29 April 2017

Kalu solo, PAS akan hilang separuh dari kerusi...

Bagi memahami bagaimana sukarnya untuk PAS mengulangi prestasi cemerlangnya di Selangor pada Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) ke-13 jika ia berjuang sendirian, Sri Serdang menjadi contoh terbaik.

Pada 2008, Mohamad Satim Diman daripada Barisan Nasional (BN) menewaskan calon PAS, Ahamad Idzham Ahmad sebanyak 45 undi di kawasan hampir 50,000 pengundi.

Lima tahun kemudian, ia keadaan sebaliknya berlaku apabila pendatang baru PAS Noor Hanim Ismail memenangi kerusi itu dengan majoriti 16,251. Sri Serdang adalah kerusi campuran – 46% Melayu, 36% Cina dan 16% India.

Jika PAS meneruskan rancangannya bertanding pada PRU14 sendirian, orang bukan Melayu, yang menyokong parti itu kerana ia sebahagian daripada Pakatan Rakyat, pasti akan meninggalkan parti Islam itu.

Sri Serdang dan sebahagian besar kerusi lain di negeri paling kaya di Malaysia akan hilang.

Penganalisis politik dan peninjau pendapat awam berkata jika PAS bertanding pada pilihan raya akan datang di bawah panji-panjinya sendiri dan terdapat lebih banyak pertandingan tiga penjuru, PAS akan menjadi pihak paling rugi.

Dr Prof Mohammad Redzuan Othman berkata, aritmetik mudah menunjukkan PAS akan mengalami lebih banyak kekalahan jika mereka meninggalkan pakatan pembangkang di Selangor pada pilihan raya akan datang.

"Di atas kertas, dengan sentimen anti-BN masih kuat di Selangor, yang PAS pembangkang tolak masih perlu diguna pakai.

"Pembangkang hanya akan memperoleh majoriti lebih kecil dalam kerajaan. Saya menjangkakan DAP dan PKR mengekalkan 14 kerusi mereka tetapi PAS akan mengalami penurunan kepada separuh.

"Jika terdapat perlawanan 3 penjuru, penyumbang terbesar adalah BN dengan kira-kira 20 kerusi. Tetapi pembangkang masih akan dapat mempertahankan Selangor," kata timbalan pengerusi Institut Darul Ehsan itu.

Redzuan berkata PAS akan berisiko di kerusi campuran jika ia meninggalkan pakatan pembangkang.

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Kelemahan PAS

Daripada 13 kerusi yang dipegang PAS di Selangor, hanya dua "majoriti kuat Melayu". Selebihnya terdiri tiga majoriti Melayu, tujuh "majoriti lemah Melayu " dan satu kerusi campuran.

Pakar sains politik dan Felo Institut Pulau Pinang Dr Wong Chin Huat mentakrifkan kerusi kuat Melayu sebagai kawasan pengundi Melayu lebih daripada 66% manakala lemah adalah lebih sedikit daripada 50%.

"Jika ada majoriti etnik yang kuat dalam mana-mana satu kerusi, terdapat kecenderungan undi terbahagi dua di antara BN dan pembangkang. Ia memberi peluang kepada minoriti menentukan siapa yang akan memenangi kerusi itu,” kata Wong.

"Jika PAS tidak bersama pembangkang dalam PRU14, kaum lain mempunyai sebab yang sangat sedikit untuk menyokong mereka. Ia menjadi sesuatu yang sukar untuk menangani kehilangan undi bukan Melayu," kata Wong kepada The Malaysian Insight.

Jadi mengapa PAS meneruskan pendirian tentang memutuskan hubungan dengan PKR, terutama di Selangor di mana kerajaan dan exco negeri memberinya akses kepada sumber, mengawal masjid dan membiayai program sendiri?

Kerana empat tahun selepas prestasi baik di Selangor, ternyata pemimpin parti terlupa rekod mereka dahulu – sewaktu menentang kekuatan BN sendirian. - themalaysianinsight

PAS will lose half their seats 
if they fight alone in Selangor...

To understand how difficult it will be for PAS to replicate their sterling performance in Selangor in the 13th general election if they go it alone, just take a drive to the Sri Serdang constituency.

In 2008, Barisan Nasional's Mohamad Satim Diman defeated PAS's Ahamad Idzham Ahmad by 45 votes in the almost 50,000 voter constituency.

Five years on, the tables were turned when PAS newcomer Noor Hanim Ismail won the seat by a 16,251 majority. S‎ri Serdang was a mixed seat – 46% Malay, 36% Chinese and 16% Indian.

If PAS go ahead with its plan to contest GE14 on its own, the non-Malays, who supported the party because it was part of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition, will most certainly desert the Islamic party.

Sri Serdang and a slew of other seats in Malaysia's richest state will be lost. Political analysts and pollsters say that if PAS contest GE14 under their own banner and there were more three-cornered fights, PAS would end up the biggest losers.‎

‎Dr Prof Mohammad Redzuan Othman ‎said ‎that simple arithmetic shows that PAS have more to lose if they abandon the opposition pact in Selangor in the next elections.

“On paper, with the anti-BN sentiments still strong in Selangor, an opposition minus PAS should still prevail.

“The opposition will just have a smaller majority in government. I expect DAP and PKR to keep their 14 seats but PAS will suffer a drop in half.

"And if there are three-cornered fights, the biggest benefactors will be BN with about 20 seats. But the opposition should still be able to keep Selangor,” said the Institute Darul Ehsan deputy chairman.

Redzuan said PAS will be particularly vulnerable in the mixed seats if they leave the opposition pact.

PAS’ vulnerability

Of the 13 seats that PAS currently hold in Selangor, only two are “strong Malay-majority” seats. The rest consists of three Malay-majorities, seven “weak Malay-majorities” and one mixed seat.‎

Political scientist and Penang Institute fellow Dr Wong Chin Huat defines strong-Malay seats as constituencies with more than 66% Malay voters while the weak ones as those marginally above 50%.

“If there is a strong ethnic majority in any one seat, there is a tendency for the votes to be split down the middle between BN and the opposition there. This leaves the minority the chance to decide who will win the seat,” said Wong.

“If PAS is not with the opposition during GE14, the other races have very little reason to back them. They will be hard pressed to make up for the loss of non-Malay votes,” Wong told The Malaysian Insight.

So why would PAS persist with all this posturing about breaking ties with PKR, especially in Selangor, where their position in the state government and state excos has given the Islamic party access to resources, control over mosques and funding for their own programmes?

Because four years after its best performance in Selangor, it appears that party leaders have forgotten their track record in the old days – when they went up against the might of BN alone. - Chan Kok Leong, themalaysianinsight

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18 dilaporkan cedera...

Betoi kata PAS orang yang angkuh Allah bayaq tunai...

Masalah 1MDB belum selesai,
penyelesaian atas kertas saja...

Pihak berkuasa Abu Dhabi saman kerana 1MDB tidak bayar balik hutang.

Di bawah penyelesaian itu, 1MDB melalui kerajaan Malaysia akan bayar kerajaan Abu Dhabi AS$2.5 bilion (kira-kira RM11.25 bilion pada kadar tukaran hari ini) bagi melupuskan sebahagian hutang 1MDB.

Menurut laporan media antarabangsa, kedua-dua buah negara juga bersetuju untuk tidak menggunakan saluran undang-undang sebelum Disember 2020 dalam merundingkan pertikaian mengenai AS$3.5 bilion (kira-kira RM15.75 bilion) lagi hutang yang bersangkut-paut dengan dua bon lain yang dikeluarkan oleh 1MDB.

Penyelesaian itu digambarkan sebagai baik. Tapi apalah baiknya kena bayar balik hutang bilion ringgit dan pada masa yang sama berbilion hilang dalam kecurian.

Selesai atau tidak, beban hutang 1MDB tetap terpikul di atas bahu rakyat jelata dan pembayar cukai. Ini adalah kerana semua hutang dan tanggungan 1MDB telah dipindahkan kepada Kementerian Kewangan.

Bagi orang politik, terbabit dalam berita baik memberikan mereka keuntungan politik dan bagi ahli perniagaan, berita baik mungkin menyebabkan harga saham mereka naik.

Jadi adalah kebiasaan bagi mereka tumpang sekaki. Kalau boleh mereka akan mengaku terlibat membawa perkhabaran baik itu. Paling-paling busuk pun mereka akan  mengalu-alukannya.

Menteri Sendiri Tak Percaya

Tapi apabila Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Johari Abdul Ghani, sendiri menafikan penglibatan dengan “penyelesaian” itu, jelaslah ia bukan penyelesaian sebenar atau meyakinkan apatah lagi menguntungkan negara.

Kalau ia penyelesaian sebenar dan diyakini, orang politik macam Johari tentulah akan cuba tumpang sekaki.

Sebaliknya, dia berkata dia tidak terlibat dengan penyelesaian itu sambil menambah bahawa ia adalah kerja 1MDB dan Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

Dia sekadar berkata angka-angka yang dia tengok mengenai penyelesaian itu meyakinkan. Satu hujah yang selamat sekadar melepas batuk di tangga.

Mudah cakap, saya kata macam ini. Jentera propaganda kerajaan dan panglima siber A9 Umno boleh berbohong kepada sesetengah orang kampung, orang Felda dan orang PPRT tetapi mereka tidak boleh kelentong orang dalam kelas Johari.

Busuk-busuk pun Johari ada pengalaman korporat. Saya kenal dia sejak dia bekerja dengan anak syarikat Kumpulan New Straits Times Press (M) Berhad sehinggalah dia jadi Pengarah Urusan CI Holdings Berhad. Jadi dia tahu hal korporat dan hutang-piutang.

Maaflah kalau saya terlepas pandang. Saya tidak terbaca berita orang politik dan korporat mengalu-alukan berita penyelesaian itu, kecuali sekarat dua.

Hatta panglima A9 Umno yang baru saja diarah “attack attack attack attack” oleh Najib pun nampaknya tidak berapa ghairah menguar-uarkan penyelesaian ini.

Adakah mereka tidak faham, tidak yakin, tidak menghargai sumbangan JPM atau mereka tidak mahu terus terpalit dengan najis 1MDB? Boleh jadi.

Image result for hutang 1mdb bertimbun

Masalah 1MDB Belum Selesai 

Hutang 1MDB sebanyak RM11.25 bilion yang setuju dibayar kepada Abu Dhabi dengan bantuan kerajaan itu hanyalah sebahagian daripada hutangnya yang menggunung.

Menurut laporan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara Parlimen (PAC), hutang 1MDB pada bulan Januari 2016 berjumlah RM50 bilion dan bukan lagi RM42 bilion seperti yang didakwa oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Kerajaan kata, hutang 1MDB kepada bank sudah selesai. Mungkin benar. Tapi bukan kerana 1MDB ada banyak duit, sebaliknya kerana hutang dan tanggungannya diambil alih oleh kerajaan.

Bila jadi hutang negara, rakyat jelata dan pembayar cukai lah yang kena tanggung. Kita dan anak cucu kitalah yang kena bayar.

Itu baru hutang 1MDB. Tak kira lagi hutang kerajaan yang lain yang naik melambung di bawah kelolaan Najib sebagai Menteri Kewangan.

Yang terbaru laporan Bank Negara mengatakan hutang luar negara kita telah naik kepada RM908.7 bilion pada suku keempat tahun lalu, iaitu paras paling tinggi dalam masa hampir 20 tahun.

Majoriti pengamal media massa arus perdana prokerajaan dan panglima A9 mungkin tidak faham ekonomi untuk mengetahui bahawa apa yang berlalu sekarang adalah kesan lingkaran ganas (vicious cycle) yang berpunca daripada hutang negara yang tinggi, ekonomi yang lembap, skandal 1MDB, rasuah dan kurang kepercayaan kepada kerajaan dan banyak lagi faktor-faktor negatif.

Semua petunjuk utama ekonomi merudum. Nilai ringgit jatuh, pengangguran meningkat kepada lebih setengah juta orang, kira-kira 200,000 graduan tidak ada kerja, inflasi naik ke paras paling tinggi dalam masa lapan tahun (sama dengan tempoh Najib jadi PM), hutang kerajaan melambung ke tahap paling tinggi dalam sejarah dan kewangan kerajaan lemah.

Senarai bencana ekonomi dan sosial ini terterusan. Lagi rendah peringkatnya, lagi parah masalahnya. Sampai ada menteri kelas ayam yang cadangkan pesakit pulangkan ubat yang tidak habis dimakan.

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Kerana Najib Sayang Jho Low

Yang sangat tidak adil dan mendukacitakan adalah tujuan tersirat pemindahan hutang dan tanggungan 1MDB kepada kerajaan melalui Kementerian Kewangan kerana mahu menyelamatkan Jho Low dan menutup mulut bekas-bekas pegawai 1MDB.

Kalau Jho Low ditangkap dan disiasat, habislah Najib dan isi rumahnya.

Natijahnya, selagi Najib dan Barisan Nasional berkuasa, bolehlah mereka timbus bangkai gajah Tok Mia 1MDB dan SRC International Sdn Bhd.

Mereka boleh guna berbagai-bagai tindak-tanduk korporat, pentadbiran, kehakiman dan kepolisan untuk menutup bangkai 1MDB.

Tetapi seandainya kerajaan baru mengambil alih, bangkai itu boleh digali semula. Kalau sudah reput pun boleh dibangkitkan semula kerana DNA 1MDB sudah bertaburan di merata dunia. - a.kadir jasin

Countries Investigating 1MDB Scandal - Bloomberg

Image result for bank rakyat dividen
No Dividends From Bank Rakyat So Far. 
What Is Going On...

Recall a few weeks back I blogged that Bank Rakyat has not yet declared any dividends (for FYE 2016??)   Well it is now 28th April 2017 and still no dividends have been declared by Bank Rakyat.

Considering that Bank Rakyat has been consistently declaring DOUBLE DIGIT dividends for so many years, obviously something is not very right in Bank Rakyat.

A friend of mine (a Dato and a CEO of a GLC) sent me this sms :

"Bank Rakyat is still silent about 2016 dividends. You blogged about this earlier I believe. Its already almost May. Last year they paid out at end March. Year 2016 closed four months ago! Apa cerita? Ada skandal ke?"

I also checked with the other person who first warned me about Bank Rakyat  not paying dividends. He also said, "Memang tak ada".

So Bank Rakyat, sila jawab? 
Ada skandal ke? 
Pasai apa belum ada dividen lagi? 
Duit pi mana?

And please declare real dividends ok. 
Kita tak boleh ikut style Ponzi Scheme. 
Atau Pak Man Thelo.

Media people - call Bank Rakyat lah. 
Ask them what is going on. 
Why no dividends so far?
Why the big delay? This is end April already.
What is going on?

Media people - also call Khazanah Nasional and Malaysian Airport Holdings Bhd. 

Talk is they have made big losses in their airport operations in Turkey. They are using their "monopoly" profits in Malaysia to cover the huge losses suffered in their Turkey operations.    

Remember Sime Darby losing about RM800 million in Qatar or somewhere not too long ago?

Tiap kali depa pi niaga ke negeri padang pasir, depa mesti kena liwat habis.  

In the long run, they all get liwatted. - ostb

Breaching The Trust...

One of the two is a retired army general with nearly 40 years of unblemished service to King and Country. No one would have thought that a former Chief of Armed Forces would one day be dragged to court, like a common criminal, to be tried for grand larceny. And being a former member of this elite club, I am ashamed of being one.

Gen Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal (Rtd), chairman of Bank Rakyat, was my junior at the Royal Military College, Sungei Besi. And like all juniors he suffered some hard knocks from the seniors. We all underwent such orientation (ragging) in those heydays when telecommunications were still rudimentary.

It was an accepted norm then that the moment you entered the gated grounds of the Royal Military College, Sungei Besi, your life and well-being were being entrusted to your seniors. They were the ones who would determine your future. We took this in our stride. No one complained or made a hue and cry over it, as would be the case today.

To be accepted as a member of the armed forces was something we would give an arm and a leg for then. It was a distinction we cherished in spite of the ignominy of being “bullied” for almost a year. We endured the hardships in order to be part and parcel of an august club.  Notwithstanding that, we harboured no grudges against our seniors and are still best of friends till today.

It is unkind of me to discuss the character of an accused in an upcoming CBT trial, as it is sub judice (under judgment of a court of law). I am not prejudging an accused person before his trial. My doing so has nothing to do with the case, which will come up for mention at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on Monday October 10. It has to do with the belief that being a commissioned officer of the army your behaviour should be impeccable and being charged with CBT casts a shadow on exemplary conduct of members of the Armed Forces.

Someone asked me would I not have done the same when a huge sum of money was at my disposal? RM 15 million is no small change. It can make or break a person. But there again, you are being entrusted with public funds. The money is not yours. It belongs to depositors and the bank. RM 15 million was earmarked for the publication of a coffee-table book on a national leader and the upgrading of the bank’s computing systems.

That leads me to the other question. Why RM15 million for two jobs that, in my calculation, would not cost more than RM4 million?

I have done coffee-table books before. The last one we did for a state agency cost them barely RM15, 000 for 200 copies. The cost of printing one book was RM75. The duo was tasked to print 20,000 copies and if RM75 is taken as a benchmark, it would cost only RM1, 500,000. Upgrading of the bank computing systems may take another RM2 million, at the very most, after all Bank Rakyat is not Maybank or Public Bank.

Aziz Zainal and Mustafha Abdul Razak, may have allowed greed to cloud their thoughts. Two simple jobs requiring an estimated RM3.5 million have been exaggerated over four times. Whatever their reasons are, the truth may or may not surface at the upcoming trial.

In the meantime, I hope my junior, Aziz Zainal, has the moral courage to own up to his mistakes if he has made them. Aziz, you are an officer and a gentleman. That was drummed into us at the Royal Military College. Just be one. Period.- Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo

This girl caused a political coalition to break up,
and drove PAS to UMNO/BN...

If there is an easy way to do something,
let's do it the UMNO/BN way for easy cash...


28 April 2017

1MDB - Putaq belit UMNO/BN akhirnya makan diri...

Cubaan kerajaan UMNO-Barisan Nasional (BN) mengambarkan kononnya skandal 1MDB sudah selesai sebenarnya memakan diri mereka sendiri, kata Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang.

Ini kerana, katanya, kenyataan yang dikeluarkan menteri UMNO-BN untuk mempertahankan syarikat pelaburan bermasalah milik negara berkenaan membangkitkan semula persoalan asas yang sehingga kini masih tidak terjawab.

Beliau memberi contoh antara lain kenyataan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan bahawa kononnya penyelesaian antara 1MDB dan International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) membuktikan perdana menteri tidak bersalah.

Menurut Kit Siang, Rahman Dahlan juga mendakwa bahawa kononnya dana 1MDB wujud dalam bentuk ‘unit’ di Singapura dan boleh ditukarkan ke dalam bentuk matawang untuk dibayar kepada syarikat Abu Dhabi berkenaan.

“Terima kasih Abdul Rahman, kerana beliaulah soalan-soalan ini telah dibawa semula kepada perhatian masyarakat umum, bersekali dengan pertanyaan yang dibangkitkan Tony Pua dan pemimpin yang lain,” katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.

Tony yang juga Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara dalam kenyataan beliau sebelum ini membangkitkan persoalan mengapa rakyat Malaysia perlu menanggung pembayaran sebanyak dua kali ganda 1MDB kepada IPIC. 

Hasil penyelesaian timbangtara antarabangsa di London memutuskan bahawa IPIC akan menerima bayaran berjumlah AS$1.205 bilion.

1MDB dan Kementerian Kewangan juga diarahkan bertanggungjawab ke atas faedah bon bernilai US$3.5 bilion yang dijamin IPIC.

Dalam pada itu, Kit Siang yang juga Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah turut mengulangi desakan agar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengadakan sesi Parlimen khas bagi membincangkan skandal 1MDB secara menyeluruh.

Kerajaan UMNO-BN juga, kata Kit Siang, perlu menyelesaikan masalah berkait saman sivil yang dikeluarkan Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat (DOJ) secara perundangan bagi membersihkan nama Malaysia yang kini terpalit dengan gelaran kleptokrasi. – Roketkini.com

High income nation has no money 
for RM30 touch n go top-up...

Highway concessionaires have been ordered to postpone imposing the minimum RM30 top up rate for the Touch n' Go cards at the toll plazas so as not to burden motorists.

Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said the move to impose the minimum top up rate for the Touch n' Go cards was proposed by the Malaysian Association of Highway Concession Companies (PSKLM) to overcome congestion at top up lanes at toll plazas during peak hours.

"The ministry has instructed the concession companies to postpone the proposed initiative and find other ways to overcome congestion at the toll plazas.

"The government is concerned with the burden shouldered by consumers, including those in the B40 category, and is always looking for ways to resolve problems amicably for all quarters," she said.

She was responding to an oral question from Senator Datuk Shahanim Mohamad about the issue in the Senate today. - BERNAMA

Ostb :  You can see this almost everyday at the Toll Plazas, especially in KL and the Klang Valley. The Peroduas, Protons and small cars all line up at the Tambah Nilai and Bayaran Tunai lanes at the toll gates.  These are the folks who live almost hand to mouth. The urban poor. 

Want to guess their agama and bangsa? 

They actually prefer the Bayar Tunai lanes because they can then carry just enough toll money for the journey.  

Then you have the Mercedes, Audis, BMWs,  Camrys, Accords etc that just sail through the Smart Tag lanes.  You can see their balance remaining RM100, RM200 etc. These are the people who have cash to meet their daily living expenses.  

Want to guess their agama and bangsa?

The minimum for Touch N Go is RM10.  Now they want to increase the minimum to RM30.  Even the RM10 is a burden. That is why the gomen has turned down the proposal to increase the minimum Touch N Go to RM30.

The Toll Operators find it not feasible (it is a loss to them) to dedicate one toll lane just to collect RM10 top ups for Touch N Go. It does not cover their costs. They are providing a social service.  

They prefer RM30 minimum. To cover costs and maybe make some profit.

But the people aint got no money for a minimum top up of RM30.  This is 'High Income Nation' ok.  

Where "Chief the Thief" is so damned proud that he has put seven million people on the poor peoples' list to receive duit sedekah BR1M.   

Pretty soon, the people will not have money to pay for the toll hiways.  They will take alternative routes or not travel at all.  Then the Toll Operators will face cash flow problems as well.

The dynamics of the market has changed. 

Poor are many. 
Poor is BR1M.
BR1M is votes.
So poor is good.

Just reimpose the Bayar Tunai lanes. Then the Protons and Kancils with just enough cash to pay RM1.80 between Sg Besi and Kajang will still take the toll hiway. Otherwise they will take the old road.

By the way does PLUS know that AFTER 4 PM the Touch N Go lanes DO NOT ACCEPT anymore top ups?  

This is what the Toll Booth girl told me at the Toll Booth  at Exit 213,  KL - Seremban Hiway.  Yet the girl is sitting there  at the Tambah Nilai Lane (AFTER 4PM) just to tell the cars that drive up - Lepas 4 Petang tak boleh top up.

I keep saying, 'depa tak tahu niaga'.  
Nak bagi duit pun depa tak mahu terima.
Sial punya bodoh.

Meanwhile,I hear that the Khazanah/MAB have made big losses at their airport operations in Turkey.  They are managing Turkey's main airport. The investment is making big losses.  

US1.4 BILLION +  US300 Million = US1.7 Billion or RM7.5 Billion. 

So how much of that has been lost already?

This is the "Islamic brotherhood" crap again.  
Turkey is Muslim. Malaysia is Muslim. 
Muslim is good.
It must be good to invest in Muslim countries.

Err... how many hundred millions have you morons lost so far in Turkey?

How many jobs did you dunggus create for Malaysians with that RM7.5 Billion invested in Turkey?  Five jobs? 50 jobs ? 500 jobs ?   For RM7.5 BILLION ?

So how much did you lose in your airport operations in Turkey? - ostb

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Image may contain: 1 person, beard and text
PAS saman Sarawak Report,
bila pula Najib nak saman WSJ?...

North Korea: The Death of Kim Jong Nam” premieres on Al Jazeera English - morning at 6.30am on 101 East, with a repeat screening at 5.30pm. There will be further repeats on Saturday (April 30, 11.30am) and Monday (May 1, 12.30am and 1.30pm).


27 April 2017

Surcaj guna air naik,tapi UMNO goreng tarif air naik...

Surcaj guna air berlebihan naik,tapi UMNO/BN goreng tarif air naik. Hangpa pun percaya. Buat malu orang Tanjong saja. Hangpa baca elok-elok di bawah ni...

Kecemerlangan Pakatan Harapan mentadbir urus kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang secara bersih, telus dan berintegriti ternyata membawa kemakmuran kepada rakyatnya tanpa mengira kaum, agama dan fahaman politik. 

Hasilnya, rakyat Pulau Mutiara itu menikmati kadar tarif air terendah iaitu 32 sen bagi 35,000 liter pertama berbanding negeri-negeri lain di negara ini.

“35,000 liter itu berapa banyak air? Jika satu botol besar air mineral itu satu liter, maka ada 35,000 botol besar air.

“35,000 botol besar air kosnya RM11.30 di Pulau Pinang!” coret Ahli Parlimen Bukit Mertajam, Steven Sim Chee Keong dalam kemaskini status di laman sosial Facebook miliknya, semalam. 

Lebih menarik lagi, menurut Pengarah Pendidikan Politik DAP Pulau Pinang itu, oleh kerana kadar tarif yang terlalu rendah, bil air kadangkala hanya sampai ke rumah pengguna sekali untuk tempoh dua bulan.

Beliau turut berkongsi carta kadar tarif air di seluruh negeri di Malaysia yang mana menunjukkan Johor di bawah kekuasaan Barisan Nasional (BN) mengenakan kadar tarif air tertinggi terhadap rakyatnya iaitu RM1.05 bagi setiap satu meter padu (1000 liter) air.

Bagaimanapun, ekoran kadar tarif air yang begitu murah, Steven berkata, berlaku pembaziran yang tidak diingini.

Oleh itu, katanya, kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang terpaksa melaksanakan surcaj pemuliharaan air yang bertujuan untuk mendidik rakyatnya menggunakan sumber berkenaan secara berhemah.

“Untuk menghindar pembaziran, jika guna air lebih daripada 35,000 sebulan, maka kena surcaj air. Jika tidak lebih 35,000 sebulan tiada surcaj air, bil tetap RM11.30,” katanya. – Roketkini.com

Najib's July 31st Election Deadline...

All the signs are growing that Najib plans for a snap mid-year election and no wonder.Yesterday’s ‘settlement’ with IPIC/Aabar was a total cave-in for Malaysia and it has left the Prime Minister horribly exposed with a very large bill indeed, due July 31st.

As DAP Finance Spokesman Tony Pua has pointed out, 1MDB surrendered on every point over its dispute with Aabar and the Abu Dhabi sovereign fund IPIC, agreeing to pay back the entire $1.2 billion bail out of June 2015, plus to take on all the remaining expenses on the two so-called ‘Power Purchase Bonds’ taken out by 1MDB in 2012, backed by a supposed guarantee from Aabar’s parent company IPIC.

IPIC spelt the terms out fully (and rather smugly) in its statement to the London Stock Exchange on Monday.  The first payment from 1MDB to IPIC is $602,725,000, due at the very latest July 31st,. The second is an identical payment due by the end of December, the IPIC statement confirms.

What IPIC did NOT do, as Jho Low’s spinners had desperately been trying to make out in advance, was to make referrence or give any credence to the claim that under the agreement Malaysia would be finding the money from 1MDB’s dodgy (i.e. non-existent) funds in its Brazen Sky account.

That ridiculous spin was left to 1MDB’s own cheeky little statement yesterday, which left out all the hard detail on the embarassing numbers but went long on claims that 1MDB would find the money to pay back IPIC by “primarily by the monetisation of 1MDB-owned investment fund units”.

“As per the settlement, 1MDB will, amongst others, make certain payments to IPIC and will assume responsibility for all future interest and principal payments for two bonds issued by 1MDB Group companies due in 2022. These obligations will be met by 1MDB primarily via monetisation of 1MDB-owned investment fund units…” [short on figures, long on ridiculous spin – 1MDB statement]

Journalists had been told by ‘insiders’ (i.e. Jho Low) that these ‘units’ where the ones allegedly held in 1MDB’s Brazen Sky account, which was frozen when Singapore closed down BSI Bank over money laundering the proceeds of thefts from 1MDB – thefts which Najib Razak continues to refuse to acknowledge took place.

There has been no indication that the account has been released and all the evidence indicates it had nothing of value in it anyway. Yet Najib tried to give the ‘monetisation of units’ spin further momentum by issuing a separate statement through the Prime Minister’s Office:

“The government is pleased that IPIC and 1MDB have resolved their differences in an amicable manner.We also note the monetisation of all 1MDB-owned investment fund units. These significant events represent the continued positive progress made by 1MDB which is nearing the completion of its rationalisation programme” [by Tenku Sariffuddin, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister]

The Deadly Admission

However, there is a deadly admission hidden in plain sight within this ‘settlement’, which Najib Razak has attempted to ignore, but which Tony Pua has spelt out in his reponse:

“1MDB’s concession to the settlement terms is a direct affirmation and confirmation that 1MDB have lost US$3.51 billion worth of payments which have purportedly been paid to IPIC and its subsidiary, Aabar Investments PJS.” [Tony Pua]

After all, the Prime Minister and 1MDB have continued, in the face of all the evidence, to claim that payments totalling $3.5 billion were paid to Aabar/IPIC as a ‘deposit’ to back the supposed guarantees of the Power Purchase loans.

IPIC have replied categorically that they never asked for such payments and never received them.

Last July a US Department of Justice investigation confirmed in a court deposition what everyone had long suspected, which was that the money was in fact paid to a series of bogus off-shore companies with names that made them sound as if they were subsidiaries of Aabar. In particular, Aabar Investments PJS Limited in the BVI, incorporated by the CEO of Aabar and it Chairman, but separate entirely from the Abu Dhabi group.

The DOJ provided a comprehensive money trail, showing how the money went from 1MDB into the fake BVI Aabar account, then on to a company owned by Jho Low called Blackstone Asia. Jho Low then used Blackstone Asia to pay huge kickbacks to the then Chairman and CEO of Aabar for performing that little favour (both those men are now in jail in Abu Dhabi) and divested the rest of the money on a massive spending spree, which included sending US$30 million directly to Najib’s account.

Yet Najib and his 1MDB CEO, Arul Kanda, have simply continued to deny this fact to the Malaysian public. They have claimed throughout this dispute that the money did indeed go to IPIC, which was why they were arguing that IPIC ought to have used it to bail out its debts.

After all, if the US$3.5 billion ‘deposit’ had been paid, why would 1MDB not expect IPIC to make that US$1.2 billion bail out from the money set aside for the purpose?  There can be no doubt that if the money had actually been paid, 1MDB would have won that London arbitration battle hands down.

The fact that 1MDB has plainly been unable to satisfy the court proves the money wasn’t paid and Najib is lying.  Tony Pua has totted up all the payments the Finance Minister still claims 1MDB made to IPIC, as laid before MPs in the Public Accounts Committee last year:

The money 1MDB still alleges it paid to IPIC totals $3.5 billion and yet yesterday's settlement is an admission that IPIC never received it.
The money 1MDB still alleges it paid to IPIC totals $3.51 billion 
and yet yesterday’s settlement is an admission that IPIC never received it.

Bets are on for a July election!

Which is why many are now laying bets on the likelihood that Najib is going to cut his losses and go for an election BEFORE he has to come up with that hefty US$602 million payment owed to IPIC on July 31st!

The reason being that there is no money to be made from selling 1MDB’s fictional ‘units’ and so in the end that cash is going to have to be raised direct from the taxpayer through his Ministry of Finance, which is ultimately responsible for meeting the commitment.

Once that happens then all the lies and nonsence will be once and for all exposed – and Malaysian’s will be faced with the realisation that Najib will probably have to raise taxes to pay for it all.
Better that comes out in the wake of a hoped-for election win, Najib is reasoning, rather than any time in the run-up to a vote that has to be held latest next year!

“Ministry of Finance doesn’t even itself have that money at the moment, which is why they are buying time. They will have to find it and it will involve bumping up GST or some similar manoeuvre”

So, if electioneering has started showing signs around where you live, you have the answer why. The party will be on you the voter and you the taxpayer! - steadyaku47/sr

Photo published for 1MDB: 'Duit kepada syarikat palsu pergi mana', soal Dr M
1MDB:‘Duit kepada syarikat palsu pergi mana?
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI 

Allahyarham Mohamad Thaqif 
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI   
Al-Fatihah semoga roh ditempatkan 
dalam kalangan orang-orang beriman. 

Diari arwah Mohammad Taqif...

Jangan bazirkan undi anda untuk kedua parti ini,
masa depan negara lebih baik tanpa mereka.Vote wisely...


26 April 2017

Pasai apa PAS tak larang UMNO bertanding di kerusi PAS...

Bagi Pakatan Harapan, perjuangan mereka ialah menentang Barisan Nasional (BN) dan memastikan ia tewas dalam pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang, kata pemimpin gabungan pembangkang itu, susulan PAS memberi amaran jangan bertanding di kerusi dipegang parti Islam itu.

Bengang dengan amaran itu, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) berkata Pakatan Harapan tidak membuat sebarang perjanjian dengan PAS menjadikan mereka bebas bertanding di mana pun pada PRU akan datang.

Ketua penerangannya, Kamarudin Md Nor berkata demikian ketika mengulas mengenai amaran PAS supaya jangan berani bertanding di kerusi yang dipegang PAS, jika benar fokus utama Pakatan Harapan ialah menewaskan BN.

"Dia siapa nak larang kita. Kenapa PAS tidak larang Umno juga agar jangan bertanding di kerusinya,” kata Kamarudin kepada The Malaysian Insight.

Timbalan Presiden PAS Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man semalam dipetik sebagai memberi amaran kepada bekas rakan sekutunya dalam Pakatan Harapan supaya tidak bertanding di kerusi yang dipegangnya pada PRU akan datang.

Beliau berkata PAS tidak akan teragak-agak untuk berebut dalam pertandingan pelbagai penjuru menentang BN dan juga kerusi yang dituntut PKR pada dua PRU lalu.

Kamarudin berkata pada masa sama Bersatu mengambil sikap sedia berunding dengan siapa saja untuk mengelakkan pertandingan tiga penjuru bagi melawan BN, tetapi bukan melalui ugutan.

Pandangan itu dikongsi rakan dalam Pakatan Harapan khasnya Amanah dan PKR yang berkemungkinan besar terlibat dengan pertindihan kerusi dengan PAS.

PAS punya sumbangan

Setiausaha Agung dan Pengarah Pilihan Raya PKR Saifudin Nasuition Ismail berkata PKR dan Pakatan Harapan hanya berunding mengenai kerusi yang akan ditandingi bersama rakan kongsi mereka saja.

"Kami hanya runding di kalangan komponen kami saja," kata Saifudin kepada The Malaysian Insight.

Katanya, Pakatan Harapan berhasrat untuk memastikan satu lawan satu dengan BN.

"Jika ada mana-mana pihak yang masuk untuk jadikan pertandingan tiga penjuru, kami anggap mereka berbuat demikian untuk memenangkan BN," katanya.

Sementara itu, Pengarah Komunikasi Amanah, Khalid Samad berkata beliau tidak pernah jumpa parti sepelik PA dan amaran itu hanya boleh dilakukan di planet Marikh saja bukan di bumi.

"Ini negara demokrasi dan sesiapa boleh bertanding di mana saja jika tidak ada apa-apa perundingan," kata ahli Parlimen Shah Alam itu.

PAS menyasarkan untuk bertanding 80 kerusi Parlimen dalam PRU14.

Di Selangor, PAS bersedia untuk bertanding di semua 45 kerusi DUN dan 15 kerusi Parlimen di Selangor, kata pesuruhjayanya, Iskandar Samad. – themalaysianinsight

IPIC-1MDB Settlement to be borne 
by Malaysian Taxpayers...

The settlement reached between IPIC and 1MDB today is a fair deal for Abu Dhabi but a very bad deal for Malaysian taxpayers. Malaysian taxpayers via the Ministry of Finance (MoF) are now exposed to more than US$6 billion (RM26.4 billion) in payments to IPIC for the financial scandals of 1MDB, where not a single person has been arrested by the Malaysian authorities. 

Contrary to what will surely be portrayed in the local government media as a settlement that favours Malaysia's interests, the announcement by IPIC in the London Stock Exchange today proved otherwise, that IPIC got exactly what it asked for and what it was legally entitled to.

In June 2016, IPIC instituted legal proceedings to recover approximately US$6.5 billion from 1MDB. Reuters reported on the matter on 14th June 2016 and provided the breakdown of the claim: "IPIC is claiming the $3.5 billion bond plus interest that amounts to $4.8 billion, the $1.2 billion loan plus interest, and about $481 million owed to Aabar -- adding up to $6.5 billion, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters." 

The settlement announced today is substantially the same as IPIC's original demand in 2016, save for possibly of some minor waiver of interests. IPIC will get their US$1.2 billion in two tranches of US$603 million each in July 2017 and December 2017.  More importantly, MoF will also undertake to pay all interest and principal payments from the US$3.5 billion bond which now must surely amount to more than US$4.8 billion. The settlement however makes no mention on the US$481 million owed to Aabar.  

While Abu Dhabi has taken proper actions to remove from IPIC and freeze the accounts of Mr Qubaisi and Mr Husseiny, and in addition, arrested Mr Qubaisi, all the people on the Malaysian side responsible for the world's biggest ever kleptocracy case, remain free from any actions whatsoever by the Malaysian authorities.

This settlement serves to only benefit the infamous Malaysian Official 1, Prime Minister Najib Razak and his friends. The settlement essentially allows Najib Razak to avoid a trial which would have opened a gigantic can of worms. Instead of justice and closure, this settlement today further ingrains the culture of corruption and impunity in Malaysia at the expense of the people.- Wong Chen, MP Kelana Jaya

Najib kalah kes IPIC dan kena bayar US$7 bilion

1MDB Lose IPIC Arbitration, 
Will GST Go Up To Cover Loss?...

Folks, 1MDB has lost the arbitration with IPIC.  As can be expected the 1MDB morons have to pay the Arabs - for the second time. This time the Arabs are real Arabs.  Here is Blooomberg :

As expected the Morons have lost the arbitration. Err . . ., when you are the asshole who has to pay up the money, it means you lost the arbotration lah.

So, Malaysia must now pay the first part of the settlement which amounts to US$ 1.2b or RM5.3b by the end of this year.  

Remember folks, this is the money that 1MDB claimed very loudly they have already paid to some Arabs - which became a mystery.

The 2nd Finance Minister said this in December 2016 :   Second Finance Minister Johari spelt out the situation in December:     “If IPIC could just acknowledge that they received the $3.5 billion payment made to them, then this matter could be easily resolved,” he told the Business Insider.

No you stupid a$$hole, IPIC has refused to acknowledge any such thing. They say they never received that US$3.5 billion (RM15.4 billion). That is why they took you to the arbitrators. And now you have lost the arbitration. Now you have to pay - a second time.

First you have to pay RM5.3 Billion by end of this year. You have to pay the balance after that. 

They are giving you some breathing space. 
But you have to pay their final settlement amount. 
Whatever that is going to be. The point is...


So where did that US$3.5 billion that Johari is referring to disappear?  Most certainly now the arbitration confirms that IPIC did not receive that money at all.

This arbitration outcome will now serve as evidence in some of the Court cases.  Padan muka. The London arbitration confirms US$3.5 Billion has disappeared.

Folks, the GST may go up. Fuel prices may go up. Taxes may go up. Where are these morons going to find RM5.3 Billion in a jiffy?  

The solution :  MMD  or  Melayu Miskin Dulu. - ostb  

Berapakah USD1.2 Billion 1MDB bayar IPIC dalam RM? = RM 5,278,800,000 juta

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Dok mimpi apa pula dah?...

Sebelum dan Selepas PRU14...
