Mursyidul Am PAS, Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat menganggap tindakan tidak membenarkan guru bergiat dalam politik sebelum ini adalah tindakan yang salah, bahkan sebagai pengamal ilmu salah. Ini, katanya kerana golongan guru adalah mereka yang mempunyai ilmu dan mengerti dalam banyak perkara.
“Jadi, macam mana orang yang mengerti tidak dibenarkan berpolitik? Itu satu kerja yang salah Umno.
“Mana boleh, seorang cikgu yang berilmu kita (kerajaan) tidak benarkan mereka berpolitik. Ini kerja salah, kerja orang yang mengamalkan ilmu salah,” katanya kepada media selepas menyampaikan kuliah mingguannya di Medan Ilmu di sini pagi tadi.
Beliau mengulas langkah terbaru pihak Kerajaan Persekutuan yang bercadang membenarkan pegawai pendidikan perkhidmatan siswazah Gred DG41 hingga DG48 melibatkan diri dalam politik bagi memastikan golongan tersebut diberi kebebasan sepenuhnya tanpa sekatan tertentu.
Kerajaan Persekutuan bercadang meminda Peraturan 21(2) Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan dan Tatatertib) 1993 bagi membolehkan Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Siswazah Gred DG41 hingga DG48 untuk bertanding, dilantik atau memegang jawatan dalam mana-mana parti politik berkuat kuasa 1 Ogos ini sebagaimana diumumkan Ketua Setiausaha Negara (KSN), Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan baru-baru ini.
“Kenapa disekat cikgu, disekat tok guru daripada berpolitik? (Adakah kerajaan) takut diketahui keburukan mereka?
“Doh mu buat buruk (maka) diketahui oranglah,” katanya sambil mengulangi penegasannya bahawa golongan guru sepatutnya dibenarkan bergiat dalam politik sejak awal-awal lagi.
Baginya, akta mengenai sekatan itu tidak ada di atas dunia ini.
“Ini kerana ‘politik’ adalah menyentuh segala perkara termasuk bidang akidah, ibadat, ekonomi dan rumah tangga.
“Adalah menjadi satu perkara pelik apabila Umno buat terhadap sama ada pegawai kanan guru atau tidak selama ini dengan tidak membenarkan mereka berpolitik,” katanya.
Beliau yang juga Menteri Besar Kelantan menyifatkan bergiat dalam bidang politik diberi ganjaran pahala oleh Allah swt selain mendapat dosa sekiranya dilakukan tidak selaras dengan ajaran Islam.
“Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sendiri adalah ‘orang politik’ yang paling terkemuka, Baginda menjaga orang (umatnya) dari dunia sampai ke akhirat, bukan menjaga mereka setakat di kubur saja,” katanya.
Mengulas sama ada kebebasan berpolitik di kalangan guru boleh menjejaskan prestasi mereka di sekolah, Mursyidul Am PAS itu berkata itu terserahlah kerapa sikap guru berkenaan.
“Saya adalah orang politik, sejak dahulu saya mengajar agama. Di samping bertugas mengajar, tidak ada apa pun gangguan.
“Saya mengajar sokmo-sokmo, sejak daripada hari pertama saya balik (dari belajar di luar negara) ke Malaysia pada 1962, saya terus mengajar termasuk mengajar di sekolah, dan sehinggalah ke pagi ini, saya terus mengajar,” katanya.- Muhammad Yusri Amin
nasi kandaq kedai mamak, anak mami juai pesemboq, lepaih baca jangan dok syiok, kalu-kalu SB jengok kot dapoq...
31 July 2010
30 July 2010
Bila Ling Liong Sik menipu Mahathir dan kabinetnya......
Sepandai-pandai Mahathir, akhirnya kena tipu juga. Penipuan ini bukan melibatkan ratusan ringgit,tapi berbilion-bilion ringgit. Patutkah Ling Liong Sik seorang saja yang harus kena tangkap? Tak mungkin Ling Liong Sik seorang saja yang merancang penipuan ini? Sudah pasti ada dalang-dalang lain yang memainkan peranan bersama.
Sepatutnya seluruh anggota kabinet Mahathir,ketika itu, diheret ke muka pengadilan, termasuk Mahathir,PatLah,Najib,
Mahyuddin kerana mereka secara kolektif meluluskan peruntukkan PKFZ tersebut. Apakah dalam mahkamah nanti Ling Liong Sik akan mendedahkan nama-nama lain yang turut terelibat dalam penipuan itu?
Bagi aku lihat ini hanyalah mainan politik Najib 1Malaysia, sebagai satu strategi untuk dia mengadakan pilihanraya ke-13 dalam masa terdekat. Dengan tindakan ini, mungkin Najib perasan bahawa dia adalah seorang pemimpin yang telus dan mahu menentang rasuah dan penipuan dalam kerajaan dan di kalangan pemimpin2 politik BN.
Namun mungkin Najib terlupa,bahawa yang dok menyamun ini bukan saja pemimpin politik daripada MCA/MIC/Gerakan tapi ramai juga daripada UMNO. Terlalu ramai pemimpin2 UMNO Selangor dan UMNO pusat juga terlibat dengan skandal PKFZ ini. Apakah penyamun2 ini akan berdiam diri dan diheret bersama-sama ke mahkamah? Jawapannya tidak.
Semua ini hanyalah satu opera Cina saja untuk menutup isu-isu besar seperti Sime Darby,Felda,Felcra dll. yang kini membelenggui UMNO. Lihat saja apa jadi dengan kes Perwaja Eric Chia,rakan baik Mahathir, yang akhirnya terlepas begitu saja.
Perkara yang sama juga akan berlaku kepada kes Ling Liong Sik, ia akan berlarutan sehingga pilihanraya ke-13 dan apabila BN menang nanti kes ini akan dibuang kerana bukti tak cukup.
Selepas ini siapa pula........
Read 'Don’t stop with Dr Ling, go after all of them' here.
Bekas menteri pengangkutan, Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik hari ini didakwa di Mahkamah Sesyen Putrajaya atas tuduhan menipu kerajaan Malaysia dengan memperdaya Jemaah Menteri berhubung pembelian tanah untuk projek ”Mega Distribution Hub” di Pelabuhan Klang. Beliau adalah presiden MCA yang kedua dihadapkan ke mahkamah selepas Tan Koon Swan.
Ling didakwa menipu kerajaan sekitar 25 September 2002 dan 6 November 2002 dengan memperdayakan jemaah menteri untuk memberikan persetujuan pembelian tanah di Pulau Indah untuk projek Mega Distribution Hub di Pelabuhan Kelang. Dia juga didakwa dengan curang menyembunyikan fakta berhubung penilaian Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta, Kementerian Kewangan ke atas tanah seluas 43,538,200 kaki persegi yang dicadangkannya.
Ling yang memegang jawatan Menteri Pengangkutan selama 14 tahun dari Januari 1986 hingga Mei 2000, didakwa atas satu pertuduhan utama mengikut Seksyen 418 Kanun Keseksaan dan satu pertuduhan pilihan mengikut Seksyen 417 kanun yang sama. Seksyen 418 Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa hukuman penjara sehingga tujuh tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali jika sabit kesalahan.
Manakala pertuduhan alternatif mengikut Seksyen 417, Kanun Keseksaan, yang membawa hukuman lebih ringan iaitu penjara sehingga lima tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali. Beliau bagaimanapun mengaku tidak bersalah dan membayar ikat jamin RM1 juta dengan seorang penjamin. Hakim Suzana Hussin kemudiannya menetapkan 3 September ini sebagai tarikh sebutan kes.
Sepatutnya seluruh anggota kabinet Mahathir,ketika itu, diheret ke muka pengadilan, termasuk Mahathir,PatLah,Najib,
Mahyuddin kerana mereka secara kolektif meluluskan peruntukkan PKFZ tersebut. Apakah dalam mahkamah nanti Ling Liong Sik akan mendedahkan nama-nama lain yang turut terelibat dalam penipuan itu?
Bagi aku lihat ini hanyalah mainan politik Najib 1Malaysia, sebagai satu strategi untuk dia mengadakan pilihanraya ke-13 dalam masa terdekat. Dengan tindakan ini, mungkin Najib perasan bahawa dia adalah seorang pemimpin yang telus dan mahu menentang rasuah dan penipuan dalam kerajaan dan di kalangan pemimpin2 politik BN.
Namun mungkin Najib terlupa,bahawa yang dok menyamun ini bukan saja pemimpin politik daripada MCA/MIC/Gerakan tapi ramai juga daripada UMNO. Terlalu ramai pemimpin2 UMNO Selangor dan UMNO pusat juga terlibat dengan skandal PKFZ ini. Apakah penyamun2 ini akan berdiam diri dan diheret bersama-sama ke mahkamah? Jawapannya tidak.
Semua ini hanyalah satu opera Cina saja untuk menutup isu-isu besar seperti Sime Darby,Felda,Felcra dll. yang kini membelenggui UMNO. Lihat saja apa jadi dengan kes Perwaja Eric Chia,rakan baik Mahathir, yang akhirnya terlepas begitu saja.
Perkara yang sama juga akan berlaku kepada kes Ling Liong Sik, ia akan berlarutan sehingga pilihanraya ke-13 dan apabila BN menang nanti kes ini akan dibuang kerana bukti tak cukup.
Selepas ini siapa pula........
Read 'Don’t stop with Dr Ling, go after all of them' here.
Bekas menteri pengangkutan, Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik hari ini didakwa di Mahkamah Sesyen Putrajaya atas tuduhan menipu kerajaan Malaysia dengan memperdaya Jemaah Menteri berhubung pembelian tanah untuk projek ”Mega Distribution Hub” di Pelabuhan Klang. Beliau adalah presiden MCA yang kedua dihadapkan ke mahkamah selepas Tan Koon Swan.
Ling didakwa menipu kerajaan sekitar 25 September 2002 dan 6 November 2002 dengan memperdayakan jemaah menteri untuk memberikan persetujuan pembelian tanah di Pulau Indah untuk projek Mega Distribution Hub di Pelabuhan Kelang. Dia juga didakwa dengan curang menyembunyikan fakta berhubung penilaian Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta, Kementerian Kewangan ke atas tanah seluas 43,538,200 kaki persegi yang dicadangkannya.
Ling yang memegang jawatan Menteri Pengangkutan selama 14 tahun dari Januari 1986 hingga Mei 2000, didakwa atas satu pertuduhan utama mengikut Seksyen 418 Kanun Keseksaan dan satu pertuduhan pilihan mengikut Seksyen 417 kanun yang sama. Seksyen 418 Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa hukuman penjara sehingga tujuh tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali jika sabit kesalahan.
Manakala pertuduhan alternatif mengikut Seksyen 417, Kanun Keseksaan, yang membawa hukuman lebih ringan iaitu penjara sehingga lima tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali. Beliau bagaimanapun mengaku tidak bersalah dan membayar ikat jamin RM1 juta dengan seorang penjamin. Hakim Suzana Hussin kemudiannya menetapkan 3 September ini sebagai tarikh sebutan kes.
Beranikah Saiful bersumpah tidak laku zina dengan Farah?
Saifool, penghias muka depan akhbar pengampu dan penipu apabila perbicaraan Kes Liwat 2 Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim bersambung tak lama dulu. Saiful digambarkan sebagai seorang yang kuat beribadat sehingga dahinya lebam-lebam.
Ada seorang kawan saya yang menjadi penyokong kuat Umno dulu kini selamanya pernah berkata, tak mungkin Saiful cakap bohong, engkau tengok dahinya hitam kuat sujud.Saya tak menjawab, malas nak layan buang masa dan tenaga. Dalam hati saya kata benggali jual kacang putih dahinya lagi hitam dari si Saiful.
Lihat lah dahi hitam Saiful, beliau amat memahami hati fikiran Melayu, asalkan dahi hitam, menunjukkan dirinya alim, kuat sembahyang. Kalau Melayu mudah ditipu, maka akan dapat sokongan kuat untuk memburukkan nama Anwar Ibrahim. - Ini satu strategi skript UMNO.
Hari ini kisah si dahi hitam keluar lagi. Kali ini dakwaan skandal seks (berzina le tu) dengan salah seorang pendakwaraya kes ini iaitu Farah Azlina Latif. Nampaknya Saiful boleh hitamkan dahinya, begitu juga Farah yang bertudung, nampaklah Melayu akan anggap wanita yang bertudung semuanya alim, taubat dan bersih.. sekarang isu kontraversi ini Saiful akan hitamkan Farah jua.
Tanya lah Saiful beranikah bersumpah dengan al quran di Masjid, dan buktikan diri tiada lakukan zina bersama Farah?? kalau PRU dimenangi oleh PR, dubur Saiful akan hitam akibat dirogol dalam penjara.
Isu ini mula-mula disiarkan dalam Malaysia Today. Peguam DSAI, Sivarasiah memberitahu wartawan bahawa mereka mempunyai maklumat berhubung dengan dakwaan itu.Tak pasal-pasal, Farah Azlina Latif hari digugurkan dari pasukan pendakwaan.
Kita boleh tanya anak mamak. Mukhriz botak , adakah artikel RPK hanya 40 % benar? yang lain tipu belaka? Ini lah, bukti bukti menteri di Malaysia berotak lembu, tiada tahu komen dan tidak menggunakan otak berfikir dengan logik.- Anak Mami
source : dipetik daripada blog MaGeeMar
Lu pikiaq mai sendiri..........
Ada seorang kawan saya yang menjadi penyokong kuat Umno dulu kini selamanya pernah berkata, tak mungkin Saiful cakap bohong, engkau tengok dahinya hitam kuat sujud.Saya tak menjawab, malas nak layan buang masa dan tenaga. Dalam hati saya kata benggali jual kacang putih dahinya lagi hitam dari si Saiful.
Lihat lah dahi hitam Saiful, beliau amat memahami hati fikiran Melayu, asalkan dahi hitam, menunjukkan dirinya alim, kuat sembahyang. Kalau Melayu mudah ditipu, maka akan dapat sokongan kuat untuk memburukkan nama Anwar Ibrahim. - Ini satu strategi skript UMNO.
Hari ini kisah si dahi hitam keluar lagi. Kali ini dakwaan skandal seks (berzina le tu) dengan salah seorang pendakwaraya kes ini iaitu Farah Azlina Latif. Nampaknya Saiful boleh hitamkan dahinya, begitu juga Farah yang bertudung, nampaklah Melayu akan anggap wanita yang bertudung semuanya alim, taubat dan bersih.. sekarang isu kontraversi ini Saiful akan hitamkan Farah jua.
Tanya lah Saiful beranikah bersumpah dengan al quran di Masjid, dan buktikan diri tiada lakukan zina bersama Farah?? kalau PRU dimenangi oleh PR, dubur Saiful akan hitam akibat dirogol dalam penjara.
Isu ini mula-mula disiarkan dalam Malaysia Today. Peguam DSAI, Sivarasiah memberitahu wartawan bahawa mereka mempunyai maklumat berhubung dengan dakwaan itu.Tak pasal-pasal, Farah Azlina Latif hari digugurkan dari pasukan pendakwaan.
Kita boleh tanya anak mamak. Mukhriz botak , adakah artikel RPK hanya 40 % benar? yang lain tipu belaka? Ini lah, bukti bukti menteri di Malaysia berotak lembu, tiada tahu komen dan tidak menggunakan otak berfikir dengan logik.- Anak Mami
source : dipetik daripada blog MaGeeMar
Lu pikiaq mai sendiri..........
29 July 2010
PKFZ scandal - Ling Liong Sik charged in court.......
Former transport minister Ling Liong Sik is today charged at the Kajang Sessions Court over his involvement in the multi-billion ringgit Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal. Ling, 67, who is also former MCA president, is by far the most prominent politician to be nabbed in recent years.
He is charged under Section 418 of the Penal Code with misleading cabinet between Sept 25 and Nov 6, 2002 into agreeing to purchase 999.5 acres of land on Pulau Indah for a project, that is now known as PKFZ, at a price of RM25psf on a deffered payment method for a 15-year period, at an interest rate of 7.5 percent. The culminative interest paid would total at RM720 million at the end of the repayment period. He was also offered an alternative charge under Section 417 of the Penal Code for the same offence.
According to the charge sheet, the Finance Ministry had already valued the land at RM25psf - inclusive of compounded interest - and this fact was withheld by the accused from cabinet. Ling pleaded not guilty to both charges and Sessions Court judge Suzana Hussin set bail at RM1 million. Mention has been fixed for Sept 3. As Ling needed time to post bail, Ling is on personal bond for today and he will pay bail at the sessions court tomorrow. He was represented by counsel RR Sethu.
On leaving the courtroom, he told journalists that it was his first time to be in Putrajaya's Palace of Justice, which is located next to the Kajang Sessions Court. Asked whether he was confident in fighting the case, he said, “In the Palace of Justice, you must feel very confident.” Ling appeared in court at 4.45pm accompanied by his wife Ena and two sons. He then proceeded to sit in the dock. Ling, wore a purple-stripe shirt and a pair of sandals, looked expressionless. He is the second MCA president to take the dock after Tan Koon Suan.
Earlier today, rumours of a very important personality (VIP) to be charged have sent dozens of journalists, included those from foreign wire services, camping at the court complex early this morning. Most of them gathered at the lobby and main entrance of the courthouse. while a couple have stationed themselves in and outside the courtroom. After an eight-hour wait, at about 4pm, attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail and three DPPs, including head of prosecution Tun Abdul Majid Hamzah, arrived in court without speaking to the journalists. The other two were Manoj Kurup and Dzulkifli Ahmad.
More to come?
Last November, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) had recommended in its report on the PKFZ controversy that former transport minister Chan Kong Choy and former Port Klang Authority (PKA) general manager OC Phang be probed for CBT (criminal breach of trust). This was over the wrongful issuance of three letters of support by Chan and three letters of undertaking by Phang without Finance Ministry approval.
PAC said that it was informed by the attorney-general that the letters were implicitly a form of guarantee from the government to ensure that there would be allocations for PKA to enable it to meet its obligations under the development agreement. PKFZ, a commercial and industrial project south of the capital, was conceived as a RM1.82 billion venture constructed over 1,000 acres. However costs are now expected to balloon to RM12.5 billion, making the affair one of the country's biggest financial scandals and a major embarrassment for the government.
Probes into the project's financial records since then have revealed instances of corruption, cases of conflict of interest as well as breach of trust. Ling is one of the very rare top politicians in Malaysia to be charged with corruption.
In 2004, former land and cooperative development minister Kasitah Gaddam was charged in the Sessions Court with corrupt practice and cheating, the first cabinet member to be charged with such crimes. He was freed by the court without his defence being called last year. Before Kasitah, former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, who is now opposition leader, was the other prominent politician charged with corruption. He was sentenced to six-year jail in 1999.
Another top politician who was charged for corruption was the late Harun Idris, the Selangor menteri besar from 1964 to 1976. He was slapped with a six-year jail sentence but served three years behind bar before being pardoned by the king in 1981 on the advice of then new prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Read 'Ling Liong Sik arrested, Pakatan fears brokered-deal' here.
Semua ini hanya drama minggu ini, ultimately the court will dismiss the case coz lack of evidence.
They should go after Mahathir, he was the PM then? Please dont forget Khir Toyo and Taib Mahmud too.......
He is charged under Section 418 of the Penal Code with misleading cabinet between Sept 25 and Nov 6, 2002 into agreeing to purchase 999.5 acres of land on Pulau Indah for a project, that is now known as PKFZ, at a price of RM25psf on a deffered payment method for a 15-year period, at an interest rate of 7.5 percent. The culminative interest paid would total at RM720 million at the end of the repayment period. He was also offered an alternative charge under Section 417 of the Penal Code for the same offence.
According to the charge sheet, the Finance Ministry had already valued the land at RM25psf - inclusive of compounded interest - and this fact was withheld by the accused from cabinet. Ling pleaded not guilty to both charges and Sessions Court judge Suzana Hussin set bail at RM1 million. Mention has been fixed for Sept 3. As Ling needed time to post bail, Ling is on personal bond for today and he will pay bail at the sessions court tomorrow. He was represented by counsel RR Sethu.
On leaving the courtroom, he told journalists that it was his first time to be in Putrajaya's Palace of Justice, which is located next to the Kajang Sessions Court. Asked whether he was confident in fighting the case, he said, “In the Palace of Justice, you must feel very confident.” Ling appeared in court at 4.45pm accompanied by his wife Ena and two sons. He then proceeded to sit in the dock. Ling, wore a purple-stripe shirt and a pair of sandals, looked expressionless. He is the second MCA president to take the dock after Tan Koon Suan.
Earlier today, rumours of a very important personality (VIP) to be charged have sent dozens of journalists, included those from foreign wire services, camping at the court complex early this morning. Most of them gathered at the lobby and main entrance of the courthouse. while a couple have stationed themselves in and outside the courtroom. After an eight-hour wait, at about 4pm, attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail and three DPPs, including head of prosecution Tun Abdul Majid Hamzah, arrived in court without speaking to the journalists. The other two were Manoj Kurup and Dzulkifli Ahmad.
More to come?
Last November, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) had recommended in its report on the PKFZ controversy that former transport minister Chan Kong Choy and former Port Klang Authority (PKA) general manager OC Phang be probed for CBT (criminal breach of trust). This was over the wrongful issuance of three letters of support by Chan and three letters of undertaking by Phang without Finance Ministry approval.
PAC said that it was informed by the attorney-general that the letters were implicitly a form of guarantee from the government to ensure that there would be allocations for PKA to enable it to meet its obligations under the development agreement. PKFZ, a commercial and industrial project south of the capital, was conceived as a RM1.82 billion venture constructed over 1,000 acres. However costs are now expected to balloon to RM12.5 billion, making the affair one of the country's biggest financial scandals and a major embarrassment for the government.
Probes into the project's financial records since then have revealed instances of corruption, cases of conflict of interest as well as breach of trust. Ling is one of the very rare top politicians in Malaysia to be charged with corruption.
In 2004, former land and cooperative development minister Kasitah Gaddam was charged in the Sessions Court with corrupt practice and cheating, the first cabinet member to be charged with such crimes. He was freed by the court without his defence being called last year. Before Kasitah, former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, who is now opposition leader, was the other prominent politician charged with corruption. He was sentenced to six-year jail in 1999.
Another top politician who was charged for corruption was the late Harun Idris, the Selangor menteri besar from 1964 to 1976. He was slapped with a six-year jail sentence but served three years behind bar before being pardoned by the king in 1981 on the advice of then new prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Read 'Ling Liong Sik arrested, Pakatan fears brokered-deal' here.
Semua ini hanya drama minggu ini, ultimately the court will dismiss the case coz lack of evidence.
They should go after Mahathir, he was the PM then? Please dont forget Khir Toyo and Taib Mahmud too.......
28 July 2010
DPP has affair with Saifool.....
In a sensational twist in Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy trial, a prosecutor has been dropped after being accused of having an affair with the star witness.
Defence lawyers said the surprise move bolstered its claim that Anwar, a former deputy premier who was sacked and jailed on separate sex and corruption counts a decade ago, is the victim of a political conspiracy.
The prosecution said it was dropping Farah Azlina Latif(left) from its team in the ongoing trial, following claims she was romantically involved with Mohamad Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 25, who has accused Anwar of sodomising him.
'This can be very difficult for us but any personal matter, if it can have any implication in whatever form... will be handled very seriously,' attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail told state media late on Tuesday.
'This move is also to ensure that the smooth running of the case is not affected,' the government's top lawyer said, without specifying whether or not the claims were true.
An official at the attorney-general's office confirmed his comments to AFP, and said that Farah Azlina would also be transferred to another department. The defence said it had sought an official explanation from the prosecution after a leading Malaysian political blogger said on his website that the lawyer was in a sexual relationship with Saiful, who has a fiancee.
'The implications are serious,' Anwar's lawyer Sankara Nair told AFP on Wednesday. 'There is a perception that Saiful could have been given access to confidential information of the trial and that would compromise the integrity of the prosecution,' he said.
Mr Sankara said the development strengthened claims that there was a conspiracy against Anwar, after Saiful testified that he met with high-profile individuals including Prime Minister Najib Razak before lodging his complaint.
The attorney-general however said that Farah Azlina, one of eight prosecutors in the Anwar case, had no access to confidential information. The sodomy trial, which began in February and has been punctuated by lengthy delays, is set to resume on August 2 for a one-month session.
Read 'Lawyer:Did DPP have sex with Saiful? Yes or no' here.
Read 'Between liwat and zina: Did DPP dump fiance for Saiful?' here.
Read 'Hubungan romantis', DPP digugurkan dari kes Anwar' here.
Read 'Adakah Saiful ada hubungan sulit dengan DPP?' here.
Read 'Why did the DPP have an affair with Saiful? Here's one theory ...' here.
The attorney-general can say what he likes, but you guys can easily guess whether he is a person of good repute...........
Sodomy I menyaksikan mangsanya, Azizan ditangkap berkhalwat dengan seorang pelajar berasal dari Kangar.
Sodomy II menyaksikan mangsanya, Saifool dikatakan beromen dengan DPP Farah Azlina Latif seorang ahli dalam pasukan pendakwaan yang mengendalikan kes sodomy II itu. Macam drama minggu ini saja.
Nasihat orang2 tua, 'Jangan kita suka menfitnah orang,nanti satu hari kelak kita sendiri akan difitnah'........
Defence lawyers said the surprise move bolstered its claim that Anwar, a former deputy premier who was sacked and jailed on separate sex and corruption counts a decade ago, is the victim of a political conspiracy.
The prosecution said it was dropping Farah Azlina Latif(left) from its team in the ongoing trial, following claims she was romantically involved with Mohamad Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 25, who has accused Anwar of sodomising him.
'This can be very difficult for us but any personal matter, if it can have any implication in whatever form... will be handled very seriously,' attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail told state media late on Tuesday.
'This move is also to ensure that the smooth running of the case is not affected,' the government's top lawyer said, without specifying whether or not the claims were true.
An official at the attorney-general's office confirmed his comments to AFP, and said that Farah Azlina would also be transferred to another department. The defence said it had sought an official explanation from the prosecution after a leading Malaysian political blogger said on his website that the lawyer was in a sexual relationship with Saiful, who has a fiancee.
'The implications are serious,' Anwar's lawyer Sankara Nair told AFP on Wednesday. 'There is a perception that Saiful could have been given access to confidential information of the trial and that would compromise the integrity of the prosecution,' he said.
Mr Sankara said the development strengthened claims that there was a conspiracy against Anwar, after Saiful testified that he met with high-profile individuals including Prime Minister Najib Razak before lodging his complaint.
The attorney-general however said that Farah Azlina, one of eight prosecutors in the Anwar case, had no access to confidential information. The sodomy trial, which began in February and has been punctuated by lengthy delays, is set to resume on August 2 for a one-month session.
Read 'Lawyer:Did DPP have sex with Saiful? Yes or no' here.
Read 'Between liwat and zina: Did DPP dump fiance for Saiful?' here.
Read 'Hubungan romantis', DPP digugurkan dari kes Anwar' here.
Read 'Adakah Saiful ada hubungan sulit dengan DPP?' here.
Read 'Why did the DPP have an affair with Saiful? Here's one theory ...' here.
The attorney-general can say what he likes, but you guys can easily guess whether he is a person of good repute...........
Sodomy I menyaksikan mangsanya, Azizan ditangkap berkhalwat dengan seorang pelajar berasal dari Kangar.
Sodomy II menyaksikan mangsanya, Saifool dikatakan beromen dengan DPP Farah Azlina Latif seorang ahli dalam pasukan pendakwaan yang mengendalikan kes sodomy II itu. Macam drama minggu ini saja.
Nasihat orang2 tua, 'Jangan kita suka menfitnah orang,nanti satu hari kelak kita sendiri akan difitnah'........
27 July 2010
Civil service's double standard.......
Datuk Ariff Sabri in his blog Sakmongkol 47 wrote.....
The SDO ( state development officer) is probably among the top five civil servants at the state level- behind the SS, SFINO, SDO, etc etc. He oversees the award of federal projects in the state and by virtue of being the representative of the federal government in a state controlled by an opposition party, must have felt at par with the CM. He thinks he can act as a government within a government.
Lim Guan Eng is an elected head of the government of the day. It does not matter whether he is a federal civil servant or state civil servant- he is bound by the conventional practice of governance. That some civil servant can come out in open defiance to an elected leader reflects the failure of our ecosystem in turning out the best. Instead it has produced some of the haughtiest employee given strength by an officious position.
Several years ago, Nazri Aziz was embroiled in a verbal fracas with a top officer of the BPR( now MACC). Nazri went ballistic and public by saying, we, the politicians are your masters. We don't like the way he said it, but he was right in the sense, political leaders are elected and in that sense are owed obedience and deference.
Would such a behaviour be tolerated if it were an UMNO head of government that was shamed? The civil servant would be transferred within 24 hours.
Not so long ago, Khir Toyo presented a senior civil servant( he must also be a MCS officer) with a broom which to the Malay is sial.
The civil servant didn't say Khir Toyo was biadab in public. In private, I am sure Khir Toyo was roundly denounced. Not a murmur from the Chief Secretary to the government then. Now we the Chief Secretary defending the actions of this particular civil servant.
Read his full article,'the leader and his civil service', here.
Read,'Chief Secretary, Nik Ali Baba and Malaysian Civil Service' here.
Adalah jelas bahawa pegawai SDO, Nik Ali itu telah melanggar bab-bab tertentu Perintah Am, tapi kerana peristewa itu berlaku di negeri yang dikuasai oleh pembangkang, maka perlakuan Nik Ali dianggap tak salah dan boleh dimaafkan.
Saya teringat kepada satu insiden, di mana seorang Pegetua sekolah telah membuat kenyataan kepada pemberita berkaitan dengan sesuatu isu. Dalam tempoh 24 jam, Pengetua tersebut telah ditukar dengan serta merta. Salahnya, ialah Pengetua tersebut tidak merujuk terlebih dahulu kepada Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri dan KPM sebelum membuat kenyataan tersebut.
Nik Ali pun buat kenyataan, bukan setakat kenyataan tapi menghina seorang Ketua Menteri, tanpa merujuk kepada 'bosnya' di Putrajaya, kenapa perbuatannya dimaafkan? Ditambah pula mungkin dalam tempoh terdekat Nik Ali akan dinaikkan pangkat lagi. Adil betul JPA 1Malaysia!
Inilah double standard yang diamalkan oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam.......
The SDO ( state development officer) is probably among the top five civil servants at the state level- behind the SS, SFINO, SDO, etc etc. He oversees the award of federal projects in the state and by virtue of being the representative of the federal government in a state controlled by an opposition party, must have felt at par with the CM. He thinks he can act as a government within a government.
Lim Guan Eng is an elected head of the government of the day. It does not matter whether he is a federal civil servant or state civil servant- he is bound by the conventional practice of governance. That some civil servant can come out in open defiance to an elected leader reflects the failure of our ecosystem in turning out the best. Instead it has produced some of the haughtiest employee given strength by an officious position.
Several years ago, Nazri Aziz was embroiled in a verbal fracas with a top officer of the BPR( now MACC). Nazri went ballistic and public by saying, we, the politicians are your masters. We don't like the way he said it, but he was right in the sense, political leaders are elected and in that sense are owed obedience and deference.
Would such a behaviour be tolerated if it were an UMNO head of government that was shamed? The civil servant would be transferred within 24 hours.
Not so long ago, Khir Toyo presented a senior civil servant( he must also be a MCS officer) with a broom which to the Malay is sial.
The civil servant didn't say Khir Toyo was biadab in public. In private, I am sure Khir Toyo was roundly denounced. Not a murmur from the Chief Secretary to the government then. Now we the Chief Secretary defending the actions of this particular civil servant.
Read his full article,'the leader and his civil service', here.
Read,'Chief Secretary, Nik Ali Baba and Malaysian Civil Service' here.
Adalah jelas bahawa pegawai SDO, Nik Ali itu telah melanggar bab-bab tertentu Perintah Am, tapi kerana peristewa itu berlaku di negeri yang dikuasai oleh pembangkang, maka perlakuan Nik Ali dianggap tak salah dan boleh dimaafkan.
Saya teringat kepada satu insiden, di mana seorang Pegetua sekolah telah membuat kenyataan kepada pemberita berkaitan dengan sesuatu isu. Dalam tempoh 24 jam, Pengetua tersebut telah ditukar dengan serta merta. Salahnya, ialah Pengetua tersebut tidak merujuk terlebih dahulu kepada Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri dan KPM sebelum membuat kenyataan tersebut.
Nik Ali pun buat kenyataan, bukan setakat kenyataan tapi menghina seorang Ketua Menteri, tanpa merujuk kepada 'bosnya' di Putrajaya, kenapa perbuatannya dimaafkan? Ditambah pula mungkin dalam tempoh terdekat Nik Ali akan dinaikkan pangkat lagi. Adil betul JPA 1Malaysia!
Inilah double standard yang diamalkan oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam.......
26 July 2010
Desprado sangatkah UMNO, muka tak malu......
Usaha Umno untuk menjalinkan perpaduan bersama PAS tidak akan dihentikan meskipun mendapat tentangan Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Ketua Penerangannya Datuk Ahmad Maslan berkata ini kerana Umno yakin masih terdapat kumpulan tertentu dalam PAS yang menyokong usaha berkenaan.
“Nik Abdul Aziz boleh cakap apa saja tapi dalam PAS itu ada juga kumpulan-kumpulan tertentu. Sebagaimana orang maklum, PAS ini bukannya semua berkisar pada Nik Abdul Aziz saja,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan seminar Pengurus Felda 2010 di Dewan Perdana Felda, di sini hari ini.
Ahmad yang juga Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri berkata PAS tidak bergantung kepada kepimpinan Nik Abdul Aziz semata-mata kerana masih ada pemimpin lain termasuk presiden, timbalan presiden dan jawatankuasa tertinggi parti. “...tentunya mereka mempunyai pandangan tertentu yang saya kira mungkin menyokong cadangan kita,” katanya ketika mengulas kenyataan Nik Abdul Aziz yang sekali lagi menolak cadangan tersebut.
source:malaysia insider
Macam gila talaq saja.....Sudah lah! kami dah meluat UMNO...Pooooodah.....
Perkasa an identity thief, says Orang Asli......
Perkasa, whose pro-Malay rhetoric has upset many Chinese, Indians and even Malays, has found itself another opponent — the Orang Asli. Dewi Malam, a Tok Batin from Kampung Orang Asli in Pulau Kempas, said Perkasa had robbed his people of their identity by using the word “pribumi” in its name.
Perkasa is short for Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia, which can be translated as the Malaysian Organisation for Mighty Natives. It is headed by controversial politician Ibrahim Ali, who founded it as a body to defend Malay rights and privileges.
“But pribumi means orang asal (original people),” said Dewi. “They are the original owners of all the land in the peninsula. They do not have to pay for the land because they are its owner.
“That is what a pribumi is. He is master, sultan, king.”
Dewi said pribumi is not synonymous with Bumiputera, a word coined by Malaysia’s first premier, Tunku Abdul Rahman, to refer to the Malays and indigenous peoples.
“Perkasa members cannot call themselves pribumi. They can only call themselves Bumiputera.”
Dewi, a Temuan tribesman, said that even the word Melayu had been abused. According to him, it is a Temuan word meaning “the people who work” and originally referred to six related pribumi tribes: Kuala, Kanaq, Seletar, Jakun, Semelai and Temuan. - Rahmah Ghazali and Hisyam Salleh
source: - Free Malaysia Today
Perkasa is short for Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia, which can be translated as the Malaysian Organisation for Mighty Natives. It is headed by controversial politician Ibrahim Ali, who founded it as a body to defend Malay rights and privileges.
“But pribumi means orang asal (original people),” said Dewi. “They are the original owners of all the land in the peninsula. They do not have to pay for the land because they are its owner.
“That is what a pribumi is. He is master, sultan, king.”
Dewi said pribumi is not synonymous with Bumiputera, a word coined by Malaysia’s first premier, Tunku Abdul Rahman, to refer to the Malays and indigenous peoples.
“Perkasa members cannot call themselves pribumi. They can only call themselves Bumiputera.”
Dewi, a Temuan tribesman, said that even the word Melayu had been abused. According to him, it is a Temuan word meaning “the people who work” and originally referred to six related pribumi tribes: Kuala, Kanaq, Seletar, Jakun, Semelai and Temuan. - Rahmah Ghazali and Hisyam Salleh
source: - Free Malaysia Today
25 July 2010
Nik Aziz - "Umno, kami kenal siapa anda.......
PAS tidak memerlukan peranan orang tengah jikapun parti Islam itu mahu mengadakan perbincangan dengan Umno mengenai soal penyatuan Melayu, kata Mursyidul Am Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat malam tadi.
Bagaimanapun Menteri Besar Kelantan ini terus dengan pendirian yang telah dicapai parti itu pada muktamar-muktamar tahunan mereka sejak 2008 bahawa PAS tidak akan menjalin kerjasama politik dengan Umno agar “tangan PAS tidak digigit kali kedua.”
PAS mahu kekal dengan kerjasama dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang turut dianggotai DAP dan PKR, kata beliau.
“Ada orang hendak menjadi orang tengah, mimpi... kalau saya (PAS) mahu, saya boleh jumpa Perdana Menteri, tak perlu (orang tengah),” kata beliau pada majlis ceramah isu-isu semasa anjuran PAS Kuala Terengganu di sini.
“(Ini macam) hidung tak mancung, pipi terserong-serong,” tambah Nik Aziz dengan merujuk kepada tindakan beberapa pihak termasuk Umno yang menimbulkan semula syor kerjasama perpaduan dan penyatuan Umno dan PAS sejak kebelakangan ini.
Pakatan Rakyat yang menurunkan calon PAS memenangi kerusi Parlimen Kuala Terengganu daripada penguasaan BN pada pilihan raya kecil Januari 2009. Malah Nik Aziz berkata, beliau tetap dengan pendiriannya menolak sebarang perbincangan atau kerjasama dengan Umno kerana menganggap parti itu telah menyimpang daripada perjuangan Islam.
Malah Nik Aziz mengulangi bahawa Umno terus menunjukkan minat mahu membincangkan kerjasama dengan PAS selepas menyedari kedudukannya menjadi lemah pada pilihan raya umum ke-12 dua tahun lalu.
“Bila dah kalah baru cari kawan... selepas 13 Mei, (Allahyarham) Tun Abdul Razak datang jumpa PAS, kami ingat ikhlas, sebab saya orang yang paling kuat menerima jemputan (daripada Tun Abdul Razak).
“Tetapi bila sudah gemuk (selesa kedudukan), gigit (tangan PAS)... dia orang (akhbar menulis) PAS keluar (BN), tetapi bukan keluar, tetapi ditendang, macam mana punya wartawan tulis macam itu,” katanya. Oleh itu dengan merujuk kepada Umno-BN, tambah Nik Aziz, “kami kenal siapa anda.”
“Orang kata kita bodoh, tak mengapa (kali pertama)... tetapi gigit lagi (tangan PAS), kamu memang bodohlah,” katanya Nik Aziz seolah-olah tidak mahu pengalaman lalu berulang dan mahu mengelakkan kerjasama dengan Umno-BN. PAS menyertai BN pada 1974 dan kerjasama itu berakhir empat tahun kemudian. Nik Aziz mengatakan demikian ketika timbul semula idea kerjasama politik antara kedua-dua parti berkenaan.
Antara lain pada 17 Julai lalu, Mufti Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria berkata beliau mahu terus menyatupadukan orang Islam dan Melayu di negara ini walaupun terdapat pihak tidak menyenangi usaha murni beliau itu. Namun Harussani berkata, beliau tidak pernah berputus asa demi mengekalkan kebaikan dan perpaduan umat Islam di negara ini, khususnya antara Umno dan PAS.
Harussani berkata terdapat pemimpin kedua-dua parti Melayu berkenaan yang datang berjumpa beliau baru-baru ini bagi membincang dan meminta pandangan beliau berhubung cara untuk menyatupadukan kedua-dua parti tersebut. Bagaimanapun beberapa jam sebelum ucapan Nik Aziz di sini malam tadi, Persuruhjaya PAS Selangor Datuk Dr Hasan Ali mengakui ada menemui Harussani tetapi menafikan pertemuan mereka ada menyentuh soal kerjasama politik antara PAS dan Umno.
Dua hari sebelum kenyataan Harussani itu, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin memberitahu, beliau akan menentukan masa yang sesuai untuk pertemuan dengan Nik Aziz bagi membincangkan syor kerjasama Umno-PAS yang muncul sekali lagi awal bulan ini.
“Saya menghargai sikap Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz yang terbuka dalam hal ini,” kata Timbalan Presiden Umno ini selepas merasmikan persidangan perwakilan Umno Bahagian Jeli, Kelantan. Muhyiddin berkata kerjasama itu perlu dibincangkan atas permintaan beberapa pihak yang mahukan orang Melayu bersatu kembali.
Nik Aziz juga berkata beliau sedia bertemu dan berbincang dengan Muhyiddin yang juga Timbalan Perdana Menteri mengenai “apa juga perkara” tetapi perjumpaan itu biarlah tanpa diatur mana-mana pihak ketiga sebagai orang tengah.
source:malaysian insider
Najib's gov't has endorsed 'sabotage'of PR state govt.....
The BN leaders' show of support for state development officer (SDO) Nik Ali Nik Yunus against criticisms by Penang's chief minister Lim Guan Eng smacks of moves by the BN to sabotage the Pakatan Rakyat-led state, DAP publicity secretary Tony Pua(right) said today.
Citing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Chief Secretary Mohd Sidek Hassan's defence of Nik Ali and their indifference to his “outright transgressions”, Pua said it was clear that the BN-led federal government was using the civil service's “little Napoleons” to make life difficult for the Pakatan state governments, to their own political interests.
Najib, Muhyiddin and Sidek's actions set a dangerous precedent and serve to endorse recalcitrance by these rogue civil servants, and even clearly encourage them to openly defy the Pakatan-led state governments, Pua added.
“The Barisan Nasional leaders are unable to accept the situation where a government founded on 'competency, accountability and transparency' will outstrip the performance of BN and have instead chosen to inculcate “little Napoleons” in the civil service to sabotage state policies that serve to benefit the rakyat.
Pua, who is also Petaling Jaya Utara MP, was commenting on the public spat between Lim and Nik Ali on the latter's role in three projects - the arches at the Botanical Gardens, the alleged illegal sand mining in Balik Pulau and the stop-work order on the construction of the Defence Ministry's multi-storey air force school building in Tanjung Bungah.
On Monday, Nik Ali(left) hit back at Lim, saying that the chief minister was ignorant of the role of an SDO. Nik Ali had also reportedly insulted Lim by uttering words like biadab (disrespectful) and dayus (coward).
Coming to Nik Ali's defence, Najib had said the cabinet regretted and found unacceptable the Penang CM's actions in "tarnishing the image" of a federal officer, whereas Muhyiddin claimed the cabinet had found nothing wrong in Nik Ali's actions. Najib also said Lim should be tactful when reprimanding officers over issues and should do it behind closed doors.
Pua, however, said Najib has clearly gone against his “people first, performance now” slogan by getting civil servants to serve BN's own political interests.
“The Pakatan Rakyat state governments have no beef with the Malaysian civil service, and we have worked well with many top civil servants who have given outstanding performance in the delivery of our policies.
“However, the Pakatan governments will not tolerate the presence of "little Napoleons" whose only roles are to serve their own personal interest as well as that of Umno and BN.
“The continued presence of, and encouragement given, to these "little Napoleons" will only result in continued leakages, corruption and inefficiency in the government delivery mechanism, and will turn away precious local and foreign investors who will see no practical changes with the government despite the implementation of the New Economic Model.”
Ketua Menteri: Putrajaya lindungi 'Little Napoleon' baca di sini.
Citing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Chief Secretary Mohd Sidek Hassan's defence of Nik Ali and their indifference to his “outright transgressions”, Pua said it was clear that the BN-led federal government was using the civil service's “little Napoleons” to make life difficult for the Pakatan state governments, to their own political interests.
Najib, Muhyiddin and Sidek's actions set a dangerous precedent and serve to endorse recalcitrance by these rogue civil servants, and even clearly encourage them to openly defy the Pakatan-led state governments, Pua added.
“The Barisan Nasional leaders are unable to accept the situation where a government founded on 'competency, accountability and transparency' will outstrip the performance of BN and have instead chosen to inculcate “little Napoleons” in the civil service to sabotage state policies that serve to benefit the rakyat.
Pua, who is also Petaling Jaya Utara MP, was commenting on the public spat between Lim and Nik Ali on the latter's role in three projects - the arches at the Botanical Gardens, the alleged illegal sand mining in Balik Pulau and the stop-work order on the construction of the Defence Ministry's multi-storey air force school building in Tanjung Bungah.
On Monday, Nik Ali(left) hit back at Lim, saying that the chief minister was ignorant of the role of an SDO. Nik Ali had also reportedly insulted Lim by uttering words like biadab (disrespectful) and dayus (coward).
Coming to Nik Ali's defence, Najib had said the cabinet regretted and found unacceptable the Penang CM's actions in "tarnishing the image" of a federal officer, whereas Muhyiddin claimed the cabinet had found nothing wrong in Nik Ali's actions. Najib also said Lim should be tactful when reprimanding officers over issues and should do it behind closed doors.
Pua, however, said Najib has clearly gone against his “people first, performance now” slogan by getting civil servants to serve BN's own political interests.
“The Pakatan Rakyat state governments have no beef with the Malaysian civil service, and we have worked well with many top civil servants who have given outstanding performance in the delivery of our policies.
“However, the Pakatan governments will not tolerate the presence of "little Napoleons" whose only roles are to serve their own personal interest as well as that of Umno and BN.
“The continued presence of, and encouragement given, to these "little Napoleons" will only result in continued leakages, corruption and inefficiency in the government delivery mechanism, and will turn away precious local and foreign investors who will see no practical changes with the government despite the implementation of the New Economic Model.”
Ketua Menteri: Putrajaya lindungi 'Little Napoleon' baca di sini.
24 July 2010
Federal Gov't evict villagers in Umno area too......
When Penang opposition leader Azhar Ibrahim spoke up for Malay villages being demolished in Kg Jalan Pokok Asam, little did he realise it would open a can of worms revealing similar eviction crisis, brought about by the federal authorities, in his own state constituency, Penaga. Several other constituencies held by Umno assemblypersons are also suffering similar woes, such as Bayan Lepas and Tasek Gelugor, but the issue has had little coverage in the media.
Parit Buntar MP Dr.Mujahid Yusuf Rawa(above in red baju Melayu) demanded that Azhar , who is state Umno secretary, refrain from interfering in the affairs of Jelutong "when his own home is not in order". Mujahid, who is state PAS deputy chief, said several villages in Azhar's constituency had been issued with eviction notices from the federal authorities, and he had done nothing to help the villagers.
He was referring to families from four villages along the Muda river in Penaga who had complained that the federal Land and Mines Department wanted them to move out, even though they had yet to be provided with transitional accommodation. The land on which the houses stand is required for a federal flood mitigation project and representatives of the families have taken their problems to Parliament recently.
On July 8, several villagers from the area turned up at the Dewan Rakyat to meet with their MP, former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (BN-Kepala Batas) to get him to raise in Parliament the problem of their eviction.
RM1.2 billion flood mitigation project
However, Abdullah did not turn up that day, and so the villagers met with Mujahid and other PAS officials who were present.
Natural Resources and Environment Minister Douglas Uggah Embas announced in September 2008 an RM1.2 billion flood mitigation project for the Muda river, which when completed in four years would drastically reduce floods in mainland Penang and in Kedah. Mujahid said the project involved, among others, the widening and deepening of a 40km stretch of the river.
"Please do not undermine our capability to help the affected villagers and do not victimise them," Mujahid told Azhar(left) during a press conference in Penang.
"Please look at your own home. Your wife and children are fighting with you; your wife is not at home and your children have not eaten; go and solve your own problems first before fighting (for the villagers of Kg Jalan Pokok Asam)," he said.
'We have the resources to help the villagers' "We have all the resources to help them via the MPs, the municipal council and the state government by negotiating with the developer, so stop interfering."
Azhar was recently reported by the media as saying that the Penang Municipal Council had given the go-ahead for development in several Malay villages, such as Kg Jalan Pokok Asam, after Pakatan Rakyat took over the state in 2008. He claimed that when the development of Kg Jalan Pokok Asam was raised during BN's rule in Penang, the state had imposed a condition that approval would only be given once issues of relocation and compensation were settled. But in the case of the Pakatan government, approval was given even before any amicable agreement was reached, added Azhar, who was a former state exco.
Dismissing Azhar's claim as mere "nosiness", Mujahid also took him to task for his role in the "closure" of the 17 Umno branches that claimed they were still active. He called on Azhar to resolve the issue of the controversial branches with their 4,500 members still "stateless and hanging" before interfering in the affairs of Kg Jalan Pokok Asam. "Please resolve this problem before being a busybody. How is Umno going to help the Kg Jalan Pokok Asam people if it does not even have a recognised branch there?" he asked.
Mujahid said the members of the 17 Umno branches were welcome to join PAS as the party had access to the state government to help them in their current predicament.
"We only have five branches in Jelutong, but we have the solid backing of the state to get the villages the best compensation package possible," he vowed. - Susan Loone
Umno P Pinang gagal lihat 'gajah' depan mata, baca di sini.
Parit Buntar MP Dr.Mujahid Yusuf Rawa(above in red baju Melayu) demanded that Azhar , who is state Umno secretary, refrain from interfering in the affairs of Jelutong "when his own home is not in order". Mujahid, who is state PAS deputy chief, said several villages in Azhar's constituency had been issued with eviction notices from the federal authorities, and he had done nothing to help the villagers.
He was referring to families from four villages along the Muda river in Penaga who had complained that the federal Land and Mines Department wanted them to move out, even though they had yet to be provided with transitional accommodation. The land on which the houses stand is required for a federal flood mitigation project and representatives of the families have taken their problems to Parliament recently.
On July 8, several villagers from the area turned up at the Dewan Rakyat to meet with their MP, former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (BN-Kepala Batas) to get him to raise in Parliament the problem of their eviction.
RM1.2 billion flood mitigation project
However, Abdullah did not turn up that day, and so the villagers met with Mujahid and other PAS officials who were present.
Natural Resources and Environment Minister Douglas Uggah Embas announced in September 2008 an RM1.2 billion flood mitigation project for the Muda river, which when completed in four years would drastically reduce floods in mainland Penang and in Kedah. Mujahid said the project involved, among others, the widening and deepening of a 40km stretch of the river.
"Please do not undermine our capability to help the affected villagers and do not victimise them," Mujahid told Azhar(left) during a press conference in Penang.
"Please look at your own home. Your wife and children are fighting with you; your wife is not at home and your children have not eaten; go and solve your own problems first before fighting (for the villagers of Kg Jalan Pokok Asam)," he said.
'We have the resources to help the villagers' "We have all the resources to help them via the MPs, the municipal council and the state government by negotiating with the developer, so stop interfering."
Azhar was recently reported by the media as saying that the Penang Municipal Council had given the go-ahead for development in several Malay villages, such as Kg Jalan Pokok Asam, after Pakatan Rakyat took over the state in 2008. He claimed that when the development of Kg Jalan Pokok Asam was raised during BN's rule in Penang, the state had imposed a condition that approval would only be given once issues of relocation and compensation were settled. But in the case of the Pakatan government, approval was given even before any amicable agreement was reached, added Azhar, who was a former state exco.
Dismissing Azhar's claim as mere "nosiness", Mujahid also took him to task for his role in the "closure" of the 17 Umno branches that claimed they were still active. He called on Azhar to resolve the issue of the controversial branches with their 4,500 members still "stateless and hanging" before interfering in the affairs of Kg Jalan Pokok Asam. "Please resolve this problem before being a busybody. How is Umno going to help the Kg Jalan Pokok Asam people if it does not even have a recognised branch there?" he asked.
Mujahid said the members of the 17 Umno branches were welcome to join PAS as the party had access to the state government to help them in their current predicament.
"We only have five branches in Jelutong, but we have the solid backing of the state to get the villages the best compensation package possible," he vowed. - Susan Loone
Umno P Pinang gagal lihat 'gajah' depan mata, baca di sini.
23 July 2010
'Federal officers' choose to kowtow to the UMNO tuan.....
The root of the problem behind the verbal brawl between Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the state development officer is that the latter chooses to be a political tool of the Barisan Nasional, says political analyst Abdul Aziz Bari.
The outspoken Abdul Aziz said the accusation by federal appointee Nik Ali Mat Yunus that Lim was "rude" was a classic example of the long list of problems in the working of federal agencies in states under Pakatan Rakyat, where BN is the opposition. Nik Ali had obviously breached the regulation that a public servant shall not make public statements, he said.
"But the problem is that he is a federal officer and we know for a fact that the federal public service would not do anything against the officer despite the offence he committed," Abdul Aziz said.
"This is the dilemma; this is the problem when we have a government that does not care about the constitution," he added.
Recently, Lim and Nik Ali has been at loggerheads over several issues, with Lim accusing Nik Ali of "openly and blatantly" sabotaging the state government.
Nik Ali had responded angrily by calling Lim "rude" while state Umno leaders have readily defended him, accusing Lim of being "inexperienced and immature" in running the state. The controversy was sparked by allegations of sand theft in Balik Pulau, exposed by Pulau Betong assemblyperson Muhamad Farid Saad, following which Lim passed the responsibility to Nik Ali, since the matter involved land belonging to the federal government. Abdul Aziz also said that in Malaysia, public servants were working to save the BN government and at the same time, helped to undermine the Pakatan.
"This is not constitutional democracy but constitutional anarchy," he said, pointing out that in the United Kingdom, the Labour government allowed public servants to brief Conservatives and Liberals who were trying to form government after the April elections that resulted in a hung parliament. A similar problem pertaining to state legal advisers was highlighted by Opposition leader and PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim recently.
"The root of the problem is this: instead of carrying out their functions and duties according to the law, the federal officers choose to become political tools of the BN-led federal government," said Abdul Bari.
The existing problems created by federal agencies like the police and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission continue to persist, he said, adding that these agencies created havoc in Kelantan, Terengganu (1999-2004) and then in Perak last year. The federal government, he said, set up the Federal Development Departments illegally, apart from the village heads appointed by the Rural Development Ministry.
"For example under the Police Act 1967, the job of the police is to carry out the law of the land; irrespective of whether it is federal or state," he said.
"But the police, as we have seen in Terengganu in 1999, have arrogantly said they were not going to do that - as the state Chief Police Officer Othman Talib had put it.
'Public servants must serve government of the day' "Strange enough, in the BN-led states the police are often willing to carry out orders from the state government, even though these are just policies or executive orders and not law enacted by the state assemblies."
Constitutionally speaking, Abdul Aziz added, public servants - including members of the armed forces and police force - were there to serve the government of the day, whatever their colour and shape.
Centre for Policy Studies director Lim Teck Ghee concurred with Abdul Aziz that similar problems existed in other Pakatan-controlled states, with federal officers beholden to the federal government for their mobility and career prospects.
"The particular SDO (Nik Ali) is not only likely to be backed by his superiors in the federal civil service but he is probably also seeing this as an opportunity for rapid upward career mobility," said Lim, when asked to comment on the row.
"The issue of political bias in the civil service is a structural one that will continue to rear its ugly head until the necessary reforms to kill it off are implemented."
Lim said current rules and regulations governing the conduct and actions of civil servants in all sectors - whether in the legal service, police, Election Commission, Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission or development agencies - have been grossly ineffective in ensuring that the principles of political and administrative neutrality are observed.
"Until there are stronger measures to punish or censor such partisanship and political bias, I am afraid we will be considered a third-rate democracy.
"I hope the Pakatan parties, together with enlightened individuals from the BN, can come together to work on shaping this important and long overdue reform to ensure neutrality of the civil service," Lim added.
The outspoken Abdul Aziz said the accusation by federal appointee Nik Ali Mat Yunus that Lim was "rude" was a classic example of the long list of problems in the working of federal agencies in states under Pakatan Rakyat, where BN is the opposition. Nik Ali had obviously breached the regulation that a public servant shall not make public statements, he said.
"But the problem is that he is a federal officer and we know for a fact that the federal public service would not do anything against the officer despite the offence he committed," Abdul Aziz said.
"This is the dilemma; this is the problem when we have a government that does not care about the constitution," he added.
Recently, Lim and Nik Ali has been at loggerheads over several issues, with Lim accusing Nik Ali of "openly and blatantly" sabotaging the state government.
Nik Ali had responded angrily by calling Lim "rude" while state Umno leaders have readily defended him, accusing Lim of being "inexperienced and immature" in running the state. The controversy was sparked by allegations of sand theft in Balik Pulau, exposed by Pulau Betong assemblyperson Muhamad Farid Saad, following which Lim passed the responsibility to Nik Ali, since the matter involved land belonging to the federal government. Abdul Aziz also said that in Malaysia, public servants were working to save the BN government and at the same time, helped to undermine the Pakatan.
"This is not constitutional democracy but constitutional anarchy," he said, pointing out that in the United Kingdom, the Labour government allowed public servants to brief Conservatives and Liberals who were trying to form government after the April elections that resulted in a hung parliament. A similar problem pertaining to state legal advisers was highlighted by Opposition leader and PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim recently.
"The root of the problem is this: instead of carrying out their functions and duties according to the law, the federal officers choose to become political tools of the BN-led federal government," said Abdul Bari.
The existing problems created by federal agencies like the police and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission continue to persist, he said, adding that these agencies created havoc in Kelantan, Terengganu (1999-2004) and then in Perak last year. The federal government, he said, set up the Federal Development Departments illegally, apart from the village heads appointed by the Rural Development Ministry.
"For example under the Police Act 1967, the job of the police is to carry out the law of the land; irrespective of whether it is federal or state," he said.
"But the police, as we have seen in Terengganu in 1999, have arrogantly said they were not going to do that - as the state Chief Police Officer Othman Talib had put it.
'Public servants must serve government of the day' "Strange enough, in the BN-led states the police are often willing to carry out orders from the state government, even though these are just policies or executive orders and not law enacted by the state assemblies."
Constitutionally speaking, Abdul Aziz added, public servants - including members of the armed forces and police force - were there to serve the government of the day, whatever their colour and shape.
Centre for Policy Studies director Lim Teck Ghee concurred with Abdul Aziz that similar problems existed in other Pakatan-controlled states, with federal officers beholden to the federal government for their mobility and career prospects.
"The particular SDO (Nik Ali) is not only likely to be backed by his superiors in the federal civil service but he is probably also seeing this as an opportunity for rapid upward career mobility," said Lim, when asked to comment on the row.
"The issue of political bias in the civil service is a structural one that will continue to rear its ugly head until the necessary reforms to kill it off are implemented."
Lim said current rules and regulations governing the conduct and actions of civil servants in all sectors - whether in the legal service, police, Election Commission, Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission or development agencies - have been grossly ineffective in ensuring that the principles of political and administrative neutrality are observed.
"Until there are stronger measures to punish or censor such partisanship and political bias, I am afraid we will be considered a third-rate democracy.
"I hope the Pakatan parties, together with enlightened individuals from the BN, can come together to work on shaping this important and long overdue reform to ensure neutrality of the civil service," Lim added.
Saiful romen dengan Timbalan Pendakwaraya.....
Dakwaan bahawa salah seorang anggota pasukan pendakwa kes liwat kedua Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim terlibat dalam hubungan 'romantik' dengan saksi utama Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan mula menghantui pendakwa raya, tetapi status staf muda berkenaan masih belum diputuskan. Pasukan pendakwa raya belum memutuskan sama ada akan menggugurkan rakan mereka itu apabila perbicaraan disambung semula pada 2 Ogos ini.
Pengendali laman web Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamaruddin awal hari ini mendakwa seorang timbalan pendakwa raya wanita, yang merupakan anggota junior dalam pasukan mereka, sedang menjalin “hubungan romantik” dengan Saiful, yang mendakwa dia diliwat oleh Anwar Jun 2008.
Peguam Cara Negara II Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden menekankan bahawa sebarang keputusan sama ada anggota itu akan kekal dalam pasukannya boleh diketahui apabila kes disambung awal bulan depan. Mohd Yusof enggan mengatakan sama ada anggota wanita itu akan digugurkan kelak.
“Saya tidak boleh mengatakan kepada anda buat masa sekarang. Saya tidak mendengar tentang dakwaan atau tuduhan ini. “Bagaimanapun saya akan berbincang dengan pasukan saya dan kita akan melihat pada 2 Ogos ini sama ada dia akan bersama pasukan kami atau tidak,” kata Mohd Yusof kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Mohd Yusof menekankan, peranan staf itu adalah kecil memandangkan dia bukan “anggota rasmi” dalam pasukan itu apabila kes itu mula didengar. Pasukan pendakwaan terdiri daripada lapan anggota iaitu Mohd Yusof, Datuk Nordin Hassan, Mohamed Hanafiah Zakaria, Wong Chiang Kiat, Noorin Badaruddin, Mira Mirna Musa, Naidatul Athirah Azmad dan Farah Azlina Latif. Saiful dan Farah belum dapat dihubungi untuk reaksi.
Kata Mohd Yusof, anggota itu hanya dibawa untuk membantu pasukannya bagi menguruskan data dan mengambil nota prosiding kerana seorang pendakwa raya telah meninggalkan pasukan itu.
“Jadi, saya tidak boleh mengatakan dia telah digugurkan daripada pasukan ini kerana dia sebenarnya bukan sebahagian daripada pasukan saya, tidak seperti (timbalan pendakwa raya) Noorin (Badaruddin) atau Wong (Chiang Kiat), atau diri saya. “Dia dibawa untuk membantu tetapi kini kami ada sekurang-kurangnya tiga peguam yang boleh melakukan kerja-kerja menghimpunkan (data) dan kadangkala Noorin juga mengambil nota,” katanya. Selain itu menurut beliau, anggota berkenaan juga pendakwa raya yang turut mengendalikan kes-kes lain.
“Jika kami memutuskan untuk tidak menyertakan dia dalam pasukan kami, ia adalah kerana kami boleh mengendalikan kes ini tanpa dia... ini kerana dia juga ada kes lain untuk dikendalikan,” kata Mohd Yusof lagi.
Mohd Yusof sambil berkata beliau tiada maklumat mengenai tuduhan terbaru ini, apa yang dilakukan oleh anggota pasukannya adalah urusan peribadi.
“Saya tidak periksa kehidupan peribadi mereka... jadi saya tidak tahu. Saya tidak boleh komen. Apakah anda boleh percaya Raja Petra? Dia selaku menyebarkan khabar angin,” katanya. “Saya memberitahu anda yang ini... saya perlu menemui anggota pasukan saya (terlebih dahulu) dan saya akan kembali kepada anda. Bagaimanapun dia bukan bahagian penting dalam pasukan saya, dia hanya akan membantu kami bila kami memerlukannya,” tegas Mohd Yusof.
Pada 19 Julai lalu perbicaraan kes liwat Anwar, Ketua Pembangkang, ditangguhkan sehingga 2 Ogos selepas ketua pasukan pembelaan Anwar, Karpal Singh, memperolehi cuti sakit selama dua minggu.-Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The bizarre case of Sodomy 2, read here.
Sodomy II prosecutor faces chop amid ‘affair’ allegation, read here.
source:malaysian insider
Pengendali laman web Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamaruddin awal hari ini mendakwa seorang timbalan pendakwa raya wanita, yang merupakan anggota junior dalam pasukan mereka, sedang menjalin “hubungan romantik” dengan Saiful, yang mendakwa dia diliwat oleh Anwar Jun 2008.
Peguam Cara Negara II Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden menekankan bahawa sebarang keputusan sama ada anggota itu akan kekal dalam pasukannya boleh diketahui apabila kes disambung awal bulan depan. Mohd Yusof enggan mengatakan sama ada anggota wanita itu akan digugurkan kelak.
“Saya tidak boleh mengatakan kepada anda buat masa sekarang. Saya tidak mendengar tentang dakwaan atau tuduhan ini. “Bagaimanapun saya akan berbincang dengan pasukan saya dan kita akan melihat pada 2 Ogos ini sama ada dia akan bersama pasukan kami atau tidak,” kata Mohd Yusof kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Mohd Yusof menekankan, peranan staf itu adalah kecil memandangkan dia bukan “anggota rasmi” dalam pasukan itu apabila kes itu mula didengar. Pasukan pendakwaan terdiri daripada lapan anggota iaitu Mohd Yusof, Datuk Nordin Hassan, Mohamed Hanafiah Zakaria, Wong Chiang Kiat, Noorin Badaruddin, Mira Mirna Musa, Naidatul Athirah Azmad dan Farah Azlina Latif. Saiful dan Farah belum dapat dihubungi untuk reaksi.
Kata Mohd Yusof, anggota itu hanya dibawa untuk membantu pasukannya bagi menguruskan data dan mengambil nota prosiding kerana seorang pendakwa raya telah meninggalkan pasukan itu.
“Jadi, saya tidak boleh mengatakan dia telah digugurkan daripada pasukan ini kerana dia sebenarnya bukan sebahagian daripada pasukan saya, tidak seperti (timbalan pendakwa raya) Noorin (Badaruddin) atau Wong (Chiang Kiat), atau diri saya. “Dia dibawa untuk membantu tetapi kini kami ada sekurang-kurangnya tiga peguam yang boleh melakukan kerja-kerja menghimpunkan (data) dan kadangkala Noorin juga mengambil nota,” katanya. Selain itu menurut beliau, anggota berkenaan juga pendakwa raya yang turut mengendalikan kes-kes lain.
“Jika kami memutuskan untuk tidak menyertakan dia dalam pasukan kami, ia adalah kerana kami boleh mengendalikan kes ini tanpa dia... ini kerana dia juga ada kes lain untuk dikendalikan,” kata Mohd Yusof lagi.
Mohd Yusof sambil berkata beliau tiada maklumat mengenai tuduhan terbaru ini, apa yang dilakukan oleh anggota pasukannya adalah urusan peribadi.
“Saya tidak periksa kehidupan peribadi mereka... jadi saya tidak tahu. Saya tidak boleh komen. Apakah anda boleh percaya Raja Petra? Dia selaku menyebarkan khabar angin,” katanya. “Saya memberitahu anda yang ini... saya perlu menemui anggota pasukan saya (terlebih dahulu) dan saya akan kembali kepada anda. Bagaimanapun dia bukan bahagian penting dalam pasukan saya, dia hanya akan membantu kami bila kami memerlukannya,” tegas Mohd Yusof.
Pada 19 Julai lalu perbicaraan kes liwat Anwar, Ketua Pembangkang, ditangguhkan sehingga 2 Ogos selepas ketua pasukan pembelaan Anwar, Karpal Singh, memperolehi cuti sakit selama dua minggu.-Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The bizarre case of Sodomy 2, read here.
Sodomy II prosecutor faces chop amid ‘affair’ allegation, read here.
source:malaysian insider
22 July 2010
Najib spend RM50k to have his opinion article published.......
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak paid RM50,000 (US$15,000) to a Washington-based political consultant in April this year in an attempt to get an opinion-editorial article written by him published in one of the major newspapers in the United States. And should the article eventually appear in print, the prime minister will have to fork out an additional RM50,000 as a 'success fee' to the consultant.
This is revealed in documents filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act by Quinn Gillespie & Associates (QGA), a top public relations and lobbying firm in Washington DC. According to the documents obtained by Malaysiakini, QGA was assigned by another consultancy firm, The Laurus Group, to try and convince a major US newspaper to carry Najib's article. The Laurus Group, an obscure public relations firm whose website is still under construction, had apparently been hired by the Malaysian government to provide 'public relations services' during Najib's week-long trip to Washington DC and New York from April 10 to 16 this year.
Najib, who was accompanied by his wife, Rosmah, met US President Barack Obama on April 12 in Washington. The couple later left for New York where Rosmah was feted and awarded the inaugural International Peace and Harmony Award at a gala dinner attended by a number of top Hollywood stars.
Non-refundable project fee
In the April 14 letter of agreement between the two consultancy firms – QGA and Laurus – it is stated that QGA 'will provide public and media relations services on behalf of the government of Malaysia related to the placement of an opinion editorial authored by the prime minister of Malaysia'. It added that Laurus would pay QGA a 'non-refundable project fee of US$15,000 for the period beginning April 14, 2010 and ending April 20, 2010'.
'Should QGA succeed in placing the opinion editorial in a major-market print media publication, the client (Laurus), will pay QGA a success fee of US$15,000. "The success fee shall be paid within 30 days of the date on which the opinion editorial appears in a publication meeting the criteria described above'.
The agreement did not identify the major newspapers which the opinion piece by Najib was to appear in. It is unclear whether Najib had to pay the full sum of around RM100,000 for the publication of his article. A check on leading US newspapers – Washington Post, New York Times and the Wall Street Journal – indicated that no such opinion piece appeared.
However, the Washington Times – a newspaper founded by Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon – did produce a supplement on Malaysia on the eve of Najib's arrival in the capital city. But this did not appear to be the said opinion piece as Washington Times is not considered a "major-market paper". The payment for the Washington Times supplement could come from other sources. Interestingly, the offices of both Laurus and QGA are located on the same floor in a building in Connecticut Avenue. Washington, DC.
Rosmah's ad in New York Times
The Laurus Group is also somehow linked to the controversial two-page advertisement in New York Times congratulating Rosmah for her peace award. Online news portal Nut Graph has over the past two months reported that New York Times initially said that the advertisement – which cost between RM1 million and RM1.5 million – was paid by the Malaysian government.
But the Times retracted its statement a few weeks later, stating that the advertisement was not paid by Putrajaya. It, however, has refused to divulge the identity of the individuals who did so.
At the same time, the Business Council for International Understanding which presented Rosmah with the one-time award, also wrote to Nut Graph expressing regret over its 'well-intended gesture of welcome and congratulations' to honour 'Malaysia's First Lady' being turned into a political issue.
Their e-mail communication on the matter was copied to Hank Jones, the chairperson of the Laurus Group, whose name appeared in the letter of agreement between his firm and QGA.-Steven Gan
PM 'tabur' RM50k untuk dapat liputan akhbar Amerika, baca di sini.
They accused Anwar of paying CNN for an interview. Now, look who is paying for one stupid article to appear in a US media?
Cakap tak serupa bikin..........
This is revealed in documents filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act by Quinn Gillespie & Associates (QGA), a top public relations and lobbying firm in Washington DC. According to the documents obtained by Malaysiakini, QGA was assigned by another consultancy firm, The Laurus Group, to try and convince a major US newspaper to carry Najib's article. The Laurus Group, an obscure public relations firm whose website is still under construction, had apparently been hired by the Malaysian government to provide 'public relations services' during Najib's week-long trip to Washington DC and New York from April 10 to 16 this year.
Najib, who was accompanied by his wife, Rosmah, met US President Barack Obama on April 12 in Washington. The couple later left for New York where Rosmah was feted and awarded the inaugural International Peace and Harmony Award at a gala dinner attended by a number of top Hollywood stars.
Non-refundable project fee
In the April 14 letter of agreement between the two consultancy firms – QGA and Laurus – it is stated that QGA 'will provide public and media relations services on behalf of the government of Malaysia related to the placement of an opinion editorial authored by the prime minister of Malaysia'. It added that Laurus would pay QGA a 'non-refundable project fee of US$15,000 for the period beginning April 14, 2010 and ending April 20, 2010'.
'Should QGA succeed in placing the opinion editorial in a major-market print media publication, the client (Laurus), will pay QGA a success fee of US$15,000. "The success fee shall be paid within 30 days of the date on which the opinion editorial appears in a publication meeting the criteria described above'.
The agreement did not identify the major newspapers which the opinion piece by Najib was to appear in. It is unclear whether Najib had to pay the full sum of around RM100,000 for the publication of his article. A check on leading US newspapers – Washington Post, New York Times and the Wall Street Journal – indicated that no such opinion piece appeared.
However, the Washington Times – a newspaper founded by Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon – did produce a supplement on Malaysia on the eve of Najib's arrival in the capital city. But this did not appear to be the said opinion piece as Washington Times is not considered a "major-market paper". The payment for the Washington Times supplement could come from other sources. Interestingly, the offices of both Laurus and QGA are located on the same floor in a building in Connecticut Avenue. Washington, DC.
Rosmah's ad in New York Times
The Laurus Group is also somehow linked to the controversial two-page advertisement in New York Times congratulating Rosmah for her peace award. Online news portal Nut Graph has over the past two months reported that New York Times initially said that the advertisement – which cost between RM1 million and RM1.5 million – was paid by the Malaysian government.
But the Times retracted its statement a few weeks later, stating that the advertisement was not paid by Putrajaya. It, however, has refused to divulge the identity of the individuals who did so.
At the same time, the Business Council for International Understanding which presented Rosmah with the one-time award, also wrote to Nut Graph expressing regret over its 'well-intended gesture of welcome and congratulations' to honour 'Malaysia's First Lady' being turned into a political issue.
Their e-mail communication on the matter was copied to Hank Jones, the chairperson of the Laurus Group, whose name appeared in the letter of agreement between his firm and QGA.-Steven Gan
PM 'tabur' RM50k untuk dapat liputan akhbar Amerika, baca di sini.
They accused Anwar of paying CNN for an interview. Now, look who is paying for one stupid article to appear in a US media?
Cakap tak serupa bikin..........
Lim Guan Eng: Umno politicians devil in disguise.....
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has revealed the alleged true character of Penang opposition leaders in their attempt to make him look as if he were anti-Malay by demolishing their homes and villages.
Lim described Umno leaders as 'two-faced' politicians when they appear to be fighting for the rights of the Malay communities but in truth, they were 'devils' masquerading as NGOs.
He explained that it was unknown to many that the very same developer the leaders were supposed to be fighting, were allegedly linked to Umno itself. He referred to the case of Kampung Binjai in Bayan Lepas, where the villagers had recently been issued with eviction notices.
"This is a classic case where Umno leaders raise these issues are devils and NGOs at the same time," he said in a 45- minute exclusive interview with Malaysiakini at his office on Tuesday.
"The developer is linked to Umno, which is behind it, and they are (pretending to be ) the savior (of the soon to be evicted villages themselves)," he added. "This is hypocrisy at its height," he said.
Lim lamented that he was often made to look as if the Malays were angry with him as Umno leaders like to capitalise on the issue of illegal hawker stall demolishment which affected their livelihood.
Only wrongdoers punished claim
"But go and ask them about it, go and talk to them and ask them who are the ones raising complaints about them, it is the Malay politicians themselves," said Lim.
He said the state was 'considerate' when deciding the area of demolishment as there were close to 30,000 illegal stalls in Penang.
"We take action only on those who are flagrant, serious and really encroaching and causing nuisance to others," he clarified.
"But we are made out to look as if we are taking action all the times, especially against the Malays. Only 18 percent of demolishment exercise affects the Malays, the rest are non-Malays," he added.
"And who are the ones who complain against the Malays? It Is the Malays themselves," he stressed.
On the issue of vanishing Malay villagers due to the eviction exercise in Jelutong, Lim acknowledged that they were a part of the state's heritage, and said he would try to resolve their issue soon.
"We have to get some funding for this. We have no federal funds so it has to come from us - we have to squeeze here and there (to help them). Luckily for me, I have some economics background so I am able to maneuver my way (to get some money for this)," he said.
Later, Lim shared letters that he had received from people who were somehow touched by the efforts of the state government to assist them in their woes.
"We have received letters from Malays, saying they have never received a reply from the state government before, but recently, without even writing to the state about their problems, they have received letters of clarification," said Lim.
He related one of his visits to a Malay community recently where a 70- year -old woman publicly expressed her 'affection' for him.
"She was a 70-year -old grandmother who was toothless. When I told her she does not look 70, she was so happy she hit me on the arm," he said.
"Others reproached and told her that she cannot slap a chief minister, but she replied 'I know but I just love him'" he added.
"After that, I just did not know what to say, I guess I was in her good books because she laughed until we could not see only her gums".-Susan Loone
Meanwhile, the DAP has threatened to take legal action against Penang state development officer Nik Ali Mat Yunus for his public criticism of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
"This is not an idle threat, let me assure him," DAP chairperson Karpal Singh said in a statement today. "Federal officers seconded to state governments under Pakatan Rakyat's rule should not take the opportunity to subvert and sabotage the smooth running of these governments," he added.
According to Karpal, Nik Ali had overstepped his boundaries as a civil servant by issuing press statements, which included the use of "uncouth" language, and more so by using an Umno platform to do so.
"The use of the words like biadap (disrespectful) and dayus (coward) against Lim by Nik Ali clearly shows that he is not fit to be the state development officer in Penang. "He has forfeited his right to further retain this office. The cabinet should direct Nik Ali to withdraw the uncouth language he used against Lim and apologise to the chief minister," he said.
Nik Ali broke rules
Karpal said Nik Ali had violated Regulation 19 of the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993 in issuing press statements. "I must make it clear that DAP will not hesitate to take Nik Ali to court for judicial pronouncement on his conduct," he added.
He was commenting on the war of words between Lim and Nik Ali, prompted by the federal government's hand in the controversy over illegal sand mining in Balik Pulau, demolition of decorative arches at the Penang Botanical Gardens and the allegation that no seat was provided for the chief minister during the launch of the Penang Hill Railway. Karpal said that if the allegations about snubbing Lim at the railway launch were true, then Nik Ali had "obviously and maliciously" tried to humiliate Lim.
"I wonder how he rose up the ranks to become a state development officer. A civil servant publicly flexing his muscles at a chief minister, coupled with the use of uncouth language, has been unheard of until the emergence of Nik Ali."
Lim described Umno leaders as 'two-faced' politicians when they appear to be fighting for the rights of the Malay communities but in truth, they were 'devils' masquerading as NGOs.
He explained that it was unknown to many that the very same developer the leaders were supposed to be fighting, were allegedly linked to Umno itself. He referred to the case of Kampung Binjai in Bayan Lepas, where the villagers had recently been issued with eviction notices.
"This is a classic case where Umno leaders raise these issues are devils and NGOs at the same time," he said in a 45- minute exclusive interview with Malaysiakini at his office on Tuesday.
"The developer is linked to Umno, which is behind it, and they are (pretending to be ) the savior (of the soon to be evicted villages themselves)," he added. "This is hypocrisy at its height," he said.
Lim lamented that he was often made to look as if the Malays were angry with him as Umno leaders like to capitalise on the issue of illegal hawker stall demolishment which affected their livelihood.
Only wrongdoers punished claim
"But go and ask them about it, go and talk to them and ask them who are the ones raising complaints about them, it is the Malay politicians themselves," said Lim.
He said the state was 'considerate' when deciding the area of demolishment as there were close to 30,000 illegal stalls in Penang.
"We take action only on those who are flagrant, serious and really encroaching and causing nuisance to others," he clarified.
"But we are made out to look as if we are taking action all the times, especially against the Malays. Only 18 percent of demolishment exercise affects the Malays, the rest are non-Malays," he added.
"And who are the ones who complain against the Malays? It Is the Malays themselves," he stressed.
On the issue of vanishing Malay villagers due to the eviction exercise in Jelutong, Lim acknowledged that they were a part of the state's heritage, and said he would try to resolve their issue soon.
"We have to get some funding for this. We have no federal funds so it has to come from us - we have to squeeze here and there (to help them). Luckily for me, I have some economics background so I am able to maneuver my way (to get some money for this)," he said.
Later, Lim shared letters that he had received from people who were somehow touched by the efforts of the state government to assist them in their woes.
"We have received letters from Malays, saying they have never received a reply from the state government before, but recently, without even writing to the state about their problems, they have received letters of clarification," said Lim.
He related one of his visits to a Malay community recently where a 70- year -old woman publicly expressed her 'affection' for him.
"She was a 70-year -old grandmother who was toothless. When I told her she does not look 70, she was so happy she hit me on the arm," he said.
"Others reproached and told her that she cannot slap a chief minister, but she replied 'I know but I just love him'" he added.
"After that, I just did not know what to say, I guess I was in her good books because she laughed until we could not see only her gums".-Susan Loone
Meanwhile, the DAP has threatened to take legal action against Penang state development officer Nik Ali Mat Yunus for his public criticism of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
"This is not an idle threat, let me assure him," DAP chairperson Karpal Singh said in a statement today. "Federal officers seconded to state governments under Pakatan Rakyat's rule should not take the opportunity to subvert and sabotage the smooth running of these governments," he added.
According to Karpal, Nik Ali had overstepped his boundaries as a civil servant by issuing press statements, which included the use of "uncouth" language, and more so by using an Umno platform to do so.
"The use of the words like biadap (disrespectful) and dayus (coward) against Lim by Nik Ali clearly shows that he is not fit to be the state development officer in Penang. "He has forfeited his right to further retain this office. The cabinet should direct Nik Ali to withdraw the uncouth language he used against Lim and apologise to the chief minister," he said.
Nik Ali broke rules
Karpal said Nik Ali had violated Regulation 19 of the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993 in issuing press statements. "I must make it clear that DAP will not hesitate to take Nik Ali to court for judicial pronouncement on his conduct," he added.
He was commenting on the war of words between Lim and Nik Ali, prompted by the federal government's hand in the controversy over illegal sand mining in Balik Pulau, demolition of decorative arches at the Penang Botanical Gardens and the allegation that no seat was provided for the chief minister during the launch of the Penang Hill Railway. Karpal said that if the allegations about snubbing Lim at the railway launch were true, then Nik Ali had "obviously and maliciously" tried to humiliate Lim.
"I wonder how he rose up the ranks to become a state development officer. A civil servant publicly flexing his muscles at a chief minister, coupled with the use of uncouth language, has been unheard of until the emergence of Nik Ali."
Mursyidul Am UMNO aka Mufti Perak diminta berbohong......
Tindakan Umno yang tergamak memperalatkan Mufti Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria supaya berbohong dan mendakwa terdapat pimpinan PAS yang meminta beliau menguruskan perpaduan PAS-Umno membuktikan parti itu memang tenat dan terdesak, kata Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar.
Sehubungan itu, beliau mengajak rakyat melihat sendiri tingkah laku dan kelakuan Umno di penghujung hayat mereka.
"Institusi agama seperti jawatan mufti pun sanggup diperkudakan. Semuanya halal bagi mereka asalkan dapat terus berkuasa. Dulu, kini dan selamanya Umno menipu rakyat," kata Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu.
Mahfuz melihat apa yang berlaku kepada Umno itu sebagai balasan Allah malah beliau yakin rakyat juga ingin melihat Umno dimuziumkan.
"Akhirnya balasan Allah ke atas mereka sehinggakan daripada parti yang nampak hebat dan perkasa, sekarang ini desperate.
"Saya berkayakinan umat Islam dan bangsa Melayu ingin melihat Umno dimuziumkan berserta kebobrokan, kezaliman dan kerakusannya dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 akan datang," katanya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena.
Beliau juga menyindir Umno kerana baru sekarang "terlolong ingin menyatupadukan bangsa Melayu".
"Inilah balasan kepada sikap bongkak, sombong dan kezaliman mereka. Kezaliman mereka bukan sahaja terhadap rakyat, malah alam semula jadi Malaysia pun mereka zalimi demi memenuhi kerakusan mereka," katanya.-Abdul Aziz Mustafa
source:harakah daily
Sudahlah mufti ooi......KAMI DAH MELUAT SANGAT KAT UMNO.....
Sehubungan itu, beliau mengajak rakyat melihat sendiri tingkah laku dan kelakuan Umno di penghujung hayat mereka.
"Institusi agama seperti jawatan mufti pun sanggup diperkudakan. Semuanya halal bagi mereka asalkan dapat terus berkuasa. Dulu, kini dan selamanya Umno menipu rakyat," kata Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu.
Mahfuz melihat apa yang berlaku kepada Umno itu sebagai balasan Allah malah beliau yakin rakyat juga ingin melihat Umno dimuziumkan.
"Akhirnya balasan Allah ke atas mereka sehinggakan daripada parti yang nampak hebat dan perkasa, sekarang ini desperate.
"Saya berkayakinan umat Islam dan bangsa Melayu ingin melihat Umno dimuziumkan berserta kebobrokan, kezaliman dan kerakusannya dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 akan datang," katanya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena.
Beliau juga menyindir Umno kerana baru sekarang "terlolong ingin menyatupadukan bangsa Melayu".
"Inilah balasan kepada sikap bongkak, sombong dan kezaliman mereka. Kezaliman mereka bukan sahaja terhadap rakyat, malah alam semula jadi Malaysia pun mereka zalimi demi memenuhi kerakusan mereka," katanya.-Abdul Aziz Mustafa
source:harakah daily
Sudahlah mufti ooi......KAMI DAH MELUAT SANGAT KAT UMNO.....
Gov't chief sec. defends Nik Ali.......
Chief Secretary to the Government Mohd Sidek Hassan today defended Penang State Development Officer Nik Ali Mat Yunus and described the allegations by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng against Nik Ali as excessive and should not have been made in the open.
Mohd Sidek (below), who is also the cabinet secretary, said the cabinet at its meeting today took a serious view on Lim's statement against Nik Ali particularly on the issue over illegal sand mining in Balik Pulau, demolition of the arches at the Penang Botanical Garden and the allegation that no seat was provided for the Penang Chief Minister during the launch of the Penang Hill Railway.
"These three issues, for which Nik Ali was blamed by the Penang chief minister, were not under the jurisdiction of the officer as the state development officer," Mohd Sidek said in his brief statement today.
He said the Penang chief minister should follow the correct procedure by channelling complaints on these issues to the relevant department/agency. Previous press reports stated that the rift between Lim and Nik Ali emerged when the chief minister was alleged to have made several statements criticising the officer.
Among other things, Lim had labelled Nik Ali as "incompetent, useless, unprofessional and a coward" and that he should be sacked with regard to the issue on the illegal sand mining in Balik Pulau.
Soalnya KM ini adalah Lim Guan Eng dari Pakatan Rakyat, tak kan Ketua Setiausaha Kerajaan akan salahkan pegawainya. Kalau peristiwa yang sama berlaku di Johor,Melaka atau mana2 negeri di bawah tadbiran MB BN sudah lama Nik Ali ini dah masuk dalam tong sampah.
Sebagai Ketua Setiausaha Kerajaan,dia patut bersifat neutral, malah patut siasat dulu dan beri nasihat bukan terus menyokong pegawai tersebut.
Apa boleh buat, anjing tak akan menggigit tangan tuannya yang memberi makan......
21 July 2010
'Little Napolean' now has a face says Guan Eng.....
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has taken another swipe at state development officer Nik Ali Mat Yunus, continuing their war of words over the recent sand theft exposé in Balik Pulau. In an exclusive 45-minute interview at his office last night, Lim covered a range of issues, including corruption and wastage of public funds.
In doing so, he found an outlet for his frustration with Nik Ali (left), a federal government appointee, who had strongly disputed Lim's “interference” in the civil service. Said Lim, who appeared to be still smarting at being called biadap (rude): “That's why I cannot tolerate people who waste money like Nik. No chief minister dares to upbraid a civil servant. I have been told that I was a 'terror' for doing so.
“I was told that the civil servants will chop you into pieces. You know (what) these civil servants are (like) - they are fearless and untouchable, but I have taken them on.
“Now you know (what) a Little Napoleon looks like, now there is a face to him. He is arrogance personified. I just do not how they are given so much power to control hundreds of millions of ringgit of the people's money.”
Lim claimed that he did not realise the extent of opportunities available for corruption until he took charge of the state administration after the 'political tsunami' of March 8, 2008.
“Only when you are in this position (do) you realise (that) all kinds of opportunities (are) available. Luckily, I have gone through 25 years of sacrifice (in the DAP), (and) these things do not faze me,” he said.
“If I (were) just some young punk, it would be very tempting. Imagine the opportunities! But this is where we can also save money.”
'Kickbacks not offered'
The greatest impact of being in government, he said, is not only to implement policies beneficial to the people, but to prevent and discard opportunities for corruption. Asked if he has been offered kickbacks, he replied briskly: “They know my style, they dare not even ask, and this is good.
“What I am saying is that opportunities (are) available because of our (powers of) discretion. That is why, when we run a clean government, we are able to enjoy what we call an 'anti-corruption dividend'.” One manifestation of the 'dividend' is the state government's ability to pay out RM100 a year as a token of appreciation to all senior citizens, he said.
Lim was also asked to comment on Penang Umno head Azhar Ibrahim's criticism yesterday that he is “immature and inexperienced” in running the state. Azhar, in defending Nik Ali, had said Lim is unable to discern the difference in roles and duties of the state and federal governments. Responding tongue-in-cheek, Lim conceded that he is inexperienced and immature but “only as far as stealing money and corruption” are concerned.
Penang had recently announced a RM36 million cutback or 12 percent savings in operating expenditure this year, attributed to moves to curb corruption over the last two years. These include adherence to the Competency Accountability And Transparency policy and introduction of the open tender system for government contracts. The two municipal councils in Penang are expected to save another RM34 million over three years from “transparent” negotiation of the cost of solid waste disposal. This brought down the rate accepted by the previous BN administration by 42.4 percent.- Susan Loone.
Just because they are PTD officers and appointed by the federal government, it doesnt mean they are untouchable. They can bully UMNO MBs, but dont play,play here!!!
Who is Nik Ali, pemain biola, loyar,pegawai ptd atau penyamun tarbus..........
In doing so, he found an outlet for his frustration with Nik Ali (left), a federal government appointee, who had strongly disputed Lim's “interference” in the civil service. Said Lim, who appeared to be still smarting at being called biadap (rude): “That's why I cannot tolerate people who waste money like Nik. No chief minister dares to upbraid a civil servant. I have been told that I was a 'terror' for doing so.
“I was told that the civil servants will chop you into pieces. You know (what) these civil servants are (like) - they are fearless and untouchable, but I have taken them on.
“Now you know (what) a Little Napoleon looks like, now there is a face to him. He is arrogance personified. I just do not how they are given so much power to control hundreds of millions of ringgit of the people's money.”
Lim claimed that he did not realise the extent of opportunities available for corruption until he took charge of the state administration after the 'political tsunami' of March 8, 2008.
“Only when you are in this position (do) you realise (that) all kinds of opportunities (are) available. Luckily, I have gone through 25 years of sacrifice (in the DAP), (and) these things do not faze me,” he said.
“If I (were) just some young punk, it would be very tempting. Imagine the opportunities! But this is where we can also save money.”
'Kickbacks not offered'
The greatest impact of being in government, he said, is not only to implement policies beneficial to the people, but to prevent and discard opportunities for corruption. Asked if he has been offered kickbacks, he replied briskly: “They know my style, they dare not even ask, and this is good.
“What I am saying is that opportunities (are) available because of our (powers of) discretion. That is why, when we run a clean government, we are able to enjoy what we call an 'anti-corruption dividend'.” One manifestation of the 'dividend' is the state government's ability to pay out RM100 a year as a token of appreciation to all senior citizens, he said.
Lim was also asked to comment on Penang Umno head Azhar Ibrahim's criticism yesterday that he is “immature and inexperienced” in running the state. Azhar, in defending Nik Ali, had said Lim is unable to discern the difference in roles and duties of the state and federal governments. Responding tongue-in-cheek, Lim conceded that he is inexperienced and immature but “only as far as stealing money and corruption” are concerned.
Penang had recently announced a RM36 million cutback or 12 percent savings in operating expenditure this year, attributed to moves to curb corruption over the last two years. These include adherence to the Competency Accountability And Transparency policy and introduction of the open tender system for government contracts. The two municipal councils in Penang are expected to save another RM34 million over three years from “transparent” negotiation of the cost of solid waste disposal. This brought down the rate accepted by the previous BN administration by 42.4 percent.- Susan Loone.
Just because they are PTD officers and appointed by the federal government, it doesnt mean they are untouchable. They can bully UMNO MBs, but dont play,play here!!!
Who is Nik Ali, pemain biola, loyar,pegawai ptd atau penyamun tarbus..........
Nik Ali - A gross violation of the civil service code.....
The current spat between Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the state development officer Nik Ali Mat Yunus highlights a fundamental flaw in the Malaysian civil service. In the democratic system of government, of which Malaysia professes to practise, the civil service is a politically non-partisan and neutral body, with all its officers supposed to function and operate impartially in the implementions of the policies, programmes, and projects of the elected government.
Artcile 132 of the Federal Consitution states that federal civil servants hold office at the pleasure of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and state civil servants at the pleasure of the respective Sultan. Which means that the civil servants are not beholden to any political party but to His Majesty's government of the day. His Majestic is above politics, and so must all those civil servants appointed under his royal command and name. As is supposed to be the practice, a change in the government after a general election is not supposed to affect the administration and public service of the nation or a state as the civil service's loyalty is absolutely with His Majesty's elected government of the day.
The fundamental flaw in Malaysia is that civil servants think they are officers of the Barisan Nasional, specifically Umno, and even with a change of government at the state level, they operate as if Umno is the authority and Umno leaders their bosses, taking orders only from Umno. Such a dangerous attitude borders on sedition, as if it could be interprete to mean the civil servants are not serving His Majesty's elected government, but taking order from those not authorised constitutionally to give them.
The very fact that Nik Ali participated at a press conference called by Umno and used it to launch an unwarranted and unjustified verbal attack on the chief minister is a gross violation of his status as a non- partisan and neutral civil servant. The fundamental integrity and probity of the civil service have been desecrated by Nik Ali's involvement in the political press conference initiated by an Umno state assembly member, something not to be taken lightly by the Cabinet and the Public Service Commission. Nothing less than an appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against Nik Ali for such a serious case of lese majeste. And he should be made to apologise to His Majesty for exposing the civil service to ridicule and derision, and to the chief minister.
Guan Eng, and perhaps also the other Pakatan Rakyat state chief executives like Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim of Selangor, has been facing a lot of difficulties in the running of the state government due to uncooperative civil servants whose loyalty is apparently to Umno. In the Nik Ali case, Guan Eng has no choice but to publicly reprimand the federal officer for allegedly not being accountable and responsible for his mistakes which affect the well-being of the state.
“These officials get high pay and do nothing for the people and instead cost losses. We hope he can be more professional,” Guan Eng was quoted as saying by various newspapers. Guan Eng has also claimed that Nik Ali tried to sabotage the state government openly and blatantly. On this allegation, the very fact that Nik Ali was at an Umno press conference with prepared media statements to lambast the chief minister proves that Guan Eng is telling the truth. Obviously, Nik Ali has failed as a senior civil servant to exercise his impartiality and neutrality when he allowed himself to be used by Umno to attack Guan Eng, calling the chief minister rude.
If the Najib administration truly professes to practise the "People first" concept, then justice must be done and seen to be done for the people of Penang, who elected Lim Guan Eng as their chief minister, by taking disciplinary action against the federal officer who violated the sacred principle of impartiality in the civil service. That is the least Datuk Seri Najib Razak should do to show the people that he is a fair, just and righteous prime minister, worthy of their respect.- Thomas Lee Seng Hock.
Tell that to an Umno MB and see what will happen. But do UMNO MBs have the balls to stand up to the corrupt civil servants.........
Artcile 132 of the Federal Consitution states that federal civil servants hold office at the pleasure of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and state civil servants at the pleasure of the respective Sultan. Which means that the civil servants are not beholden to any political party but to His Majesty's government of the day. His Majestic is above politics, and so must all those civil servants appointed under his royal command and name. As is supposed to be the practice, a change in the government after a general election is not supposed to affect the administration and public service of the nation or a state as the civil service's loyalty is absolutely with His Majesty's elected government of the day.
The fundamental flaw in Malaysia is that civil servants think they are officers of the Barisan Nasional, specifically Umno, and even with a change of government at the state level, they operate as if Umno is the authority and Umno leaders their bosses, taking orders only from Umno. Such a dangerous attitude borders on sedition, as if it could be interprete to mean the civil servants are not serving His Majesty's elected government, but taking order from those not authorised constitutionally to give them.
The very fact that Nik Ali participated at a press conference called by Umno and used it to launch an unwarranted and unjustified verbal attack on the chief minister is a gross violation of his status as a non- partisan and neutral civil servant. The fundamental integrity and probity of the civil service have been desecrated by Nik Ali's involvement in the political press conference initiated by an Umno state assembly member, something not to be taken lightly by the Cabinet and the Public Service Commission. Nothing less than an appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against Nik Ali for such a serious case of lese majeste. And he should be made to apologise to His Majesty for exposing the civil service to ridicule and derision, and to the chief minister.
Guan Eng, and perhaps also the other Pakatan Rakyat state chief executives like Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim of Selangor, has been facing a lot of difficulties in the running of the state government due to uncooperative civil servants whose loyalty is apparently to Umno. In the Nik Ali case, Guan Eng has no choice but to publicly reprimand the federal officer for allegedly not being accountable and responsible for his mistakes which affect the well-being of the state.
“These officials get high pay and do nothing for the people and instead cost losses. We hope he can be more professional,” Guan Eng was quoted as saying by various newspapers. Guan Eng has also claimed that Nik Ali tried to sabotage the state government openly and blatantly. On this allegation, the very fact that Nik Ali was at an Umno press conference with prepared media statements to lambast the chief minister proves that Guan Eng is telling the truth. Obviously, Nik Ali has failed as a senior civil servant to exercise his impartiality and neutrality when he allowed himself to be used by Umno to attack Guan Eng, calling the chief minister rude.
If the Najib administration truly professes to practise the "People first" concept, then justice must be done and seen to be done for the people of Penang, who elected Lim Guan Eng as their chief minister, by taking disciplinary action against the federal officer who violated the sacred principle of impartiality in the civil service. That is the least Datuk Seri Najib Razak should do to show the people that he is a fair, just and righteous prime minister, worthy of their respect.- Thomas Lee Seng Hock.
Tell that to an Umno MB and see what will happen. But do UMNO MBs have the balls to stand up to the corrupt civil servants.........
Umno menangis,minta PAS selematkan mereka.....
Sebagai seorang bekas ahli parti Umno yang telah lama memberi sumbangan dan khidmat sokongan pada parti tersebut — dan walaupun telah dipecat dan dimaki hamun setiap masa dan ketika — saya berasa kasihan melihat Umno yang begitu lemah atau ‘pathetic’ dan hilang maruah sejak kebelakangan ini.
Setiap hari mereka meminta belas kasihan PAS untuk menyelamatkan mereka. Mereka tidak berhenti-henti bercakap pasal ‘Selamatkanlah Melayu dan Islam’ sedangkan kita semua tahu maksud yang tersirat ialah ‘Selamatkanlah Umno yang sudah hilang kepercayaan Rakyat sambil bergelumur dengan masalah dalaman hari ini.’
Yang terakhir sekali, Presiden Umno meminta PAS bersetuju bertemu tanpa sebarang syarat.
Ini menunjukkan betapa terdesaknya parti yang pada suatu masa dahulu disebut oleh Sanusi Junid sebagai parti Melayu Islam yang terbesar di dunia. (Buktinya tidak lain dari bangunan Umno yang tersegah besar itu yang dibiayai oleh Malayan Banking). Ahli-ahli mereka sudah hilang keyakinan sehingga nak buat mesyuarat pun tak dapat dilakukan dengan sempurna. Mereka juga sendiri tertanya-tanya apakah relevennya parti itu pada zaman sekarang ini.
Mereka tidak mahu menerima hakikatnya bahawa: budaya politik dan perjuangan serta cara mereka itu sudah tidak boleh digunapakai lagi pada masa kini. Mereka percaya dengan menggunakan kekerasan, meningkatkan propaganda, dan menakutkan orang Melayu tentang kehilangan hak dan kedudukan mereka dalam negara jika tiada Umno, akan menarik kembali sokongan orang Melayu kepada mereka. Betapa silapnya teori politik mereka.
Ada lima perkara, jika ianya dilaksanakan, mungkin boleh memberi sedikit ruang untuk Umno dihidupkan kembali dan menyelamatkan parti tersebut di PRU 13:
1. kes terhadap Anwar Ibrahim itu tidak diteruskan;
2. memansuhkan ISA dan segala kuasa yang menahan orang politik;
3. bertindak dengan kata sepakat dan secara terhormat dengan Parti Pembangkang (Pakatan Rakyat) tentang dasar-dasar utama ekonomi negara dan pelaksanaannya;
4. menyerahkan kepada kerajaan Negeri kuasa dan hak mereka yang sah dan wajar; dan
5. memberi kebebasan kepada akhbar dan TV supaya berita menjadi sumber maklumat sebenar dan bukan alat dakyah politik.
Sebagai bonus, ketua-ketua Umno dan yang berjawatan Menteri atau Ketua Menteri yang jelas korup dan sekian lama menyalahgunakan kuasa, diberhentikan serta merta dan digantikan dengan pemimpin yang boleh diterima rakyat.
Ini adalah cara terhormat untuk sebuah parti sebesar itu berubah atau bertindak untuk memberi nafas dan iltizam baru kepada ahli-ahli mereka yang sekarang ini tenat dan bosan dengan keadaan. Ubahlah cara mereka mentadbir negara ini. Bukan dengan setiap hari menangis dan meminta supaya PAS menyelamatkan mereka.
Walaubagaimanapun, saya juga yakin bahawa semua cadangan cadangan ini tidak akan dilaksanakan. Orang yang dalam ketakutan selalunya tidak dapat berfikir dengan wajar dan inilah keadaan sebenar Parti Keramat ini.
Biarlah si lunchai lompat dengan labu-labunya.— Zaid Ibrahim
source:malaysian insider
Mufti yang jadi orang tengah pun memihak UMNO, pegawai kerajaan yang kata kat KM Pulau Pinang biadap pun menyokong UMNO.
Sebenarnya mereka mahu UMNO kekal sebagai pemerintah. Kalau UMNO tewas dalam PRU, Mufti ini dan pegawai kerajaan tersebut sudah tentu akan menggangur dan 'miss soooru punya'........
Setiap hari mereka meminta belas kasihan PAS untuk menyelamatkan mereka. Mereka tidak berhenti-henti bercakap pasal ‘Selamatkanlah Melayu dan Islam’ sedangkan kita semua tahu maksud yang tersirat ialah ‘Selamatkanlah Umno yang sudah hilang kepercayaan Rakyat sambil bergelumur dengan masalah dalaman hari ini.’
Yang terakhir sekali, Presiden Umno meminta PAS bersetuju bertemu tanpa sebarang syarat.
Ini menunjukkan betapa terdesaknya parti yang pada suatu masa dahulu disebut oleh Sanusi Junid sebagai parti Melayu Islam yang terbesar di dunia. (Buktinya tidak lain dari bangunan Umno yang tersegah besar itu yang dibiayai oleh Malayan Banking). Ahli-ahli mereka sudah hilang keyakinan sehingga nak buat mesyuarat pun tak dapat dilakukan dengan sempurna. Mereka juga sendiri tertanya-tanya apakah relevennya parti itu pada zaman sekarang ini.
Mereka tidak mahu menerima hakikatnya bahawa: budaya politik dan perjuangan serta cara mereka itu sudah tidak boleh digunapakai lagi pada masa kini. Mereka percaya dengan menggunakan kekerasan, meningkatkan propaganda, dan menakutkan orang Melayu tentang kehilangan hak dan kedudukan mereka dalam negara jika tiada Umno, akan menarik kembali sokongan orang Melayu kepada mereka. Betapa silapnya teori politik mereka.
Ada lima perkara, jika ianya dilaksanakan, mungkin boleh memberi sedikit ruang untuk Umno dihidupkan kembali dan menyelamatkan parti tersebut di PRU 13:
1. kes terhadap Anwar Ibrahim itu tidak diteruskan;
2. memansuhkan ISA dan segala kuasa yang menahan orang politik;
3. bertindak dengan kata sepakat dan secara terhormat dengan Parti Pembangkang (Pakatan Rakyat) tentang dasar-dasar utama ekonomi negara dan pelaksanaannya;
4. menyerahkan kepada kerajaan Negeri kuasa dan hak mereka yang sah dan wajar; dan
5. memberi kebebasan kepada akhbar dan TV supaya berita menjadi sumber maklumat sebenar dan bukan alat dakyah politik.
Sebagai bonus, ketua-ketua Umno dan yang berjawatan Menteri atau Ketua Menteri yang jelas korup dan sekian lama menyalahgunakan kuasa, diberhentikan serta merta dan digantikan dengan pemimpin yang boleh diterima rakyat.
Ini adalah cara terhormat untuk sebuah parti sebesar itu berubah atau bertindak untuk memberi nafas dan iltizam baru kepada ahli-ahli mereka yang sekarang ini tenat dan bosan dengan keadaan. Ubahlah cara mereka mentadbir negara ini. Bukan dengan setiap hari menangis dan meminta supaya PAS menyelamatkan mereka.
Walaubagaimanapun, saya juga yakin bahawa semua cadangan cadangan ini tidak akan dilaksanakan. Orang yang dalam ketakutan selalunya tidak dapat berfikir dengan wajar dan inilah keadaan sebenar Parti Keramat ini.
Biarlah si lunchai lompat dengan labu-labunya.— Zaid Ibrahim
source:malaysian insider
Mufti yang jadi orang tengah pun memihak UMNO, pegawai kerajaan yang kata kat KM Pulau Pinang biadap pun menyokong UMNO.
Sebenarnya mereka mahu UMNO kekal sebagai pemerintah. Kalau UMNO tewas dalam PRU, Mufti ini dan pegawai kerajaan tersebut sudah tentu akan menggangur dan 'miss soooru punya'........
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