Biarlah Rosmah Gunakan Jet, Pengorbanannya Amat Besar Kepada Negara...
Najib yang kembali ke tanahair secara tergesa-gesa dan memendekkan percutiannya kerana kritikan yang melaut terhadapnya disebabkan beritanya bermain golf bersama Barack Obama tersebar luas di ketika banjir sedang melanda, didapati hanya pulang bersendirian saja.
Kepulangan Najib itu dikatakan dijemput oleh jet VIP Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia atau TUDM dengan nombor pendaftaran M53-01 manakala jet rasmi kerajaan yang dinaikinya semasa pergi ke Hawaii untuk bercuti iaitu 9M-NAA didapati terbang menghala ke Indianapolis pula.
Ia menimbulkan persoalan bahawa jet rasmi kerajaan itu sedang membawa Rosmah dan ahli keluarganya yang lain bagi meneruskan percutian mereka. Sehingga ini pun pesawat itu dilaporkan masih di sana.
Selain beberapa portal dan blog menimbulkan perkara itu dan bertanya di mana kewajarannya seorang isteri Perdana Menteri dibenarkan menggunakan jet rasmi kerajaan sedangkan Najib tiada bersamanya, AMK atau Angkatan Muda Keadilan melalui Ketua Penerangannya, Lee Chean Chung turut mengeluarkan kenyataan media meminta penjelasan kerajaan berkaitan dengannya.
Beliau menimbulkan persoalan, kenapakah jet rasmi kerajaan tidak digunakan untuk membawa Najib pulang, kenapa perlu digunakan jet lain kepunyaan TUDM untuk menjemputnya yang tentunya menggandakan lagi kos, kenapa jet rasmi terbang ke arah timur iaitu Indianapolis dan siapakah yang menggunakan jet rasmi itu?
Tersebarnya berita kemungkinan jet rasmi kerajaan sekali lagi digunakan oleh Rosmah Mansor, tambahan pula Najib hanya didapati bersendirian dalam beberapa lawatannya ke penempatan banjir sejak beberapa hari lalu, hampir menjadikan kepulangan Najib secara tergesa-gesa tidak bermakna lagi.
Ini kerana meskipun kepulangannya itu menunjukkan sikap prihatinnya terhadap rakyat, namun tindakannya yang seperti membenarkan isterinya menggunakan jet rasmi kerajaan itu dilihat lebih besar lagi silapnya. Ia bukan saja berkaitan kelayakan menggunakan jet rasmi itu tetapi juga menambahkan lagi pembaziran wang negara.
Di ketika ini, sambil orangramai bercakap soal banjir yang kebetulan diikuti dengan pesawat Kumpulan Air Asia yang didapati hilang dan dipercayai terhempas di lautan Indonesia, mereka juga turut bercakap mengenai pesawat rasmi kerajaan yang juga "hilang" sedangkan Najib sudah berada di dalam negara.
Ada pula yang membuat humor, patutlah tidak ramai menteri-menteri yang didapati pulang walaupun Najib sudah mengeluarkan arahan agar mereka memendekkan cuti masing-masing kerana Rosmah sendiri pun tidak mahu pulang dan memendekkan percutiannya.
Jika diimbau pula, penggunaan jet rasmi kerajaan oleh Rosmah ini sudah beberapa kali berlaku dan seolah-olah tiada sesiapa yang mampu menghalangnya. Penggunaannya ketika bercuti kali ini dan dalam masa yang sama Najib pula berada di dalam negara, hanya menambahkan lagi kebencian dan kata-mengata.
Najib pula tidak menganggap penggunaan jet kerajaan itu oleh isterinya sebagai suatu kesalahan, malah tidak juga merasakan suatu pembaziran apabila dua jet terpaksa digunakan dalam suatu masa.
Pendedahan demi pendedahan dan kritikan demi kritikan langsung tidak mendatangkan kesan agar perbuatan itu dihentikan.
Walaupun sudah banyak kali dikritik oleh pemimpin pembangkang, tetapi tiada mana-mana pemimpin kerajaan yang berani bersuara. Kemarahan rakyat hanya dipandang enteng saja.
Muhyiddin Yassin yang didapati seperti melemparkan "madu beracun" sebaik percutian Najib ke Hawaii tersebar luas dengan berkata, "biarlah Perdana Menteri bercuti, dia pun manusia biasa juga", mungkin juga ketika ini turut bersetuju isteri Perdana Menteri berhak menggunakan jet rasmi kerajaan itu.
Barangkali jawapannya, "biarlah Rosmah menggunakannya, pengorbanannya amat besar kepada negara. Dia juga penyokong dan pendokong Najib dengan sepenuh hati selama ini. Lagi banyak jet digunakannya, tambah makmur negara kita". - Shahbudin Husin
Pressure mounts on PM to confirm Rosmah gossip...
The issue of Rosmah Mansor using the official government jet has again become the subject of gossip, and joining the chatter is Shahbudin Husin, a harsh government critic and a blogger with a large following.
In his latest blog entry, Shahbudin notes that Najib returned from his holiday without his wife and that he landed in an Air Force jet although he and his family left for the United States in the government’s private aircraft.
He asks for official confirmation that Rosmah is still holidaying in the US, repeating questions asked in an official press release by PKR Youth: Why didn’t Najib return in the official jet? Is it true that the jet is now in Indianapolis in the American Midwest? Who is using the jet?
He says the public needs the answers to these questions because it appears that public funds are being misused. “The use of an Air Force jet to bring Najib home of course doubles the cost,” he adds.
He says that although Najib has somewhat mitigated his error of going on a holiday in the midst of the flood crisis by cutting the vacation short, he has committed a worse mistake in allowing his wife to use the official jet because she doesn’t have the right to it and because it involves public funds.
He implies that this could be the reason why some ministers were defying the Prime Minister’s order for them to cut their vacation short to deal with the flood crisis.
“Rosmah has used the official jet several times for personal purposes and it seems that no one can stop her,” he says. “This time it is used for her to holiday while Najib is in the country. This only adds to the hatred and resentment.”
Shahbudin recalls Deputy Prime Muhyiddin Yassin’s remark when asked to comment about Najib golfing in Hawaii with US President Barack Obama. “Leave the Prime Minister alone,” said Muhyiddin. “Like any normal human being, he too needs a holiday.”
He interprets the DPM’s comment as a veiled criticism, using the Malay expression that translates into “poisoned honey”. He speculates that Muhyiddin, if asked to comment on the gossip about Rosmah, would say, “Just let Rosmah use the jet. She too has made huge sacrifices for the country.” - fmt
RON95 & RON97-35 Sen Cheaper- Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be Happy...
Starting January 1, 2015, the lowest RON95 and highest RON97 gasoline are selling at RM1.91 and RM2.11 a litre in Malaysia – both down RM0.35 a litre. Meanwhile diesel is down RM0.30 to RM1.93 a litre. Can you see how much Malaysians are being ripped-off?
Why can’t Malaysian’s RON95 be used in high performance cars when United States’ grade-87 or grade-89 can? Have ignorant Malaysians been fed with equivalent grade-87 or grade-89 gasoline but marketed as RON95? Assuming U.S. top gasoline – premium grade-92 – is equivalent to RON95 or even RON97, that’s still a huge rip-off, of between RM0.16 to RM0.36 every single litre.
This is the clearest proof that Malaysians have been subsidizing the government since the so-called managed float system started last month, without them realise it. You can bet your last penny that the considerable huge price drop of RM0.35 a litre will be used as a new political propaganda in the government-controlled media to boast about how caring Najib administration is, when it should have lower the price much earlier.
If whistleblower Rafizi Ramli’s calculation is correct, the public had paid RM402 million in taxes for RON95 petrol and RM231 million for diesel alone in December 2014. That means the government made a cool profit of more than half a billion in that month. And if Malaysian government continues to rake in the same amount of profit every month, it will fill the government’s coffer to the tune of RM7.5 billion every year.
So, before you cheer and applaud the government’s latest move shedding 35 sen every litre of gasoline, think about how much they’ve been quietly and secretly ripping you off. Perhaps now you understand why we had written earlier how 30 sen a liter of petrol goes into UMNO regime’s pocket – guaranteed. People should actually thank whistleblower such as Rafizi Ramli, also a MP for Pandan. Without him bitching and whining, the drops could be by a paltry 5 sen or 9 sen only, going by UMNO convention.
But the biggest problem is not about UMNO making a guarantee killing of RM0.30 for every litre you pump into your car. Nor was it about the government selling you lower grade gasoline but marketed as higher grade. The biggest problem is the drop in gasoline or petrol price will “never” followed by any drop in other consumer goods. From a plate of economy mix-rice, baby milk powder, school bus transportation to electricity rate – not a single item becomes any cheaper.
The Brent Crude Oil price closed yesterday at US$56.79 a barrel. The last time the oil price traded roughly the same price was exactly 8-years ago in January 2007, before it shot to US$146 a barrel in July 2008. Ask yourself this: Are consumer goods, cost of education and overall cost of living any cheaper than 8-years ago, if not the same? When gasoline goes up, everything goes up immediately, using infamous excuses such as higher transportation cost.
Now that petrol comes down by RM0.35 a litre, will you ever see a single item coming down in prices? Nyet, is the answer. This trigger another curiosity – what the heck is the government enforcement agencies have been doing? Sleeping on the job? Or working hand in glove with those scumbags ripping off consumers’ hard-earned money? Amusingly, there’re still millions of ignorant and dumb Malaysians who actually applaud today’s 35 sen drops in gasoline.
And if you think people should be grateful for the latest petrol prices drop, don’t be. Not only the government should have reduced it much earlier, it should also be a lot cheaper. In case you’re not thinking straight, now that there’s no more subsidies in gasoline, your government is still ripping you off by selling world’s second most expensive cars. Guess what, Najib administration is actually sodomising you both ways - profiting from gasoline and car prices.- financetwitter
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