Sebab itu, kata beliau persoalan tentang integriti media massa bukanlah sekadar persoalan yang bersifat teoritikal, sebaliknya merupakan persoalan pengaplikasian yang praktikal bukan sekadar slogan sahaja.

Tambahnya, laporan yang tiada integriti ataupun tiada kejujuran akan menyebabkan sama ada rakyat akan membenci Bersih 3.0 ataupun rakyat akan membenci media massa arus perdana yang berterusan melaporkan berita yang tidak telus dan menyebelahi pemerintah dan konco-konconya.

“Media massa sepatutnya bebas untuk memberikan laporan yang adil kepada semua berita, bukan hanya yang positif untuk pemerintah sahaja tetapi perlu juga berita yang dapat membandingkan apa yang berlaku,” katanya lagi.

Beliau menambah, apabila media terkongkong maka ia memberikan kesan kepada pembaca yang berterusan dikongkong seperti pemikiran katak di bawah tempurung.

“Akhirnya, pembaca akan bertindak satu hala yang bersesuaian dengan pemerintah,” ujarnya.

Maka, jelasnya tidaklah menghairankan mengapa Bersih bersungguh-sungguh mahu agar media massa melaksanakan tugas dengan bebas dan adil dalam salah satu tuntutan yang telah dikemukakan sebelum ini.-harakahdaily


Berita BBC pun gomen censor...

Ada babak awal dimana seorang pemuda menceritakan kejadiaan sebenar kepada wartawan BBC telah dipadamkan, kenapa babak yg dianggap penting dalam penyiaran berita itu dipadamkan, jawapannya mudah, supaya rakyat yang tidak faham dan tidak pergi tidak tahu cerita sebenar, melainkan dapat informasi yang dikawal pemerintah.

Kemudian babak dimana seorang tua memberi penerangan mengapa beliau datang turut serta dalam himpunan tersebut juga dipadamkan, mengapa penjelasan mengapa himpunan tersebut telah diadakan dipadamkan?, kerana jika ia disiarkan, mungkin sebelum pilihanraya najib dan kuncu-kuncunya akan kalah dulu sebelum bertanding.

Dalam babak ketiga yang dipadamkan, ditayangkan bagaimana peserta himpunan menjadi marah dan membaling kenderaan FRU dengan "botol mineral water" tetapi babk dimana FRU menyembur peserta dengan air kimia telah disembunyikan, ia cubaan menyembunyikan kekejaman FRU yang mengikut arahan "orang atasan"

Jadi anda sudah saksikan 2 versi video yang berbeza dari versi rakaman yang sama, dan ketahuilah semua media yang dipunyai oleh UMNO tidak akan menyiarkan berita yang boleh membuat rakyat yang tidak tahu apa-apa faham mengapa rakyat turun ke Himpunan BERSIH 3.0,

Jangan marahi mereka, taPi kasihani lah mereka, sila sebar link artikel ini untuk beri sedikit kefahaman buat mereka bahawa MEDIA NEGARA INI TIDAK BEBAS, MINDA RAKYAT YANG TIDAK FAHAM TUNTUTAN BERSIH INI MASIH DIJAJAH.  -by TL,kedahkini

The morning after - sympathy and stridency

There you have it: Within a day of perhaps the biggest political demonstration ever held in Kuala Lumpur, the three horsemen of the government's early response system have spoken - two opting for sedation and one for stridency.

radzi razak najib 290412Press reports capture Prime Minister Najib Razak, on a sympathy visit to the injured, leaning close to a recovering journalist to whisper a variation of what he must have told Teoh Beng Hock's family when he empathised with them after the tragedy of the young DAP aide's death three years ago.

His cousin, the home minister who possesses a disconcerting ability to mix bizarre logic with bromides, joined in the tranquilising mission.

But Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin stayed true to his right-wing image, taking a strident stance towards all and sundry.

He squarely blamed Ambiga Sreenevasan, the Bersih co-chair, for the violent incidents that marred the tail-end of the demonstration on Saturday, and generally took an expansive view of the responsibility he would otherwise reject if, by extension, it were suggested that the onus for the catastrophic national cattle-breeding project is his because he held the watch at the Agricultural Ministry when the scheme was approved.

Playing the blame game to the hilt

However, it was not just two parts sympathy and one part stridency that summed up the government's initial response.

NONESaifuddin Abdullah, for some time now almost alone among the Umno leadership cohort in willingness to engage with the issues, could not play the ostrich against the salience of Bersih 3.0.

"BN must be very careful in addressing this," counseled the deputy higher education minister yesterday, obviously unable to avert his gaze from the magnitude of the Bersih crowds.

However, Saifuddin has not been known to take the unconventional thinking he occasionally squirts beyond a certain point.

Though he appears to possess a willingness to engage with issues impliedly raised by the size, multiracial diversity and relative youth of the throngs at the Bersih 3.0 protest, an innate caution tempers his spirit.

It is a safe bet, then, that the government will play the blame game to the hilt, rounding-in on responsibility for the skirmishes between protesters and police that occurred at the end of last Saturday's protest.

Bersih will be blamed and Ambiga will be made the scapegoat because her stature as a former Bar Council chief and her gender have helped to engender that other striking feature of the Bersih crowds: the high prevalence of women.

Sheer size of the protest

The crowds' multiracial diversity, its youth and its high female composition, not to mention the overall magnitude of the throng, in combination, made the third edition of Bersih's now five-year push for electoral reform a spectacle on the scale of the packed amphitheater from Roman times.

In other words, Bersih 3.0 was not just an escalation in the physical scale of its predecessors, Bersih 2.0 in July 2011 and Bersih 1.0 in November 2007, it was an agglomeration of the streams of discontent that have been welling up over a long time in the Malaysian body politic.

NONEFaced with the protest public theatre of this scale, a government that tetchily focuses on incidents that were sporadic rather than characteristic of the occasion is one that is out to evade rather than grapple with the underlying issues.

When you configure into the Kuala Lumpur spectacle of Bersih 3.0 the simultaneous organisation of protest gatherings in several cities in the country and in the rest of the world where Malaysians are domiciled, and consider the peaceful conduct of all the protests bar one (and that too at its fag end), it is stupefying to play the blame game over responsibility for the violence of a straggling few.

But that seems the intent of the deputy prime minister who if he persists with the blame card will only transform the public relations disaster for the government that Bersih 2.0 was last July into the catastrophe that Bersih 3.0 has still the potential to be.

A government that only wants to treat with the symptoms of the multiple problems it faces and not with its underlying causes is one that is dangerously exhibiting a sleepwalker's insulation from reality.

It is not a helpful attitude at any time, least of all when an election impends.- Terence Netto

Aussie Senator teargassed in M'sia, Anwar's daughter chased into mosque

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon has had teargas fired in his direction during a demonstration for electoral reforms in central Kuala Lumpur.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators swamped the Malaysian capital on Saturday to demand the reforms, ahead of national polls expected soon.

Aussie Senator teargassed in M'sia, Anwar's daughter chased into mosqueSenator Xenophon(left), who is in Kuala Lumpur on an international fact-finding mission on election processes in Malaysia, was among the crowds when police fired teargas and chemical-laced water at demonstrators.

Until then it had been a peaceful rally that had included chanting and a speech by Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, Senator Xenophon told AAP by telephone.

"The police have just let off canister after canister of teargas," he said soon after the demonstration was broken up.

"People have been injured. People are fainting."

Anwar's daughter

Those targeted included the opposition leader's daughter, Iman Anwar, 22.

She believes police who recognised her deliberately fired a canister in her direction.

Accompanied by one of her father's bodyguards, she ran to a nearby mosque to seek shelter.

"But they were still shooting at us, so we decided to walk in another direction," she said.

The demonstrators had defied a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.

"This is a country that the Australian government is happy to do refugee swaps with," Senator Xenophon said.

"It raises serious questions over how authoritarian it is."-malaysian chronicle


29 April 2012

Lawyer says he was whacked by police...

haijan omar 290412
A lawyer who served as an observer at the Bersih 3.0 protest yesterday said he was attacked by police officers who continued beating him after he had been detained.

Mohd Haijan Omar, who was observing the protest on behalf of Lawyers for Liberty, was on his way to the parking lot in front of Reggae Mansion Hostel at Jalan Tun HS Lee when he saw several police officers pursuing fleeing protesters at around 7pm.

“I saw the police chasing the protesters. I was just standing there, I didn’t know whether to go to the left or right because it was just chaos in front of my eyes.

“Then they said something to me, and I replied, ‘Pardon me?’ and then they just started to charge at me, I was caught off-guard,” he said.

Mohd Haijan was clad in a yellow T-shirt with a white shirt on the outside during the protest.

However, he had removed the outer layer of his outfit as he was going home, and speculated that this may have been a possible reason why he was beaten up.

“They (two officers) started to whack me even after I told them I was a lawyer. Then another three officers came and they whacked me even after they had subdued me,” he said.

When he was being taken to Dataran Merdeka where all the detainees were being held, two more officers hit him again.

“I asked whether I was arrested but they didn’t say anything,” he said.

As a result, Mohd Haijan said he suffered a cut on the side of his left eye and a swelling at his jaw, on top of bruises throughout his body.

He was later taken to the Police Training Centre (Pulapol) at Jalan Semarak to be processed.

“Pulapol was totally a different world, there they serve you food and you wait for your number to be called,” he said.

Mohd Haijan has since lodged a police report yesterday over the incident.

Student activist's mum hospitalised

Meanwhile, Independent Student Activists Group (Kami) deputy president Khalid Ismath’s mother, Faridah Abdul, was hospitalised after being allegedly being stomped on during the protest yesterday.

NONEWhen contacted, Khalid said he was leading student activists at Dataran DBKL at the front of the group, while his 50-year-old mother was located in the middle.

“When police fired tear gas... she became short of breath and she fell, her head hit a rock.

“After she fell, police chased protesters and many people knocked into her, then the police came and stomped on her, my mother lost consciousness and only awakened last night,” he said.

This, Khalid added, was conveyed to him by eyewitnesses who were near his mother during the chaos.

She was admitted into Hospital Kuala Lumpur at 4pm, added Khalid, and police said Faridah may have suffered intestinal rupture.

“My mother is still weak and cannot move. She can only lie on the bed, her speech is also slow and she is still suffering a headache,” he said.

Khalid added that the family is awaiting scans of Faridah’s intestine. If a rupture is confirmed, surgery will be necessary.-malaysiakini

Punched, slapped, kicked...

Most of the protesters at the Bersih 3.0 rally yesterday were allegedly beaten when they were at the Masjid Jamek area.

Many of them claimed the police carried no name tags or identification numbers on their uniforms when they launched their attacks at about 6pm. The assault lasted for three hours.

Some of the protesters related their ordeal to Bersih at a press conference at a restaurant near the Chinese Assembly Hall here today.

Protester Adrian Low (picture above), 38, said he was repeatedly stomped on his back even after he was detained. His back still carries the footprints of the police boots.

“I was at the side walk of the road, texting to a friend who had gone missing when about 10 police officers charged at me. I was wearing the yellow Bersih T-shirt.

“The officers kicked and punched me in the eye, head, neck,” he said.

“Then I was taken to Dataran Merdeka [which had been turned into a temporary detention centre]. There they continued to assault me.

“They just came and punched me continuously even after I was detained,” he said.

Beaten several minutes

Another protester, Nurul Amani Faizal (picture right), 28, said that 10 male police officers charged at her and beat her.

“They had just fired a tear gas at Masjid Jamek so my friends and I ran in the opposite direction. I wasn’t wearing the Bersih T-shirt but I was a rally participant. They caught hold of me and beat me.

“Then one officer slapped me and asked a female officer to arrest me,” she said, adding that she sustained injuries in her lower back.

Mohamad Fazwan Yusoff (picture below left), 23, who sustained bruises to his face and left eye, said that he was about to leave Masjid Jamek when the police dragged him and assaulted him.

“My friends and I saw the police step on a lady so we went to help her. Suddenly, a group of policemen appeared and attacked us too.

“I don’t remember how many charged at me but I was beaten for several minutes and they didn’t stop even in the police truck.

“They just continued their assault,” he said.

Daniel Lee (picture,right), 39, who was in his Himpunan Hijau green T-shirt, said that he was assaulted for taking pictures of the policemen beating the protesters.

“I wanted to go back to Kelana Jaya. I was at Masjid Jamek station when I saw some policemen assaulting someone so I took a video. They then surrounded me.

“They didn’t take my camera but they punched and kicked me and I needed five stitches behind my ear,” he said, showing his blood-stained green shirt.

Photographic evidence

Bersih steering committee member, Wong Chin Huat, who was arrested himself, said that it was not unusual for the police to continue their insults and assaults even after the protesters were detained.

“They only stopped beating me when I fell to the ground; even then, they continued to shout racial insults in the trucks,” he said.

He also said that Bersih heard of policemen who were dressed in yellow Bersih T-shirts while videographing the detainees in the police trucks and detention centres.
Bersih co-chairman, S Ambiga, called for a full inquiry into the protest to identify “those who created the problem”.

“There is too many photographic evidence. When the dust settles, the truth will emerge,” she said.

The peaceful assembly turned violent at about 3pm when some protesters breached the barricade which cordoned off Dataran Merdeka.

Tear gas and water cannons were fired to disperse the 80,000-strong crowd. The police and protesters clashed for about four hours before police regained control of the city.
As of last night, police said that 388 arrests were made.

However, Bersih steering committee member, Maria Chin Abdullah, said that the police told PKR vice -president Tian Chua (who was also arrested) that 460 arrests were made.

“He was released at 5am this morning and the police conveyed the information [of the arrests] to him,” she said.-FMT

71-year-old woman claims she was punched by police

Female reporter 'grabbed' by four male cops at rally

Don't deflect from electoral reform issue, gov't told

Bersih rally shows angry and divided nation, says Umno deputy minister

Peguam dakwa dibalun polis...

Seorang peguam yang bertindak sebagai pemerhati dalam perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 semalam mendakwa diserang anggota polis yang bertindak memukul dirinya walaupun selepas ditahan.

Mohd Haijan Omar berkata beliau dalam perjalanan ke Reggae Mansion Hostel di Jalan Tun HS Lee ketika beliau melihat beberapa orang polis sedang mengejar peserta perhimpunan dalam kejadian pada sekitar jam 7 petang.

haijan omar 290412Ketika kejadian itu, Mohd Haijan berkata beliau ditegur oleh seorang anggota polis berkenaan dan kemudiannya meminta anggota berkenaan mengulangi perkara tersebut.

Beliau kemudiannya terkejut apabila anggota polis itu bertindak mengejar dirnya.

Mohd Haijan berkata beliau memakai baju berwarna kuning dan selapis baju berwarna putih ketika perhimpunan itu berlangsung.

Bagaimanapun, beliau membuka helaian baju putih kerana beliau telahpun dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah dan perkara itu mungkin menyebabkan beliau dipukul polis, katanya.

Peguam yang bertindak untuk Lawyers for Liberty itu menambah, dua anggota polis tersebut terus memukulnya walau selepas menyatakan bahawa beliau seorang peguam.

Kemudian, tiga orang anggota polis lagi tiba dan memukul dirinya walau selepas beliau ditahan, katanya.

Mohd Haijan berkata beliau turut dipukul dua lagi anggota polis ketika dibawa ke Dataran Merdeka selepas itu.

Katanya beliau telah bertanya sebab penahanan beliau namun tidak mendapat jawapan.

Katanya lagi, beliau kini mengalami luka di bahagian bahawa mata kirinya, bengkak di rahang dan juga lebam di bagian lain badannya.-malaysiakini

Hishammuddin Tun Husein cakap polis bersikap cukup profesional...

Click on 'sumber youtube' to view its corresponding video clip on YouTube

Bersih 3.0 - Police acted professionally 

Lelaki ini kejap jadi peserta, kejap jadi polis...

Gambar bawah kiri: Lelaki ini sedang menerajang motosikal polis.

Gambar bawah: lelaki ini juga yang menangkap peserta BERSIH.

Sedikit demi sedikit bukti penyamaran polis terdedah. Sesiapa yang mengenali polis ini, sila dedahkan namanya, akaun facebooknya (jika ada) dan berkhidmat di IPD mana. 

Dan yang paling penting, bantuan diperlukan untuk mendedahkan gambar lelaki tidak siuman yang menaiki bumbung kereta polis dan menghentaknya. 

Jika Datuk Zaharin dari UMNO Bandar Tun Razak maklumkan hampir 2 ribu polis yang menyamar menjadi peserta Bersih untuk menimbulkan huru hara dan provokasi, maka tidak pelik kalau lelaki tidak siuman yang menaiki kereta polis dan menghentaknya juga seorang polis!-kafesantai.blogspot  

POLIS MERUSUH- provokasi polis kantoi,,, beliau memakai getah kuning, penanda bagi setiap Polis berpakaian preman (SB)

Kenapa Najib pula minta maaf,bukan kerja KPN & Hishammuddin


Salah Anwar lagi...

Gambar kerosakan ke atas sebuah kenderaan polis menjadi hiasan utama akhbar hari ini yang turut menyalahkan pemimpin PKR atas perhimpunan aman BERSIH 3.0 semalam yang berakhir sebaliknya.

Akhbar Mingguan Malaysia dan Sunday Star melaporkan, ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan timbalan presiden Azmin Ali melakukan melakukan provokasi supaya peserta berkenaan melanggar perintah ahkamah dan memasuki kawasan Dataran Merdeka.

Laporan berkenaan memetik ucapan Anwar yang menggesa peserta berkenaan supaya "mara ke Dataran walau apa pun" dan Azmin juga dilaporkan menyeru peserta berkenaan supaya "masuk ke Dataran Merdeka walau apa juga keadaan yang berlaku."

Laporan Sunday Star menyebut, keadaan menjadi tidak terkawal selepas ucapan berkenaan, walau pengerusi bersama BERSIH, Datuk S Ambiga dalam ucapan sebelumnya meminta peserta supaya bersurai.

Sekumpulan besar peserta berkenaan kemudiannya melanggar sekatan polis dan bergerak menuju ke Dataran Merdeka sejurus ketibaan Anwar ke kawasan perhimpunan di Jalan Raja itu, lapor akhbar itu lagi.

Akhbar Mingguan Malaysia turut melaporkan bahawa akbar tersebut difahamkan bahawa ahli PAS diberi amanat untuk menawan Dataran walau apa cara sekalipun.

Laporan akhbar arus perdana hari ini juga memberi fokus utama ke atas insiden keganasan yang berlaku selepas jam 3 petang dengan foto berhubung kerosakan harta, sampah sarap dan juga tindakan peserta berpakaian kuning yang didakwa membaling objek dan merosakkan kenderaan polis.

NONELaporan itu termasuk insiden di Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman melibatkan kenderaan polis yang melanggar dua orang peserta dan menyebabkan kumpulan peserta berkenaan memukul seorang anggota polis di dalam kenderaan tersebut.

Satu video daripada saksi bagaimanapun menunjukkan seorang peserta berkenaan cuba menyelamatkan anggota polis berkenaan daripada terus diserang, selain memberi perlindungan kepada seorang lagi pegawai polis.

Akhbar berkenaan turut melaporkan bahawa peserta demostrasi berkenaan marah dan bertindak menterbalikkan kereta polis tersebut.

Bagaimanapun, rakaman video peserta perhimpunan menunjukkan bahawa peserta berkenaan mengangkan kenderaan itu daripada satu sisi kerana menyangka seorang peserta terperangkap di bawah kereta tersebut.

Berita Minggu melaporkan bahawa 11 anggota polis mengalami kecederaan dipercayai akibat serangan peserta perhimpunan.

NONEBagaimanapun, laporan yang menyebut mengenai serangan polis ke atas peserta perhimpunan dan juga tindakan menghalang wartawan daripada merakam insiden berkenaan tidak dilaporkan.

Seorang jurukamera Al Hijrah Mohd Azri Mohd Salle, yang cuba mempertahankan anggota polis dalam insiden di Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahamn, mendapat liputan meluas media berkenaan.

Mingguan Malaysia juga menyiarkan foto seorang jurugambar Malay Mail, Muhamad Arif Kartono, dengan tajuk "petugas media turut jadi mangsa penyokong BERSIH."

Akhbar berkenaan melaporkan demikian walau pengarang Malay Mail, Terence Fernandez semalam mengesahkan bahawa Muhamad Arif tidak diserang peserta perhimpunan tetapi sebaliknya oleh beberapa pegawai polis beruniform yang turut merosakkan kameranya.

Sementara itu, Sunday Star melaporkan bahawa Hospilta Kuala Lumpur mengesahkan bahawa seorang lelaki 65 tahun meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung pada kira-kira jam 11 pagi dalam kejadian di Jalan Petaling.

Laporan itu juga menyebut, serama 65 orang termasuk dua anggota polis menerima rawatan di hospital tersebut.- malaysiakini

Govt. media blames Anwar for 'instigating' chaos

Photographs of a damaged police car in yesterday’s clashes filled the front pages of the Sunday papers, with at least two major dailies fingering PKR leaders for the violent end to a mostly peaceful Bersih 3.0 rally.

NONEMalay daily Mingguan Malaysia and English newspaper Sunday Star said PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and deputy president Azmin Ali had both “instigated” the crowd to breach the court order stopping protesters from entering Dataran Merdeka.

According to the Sunday Star, Anwar (left in photo) had in his speech at Masjid Negara told protesters to “proceed to Dataran, whatever happens”, but said it was Azmin’s speech that changed the mood.

“It is believed that the crowd became unruly after a speech by PKR deputy president Azmin Ali who asked the demonstrators ‘if you want to occupy Dataran Merdeka’.

“His question was met with cries of “hancur rempuh, buka pagar” (crash and destroy, open the fates,” the Sunday Star reported, adding that this happened after Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan had called for a dispersal.

“As Anwar reached Jalan Raja, and was about to address the crowd, a large group breached the barricades and rushed towards the square.”

Mingguan Malaysia also reported that it had information that PAS had briefed its members attending the protest that “Dataran must be ‘taken’ at any cost.”

Car crash takes centre stage

The mainstream newspapers’ coverage of the event focused mostly on the violence which occurred after 3pm, with only the Sunday Star reporting on the carnival atmosphere starting from about 9am.

Most of the photographs published were either of damaged property, debris or of yellow-clad protesters hurling objects purportedly at the police and damaging police vehicles

NONEThese include the incident at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, where a police car crashed into two protesters, which resulted in protesters beating up an officer who was in the car.

An eyewitness video, however, also show other protesters saving the officer from further assault and protecting another officer from being hit.

The dailies also report that the angry protesters overturned the police car in retaliation, but the video records protesters lifting the car to its side thinking that there was someone trapped underneath.

Berita Minggu reported that 11 police personnel were injured, suffering swollen eyes, cut lips, fractured bones and receiving stitches, believed to be due to assault by protesters.

However, there was little mention of police assault on protesters and how press photographers were stopped from capturing such incidents.

Al Hijrah videographer Mohd Azri Mohd Salleh, who was trampled and hit by protesters when he tried to protect the officer whose had crashed his car into protesters, was featured in several papers.

Mingguan Malaysia had also featured a bloody photopraph of Malay Mail photographer Muhamad Arif Kartono, with the headline ‘Media personnel too become Bersih supporters’ victims’.

Malay Mail editor Terence Fernandez yesterday confirmed that Muhamad Arif was not assaulted by protesters but by several uniformed police personnel, and his camera was smashed.

Man dies of heart attack

Meanwhile Sunday Star reported that Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) had confirmed that a 65-year-old man who was involved in the protest died of a heart attack at about 11am at Petaling Street.

HKL said 65 others, including two police officers, were brought in for treatment either by ambulance or friends.

The police officers had broken teeth and diabetes respectively, while the rest were treated for “trauma created injuries”.

The New Sunday Times, which front-paged the rally with the headline ‘Day of Shame’, also reported that DAP vice-chairperson Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim, who opposed the Bersih 3.0 demonstration being held at Dataran, was “appalled” by the outcome.

“The temptation to say I told you so is compelling but I shall refrain from gloating over it,” he was quoted as saying.-malaysiakini

Kenapa Mereka Tidak Memakai Baju BERSIH? Kenapa Mereka Nampak Teruja Sangat Memecahkan Sekatan Polis? Siapa Kenal Mereka2 Ini??

Bagaimana kereta peronda polis diterbalik

Pemandu Kereta Polis SOGO Pakai Helmet dan Seluar Pendek?

Anda Kenal SB? Adakah SB Polis Yang Memulakan Provokasi?


Hishamuddin cakap,Polis Malaysia cukup profesional...

Polis telah menjalankan tugas secara profesional dalam menangani perhimpunan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) disokong pembangkang yang bertukar menjadi luar kawalan di sekitar Dataran Merdeka di sini hari ini.

Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein berkata, beliau berasa kagum dan bangga dengan polis yang tidak mudah melatah dengan provokasi yang dilakukan kira-kira 20,000 peserta perhimpunan itu.

"Saya sedih dengan apa yang berlaku hari ini, penganjur menjanjikan perhimpunan aman sebaliknya bertukar menjadi tidak terkawal walaupun kerajaan sedaya upaya memberi kebenaran untuk rakyat berkumpul secara aman di tempat yang
disyorkan. Baca di sini.

Saksikanlah video2 berikut yang menunjukkan betapa professional polis kita....

My Bersih 3.0 Experience: Behind the Barbed-Wire Barricades

Utusan: Tali Hayat Yang Bakal Putus

Who provoked the violence?

Police violence at Bersih planned and co-ordinated?

Kenapa Kereta Polis diterbalik? penjelasan dari saksi tempat kejadian..

Menilai Siapa Yang Kejam
