30 June 2010

SPRM cari bala kalau temu Bala di London........

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) tidak akan merakam kenyataan penyiasat persendirian P Balasubramaniam di London.Sebaliknya, SPRM akan menghantar soalan kepada Balasubramaniam dan meminta saksi tersebut menjawab dalam bentuk affidavit, kata Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull.

"Kita akan menulis kepada peguam saksi berkenaan esok, untuk memaklumkan keputusan tersebut, dan untuk mengemukakan soalan-soalannya," katanya.

Shukri berkata langkah tersebut diambil atas nasihat Pejabat Peguam Negara, dengan mengambil kira kes Tan Sri Eric Chia di mana satu kenyataan saksi yang dirakam di luar negeri, tidak diterima sebagai bahan bukti dalam kes rasuah tersebut.

Menurut pengarah undang-undang dan pendakwaan SPRM, Datuk Abdul Razak Musa pula, keputusan untuk tidak merakam kenyataan Balasubramaniam itu juga mengambilkira keputusan terhadap keterangan pakar patologi Thailand, Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand dalam inkues kematian Tan Hock Beng.

"Dalam kes Eric Chia, kami mempunyai kenyataan yang dirakamkan dalam kamar majistret di luar negeri, tetapi ia tidak dapat diterima. Kami tidak mahu usaha kami menjadi sia-sia," katanya.

SPRM telah merakam kenyataan "sebahagian besar saksi" dan kenyataan penyiasat persendirian itu sangat penting untuk kes berkenaan, katanya. Menurutnya, SPRM memerlukan kenyataan Balasubramaniam untuk membantu siasatannya.

Sebelum ini, SPRM bersetuju untuk merakam kenyataan Balasubramaniam di Holiday Villa di London dari 5 hingga 7 Julai.

PI Bala’s lawyer insists on London interview,read here and here.


Daripada awal Bala dah bagi tahu siapa-siapa yang terlibat dalam kes tersebut. Orang yang terlibat pula adalah adik Pak Jib pula dan SD Bala terus terang menyatakan siapa yang terus terlibat dengan pembunuhan Altantuya. Bukankah pertemuan Bala nanti akan menjadi satu bala pula kepada Pak Jib and kuncu-kuncunya?

Jadi aku tak terkejut dengan berita ini, kerana aku dah jangka bahawa SPRM sememangnya tiada teloq untuk membuat siasatan lanjut kes Altantuya,tambah-tambah lagi kalau jumpa Bala. Keputusan untuk tidak ke London tentu datangnya daripada pelakon-pelakon utama dalam kes tersebut........


Hakim jelas kenapa Tian Chua kekal sebagai MP........

Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Datuk Ghazali Cha menegaskan pada penghakiman bertulisnya bahawa denda RM2,000 yang dikenakan ke atas Tian Chua dari PKR tidak akan menyebabkan beliau kehilangan kerusi parlimen Batu.

Pada 17 Jun lalu, ketika menolak rayuan Chua tetapi mengurangkan hukumannya, Ghazali berkata keputusannya adalah berdasarkan penghakiman Mahkamah Agung 1993 kes Public Prosecutor lawan Leong Yin Ming yang hanya denda RM2,001 atau lebih yang akan meyebabkan perlucutan kerusi secara automatik.

Dalam penghakiman 18 dokumennya, hakim itu memetik sebahagian penghakiman hakim Mahkamah agung, Tan Sri Gunn Chit Tuan yang berkata “Tidak kurang dari” seharusnya membawa maksud "lebih daripada".

“Maka dengan berpegang kepada keputusan dalam kes Mahkamah Agung di atas, saya berpuas hati dan berpendapat bahawa denda RM2,000 itu tidak menjadikan perayu hilang kelayakan beliau secara automatik kerana denda untuk menjadikan beliau beliau hilang kelayakan adalah RM2,001 ke atas dan bukannya bermulka daripada RM2,000.

“Keputusan Mahkamah Agung ini mengikat mahkamah rendah. Ia adalah autoriti kukuh yang boleh diguna-pakai oleh mahkamah ini,” kata hakim Ghazali.

“Oleh itu, saya berkeyakinan bahawa hukuman denda tersebut tidak akan memberi implikasi kepada satu pilihan raya kecil di kawasan Batu; maka niat saya yang ikhlas itu telah dizahirkan melalui hukuman denda tersebut, selain memberikan suatu amaran keras kepada perayu supaya tidak mengulangi perbuatan yang sama pada masa hadapan,” katanya.

Keputusan hakim, Ghazali yang sebelum ini mengurangkan denda daripada RM3,000 dan enam bulan penjara kepada RM2,000 atau dua bulan penjara menimbulkan kontroversi sama ada ahli parlimen Batu itu telah hilang kelayakannya. Tian Chua didapati bersalah kerana mengiggit seorang konstabel polis ketika ditahan di sebuah protes di bangunan parlimen, tiga tahun lalu.

Kontroversi timbul berikutan tafsiran Artikel 48, Perlembagaan Persekutuan berhubung istilah denda tidak kurang RM2,000 dan penjara tidak kurang setahun. Peguam yang mewakili Tian Chua berhujah berdasarkan keputusan Mahkamah Agung pada 1993, tafsiran itu membawa maksud RM2001.

Bagaimanapun peguam kanan Karpal Singh, bersama bekas presiden Majlis Peguam Ambiga Sreenevasan dan bekas hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Datuk Syed Ahmad Idid Syed Ahmad berpendapat tafsiran itu membawa maksud RM2,000.


Kenapa tidak hakim terus kurangkan denda kepada RM1000 saja? Dengan berbuat demikian sudah tentu Tian Chua akan kekal jadi MP. Sapa pun tak akan pening kepala!!

Sebaliknya hakim setelah mengurangkan denda cuba bagi alasan tujuan mengurangkannya adalah untuk elak daripada diadakan PRK. Penentuan sama ada PRK boleh diadakan atau tidak bukan tugas si hakim......


29 June 2010

Sarawak tribal leaders are warned not to vote opposition......

Any tribal leader who supports the opposition in the next Sarawak state election will face immediate termination of service as the action is a very serious misconduct, said Sarawak Infrastructure Development and Communication Minister Michael Manyin.

"Tribal leaders are the government's agents in developing local communities and are not supposed to go against the government," he said at a ceremony to present appointment letters to Bidayuh and Melayu Temenggong (paramount leader) of Samarahan, here today.

In Sarawak, the post of Temenggong is the highest ranked community leader in the local administration system, followed by pemanca, penghulu and tribal leader.

Manyin said as the state election would be held soon, tribal leaders should enhance their efforts to assist the government by disseminating information about the success of the state government in bringing development to the people in the remote areas.

"To improve the government's delivery system, the state government wants tribal leaders to be open-minded in accepting criticism and suggestions," he said. Manyin said the post of tribal leader was not a permanent post as it had been limited to four years.

"No voting or election is needed in appointing a new tribal leader as he will be appointed according to the approval given by the district officer, division resident and state secretary," he said.

Former teacher, Robert Sulis Ridu, 75, was appointed as the Bidayuh Temenggong of Samarahan representing the Bidayuhs, while former religious teacher, Chek Bujang, 59, was appointed as Melayu Temenggong of Samarahan to represent the Malays.

Bidayuh Temenggong will lead 152 Bidayuh community and tribal leaders while Melayu Temenggong will lead 111 Malay community and tribal leaders in Samarahan.


Michael Manyin is one stupid minister. This is a democratic country(are we?), each individual has a right to vote the candidate or party he wants. Who is he to impose condition when appointing to post of Temenggong?

Maybe this minister thinks that the Bidayuh and Malay communities are that hardup and wants to dictate terms. Does the minister thinks that these tribal leaders are their 'hamba'?

Thats the case, are the tribal leaders serving the communities or an agent for BN/UMNO.......


Mahkamah arah gomen dedah perjanjian konsesi air....

Kerajaan persekutuan mempunyai tujuh hari untuk mendedahkan kandungan laporan audit dan perjanjian konsesi air antara kerajaan Selangor dan Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas).

Ini ekoran keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini membenarkan dokumen tersebut - yang diklasifikasikan kerajaan di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi (OSA) - diumumkan kepada awam.

Keputusan itu dibuat oleh Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Hadhariah Syed Ismail, yang memutuskan bahawa keengganan kerajaan mendedahkan laporan tersebut, tidak mempertimbangkan harapan anggota masyarakat yang terjejas dengan keputusan tersebut.

Menurutnya, keputusan responden membenarkan penswastaan perkhidmatan air dan peningkatan kadar sewenang-wenangnya, dan pada masa yang sama menggunakan OSA, adalah tidak selari dengan tujuan akta tersebut.

"Ia juga bertentangan dengan prinsip urus tadbir yang baik, akauntabiliti, ketelutsan dan kepentingan rakyat harus didahulukan," katanya dalam hatinya.

Hadhariah memutuskan bahawa oleh kerana kerajaan telah gagal memenuhi prinsip-prinsip tersebut, maka mahkamah terpaksa memerintahkannya untuk berbuat demikian.

Hadhariah membuat keputusan tersebut dalam kes semakan kehakiman yang dikemukakan oleh presiden Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja (MTUC) Syed Shahir Syed Mohamud dan 13 orang lagi, terhadap kementerian Tenaga, Air, dan Telekomunikasi, dan kerajaan Selangor dan kerajaan persekutuan.

Menurut peguam para Plaintif, Ang Heng Leng, ini adalah keputusan penting yang membolehkan dokumen yang diklasifikasikan di bawah OSA, boleh dicabar demi kepentingan awam dan masyarakat mempunyai hak untuk melihat dokumen tersebut.


Ada juga hakim yang berani membuat penghakiman berdasarkan kepada peraturan dan undang yang sedia ada.

Gomen sering menggunakan OSA bagi melindungi maklumat daripada pengetahuan orang ramai bila membuat sesuatu perjanjian dengan kroni mereka......


28 June 2010

A gamble that Najib lost........

So, it's finally final. No legalised sports betting. After all that vacillating and humming and hawing, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has come out to say the Finance Ministry has withdrawn the approval it had initially given to Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd.

He even admitted that approval was indeed given - but only "in principle" - confirming something he had sought to evade on June 15 when he said no licence had been awarded to Ascot Sports.

Revoking the approval is bad form, of course. What we would call buruk siku - taking something back after giving. It doesn't augur well for the government as the public will view this as another of its flip-flops. In the last couple of years, the government has been flip-flopping so often, it cannot be seen to be in total control. Why, one must ask, was it so hasty in granting the licence in the first place? Why did it, in these volatile political times, agree to legalising sports betting when an issue like that would inevitably raise a hue and cry in public?

Did Najib and his BN colleagues not weigh the odds and realise that the issue would be politicised? Did they not foresee that the opposition would latch on to it for political gain and threaten to stage a mammoth rally against this endorsement of gambling? That it would cast BN in a negative light, especially among the Muslim electorate? That even a party like the DAP would use it to win Malay-Muslim hearts?

Had BN become too confident about its having won back adequate Malay support that it could gamble on something like this? Or was BN trying to win non-Malay support since legalised sports betting would have been meant only for non-Muslims? Even ministers like Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz and Rais Yatim were going around touting that legalising it would be showing respect for the rights of non-Muslims - even though you'd have to swallow what they said with a cupful of salt.

Surely, it was not just the World Cup tournament that triggered the move to legalise sports betting even though the foreseen pickings might have been substantial. Was the government desperate for the revenue it could derive from the legalisation because the nation's coffers are dwindling? And if so, did it not wonder about how it would look to be profiting from non-Muslims through an activity that Muslims would frown upon? On that score, wouldn't the issues of religion and morality inevitably crop up?

Government half-truths

Now that the whole thing's been called off, most people would probably not lament that Ascot Sports is the party that has been hard done by, given that its owners have been subject to much criticism, especially in political blogs and online news websites, but the fact remains that the public image of the government has taken a beating with this faux pas. And the fact remains that the company that had been promised the deal has been unfairly treated.

It doesn't matter what the company is; the point is, reneging on a deal already concluded is unbecoming, especially if the party that has failed to keep its end of the bargain is the government. How does one have faith in a party that actually breaks its word? The government has recently prided itself on being one that gets public feedback first before implementing any policy or going ahead with a project. Thus, it has supposedly taken its time over the final release of the New Economic Model. If that's the case, why did it not get public feedback first before proceeding with giving the approval to Ascot Sports?

It has also not helped the government's cause that it offered half-truths when the controversy was raging. On June 12, Ascot Sports publicly revealed that it had already got the approval from the finance minister, i.e Najib. But on June 15, when he was questioned by the media, Najib said no licence had been issued.

Without splitting semantic hairs, we have to say that an approval is an approval, and even if Najib was not wrong in saying that no licence had been issued, he could have admitted that the approval had already been given but the issuance of the licence was still pending. By being equivocal in his statement, he kept the public in suspense, thereby further fuelling the anxiety and confusion that was already building up.

In hindsight, we might say that it was obviously a damage-control measure. As the issue was out in the open and the feedback was negative, Najib had to be cagey in case the issue turned sour. He was also playing for time to see which way public opinion would eventually go. In other words, he wasn't steadfast in his ruling. This looked like a case of leadership uncertainty.

Who's in charge?

As it turned out, even with coalition partners MCA and MIC coming out to defend legalising sports betting, it took the bigger voice of Umno to call the shots.

What really must have hurt Najib was the first salvo fired by Johor Umno, which issued a categorical objection on June 13. This was later followed by Umno of Kedah and Perak. Umno Youth, although it uncharacteristically took some time to decide, also joined the fray. A telling indication from this entire episode is that Najib is not in full control of the party he heads. Neither does he enjoy its full backing to do what he wants.

What is even more demeaning for him is that the final decision for revoking the sports betting approval was made by the Umno supreme council. Considering that it was the government, as represented not just by Umno but also other BN partners, that had given the approval, it should have been the government that made the decision. Since it was not so, the message that comes through is clear. BN is not really in charge of the government. Umno is. And as it looks from here, neither is Najib.- Kee Thuan Chye

Vincent Tan blames PKR, read here.

Vincent Tan unhappy with government 'backtracking' read here.


Buying over frogs is a costly affair and UMNO need money to finance these deals.However,they cannot be seen as the real paymaster but need a crony and here where the Berjaya boss fits into the picture.

Though, Vincent Tan has lost his bid to run sports gambling, when the license Najib 1Malaysia promised was withdrawn, however, Vincent Tan's effort will be compensated handsomely later on thru mega projects in the making.......


26 June 2010

When Awang brother thought opposition parties are jealous......

The opposition parties are jealous of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's success in developing the country, especially in taking care of the poor, Deputy Finance Minister Awang Adek Hussin said today.

He said the opposition parties were ready to slander the prime minister and the government because they could not do for the states under opposition rule what Najib had done for the country.

"But ultimately the people will assess what the opposition has done and what the government led by the prime minister has done," he told reporters after opening the Pasir Mas 1Malaysia Clinic.

Awang Adek said the Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020-Bandar (ASW-2020-Bandar) programme launched by Najib yesterday was testimony that Najib cared about the plight of the poor not only in the rural areas but also in the towns. Najib launched the ASW-2020-Bandar programme with an allocation of RM100 million to help generate additional income for the hardcore poor and the urban poor.


What success is he talking about? Just issuing ASW 2020-Bandar, so the poor can participate in the bond market, is this a success?

What constitute 'success' in Najib's 1Malaysia?........

1. when buying a pussy and wants the nation to give it a name.
2. when there is sodomy without penetration.
3.when Pak Jib reduce Singapore's Link Kedua toll and increase toll for Penang bridge.
4. when he(Pak Jib) claim in the Dewan Rakyat that no promises of allocations were made during by-elections, but in fact he (Pak Jib) said: 'You help me, I help you. If you deliver Robert Lau, I will allocate RM5 million',”
5. when MACC hurriedly investigated Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim's car maintenance and his Hari Raya Korban's 46 cows, but MACC is silent on Khir Toyo & family all paid Disneyland trip and against Taib Mahmud's RM3 billion empire.
6.when crony VK Lingam is so free though the Lingam video case decision point otherwise.
7.when they allow direct negotiation on double track rail for crony,Gamuda.
8.when they allow crony Berjaya's V.Tan to monopolise all gaming licenses, including sports betting.
9.when they allow IPP for YTL, Ananda, Genting,while the rakyat pays TNB bills thru their nose.
10.when political pariahs are being appointed as Ministers and Assistant Ministers thru the backdoor of Parliament.
11.when their newly appointed Transport Minister declared, there will be no further PKFZ investigation.
12.when there are thousands of primary and secondary school children who cannot read and write, yet Bik Mama Rosmah's Projek Pintar is given top priority.

and the list goes on and on........ thats succees!!!


25 June 2010

Pandainya Najib 1Malaysia - Tol P.Pinang naik, tol Singapura turun......

Ibarat kera dihutan disusukan, anak dirumah mati kelaparan, begitulah nasib rakyat Malaysia khususnya di Pulau Pinang selepas Najib dengan bijaknya menawarkan pengurangan tol 30% bagi jambatan kedua yang menghubungkan Johor dan Singapura sedangkan untuk Pulau Pinang caj tol dinaikkan 34%.

Saya bukan nak kata orang yang gunakan jambatan kedua Johor-Singapura sebagai Kera, tapi itu hanyalah pepatah orang-orang Melayu sebagai mengambarkan ketidakadilan yang berlaku.

Saya setuju dengan pandangan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng (DAP) yang mengalu-alukan pengurangan tol dijambatan kedua Johor-Singapura itu kerana sebagai rakyat kita mahu semua tol dikurangkan dan dihapuskan terus. Kalau kerajaan nak hapuskan terus Tol berkenaan pun bagus.

Saya yakin, ramai rakyat yang tidak puas hati dengan layanan Najib kepada Singapura yang mungkin sebagai melengkapkan perjanjian durian Malaysia-Singapura. Tiap kali ada mesyuarat khas antara Malaysia dan Singapura pasti ada durian, sebab itu saya panggil perjanjian Durian.

Kenapa Kerajaan hanya beri tawaran kepada Singapura. Kenapa tak nak turunkan Tol Jambatan Pulau Pinang dan semua tol yang ada di negara ini khususnya di Lembah Klang?

Pendapatan rakyat yang bekerja dalam negara bukan macam pelancong Singapura yang berulang alaik dari tambak Johor setiap minggu. Rakyat Malaysia begitu banyak berbelanja untuk Tol setiap hari. Mana-mana pergi kat lembah klang ini pasti ada tol.

Hapuskan tol, jagalah kebajikan rakyat bukan sibuk makan durian sahaja.- Herman Samsudeen

source - harakahdaily

Singapura adalah asset besar kepada Najib 1Malaysia. Pak Jib bakal menikmati bebagai imbuhan daripada negara jiran Johor itu. Apakah imbuhan yang bakal diterima, sama-sama tunggu dan lihat.

Pulau Pinang apa sangat,kerajaannya pula adalah dari pembangkang. Lagi pun apa faedah yang Pak Jib boleh terima daripada kerajaan PR Pulau Pinang ini?

Pak Jib sedaq, mai 3 kali PRU pun, BN tetap akan tersungkur di sini. Sebagai hadiah kepada rakyat Pulau Pinang kerana mengundi PR, terima saja kenaikkan tol jambatan Pulau Pinang nanti...


24 June 2010

MP motion against Najib 1Malaysia...........

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's claim in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday that no promises of allocations were made during by-elections may land him in hot water. In Najib's written parliamentary reply to Wong Ho Leng (DAP-Sibu), the premier said RM37.7 million in allocations were approved during the Sibu by-election, but stressed that they were not carrots for votes.

Today, Chong Chieng Jen (DAP-Bandar Kuching) responded by attempting to file a motion against Najib for misleading the House and refer him to the parliamentary rights and privileges committee.

Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia deferred his decision pending a study on the matter.

“We have evidence of him making a speech in Rejang Park on YouTube. He (Najib) said: 'You help me, I help you. If you deliver Robert Lau, I will allocate RM5 million',” a vexed Chong told reporters later.

Speaker cannot direct ministerial answers

Earlier, Fong Po Kuan (DAP-Batu Gajah) sought an explanation from Pandikar over the deferment.

“If the ministers are always giving inconsistent answer, this shows that they are irresponsible. I am seeking advice from you (Pandikar), what is the rule that I can use to make sure that the ministers conduct their duties satisfactorily,” she asked.

Pandikar replied that under Standing Order 23, the speaker cannot compel the ministers to answer to her satisfaction.

“I cannot be asked to judge the answers of the ministers. In fact, if the ministers decide not to answer at all any questions asked, this decision cannot be debated in order to indict someone for misleading the House,” he explained.

Pandikar added that there are three facts to be established before someone can be indicted for misleading the House.

“First the fact must be wrong. And when the fact is found to be untrue, the person still maintains that it is. That constitute an intent to mislead the House,” he said, thus maintaining that he cannot decide on Chong's motion immediately without an investigation.

Vague reply

Yesterday, in his written reply to Wong, Najib said that the government has never promised projects or programmes for the public during by-election campaigns, “including in Sibu”. He claimed that such activities that were implemented during the by-elections were planned before the event. Of the RM37.7 million in allocations, RM28.67 million were spend on cash contributions (sumbangan/bantuan).

Wong was furious over the scant reply from Najib and demanded a full breakdown of allocations, especially the 66 items listed as cash contributions.

“We don't know what these 66 items are. Do they include the infamous RM5 million promise?” he asked.


This Pandikar guy is not a "pendikar" when BN MPs including Pak Jib are involved in misleading the house.

But when come to opposition members he will do what so ever to make sure the opposition member "tentu kena punya", here he is a real pendikar...........


Asri - Why is the government lying on JI and Wahabbism......

Current and former Perlis muftis Juanda Jaya and Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin have come out to blast the BN-led government for its “lies” and “slander” over claims of links between local religious figures and terror network Jemaah Islamiah. In a joint statement issued earlier today, Juanda and Asri attacked the federal government and the police for playing up issues of national security “for the interests of certain quarters.”

“What has been claimed by many parties, especially the opposition, that the issue of national security involving the threat of terrorists has been played up by the government appears to have strong foundations,” the religious scholars said.

In a briefing at a hotel in Sepang, Selangor, on Monday night, sources told Malaysiakini that Zamihan Mat Zin, a senior official with the government's Islamic Development Department (Jakim), had alleged Asri and Juanda to be linked with the puritan Wahhabi strain of Islamic thought. Other than Asri and Juanda, the other figures that Zamihan was said to have alleged were promoting Wahhabism included former menteri besar Shahidan Kassim and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

Even the Muslim-based activist group JIM was not exempted from Zamihan's tirade against Wahhabis. Apart from the movement's terrorist threat, participants at the briefing were said to have been told also by Zamihan that JI members subscribed to Wahhabism.

Claims 'extremely wicked'

Apart from the movement's terrorist threat, participants at the briefing were also told by Zamihan that JI members subscribed to Wahhabism. Juanda, a member of the National Fatwa Council and a visiting fellow at Oxford University, and Asri, who has gone back to lecturing at USM, described the claims as being “extremely wicked.”

“We strenuously deny these accusations and remind the rakyat that whichever government or political party that is willing to gamble on the issue of national security for the interests of certain quarters is a government that is irresponsible.

“A government that resorts to lies, plotting and smearing the character of individuals for its narrow interests, to violating the people's rights and manipulating issues of national security is very dangerous for the harmony of a country.

“At the same time, we call on all layers of the people to reject all forms of violence, whether it comes in the shape of (physical) action or thought. And we call upon, once again, for the people not to support any party gambles away the country's security for narrow interests.”

Citing Malaysiakini's report on the briefing, Asri and Juanda said "the rakyat knows our views, which are for an Islam that calls for being progressive, social and religious harmony, against fanaticism and every form of extremism."

"The issues that we bring forward capture the attention of people of all religions and ethnicity because they reflect an Islam that is tolerant and suitable for a pluralist society. This can be found in our writings and statements," they said.

“For this reason, Zamihan and the police must be responsible for this fitnah (slander), they added.

On claims that Hadi was connected to extremism, Juanda and Asri said that as a former menteri besar of Terengganu and current president of an established political party, Hadi and PAS “have long abided by the principles of the country's system of democracy."

That Shahidan - who is an Umno supreme council member - has also been implicated by his own party indicates “Umno and BN's willingness to kill their own friends in the gamble for political gain.”

JIM, similarly, had “made valuable contributions” to the country and should not be associated with the “disgusting” label of terrorism.

Juanda and Asri demanded that the police explain to the public the nature of their relationship with Zamihana (left), who works as a deputy director at Jakim's Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia.

“Who is this Zamihan for him to be used for this wicked agenda?” they asked.

“If the police do not dismiss Zamihan's claims, it means they are under the thumb of the Home Affairs Minister in purposely spreading baseless lies," they added. Zamihan could not be contacted despite repeated attempts by Malaysiakini to reach him.


For the above reasons, Asri and Juanda said the claims by quarters such as Citizens International president SM Idris and Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim that the issue was merely a political ploy appear to have foundations.

“It may even be a large possibility that this is one of the ruling government's dirty political tactics to divert attention away from certain issues.

“With this, we deny strenuously the accusations and remind the rakyat that whichever government or political party that is willing to gamble on the issue of national security for the interests of certain quarters is a government that is irresponsible.

“A government that resorts to lies, plots and smearing the character of individuals for the sake of narrow interests, violates the people's rights and manipulates issues of the country's security is dangerous to a country that seeks harmony.

“At the same time, we call on all layers of the rakyat to reject all forms of violence, whether in deed or in thought... and not to support any party that gambles on the security of the country for the sake of parochial interests.

Baca, Asri,"Kerajaan bohong" di sini dan sini.


The government lied about the Lingam Video Tape,PKFZ,Sime Darby,Teoh Beng Hock,Altantuya,Kugan, Amirulrashid,the economy,etc...etc....and they will keep on lying.......


23 June 2010

PR ke arah memerintah,nafi 2/3 BN tu agenda lama.....

Meskipun Pakatan Rakyat kini diselubungi kekhuatiran bahawa sokongan Melayu semakin mengalih ke Barisan Nasional, namun tanggapan ini disangkal oleh Zaid Ibrahim, yang tetap optimis bahawa matlamat PR dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13 adalah untuk memerintah di negara ini.

Ketika ditanya apakah langkah seterusnya seandainya Barisan Nasional berjaya mengembalikan majoriti dua pertiganya dalam parlimen, Zaid Ibrahim terus menyifatkan matlamat "menafikan majoriti dua pertiga BN dalam parlimen" sebagai "agenda lama", malah yakin bahawa PR akan mara untuk menjadi kerajaan persekutuan di Malaysia.

"Saya tidak berfikir untuk menafikan dua pertiga BN, itu agenda lama. Kami akan memerintah di negara ini. Kamu orang (wartawan) tak percaya, itu masalahnya. Kamu ingat ini tidak boleh dilakukan," tegasnya.

"Jadi, Dato, anda yakin bahawa PR akan memerintah?" tanya wartawan lagi.

"Memang! (Of course)" jawabnya dengan tangkas. Zaid Ibrahim menambah, "Kerajaan ini sudah terdesak (desparate). Mengapa mereka membelanjakan RM150 juta (dalam PRK)? Kerana mereka takut!"

Beliau seterusnya melontarkan satu soalan kepada wartawan, "Apakah anda rasa kerajaan yang yakin dengan dirinya, akan membelanjakan wang sedemikian? Ini persoalan yang harus anda tanya."

Walaupun satu soal selidik Merdeka Center baru-baru ini memperlihatkan peningkatan tahap kepuasan terhadap Perdana Menteri Najib Razak kepada 72%, namun Zaid Ibrahim tetap mendakwa bahawa BN masih tidak yakin untuk berdepan dengan rakyat. Pembubaran DUN Perak, PRK di DUN Kota Siputeh, antara cabaran Zaid Ibrahim kepada BN, seandainya kerajaan BN mahu membuktikan keyakinan terhadap prestasi dirinya.

Tentang hakisan sokongan Melayu/Islam.

Zaid Ibrahim tidak menyetujui pandangan sedemikian, sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Kongres tahunan PKR.

"Kamu ada angka? Kamu tidak mempunyai angka..." katanya kepada wartawan. Apabila wartawan merujuk kepada keputusan PRK Hulu Selangor, calon PKR yang kecundang ini berkata, "Mestilah, apabila kamu merasuah orang dengan RM50 ribu, mestilah (orang undi kamu). Tapi ia tidak bermakna orang Melayu meninggalkan Pakatan Rakyat."

"Peneroka FELDA, apakah kamu menganggap mereka ada hak untuk memilih? Tak ada. Semua dikawal. Apabila kamu kata kami hilang sokongan Melayu, kami menang di kawasan lain, cuma kalah undi FELDA, tentera, polis. Melayu dalam pasukan polis, tentara tak ada pilihan," jelasnya.

Beliau menyambung, "Kamu perlu bezakan apa Melayu. Di semua kawasan lain, saya menang. Jadi, adalah tidak benar (untuk mendakwa PR hilang sokongan Melayu)." - Lim Hong Siang



Govt. paid RM7.3 billion for Scorpene deal........

The government has paid a whopping 1.341 billion euro (RM7.3 billion)* for the two Scorpene submarines, the purchase of which is currently under probe by the French courts for corruption.

Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi revealed the expenses in a written answer to Batu MP Tian Chua's questions in Parliament today.

It is believed that another RM600 million was to be paid for maintenance services over the next six years.

“The maintenance contract is still under negotiation and will be finalised in the near future,” Zahid said.

Out of the total paid, 114.96 million euro (RM574.8 million) went to Perimekar Sdn Bhd, which is owned by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's close associate Abdul Razak Baginda.

This amount, paid for “coordination and support services provided to the Royal Malaysian Navy” including training, represents 10 percent of the total price of the two submarines, worth 969.15 million euros (RM4.85 billion). It is this portion which is currently investigated by the French authorities as it is suspected that this could be "commissions" instead of "support services", and as such illegal under French laws.

In addition, the government also paid French naval defence company DCNS 37.5 million euros (RM177.5 million) for "support and test equipment".

Ballooning maintenance fee

Chua had asked the defence minister to detail full expenditure pertaining to the two Scorpene submarines, as well as details relating to a separate purchase of submarine missiles from France and Italy.

To the second question, the minister revealed that the government has paid 219.265 million euros (RM1.1 billion) for the submarine missiles, which are expected to be delivered in 2013.

Commenting on the Scorpene issue to reporters at the Parliament lobby, Chua said that the government had compelled DCNS to have a joint-venture with a local company to provide the maintenance services.

He added that after they had set up in Malaysia with local partners Boustead Holdings Berhad, the quoted maintenance fee for 2010 ballooned to RM270 million.

This constitutes nearly 50 percent of the RM600 million six-year maintenance fee quoted by DCNS prior to the joint venture.

DCNS is being investigated for allegedly received kickbacks from the deals.

The company with a history for corruption was in May ordered by Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce's International Court of Arbitration to pay the Taiwanese government close to RM3 billion as penalty over “unauthorised commission” on the sale of warships in 1991.

(*The exchange rate is based on 1 euro = RM5 (which was the rate between December 2009 and January 2010)


Macam ini punya belanja tak heran kalu Malaysia jadi bankrap pada 2019.

Perlukah bayar 114.96 million euro (RM574.8 million) kepada Perimekar Sdn Bhd,sebuah syarikat RM2.00 milik Razak Baginda, rakan 'kongsi' Pak Jib. Ini bayaran komisyen,
konsultasi atau saja kasi?

Pasal itulah Altantuya sanggup datang dari jauh untuk tuntut haknya.

Namun demikian bukan wang ringgit yang diterima sebaliknya ledakan C4 ubatnya......


22 June 2010

Bila lidah SPR bercabang...........

Timbalan Pengerusi SPR, Wan Ahmad Wan Omar mengatakan SPR akan tunggu surat dari Speaker Dewan Rakyat sama ada akan mengisytiharkan kerusi Parlimen Batu yang diwakili oleh Tian Chua (PKR) kosong atau tidak.

Malah Wan Ahmad berkata SPR hanya menunggu makluman rasmi daripada Pejabat Speaker Dewan Rakyat bagi membuat sebarang keputusan dan tindakan.

Dalam kes kekosongan kerusi DUN di Perak SPR tidak mahu merujuk kepada surat yang dihantar oleh Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri ketika itu.

Bila menerima surat rasmi daripada Speaker SPR pula menjadi hakim untuk mengkaji kesahihan surat tersebut dan sebagainya. Kenapa SPR berani mempertikai keputusan Speaker DUN Perak?

Dalam kes DUN Kedah pula, Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedah sudah memaklumkan perihal kekosongan kerusi DUN Kota Seputeh. Anehnya, SPR pula tiba-tiba memberikan begitu banyak alasan bagi melaksanakan pilihanraya kecil di sana.

Kenapa SPR bersikap double standard?

Kerusi Parlimen Batu adalah milik pembangkang. Maka SPR terpaksa akur dengan arahan tuannya supaya diadakan pilihanraya kecil.

Dalam kes DUN di Perak dan Kedah ia milik BN, maka SPR khuatir akan kehilangan kerusi-kerusi tersebut.


21 June 2010

Tian Chua: I'm still Batu MP.......

A judge in the Kuala Lumpur High Court has decided that there is no need for him to review his decision to impose the reduced fine of RM2,000 on Batu MP Tian Chua. Justice Ghazali Cha said that as he has stepped down (functus officio), the decision on the fine stands.

However, according to lawyers for Chua, the judge maintains that his intention is clear and that he does not want a by-election to be called for the parliamentary seat in Kuala Lumpur.

Lawyer Ranjit Singh said he is aware of the Supreme Court decision PP vs Leong Ying Ming (1993) over the definition of 'not less than RM2,000'. The Supreme Court judge then had ruled that the phrase 'not less than five years' would mean five years and one day.

Chua was found guilty of biting the arm of a police officer while being arrested at a protest three years ago near the Parliament building. The PKR politician, who was elected Batu MP in 2008, was charged under Section 32 of the Penal Code, with intentionally causing injury to a police constable on duty.

Last October, the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate's Court had sentenced Chua to six months in jail and fined him RM3,000. On appeal, the High Court upheld the conviction but reduced his fine RM3,000 or two months' jail in default. Chua told reporters this morning that he is still Batu MP.

"I will serve my constituents and will go to Parliament after this," he said after his lawyers and the prosecutors met the judge in chambers.

This was to clarify whether his decision last Thursday would effectively disqualify Chua as a MP, based on Article 40 of the federal constitution. Chua is represented by Ranjit, Amer Hamzar Arshad and Razlan Hadri Zulkifli. The prosecutors were led by DPPs Mohd Hanafiah Zakaria and Lee Keng Fatt.


The judge main intention of reducing the fine was to avoid a by-election. Whether there should be a by-election or not is for the judge to determine. The fine is RM2,000 but it's up to the EC, not the judge, to decide Tian Chua's status as MP.

Isn't it obvious that whatever judgement is tied to the government's intentions? Is the judge supposedly representing the BN government here........


Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin nak masuk UMNO?

Bekas Mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin disebut- sebut akan menyertai Umno bersama 100 ulama muda lain Jumaat ini.

Mengulas mengenai perkara berkenaan, Setiausaha Kerja Umno, Datuk Abd. Rauf Yusof ketika dihubungi mStar Online di sini hari ini berkata: "Ya, tunggulah Jumaat ini."

Sebelum itu, beliau berkata, barisan ulama berkenaan akan menyertai parti menerusi Cawangan Dataran Merdeka, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur.

Sementara itu bekas mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin menjelaskan bahawa beliau belum membuat apa-apa keputusan untuk menyertai mana-mana parti politik.

"Saya mengharapkan semua pihak tidak membuat andaian yang terlalu cepat terhadap kenyataan mana-mana pihak mengenai isu ini," tulis beliau dalam blognya.

source:umno online

Kalau depa nak masuk UMNO, biaqpilah. Apakah UMNO akan berubah atau mereformasikan diri dengan hadirnya 100 ulama ini?

Tengok sajalah apa ulama-ulama UMNO buat bila menghadapi masalah judi bola,pembuangan anak secara leluasa dan banyak lagi isu-isu remaja masa kini, ulama-ulama UMNO ini hanya diam membisu dan tak berani nak bersuara.....


Penang Bridge 2 may be delayed...........

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said six main factors may cause a delay in the completion of the second Penang bridge by 2012.

Lim said due to the six factors, which include a study to ensure its strength against unforeseen accidents or natural disaster, the bridge that was scheduled to be completed in 2012, can only be completed by September 2013.

"First and foremost we need to study whether the bridge can withstand the impact, if a ship knocks into its pillars accidentally," he told reporters after inspecting works carried out at the bridge today.

The second study required is to find out if the structure would be able to sustain the impact of an earthquake while the third would be to study the earth structure of the sea where the bridge would be build.

"Three other factors are very technical issues," he said when asked of an expected delay in then completion of the second Penang bridge.

Lim said work on the new bridge was progressing well with 25 percent of the work on the 23.5km bridge completed according to schedule.

The second bridge, the longest in Southeast Asia, connecting Batu Kawan on the mainland to Batu Maung on the island, is being carried out through a joint-venture between China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) Ltd and UEM Builders Bhd.

Meanwhile, Lim said he was ready to meet the BN leadership, to discuss toll rates for both the bridges in Penang.


Kalau bumbung stadium boleh runtuh,bumbung parlimen boleh bocor, apa jaminan yang jambatan Puluau Pinang ke-2 ini kukuh....


20 June 2010

TG.Nik Aziz - Bukan saja Melayu UMNO sokong PAS malah Cina dan India.....

“Tiada masa saya tidak susah, cuma suka (hari gembira) saya lebih daripada susah.” Demikian rumusan Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat mengulas dua dekad kepimpinan beliau sebagai Menteri Besar Kelantan. Mengulas lanjut mengenai perjalanan kepimpinannya sejak akhir 1990, Nik Aziz berkata, “susah senang memang hidup saya.”

“Hidup seorang pejuang mesti ada senang, ada susah... tiada masa saya susah, senang campur susah, susah campur senang, saya boleh bertahan,” kata beliau dalam satu pertemuan dengan The Malaysian Insider di Kota Baru baru-baru ini.

Mursyidul Am PAS ini menambah, sebagai seorang Islam beliau yakin bahawa apa yang dibuatnya adalah betul.

“Allah akan bagi restu kepada saya, dunia akhirat, ini kelebihan Islam,” kata pemimpin berusia 79 tahun ini yang sejak dua tahun kebelakangan ini berhadapan siri kritikan termasuk berhubung isu pelantikan anak dan menantunya dalam jawatan agensi kerajaan negeri.

Mereka termasuk Nik Abduh dan menantu Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman. Mengulas lanjut peringkat awal memimpin Kelantan, Nik Aziz berkata, beliau sudah tentu berhadapan dengan kesukaran jika memimpin tanpa ada pandungan dan pengalaman pemimpin lain sebelum itu.

“Tetapi oleh kerana sebelum saya datang, sudah ada pemimpin, pemimpin yang saya maksudkan ini ialah Nabi Muhammad... Nabi Muhammad adalah pemimpin yang dilantik oleh Allah sendiri,” katanya.

“Kesusahan yang menimpa saya dalam memimpin ini, 101 (peratus sedikit) berbanding dengan Nabi Muhammad, terlalu sikit kerana segala usaha penentangan yang dibuat oleh manusia kepada Nabi, orang yang sama... oleh yang demikian, saya hanya tiru, tiru, tiru ajaran Nabi Muhammad.

“Perkara yang pertama Nabi Muhammad atasi ialah pemikiran manusia, bukannya jalan. Kalau Nabi Muhammad tak ada pun manusia akan buat jalan, saya pergi ke China tiga, empat kali, saya pergi ke London serupa sahaja.

“Sedangkan China komunis, dan Amerika ini demokrasi, orang ini berperang bukan... tapi dari segi jalan serupa sahaja, fizikal serupa, yang penting ialah pemikiran. Nabi Muhammad bawa Islam supaya manusia tumpu pada Allah,” katanya lagi.

Dalam temu bual yang turut diselitkan dengan misalan-misalan prinsip agama, Nik Aziz menambah, oleh yang demikian manusia tidak boleh pandai-pandai bertindak.

“Tak boleh pandai-pandai di atas bumi yang ditumpang ini. Macam saya, walaupun saya menteri besar, kalau saya pergi kampung saya tak boleh masuk dapur.

“Saya menteri besar pun saya menumpang rumah orang,” kata beliau. yang meluangkan setiap Jumaat untuk kuliah pagi di Dataran Ilmu, Kota Baru.

Menggambarkan lagi perjalanan kepimpinananya, Nik Aziz memberitahu, Melayu Umno menggunakan dendam dan kekerasan dalam menghadapi perjuangan PAS.

“Alhamdulillah... dulu dalam 50 tahun dulu, masa mula-mula PAS terima (ditubuhkan) dulu, Oh! bukan sahaja Umno-Melayu ini lawan saya, sampai tok guru agama pun ditangkap ISA (Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri) oleh Umno, tok guru-tok guru banyak kena ISA kerana Umno tidak boleh jawab.

“Bila kita soal orang, bila dia tidak boleh jawab, dia (akan) guna kuasa, manusia akan guna kuasa selagi dia tidak boleh jawab... macam sekatan jalan, polis buat sekatan jalan, (dan tanya) ada lesen?

“Kalau boleh jawab kita jawab, (misalnya) baru sekejab tadi lesen jatuh dari poket saya, kita boleh jawab. Tapi bila lesen tak ada, pemandu ini guna kuasa dia melarikan diri atau dia merempuh polis.

“Bila dia merempuh polis, bila kita tak boleh hujah kita menggunakan kekuasaan, manusia begitu,” katanya sambil menambah, “begitu juga dengan PAS dan Umno.”

Nik Aziz mempertahankan partinya dengan berkata, PAS berada di jalan yang sebenar sejak ditubuhkan enam dekad lalu.

“Umno tak boleh jawab, maka dia guna ISA untuk mendiamkan, mematikan pemikiran rakyat sendiri,” kata Nik Aziz yang salah seorang anak lelakinya turut ditahan di bawah ISA ketika pentadbiran Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“Ini dendam yang dibuat oleh Melayu-Umno terhadap perjuangan PAS. Anak saya kena ditangkap ISA, tak tahu apa sebab, banyak (lagi) guru-guru agama,” kata Nik Aziz lagi.

Nik Adli ditahan pada 4 Ogos 2001 kerana dipercayai mempunyai kaitan dengan pergerakan Kumpulan Militan Malaysia (KMM) dan dibebaskan lima tahun kemudian. Ketika ditanya adakah beliau sedih anaknya ditahan di bawah ISA, Nik Aziz memberitahu, “sedih itu sedihlah.”

“Tetapi saya dah tahu dari awal-awal lagi, lawan Umno ini bukan sebarangan orang, Umno ini ada kuasa,” katanya sekali lagi merujuk kepada pengalaman Nabi Muhammad yang terpaksa meninggalkan Mekah untuk ke Madinah “oleh kerana jahatnya bapa saudara.”

“Jadi saya tahu, bila saya lawan Umno saya tahu benda ini, sedih, sedih lah tapi kita ada Tuhan, kita berdoa,” katanya.

Nik Aziz seterusnya menjelaskan bahawa beliau berpegang pada prinsip semua orang akan mati satu hati nanti.

“Mu (kamu) akan mati aku (saya) akan mati, dia akan mati, mati dah banyak dah... ketua-ketua polis yang kacau itu dah mati habis dah.

“Sebab itu kata saya tadi, walaupun tugas saya berat untuk melawan Umno, tapi saya ada contoh untuk tiru sebelum saya datang iaitu Nabi Muhammad, ada senang ada susah,” kata beliau dengan menambah oleh kerana Umno dari awal-awal lagi sudah menolak Islam dengan menggunakan kebangsaan Melayu, maka tiada contoh kepimpinan untuk mereka jadikan sebagai teladan.

“Dia buat salah, tak erti dosa, sekarang alhamdulillah bukan sahaja Melayu Umno sokong PAS, malah Cina, India... dia sokong dengan adanya Kelab Penyokong PAS, bukan Kelab Penyokong Umno.

“Dia tahu PAS tidak ada apa-apa, tapi ada kebenaran, manusia boleh hidup dengan kebenaran, hati senang,” katanya lagi.

Ketika ditanya sama ada gembira dengan pencapaian sebagai Menteri Besar Kelantan, Nik Aziz menambah:

“Alhamdulillah... saya walau bagaimanapun gembira. Pertama, saya berada di landasan yang betul, ini perkara pokok.”

“Soal orang hendak sokong, orang tidak mahu sokong, itu masalah orang. Saya gembira kerana saya berada di landasan yang betul iaitu Islam.

“Islam datang daripada Allah, bukan daripada Nabi Muhammad, bukan dari PAS tidak,” katanya.

Mengenai kritikan terhadap kepimpinannya, Nik Aziz berkata, isu yang paling banyak dilontarkan oleh Umno ialah tiadanya pembangunan.

“Tetapi sekarang ini dia sendiri boleh tengok pembangunan. Berbanding dengan 10 tahun dahulu sekarang pembangunan banyak (dapat dilihat di Kelantan). Susah Umno sekarang, susah Umno apabila melihat pembangunan di Kelantan dan di Kota Baru.

“Dulu dia kritik tiada pembangunan, sekarang ada pembangunan, baru-baru (kami) menandatangani perjanjian pembangunan Bandar Baru Tunjong,” kata Nik Aziz yang merupakan Pengerusi Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar Baru Tunjong.

Bandar yang meliputi kawasan seluas 800 hektar itu terletak kira-kira lima kilometer dari pusat bandar Kota Baru dan mula diusahakan pada Februari 2006. Beliau juga menjelaskan, isu pelantikan Ariffahmi sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan.

“Saya melantik menantu saya di depan penasihat undang-undang dalam mesyuarat penuh, depan setiausaha kerajaan negeri, dia tak kata apa-apa, dia senyap... dia tak kata apa-apa, diam.

“Dalam Islam diam itu tanda bersetuju... tak salah saya, dia diam, tiada bantahan. Sekarang saya minta dia keluar (berhenti),” katanya lagi.- G. Manimaran

source:malaysian insider


Ku Li - We have an impotent MACC........

The word 'corruption' comes from a Latin word meaning 'to break' or 'to destroy'. Corruption is a cancer that steals from the poor, eats away at governance and moral fibre, and destroys trust. Although corruption exists in both the private and public sector, the corruption of the public sector is a more fundamental evil. This is because the public sector is the enforcer and arbiter of the rules that hold us together, the custodians of our common resources.

It is time we recognise corruption as the single biggest threat to our nation. In our economy, corruption is the root of our inability to make the economic leap that we know we are capable of. There is no other reason why a country so blessed with natural resources, a favourable climate and such immense talent should not have done a lot better than we have.

In our political system, corruption is the real reason why our political parties refuse to reform. Some people say the party I belong to has debased a once noble nationalism and a concern with the welfare of marginalised people into a rush for the gravy train. They also said that the economic development we must bring our people is reduced to nothing more than patronage, and patronage is inflated into a right.

Everyone takes a cut

Therefore, it appears that the root cause is in our political parties. It is an open secret that tender inflation is standard operating procedure. Within the parties and among politicians, it is already an understood matter that party followers must be 'fed'. Politics is an expensive business, after all. Where else are we to get the funds? Thus, theft of public goods is normalised and socialised among an entire community, and what we had planned to attain by capability is seen by some as something to be attained through politics.

Politicians are the villains in this piece, but they themselves are also trapped. The leadership is trapped because they are beholden to political followers who demand that they are looked after. They demand patronage, and turn the party's struggle for the welfare of a community into their sense of entitlement to that patronage. So they take their slice of the project. By the time they and each person down the line all the way down to the contractor takes a lot and there is not enough left to do a decent job, bridges collapse, highways crack, stadiums collapse, hospitals run out of medicine, schoolchildren are cheated in their textbooks. Corruption may look to its perpetrators like a crime without victims, but it leaves a trail of destruction.

No domain seems safe. Some say that the humble school canteen is the domain of party branch chiefs. The golf course becomes a favoured way to pass the cash over. We can place bets for RM5,000 a hole. For some reason, one party keeps losing. And there are 18 holes. Money thus obtained is legal. It can be banked. We spend billions on the refurbishment of defence equipment; on fighter jets, frigates and submarines. When a supplier lays on an exorbitant commission to some shadowy middleman, that commission is built into the price the government pays. That money comes from the ordinary Malaysian.

Military toys

Military toys are very expensive. I remember from my time in the Finance Ministry. Even then, patrol craft cost about RM280 million each. We loved Exocet missiles. As minister, I had to sign each time the military fired an Exocet missile for testing. Every time, we test fired one of them, RM2 million literally went out with a bang. When the UK went to war against Argentina, the UK government tried to borrow them from us because outside of the UK, we had the most of them in the world. We must have been under some extraordinary military threat which I did not understand.

The list is long: procurement of food and clothing for the military, medicine for hospitals and so on. In all these things, the government has been extraordinarily generous. And paid extraordinarily high prices. Government servants have to face pressure from politicians who expect to be given these contracts because they need money for politics. This corruption is justified because the party's struggle is sacred. The civil servants can either join the game or be bypassed. For every government job big or small that goes down, someone feels entitled to a slice of the pie, not because they can do the job, not because they have some special talent or service to offer, but because it is their right.

They do not realise that what they demand is the abuse of power for the sake of personal gain, or party gain. They elect those leaders among themselves who are most capable of playing this game. So we get as our leaders people who have distinguished themselves not by their ability to serve the public but at their long proven ability to be party warlords, which is to say, distributors of patronage. And that is a euphemistic way of saying that because of corruption the old, stupid and the criminal are elevated to positions of power while young, talented and honest individuals are frozen out.

Game over

Corruption destroys national wealth, erodes institutions and undermines character. And it also destroys the process by which a community finds its leaders. The consequence of this is that the majority are marginalised. Government contracts circulate among a small group of people. Despite all attempts at control and brainwashing, the majority soon catch up to the game.

This game cannot last forever. The longer it is played the more people hate the government and the governing class. They vote against the government, not for the opposition. They resent the government of the day. In 2008, we saw how the Malaysian people feel about the abuse of power and incompetence caused by corruption. Since party funding has become the excuse and the vehicle for wholesale corruption, any measure we take to fight it must include the reform of political funding.

It is time we enact a law regulating donations to political parties. Donations must be capped. No donor is to give more than a specified limit, on pain of prosecution. This is to prevent special interests from dominating parties. Such money is source of corruption. Let us limit political donations by law. On top of that, let the government set up a fund to provide funding to registered political parties for their legitimate operational needs. This money can be distributed based on objective criteria and governed by an independent panel. This would close off the excuse that the parties need to raise political funding through government contracts.

Another idea is that we should freeze the bank accounts of people who are being investigated for corruption. Public servants and politicians are by law required to be able to demonstrate the sources of their assets. Those with suspiciously ample assets should have these assets frozen until they can come up with evidence that they have accumulated them legally. This may sound harsh, but only because we live in a country in which almost no one ever gets nabbed for corruption. In China, those found guilty are shot.

Impotent MACC

In Malaysia, we read about Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigating this and that but there are no convictions. No one has been punished. We are the nation with no consequences. The MACC finds no fault. The courts do not convict. And our newspapers do not have the independence and vigour to follow up. We have an MACC with no results. It was a good idea to model our anti-corruption agency after one of the most successful in the world, Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). However we have taken just bits and pieces of that model. So really this will be no more than PR exercise unless we adopt the model wholesale.

We should repeal the Official Secrets Act (OSA) so that people can go to the MACC and the authorities with documentary information on corrupt practice. As things stand, any document which might be incriminating to corrupt public officials is stamped an official secret. A whistleblower risks seven years jail for being in possession of such documents. We need to identify rot eating through our roots as a nation. It is corruption. We cannot expect the corrupt to embrace reform. It is time for our citizens to stand up and call corruption by its name, and demand reform.

Shafee was most famously known after testifying in the High Court 10 years ago that he had found wads of cash in former Economic Planning Unit head Ali Abdul Hassan's drawer when the ACA (Anti-Corruption Agency) raided his home back in 1998.

He told the court that then prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had ordered him to close the file on the ACA investigation.

(An extract of the speech by Umno veteran politician Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah at the launch of 'The Shafee Yahaya Story - Estate Boy to ACA Chief', a book written by Shafee's wife Kalsom Taib.)


By being an UMNO loyalist and playing dumb what can you achieve Ku Li? Lets see some action from you and lets send the past and present UMNO Presidents and their band of thieves to Sungai Buloh as soon as possible........


19 June 2010

P115 Batu - Isnt RM2,000 a roundup of RM1,999.99.....

Amid raging debate over whether he can still remain a Member of Parliament, popular Batu lawmaker Tian Chua is unfazed and has called for calm, urging his supporters and coalition mates to be patient until further clarification from the High Court.

“In general, I am not worried. It is not about the figure. The judge specifically said the quantum should not cause any by-elections as that would be against public interest,” Tian told Malaysia Chronicle.

The 47-year old PKR leader - who shot to national prominence in the late 1990s - has won widespread appeal for his work in defending civil and environmental rights. On Thursday, he also found support from an unlikely quarter - de-facto Law Minister, Nazri Aziz, who has asked all parties to accept the latest judgment.

“As far as I am concerned, Tian Chua is still an MP because the fine of RM2,000 does not trigger any disqualification although RM2,001 would cause him to lose the seat,” Nazri said.

Monday D-day

Tian’s lawyers will meet High Court Judge Ghazali Cha along with the prosecutors on Monday. Ghazali had upheld a lower court ruling against Tian, who was convicted of biting a policeman during a fracas in front of Parliament House in 2007. However, he reduced the penalty to a fine of RM2,000 or two months’ jail compared with the magistrate's fine of RM3,000 and six months’ jail.

“I would say the magistrate went overboard in deriving to making speculations in arriving at the conviction. But I would not disturb the conviction because of the finding of fact,” Ghazali had said in his judgment on Wednesday.

“However, I note that although the sentencing is up to the magistrate, it is a first offence. Having him disqualified would result in a by-election to be called and this would involve a lot of funds. A by-election will also affect a lot of people.”

Hungry Gerakan

Nevertheless, legal practitioners are divided over whether Tian can still hold his seat despite Ghazali’s clearly-stated intention to not trigger a by-election. This is because the federal constitution states that a Member of Parliament who has been convicted of an offense by a Malaysian court must vacate his seat if he is sentenced to not less than one year’s jail or fined not less than RM2,000 and has not received a free pardon.

Already speculation is rife that Gerakan president Koh Tsu Koon is eyeing the seat, while the Election Commission wants to declare the seat vacant. Gerakan, which suffered widespread voter rejection in the 2008 election, has only two seats left in the Parliament. In 2008, Tian wrested the Batu seat from Lim Si Pin, the son of former Gerakan chief Lim Keng Yaik, by a 9,445-vote majority. He captured 29,785 votes versus Si Pin's 20,330.

source:Malaysia Chronicle

The intention of the judge was very clear that is to avoid a by-election, but, the language anomalies and ambiguities as found in article 48 and 53 of the Federal constitution allows multiple interpretation. We are practicing 'rounding-up' in paying anything,therefore RM2,000 is actually for the fine of RM1,999.99? Give Tian Chua the benefit of doubt!

I think Najib 1Malaysia will ask the Election Commission not to hold a by-election. The chances of BN winning will be very slim, even if Pak Jib come to Batu dressed as Santa Claus throwing millions to the voters.

It will not be another Hulu Selangor but will be another Sibu,probably worse. It's good for the voters of Batu to have a by-election,coz they can ask Pak Jib and BN for projects. Since Najib 1Malaysia has a high popularity rating, it good to test his popularity here,before he suprises us with the general election.......


A new pussy for PM Najib 1Malaysia.......

Najib Abdul Razak welcomes suggestions of names for the kitten he bought yesterday.

"My family and I are in the process of picking out a name for it, but I welcome suggestions from you," he said in his blog www.1malaysia.com.my today.

The prime minister said that having had cats for pets before, he picked it up and was instantly taken by this cuddly creature.

"I am sure my daughter will be excited to meet it the next time she comes home," he said.

Najib said that at the launch of the "Buy Malaysia" campaign yesterday, he was able to make some personal purchases and among these was a spur-of-the-moment buy - an orange-and-white Persian kitten.


Bukankah Najib 1Malaysia berminat mengumpul katak? Kenapa tiba2 pilih nak pelihara kucing? Mungkin nilai si kucing tak setinggi nilai si katak....

Kalu Najib 1Malaysia gunakan APCO untuk mengideakan 1Malaysia,kini dia tiru Presiden2 USA seperti Clinton,Bush dan Obama yang meminta rakyat USA menamakan anjing peliharaan mereka. Jenis minru ini tetap meniru juga.

Masalah negara bertimbun-timbun,kenapalah Pak Jib ini tak pasai-pasai nak bela kucing. Tak kan Pak Jib tak boleh bagi nama kot. Minta rakyat menamakan kucing Pak Jib adalah satu gimik murahan......

Aku cadangkan 3 nama...."1Altantuya","Bik Ros" dan "Jib-jib". Pikiaq2 pilah yang mana yang sesuai.....


18 June 2010

Tian Chua - is he still MP or not.............

Lawyers representing Batu MP Tian Chua are attempting to seek a meeting with High Court judge Ghazali Cha to clarify his decision yesterday on whether the parliamentarian had been disqualified. Based on justice Ghazali's judgment yesterday, many lawyers have argued that the Batu MP, whose real name is Chua Tian Chang, has to vacate his parliamentary seat.

"We are trying very hard in trying to seek a review over yesterday's decision," said Amer Hamzah Arshad, one of Tian Chua's lawyers.

The lawyers had sent a letter to the judge late yesterday evening to seek a clarification from him. The letter was to ask the judge to either to review or interpret his judgment. But it is learnt that the judge had indicated - through the deputy registrar - that his judgment on "no by-election" was clear and there was no need to amend the fine of RM2,000.

Tian Chua said that he would wait for the judge's written judgment and insisted that he is still a parliamentarian. The Election Commission said that it is studying the case.

"Our legal adviser is looking into it now. We'll not issue any statement. It should now be under Article 53 of the federal constitution," EC deputy chairperson Wan Ahmad Wan Omar told Malaysiakini.

"The EC will just wait for any notification from the (House) speaker's office then we'll decide accordingly."

The Batu MP's status remains unclear as he had already paid the RM2,000 fine and did not ask for a stay of execution of the sentence. The problem over yesterday's High Court decision revolves around the interpretation of Article 48 of the federal constitution on the disqualification of an MP. The article says if an MP has been convicted by a court of law and faces a jail term of not less than 1 year or a fine of not less than RM2,000, he or she would be automatically disqualified and a by-election called.

Veteran lawyer and Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh had alerted Malaysiakini yesterday over the possibility of the opposition lawmaker losing his seat.

"If the fine is RM2,000, he may lose his seat if he pays (the fine)."

DPP says Tian is out

According to Karpal, he represented former DAP MP Fan Yew Teng in 1975 where he was fined RM2,000 or six months' jail. Fan eventually had to vacate his Menglembu parliamentary seat. Karpal said if the judge sticks to the decision, the seat will have to be declared vacant.

"RM2,000 remains the cutting-off point. It must be less than this amount to be safe."

Karpal said that one option for Tian Chua is to appeal to the judge before the order (sentence) had been "perfected" - that is signed and sealed by the registrar. Karpal added that there is provision for Tian Chua to appeal despite Article 53 of the federal constitution stating that it is automatic for an MP to lose his seat as a result of the sentence.

"They have to file a notice of appeal to obtain leave. The application must be filed within 14 days. If this is done, the matter will have to be disposed off."

Meanwhile, deputy public prosecutor Ishak Mohd Yusoff said Tian Chua will have give up his seat by virtue of being fined RM2,000.

However, Bar Council constitutional committee chairperson Edmond Bon said there were two interpretations to Article 48 of the federal constitution - one is that a fine of “RM2,000 or more”, and the other “RM2,000 or less” which will automatically lead to the disqualification of an MP.

"When in doubt as in many cases, the benefit of the doubt should be given to the accused,” he said.

"Hence, Tian Chua should not lose his seat. Furthermore, the judge had ruled that he wanted to avoid a by-election."

Everyone's in a bind

Former United Nations special rapporteur Param Cumararaswamy, citing the Fan Yew Ting case in 1975, said that once an MP is fined RM2,000, he or she would lose the seat.

"In the Pairin Kitingan case, he was fined RM1,800 and hence he escaped from being disqualified."

In 1994, former Sabah chief minister Pairin, whose PBS joined the opposition between 1985 and 1994, was found guilty of corruption by the High Court and fined RM1,800. Param argued that the Dewan Rakyat speaker can make a decision on the matter to break the impasse.

"Once the judges have stepped down the bench, their decision stands," said Param.

Another lawyer, Sankara Nair, concurred with Param that the decision - and the fact that Tian Chua had paid the fine - put everyone in a bind. He said Tian Chua can only appeal to the Court of Appeal on a point of law and not the sentencing.

"This is stated clearly in the Court of Judicature Act where cases originating from the Magistrates Court can only be brought up to Court of Appeal on case laws," he said.

Tian Chua paid the fine yesterday despite maintaining his innocence. He said that he used his bail money as payment. The first-time parliamentarian won the racially-mixed Batu seat, located in the north of Kuala Lumpur, in 2008 by beating Lim Si Pin - son of former Gerakan chief Lim Keng Yaik - with a thumping majority of 9,455 votes.

The constituency of 67,652 voters comprises 44.3% Malays, 40.8% Chinese and 14.3% Indians.



Bila wartawan RTM cuba lagak sombong.........

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini hilang kesabarannya apabila diasak oleh seorang wartawan bagi mendedahkan bukti berhubung dakwaannya yang beberapa ahli parlimen PKR disogok RM2 juta dan juga ditawarkan kontrak supaya berpaling tadah. Walaupun berulang kali berkata beliau akan mendedahkan perkara itu apabila tiba masanya, wartawan dari RTM itu terus mendesak hingga Anwar mula tidak selesa.

Diasak wartawan radio stesen kerajaan itu yang hanya dikenali sebagai Tukimin, Anwar sebaliknya berkata, pelbagai pendedahan sebelum ini dibuat oleh Pakatan Rakyat tapi siasatan hanya separuh jalan.

"Saya hendak tanya balik, saya sudah buktikan VK Lingam. Adakah ada tindakan? Saya telah buktikan video VK Lingam dan dibuktikan sah. Mengapakah tiada tindakan?

"Saya sudah buat kenyataan, saya akan keluarkan pada ketikanya," katanya.

Suasana di lobi parlimen itu hangat seketika apabila wartawan RTM itu cuba mengasak Anwar dengan alasan masyarakat luar mahu mengetahui sejauh mana kebenaran dakwaan sogokan berkenaan.

"You tanya Menteri you, mengapa tidak ambil tindakan VK Lingam dulu. Kemudian bila dia jawab, you tanya saya pula. Bila saya hendak keluarkan kerana bila saya hendak keluarkan, you kena tanya kepada menteri you, ada atau tidak hendak ambil tindakan?

Tukimin yang masih berdegil akhirnya dicabar oleh Anwar supaya mengeluarkan kenyataan beliau berhubung beberapa skandal rasuah yang masih belum selesai.

"Ya, saya cabar RTM sekarang keluarkan kenyataan saya... ya berani atau tidak, keluarkan kenyataan saya. Ini wayang mereka...keluarkan PKFZ, apa tindakan? Keluarkan PERWAJA, apa tindakan? Keluarkan skandal Eurocopter, apa tindakan? Scorpene, apa tindakan? Laporan Audit Negara, apa tindakan?"

Anwar sebelum ini dilaporkan sebagai berkata, beliau akan memberi keterangan dan mendedahkan maklumat mengenai orang perantaraan yang menyediakan berjuta- juta ringgit kepada mereka yang melompat parti apabila tiba masanya.

